Wife's fidelity test: how to find out for sure?

  • Science and treason - are they compatible?
  • What is needed to conduct an examination?
  • What else should you pay attention to?
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Love relationships assume that partners will remain faithful to each other. However, modern realities show that even once-loving hearts can change and betray. Not only men, but also women do not know how to remain faithful. Now men have to find ways to find out for sure whether their wives are truly faithful to them. And here the men's site masculino.ru offers a wife's fidelity test, which uses scientific developments and technologies.

There are many ways to catch your wife cheating. For example, you can track her, where she goes and who she meets. You can suddenly return home after work or from a business trip, as they say in jokes. You can start tracking her correspondence and calls. Surely the wife calls or texts her lover, if she has one. These options for finding out the truth should not be ruled out. However, one more method can be proposed that accurately indicates that the wife has a second man.

If you are only jealous of your wife who actually comes home on time, doesn't go out with anyone, spends time with her family all the time and even has sex with her husband, then the man needs to sort out his head. Here you can turn to a psychologist who will help the man, no, not get cured, but simply remove those attitudes that make him jealous and not trust his faithful wife.

However, a man can rightfully begin to suspect his wife of something. She, for example, began to constantly stay late at work, recently began to visit friends or relatives more often, and began to walk somewhere, without bothering to explain to her husband where she had gone. If you ask her where she went for a walk, she brushes off some shops, although in fact she didn’t buy anything.

Moreover, a man may notice that his wife has changed. Usually she didn’t spend much time on her appearance, believing that she would do just fine, but then she began to spend a long time putting on makeup in front of the mirror, trying on various outfits, putting on the most beautiful suits and dresses, and suddenly put on heels. If at the same time she began to lose weight or exercise in order to look younger and fitter, then all these transformations are definitely for a reason.

Of course, a woman may at first not be concerned with herself and not be interested in anything, and then over the years change her position in life. There are many ladies who one day realize that they have gained weight, after which they begin to exercise. There are women who suddenly have the opportunity to climb the career ladder, which involves delays at work. Sometimes new acquaintances appear in a woman’s life with whom she shares interests and hobbies. All this is in the order of things and entails changes in the wife’s behavior.

Therefore, a man is first recommended to determine for sure whether his wife is cheating on him, before starting to be jealous of her, much less accuse her of something. Any changes can be explained not only by the appearance of a lover. However, there are signs that may indicate that a cold has clearly set in between the spouses, which may suggest the presence or appearance of a lover in the future:

  1. The spouses have not had sex for a long time, or the wife constantly says that she is not satisfied with the intimate relationship with her husband.
  2. There are constant quarrels between spouses. They can be either daily or weekly. If conflicts arise very often, this can push a woman to cheat.
  3. The spouse does not agree to spend time with her spouse. For example, a man suggests going shopping together and even meeting her friends, or spending the weekend together outdoors. If a wife refuses almost any joint vacation, but agrees to spend time with other people, this may indicate that feelings between them have cooled and a lover may appear.

Before you accuse your wife of anything, you need to know for sure that she is cheating. This can be done in many ways. Let's take a scientific approach to the matter.

Wife's fidelity test: how to find out for sure?

Love relationships assume that partners will remain faithful to each other. However, modern realities show that even once-loving hearts can change and betray. Not only men, but also women do not know how to remain faithful. Now men have to find ways to find out for sure whether their wives are truly faithful to them. And here the men's site masculino.ru offers a wife's fidelity test, which uses scientific developments and technologies.

There are many ways to catch your wife cheating. For example, you can track her, where she goes and who she meets. You can suddenly return home after work or from a business trip, as they say in jokes. You can start tracking her correspondence and calls. Surely the wife calls or texts her lover, if she has one. These options for finding out the truth should not be ruled out. However, one more method can be proposed that accurately indicates that the wife has a second man.

If you are only jealous of your wife who actually comes home on time, doesn't go out with anyone, spends time with her family all the time and even has sex with her husband, then the man needs to sort out his head. Here you can turn to a psychologist who will help the man, no, not get cured, but simply remove those attitudes that make him jealous and not trust his faithful wife.

However, a man can rightfully begin to suspect his wife of something. She, for example, began to constantly stay late at work, recently began to visit friends or relatives more often, and began to walk somewhere, without bothering to explain to her husband where she had gone. If you ask her where she went for a walk, she brushes off some shops, although in fact she didn’t buy anything.

Moreover, a man may notice that his wife has changed. Usually she didn’t spend much time on her appearance, believing that she would do just fine, but then she began to spend a long time putting on makeup in front of the mirror, trying on various outfits, putting on the most beautiful suits and dresses, and suddenly put on heels. If at the same time she began to lose weight or exercise in order to look younger and fitter, then all these transformations are definitely for a reason.

Of course, a woman may at first not be concerned with herself and not be interested in anything, and then over the years change her position in life. There are many ladies who one day realize that they have gained weight, after which they begin to exercise. There are women who suddenly have the opportunity to climb the career ladder, which involves delays at work. Sometimes new acquaintances appear in a woman’s life with whom she shares interests and hobbies. All this is in the order of things and entails changes in the wife’s behavior.

Therefore, a man is first recommended to determine for sure whether his wife is cheating on him, before starting to be jealous of her, much less accuse her of something. Any changes can be explained not only by the appearance of a lover. However, there are signs that may indicate that a cold has clearly set in between the spouses, which may suggest the presence or appearance of a lover in the future:

  1. The spouses have not had sex for a long time, or the wife constantly says that she is not satisfied with the intimate relationship with her husband.
  2. There are constant quarrels between spouses. They can be either daily or weekly. If conflicts arise very often, this can push a woman to cheat.
  3. The spouse does not agree to spend time with her spouse. For example, a man suggests going shopping together and even meeting her friends, or spending the weekend together outdoors. If a wife refuses almost any joint vacation, but agrees to spend time with other people, this may indicate that feelings between them have cooled and a lover may appear.

Before you accuse your wife of anything, you need to know for sure that she is cheating. This can be done in many ways. Let's take a scientific approach to the matter.

Don't look for perfect looks

Some people like blondes, some like brunettes. Some are slim, some are plump. I had a friend who was looking for a wife with glasses. He thought that if she wore glasses, she would certainly be smart. Someone would like their wife to sing beautifully.

But you shouldn’t focus on the girl’s appearance. You need to pray to God and ask that the marriage be according to the will of God. It is most important. First of all, you need to think about what kind of heart she has, does she know how to love sacrificially, does she love children, is she ready to raise them, is she neat, is she ready to respect your opinion? These qualities are necessary in marriage.

No matter how beautiful a girl is, you won’t put her in a corner and admire her for thirty years.

Eventually, she will age, her hair will turn grey, and her figure will change. But you are not getting married to brag to your friends, but to live your life next to her. So that she loves you, so that she tolerates you, so that she cooks for you, so that she helps you. You yourself are far from “Apollos”.

Photo from artifex.ru

Science and treason - are they compatible?

If earlier husbands identified their wives’ infidelities when they caught them in bed directly with their lovers, then a modern man does not need to track down and wait for the right moment, wasting time on this. Science makes it possible not only to resolve many issues related to a person’s physical health, but also to determine how faithful a spouse is to her other half.

How is this compatible? Everyone knows a test called a DNA test, which analyzes samples and gives specific answers to questions. Typically, DNA testing is used in forensic medicine to identify a criminal, and is also used to determine the paternity of a specific man in relation to a specific child, the compatibility of donor organs, and to identify possible genetic diseases.

A good wife is a man's reward

Finding a good wife is the most difficult thing in life! But then, if you make the right choice, there will be a reward for life. There is nothing better in the world than a kind, good wife.

Career, money, football, friends - all this is nonsense. The main thing is a family and a wife who is loving, kind, understanding, sacrificial, caring, affectionate, and a good mother for children.

This is why you can and should work hard. Unless a man has chosen the path of a monk, when for the sake of God he renounces worldly attachments and does not start a family.

What is needed to conduct an examination?

DNA testing can be easily carried out if you contact a special institution that analyzes the biological materials that are provided to it. What is needed for this? To conduct a test, experts need to provide something that may contain your opponent's DNA:

  • Used napkin.
  • Underwear or bedding.
  • Used condom (the most ideal evidence).
  • Chewing gum, especially if the wife does not use it.
  • Someone else's hair with roots.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Ear sticks.
  • Shawls.
  • Blood stains on any object.
  • Saliva left on kitchen utensils.
  • Bath towels that a lover could use.

Women's panties that have not been washed are ideal. They will definitely contain the DNA of both the wife and her lover. After sexual intercourse, the biological materials of everyone she sleeps with will be released along with her secretions.

You should understand that your wife may have biomaterials of many men on her other clothes, with whom she can work, simply ride in the same transport and even be after them, wipe herself on the same objects that they touched. Therefore, you should take clothes that only the “chosen ones” besides your wife can touch.

In addition to the biomaterial of other people's faces, you need to provide your saliva to distinguish your DNA from everyone else. After all, the things you provide may also contain your DNA. Since experts don't know what your DNA is, they can only tell you if there is male DNA that may be yours. To test your wife's fidelity, you need to be sure that the DNA definitely does not belong to you.

All biomaterials must be properly collected and transported. However, it should be understood that conducting the test will be a costly undertaking. If you do not have extra finances, then you will have to rely on your instincts and resort to other measures to test your wife’s fidelity.

What else should you pay attention to?

If conducting a DNA test becomes a really expensive undertaking, then you can simply pay attention to other things that indicate a woman’s fidelity or infidelity:

  1. Body odors. Of course, you can pick up the scent of another person simply by riding with him in public transport. However, if the wife constantly comes with the same foreign smell, this clearly indicates her constant contact with this person.
  2. Markings on the body. You notice bites, scratches, bruises, and hickeys all over your wife's body. They obviously don't just happen. If the wife, moreover, cannot explain how she received such “injuries,” then she is definitely hiding someone on the side.

However, you can just ask your wife. If your relationship has reached the point where your wife is already indifferent to you, she is not afraid of losing you and already wants to leave for her lover, then she will be able to openly declare that she has someone on her side.

If you have a conversation with your wife, you should remain calm. At the same time, do not let third parties know what you are going to discuss with your wife. Save her face, despite all her bad deeds, if they turn out to be such.

The news that your wife is cheating can be very painful and unpleasant. A man needs to think about how important it is for him to learn about his wife’s betrayal, whether he can endure it with dignity, and whether he will be happy after this. Perhaps sometimes it is better to remain ignorant in order to be happy.

It's best to be the same age

Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) said that an age difference of more than five years is already some obstacle to marriage. This is not an absolute obstacle, but it is still better for the wife to be about the same age as her husband.

Of course, it also happens differently. So, let's say, the famous Moscow shepherd, wise and experienced confessor, Archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller was ten years younger than his wife Lyudmila Sergeevna. Their marriage was very happy, they loved each other very much.

But I also know other cases: when young men, having chosen a wife 5 or 10 years older than themselves and received a blessing for this marriage, then began to court young girls and the marriages were destroyed. This happens, unfortunately.

Test for wife's infidelity - main signs

The topic of infidelity in marriage has long occupied a special niche in psychology. Experts have developed many tests for infidelity between a wife and husband. By answering a number of specific questions, spouses can figure out whether their experiences are reasonable. Although this method cannot be considered perfect, because there are always unforeseen, special circumstances that in one way or another can distort the results. Be that as it may, such an “exam” can become a starting point in the process of testing your beloved’s fidelity. So, arm yourself with a notepad and pen, and answer the following questions:

How to test your wife for cheating without giving yourself away

Testing a spouse's fidelity should be carried out secretly. The exception would be the situation when you decide to call her for a frank conversation. This approach is not always rational, because it is not difficult for an intelligent and cunning woman to lie, looking into the eyes. However, not everyone has such abilities. If you take the cheater by surprise, she may become confused and confess everything. When planning how to find out about your wife's infidelity, use a simple test. It can give impetus to more radical action.

If your wife is often late at work, keep an eye on her outside of school hours, or even better, ask a stranger about it. Hiring a private investigator is an expensive but effective way. An experienced specialist will never allow himself to be discovered and will collect as much information as possible about the unknown side of his wife’s life. Another way to find out the whole truth is to look at her phone. Frequent calls from an unknown number, love messages - you can really find irrefutable evidence in your personal gadget. Invite your sweetheart to spend the evening together, go to a restaurant, cinema, theater. If her thoughts are occupied with another man, she will avoid spending time together in every possible way.

When trying to find out if your wife is cheating on you, it is important to observe moderation in everything. Excessive jealousy entails clouding of reason. A man who cannot keep his feelings under control makes many mistakes. Inventing something that never actually happened is a piece of cake for him. As a result, even if your beloved never cheated, and all indirect signs were false, excessive suspicions and lack of trust in the relationship will inevitably lead to a breakup.

What happens to a man after a divorce?

I read the following story on one of the forums. Oleg divorced Irina after seven years of marriage. I became depressed, but soon met another girl and felt better. Irina found out about this and wanted to return him. Oleg did not give in at first, but the woman cried and said that she still loved him. As a result, the man believed her and broke up with his new passion.

At first everything was perfect in the revived family. The couple took care of each other, walked hand in hand and seemed happy. Only three months later, Irina left for someone else. Oleg fell into a depression worse than before. I tried to pour alcohol on her - it became harder. I tried to play sports and quit after a week. And for some reason, attempts to start a new relationship failed over and over again.

A year later, Oleg still thinks about Irina. Checks social media and gets angry seeing her photo with someone else. Oleg feels sick and bitter, but he doesn’t tell his friends and family about it. Men shouldn't whine and complain. So he doesn't whine. But he can’t get his ex-wife out of his head. And it’s unclear what to do about it.

In the world, about 15% of divorces are by mutual consent, all the rest are on the initiative of one of the spouses. In most cases, someone is abandoned. This is stressful and a huge blow to self-esteem. After all, if they left you, it means something is wrong with you. It means you're not good enough.

Due to their psychological makeup, it is more difficult for men to survive a divorce, and the process of emotional recovery lasts longer for them. Both the expectations of society and the characteristics of upbringing contribute to this. So it turns out that on the one hand there is mental pain and fallen self-esteem, and on the other hand there is a merciless society to which it is not customary to show these feelings.

In order not to seem like a wimp, a man suppresses emotions and tries to behave as usual. Defensive reactions are activated, which vary depending on the character. This could be alcohol, superficial relationships, or anger at your ex-wife, blaming her for all mortal sins.

Oleg’s defensive reaction was a new relationship. But they didn’t pass the test of strength. Why did the man leave his girlfriend? Because previous relationships remained unresolved. Oleg did not get over the separation from his wife, suppressed his emotions and ran away from them to a new connection. But unlived emotions do not go away. They go into the subconscious and influence our future lives.

What signs of “betrayal” may be false?

Imagine that your significant other has a real sell-out at work. She has no time to drink an extra cup of coffee, she is forced to constantly stay late in order to have time to complete the overwhelming amount of work. At the same time, you decided that all her delays were nothing more than fiction, and you were sure of the presence of a lover. Another situation: your spouse is preparing a surprise for your anniversary, so she tries to talk on the phone so that you can’t hear her. What groundless speculation can lead to in this case is not even worth commenting on. Any facts that could raise doubts about the wife’s fidelity must be supported by evidence.

A happy marriage is built on trust. Jealousy is a natural, healthy feeling towards your chosen one. Women, of course, love it when their man cares, but too intrusive suspicions will definitely not cause admiration. For someone who is constantly puzzled by the question: “Is my wife cheating on me?”, a test in a notebook will not save you! In this case, real psychological help is needed. A specialist will help you sort everything out and give practical advice on how to choose the right tactics of behavior.

Test for wife's infidelity - main signs

The topic of infidelity in marriage has long occupied a special niche in psychology. Experts have developed many tests for infidelity between a wife and husband. By answering a number of specific questions, spouses can figure out whether their experiences are reasonable. Although this method cannot be considered perfect, because there are always unforeseen, special circumstances that in one way or another can distort the results. Be that as it may, such an “exam” can become a starting point in the process of testing your beloved’s fidelity. So, arm yourself with a notepad and pen, and answer the following questions:

How often does your wife stay late at work?

  1. never - 0 points;
  2. 1-2 times a week - 1 point;
  3. regularly - 2 points.

Have your partner's habits changed recently?

  1. no, behaves as before - 0;
  2. rarely, but can do something unusual for her - 1;
  3. yes, behavior has changed dramatically - 2;

How will your wife react to the news about your business trip?

  1. will be upset, cause a scandal - 0;
  2. will not hide dissatisfaction, but will silently let go - 1;
  3. in a good mood, he will help you get ready and lead you to transport - 2;

How sensitive is your spouse to your own phone?

  1. constantly leaves it in a visible place, lets you use it without any problems - 0;
  2. doesn’t like it when you touch the phone, may scream - 1;
  3. always hides the gadget, tries to leave the room during telephone conversations - 2.

If at some entertainment event, an unfamiliar man invites your companion to dance, she:

  1. will ignore the invitation - 0;
  2. politely refuses with obvious awkwardness - 1;
  3. will gladly agree - 2;

If your missus has serious problems at work, you:

  1. will try to provide maximum assistance - 0;
  2. you will find words of support, but will not interfere - 1;
  3. leave everything as it is, let her figure it out - 2;

Does your beloved go on vacation on her own?

  1. no, never - 0;
  2. sometimes travels alone or with friends - 1;
  3. always spends her holidays herself - 2.

Now calculate your total points. You have absolutely nothing to worry about if the number is from 0 to 6. In the range from 7 to 13, there is reason to wonder whether everything is fine in your relationship. If you get 14 points, you have a good reason to conduct an investigation. Based on the test, we can identify the following signs of a wife’s infidelity: changes in behavior, excessive caution when talking on the phone, regular delays at work, freedom in communicating with other men, joy at the slightest opportunity to be left alone.

Probationary period – one year

My advice to you is to wait at least a year to get married after you have already proposed. Sometimes this period can be reduced, but it is better to wait. Women are fickle people. Much depends on their mood: in the spring they are alone, in the fall they are different, in the winter, perhaps, they become despondent, and in the summer, on the contrary, they become overly active.

And don't forget that when a girl wants to please you, she can make a deceptive impression on you.

She will look into your mouth, agree with everything you say, and treat you very respectfully. And then everything can change.

It’s good to do something together at this time. Participate in common projects. Find an opportunity to be with the girl in both business and leisure.

You can go to museums together, you can go to the theater or the skating rink, and talk more. It is important to see a person in a variety of life situations.

Pay attention to how your chosen one communicates with her parents, with her friends, what she likes, how she dresses, how often she goes to church, how she spends her free time, how she spends her vacation. Otherwise, you may end up marrying a girl you don't know at all. And in marriage, your life together will become complete torture - your habits will be so different and incompatible. Therefore, I repeat once again: there is no need to rush.

How to test your wife for cheating without giving yourself away

Testing a spouse's fidelity should be carried out secretly. The exception would be the situation when you decide to call her for a frank conversation. This approach is not always rational, because it is not difficult for an intelligent and cunning woman to lie, looking into the eyes. However, not everyone has such abilities. If you take the cheater by surprise, she may become confused and confess everything. When planning how to find out about your wife's infidelity, use a simple test. It can give impetus to more radical action.

If your wife is often late at work, keep an eye on her outside of school hours, or even better, ask a stranger about it. Hiring a private investigator is an expensive but effective way. An experienced specialist will never allow himself to be discovered and will collect as much information as possible about the unknown side of his wife’s life. Another way to find out the whole truth is to look at her phone. Frequent calls from an unknown number, love messages - you can really find irrefutable evidence in your personal gadget. Invite your sweetheart to spend the evening together, go to a restaurant, cinema, theater. If her thoughts are occupied with another man, she will avoid spending time together in every possible way.

When trying to find out if your wife is cheating on you, it is important to observe moderation in everything. Excessive jealousy entails clouding of reason. A man who cannot keep his feelings under control makes many mistakes. Inventing something that never actually happened is a piece of cake for him. As a result, even if your beloved never cheated, and all indirect signs were false, excessive suspicions and lack of trust in the relationship will inevitably lead to a breakup.

What signs of “betrayal” may be false?

Imagine that your significant other has a real sell-out at work. She has no time to drink an extra cup of coffee, she is forced to constantly stay late in order to have time to complete the overwhelming amount of work. At the same time, you decided that all her delays were nothing more than fiction, and you were sure of the presence of a lover. Another situation: your spouse is preparing a surprise for your anniversary, so she tries to talk on the phone so that you can’t hear her. What groundless speculation can lead to in this case is not even worth commenting on. Any facts that could raise doubts about the wife’s fidelity must be supported by evidence.

A happy marriage is built on trust. Jealousy is a natural, healthy feeling towards your chosen one. Women, of course, love it when their man cares, but too intrusive suspicions will definitely not cause admiration. For someone who is constantly puzzled by the question: “Is my wife cheating on me?”, a test in a notebook will not save you! In this case, real psychological help is needed. A specialist will help you sort everything out and give practical advice on how to choose the right tactics of behavior.


https://masculino.ru/test-vernost-zheny-kak-vse-uznat-navernyaka https://istorii-izmen.ru/kak-proverit-zhenu-na-izmenu-i-ne-vydat-svoih-podozreniy .html https://istorii-izmen.ru/kak-proverit-zhenu-na-izmenu-i-ne-vydat-svoih-podozreniy.html

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