Alcohol amnesia: causes, signs, treatment

The concept of Korsakoff's syndrome is still perceived by many as a disease caused by alcohol dependence. But in many cases, the etiology of this disease is based on completely different underlying causes.

Chronic alcoholism causes a pathology called Korsakoff psychosis. With examples of differences in treatment and symptoms, you will see the major differences between these two diagnoses.


Korsakoff syndrome causes the following amnestic disorders to the patient:

  • amnesia of the anterograde type - the patient cannot remember most of the events that develop after the onset of the disease, but memory reproduces past events well;
  • amnesia of the retrograde type - the patient cannot remember long-standing events of his own life with which it was filled before the development of pathology;
  • fixation type amnesia - a person is not able to remember life events that occurred 5-10 minutes ago (this is considered the most difficult form of Korsakov's syndrome);
  • disorientation of the amnetic type - in this case, the patient experiences complete disorientation in space, time and the environment (this phenomenon is considered a consequence of the development of fixation amnesia).

Korsakov's amnestic syndrome also has paramnestic disorders. These include:

  • confabulation - the patient talks about recent events with fiction and lies (in other words, he simply invents his past life, since he does not remember it);
  • cryptomnesia - in this case, a person confuses the sources of development of certain events occurring in his life (for example, whether he is the author of a novel or simply read it before);
  • pseudoreminescence - the inability to remember the time of events that happened to a person (for example, the patient may forget that he walked with an acquaintance yesterday - in this case, he will believe that it happened a long time ago).

The treatment of the victim depends on the classification of the disease, so before prescribing complex treatment, the doctor will need to carry out diagnostic measures, as well as identify the symptoms of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Alcoholic Korsakov psychosis

Korsakoff psychosis of the alcoholic type appears as a result of drinking large amounts of alcohol, which leads, first of all, to memory loss or disorientation of the person. Also, alcoholic beverages can cause other phenomena in strongly or mildly expressed forms.

These include a decrease in the patient’s passive attention, a lack of normal and healthy perception of new information, and also a superficial direction of the personality, which leads to the occurrence of rash actions. The patient’s mood initially shows signs of euphoria from drinking alcohol, but if he takes strong drinks for more than 3-5 months, the person will turn into a gloomy and indifferent alcoholic who will need to be saved from mental illness. After all, it is known that alcohol negatively affects the human psyche, greatly depressing the patient’s condition and causing dependence on alcohol.

Attention! Frequent and prolonged mental stress leads to fatigue of the drunkard, which has an extremely negative effect on a person’s emotional background.

Sometimes the memory impairment of a person affected by alcohol is so strong and deep that the information just received, be it good or bad, is immediately forgotten. In this case, people live in the past because new memories are not retained in the head.

This condition is dangerous for alcoholics, because they can easily mistake non-existent information for reality - this greatly traumatizes the psyche of an already sick person.

Typically, Korsakov's syndrome caused by alcohol intake leads to loss of space, time and location, while the victim's autopsychic orientation is not impaired.

Amnestic syndrome in alcoholism - symptoms, treatment

A sufficient number of people have encountered the manifestation of amnestic syndrome in their lives. A manifestation of this disease is the occurrence of memory problems after a party with an excess of alcohol-containing drinks.

The situation, which at first glance does not seem very critical, in reality shows the destruction of brain cells. As the pathology increases, treatment for Amnestic syndrome .

The list of causes of pathology includes various variants of chemical damage to brain cells.

The disease can manifest itself against the background of:

  • infectious disease;
  • stroke;
  • injuries in which the brain is affected;
  • encephalopathy;
  • cerebrovascular diagnoses;
  • damage to brain tissue by a tumor process.

Among the manifestations are loss of orientation in space and sense of time, replacement of true memories with false ones. This disease has several types.

Korsakov's amnestic syndrome

Patients suffer from memory loss for current events. Data about events that occurred previously are retained in most situations. The leading cause of the pathology is a lack of vitamin B1 thiamine in the human body. It plays a leading role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which leads to neurological disorders.

The syndrome affects people suffering from:

  • cerebral infarction;
  • in case of damage to the soft tissues of the head;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhages;
  • tumor diseases in brain tissues of malignant and benign types;
  • limbic and herpetic encephalitis.
  • it can develop during prolonged fasting.

Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Organic amnestic syndrome

In this type, the limbic system is affected, causing the formation of false memories. The main reason for the start is a pathological lack of vitamin B1. Often becomes a consequence of head injury with damage to brain tissue. Caused by a wide range of pathologies and organic lesions.

Treatment of the syndrome

Therapy uses thiamine compensation using special drugs. The dosage is increased to 100 mg per day.

Korsakov's syndrome

Therapy involves the administration of group B drugs, primarily vitamins B1 and B6. The administration improves the state of short-term memory.

Organic syndrome

Treatment of amnestic syndrome in the organic form is also carried out with the introduction of significant doses of vitamin B1 and B6. Additionally, nootropics and Cerebrolysin are administered. The vitamin is included in therapy in the form of intramuscular injections and tablets.

When to ask for help?

Have you noticed that your relative (grandmother, grandfather, mother or father) does not remember basic things, forgets dates, names of objects, or does not even recognize people? This clearly indicates some kind of mental disorder or mental illness. Self-medication in this case is not effective and even dangerous.

Tablets and medications taken independently, without a doctor’s prescription, will, at best, temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve symptoms. At worst, they will cause irreparable harm to human health and lead to irreversible consequences. Traditional treatment at home is also not able to bring the desired results; not a single folk remedy will help with mental illness.

By resorting to them, you will only waste precious time, which is so important when a person has a mental disorder.

If your relative has poor memory, complete loss of memory, or other signs that clearly indicate a mental disorder or serious illness, do not hesitate, contact the private psychiatric clinic “Salvation”.

Why choose us?

The Salvation clinic successfully treats fears, phobias, stress, memory disorders, and psychopathy. We provide assistance with oncology, care for patients after a stroke, inpatient treatment for elderly and geriatric patients, and cancer treatment. We do not refuse the patient, even if he has the last stage of the disease.

Many government agencies are unwilling to take on patients over 50-60 years of age. We help everyone who applies and willingly provide treatment after 50-60-70 years. For this we have everything you need:

  • pension;
  • nursing home;
  • bed-ridden hospice;
  • professional caregivers;
  • sanatorium.

Old age is not a reason to let the disease take its course! Complex therapy and rehabilitation gives every chance of restoring basic physical and mental functions in the vast majority of patients and significantly increases life expectancy.

Our specialists use modern diagnostic and treatment methods, the most effective and safe medications, and hypnosis. If necessary, a home visit is carried out, where doctors:

  • an initial examination is carried out;
  • the causes of mental disorder are determined;
  • a preliminary diagnosis is made;
  • an acute attack or hangover syndrome is relieved;
  • in severe cases, it is possible to forcibly place the patient in a hospital - a closed rehabilitation center.

Treatment in our clinic is inexpensive. The first consultation is free. Prices for all services are completely open, they include the cost of all procedures in advance.

Relatives of patients often ask questions: “Tell me what a mental disorder is?”, “Advice how to help a person with a serious illness?”, “How long do they live with it and how to extend the allotted time?” You will receive a detailed consultation at the private clinic “Salvation”!

We provide real help and successfully treat any mental illness!

Consult a specialist!

We will be happy to answer all your questions!

Alcohol amnestic syndrome

Alcohol amnestic syndrome is characterized by chronic impairment of memory for recent events, sense of time and order of events, as well as the ability to learn new material. It should be noted that in alcohol amnestic syndrome, memory for distant events is predominantly impaired, but immediate reproduction of events is preserved.

This section of ICD-10 also includes Korsakoff psychosis, or syndrome, i.e. alcoholic encephalopathy. Alcoholic encephalopathies include a group of metal-alcohol psychoses, combined with systemic somatic and neurological disorders, often predominant in the clinical picture of the disorder.

Alcoholic encephalopathies are divided into acute and chronic, these include: acute Gayet-Wernicke encephalopathy, chronic Korsakoff's psychosis and other encephalopathies of alcoholic origin.

Alcoholic encephalopathies, as a rule, develop against the background of severe chronic alcoholism, its third stage, which occurs with protracted, prolonged binges or continuous drunkenness with pronounced personality changes, up to mental and social degradation.

The prodromal period from several weeks to a year or more is usually accompanied by somatic complications in the form of chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis, etc.

Nausea and vomiting, heartburn, belching, abdominal pain often occur, and diarrhea may be replaced by constipation. Appetite decreases, even to the point of anorrexia, and physical exhaustion increases.

Sleep disturbance is manifested by drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night. Paresthesia appears in various parts of the body, and convulsive manifestations appear in the calf muscles, toes and hands. Deterioration of vision, ataxia, dizziness and intention tremor are noted.

According to severity and duration, acute alcoholic encephalopathy can be divided into three subtypes: the first is Gaye-Wernicke's alcoholic encephalopathy, the second is mitigated encephalopathy, and the third is “hyperacute” alcoholic encephalopathy.


Non-alcoholic Korsakoff psychosis

Amnestic syndrome can be caused not only by alcohol intake. However, today many consider strong drinks to be the culprits in the development of the disease. Skull injuries and other diseases can also lead to the development of Korsakoff syndrome, but this happens extremely rarely. Treatment of non-alcoholic type syndrome is carried out according to a completely different scheme, so before prescribing complex therapy, it is important for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, based on the cause of the disease.

Clinical manifestations

Korsakov's syndrome has specific manifestations. These include:

  • the onset of disorientation in space or time;
  • memories that didn't actually exist;
  • development of fixation type amnesia.

Fixational amnesia prevents a person from remembering events that are currently happening in his life. As a result, patients cannot remember who they met 10 minutes ago and what they talked about. Korsakoff psychosis is often accompanied by repetition of the same actions by the affected person. For example, he can read a book on one page several times, constantly say hello to one person on the street, or redo his due tasks several times.

When the syndrome develops, memory for words suffers especially severely, and to a lesser extent the patient forgets his own emotional state. Along with this, a person can easily remember a long-standing life event that happened to him before the development of pathology. Thanks to this symptom, it is possible to quickly identify Korsakoff psychosis, as well as its type, because a person’s memory is unique - it must remember events that recently happened, and slightly erase those that happened a long time ago. If in a person this phenomenon occurs the other way around, this is considered the main sign of the development of psychosis.

If Korsakoff's syndrome is characterized by disorientation, the patient cannot remember today's date, the place where he is, and is also unable to distinguish the time of year. In advanced cases, people are unable to remember how the rooms and furniture are arranged in their apartment. This condition mainly develops in alcoholic patients, while disorientation is observed in people whose disease is not caused by drinking strong drinks.

Manifestations of Korsakoff's syndrome

What manifestations will help a person and his loved ones understand that he is developing Korsakoff syndrome? These include:

  • decrease in human activity and will;
  • impairments associated with the intellect, which leads to the inability to adequately evaluate one’s own actions;
  • depression of the body’s state, as a result of which the patient does not want to do the usual activities that previously brought him joyful moments.

Korsakoff's syndrome also manifests itself in the victim's false memories, which he tells in the form of previously occurring moments of his own life. These include:

  • passing off heard information as reality;
  • replacing events that just happened with those that happened long before the illness;
  • supplementing real events with fictitious ones, which ultimately creates a “low-quality” picture and a fictitious illusion of the patient’s life.

False memories occur in 50% of patients, as evidenced by modern statistics. Unfortunately, they greatly aggravate the patient’s life, because due to fantasies and imaginations, it seems to him that everything is fine, although in reality this is not the case at all. Such people refuse to be treated, which can have an extremely negative impact on their health.

Memory impairment and paramnesia

Korsakov's psychosis syndrome, accompanied by false memories (paramnesia) or impaired memory functioning, develops as a result of a lack of thiamine and nicotinic acid in the patient's body. The main reason for their shortage is the consumption of large doses of alcohol. Also, their smaller number may be due to infectious diseases, poisoning or skull injuries, which cause brain damage.

Relationship between memory function and alcohol

The principle of the development of amnesia after exposure to alcohol on the brain has not yet been precisely determined by doctors. Until recently, experts believed that the effect of alcohol on neurons leads to their rapid death, which is why various neurological disorders appear, including memory loss. Today it is possible to determine that memory problems are characterized by simpler neurophysiological mechanisms of development.

Recent research suggests that the main site of ethanol's effects is the hippocampus . This is a structure involved in the processes of storing information. Toxins penetrate such a structure and inhibit a certain amount of nerve transmission, so the hippocampus loses the ability to transfer data from short-term to long-term memory. As a result, memories cannot be stored. Memory resumption in such situations is still considered a subject of research.

As scientists point out, the fact that a patient will remember about alcohol intoxication will be determined by how quickly the toxins affect the functioning of neurons. The later this process occurs, the more data will be stored in memory.


The prognosis of Korsakoff syndrome is considered favorable and quickly curable if the disease began to develop as a result of trauma to the brain, skull, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The worst thing for the patient is if the disease begins its active development after a heart attack or during a lack of thiamine in the body. In this case, the victims require hospital treatment.

Attention! Even with proper adherence to the treatment regimen, only 20% of patients are completely cured of Korsakoff syndrome. The treatment will have a positive effect on the health of patients after 12-24 months, during which the treatment should proceed in full. First, the therapy will take place in a hospital, after which the person will need to take medications at home, as well as visit sanatoriums every six months.


Korsakoff's syndrome is diagnosed based on the patient's history and clinical characteristics. Obtaining information from family and friends regarding alcohol consumption is helpful for a correct diagnosis. Medical examinations, tests, are performed on people suspected of having Korsakoff's syndrome when they emerge from a state of confusion.

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To understand the degree of deterioration of mental abilities, the Mini-Mental Test is used. The questionnaire gives an idea of ​​a person’s mental state. Additional questions help to more fully assess your mental state.

Blood tests are done to check thiamine levels, albumin levels, transketolase enzyme to detect vitamin and protein deficiencies.

Liver function testing is necessary. Liver enzyme levels tend to be higher in alcohol-dependent individuals.

Neuroimaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) is used to detect brain damage. However, based on symptoms, treatment begins before imaging studies are performed.

Physical examination may reveal peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar ataxia. Assessment of cognitive function should not be performed until 4 weeks after alcohol withdrawal.


Korsakoff syndrome develops for the following reasons:

  • insufficient amount of vitamin B in the body - if the disease is caused by drinking alcohol, it is important to know that alcoholic drinks wash away beneficial substances and vitamins from the body that enter it with food;
  • head injuries;
  • thiamine deficiency;
  • performing surgery in the temporal lobe;
  • some types of infectious diseases;
  • frequent poor nutrition;
  • serious poisoning.

These reasons are considered the main ones in the development of the disease, so doctors pay special attention to them when making a diagnosis.


Few are able to admit that they are developing an alcohol addiction and require treatment. Therapy should be carried out in a hospital setting or at home, but under the supervision of a specialist. Lack of vitamin B is considered one of the factors provoking Korsakoff syndrome, so vitamins are used to restore nerve connections. For quick results, intramuscular injections are given. This therapy continues for more than a month.

Doctors often prescribe nootropics and neuroprotectors. Their beneficial effects are determined by strengthening metabolism in the nervous system. Often additional tablets are prescribed that strengthen blood vessels and improve the functioning of the blood supply system. At the same time, the oxygen supply to the nervous system is stimulated many times over. Without such therapy, no positive results can be obtained.

It is necessary to carry out complex therapy, which includes an individually defined diet. Patients' menus include ingredients that contain many vitamins. It's hard to imagine a better source of beneficial microelements than fruits and vegetables. Alcohol amnesia can be treated in the early stages of development, so there is no need to delay treatment and choosing suitable clinics.


Korsakoff syndrome can manifest itself several years before development. The symptoms of this condition are:

  • pain in the lower extremities;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • pain in the calves;
  • aches;
  • unsteady gait;
  • pain in the head and temporal region;
  • night sweats;
  • narrowing the range of possibilities and loss of interest in life;
  • anxiety.

Such symptoms will help a person understand that he may develop Korsakoff's syndrome in the near future. Therefore, treatment measures can be taken after detecting signs of the disease. If alcohol intake is to blame, you should stop drinking it.

Problems that can lead to psychosis:

  • liver pathologies;
  • colitis;
  • injuries of various types.

The first symptoms of the disease are:

  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • disorientation;
  • forgetting important moments of life (for example, that the patient has children or a family);
  • listening to an otherworldly voice;
  • I see monsters and other creatures from fantasy.

Depression and sleep disturbances are also considered signs of the development of the disease, so they should not be excluded from view.

What is Korsakoff's syndrome?

Korsakoff's syndrome has been defined as "an abnormal mental condition in which memory is affected along with other cognitive functions." Sergei Korsakov first defined this syndrome (1887) as a disorder associated with memory impairment. He noticed this condition in alcohol abusers and some non-alcoholic patients.

Korsakoff's syndrome is often a progression of Wernicke encephalopathy, although not always necessarily. Wernicke encephalopathy is caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1), usually due to chronic alcoholism.

Associated with serious mental symptoms such as confusion, ataxia (loss of motor control), eye problems such as nystagmus (involuntary eye movements).


Korsakov psychosis, or rather, its therapy is aimed at removing the cause of the disease (often alcoholism is considered to be it). Most often, treatment of the disease consists of introducing a high dose of thiamine and other vitamins into the body. The patient will also need:

  • pharmacotherapy;
  • structuring space;
  • suppression of anxiety states.

In case of pronounced psychosis, you can take antipsychotics, but it is better to avoid medications for memory restoration, since they will be ineffective.

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