Businessman and popular lecturer Richard St. John has spent more than a decade meeting and interviewing a variety of world-famous people. According to him, he collected advice from “five hundred of the most successful people,” including Bill Gates , Richard Branson , JK Rowling and Oprah Winfrey , as well as the most famous physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and heads of international companies. He collected the advice he received in these interviews in the book “The Big Eight,” which he considers a kind of “formula for success.” publishes these tips.

Article on the topic How to become successful. Jobs' 10 Principles

Follow your passion

The first and foremost law of success is to follow your passion. All successful people who also became rich did what they love most. For example, Harry Potter’s “mother” JK Rowling says: “I just love writing books. I don't think anyone enjoys reading them as much as I do making them." Bill Gates says he got into software because he loved it: “I never thought it would make a ton of money. I loved learning software and would spend hours on it.” Basketball superstar Michael Jordan also says he just loves to play basketball, and as luck would have it, he also gets paid for it.

D. Clark, Alibaba

How did a simple English teacher manage to become the owner of a corporation worth over 25 billion dollars? Jack Ma's biography is amazing. He became the founder of AliExpress, an electronic store where almost every person made purchases. But at what cost was success achieved? This book should be read by everyone who has repeatedly tried to achieve something, but failed. The book makes it clear that every mistake gives you invaluable experience, which in the future will help you take your rightful place in the sun.

Ability to overcome self-doubt

There is not a single person in the world who would start doing something and not be periodically overcome by self-doubt. But doubts are different. For some people they make them stop and quit, but for others it is no problem. So, Nicole Kidman says that she is constantly tormented by doubts: “On the set, I sometimes have attacks of self-doubt, and then I take a list of actresses who would cope with the role better than me, and start following the director with this list. But then I pull myself together, calm down and continue playing.” Golf star Tiger Woods also says: “Before every competition I get nervous. But every time I pull myself together and say: “You’ve done this a thousand times already.” You can do this too.’”

Article on the topic

Not just “well done.” How to teach a child to be successful?

Robert Kiyosaki, "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

It doesn't tell you how to make a million without leaving home. But you can learn about the psychological attitudes of rich people. After all, whether a person can achieve success depends on his views on life, money and his place in the world. Why do some people “work hard” all their lives at several jobs, but remain poor, while others seem to manage to find a “gold mine” and amass huge capital, without, at first glance, making the slightest effort? The answers are in the book, which has become a reference book for successful businessmen from around the world.

Find out here 7 differences between the thinking of rich and poor people.

Focus on strengths

Successful people don't try to do things they're not good at. They choose their greatest strength and focus on it rather than their weaknesses. Jean Monty, President of Bell Canada Enterprises says, “Focus on what you do well. If you are a good computer scientist but not a football player, don't try to play football. And don’t be shy to admit that you don’t know how to do something. Otherwise, you will drive yourself into a dead end trying to do something that you can’t do.”

We can't do everything at once, so we need to focus only on your most outstanding aspects.

Take it higher! How to increase self-esteem

More details



This is the first and main secret of success. What does inner intention mean? Intention is the willingness to have and the determination to act. Internal means that your desire comes from the soul, not from the mind. The soul controls emotions, the mind controls logic. If there is a conflict between emotions and logic, emotions always and in all circumstances win. They are simply an order of magnitude stronger in our Universe. Our Universe is a huge bundle of energy. And our emotions contain a small piece of this energy. It is your emotions that control your life. They are like a magnet. are attracted to you by the events that you experience. Learn more about the law of attraction.

Why do I say intention and not desire? Desire is a tool of the mind. He desires when he is not ready to receive. The mind desires, but the soul is indifferent, which is why not all desires are realized. Desires become reality only when it turns into intention, that is, a person is ready to have what he wants, and then the energy of desire turns into directed actions, which, in fact, forces the law of attraction to attract this material reality into your life. Previously, it was difficult for me to understand how a person wants to have something and does not make any effort to get it. Now I understand why this happens. DESIRE COME FROM THE MIND

. If the soul is not in harmony with the desire of the mind, it will not come true. Mental discomfort will push the desired events away from you. When the mind finds something you like, then you are ready to work, you are ready to put a lot of effort and energy into achieving what you want. Then you simply stop wishing, you begin to understand that it is yours, and when it is realized in your life, it is just a matter of time. It is unknown where and it is not clear why you begin to know that this is yours, and it will come true in your life.

Understand what success in life means to you. It doesn't have to be any material things. Every person wants to have a big beautiful house, an excellent car, but only a few souls desire the same. For other people, the soul desires something completely different. We came into this world completely different. We cannot look at what success means in the general understanding and strive for universal success. You must find your success. You will feel when you have truly found your niche. This will be accompanied by peace of mind and deep inner joy. These feelings will bring a lot of good into your life and become a constant positive source of vital energy. Finding your path and following it is the most important secret to success!


I'll tell you a secret that may surprise you. Most likely, your mind will not want to accept it, but do not immediately reject this idea, but think about it. SUCCESS IS A LEGAL OPTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EVENTS, FAILURE IS A DEVIATION FROM THE NORM

Now I’ll explain why this actually happens and why there is much less success than failure. The intention page states and explains the law of the path of least resistance. That is, the Universe follows the path of least resistance; it realizes what requires the least amount of energy. Look around: nature is full of abundance, it is even wasteful in everything, look at the fields covered with millions of flowers pleasing to the eye, at the mountains, at the oceans, at the forests. How wonderful it all is! Nature creates all this beauty without bothering; for her, abundance is the norm, an ordinary development of events. Look how everything is harmoniously arranged in nature. Amazing, isn't it? Why is it the other way around for people? All this poverty is amazing! The answer lies in the presence of reason in a person
A person's life is controlled by his mind. All events must develop according to a predetermined scenario. And if something goes wrong, it is perceived as failure and an unpleasant set of events. The person begins to experience negative emotions about this. But in reality, a different scenario does not mean a “worst” scenario. What is death for a caterpillar is birth for a butterfly. By perceiving events negatively, we begin to evade and move away from the line of abundance and success. The mind has taken control of our lives. He pushed the soul into the background. And that’s why, for the most part, people know failure. Life is unpredictable, and the mind tries to determine everything and predict in advance the options for the development of events. But this is impossible! That’s why a person switches to negative lines of life because he is disappointed that everything is not going the way he wants. But he makes one huge mistake. He thinks that the unforeseen scenario is worse than the foreseen one
. Let your mind not interfere with the process of achieving your goal, and you will get what you want. Let go of your grip on control. Then you will have the unconditional knowledge that you are on the path to success, and nothing can stop you, because the Universe is wasteful in wealth and abundance.

3rd secret of success: HARD WORK

You must take responsibility for realizing your goal and start working tirelessly. Work is the secret to the success of all successful people. Remember Thomas Edison, 10 thousand unsuccessful attempts led him to a wonderful discovery, Henry Ford, who created the car, and other famous people. None of them achieved success lying on the couch. The secret of success lies in work. Labor and only painstaking and persistent work led them to their goal. Along the way, they overcame many obstacles that helped them create more and more perfect discoveries. And none of them were afraid to overwork. Watch successful people, they work much harder and harder than mediocre people. They rest much less, but, however, of a higher quality. The secret of hard work is that it gives you strength. Even though they work harder, they get tired much less. Why? Yes, because they see their goal and live their vision. This gives them the strength to work and continue to work. The perspective page does a great job of covering this topic. Man was created for work, he gets terribly tired from laziness, his soul stagnates from boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars are for moving quickly. Airplanes are designed to cover enormous distances in a very short period of time. Man came to this Earth also for some purpose. And look, if you put a car in a garage and forget about it, then after 2-3 years it will no longer be suitable for performing its function. The same goes for an airplane or any other object. A person withers from boredom. He must work and strive for his goal. For more information about this secret of success, see the page success in pursuing your goal. This is the only way a person can find happiness.

When working, rely only on yourself, on your own strengths. Don't rely on luck or other people. Luck will be with you when you don't rely on it. As soon as you expect her to smile at you, you will be disappointed. Act yourself, manage other people wisely, and luck will be with you. Therefore, I wish you to work hard and persistently to achieve your goals! Want to know more details? Go to page hard work is the key to success

4th secret of success SELF-SUGGESTION

Self-hypnosis is the only key to the world of the subconscious. Autosuggestion is the secret to successfully controlling your life. YOU ARE CONSTANTLY ENGAGING WITH SELF-SUGGESTION, only you may not know about it. Every word you say that is addressed to yourself, every thought and attitude you have towards yourself is self-hypnosis. What do you think about yourself? Do you like yourself? These thoughts you have about yourself are also self-hypnosis. Thoughts in the mind are transformed into emotions. And emotions are the raw material for the subconscious. And the longer these emotions stay in your mind, the more ingrained they become there. All thoughts rooted in the subconscious have a real impact on your reality. The simplest example: if you don’t like yourself, you act unconfidently and doubt any situation. Self-hypnosis is a powerful process (now you understand why), but leaving it to chance, spontaneously and unconsciously moving through life, is, to say the least, not wise. You have the ability to choose what you think about, so think for a couple of minutes about yourself from a better perspective. You are a unique person, there is no other person like you on Earth. YOU ARE A STAR. Think for a moment just about your good qualities. What are you great at? You have many great qualities. Focus on them. How well did you cope with that task, with another one... Think about it for a minute. Have you noticed that your mood has changed a little in a positive direction? But you only thought for a minute. What if you think for 5 minutes, and if you repeat this procedure 2 times a day, and then every day without a break? Do you understand what will happen? You will finally change your attitude towards yourself. You will learn to focus on the positive. You can also use visualization techniques, imagining yourself achieving your goal. Play in your mind the picture that you have achieved your goal now (in no case in the future). For more details about self-hypnosis, see the page Self-hypnosis is the only way to influence the subconscious.

5th secret of success LIFE PLANNING, SETTING GOALS

It is at this step that miracles begin to happen. Without knowing how you are going to achieve your desire, start setting goals. This is the transition point from a loser to a successful person. It is important that you understand this secret of success. ALL SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DIDN'T KNOW HOW THEY WOULD REALIZE THEIR GOALS. It is important that you have the courage to set these goals. How to plan your life is explained on the page planning your life 10 years in advance. When you set goals for yourself and plan your life far ahead, it’s as if you are setting up your subconscious for a certain scenario. It's a lot like tuning a radio. You first select which radio station you want to listen to and only then search for it. If you don't know what you want to listen to, you'll find one station, then quickly move on to another, then another, but most of the time there will only be noise between stations. Similar things happen in life. You must first decide where you want to go, and only then will your subconscious begin to tune in to this line of events. Most people do not choose, but simply go through life, and therefore their life is continuous “noise,” unfortunately.

6th secret of success GOOD SELF-IMAGE

The secret of all successful people is a good, even very good opinion of themselves. No, don’t think so, they make mistakes even more often than you. It is very important to have the right attitude towards yourself. After all, your attitude towards yourself determines how you will treat everyone else and your activities. You simply must love and respect yourself. If you don't love yourself, you can't be of any use to anyone on this earth. You are incapable of loving anyone else. It may seem that I love children, but this is not so. Everything starts with yourself. If you don't love yourself, you won't want to work for this person, because you don't love him at all. How can you work for him? Feeling bad about yourself leads to the belief “I don’t deserve.” And with such a conviction, you will never achieve anything. Success Secret #1 says to get anything, you must be willing to have it. But you are absolutely not ready for this, and even on the contrary, you are not ready to have what you have now. Everyone is thinking about how to keep it. Your self-image determines your attitude towards the world. Your attitude towards the world CANNOT be better than your attitude towards yourself. Everything starts with yourself. Do you know that it is easy to change a negative image of yourself using self-hypnosis. You just try to notice what you did well and remember it, ignoring everything bad. This is discussed in detail on the self-hypnosis page. Until you have a good image of yourself, don't try to get anything worthwhile. I will offer you one phrase that significantly increases your importance in this world: You are none other than the son of the Lord God. Just imagine what potential you have. And nothing is impossible for you. Learn more about how to increase your self-esteem.

7th secret of success CONSTANTLY LEARNING

You must constantly learn on the path to success. Make it a habit to read, read, and read some more. Be sure to read something on the topic of self-development. This site is a good start to learning. It will give you a good idea of ​​success, and you will understand what direction you should go in next. Read on the topic of your profession to advance in your career, or on the topic of your business to prosper. Try not to waste time. When you drive to work, listen to educational materials. There are plenty of them on the Internet now, and they’re free. Download and listen. If you commute by car, make it your university of success. While you eat, turn on something educational. Always carry a player with you, in case you find yourself in a situation where you have to wait for someone or something. With the player you will protect yourself from wasting time. You can't imagine how much time you can save with the help of a player. And it takes up space like a keychain. Don't waste money on your education. People are always wondering where to invest their free money? To a bank, to investment funds? It’s a good decision to invest them in your business, if you have one. If not, then invest in your education.

Your mind is your most valuable asset. It can bring you 100% of the money invested in it in a month. Where else will you find 100% periods. Nowhere. Don't like to read? Learn. Don't like listening to the player? Push yourself. Maybe you don’t like it because you read or listen to something boring and uninteresting? These are actually all the important secrets of success. Study them carefully and for a more detailed explanation, follow the links provided in the sections. Good luck with applying the secrets of success

Serve people

One of the most important traits that helps people succeed is the ability to serve people. To serve means to do well so that people receive maximum value. To serve means to care about people and to ensure that your product or service brings joy and makes life better. For example, designer Alexander McQueen said, “I serve people by making great clothes for them.” And Lindsay Sharp, director of four London museums , told me: “The happiest people are those who believe that they are doing something for others. It helps them live."

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TEST: How demanding are you of yourself?

Many outstanding people admit that only serving other people makes them happy.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, My Incredibly True Story

The biography of “Iron Arnie” is worth attention, because it describes the thorny path of the famous actor and founder of bodybuilding. It may seem like it's just a matter of luck. But Schwarzenegger was not always at his best. In his life there were not only ups, but also downs - he achieved success through enormous efforts. And in the book he talks about how he walked to victory, overcame himself, struggled with difficulties and learned to believe in himself.

What is impostor syndrome and how to get rid of it, read here.

Put yourself in others' shoes

When Richard interviewed the co-founder of the ice cream company Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, Ben Cohen, and asked him what led him to success, Ben replied: “I have a good ability - I always try to put myself in the shoes of our customers and find out what they feel."

The ability to put yourself in the customers' shoes is another critical trait for those who want to succeed. The same idea was voiced by Henry Ford, who said: “If there is a secret in business, it is the ability to listen to the opinions of others and see the world through their eyes as if it were your own.”

* The book “The Big Eight” is provided by the publishing house “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”

From the author

This book is the result of my many years of practice in helping people resolve issues of family relationships. And family experience: my family helped me understand the simple principles of creating harmonious relationships. I want every reader of this book to find harmony and family happiness, to be able to see the way to solve family problems, if he has them. So that there are fewer divorces and more happy families. In my opinion, love is the cause of the creation of family relationships, and the relationships themselves are the consequence. It is love that is the only true guideline for thoughts, feelings and actions. The main secret of a successful family is the development of a feeling of love in a person throughout his life.

I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved wife Alexandra, my children Eva, Alla and Artem, as well as to my clients for their trust and to God for the gift of love!

Howard Schultz, Full Throttle! How Howard Schultz brought the soul back to Starbucks

In 2000, G. Schultz resigned from his duties as CEO of the Starbuks coffee chain, however, in 2008 he returned to his previous post. At this time, the company was going through difficult times and was on the verge of bankruptcy. It seemed that there was no hope for the previous success, because more than 7 thousand coffee shops had to be closed in order to stay afloat... But after a few years, Starbuks managed to win the hearts of coffee lovers again and increase profits. Miracle? No, just competent management and the ability not to panic! The book helps you believe that it is possible to correct a situation even when it seems absolutely hopeless!

Books by successful people inspire with new ideas and open up broad horizons, give hope for success, help to believe in yourself and realize that the path to the top is never easy. The biography of each of them shows that a person must have an unchanging will to win. By reading these books and relying on the rich experience of others, you can avoid mistakes in your own life.

Time is one of life's most precious resources. You can find a review of the best books on personal time management here .

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