The main types of accentuations and their impact on personality

Accentuations of Lichko's character

Each person has stable personality characteristics, temperament, demeanor, style of communication with others and reactions to various circumstances. All these traits can be called in one word - character. It is he who gives the individual distinctive properties and makes him an individual.

Not all character traits are positive. Some cause a lot of difficulties in the life of their owner. These features, as a rule, are congenital, and in the process of socialization they can undergo changes. Maybe the subject will be able to suppress them altogether in everyday life. But in a critical situation, negative qualities can manifest themselves very clearly.

Accentuation of character is the excessive expression of its individual properties. This personality trait affects behavior and actions, attitude towards oneself and others. This is an extreme variant of the norm, which is not considered a mental disorder. Among young people, obvious or hidden accentuations are found in 95% of those examined. Growing up, a person smoothes out undesirable features, and the number of accentuations decreases to 50-60%.

Excessive expression of certain characteristics is not always harmful. For example, people with a hysterical type are talented actors, and those with a hyperthymic type are positive, sociable and can find a common language with any person.


Children who have an introverted character usually avoid communicating with their peers.

They hide behind their parents if someone else approaches them. Because of embarrassment and fear, they do not answer questions. And at school, breaks are spent alone, watching classmates or doing their own thing.

If the teacher calls them to the board, out of confusion they will not be able to understand what they want from them, as a result of which they receive a bad grade. Or they know the answer, but do not find the strength to say it out loud when a large number of people are watching and listening at that moment.

Problems with teenagers belonging to this accentuation usually do not arise in adults. They do not run away from home, do not return after parties under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and in general, do not associate with dysfunctional companies.

Obedient and calm, introverts mostly stay in their room and pursue their interests. For example, they look at a collection of butterflies, glue ships, and so on.

Parents of such children are advised to avoid an authoritarian parenting style. Under pressure they will break, but will not show their talents.

If you see that your child avoids companies, do not force him to play with everyone, share toys, etc. Provide him with a calm and comfortable atmosphere at home. Screams and swearing knock the ground out from under his feet, throwing him off balance.

So learn to cope with your emotions if you tend to express them aggressively and vividly. This will terrify an introvert, provoking the development of complexes and a more persistent reluctance to communicate.

Why determine character accentuations?

Strengthened character traits can develop into psychopathy under unfavorable conditions, cause neurosis, and become the cause of alcoholism and illegal behavior. Knowing these features, you will be able to leave the negative environment in time, or reduce its harmful influence to a minimum.

Some accentuations may be your strengths. You can use them when communicating with people or in your activities, as well as choose a profession in accordance with your predisposition.

The concept of a sensitive period

Sensitive periods, what are they in psychology?

This period is understood as a certain period of an individual’s life , during which conditions are present for the optimal development of a psychological quality or type of activity.

This process is explained by the fact that at every moment of a person’s life the sensitivity of his psyche to the perception of specific external phenomena increases.

Accordingly, development proceeds in the direction for which the most favorable conditions have been created at the current time.

Types of accentuations


Often found in women and adolescents. It is characterized by the individual’s desire to be in the center of attention all the time, to look bright and extraordinary, to be different from everyone else. High sensitivity and emotionality, envy are manifested. It is difficult to perceive situations when he is not the center of attention.

A subject with such an accentuation is very artistic, easily gets used to different roles and adapts to new situations. He has imaginative thinking and is easily suggestible. He is an open and sociable person. He is talented and inclined to choose creative activities.

At the same time, excessive emotionality can greatly interfere with life. The individual reacts very sharply to criticism and all events concerning his personality. If difficulties arise, the matter may not be brought to the final result. They cannot do painstaking work. Psychosomatic diseases can occur due to nervousness. With a loss of authority, the subject may develop suicidal thoughts. Likes to provoke conflicts and attract attention.


This is an excitable personality type, characterized by the desire to attract attention through various manipulations. For example, stuttering, coughing or complaining.

The individual focuses on the negative, is pessimistic, accumulates dissatisfaction within himself, and as a result, major quarrels occur. After an outburst of emotions, it takes a long time to return to a calm state. He is tyrannical and conflicts over trifles.

Such people strictly follow previously established rules and cannot tolerate changes. They are guided only by their own opinion and can easily violate moral standards. They can indulge in rudeness, disrespect, and physical violence, and then feel no remorse.

They don't take anyone or anything at their word. They have logical thinking. They don't trust strangers. Show skepticism.


It manifests itself in coldness, secrecy and unsociability, but does not prevent the individual from adapting to the team.

The personality does not know how to establish interpersonal relationships and prefers loneliness. May combine shyness with tactlessness. Does not know how to determine the emotions of the interlocutor and attitude towards himself.

At the same time, the subject has unusual interests and hobbies, imagination, developed imagination and creative abilities. He may use small amounts of alcohol or drugs to relax and join the team.

Accentuation can develop into exhibitionism and a tendency to voyeurism.


Manifests itself in periodic mood swings (periods from several days to two weeks). Often found in adolescents, the severity of accentuation decreases as they grow older.

Between the two phases there may be “equilibrium” breaks, which manifest themselves in a balanced state and a fairly cheerful mood.

During periods of recovery, activity, cheerfulness, efficiency, sociability, a desire for leadership and achievement of success in all areas of activity are observed. During periods of recession, an individual tends to be alone, self-esteem, performance, and activity sharply decrease. He becomes very sensitive and vulnerable, he is overcome by thoughts of his uselessness and inferiority. If this phase is prolonged, thoughts of suicide may appear. With prolonged exposure to negative factors, accentuation can develop into bipolar disorder.


It is formed by the age of thirty and consists of perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. There is a prevailing feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and fear that others will think badly of the individual. There may be two personalities in it: one, in their opinion, is omnipotent, the second is worthless, against the background of which an internal conflict develops in a person.

Such people always see anger, envy, and hatred around them. They project their emotions onto others. They are selfish, fixated on their internal conflict. They don’t know how to refuse, and they make promises that they don’t intend to keep. They strive to be unique, different from others.

They are purposeful and determined, smart and well-read, and have unconventional thinking. They analyze their own and other people’s actions and anticipate the results. They have a sense of style. At the same time, they may show a tendency to excessive control over loved ones, suspicion, and aversion to people.


Determined by the desire for entertainment. This type is prone to laziness and idleness and needs frequent changes of impressions. He is not independent when making decisions; he is led by other people.

Shows carelessness, curiosity, and an optimistic outlook on the future. But he may be in constant search of thrills, and there is a risk of drug and alcohol abuse. Loves speed and gambling.


Characterized by sudden and unpredictable mood swings for no particular reason. Changes significantly affect his well-being and performance.

Such a person is sincere, caring, positive and loyal. This accentuation rarely progresses into the phase of psychopathy. Doesn't tolerate stress well.


Expressiveness is characterized by a tendency to trust and follow one's surroundings. Agrees with the opinion of the majority, does not show critical thinking. Strives to follow fashion and conform to generally accepted principles. In a circle of people with positive qualities he can become successful. But he is dependent, dependent and lacking initiative. Has hostility towards other nationalities and people from other social groups. Finding himself in bad company, he goes along with it, takes drugs and alcohol, and breaks the law.


Subjects of this group quickly get tired, irritable, and prone to hypochondria. It is difficult to endure physical and mental stress. Severe fatigue gives rise to short-term outbursts of anger, lack of sleep and appetite. These manifestations are explained by increased fatigue of the nervous system.

An individual with such a pronounced character is kind and sincere, attached to his family. But he has a risk of developing neurosis and neurasthenia, and increased fatigue does not allow him to realize his potential in the professional sphere.


Manifests itself in a tendency to introspection. Personality is characterized by: reflection, indecision, worries about the future, obsessive thoughts, fears. Such a person is prone to observing rituals and superstitions, which often cause only negative emotions.

Strives to meet the expectations of those around him, which results in increased fatigue and internal conflict. He has high intelligence and a developed imagination, but there is a risk of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Optimism is pronounced, short bursts of anger are possible. Constant high spirits are the center of attention. An individual from this group can be described as sociable and carefree, energetic and active. He can easily endure physical and mental stress.

Negative traits include: promiscuity when choosing acquaintances, a tendency to abuse alcohol. Restlessness, wastefulness. Possible addiction to petty theft.


These are very sensitive people who, even in adulthood, remain susceptible to various irritants. Absolutely non-conflict, in critical situations they are able to show courage. They are insecure and pessimistic. Mostly, in a depressed mood, they are silent and gloomy. They are conscientious, efficient and faithful.

Work on yourself

Treatment is based on reducing the intensity of manifestations of enhanced traits. However, it is not necessary in all cases. In fact, correction is needed if accentuation affects social adaptation.

  1. For the hysterical type. You need to communicate calmly, speech should be quiet. You need to learn to do good deeds, without showing or talking about the fact that it was you who performed this action. When in the company of people, you need to behave quietly, calmly, and imagine yourself invisible. Great importance must be given to auto-training, which must be done daily. It is important to learn to love yourself the way God created you and to increase your self-esteem.
  2. For epileptoid type. You need to learn to forgive insults and not hold a grudge against anyone. It is necessary to take care of developing tolerance and learning to treat other people kindly. It is important to be able to show generosity. It is advisable to become a good listener, not to interrupt the speaker, and to be able to support. You need to learn to put yourself in another person's shoes.
  3. For the schizoid type. It is necessary to master copying your opponent’s facial expressions and learn to understand what emotion he is experiencing at the moment. It is important to be friendly and treat other people the way you want them to treat you. Exercises such as playing choleric may be necessary; a person learns to speak quickly, loudly and impulsively.
  4. For cyclone type. You need to start a diary. In it, note what tasks you are planning, you also need to describe your experiences and emotions in a given situation. You need to think about how you should change so as not to interfere with the lives of other people.
  5. For the paranoid type. You don’t need to believe your first impression; you need to learn to determine people’s motives. You need to try to behave calmly and avoid making comments towards the other person. It would be a good idea to attend training on communicative behavior. Relaxation exercises are of great importance; you can do meditation or yoga. You need to learn to compliment people when they deserve it.
  6. For unstable type. A person must learn to resist his own laziness, to do the things that he needs. You need to motivate yourself.
  7. For labile type. You need to rationally approach problems and solve them. It is necessary to keep a diary in which you note your mood, in particular, for what reasons it changes. Learn to control your emotions, don't let them control your actions. Auto-training will help you find balance and normalize your nervous state. It will help get rid of hypersensitivity to situations that begin to irritate and drive you crazy.
  8. For conformal type. You need to learn to develop critical thinking. When faced with an event, you need to think about the possible consequences. If they want to advise you on something or call you to go somewhere, you should also call someone in response, suggesting that you take a different path. Do unconventional things, learn to leave your comfort zone.
  9. For astheno-neurotic type. Imagine that you are a superhero and you can do anything. Constantly expand your social circle, develop your sense of humor.
  10. Psychasthenic type. When some fears appear, you need to imagine that the object of fear has already been accomplished. Do not always strive to comply with established procedures; sometimes deviate from the rules. Do facial exercises to relax your muscles.
  11. If you have a hyperthymic type, then you will need to clean up your workplace and closet. This is necessary to systematize thoughts in your head. Always bring things you start to their logical conclusion. Keep a diary, indicate all your tasks in it, plan your actions.
  12. If you have a sensitive type, then you need to praise yourself for every victory. You can make a special poster on which to highlight your merits and achievements. It would be useful to turn to a sense of humor, this will reduce the feeling of discomfort.

Sensitivity as a personality trait

Sensitivity refers to the level of a person’s sensitivity , the degree of his response to external stimuli.

Experts distinguish between increased and decreased sensitivity.

With an increased rate, people are characterized by anxiety, self-criticism, and low self-esteem. They are shy and impressionable.

Any negative events or even prerequisites for the occurrence of such events are perceived by them extremely acutely. Typically, increased sensitivity predominates in individuals with a similar character in adolescence.

As a person grows older, he begins to master the skills of self-control and self-discipline. He learns to control his emotions and not overreact to any troubles.

With a reduced level of sensitivity, a person demonstrates indifference to most events and phenomena. He rarely shows interest in something and does not seek to evaluate a fact or activity.

The actions of other people also rarely find an emotional response in him. In extreme cases, this type of personality can demonstrate complete indifference and inattention to other people and events , bordering on tactlessness and dullness.

Periods of development

Famous Italian teacher specializing in early personality development, Maria Montessori . She identified the following key sensitive periods that any individual goes through:

  1. Speech development (0-6 years). Until one year old, the child does not yet talk to others, but actively contacts them in ways accessible to him.
    At this time, close emotional connections are of great importance, which help to understand the world around us.

    From one to three years of age, active development of language speech occurs, the vocabulary of children is constantly replenished, and speech skills are improved. From three to six years of age, speaking skills improve significantly, and interest in reading and writing appears. Many children at the age of 6 can already read and write individual words or short sentences quite well in block letters.

  2. Perception of order (0-3 years) . For children, order in their lives is much more important than for adults. Daily rituals, rules of behavior, the same arrangement of things in the closet and in the room, all this gives children a feeling of security and confidence in the future. External order in the minds of children is directly related to internal peace. Any unforeseen situations or changes in usual rituals are stressful for children. For this reason, it is at the age of three that hysterics and whims are most often observed. Most of the scenes that children make for their parents are not a manifestation of character, but a reaction to a change in the usual order of things.
  3. Sensory development (0-5.5 years) .
    Smell, touch, and taste develop naturally. Improving these skills can occur with the assistance of adults. It is useful for children to feel fabrics and products of different textures, listen to music, study surrounding objects, try different dishes, etc. The richer the palette of sensations that a little person experiences, the more diversified development he receives.
  4. Perception of small objects (1.5-6.5 years). All experts agree that playing with small objects perfectly develops children's fine motor skills. In turn, speech abilities directly depend on the development of fine motor skills. Even at an early age, children unconsciously reach out to buttons, peas and other small objects, wanting to touch them with their own hands and examine them from all sides. Such games with miniature objects should only be carried out under adult supervision. You can also protect the child as much as possible by threading small beads through a thread, sewing buttons of different sizes to a piece of fabric, etc. During this period, constructors are of great benefit as they help children determine the connection between the whole and the part.
  5. Development of movements and actions (1-4 years) . Motor activity plays a key role in the full development of mental functions in children of this age. As you move, oxygenated blood supplies your brain cells. As the child grows older, he begins to better coordinate his movements and becomes aware of his body. Physical exercise, running, jumping, balancing, climbing, etc. are of great importance. The more actively a child spends time during this period of his life, the better for him.
  6. Period of development of social skills (2.5-6 years) .
    By the age of 6, the basics of social behavior are formed. The level of politeness, good manners, and respect for other people depends on what cultural forms of communication are instilled in the child by those around him. Children imitate the actions and speech of adults, so the behavior of parents, who are an authority for the child, is of great importance.
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