Secrets of ideal wives. Tricks of the ideal wife.

Understanding and support.

What I mean? She understands you in everything that happens.

She sees your shortcomings and tolerates them. He can't stand your brain and doesn't try to remake you to suit his needs.

She's happy for you and proud of your achievements, whether it's sports or poker on Fridays. Supports you in various endeavors and does not try to dissuade you from new ideas. And it doesn’t matter whether she likes the fact that you’re going hiking in the mountains for two weeks or not.

This also leads to the absence of criticism if you make a mistake somewhere or do not act as she wants.

An ideal wife inspires you, for her sake you want to strive and achieve your goals even more. You know how proud she will be of you and thank you for any pleasant little thing, even a dead flower once a month. You are inspired by her emotional output.

It also gives you personal space. Understands that if you work hard, this is a reason to support and praise you. And don’t get mad that you’re not around and call, distracting you from meetings.

She does not throw tantrums and resolves conflicts calmly. You know that no matter what happens, dishes will not be thrown at you, and your wardrobe will not fly out of the window.

She plays the role of a woman.

And not only. It is important that she does not take on male responsibilities. She doesn’t meddle in your affairs, doesn’t interfere with dealing with them, and doesn’t try to solve everything herself.

She listens to you, submits to your decisions. He can give some advice, but nothing more. She understands and recognizes that the man in the house is the boss.

If you both earn well, a good wife will not boast about her successes, but will praise you in front of her friends. She will keep her merits to herself, while voicing that you are her breadwinner.

If you bring home a huge mammoth killed during a hunt, she doesn’t snort and say that her yesterday’s mammoth was fatter and had a much silkier tail.

She will rejoice at all your achievements and will not try to compete with you in anything.

Secrets of ideal wives. Tricks of the ideal wife.

The main thing a woman needs to understand and accept is that a man will never twitter, will not openly admire flowers and birds, will not enjoy the comfort of home and communication with you, children, 24 hours a day.
Therefore, do not demand the impossible from a man. Take responsibility for your family, since 90% of how your marriage will turn out and what the microclimate in the family will be depends on you. 1. education of feelings.

Show tenderness, even if your husband does not respond in kind - he still notices your attitude towards him. Many women suffer from lack of attention from their husbands. And when a child appears in the family, they completely switch to him. Don't make this serious mistake. Yes, men are naturally rougher. Yes, most often they do not know how, they are embarrassed to be affectionate. But even if your husband is clumsy in his feelings, you should not demonstratively transfer tenderness to the child. He will develop jealousy, bitterness, and callousness. And he will go to another for tenderness, because he also needs it in life. Be soft, affectionate, attentive yourself and gradually lead him to a mutual expression of feelings. Say: you kissed me, and my mood lifted. You noticed what a wonderful blouse I have, and I feel like the happiest of women. Even if he said it in passing, you will still praise him. Such provocations, in the good sense of the word, are very useful. There is no edification in them, which makes men cringe. They make the husband feel that he is not destined for a secondary role after the birth of the child. 2. say no to heaviness and negativity. Take care of your appearance and, above all, your emotional and physical health. If you are constantly tired and angry, then you are guaranteed to have a bad complexion, bad hair, and an unfeminine gait. If you “discharge” in family scandals, your stomach or heart will definitely fail. Therefore, watch yourself, do not give free rein to negative emotions. And find time and money to maintain your vitality. Never carry heavy weights, so as not to disfigure your figure with sharply drooping or skewed shoulders. You can always ask for this kindly: “Darling, I Know where you can Buy this, but I just can’t get by without You.” Please note, not “you must”, not “you must”, but I can’t cope without you, the strong one. It is necessary that your loved one does everything you ask him to do with pride, and not subjugation. Anything done unwillingly will never bring a good emotional result to either your husband or you. And that means it won’t add health. If you want to maintain a good relationship with your other half, then find out about it as little as possible. 3. darling, I've been waiting for you... “Darling, I’ve been Waiting for You for so Long, Because I can’t do it.” Of course, he will apologize and fulfill your request, despite his fatigue. And if you throw a tantrum at the door: “You always come late and I have to do everything myself,” then this causes irritation, disgust, and retaliatory anger. He either gets rude to you or turns around and leaves. Do you think he is an indifferent egoist? Nothing like this. He was already offended by the way you met him. In such situations, you need to pull yourself together and, at a minimum, first go around your spouse - feed him, let him rest, and then talk about the things you need. But not with resentment and anger, but with advice: what do you think, what do you think? 4. I am responsible for everything! Never put yourself in a strong position, responsible for everything - this is death for the family and for you. At first he will resist, then he will accept it, and then you will no longer be a woman for him. A woman is attractive to a man as a life partner for whom he is responsible. Leave him this male role, don’t cut the ground from under his feet. And then, all marital disputes can be somehow settled, something can be agreed upon, especially if you try and show tenderness and tact. But if you allow him to express everything that is boiling up, and even in the excitement you say too much, utter some fatal words, then the man will have what you said inside him like a thorn. Sex issues are especially painful for them. If a woman just hints, out of spite, that he is of little interest sexually, for him it will be such an open wound that he may even commit adultery. 5. who can be stubborn. Stubbornness can ruin a lot in a marital relationship. A hot-tempered and stubborn man is a very common and very difficult option. And you have to go around it from the rear - nothing will work out directly. You should always use the following statements in difficult situations: “you are Absolutely Right, but Maybe We’ll Do It a Little Different,” “I remember you said such and such, I think so too.” When you think in unison with a man, it softens him. When you say: “no, I’ll do it differently,” it hardens him. The more often situations arise in which you insist on your way, the worse it is for the marital relationship. A woman must moderate her own stubbornness and in no case do it out of spite. Let a man always be the head of the family. Unfortunately, today it is very easy to upset this advantage - such life is complex and unpredictable. Therefore, if, for example, you earn more, do not take credit for it. Don’t torment or hurt your husband with this. Try to tactfully smooth out the situation: “dear, it’s not your fault, it’s just a zigzag of fate. You are our smartest, most knowledgeable, most experienced. I was just lucky." And at the same time, emphasize the husband’s masculine functions - he builds a dacha, looks after the car, and designed the furniture himself. A woman is like a barometer of the greatest sensitivity to everything that happens in the family. And you should build your home policy, coordinating it with how satisfied your husband is with himself and with you.

It creates an atmosphere in the house where you want to return.

Of course, you should help her in everyday life just as she helps replenish the family budget. If you both work, you have to take into account that she gets tired.

But when you bring a mammoth, you want her to be able to fry it deliciously and serve it beautifully. In a clean and well-kept house.

Besides, you should want to see her for yourself, to be with her. To know that affection, care, and pleasant words await you. That they will listen to you and support you, feed you and put you to bed (in every sense).

The ideal wife understands all this and knows how to create an atmosphere at home that nothing can replace.

Perfect wife. How to become an ideal wife

She is beautiful and healthy.

Many women relax after marriage because it is no longer so important to please someone. And they stop taking care of themselves the way they used to. This is a common situation, and you can also feel bad about yourself when you realize that you no longer need to seduce anyone.

The ideal wife does not recognize USSR-era robes and stretched leggings. And she denies the hackneyed stereotype of the classic wife with curlers on her head every evening and a frying pan at the ready.

A good wife will be charming for you. Every day she will prove to you that you made the right choice when you married her.

She will also take care of herself and her health because she plans to give you healthy children one day.

Know how to cook deliciously

In response to the question “how to become a good wife and housewife,” the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” comes to mind. Of course, the ability to cook is an important quality for a spouse, but even if you only know how to cook scrambled eggs, it’s easy to learn this art; you should look at our website and look at the recipes. There are no women who are unable to cook, there is only an unwillingness to learn and fear of failure. As psychologists say, it’s in the head. Remove complexes and installations and everything will work out. Also think about the fact that a wife eventually becomes a mother and strives to feed her child healthy food, because this is a matter of health, and therefore a successful future.

Intelligence and sense of humor.

These are very important qualities of a wife because soon she will become your best friend and you will spend a lot of time together. Therefore, it should be comfortable, fun and interesting with her. And she doesn’t even mind watching football.

She knows how to make you laugh, and her company is always pleasant for you. It is very important that you can laugh together often, this is one of the foundations of a relationship.

Plus, she's friends with your friends and family. She doesn't make fun of your grandmother's purple hair or ask you to spend time with her instead of watching the semifinals of the hockey championship with your friends.

She takes care of children.

If we are already talking about marriage, most likely one day children will appear in it. And the ideal wife will do them. Nannies and kindergartens will remain as a last resort, grandmothers and godparents - just to rest.

She will teach children, take care of them and raise them to be worthy people. Without shifting it to others and without being distracted by work in the first years. She will make sure that they eat properly, engage in some kind of sports and creativity. It will be correct to treat them and pay a lot of attention to their development.

She will make real ladies out of her daughters. And it will give you the opportunity to raise worthy men from your sons.

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