How to change your life for the better dramatically and radically, where to start

A year ago, I could not even imagine that one action would qualitatively change my life, my ideas and habits. I look at myself today from the position of that girl, lost in life and in herself, who was used to falling into despondency, was subject to fears, stress and anxiety - and is endlessly grateful to fate for that decision...

Any change starts with yourself. It is no longer a secret that we are not free in our actions and habits, that the programs of our behavior, our actions and way of thinking were laid down in the first three years of our life, and all subsequent time they became more and more overgrown with a hard shell, encapsulated inside us. One day a thought came to me: I wish I could do a reboot, to start writing my life in a new way, more easily and freely, not some time later, but now! At that moment I considered it impossible and did not attach any importance to this thought. But as it turned out, nothing is impossible, all dreams are real.

Last April, I attended a seminar on personal development, at which, thanks to information, dynamic meditations, rebirthing (before the seminar, these words meant absolutely nothing to me), and various practices that we called “not doing,” my life was revealed to me from a new side . More precisely, I again lived again, only in a more accelerated, compressed version, the most vivid situations that left an imprint on my body in the form of suppressed emotions and feelings from birth. But the difference was that now I had the opportunity to allow myself to live these feelings consciously, from the perspective of my age, to pass them through my body. I had to learn to understand and accept both my positive feelings (joy, tenderness, love, admiration) and negative ones (fear, hatred, envy, self-pity) in order to, as a result, realize my decisions made in childhood and free myself from many “anchors.” "(another word from the seminar).

After the seminar, I clearly felt: in order to take my life to a qualitatively new level, I need to radically change. When I realized this, my ego shrank to a point with fear. But inside I was already full of determination and ready for any changes, as long as they were for my benefit.

Do not keep sweets, chocolate, cookies at home

Don't keep inflammatory foods in your house. You will definitely not win in the fight with yourself if something harmful keeps catching your eye and makes you think about how you want it and how you can’t have it.

At 10 pm, when you're sitting comfortably on the couch to watch a TV series, it will be much more difficult to motivate yourself to get up and go to the store when you want something sweet. Let laziness do the work for you, making it more difficult and inconvenient to “get” sweet/bad/high-calorie foods.

Creation of a new reality

Tell me honestly, would you like it to be fulfilled immediately when any desire appears? Probably all people have ever dreamed of a magic wand or a magic pill. Magic, love spells, alchemical transformations...

Do you know how the process of materialization occurs? First, an idea arises, then the idea takes on form, is filled with energy, launched into life, and only then, provided that the person performs certain actions, works on the idea, does it materialize.

Based on this algorithm, we can assume what a person needs to do in order for what he wants to come true as quickly as possible, but even if we do everything according to the algorithm described above, if we have a “block” regarding what we want, we simply won’t let it into our lives. .

For example, I personally had a block regarding desires themselves; I simply did not allow myself to desire. I completed this block in the “My Desires” simulator, after which everything became much easier for me, because desire is the main driving force of any incarnation.

But let's return to Harv's theory of bringing order to our “inner world” and consider the possibilities of how we can speed up this process.

Order in thoughts

When I thought about this, I decided that the first thing I needed to do was learn positive thinking. Many people think that positive thinking is rose-colored glasses through which the world seems different, but in fact, positive thinking is necessary in order to dare, at least admit the idea that we ourselves can control our reality. Positive thinking is, first of all, the idea that anything is possible, you just need to believe in yourself and get down to business.

“Believe in yourself, get down to business...” - while working through it, I dug out the “unworthiness to have” in myself! You see, it’s not the “determination to have” like Zeland in “Transurfing Reality”, but the fact that I don’t deserve to have a healthy child, I don’t deserve a better life.

With such attitudes, speaking affirmations and visualizing simply does not make sense. First you need to transform your attitudes, and then both affirmations and visualization will work!

Order in feelings and emotions

For me it's high vibrations! The fact is that in order to realize what you want, you need to be on a wave of happiness. That is, everything works out better and faster for those people who are in harmony with themselves and with the world around them. Such people not only think positively, but also radiate love, joy, and gratitude.

Above all, they know that they are “Cool” without any ifs, and therefore their requests easily overcome any distances and attract those who can help fulfill them.

To work on self-esteem in MK, a special simulator and a book by Daria Trutneva “How to stop suffering and become happy” have been developed (can be downloaded here in the “Books” section).


This point is both the most difficult and the simplest. Difficult, because personally it was difficult for me to understand what spirituality is. No, of course I understood that a spiritual person is, first of all, a loving and benevolent person, which I always tried to be, but now I understand that this is not all.

Now I understand that spirituality is becoming a harmonious person, hearing the voice of your True Self, revealing your individuality and completely trusting yourself and the Universe.

And you know, Master Keith can help with this too. I really enjoyed doing the workouts in the simulators: “Love yourself just like that,” “My individuality,” “My purpose.” It turns out that at the subconscious level I see myself completely differently (in a distorted form) and, therefore, because of this, I underestimate myself in life.

Strong energy

Here, too, everything is clear - the stronger the signal, the farther and better it will convey information.

Who do you think has stronger energy: a healthy person or a sick person? It probably doesn’t make much sense to discuss this point, and everything is clear - you need to love yourself, you need to take care of yourself. I just want to draw your attention to the fact that behind each clamp in the body there is either a negative attitude or an unaccepted quality, and in order for the clamp to go away, this attitude or quality must be transformed.


Thus, based on this formula, we can come to the conclusion that you need to work not just on thinking or energy, but to apply the approach of holistic development of yourself, that is, work at all levels simultaneously, and take into account the “opinion” of your subconscious.

The interesting thing is that when MK users are not given, for example, some kind of “monetary goal”, they begin to work through and come to an attitude related to relationships, transform it - and the “monetary goal” is achieved! This is how everything is connected!

Make preparations

Set aside a few hours on the weekend to make preparations that will save time during the week and relieve you of the desire to eat something high in calories. Vegetables: wash them, cut them and put them in the refrigerator. Store meat in portions, raw or cooked, in the freezer. Prepare the cereals for several days at once and package them in portions.

Organize your kitchen

Make the kitchen your assistant. Keep it as clean and comfortable as possible, so you feel relaxed when you walk in there. Keep vegetables and fruits in a visible place. Use the refrigerator door to remind you of your goals, track progress, and more. Buy new utensils or devices for cooking: grill pan or wok pan, steamer, etc.

How to radically change your life

Dramatic changes for the better began after I realized that I myself attract both good and bad:

I began to observe what was happening in my life, caught myself in ego-reactions and thanked the person who aroused such emotions in me, because it was this person who showed me that not everything was as good with me as I thought. At the same time, the block associated with this ego-reaction seemed to evaporate, and I instantly felt lighter and more cheerful. This way I got rid of most of my personal “mental clutter”.

So I worked on myself for about a year and a half, but at some point I seemed to be stuck at a level where everything seemed to be fine, but there was no progress. And then I was invited to a webinar from Master Kit, where I learned that there is a technique that is similar to my way of working on myself, but at the same time even simpler. I wanted it and I bought it!

At the moment it’s been 8 months with Master Keith. Everything has changed: I have become more harmonious, my child has become calmer, has become more learnable (mental abilities have improved), my relationship with my husband has become even more harmonious, and the overall level of well-being of the whole family has increased. Everything is fine! And there was also a joy of life and a desire to act - to create your own reality!

Why did I feel like I was “treading water” for a long time, but now everything is starting to work out? In this article I will share my thoughts on this issue.

More daily activity

Park farther from home or work and walk part of the road, at least in good weather. Get on city bikes. Do not use elevators and escalators - at least walk downwards. Make yourself an “extra 10 calories” rule: consider any need to go somewhere or do something as an opportunity to spend those extra calories and the benefits that they, added together throughout the day, can bring to your figure. Training in the gym is only an hour, so daily activity outside the gym is very important.

Working with the subconscious

Let's return to perhaps the most important skill for every person - the ability to transform their subconscious programs.

Why is this so important because in most cases we make an evaluative decision mainly by intuition, and not by consciousness and logic, since we have two systems of thinking: “slow” and “fast”.

“Slow” thinking is activated when we solve a problem or choose a product in a store. Usually we think that we are confidently in control of these processes, but let’s not forget that behind our consciousness, “fast” thinking is constantly working in the background - automatic, instantaneous and unconscious... (Daniel Kahneman “Think Slowly... Decide Fast”).

This means that we mostly act automatically, according to “trodden paths” in our subconscious.

And what can we do in this case? We need to change routes! That is, transform settings so that new neural connections are created - “new routes” for the automatic control system of our decisions and actions.

In my opinion, the Master Kit is best suited for this purpose, since the number of my developments has increased several times and an understanding has arisen of why everything is like this and what needs to be done to change the situation. Master Keith is a real “key” to the subconscious, as he helps to precisely “get into” the very depths and get to the bottom of the true reason. This is not just harmony - it is clearing away obstacles and purposefully moving forward. Moreover, in one study you can transform a whole series of settings: you pull one thread, and the whole ball unwinds.

Top 100 Limiting Beliefs in the Five Major Areas of Your Life

Transform your beliefs with Master Keith

Eight weeks with Master Kit

Look how much I managed to work with the simulator in the first two months of working with the simulator, and this is only what I managed to write down:

  1. I identified three, even four huge psycho-emotional blocks: hyper-responsibility; “excellent student syndrome”; the fear that I won’t cope and the fear that I will cope.
  2. I worked through more than 11 unaccepted qualities: selfish, irresponsible person, not diligent, lazy, stingy, narcissistic, I’m a bad mother, primitive, ambitious...
  3. I worked on self-love and my desires.
  4. While working through my emotions, I remembered an incident when I didn’t keep track of my younger brother, got terribly scared and looked for him throughout the neighborhood.
  5. But most importantly, I discovered my own hidden benefit in relation to the health of my child - this is absolutely invaluable.
  6. Then came fears: fear of death, fear of a child’s illness, fear of condemnation, and since everything I wanted began to come to me much faster and easier than before - fear of quick results.
  7. Next: she revealed in herself the obligation, humility, unworthiness to have, resistance.

I really liked working with universal settings (2nd level Master Kit) - this is really forming the foundation of a new personality.

After eight weeks of transformation, there was a feeling of liberation and lightness in the body, like after a good holiday at sea. The life of my entire family, including my parents, has become more joyful and happy. Moreover, I was the only one who worked with the simulator, although what I caught and transformed in myself, I tried to voice to my family.

Formation of necessary skills

But that’s not all that working with MK can give. Now I will share with you one of my observations.

After about three weeks of working with the simulator, I wanted to resume yoga classes. I did yoga sporadically, the last time was six months ago.

  1. The first thing I noticed was that doing the complex doesn’t give me much difficulty, and I don’t think about making the time fly by faster.
  2. An exercise that I could only do with a jerk (sitting on my knees and lying on my back), this time I lay down, resting on my elbows. Yes, it was not the way Karina taught (complex No. 4), leaning on the palms and spreading the arms, but it was already better than what I had done before.
  3. Do you know what happened the next morning? I easily performed this exercise through the palms of my hands, exactly as in the video, without even understanding how I had done it differently before.

What does this mean? This means that I began to adopt and master the skills I needed much faster. You see, instead of 21 days, as success books teach us, I developed a skill in myself overnight.

And, for example, I created this collage (picture for this article) in just half a day. Everything: from the idea with tulips to mastering Photoshop and creating this picture.

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