Irina Udilova - Secrets of success as a woman. How to easily change your life, become a happy and successful woman

Attracting a man's attention and becoming an attractive woman are two different things. Suitable poses and a beautiful gait can be mastered in a few days if you train diligently, but learning to flirt for a woman after 40 is not so easy - just like raising a contented and grateful woman within yourself at 20 years old. But there is a long weekend ahead - you can start doing exercises under the guidance of Lev Vozhevatov.

Satisfied woman

A satisfied woman is the main tool for motivating a man to achieve. How to become a satisfied woman?

You have to love your life. Or arrange it in such a way that you can enjoy it. Love your work so that you can be fulfilled by it, that is, satisfied. Delegate, optimize, change - whatever, but you must be happy with your work!

Fall in love with your appearance or do something with it to fall in love with it - become beside yourself with yourself. Love your environment or change it. A satisfied woman gets high on everything, from the color of the walls in her entrance to the food she eats during her vacation.

What is happiness?

Happiness is an individual and relative concept. Everyone strives for a state of happiness, but not everyone knows the way to it. It cannot be expressed in material things. Happiness is the result of painstaking work on oneself, self-development, and awareness of the meaning of life.

If a person lives in harmony with himself, then he is always happy, regardless of the circumstances. A harmonious personality realizes that difficulties are a temporary phenomenon given to us for development. This condition allows you to analyze the overall quality of life. If a person chronically feels depressed and empty, then there is reason to think about whether something needs to be changed? Perhaps you should change your job or improve your personal life. Or maybe we should try to let go of the past and learn to forgive? The most important thing is to act.

Grateful woman

An equally important component of an attractive state is gratitude . Simple, right?

Successful men are those men who have an abundance of resources. Any! Financial, temporary, material, communication. A successful man earns much more than he spends. He has an apartment, a car, time, money, connections, etc.

And a successful man constantly encounters beggars. At work, they ask him for positions, salary increases, new projects, assistance and attention. People around him ask him for advice, money, contacts. In his personal life, myopic girls beg him for simple material resources - a restaurant, an iPhone, a dress, a beach. Everyone around is asking for something, and some even demand.

And, as you might guess, this man has developed immunity to such people. He learned to resist beggars, keeping them at a distance - this is necessary so as not to waste his own resources by distributing them to everyone who asks.

And all successful men intuitively divide people into those who ask and those who are grateful . This is especially true for women. And if at the first stages of communication you find yourself in a group of people asking, then be prepared that you are with this man temporarily. Do you know why?

  • First of all, you are the same as all other girls, and that is not attractive.
  • Secondly, you do not create a desire to share a resource, but simply beg.

Do you understand the difference between a beggar and a person with whom you want to share?

“Listen, here you are now reading this book, yes, here you are, the one that is flying through these letters right now, absorbing line by line, I am now turning to you! Well, write a review, how do you like this book, why are you sorry, or what?”

And one more option:

“I want to say thank you. Just thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my book. I am sincerely grateful to you for the work that you are now doing studying this material, and if you suddenly have the opportunity to write a short review, I will be incredibly grateful and grateful to you! But even if it doesn’t work out, thank you very much anyway!”

Do you feel the difference? That's the same!

Women's gratitude is an integral element of a woman's attractiveness. Thank the man: he will help and give gifts. If there is no gratitude, then the woman turns into a beggar. Thank and create a man’s desire to share, rather than begging for resources from the position of a victim.

Start giving your man well-deserved gratitude for every deed he has done, and he will feel that responsibility does not smell of reproaches, but has a higher, unique, victorious taste!

Text of the book “Easy steps to the dream life: how to be a happy woman”

Rimma Home Easy steps to your dream life: how to be a happy woman

Your motto is complementarity. Your style is game. Your image is a mystery. You are the best: Happy, loved and unique...

Do you want to be happy?
Be it. Kozma Prutkov

Dear ladies! The intensive course “Happy Woman” is designed to be studied over two weeks. The course consists of 14 basic steps, one step for each day. Convenient, fast and effective!

Give yourself just 25-30 minutes a day, and in two weeks you will significantly improve the quality of your personal life. Where can we get these 30 minutes with our eternal busyness? It's very simple: instead of complaining to your friends about your difficulties and listening to their complaints in response, devote this time

for your self-development, take care of yourself and study such a useful course for you.
Instead of watching a new episode of an extraordinary series about someone else's happiness, take another step
towards your
by studying the course and applying it in real life!

As has been proven many times in practice, it is best to study each step of the course in 5 stages.

1. At the time you choose, read the text for one step.

2. Write down the main thoughts and information new to you in a separate notebook or notebook.

3. Make a concrete plan

applying new information
in your life

4. Leave some free space and record your results here as you practice new information.

5. Record the pleasant and joyful events that happened to you on this day.

With such a comprehensive: both theoretical and practical approach, you are guaranteed a 100% result in the form of a real feeling of happiness and pleasure from life, not occasionally, but almost constantly.

Home training is more convenient, since you study at a time that suits you, do not involve traveling to the location of someone else’s trainings and seminars, you do not need to listen to someone’s boring stories about their problems and find a common language with the course leader. All in your hands! Self-training requires some persistence and self-discipline, but the RESULT IS WORTH IT


Do you want to change your life for the better?

Do you want to BE happy and ENJOY life?

The intensive course “How to be a happy woman” will DEFINITELY help you!

Women's happiness... What could be more beautiful, mysterious, elusive?

Do you know, dear ladies, that a man receives approximately 80 percent of his vital energy from a woman? What kind of energy is this, where does it come from, how to manage and replenish it in order to always remain happy, beautiful and desirable, I will tell you in this book. You will rediscover the magical world of love and sex, fill your relationships with unprecedentedly bright emotions, energies and joys. Your physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy will become more harmonious and inseparable, energy in all areas of life will be in full swing. Enough with fatigue, resentment and disappointment! From now on, start living in a stream of joy, love and happiness. And may the honeymoon always shine through your bedroom window!

A happy woman has a loving, happy husband and healthy, happy children. Become happy yourself, fill your world with joy, love and happiness, and it will bloom like a beautiful Garden of Eden!

I wish everyone health, wealth, a life full of joys and beautiful love, tenderness and care, warmth and kindness, reliability and stability, confidence and prosperity, harmony and happiness!

THE MAIN ART OF A WOMAN IS TO BE FIRST OF ALL A WOMAN, and then a mother, housewife, daughter, friend...

A woman was created for happiness, and not for serving, for the embodiment of her own “I want”, and not someone else’s “need”. And to change your life for the better, you need to change YOUR life! The main thing is to love, appreciate, respect and approve of the woman in you! Then everyone around you will love, appreciate, respect and approve of you, and all the other attributes of a happy life will follow.


As a result of active study and application of this course, you will reach a state where:

• you are not looking - they are looking for you;

• You are not hunting, you are the prize;

• You don’t try to please – men try to please you;

• You enjoy life - and everyone tries to please you, because YOU LOVE YOURSELF, love the passionate woman, the romantic girl, and the cheerful girl in you;

• You love your feminine side!

• You love YOURSELF!

I love me! I'm happy! And you?

Step 1 You can only give what you have! What do you have?

Happiness... How often do you feel happy? Just because it’s snowing, the sunset is beautiful, you’re alive and tomorrow will be a new day. Most of us don't think about or dwell on such little things. And these are not trifles at all, our wonderful life consists of many such wonderful moments, we just need to learn to notice them, to be “HERE AND NOW.”

Remember the funny song: “Women’s happiness – if only a sweetheart were nearby...”? Let's honestly answer the question: why do you need a man?

1. For happiness, it means that you yourself are unhappy and your happiness depends on external factors. You look for it outside of yourself and, as a rule, you find one disappointment after another.

2. To be on the safe side, it means you don’t feel the support of life and God, and don’t know how to take care of yourself.

3. For procreation - but does he want this and why do you need children?

4. For money - but why can’t you earn money yourself and what will happen when he starts having financial difficulties?

5. For sex - do your tastes and needs coincide and will they coincide in 5-10 years?

6. For joy and self-development - an ideal option, but it is so rare in reality...

In each case, we choose what is missing in ourselves. But since like always attracts like, a man lacks precisely this quality (although at first he can skillfully disguise it, but then there will be a surprise). From here follows a simple conclusion, like everything ingenious - develop and improve yourself, in all directions. If you want happiness - be happy right now, if you want sex - be more sexy yourself, if you want money - get rich yourself, if you want decency and reliability from a man - be more decent and responsible. And something like this will definitely attract you! The more you work on yourself, the higher your self-esteem, and unworthy characters will bypass you on their own.

You can give another person happiness, love, harmony and joy only if you HAVE

. Every day and hour there can be more and more good things in you. The more you give, the more you receive, but you must have an initial, so to speak, starting stock. Let's look for it together!

According to the great cosmic law of similarity, like attracts like, positive thoughts attract joyful events and pleasant people. Now many American authors position this law as their know-how or as the mysterious secret of universal prosperity. But one of the first written mentions of him is in the works of Hermes Trismegistus

dates back to the 4th century BC. e. This law is universal and operates regardless of our knowledge of it. Therefore, it will be much better for us if we use this law in all areas of our lives, and especially in our personal lives. Based on the law of attraction of this kind, for a happy relationship you need to experience unconditional happiness yourself, and then there won’t be a whiner, a loser, a parasite, etc. nearby. Not a man - a prince on a white horse will suddenly arrive and suddenly immediately make you happy, and happiness as a state should be an integral part of your personality. If you are reading this book, you probably already have experience in love relationships, more or less successful. Tell me honestly: after six months of the relationship, have you become happier or are you just comfortable, pleasant and comfortable, but the feeling of happiness (or lack thereof) remains at approximately the same level? The initial emotional upsurge is already subsiding and returning to its original level, and again something is missing, do you want to redo it, improve it? This initial level is the happiness that you allow yourself to experience, and no one else, even a very loved one, will make it higher. Only you yourself, if you want, can become happier, more joyful, more cheerful and attract to you, according to the law of similarity, an equally wonderful man.

To change your life for the BETTER, you need to change YOUR life.

Therefore, before looking for the next happiness, let's work a little on ourselves. I promise that the work will be easy, enjoyable and useful. Let's create a gym for emotions! Are we getting our body in order? And your tender, refined soul?

Simulator No. 1. Diary of successes and joys

Equipment and accessories: a beautiful diary notebook, a pen and 5 minutes in the evening.

Starting today, start writing down 3-5 pleasant, joyful events per day every evening. It could be delicious coffee, the gentle look of an attractive man, new perfume, or any little thing that made you smile. Is there anything joyful happening in your life yet? Then please yourself, do what you like and what you always don’t have time for, and this will no longer be just joy, but your success on the path to yourself - happy and loved. Make yourself happy and pamper yourself! In the morning, don’t torment yourself with questions: how to manage everything? how to feed the family? How to please someone? Better ask yourself the only important question: how to please yourself? The answer will definitely be found during the day, the main thing is action. Immediately after deciding to please yourself, figure out exactly how to do it, and carry out your plans without putting it off.

When writing down pleasant events in the evening, try to remember them in detail. You will feel pleasant and at ease, a smile will appear on your face again, you must agree, this is much better than remembering problems and mistakes before going to bed. 3–5 joys are the required minimum, but in general there can be as many of them as you like, the more the better. Over time, there will be more and more entries.

You need to exercise on this “simulator” every day. After a month, analyze your results:

• have you become more joyful and optimistic?

• began to notice more pleasant things in life?

• life makes you happier, is everything great with you?

It's time to make the exercise more difficult! Second month - write down pleasant events not in the evenings, but during the day, immediately after these events happen. By focusing on your joys and successes, you will be “here and now” and life will not pass you by. After all, it often happens, when everything has already passed, we think: “I was so happy then and didn’t even notice. I wish I could get that time back!” By paying attention to joyful events and writing them down immediately, you will not miss your happiness, it will become your constant companion, and you will enjoy life in the present moment. This is a very important art, take the time to master it. 2-3 months of recording, and this will become a habit for you, and you will live your entire future life in a stream of positivity and happiness, realizing this. What could be more beautiful? Very soon you will notice that there are more and more joyful occasions. You smile at life, and life smiles back at you, generously and from the heart. Dull and boring pessimists will disappear from your life, and in their place will come new, bright, positive people, new harmonious and beautiful relationships, pleasant events and successes.

Try it, it's very simple, effective and proven many times. I'm waiting for letters about your successes to my e-mail [email protected] When joy and a feeling of happiness fill your soul, heart and mind, you can already share them with your near and dear people. And the more you give, the more you will receive, sometimes from the most unexpected side.

What else can give you a feeling of happiness? A romantic trip is the best way to enjoy life, refresh your feelings, give them fresher shades and look into the depths of your soul... A date on the seashore with an intimate continuation. And a walk in a pine forest: the smell of pine needles, resin on the trees, gentle moonlight through the emerald crown. Fairy tale! And you don’t have to travel far or for a long time; sometimes a weekend is enough. Just be attentive to your desires, it is very important to be able to distinguish your “want” from someone else’s “should”, even if this “should” is beautiful, pleasant and presented with grace. And it’s quite easy to distinguish everything. If you have a strong desire, find 10 minutes for yourself, get comfortable, preferably lying down and with your eyes closed. Now imagine that your wish has come true. Imagine everything clearly and in detail according to the formula: what will I see? what will I hear? what will I feel? Stay in this state for a while and evaluate whether you are comfortable, happy and cozy or not. Especially pay attention to reactions such as cold, pain, cramps, any discomfort, this is evidence that the fulfillment of a desire will not make you happy, it is not yours and you really do not need it. There is no need to continue predicting and directing the next episodes. Just stop and fix your attention on the very fact of fulfillment of your desire. And your intuition, your subconscious, through the reactions of your body, will give a clear and only correct answer to the question of whether you need it, whether it’s worth spending time, emotions, effort on it or not. And all you need to do is find 10–15 minutes for yourself and listen to yourself. This will help save you a lot of time and effort to solve really important problems and achieve your true goals. Let this pleasant and useful ritual become your good habit, and you will see how much happier, more successful and joyful life will become for you, and not for those who are trying to manipulate you. Your “I want” is your true goals and your happy life. It doesn’t matter what area these goals are from: career, leisure, clothes, relationships, sex, communication... It is important to love and be able to understand yourself, then others will love and understand you!

Remember the famous phrase of Leo Tolstoy: “All happy families are alike...”? I have long tried to understand how happy families are similar, and I noted one common feature among them. The center of every happy family is a happy Woman! She loves herself, loves and fills the whole family with her light and warmth: both her husband and children. There is enough time and desire for everything, everyone has enough care and attention, everything revolves around her - Sunny and is held by her. Her gentle hands, her fragile shoulders, her loving heart and open happy soul. Only such a family model is stable, happy, harmonious and durable, although it is rare. But you have a chance to become the Sunshine for your family. Just to do this, you don’t need to wait for the prince to come and immediately make you happy. Look for the source of joy and happiness in yourself, be a magnet for pleasant events and people, learn to enjoy the little things, and, as they say in the East, HERE AND NOW. Don’t put off life until later: I’ll finish my studies, I’ll get married, I’ll buy an apartment, etc., and then we’ll live happily. And life goes by...

As a child, I heard a song with a strange name: “Bird of Tomorrow’s Happiness.” This is the main problem: the eternal pursuit of tomorrow's happiness, ignoring the present moment. And they listened to the songs and believed them, instead of listening to the Gospel: “don’t worry about tomorrow... your worry is enough for each day.” Of course, you need to strive for a happy future, purposefully create it, but it consists of individual minutes and seconds that begin right now. And it is not the events themselves that make us happy, but our own impressions of these events, our attitude towards them, the colors and colors with which we ourselves paint our world. And we choose the attitude and colors ourselves, which means we can change them to more joyful and comfortable ones. Let's choose warm and light colors for our lives, a smile, joy, a feeling of harmony, openness to everything new and beautiful. Then we will be happy today, and we will be able to attract future happiness, enjoy and appreciate it in time, and not when everything is already gone.

It is precisely this position in life that creates a special aura of joy, warmth, and comfort around a woman. The people she needs will strive for her, like the Sun. They will try to please her even more. And her task is to return this joy to the world multiplied. Then the source will not dry up, the hearth will not go out, there will be no energy blocks, stagnation and reasons for despondency. There will be career growth for the husband, and success for the children, and the family will develop steadily and harmoniously for the better, and the woman herself will have plenty of reasons to be satisfied with her life.

Just don't stop on this path! Look for and find more and more reasons for joy, laughter, good mood and good deeds. So that everyone you communicate with says: “I want to be with you!” To make being around you easy, bright, pleasant and joyful, I would like to be around you as long as possible, always...

The famous psychologist Joseph Murphy recommended saturating your aura with positive feelings by simply saying pleasant words to yourself or out loud before going to bed and after waking up: JOY, LOVE, HARMONY, BEAUTY, MERCY, HAPPINESS

. The list can be continued at your discretion. It works flawlessly, you will truly fall asleep with joy and wake up with love. This is so wonderful!

To maintain yourself in the right emotional tone, Louise Hay’s motto-affirmation is very useful: “I LOVE AND APPROVE MYSELF!”

Ms. Hay recommends repeating it hundreds of times a day (200-300) in the first month to get used to it and train your subconscious. Choose the number of repetitions and mode that is comfortable for you, for example, morning and evening, and this formula will very soon become the style of your thinking and life, if you still think about yourself differently. Louise Hay is an amazing woman who not only healed herself from a serious illness, but also helps millions of people around the world love themselves, put their lives in order and live with pleasure. Her life itself is the best example of the effectiveness of her methods. She writes inspiring books, studies art, and her paintings are in great demand, learns to dance and do yoga and achieves remarkable success in this. Everything that the brilliant Louise Hay does brings her success, because she does everything with LOVE!

The most important condition for female happiness is to love yourself, to feel like a Woman, the goddess of love and beauty. You will learn how to achieve this on the pages of this book. Then your only one will see the smile and radiance of the Goddess in your eyes and will not be able to take his eyes off you, pass by or turn away. A celebration of love can only be mutual and depends on the efforts of both parties. Constant effort, care, attention, warmth, affection and boundless love. She is beautiful and tender, like a rose. But the rose also needs to be pruned from unnecessary shoots (nit-picking, jealousy, selfishness), watered (with attention, joy, beautiful sex), protected (from boredom, disappointment and strangers). But if you relax and let it go for a while, the rose, at best, will go wild and turn into a rosehip - it seems good, but it’s not at all the same. And in the worst case, it will dry out, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to revive it. Do we need such a story? We want to rejoice and enjoy the rose of our love. But this is only possible with constant and reasonable care, and not with excessive consumption. (On the wisdom of leaving - in one of the next chapters.) The recipe for success is simple: attention to yourself, attention to him, attention to relationships! Relationships are the main thing, and food, clothes, washing/cleaning are just applications. Those who disagree, take a closer look at your happy friends: do they pay more attention to themselves and their love or to endless housework? And those who are always busy in the kitchen and are preoccupied with washing and ironing, are they highly valued or do they take their work for granted and make more and more demands and claims? The conclusions are yours...

A truly happy woman loves herself and lives in harmony with herself and the whole world. Harmony with yourself implies harmony in the soul, mind and body. She is happy always and everywhere, regardless of time, place and environment. And with him alone, and alone, and at home, and in the best hotel - she’s happy simply because she’s a WOMAN! Do you want to be a happy and harmonious Woman? Then you should listen to the advice of one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time, Deepak Chopra. In his wonderful book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,” he talks about the law of giving: “If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want attention and recognition, give other people attention and recognition; if you want love, learn to give love.” No conditions, no expectation of reward or response. Just give, and you will definitely receive it back multiplied, but perhaps from another person who is your only one. After all, you can see better from above. Slavic women are too sacrificial, they always try to make someone nearby happy: parents, husband, children, constantly forgetting about themselves. The result of such sacrifices is sheer disappointment and accusations of ingratitude. The secret of well-being is to be happy yourself and give this happiness to your loved ones.


1. Don't try to make others happy before you make yourself happy.

2. If the feeling of happiness is not yet your constant companion, start keeping a diary of joys and successes.

3. Take advantage of Louise Hay’s experience of success, use her main formula every day: “I love and approve of myself,” and pleasant changes will rush into your life.

4. Do not impose your model of a happy life on other people, but give them what they need and what you yourself desire: joy, care, attention, respect, love...

Exercise “Grateful Woman”

  1. Think about what you can be grateful for to the people with whom you communicate (boss, girlfriend, boyfriend, son, salesman, waiter, neighbor).
  2. Start thanking the people around you, 10 people a day. Do this with eye contact, a smile, and an explanation of what you are thanking for.
  3. Secure the result with a request through gratitude.

The structure of gratitude itself is not as important as the sincerity in the utterance.
You can add a moment of neediness to your speech (this will enhance the effect), and also show that for your part you will always appreciate this act and will respond in kind if necessary. For example: “From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, Alexey, for helping me prepare the documents for the project. I couldn't have done it without you! (Amplification.) When I needed you so much, you appeared and saved me! (Amplification.) Thank you. And know that if I can help in any way in the future, I will be glad to do so.”

You are not just trying to pump resources out of a man. No! This is stupid and shortsighted. You build a close friendly connection with him, win him over, so that in the future you can use this contact at your own discretion. This is how connections are made.

When he asks you for something, you will try to help to the best of your ability. And even if you don’t succeed, the man will still note that you tried and didn’t merge. You will become friends.

After a couple of months of such communications, you will develop a whole group of people loyal to you in completely different areas, from a salesperson in a store to a deputy in the State Duma. And you will begin to turn into a real woman who works not with her hands, but through managing connections and contacts. And all that’s needed is to start properly thanking those around you!

How the practice works

It is impossible to change other people. To become more satisfied with life, you need to change your attitude towards the events happening around you. Thanks to this, not only will the level of happiness increase , but positive changes will begin to occur on their own.

This happens due to two aspects:

  • You have actually learned to enjoy life more, and this has a healing effect on the body, as it attracts positive vibrations from the space that promote healing.
  • You have achieved your own integrity by uniting your physical body and mind in a single practice. A similar technique is used in mystical practices or affirmations.
  • If you have mastered the first steps to pleasure and success, you will notice that at this time your breathing style has also changed. Breathing became deeper and freer, which means that all organs received more oxygen and life-giving force. The problem for many people is oxygen starvation, which has long become the norm and the cause of illness. For people who do this exercise regularly, it goes away over time. The main thing is to learn to breathe not with the upper part of the chest, but with the lungs, as children do.

Playful woman

And the final chord that forms a woman’s attractive state is playfulness ! Or flirting, if you like.

At 20, this is all right, but after 30, many women make one very serious mistake - they start communicating with men out of intellect. But you don’t have to talk to a man like a person! You have to flirt with a man!

The woman who is capable of creating a special state in a man is valuable. Does a satisfied woman create a motivating state in a man? Yes! Does a grateful woman create a special state in a man, a desire to share something? Yes!

And what kind of state is created by a woman leading a discussion or an intellectual conversation? That's right: it feels like we are colleagues or friends.

And so Maria Sergeevna came on a date and started small talk. The first hour we talked about travel, the second about business, the third about modern morals. What is it? Maria Sergeevna is 50, and she is a decent woman. Let the youngsters twirl their asses, but Maria Sergeevna works in a successful company and was raised in a decent family, and it is inappropriate for her to behave like an indecent girl.

And if a man doesn’t run away after the first hour, then he simply won’t call after the first meeting. And why? Because it's boring!

Flirting is expressed in speech, body language, voice, and gait. This is the mood, the state of the game! It does not depend on age! I remember my grandmother, who, having lived to 89 years old, went on dates until the end of her days! At 85, she painted her lips, put on a dress and went down 3 floors below to what she called her young boyfriend (he was 72). They drank tea and laughed all over the stairwell!

Flirting beyond age! What do I see now? “Leo, I’m a grown woman, I’m already 40, I can’t giggle and lick my lips, I wasn’t brought up like that, I want a serious relationship with a man.” Remember: no flirting - no serious relationship!

On the one hand, I understand why grown women say this: our parents didn’t have sex in the USSR, and no one taught anyone to flirt, it was taboo. On the other hand, if a man does not begin to fantasize, speculate, desire, get stuck, and get high from his companion, then he simply does not fall in love.

If you are on a date with a serious business person, then the man believes that this is a business relationship.

Thousands of girls in all corners of our vast Motherland are making the same ridiculous mistake! They try to turn on the charming mode only when a super megamachoman appears on the horizon, making their legs weaken.

And nothing works out for them! Or the man doesn't notice. Or things are going wrong for her. Or it’s scary, so much so that there’s no time for flirting. He passed by. You sighed and went back to work for a few days. By the end of the week, a new one is on the horizon, and you, as always, are not ready.

How can you be ready? Always train!

Flirting is a game. A non-binding game! Just because you're flirting doesn't mean you're going to marry that checkout guard you winked at.

Look for yourself

Problems at work - low salary, lack of due respect from superiors, no pleasure and no prospects. Isn't this a reason to find yourself in something else?

  1. Look for the real you. Everyone has their own abilities and talents. A person cannot be completely happy if he does not realize them. You shouldn’t wear masks - listen to yourself, change a job you don’t like, look for an environment that is close to your life principles. How to become rich and happy - find yourself.
  2. Develop positive thinking. It is worth paying attention to the pleasant aspects of life, and not just the negative aspects. In difficult situations, treat what is happening with humor.
  3. Set a goal. Without a goal, a person’s existence can hardly be called complete. It is important to find something that makes you move forward. If a person’s dream is a new car, it’s worth saving at least a little for it every month. Someone dreams of traveling all their life, which means it’s time to start learning languages ​​and getting a foreign passport.
  4. Make your wishes come true. Often women who are married and have children forget about themselves, without thinking about how to become happy and cheerful, they limit themselves in clothes, cosmetics, delicious food and even expensive hobbies. Often this is a unnecessary sacrifice. Becoming a happy wife is the most important task. It is more pleasant for children and husbands to see a woman happy and satisfied than to see a woman loaded with problems and unhappy. This applies not only to women who cannot become a happy wife. Many people develop a victim complex. Believe me, no one will appreciate this.
  5. Look for a hobby. Social networks and TV kill time; instead, you should engage in self-development. Reading, sports, drawing, dancing, yoga - the list is endless for every taste.

What do you need to do to become happy? The easiest way is to accept yourself for who you are, love life and become happy by loving yourself.

A person must live life to the fullest, then he can become happy. The main thing is to start taking action and gradually move towards happiness.

Exercise “Flirt everywhere”

So get started right now! We kill two birds with one stone: you get used to the desired state and receive bonuses for your work. What I mean? Here's what!

  • You're at a hardware store and you need to carry a rug to your car. You turn on flirting, and a man drags the carpet. I repeat: even if you exchange phone numbers, it means absolutely nothing!
  • You're at the gym. You don't know how to do the exercise. You turn on the flirting, and a pumped-up handsome man explains the bench press technique to you in detail.
  • You're stuck in traffic. On the right, a large Gelendvagen is pressing you down. You turn on the flirting - and now they let you in first.
  • You are in a restaurant, hungry and already very late for somewhere. You start flirting, and the waiter brings you the dish first. And so on!

As a result, you are always in shape and ready to meet a charismatic man, and men do all the difficult work for you.

Of course, the realities of your life do not allow you to implement everything in one fell swoop. Understand. Therefore, I suggest you train in a cunning way.

  1. Start with an hour a day. It is very difficult to constantly control yourself, but you can hold out for an hour. Set aside this time after work, when, apart from training, you have nothing to distract you. Set a timer and turn on the new you for exactly one hour. Feminine and playful.

This mode goes well with the road home or just an evening walk. The main thing is to hold out for an hour. After this time, you can return to your usual state, anyway, the internal work has already begun. During this hour, all the people who will be around you should feel your incredible energy.

  1. Choose one trick for training every day. For example, today you practice walking, or a beautiful hand movement, or touching yourself, or looking, or something else - and spend the whole day practicing it on everyone. You will get more than 20 repetitions per day. Congratulations, your new habit is almost implemented!
  2. Find a girlfriend who will watch over you. Make up a game. She watches you, and you watch her. For an hour you are a lady. Those who couldn't stand it are treated to lunch. Or something similar. It's much easier with two people.

Books about happiness

It so happens that representatives of the fair sex often ask questions about happiness. After all, there must be a way to find out how to become a happy woman. And then books help you understand yourself. Artistic or psychological - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they find a response in the soul and make you look at the world differently.

The right books help you find inner harmony

  1. Osho is a sage from India, spiritual leader and mystic. His views on life may be shocking, but his statements on happiness have helped many people live fulfilling lives with kindness in their hearts. His book “Joy. Happiness that comes from within" is based on the conversations of a sage. He challenges a society whose morality is based on suffering, showing a different perspective on life.
  2. Dale Carnegie, renowned psychologist and bestselling author. His book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, encourages you to get rid of everything that prevents you from enjoying happiness.
  3. Not everyone in Russia knows Daniel Keyes and his book “Flowers for Algernon,” but in America the book is included in the compulsory school curriculum. The book allows you to think about how important it is to remain yourself. It also touches on the topic of the immorality of human experimentation.
  4. Eleanor Porter wrote the book Pollyanna about an optimistic little girl who can see the good in people. Pollyanna “plays for joy,” teaching the game to other people. Its point is to find the positive in every situation. Isn’t this what all the psychologists in the world teach us?
  5. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, together with the American psychologist Howard Cutler, published the book “The Art of Being Happy. A guide for life." It is created for those who have no prejudices against Eastern techniques and the Buddhist approach to life. Even if there are prejudices, they must disappear after reading this book.

On the path to happiness: what you should get rid of

  1. From the habit of complaining. In any case, everywhere and for everything. Of course, “crying into your friend’s vest” and throwing out negative emotions at certain periods of life is simply necessary! But you cannot do this as a regular activity. By saying that “everything is bad with me,” we are precisely programming ourselves for this and are very vulnerable at such moments. Conversely, if we attach greater importance to the positive aspects of life, recognizing even minimal changes for the better, then we attract the energy of joy and happiness.
  2. From dependence on the opinions of others. Sometimes it is useful to get an outside perspective on yourself or to receive constructive criticism. But only sometimes and to the point. And the constant fear that “I will be misunderstood,” “I will look stupid,” or “what will they think of me?” clearly slows down our actions and sometimes forces us to abandon significant values, principles and goals. In addition, there is a high probability that we simply may not guess how others will actually treat us. Don't give other people the right to run your life.
  3. From bad habits. They also make us dependent and steal a lot of useful time, not to mention the “eclipse” of the mind and deterioration of health.
  4. From constant thoughts about the past. Returning over and over again to past events and reliving those emotions, we do not notice important moments in the present, and they disappear without a trace - all the same, into the past. Having lost them, we suddenly notice and begin to regret. And this can be repeated constantly. If this cycle is not broken, then happiness will never appear in life.
  5. From excessive self-criticism. If we constantly engage in soul-searching, we do not give ourselves the opportunity to enjoy life and love ourselves and others. Recognize your achievements and strengths. And if you are completely unhappy with something about yourself, get into a good, albeit difficult, habit - to act to change something. Any attempts not to sit idle are already a reason to be pleased with yourself. Happiness loves active people!
  6. From unnecessary things. You should have as few things as possible, items that you do not use and that lie dead weight. Throw them away, give them to friends or give them to those in need. Maintaining order in the space around you leads to inner harmony.
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