Ethics of proper business communication with subordination and coordination

Subordination - what is it?

Subordination is, translated from Latin, subordination. Subordination as a phenomenon was initially characteristic of the military system, where strict adherence to discipline and subordination to the commander were a matter of life and death. Today, subordination is also a set of rules, laws, and corporate ethics in small and large organizations. Violation of subordination entails the collapse of the authority of the leader and, as a consequence, a violation of discipline in general.

Subordination in business relations. Culture in the “superior-subordinate” relationship.

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Each of us wants to have an even, respectful relationship with our superiors, because so much depends on this, and, first of all, our attitude towards work. But we spend most of our lives at work. What needs to be done and how to behave in order to form the right relationships with managers?

First, let's remember about subordination. Translated from Latin, the word “subordination” means subordination. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, this concept meant exclusively the obedience of soldiers to their senior ranks. At a time when the main occupation of men was participation in hostilities, and strength was considered the main argument, a kind of code was developed, the essence of which boiled down to the following: a subordinate must obey a superior only because he is a superior. Otherwise, due to internal contradictions, there will be neither time nor energy left for the external enemy.

The law of subordination has not changed that much over the past millennia, and it is valid today in any team: all employees are obliged to comply with the same code that we have already talked about - the subordinate must obey the superior, period. It is impossible to imagine such a picture: every morning the general director proves to his subordinates his right to give orders.

The old Roman principle “what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” still works. For example, if the boss calls you by name and “you,” you cannot answer him in the same way, even if you like him very much. If you and he are friends, and in your free time from work you play tennis together and go to visit each other, at work you should address him the same way as other employees.

If you are a leader

What rules must a manager follow if he wants not only to organize work well in a team, but also to enjoy the respect of his subordinates?

— Choose the right tone when communicating with subordinates: a familiar attitude is unacceptable, as is abuse of power.

— Greet your subordinates in a friendly manner and do not forget about the basic form of politeness: the words “thank you,” “please,” “be kind,” and others should not lose their value for you when you become a leader.

— If you want to make some reprimand to your subordinate, call him to your office, but under no circumstances reprimand him in front of other employees.

— If you want to fire a subordinate, do it personally, not through a third party, and, naturally, in private.

— When you fire one of your employees, think about those who remain: they may find this situation extremely unpleasant and frightening. Explain to your subordinates what caused your decision.

If a manager wants his subordinates to respect him, he must treat them with the same respect, so control your words and actions so as not to create negative attitudes from your subordinates, as this in turn can negatively affect work performance. And in general, it’s much more pleasant when there is a friendly atmosphere at work.

If you are a subordinate

The nature of your relationship with your manager is determined by your manager. It is he who defines the boundaries beyond which you should not go.

Even if your manager offers you a less formal relationship, for example, allowing you to address you by first name, remember that he still remains your boss.

Remember also that a colleague who is your equal today may become your boss tomorrow.

Subordination is a system of service relations that arise against the background of hierarchy. That is, the lower-level manager (together with his department) is subordinate to the upper-level managers.

Managers at various levels and employees of the organization interact with each other, adhering to certain rules of behavior. Such regulated relations are the subject of subordination in business relations. The relationship between superior and subordinate must be respectful.

When communicating with subordinates, a manager must be extremely correct. Orders should be given according to the levels of the hierarchy. For example, a top-level manager gives orders to a middle-level manager. And the middle-level manager, in turn, gives orders to the lower-level manager. Failure to comply with this rule of subordination undermines the authority of all managers at once.

Subordination presupposes adherence to the principle of emotional neutrality in relation to subordinates. The manager’s responsibility is to treat all employees with equal and restrained attitude. Personal likes and dislikes have no place here. It is necessary to regulate the availability of the manager to employees. The manager should not be too accessible. Due to the nature of the job responsibilities of individual employees, they need to be separated into a separate group, the members of which will have the right to contact the manager without notification. For other employees, it is necessary to determine the time of the visit. The employee must be sure that, if necessary, he will be able to get an appointment with the manager. If the boss is completely inaccessible to his subordinates, this can lead to a significant loss of information.

In the modern context, subordination serves as the basis for etiquette throughout business and work life and allows us to establish the necessary distance in relationships.

The principles of subordination are a universal concept, although each enterprise has its own level of strictness of compliance with them.

Depending on these components, subsequent tactics should be built. Most likely, the best situation will be when at work you learn professional skills from each other, and communicate over a shorter distance - during breaks and at informal events.

We maintain subordination or “Friendship is friendship, and work is work.”

This expression symbolizes the position that management should take towards its employees. In the reality of business, it turns out that the boss uses his subordinates in the same way as any other person outside his company. He pays money for travel on the subway, for dinner and service in a restaurant, for refueling his car at the station, and in return receives work done by other people. The attitude towards your employees should be based on the “boss-subordinate” principle. When management not only realizes this, but also acts accordingly, the business will move forward.

The boss needs to accept, albeit forced, the position of an exploiter in relation to his workers. There can be no talk of any affection, softness or sentimentality. The manager pays money for others to do the work assigned to him in the way he considers correct.

Prudence and cynicism seem to be one of the most important qualities of a good boss. It is with the help of these qualities that he achieves maximum efficiency from his subordinates and achieves his goals.

You should not be tormented by remorse that even slightly manifests itself in you. After all, no one forces other people to work for you. If they have accepted your rules, then they themselves must understand what is required of them and do their job conscientiously.

When a real boss sets certain goals for himself, nothing should stand in his way in achieving them. The policy of a good manager is always tough and demanding, but it is precisely this that allows you to take the quality of employee work to a potentially new level.

Business communication “top-down” (manager-subordinate) - subordination

The attitude of a manager towards his subordinates influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines its moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that standards and patterns of behavior are primarily formed. Let's note some of them.

If an employee does not follow your instructions, you need to let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may think that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager has not made an appropriate remark to the subordinate, then he is simply not fulfilling his duties. subordination hierarchy business communication.

· Criticize actions and actions, not the person’s personality.

· Never advise a subordinate on what to do in personal matters. If the advice helps, you probably won't be thanked. If it doesn’t help, you will have full responsibility.

· Never give employees the opportunity to notice that you are not in control of the situation if you want to maintain their respect.

· Observe the principle of distributive justice: the greater the merit, the greater the reward.

· Encourage your team even if success is achieved mainly due to the success of the leader himself.

· Strengthen your subordinate's self-esteem. A job well done deserves not only material, but also moral encouragement. Don’t be lazy to praise your employee once again.

· Protect your subordinates and be loyal to them.

Choose the right form of order, taking into account, first of all, two factors: the situation, the availability of time for nuances, the personality of the subordinate - who is in front of you, a conscientious and qualified worker or a person who needs to be pushed at every step. Depending on this, one should choose the most ethically acceptable norms of behavior and forms of command.

Business communication “bottom-up” (subordinate - manager) - subordination

Here are some essential ethical standards and principles that you can use in your business communication with your manager.

· Try to help the manager in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team and strengthening fair relationships. Remember that your manager needs this first.

· Do not try to impose your point of view on the manager or command him. Make your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely. You cannot directly order him to do anything, but you can say: “How would you feel if...?” etc.

· Do not talk to your boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always says yes becomes annoying and comes across as a flatterer. A person who always says “no” is a constant irritant.

· Be loyal and reliable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own character and principles. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon; his actions cannot be foreseen.

· Do not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. “over the head”, directly to your manager’s manager, except in emergency cases. Otherwise, your behavior may be perceived as disrespect or disregard for your boss's opinion or as doubting his competence. In any case, your immediate supervisor in this case loses authority and dignity.

· If you have been given responsibility, gently raise the question of your rights. Remember that responsibility cannot be realized without an appropriate degree of freedom of action.

Business communication “horizontally” (employee-employee) - coordination

In relation to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult matter. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within one organization. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the general management team. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal to each other.

Business gifts.

There are many reasons for giving. Some are associated with significant stages and events in a person’s personal life and activities. Others have a system for maintaining and developing relationships. Still others - with holiday calendar dates. And the same is true for stages and events in the life of an organization; maintaining and forming relationships with business partners and socially significant connections; holiday dates.

The purpose of a gift in business life is a sign of attention, a demonstration of respect, a manifestation of good intentions, interest in contacts, helping to create an atmosphere of goodwill, gratitude for fruitful cooperation.

Firms should develop their own policies on this issue. Raising money for gifts for everyone's birthday, the birth of a child, or retirement can be expensive and cause frustration and dissatisfaction among employees. If your company has a specific policy on this issue, inform new hires about it. and remind your staff in an annual memo.

First, let's look at some recommendations and experiences related to gifts at work, within the team. Office etiquette is hierarchical in nature and strictly takes into account the system of interaction between employees and managers - the service vertical. According to official etiquette, it is not customary for employees to present individual gifts to their managers. They can give a collective gift for the New Year or for some special occasion. However, if the team has a tradition of giving gifts to all men by February 23 or May 9, and women by March 8, then the managers - woman or man - cannot be ignored. The manager's secretary can take part in the general gift or? if they have been working together for a long time, present a modest souvenir from yourself.

Gifts to a manager—an official on whom employees largely depend—should not be too expensive, as this may put him in an uncomfortable position or make him think about the true motives of this gift.

The head of a department of an organization can give a gift to an employee only on a legal and obvious basis, so as not to provoke gossip and gossip in the team. The reason for presenting a gift can be a major achievement in work, successful completion of a project, overtime work, etc.; such personal events as the birth of a child, marriage, graduation from an educational institution, defense of a diploma, dissertation, and, finally, an anniversary. And a very special case is the employee’s retirement. Management usually determines what type of gift is given on behalf of the enterprise or firm. Traditionally, this could be expensive watches, crystal audio and video equipment. At the same time, merits and contributions to the prosperity of the organization are taken into account. The gift can be engraved with the name of the employee, the start and end dates of his service in the company - as a keepsake. Usually, employees actively participate in the honoring procedure. They present their gifts, flowers, and talk with humor and gratitude about individual episodes of this person’s biography.

When colleagues, in connection with an important event in the life of a colleague, want to give something more valuable and memorable instead of a small gift, they collect money for a collective gift. Everyone, including the immediate superior, contributes as much as they can. The principle is absolute voluntariness. Some organizations create a special gift fund to avoid the practice of constant hoarding. The amount of the contribution or percentage of the salary, as well as the principles for spending funds from the general treasury, are collectively determined. The main thing is that the purchase of gifts is not formalized, people do not consider them as a form of “returning their own money.”

Individual gifts that employees who are not related by subordination give to each other belong to the sphere of interpersonal relations. There is no regulation here. Official etiquette requires them only to show tact and modesty and recommends presenting their gift without demonstration, in a non-official setting.

Gifts that business partners give on various occasions, including New Year and Christmas, can vary from souvenir pocket calendars, pennants with the company logo, a bottle of good wine to very valuable gifts. In a doubtful situation, managers and ordinary employees should not forget about their company's policy in this matter. In some cases, you need to politely thank for your attention and resolutely refuse the gift. This is a very responsible act, unpleasant for the donor. The refusal can be motivated only by the principled police of the company or, in special cases, associated with a violation of tact by the donor, whose behavior is perceived as pressure. Duty leaves no choice.

In the event that you yourself are going to give something to your partner, you should inquire in advance about the policy of the partner company in this area. There may be restrictions and simply prohibitions in an organization. But even then, when there are no official obstacles, buy something of good taste, but not very expensive, perhaps purely symbolic.

You should beware of offerings to officials, prominent businessmen, government officials, and bank employees. It is very easy to make a faux pas here. This also applies to their secretaries, assistants, assistants. It should be noted that the secretaries and employees themselves need to be very scrupulous and avoid gifts from “their own” and from “strangers”.

Choosing a business gift

How to choose a gift?

The main thing is to think about the person and correlate your gift with the occasion. If you don’t know a person’s tastes and interests well enough, ask his friends, colleagues, and family members about them in advance. Don’t focus only on yourself, your taste, your interests. Andre Maurois has a very subtle remark about this. “Men for the most part tend to believe that a woman will enjoy what they themselves enjoy. What could be more wrong than such an idea? I admire such and such a philosopher and am ready to give the complete collection of works to the one who would prefer the cheapest fur, the most modest decoration, even flowers. GIFTS SHOULD BE CHOSEN FOR THE ONE FOR WHOM THEY ARE INTENDED, AND NOT FOR THE ONE WHO PRESENTS THEM.”

Gifts to officials, business partners, colleagues, friends, relatives or acquaintances have their own specifics.

Initially - personal items, linen can only be given to very close ones.

Many reputable organizations create a special gift fund, which is constantly replenished. It is considered good form when an organization has souvenirs with a company logo. They can be of different prices - souvenirs and gifts.

Representatives of a manufacturing company sometimes give their partners samples of their products or mock-ups. These gifts are subject to general ethical guidelines. We must not forget that gifts and souvenirs with a catchy company logo belong to the category of promotional products and it is appropriate to give them only when the advertising goals coincide with the idea of ​​the gift.

Regarding cash gifts

The head of the organization, work colleagues can present money to the hero of the day, new settler. Close relatives, friends - present money to the newlyweds, new settlers. Cash gifts are given in an envelope along with a congratulatory letter or address.

Abroad, cash gifts are more common than here. They give money in an envelope, a bank check, a target check for a purchase in a specific store, they pay for a weekend in a beautiful place. Newlyweds may be given carte blanche to hire a car for one or more days if it is known that they intend to rent one.

If monetary gifts raise doubts among many, flowers can be given on any occasion. As a gift and in addition to it. In recent years, men have also been happy to accept them on special occasions in their personal and business lives. Flowers are given to business partners on the occasion of a significant event, as a sign of greeting or gratitude for participating in a particular event, or a joint trip.

The gift must be beautifully packaged and must not be anonymous. It must be accompanied by a business card or congratulations. The cellophane wrapper is removed from fresh flowers if it is not part of the arrangement. Flowers are given in the package at the airport or at a train station upon meeting.

Much attention is paid to the presentation procedure itself, to the person who directly presents the gift, to the words of congratulations, verbal and written (address). It is necessary to take into account the place where the gift will be presented - at a solemn official celebration in a friendly circle of department employees, during a visit to a business partner, at a large family celebration, at a small party, tete-a-tete

Receiving gifts is also an art

Gratitude is a sign of etiquette that requires observing certain rules of good manners. The gift should be accepted carefully, and not “by the way.” Looking your interlocutor in the eyes, give him (her) your best smile and thank him. Then unwrap the gift and thank him again for his attention, choice, time, good taste, wit, rarity, practicality, guessed desire, pleasant surprise, etc. And all this regardless of whether this gift is a modest sign of friendly feelings or represents something valuable. By the way, showing “super gifts” to other guests is not entirely correct. You also need to find words in the case when you don’t like the gift.

The issue of gifts is one of the most delicate in business relationships. Gifts, like speech, are a means of communication both within the organization and outside it - with domestic and foreign business partners.

Much depends on mutual understanding, personal qualities, and interests of each other. If you know your partner well enough, and your gift matches his interests and tastes, then it is usually accepted with sincere gratitude. If you are meeting your partner for the first time, then you should not rush into giving a gift, especially an expensive one. The reaction may be the opposite of what you expect. Thus, a gift can be regarded as:

• expression of your dependence on your partner;

• evidence of your self-interest;

• a sign that you simply do not need the item being given.

Giving requires great tact and taste. There are no general rules for all cases of life here. It is most often accepted that during the first meeting, gifts are presented by the hosts, not the guests. Therefore, it is imperative to present something to the arriving foreign representative as a sign that he is considered an honorary client and expects a long-term relationship. At subsequent meetings, the exchange of gifts becomes mandatory.

Gifts should be given strictly according to rank. It is undesirable for the head and members of the delegation to give identical gifts during negotiations; this will be regarded as an insult (representatives of Asian countries are especially sensitive to insubordination).

Particular attention should be paid to gift packaging. Unattractive packaging can ruin the donor's efforts. When receiving a gift, be sure to immediately open the package and express admiration, otherwise the giver may regard your indifference as disrespect for him. Repeating a gift (except for alcoholic drinks, chocolate sets, flowers) is considered a serious violation of etiquette.

Gifts will look more meaningful if they are decorated with an engraving or monogram, the logo of your company or the initials of the person to whom the gift is intended.

It is appropriate to give your friends a box of expensive chocolates (it is not customary to give loose sweets), cognac, champagne, or a set of vintage wines. It should be borne in mind that it is indecent to give a bottle without packaging. It is considered indecent to serve strong drinks to the weaker sex.

You should not give icons, pearls, handkerchiefs, watches, mirrors, knives (this is a bad omen in both the West and the East). It is not recommended to give matryoshka dolls and samovars - almost every foreigner has them.

Unlike other gifts, flowers are given by removing the paper. The exception is expensive packaging, which may not be removed on particularly special occasions (for example, an anniversary). When sending a basket of flowers or a bouquet, you should include a business card or a note with good wishes. Men are not given flowers, except on anniversaries. A married man does not give flowers to a girl, and a woman does not give flowers to a man.

Refusing a gift is a very responsible act, which can be motivated solely by the principled position or tactlessness of the giver.

In addition to general reasons for giving gifts (i.e., demonstrations of goodwill and advertising), there are many private reasons and excuses for giving something to employees, clients, customers, and service personnel. This is possible when congratulating on the birth of a child, marriage, an increase in salary or position, receiving an award, publication in a newspaper or appearance on television; a new job, obtaining an academic degree, a major achievement.

Gifts can also be given on the occasion of retirement, anniversary birthdays, wedding anniversaries, milestones in work life, transfer to another department or city, change of profession, purchase of a new home.

Gifts are possible for the following reasons:

• as a sign of gratitude (for overtime work performed at an inconvenient time for a person; for completing an urgent task and completely disinterested, conscientious assistance; for an invitation to a business breakfast, lunch, dinner, or other event);

• as an apology for misunderstandings or offense caused to someone;

• as a sign of sympathy or condolences: in connection with the death of loved ones, failure in career or financial affairs.

The closer the gift is given to the event in connection with which it was given, the better.

If you need to communicate with foreigners and exchange gifts, you need to stop at some point, leaving your partner with a pleasant feeling of victory in this competition.

Representatives of different countries have different attitudes towards giving. In Great Britain, a certain ritual of gifting has been developed and a range of goods has been defined that are considered specifically as gifts. These are calendars, notebooks, lighters, branded fountain pens, and at Christmas - alcoholic drinks. Other goods are viewed not as signs of attention, but as a means of putting pressure on a partner. In business relations, it is better for Russian businessmen not only not to ask for gifts, but also to behave in such a way as to exclude the possibility of giving to an English company. This will make your reputation as a business partner much higher.

In Finland, during the holidays, especially Christmas and New Year, it is customary to congratulate friends and colleagues. It is best to give a beautiful card so as not to embarrass your partner with an expensive gift. In Germany, gifts are not accepted in business communications. In Turkey, any business reception ends with the presentation of small souvenirs to the invitees ("plaques" are popular among Turkish business people - bronze or brass tables packed in a velvet box with a stand with the company logo and a memorable signature). In response, a memorial sign from the company may also be presented.

In Latin America, it is customary to give calendars, branded fountain pens, notebooks, drinks, handicrafts, colorfully decorated baskets with a selection of products for the holiday table.

With the exception of Christmas, North Americans have no set dates for gift-giving, nor do they have specific items designated for this purpose. However, it is recommended that US business partners make relatively inexpensive gifts (no more than $50, preferably $10 - $25), except in special cases when the gift is given by someone from the top management of the corporation. It should be noted that the exchange of gifts between people in the West is not as widespread as in Russia, so gifting should be treated with caution. When negotiating with Asian businessmen, it is almost impossible to do without gifts.

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Rules of subordination

Strict adherence to the rules and regulations of relations helps to maintain subordination in organizations:

  1. The task is assigned by the head of the department in which the subordinate works.
  2. For errors in execution, both the employee and the immediate supervisor are punished.
  3. Responsibility for the assigned task lies entirely with the one who performs it.
  4. The possibility of contacting senior management is agreed upon with the head of the department.
  5. A senior manager, when interacting with a middle manager and his subordinates, discusses only the results of the work of the team as a whole, without criticism of the department head.
  6. A uniform form of address among employees of different status (for example, by first name and patronymic).

Simply put

The meaning of the word “subordination” in simple words looks like this: assimilation of one’s own place on the hierarchical ladder. That is, the child must know and understand that he is lower than adults; submission to them is the direct responsibility of the child.

The same story with subordinates. There are situations in life in which a person ceases to control himself, forgetting about his own status and location among colleagues. This example is not given as an insult to people working in certain positions: the secretary begins to behave in a familiar manner with her own director. He calls him by name, greets him and says goodbye as if he were a friend. This is a violation of subordination; she does not understand her place on the career ladder, considering herself equal to the director. People are all equal, no one argues with this, but at work you should behave according to your position.

The meaning of the word “subordination” has become more clear, right? If so, it’s time to move on to its morphemic analysis.

Subordination at work

Maintaining subordination in a team promotes discipline and business relationships based on respect. What is subordination at work? Sociology distinguishes 2 types of subordination, with the peculiarities of subordination inherent in each:

  1. Vertical subordination.
    The leader is a subordinate. Hierarchy from top to bottom. Carrying out orders from senior management.
  2. Horizontal subordination.
    Relationships between colleagues of the same rank. There is partnership and equality here. Assumes goodwill and equal distribution of work among employees.

How to force a subordinate to comply with subordination?

Respect for people, their work and the contribution that employees make to the functioning of the organization evokes reciprocal respect for managers, and then maintaining subordination at work is a natural process. Any activity of the organization is regulated, the relationship between the boss and the subordinate is also based on the rules and specific traditions of the company. In order for an employee to comply with subordination, the following recommendations exist:

  1. When hiring a new employee, they are introduced to the rules of corporate ethics and culture.
  2. A leader for whom authority among subordinates is important strives for flexible relationships, without authoritarianism and humiliation.
  3. Following the chain of command by the managers themselves. All orders are issued in the order: superior - immediate department head - employee. Violation of subordination often occurs through the fault of the managers themselves, when the scheme is violated: a superior manager gives an order to an employee, bypassing the immediate manager, whose authority before his subordinates falls after several such situations.

How to punish staff for insubordination?

What does non-compliance with subordination in the work team entail? Chaos, discord and confusion between the workers themselves, and undermining the authority of their superiors. The reason for non-compliance with obedience often lies in the person’s poor upbringing and character. People prone to intrigue and conflict put themselves above others. What to do if discipline has already been violated? Penalties for failure to comply with subordination at the initial stages:

  1. A remark, and subsequently a reprimand.
  2. Monetary recovery. System of monetary fines.
  3. Dismissal. An extremely rare form of punishment (in some organizations, insubordination is equated to false information).

Types of subordination

Most enterprises are built on the basis of a complex structure. Therefore, subordination is divided into two vectors – horizontal and vertical.

The characteristic features of each species are described as follows:

  1. Vertical subordination determines the characteristics of relationships from top to bottom, that is, the relationship between the boss and an ordinary employee, as well as from the bottom up - between subordinates and management. According to this structure, the employee is obliged to follow the orders of his superiors, monitor the correctness of his behavior, and maintain distance. Familiar attitude, categorical statements towards management and humorous phrases are not allowed. The manager, in turn, should not discuss his problems and personal life with his subordinates, and should not forgive indiscipline and disruption of the work process by his subordinates. You should also not show authoritarianism and contempt towards them.
  2. Horizontal establishes proper relationships between colleagues working in the same organization and between superiors at the same level. With such a structure, equal cooperation is encouraged, aimed at demonstrating goodwill between colleagues, as well as the distribution of responsibilities in an equal amount.

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Types of subordination: horizontal

Subordination in the army

Military chain of command is based on the centuries-old tradition of soldiers subordinating to their commander. Degrees, ranks, all this is reflected in military equipment, knowledge of which allows military men of different ranks to greet each other in a certain way and pay honor or tribute. Subordination in the army is a necessary and important element, without which chaos and mayhem would reign. Subordination includes:

  • unquestioning subordination of the junior in rank to the senior;
  • when completing a task or order, management is immediately informed about this;
  • Failure to comply with the order will result in criminal liability;
  • adherence to army regulations and established traditions;
  • accurate execution of commands and greetings.

Vertical chain of command

In order for subordination not to become authoritarian, it is necessary to learn the key principles underlying it:

  • Respect

If you want to maintain a work atmosphere, complete tasks by deadlines and not waste several hours on personal conversations, then it is important to maintain chain of command. But, meanwhile, it is very important to respect your employees and colleagues, and also learn to create psychological comfort in communication.

  • Hierarchy

Usually in large organizations there is a hierarchy: various orders are given one step lower. Subordinates should not run to the CEO with any question; they must first get an answer from their closest superiors. For example, in my company there is a deputy who takes control of many tasks.

  • Neutrality

This principle states that employees should be treated equally, regardless of their gender, skin color, sexual preference, personality, and so on.

  • Limitation

The manager should be available to his employees, but in a limited way. For example, you can communicate only through a personal assistant or have certain days for meetings and calls. In my practice I use both.

Subordination in the family

The concept of subordination in family relationships is based on the criteria of “senior – junior”. Traditionally, the husband is the head of the family. Since the times of patriarchy, male leadership has strengthened; echoes of this can be seen in many families, where the principles of housebuilding have been preserved and great importance is attached to Christian morality. Subordination in the family is based on the following principles:

  1. A clear division of responsibilities between spouses: housekeeping rests entirely with the woman, while the man provides money and makes decisions regarding raising children.
  2. The wife recognizes her husband's authority. This does not mean, as they used to say: “Let the wife fear her husband!”, but that a man, as the eldest in the house, is a protector and breadwinner, and therefore worthy of respect and veneration.

In a modern family, roles are often confused, a woman earns more than a man, she works for two people, so the concept of subordination is blurred. A man in such a family no longer feels like an authority; this is also facilitated by the wife, who constantly emphasizes her superiority. In families where respect reigns, subordination is observed regardless of who earns how much.

Types of subordination

Subordination can be vertical or horizontal.

The vertical vector of subordination is used in relations between persons at different levels of the hierarchical ladder. For example, this is the relationship “boss → subordinate”, i.e. “top → down.”

The positive aspect of vertical subordination is that there is a clear distribution of “roles”; there is no need to waste time figuring out “who owes what to whom.” There is also a downside - a decrease in initiative on the part of employees regarding the essence and course of the work process.

Horizontal subordination implies relationships between persons of the same hierarchical level.

In this case, the basis of the relationship is equality, therefore subordination is manifested only in the observance of universal moral and ethical standards.

Horizontal subordination

Horizontal subordination is communication between people in equal positions. With horizontal subordination, rules of communication are put forward in which mutual respect, equality and mutually beneficial partnership are welcomed. The advantages of this model of relationships in a team are obvious, because with the proper attitude to work, cooperation will be successful and long-term.

If employees respect each other, there are real prerequisites for long-term cooperation, the result of which can be the creation of something truly useful. But this type of subordination has its drawbacks, because everyone needs:

  • Maintain distance, even if employees occupy positions at the same level;
  • The risk of employees using you for personal gain, which usually happens when relationships become friendly

How to avoid becoming familiar?

There are companies where the corporate culture is built almost like a family. This usually happens in companies with a small number of employees (up to 30 people). Here everyone knows each other well, everyone is happy or sad together. If you are constantly being approached with personal conversations or requests, perhaps you just happen to be in a company where this is accepted and considered normal?

But if the discussion of your personal life turns into open gossip and gossip, then you will have to resist the onslaught of curious colleagues. Simple silence, with a smile and a calm “No,” can stop even the most annoying communication that distracts you from your work. In any case, you have no right to answer questions about your personal life. A little time will pass and interest in you will simply disappear.

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