If the basic life relationships of a person integrally correspond to his subjective relationships, then such a position is characterized by integrity, harmony, purposefulness, and stability.

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How often do you hear or say the phrases “I don’t care”, “I don’t know”, “It doesn’t matter”? What we say is not just words. Our words, actions, gestures for the most part are a reflection of our inner world. Excessively frequent use of phrases of indifference may indicate an inability to desire and achieve the fulfillment of one’s desires. We say: “It’s all the same...” and those for whom this difference exists decide for us.

You can approach life and your own future in different ways: work with enthusiasm or half-heartedly, care about the benefits of the business or only about yourself, go towards difficulties or hide in the bushes, take an active position or just a comfortable one. One of the secrets of self-realization and success is an active life position, courage of initiative and readiness to act.

The dynamics of modern social relations require a school graduate to have a certain set of qualities. If you study the requirements of employers according to advertisements in the “Vacancies” section, you can draw up an approximate psychological portrait of the person being hired. In addition to business and professional qualities, employers want to see such as activity and communication skills, the ability to overcome difficulties and initiative, the desire for creativity and mobility, discipline and responsibility. Consequently, a graduate needs an active life position, including in order for him to be competitive in the labor market.

What do we mean by the term “active life position”?

An active life position means actions in the name of achieving a goal, selecting ways to overcome problems by searching for constructive solutions. The basis of an active life position is the motive for achieving success.

During school years, an active life position is manifested in the ability to realize oneself in various types of activities: in social work, in sports events, in school or class self-government, etc. The life of a student becomes much brighter and more interesting if he realizes himself not only in his studies, but also in extracurricular or extracurricular work.

For active people, it is very important to study well, work effectively, and achieve high quality in any type of activity. They strive to improve an existing result or obtain a fundamentally new one; are able to enjoy their work or educational activities; enjoy success in small things; are interested in finishing what they started, because... they clearly know why they need it. They are more persistent in overcoming obstacles. As a rule, such people are successful already at the stage of choosing a profession, because... interested in future prospects and able to plan their professional growth in advance.

Having an active life position gives a person the opportunity for quick career advancement, because management notices such personnel at the beginning of their professional path. Sometimes, already at the stage of practical training, such students may receive tempting job offers. In addition to career growth and financial stability, an active position provides recognition among colleagues, prestige and a certain amount of independence associated with the ability to make decisions independently. In turn, such a specialist receives moral satisfaction from his work and the opportunity for his own development in the process of activity.

How to develop an active life

position? Where to begin?

1. Learn to set goals

Where should you start any activity first? - From the formulation of the goal. The vagueness of expected results and the reluctance to understand oneself provoke difficulties in setting adequate goals.

Pay attention to the rules for formulating goals. The goal should be





limited in terms of achievement.

2. Get rid of bad habits

Bad habits here mean not only alcohol abuse and smoking, we are talking about something that can take up a lot of your time without any benefit. For example, aimless spending time on social networks, hanging out in on-line games for many hours. This does not mean that you should completely stop appearing on social networks or your favorite game, just know when to stop, because the time saved can be spent on something else.

3. Read

Expand your horizons. Read books, popular science magazines, online blogs of successful people, etc. Get useful information in various fields: economics, politics, sociology, psychology, etc.

4. Make the most of every weekend

The main purpose of the weekend is not to sleep in and “do nothing.” Have an active holiday: visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, communicate with interesting people, make new acquaintances. The more impressions you get, the better you will begin to understand many things.

5. Master time management

Time management is a technology for organizing time and increasing the efficiency of its use. In some ways, it is not so much a set of techniques as it is a lifestyle and philosophy of valuing time in a fast flow of information and an ever-changing world. Learn to plan your time, this will be very useful at different stages of professional growth.

6. Bring newness into your life

Take the risk of changing your image, rearrange your room. Show interest in those types of art that you currently know little about. Finding something new will allow you to develop your creativity.

7. Invest in yourself

Nowadays, getting just one education is not enough. In the modern world, knowledge is required in many areas. Of course, if you study at only one college or university, then obtaining all the necessary knowledge for further work will be problematic for you. Therefore, you should consider obtaining additional education. You can attend all kinds of trainings and seminars. And remember that you can study in additional educational programs while still a student.

8. Do not be afraid

Try to overcome the fear that your ideas may not work out. Successful people always take risks. It's impossible to know if an idea was a good one without trying it.

9. Surround yourself with successful people

Learn from the examples of successful people. Ask them for advice. Communicate with them as much as possible. Acquire knowledge that can be very useful in the future.

10. Leave negative experiences in the past

Live in the present and think about the future. Take only valuable experiences from the past, and let go of all negative experiences. Otherwise, instead of moving forward, you will constantly look back.

How active is your life position?

If you want to find out how active your life position is, we suggest you evaluate a number of statements. If you agree with the corresponding statement, then put a “+” sign next to its number.

· I know my goals and desires well.

· I have studied myself, I know what I am capable of.

· I am able to navigate the flow of information and independently obtain the necessary information.

· I believe in myself, in the possibility of achieving success and the planned things.

· I believe that I have the right to choose in any competitive situation - not only am I chosen, but I also choose.

· I know how to turn to other people for help and make them allies in the implementation of my plans.

· I am able to benefit from mistakes, learn from my own experience and from the experience of other people.

· When faced with an obstacle, I look for new ways to resolve the difficulty.

· I feel enough strength and energy to achieve my goals.

· When planning ways to achieve the main option, I always think about a backup option.

· I strive to gain experience by trying myself in different areas.

· I continuously analyze and adjust my actions depending on the results obtained.

· I am able to take into account the opinions of other people when developing and implementing my plans, without losing my position.

· I have the skills to behave in business situations: I can arrange a meeting with the right people, introduce myself, talk about my capabilities.

Count the number of pluses that resulted:

· 12 – 14. – Your position is very active, you know your goals and desires well and confidently go towards them. You are energetic and active, surpass others in your activity and speed of decision-making, and know how to take responsibility. In your environment, you are desired and loved, primarily for your dynamism and extraordinary activity.

· 8 – 11. – Your position is quite active, but you do not always have enough determination to achieve the fulfillment of your desires. Your ability to act quite often depends on your desire and mood.

· less than 8 pluses. – Unfortunately, your energy is not your strongest quality. You get tired quickly and are reluctant to take on responsibility. Keep your opinions to yourself and prefer to remain on the sidelines. There is too much indifference and caution in your relationships with others. You have great difficulty making decisions. Your energy, as well as your ability to act, depend on your imagination and not always justified fear. It makes sense to think seriously and, perhaps, consult a psychologist-vocational consultant.

Indicators of the formation of an active life position:

· positive attitude towards business and undertakings, readiness to carry them out;

· experience of participation in public life, which is associated with the performance of specific duties and assignments;

· presence of a certain level of organizational skills;

· feeling responsible for one’s work;

· favorable position in interpersonal communication.

An active position presupposes independent, creative, flexible behavior. And the activity of the position and success depends only on you! Follow the above recommendations, show more initiative in different areas of activity and remember that “water does not flow under a lying stone.”

My life mission. Search

What was your life like growing up?

What was your childhood, adolescence and adult life like? What family values ​​were instilled in you and how were you raised? How did you live, how did you grow up, who were you around? Under what conditions was your personality formed? What can you say about your childhood? Everyone starts from a different position, and some have advantages over us.

Often, from childhood, we are given a certain plan or sketch of life that we follow. Life values ​​can be laid in the foundation from childhood. It is important to determine how satisfied you are with this plan. Maybe you planned a completely different life for yourself, and all this was imposed by the people around you from the outside? What are your priorities and life values?

Alvin Balemesa, Unsplash

What's your education?

Where did you study and what is your education? Education opens up perspectives and gives us opportunities. Education makes us a specialist in a certain field, determines our profession and qualifications.

As you progressed in life, you could move away from your education into another field, but it also requires certain knowledge. Education shapes us and throws us into a certain field. We are stewing in it.

Where do you work?

Where do you work or will you work? What are your prospects? What do you think about your career and professional growth? How many opportunities do you have? Do you want to change your job or move to another area of ​​duration?

Our financial level, opportunities and life satisfaction depend on our career. With the help of work, some people find meaning in their life. Through work you can not only find meaning, but also realize your other plans. Working in a job you hate, it’s difficult to realize yourself and achieve the life you want.

What's the best thing to do before bed?

What kind of person are you? What is your personality?

The image of your life is you. How do you live? What have you become? Where do you go, who do you communicate with and how do you spend your time? What are you thinking about? What environment are you in and where are you going? How much does your individuality make you different from others and in what ways? Often clues can be seen in lifestyle, personality and character. This will be our credo and the life mission we seek.

What are your wishes and dreams?

Despite the hustle and bustle of life, you have certain desires. They can be the loud ones that you tell everyone about. There are also those who will be secret and whom you dream of at night. We hide some desires from ourselves. These overt or deep desires can provide clues to our meaning in life. Often it is dreams that show us our main goal and life mission.

What are your capabilities?

What is your potential? What qualities and advantages can you use in life? What will help you realize yourself better in life? What talents, abilities and skills do you have? Where do you see opportunities for growth and breakthrough? This can suggest how best to formulate plans and goals for the future.

Who are you? Finding your life mission

A person’s life mission is his self-expression and self-actualization. Each of us has the desire to fully explore our capabilities, take advantage of all chances and get the most out of life.

Each person has his own mission in life, but getting to it is not easy. First, we need to satisfy all other needs. They can be seen on Maslow's pyramid. These are physiological needs, the search for security, finding love, the desire for respect, the desire to learn, aesthetic desires. But the order in the hierarchy can change and be different for everyone.

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At the highest point of Maslow's pyramid is the need for self-actualization. A kind of nirvana or the meaning of life, which not everyone achieves.

We look for our life mission when we manage to establish everything else. It becomes important for us to realize our goals and innermost dreams. Developing abilities and unlocking your potential. We form our own personality and our own values.

Answer all 7 questions to yourself in writing, and then analyze what came out. Put the puzzle pieces together and synchronize your self-image. What are the intersection points of childhood, education, work, personality, desires. This will allow you to better understand yourself and find your life mission.

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