I fell in love with a woman: reasons, signs, problems


I fell in love with a woman, what should I do next? Most often, the first thing that manifests itself upon realizing this fact is fear. The girl begins to understand herself, looking for some deviations. There are times when, due to soul-searching, real panic begins with attempts to abandon the feelings that have arisen.

Feelings do not arise for no reason, therefore, the reason for same-sex love should be looked for in yourself. Same-sex love can even arise in a woman who has previously been in a relationship with men or was married.


  • Uncertainty about sexual orientation.
  • Conscious refusal of feelings for people of the same sex.
  • Suppressing attraction to girls through morality, morality or religion.
  • Hormonal disbalance.

Usually, the feeling of falling in love manifests itself due to a lack of emotions, boring everyday life, and a strong desire to paint life with bright colors. According to the observations of psychologists, a woman truly falls in love once every three or four years. Such love can manifest itself to both a man and a woman. Gender is a secondary interest. First of all, attention is drawn to the image as a whole, taking into account the character and behavior of the object of interest.

You shouldn’t consider a girl’s love for a girl to be a painful condition. Don't shame yourself, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for a girl.

Girls whose psychotic state is formed due to emotions and feelings are attracted to the chosen one with her charisma, inner world, and femininity. Often the missing need to have an object of passion can help one acquire life guidelines and incentives. From such love you can get a large number of positive emotions, inspiration, and an enthusiastic perception of the world around you.

Girls can fall in love not only with women their own age, but also with much older female representatives. Typically this phenomenon occurs at a young age. Most often, this phenomenon is based on curiosity, the desire to stand out or assert oneself, but the main part of the problems is based on the lack of gender identity - this is the moment when a girl does not recognize her gender. This is all due to problems with upbringing, loneliness in the soul, and unsuccessful practice in sexual relationships with the opposite sex.

According to statistics from women surveyed in different cities, about 35% had intimate relationships with their friends, and 3% changed their orientation.

There is also often a situation where a girl is disappointed in the male sex and no longer wants to be associated with rudeness, aggression or uncompromising dominance. Only girls can understand such things. During this period, a rethinking of life occurs, at the end of which there is often a change in orientation.


Scorpio women are mysterious and beautiful. It is easy to fall under their spell, but not everyone can solve them.

Men hover like moths around these captivating ladies. But you won't attract her with trivial compliments. Her piercing gaze can tell you that she cares about you.

Scorpios are proud of their strength and talents, which nature has fully endowed them with. And if at some point they seemed quiet to you, this is an illusion. They are very emotional, it's just that a volcano doesn't always erupt.

Scorpio women are queens and goddesses, magnificent wives and girlfriends! They love and hate to the end. No halftones! If you have touched the depths of Scorpio's heart, then forget about your love. Either all or nothing - no options!

Scorpios are jealous. However, they are not going to hide it. They have the last word, they are right, etc. If this woman is offended, you will face trials. But in an effort to dominate, they are ready to forgive their loved ones for any sins.

All Scorpios are loyal, dedicated and faithful in love and friendship. They give joy and passion to their loved ones. Women value strength, determination and the desire to win in men. Scorpios do not consider other women as rivals, as they are confident in their magnetism.

Scorpios are often called the fatal chosen ones of the heart. But in the case of happy love, you cannot even dream of anything better!

Signs of mutual feelings

When feelings arise for a girl, in addition to confusion, fear is often experienced. She is afraid of being rejected, of being misunderstood and judged by the people around her, which is why she continues to experience mental anguish. In some cases, a declaration of love can be positive, and it turns out that the feelings are mutual.

Take a closer look at your behavior:

  1. When falling in love, a girl unconsciously begins to copy the behavior of the object of her love.
  2. A girl wants a tactile connection with her lover.
  3. Tries to shorten the distance during conversations.
  4. An instinctive glance at the lips. Looking at her lips in response, you can see that her lips are parted with the desire to kiss you.
  5. Prolonged eye contact. Her gaze is directed directly into your eyes. If you catch her eye, she will immediately look away, showing embarrassment.
  6. There is an increased interest in you and asks a lot of questions about your personal life. While at a distance, he tries to correspond with you.
  7. If you are observant, you may notice an increased heart rate. External factors include profuse sweating on the palms.
  8. When spending time alone, he will remove all objects that are between you during the conversation.
  9. The voice becomes softer and lower in tone.
  10. Change of gait. The lover will adjust her walking pace to the pace of her beloved object.

These are not 100% signs that there is reciprocity, but if you notice several of them at once, then it is likely that you have mutual feelings for each other.


Aquarians are amorous and independent. Representatives of this sign are attracted to experiments. They need new horizons, they are ready to expand their worldview every minute.

Don't forget that the largest number of people who changed the world were born under this sign. If their freedom is taken away, their inner fire will go out.

These sincere and passionate people will not tolerate injustice. They are essentially kind and calm, but love to challenge public opinion. They are attracted to unusual people and events.

The Aquarius woman will instantly understand the essence of your words, and it will seem to you that she is somewhere not with you right now. But this only means that she already understands everything and is bored. People of this sign do not like to stand still.

A romance with an Aquarius will change your life forever. These people are logicians, romantics, pragmatists, and idealists. But they don’t like it when someone needlessly exaggerates and dramatizes, as they say, out of the blue.

Aquarius women like the candy-bouquet period, but if the relationship has reached a dead end, it will quietly disappear from your life. Aquarians are individualists, but their social circle is very wide.

You like the mystery and at the same time openness of this incredible woman, just give her love. And your life will seem like an endless and wonderful journey!

What to do if feelings don't go away

Feelings are not controlled, so you should not expect them to disappear instantly. There is a possibility that the psycho-emotional state may deteriorate significantly. As a result, a person may fall into deep depression. This means you should decide to declare your love to the object. Regardless of the reaction, it is these actions that can help resolve these circumstances.

Pay attention to 3 possible developments:

  1. Reciprocity is an unlikely chance, but whatever miracles life throws at you, you can count on such an outcome.
  2. Indifference - after a conversation with your beloved, you can hope for understanding. But, most likely, in response you will not receive recognition of mutual feelings, but advice: you are a beautiful girl, you will meet your beloved man. The friendship will not deteriorate. Over time, your feelings will cool down, which makes this version of events quite good.
  3. Blame is the highest likelihood that you will encounter this particular reaction: criticism and ending friendships.

No matter what, it is better to be determined and admit everything, even if you are faced with rejection of your feelings. Free yourself from unrequited feelings faster and forget your beloved.

If you are faced with reciprocity of feelings, do not think that everything will be easy and simple now. After all, before this information, the girl could already establish her personal life.

If there is a boyfriend

Here, the basis is the reciprocity of desire, honesty and seriousness of love. If a girl has genuine love with her boyfriend, then you should focus on platonic love and purely emotional connection. Only time will help you here. Maybe the girl will then decide for whom her feelings are stronger, for her boyfriend or for you. You shouldn't take a friend away from her boyfriend.

Both are in a relationship

It happens that feelings for a girl arise due to dissatisfaction with the relationship with a spouse or regular partner. Due to the desire to add color to your life, there is a risk of deciding on new feelings. It is very important, as in the past moment, not to cross out your past for the sake of the future right away. If the feelings turn out to be mutual and real, then sooner or later you will find out about it, and then you can break with past relationships for the sake of a happy future. If feelings turn out to be fleeting, then crossing out existing relationships for the sake of a fleeting romance will be a mistake.

Relationships on the side will sooner or later be made public. And the consequences can be quite dramatic.

If you previously had a relationship with a girl

In the case that the beloved previously had a relationship with the girl, the situation becomes much simpler. She understands how to behave in the current situation, will not be embarrassed and will quickly show her feelings. She will not feel so much fear because of the feelings that have arisen. In extreme cases, you will remain good friends.

There may be a situation where your feelings will be associated exclusively with intimacy, without obligation. This option is also quite good, since it is also a relationship experience.

How to distinguish love from affection: do not confuse them

If the beloved is younger in age

Flirting or eroticism between girls is perceived more or less adequately in society, in contrast to homosexuality among men. But it happens that girls develop feelings deeper than ordinary sympathy. This usually occurs due to behavioral characteristics and personal qualities. Signs of falling in love can arise not only among young ladies, but also among adult women, and between those whose ages have a significant difference.

The feelings of love of a young girl for an adult woman arise because of the authority of the second one, her experience, outlook on life and respect for her. The situation is completely different when an adult woman falls in love with a young girl. What to do in such a situation? From one perspective, a woman can become an excellent life advisor on the path of building feelings. Moreover, in the modern world, the younger generation views same-sex love more adequately and acceptable. But despite everything, there is still the possibility of being misunderstood and ridiculed, even by the beloved, if she does not have mutual feelings.

If there are mutual feelings between you, then do not look at age and public opinion. This is your happiness and your life, live it as you wish. It is always easier for women to understand women, they are able to better satisfy not only sexual desires, but also emotional ones.

How to act when feelings are detected

I fell in love with a woman, what should I do next? First, get rid of fear and stop self-flagellation. Don't blame yourself, but try to accept yourself with all the positive and negative sides. Only by accepting and loving yourself can you achieve harmony with yourself and your beloved object.

For the most part, if there is no relationship between girls, then platonic love manifests itself, which also has a positive effect on the partners, developing their sensuality. Friendship is also a type of love.


The Libra woman is a sea of ​​charm! They, like little stars, will illuminate your day and night.

Kind, diplomatic, a little stubborn and indecisive. How feminine they are! But you can suddenly see how, if necessary, they playfully do men's work.

The Libra woman will appear on the street only in a well-groomed state. These intelligent ladies know that everything matters. They know how to analyze and love to talk with different people. Even gloomy silent people react to them and begin to participate in the conversation. And the goal of Libra is universal harmony. They immediately figure out who is violating it.

It is important for Libra women to know that you need her thoughts and advice on any matter. If you can, support her when she wants to move house, start a new business, or change her social circle. Libras love company, dancing and fun, but at the same time they know how to control themselves.

Problems of same-sex relationships

Literally all same-sex couples, sooner or later, face condemnation in society. Some openly show their dissatisfaction, others, like snakes, begin to swear and spread rumors behind the couple’s back. Under such circumstances, it is important to learn not to notice the negativity of other people and concentrate on your own happiness. One option is to seek help from a psychologist.

Today, same-sex marriages are becoming more and more tolerant, but in Russia, be careful. If you are one of those people, then simply love and rejoice in your happiness, ignoring the position of others.

What do you think should be done when a girl falls in love with a girl? Share your opinion in the comments.


Taurus people are balanced and realistic. They are not inclined to show strong emotions. Therefore, your compliment intended for another woman will not cause a scandal. But this, of course, provided that she is confident in your love. Otherwise, you risk experiencing the power of anger. And it is rare among people of this sign, but truly crushing.

The elegance of Taurus women is legendary. They know how to show femininity! At the same time, Taurus likes when there is little clothing on the body. They manage to focus on color, because at heart each representative of this sign is a bit of a stylist. They enjoy life in its different manifestations. Good clothes, delicious drinks, delicious food, beautiful paintings and only the best music!


Pisces women are incredibly feminine, charming and sensitive. They love it when their partner surrounds them with care and gives them compliments, even the most ordinary ones. After all, the main thing is sincerity.

You will chat with them on the first date, and you will feel like you have known them your whole life. They are so loving and sensitive. They won't hurt you with their words. They know how it happens.

The phrase “I love you” you say at dawn is the best start to the day for them. No diamonds can replace the joy of true feelings.

Pisces women are diplomatic and behave at ease in unfamiliar company. But if someone suddenly decides to offend Pisces, he will make a mistake. These insightful people have already noticed your weaknesses, so they will find a way to respond appropriately.

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