Personality accentuation according to Leonhard


Emotivity is a person’s tendency to experience impressions in his life for a long time and deeply, both positive and negative. In childhood, this quality is often associated with fearfulness due to excessive sensitivity. If a child’s closest circle consists of familiar people, then he will feel confident and remain sociable.

  1. Characterized by the presence of deep reactions and increased sensitivity.
  2. They treat the world humanely, sympathetic and kind-hearted.
  3. The condition of such a person will be manifested by special facial expressions.
  4. Such people, more than others, receive incredible pleasure when communicating with nature.
  5. An emotive person reacts more seriously to any event in his life than other people.
  6. Such individuals easily succumb to compassion and pity; they cannot restrain their feelings, for example, when watching a melodrama or reading a dramatic book.
  7. The life guidelines of such individuals are good relationships with colleagues and superiors.
  8. Such individuals extremely rarely change jobs, because after adapting to the team, they do not want changes.
  9. Such a person may experience mood swings. They can see the world around them, both bright and dim.
  10. Their interests and hobbies are unstable.
  11. Such people will not apply for a leadership position.
  12. When communicating with people, emotional contact is important to them.
  13. In the team they strive to take the place of the favorite.
  14. Such a person has a fairly developed intuition, which allows him to determine how others treat him.
  15. Such an individual is prone to altruism and will sacrifice himself without hesitation.
  16. Such a person cannot work in a place where strict orders must be followed. The fact is that such individuals take other people’s pain very close to their hearts, which is why they can suffer.
  17. This personality reacts sharply to criticism, remarks, and own failures. This leads to the fact that most often she is in a sad mood.
  18. Such an individual will prefer a small circle of relatives and friends who will understand him.
  19. Tries not to get into conflict situations. If this happens, then take a passive position.
  20. He will not demonstrate that the offended person will keep the painful thing to himself.
  21. Most often, emotive individuals are good family men.
  22. The presence of mental wounds in the presence of a serious degree of the problem can lead to reactive depression and even a suicide attempt. In such individuals, the degree of depression corresponds to the size of the event that occurred. A situation that can bring a person closer to reactive depression is when a soft-hearted person, under the influence of certain events, begins to feel oppressed and loses the strength to resist. Such a person is not able to go against fate, to resist the opinions of other people.

The sincerity and kindness of people of this type is based on the strong external manifestation of their reactions. If we turn to graphology and analyze the handwriting of an emotive person, we can determine whether he belongs to this psychotype by writing literature “r”. If we turn to physiognomy, then thick and long eyelashes may indicate the presence of emotiveness. And the longer they are, the more sentimentality and compassion appear in a person.

An emotional person should not be around people who behave rudely or are rude. They do not tolerate injustice.

Such a person can achieve great results in medicine, caring for animals and plants, raising children and in art.

Unstable type

Dunno is a typical unstable type

An unstable type of character accentuation determines a person’s laziness and reluctance to work or study. These people have a pronounced craving for entertainment, idle pastime, and idleness. Their ideal is to remain without outside control and be left to their own devices. They are sociable, open, helpful. They talk a lot. Sex for them is a source of entertainment, sexual life begins early, the feeling of love is often unfamiliar to them. Prone to consuming alcohol and drugs.

Scientists have defined this type in different terms at different times. Thus, the famous psychiatrist Kraepelin called him an unrestrained, and later an unstable type, and Schneider, wanting to emphasize the main feature of this type - lack of will - “weak-willed”, “weak-willed”.

The main disadvantage of people of this type comes to the fore when it comes to study, work, carrying out orders from elders, relatives, and duties assigned by society - this is lack of will, or weakness of will. Even when choosing entertainment, they prefer what is at hand, without bothering themselves with organizing entertainment events or hobbies.

Even in childhood, such people have difficulty learning basic rules of behavior and have to be constantly supervised. They are disobedient, do not pay attention to accepted standards of behavior, interfere everywhere, but at the same time they are easy to rein in for a while, because they are afraid and easily obey other children and leaders.

From the first grade at school, their laziness and reluctance to learn is evident. They can achieve success only with strict daily supervision from adults, and the slightest relaxation leads to shirking from classes. They look for entertainment early, run away from classes to go to the movies, or simply skip out “for company.”

They are like a magnet - everything bad is attracted to them. They easily commit minor violations, theft, hooliganism and are constantly ready to spend all their free time in street companies, in idleness and idleness. They are drawn to antisocial people, they start smoking and drinking early, and then use stronger substitutes for a “fun life” - drugs. Due to weakness of will or weak character, drinking, partying, and adventures gradually become their way of life.

Only under conditions of strict guardianship, if they fall into the hands of a person with a strong will, for example a wife or husband, can they live quite happily and be useful to society. But guardianship must be permanent. You need to “stand over them with a stick” all the time - both at home and at work - to urge, scold, demand and oblige, “using the carrot and stick method.” As soon as the “reins of control” are released, they may begin to drink too much, lose at cards, etc.

An unstable type of accentuation can also occur in combination with other types, for example with hyperthymic, - then it acquires the color of hyperthymic and it can be called hyperthymic-unstable, if together with hysteroid - then, accordingly, hysteroid-unstable. This type is found, as a rule, among male teenagers, less often among adults. Apparently, people of this type often become chronic alcoholics and drug addicts, whose manifestations make it difficult to remember this accentuation.


Sometimes the character traits of such a person may not allow their owner to live a normal life. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust your behavior.

  1. Complete peace of mind. When uncertainty or some kind of fear strikes, you need to remember a good event from the past that gave you a lot of positive emotions, and try to feel what you felt then. You need to try to relax, feel complete calm and maintain this state for as long as possible.
  2. Movie hero. If difficult situations arise in life, you need to try on the role of a movie hero, be strong and completely confident in yourself. This will not only help you cope with problems, but also get rid of excessive shyness and increase self-esteem.
  3. Wider circle. The essence of this training is to learn to expand your environment and communicate more with new people.
  4. Counter humor. A situation where a person is bullied, ridiculed by people, classmates, and work colleagues. If this occurs, the emotive person’s self-esteem begins to decline, she becomes upset and embarrassed. It’s correct to respond in kind, but you need to speak without excessive anger and remain good-natured.

type Dysthymic personality

- these are people with a constantly low mood, directly opposite to hyperthymic individuals, although they are much less common. With a more severe manifestation, depressive accentuations and subdepressive psychopathy can be noted. In life, they see only the dark sides and cannot see real life with its joys due to the fact that before their eyes there is, as it were, a filter that allows only the dark and sad to pass through.

Even when they are having fun, laughing, they think that it will soon end, that they are laughing “not for good,” and even at this time the thought of the short-term nature of joy does not leave them. No matter what time they talk about, they have a gloomy outlook on life.

Thus, remembering their past life, they experience remorse and a sense of guilt about committed or imaginary mistakes, they look into the future with pessimism, and experience the present with sadness and sadness. They give the impression of gloomy, stubborn, unsociable, overly serious, taciturn people to those around them. But in the circle of very close people, they show kindness and responsiveness, empathy and warmth, and can be cheerful and talkative, although this rarely happens, only at family parties and meetings.

Dysthymic personalities

- usually serious people in everything, with high moral principles, with a highly developed sense of justice. These qualities are what first attract others to them.

A dysthymic person can be recognized by his appearance: in all his movements, facial expressions, posture, some kind of inhibition and slowness is visible; relaxed posture, stingy, sluggish gestures, slow gait, downturned corners of the mouth and eyes (usually this is how a sad face is drawn), arms hanging like whips.

Dysthymic type accentuations

appear already in childhood: such children are distinguished by their thoughtfulness, slowness, timidity, tearfulness and capriciousness. They also manifest themselves during periods of crisis, in adolescence.

For example, a completely normal teenager begins to show dysthymic traits: an internal feeling of guilt and inferiority intensifies, thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence, melancholy, causeless sadness, and pessimism appear that are not typical of this age. Later, these traits either strengthen or weaken, pursuing the individual throughout Life, until old age.

Some of these people understand their condition and fight it with willpower. At this time, they want to appear cheerful and cheerful to others, and they succeed. But such a state requires a lot of internal strength, and when they run out, the will weakens, you can see how the “mask” falls off and the true face of the dysthymic person comes out.

If we look at dysthymic from the point of view of the Hippocratic classification, we can note that most often dysthymic accentuation of the dysthymic type occurs in persons of melancholic temperament.

With the right choice of profession, dysthymic individuals achieve great success in those areas of professional activity that do not require speed, energy, constant communication, or making responsible decisions. Among them may be people of creative professions - writers, artists, composers, as well as programmers, translators, scientists, architects, etc.

Under unfavorable conditions, people with dysthymic accentuation may develop subdepressive psychopathy, sometimes leading to suicide or suicide attempts.

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Features of children and rules for their upbringing

  1. Children with an emotive personality type are characterized by kindness, increased sensitivity, responsiveness, and emotional behavior.
  2. Such a child will not be cruel, demanding and assertive. However, he lacks decisiveness. People around may see such a child as a weak-willed person.
  3. Emotive toddlers demonstrate excessive sensitivity from an early age; such children are obedient, they sympathize with their loved ones, and take care of them.
  4. The behavior of such kids will not cause inconvenience to anyone. They will easily forgive the offender, will not try to create competition for someone, and will not resist directed aggression.
  5. Such children experience personal injuries very acutely, even if they are inflicted on loved ones.
  6. One of the important traits of an emotive character is a sense of harmony. The child tries to create it in everything. Even by looking at the drawing of such a toddler, you can see how harmoniously the colors are chosen.
  7. A child with this type of personality prefers soft fabrics and shapes in clothing. He doesn't like bright color combinations; everything should be soft.
  8. An emotive girl will not ask for lush bows. She prefers regular ponytails.
  9. Such little ones greatly depend on how close people feel about them. They will actively show a desire to communicate with relatives and will easily move to the level of trusting relationships.
  10. Such a child will never upset his parents with bad behavior or poor performance at school.
  11. Such a child, if he has done something wrong, will immediately feel the displeasure and coldness of his parents, will begin to engage in self-accusation, soul-searching, will want to retire and become despondent.
  12. Such children dream of a pet, especially a dog.
  13. Emotive kids behave modestly, they are overly shy, and try not to attract attention to themselves. As a result, they become invisible, do not show their emotions, and if there are problems, they may not even tell their mother about what happened.
  14. Such a child will have a very difficult time experiencing the aggression that is directed at him, as well as the problem of relationships. It is very difficult for him to come to terms with the birth of a new baby and the loss of parental attention. The performance of an emotional student, as well as his well-being, directly depends on relationships with peers, parents and teachers.

If you have an emotional child, then you need to know how to raise him correctly, how to communicate with him.

  1. A child who feels guilty will begin to blame himself. Therefore, the task of parents is to teach their child to remain calm in any situation, not to worry, and not to overexert.
  2. It is important from time to time to be interested in what is in the child’s soul, what he feels, what worries him, what he is worried about.
  3. Sometimes parents who are raising such children notice their compassion and empathy and try to further develop these qualities. As a result, the baby will become defenseless. Parents must teach such a child to stand up for himself and be able to refuse. It is important to gently convey all this to the child, without being too rude or intrusive.
  4. You cannot demand from a child what he cannot do.
  5. The decision that a child needs to be sent to a karate class can cause harm to him. Such an act will act against the inner nature of the baby.

Now you know what the emotive character of a person is. You need to understand that such individuals are extremely sensitive and this must be taken into account when communicating with them. If an emotive child has the right upbringing and grows up in a normal atmosphere, he will become the happiest child.

Anxiety as a character trait

In domestic and foreign psychology, several classifications of character types have been developed depending on accentuation. Each of them has an anxious (anxious-suspicious, anxious-fearful) personality type.

An anxious personality type is characterized by hypertrophied anxiety. Such people are worried, nervous, afraid, worried about everything: about themselves, about loved ones, about the future. They are extremely suspicious, superstitious, and can discern a lot of potential dangers in any event.

Anxious people doubt themselves, the correctness of their thoughts, and the appropriateness of their actions. Anxiety breeds timidity, modesty, lack of initiative and indecision. Having once made a mistake, anxious individuals choose tactics of inaction or avoidance of such situations, as they are afraid of making a mistake again. Failures and mistakes are experienced by anxious individuals hard, deeply and for a long time.

Fears and phobias are frequent companions of anxiety. Adults know how to hide and control fear and panic, but the problems caused by them remain unresolved. The process of socialization and adaptation is disrupted, and social activity is reduced.

Anxious individuals do not know how to say “no”, defend their point of view, argue, when communicating with people older in age and social status, they speak modestly, quietly, are afraid to look the interlocutor in the eyes, and may begin to stutter. They are extremely vulnerable. A low threshold for stress tolerance hinders them both in the personal and professional spheres.

Despite all the seeming ineffectiveness of behavior with an anxious accentuation of character, there are also positive traits of an anxious personality.

Positive personality traits:

  • caution,
  • prudence,
  • diligence,
  • responsibility,
  • self-criticism,
  • goodwill,
  • responsiveness.
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