How to write a self-analysis. Self-analysis of my activities for the 2014–2015 academic year

Questions for self-reflection:

  1. How often do you complain about feeling unwell, and if this happens all the time, what is the cause of the disorder?
  2. Do you find fault with other people with or without reason? How often does this happen?
  3. Do you often make mistakes in your work, and if so, why?
  4. Do you use sarcasm and toxic remarks when talking to other people? Do you miss the opportunity to “insert a pin” and step on a sore spot?
  5. Are there people you know that you avoid? If yes, for what reason?
  6. Do you suffer from any stomach disorders? How often?
  7. Doesn't life seem meaningless and useless to you? Are you looking to the future with sadness and doom? If so, why?
  8. Do you love your job? If not, then why are you still doing this?
  9. Do you often feel sorry for yourself? What is the reason for this pity?
  10. Do you envy those who are superior to you in some way?
  11. What do you think about more often - SUCCESS or DEFEAT?
  12. Have you learned over the years to learn from your failures?
  13. Do you feel that mistakes, failures, miscalculations and defeats have given you invaluable experience that will be useful to you in the future?
  14. Do you allow your friends or relatives to upset you? If yes, for what reasons?
  15. Do you sometimes have your head in the clouds and experience bouts of despair? If yes, how often?
  16. Who do you know influences you the most? Do you like this person? Can you define him as a positive person?
  17. Do you succumb to depressing circumstances or do you try to overcome them as quickly as possible and with the least loss?
  18. Are you taking care of yourself? If you don't care about your own appearance, then why?
  19. Do you know how to treat depression with “occupational therapy,” that is, immersing yourself in things so much that you simply have no time to worry?
  20. Are you often called a “spineless weakling” because you let anyone push you around?
  21. Are you neglecting hygiene?
  22. How often do you worry about avoidable worries, and why do you allow yourself to worry about trifles?
  23. Do you try to calm down with alcohol, pills, drugs or cigarettes? If so, why don't you use willpower instead of all these means?
  24. Do they often make comments to you or scold you? If yes, then for what reason?
  25. Do you have a SPECIFIC MAIN PURPOSE in life? If so, is there a plan to achieve it? Do you follow this plan or put it off until later?
  26. Do you suffer from one of the six main types of fear? From which ones exactly?
  27. Do you have any means of protecting yourself from outside negative influences?
  28. Do you use self-hypnosis to tune your mind into a positive mindset?
  29. What is of greatest value to us: material wealth or the ability to control our consciousness?
  30. Are you easily influenced by outside influences? Do you allow yourself to be persuaded or do you always have the determination to insist on your own?
  31. Did you have any valuable experiences today?
  32. Do you give up in the face of circumstances, try to overcome them, or avoid responsibility?
  33. Do you think about all your mistakes and miscalculations and try to extract a grain of benefit from them?
  34. Name three weaknesses (or character traits) that prevent you from living and moving forward. What are you doing to get rid of them?
  35. Do people often come to you for sympathy or to share their problems and difficulties?
  36. Whose mistakes do you learn from? Do you learn from the mistakes of others or do you prefer to make your own mistakes?
  37. Are you having a negative influence on other people?
  38. What habits of other people annoy you the most?
  39. Do you have your own opinion on any issue or do you use ready-made judgments?
  40. Can you say that nothing can knock you out of the saddle?
  41. Does the work you are doing have any spiritual meaning?
  42. Do you feel spiritual forces within yourself that help you cope with any fear?
  43. Does the religion you practice support your self-confidence?
  44. Do you often take on someone else's responsibility? If so, why?
  45. Do you recognize the truth of the saying “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are”? If so, what would you say about yourself based on your friends?
  46. Is there any connection between the people who surround you and the events that happen to you?
  47. Is it possible that the person you think is your friend is actually your worst enemy?
  48. By what criteria do you evaluate who is useful to you and who is not?
  49. How would you determine the intellectual and personal level of the people in your immediate circle? Do you consider them higher/lower than your own level of intelligence?
  50. How long does it take you:
  51. work
  52. dream;
  53. in entertainment and recreation;
  54. study;
  55. doing nothing?
  56. Who among your friends:
  57. inspires you the most;
  58. warns you most;
  59. bothers you the most;
  60. helps you the most?
  61. What are you most worried about? Why do you allow this?
  62. When you are given unsolicited advice, you: 1) accept it with gratitude; 2) analyze what was said and then decide what to do; 3) recommend that the adviser mind his own business.
  63. What do you DESIRE most?
  64. Are you doing anything to make your desire come true?
  65. Can you sacrifice all other benefits for this one desire?
  66. Do you have a plan to make your wish come true?
  67. Are you following this plan? How much time do you devote to this every day?
  68. Do you tend to change your decisions? If yes, what makes you do this?
  69. Do you finish everything you start?
  70. Are you impressed by the wealth, status, titles and titles of other people?
  71. Is it important to you what people think of you?
  72. Do you try to please people just because of their social or financial status?
  73. Which living person do you consider your hero? Are you trying to imitate this person?
  74. How much time have you devoted to studying and answering all these questions?

Card "Self-analysis of extracurricular activities"

class teacher (teacher )
Postika E.A.

  1. General information about the event

09/01/2016 platoon (class) 12 (grade 1b)
Theme of the event
Birthday of the cadet family
Form of
the game - travel
Introduced technology (elements of technology):

  • collective creative education, humane collective education, education based on a systematic approach, education in modern educational institutions, individualized (personal) education, education in the learning process (underline as appropriate )
  • other technologies are gaming, health-saving, steam room and interactive.

Optimal volume of proposed educational material

the material is selected in accordance with age and is sufficient in volume.
Relevance and educational orientation of the event
- the current topic was analyzed: “Birthday of the cadet family”, aimed at getting to know classmates, as well as getting to know the school.
The ataman of the Lipetsk City Cossack Society, military sergeant major Ostryakov V.D., was present at the celebration. The degree of novelty, problematic and attractiveness of cognitive information for students
learned about the importance of the school family, responsibilities in the cadet family, learned who the Cossacks are
General characteristics of the group in which the event is held

  • number of people in the group according to the list 28, how many are present at the event 28, late 0, absent 0;
  • how many students are from: two-parent families 21, single-parent families 7, problem families 0, requiring IPR 0, large families 1, orphans 0, under guardianship 0_.
  • how many of them are interested in studying at school28;
  • level of formation of the team in the platoon (class) (each on his own, friendly team, not friendly) team at the stage of formation

Place of the event in the educational system
This event is part of the system work, as it is planned in the educational process of the class.
Characteristics of the goal
of the event and its correspondence to the content of the event:
the goal corresponded to the content of the class hour

Characteristics of the equipment used:

  • visual aids: illustrations, travel map
  • TSO: interactive whiteboard, presentation, video series
  • handout: cards for pair work
  • other: stand “Rules of conduct at school”

Compliance of the design of the educational premises with the theme of the event:

The training room is decorated in accordance with the theme of the event

Level of activity of cadets during preparatory work:

students are active (reading poetry, working in pairs, participating in a game)

Organization of educational activities:

Availability and quality of the organizing event:

  • preparing students for the start of the event, emotional mood

drew attention to how and in accordance with what students should be prepared for the start of classes. (Charter of the cadet school.)

  • organizational start of the event (methods and activities)

When setting the lesson goals, the children themselves determined what they would talk about

external readiness: students are ready to host a festive event

  • psychological readiness of students ready
  • appearance dress uniform
  • audience decoration: festive decoration (balloons, banner, poster)
  • time spent on stage 2 min
  • The effectiveness of the selected methods and techniques for conducting the event

the frontal conversation method was interrupted by showing a video presentation, travel, practical tasks, and a guest speech.

Using various forms of activity in organizing an event

(collective, group, individual, pair, etc.)
collective, pair
Justification for choosing the form of the event

(musical and poetic composition, game, excursion, competition, debate),
etc. game - travel
Rational use of time at each stage,
each stage of the ball is calculated in time and in total corresponded to the duration - 35 minutes.
Compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions and safety regulations
were observed.
Characteristics of the stage of summing up the results of the event.

at the end, the guys shared their opinions about the lesson, what new things they learned, and whether they need it in life, and took the first-grader’s oath

  1. Pupils' activities

Activity level (whole platoon (class) or individual students):

  • high, medium, low, inert, normal, dynamic;
  • reproductive activity, productive activity, creative activity (Underline whatever applicable)


Interest in the topic


Independence of judgment - everyone expressed their opinion

The cadets' speech, literacy,
answers are complete, detailed.
Culture of behavior, discipline
- corresponded to the conduct of extracurricular activities (Liberated, choral answers, desire to be heard, respected each other's opinions....)
3. Effectiveness of the event

Creating an atmosphere of creativity, depth of understanding of the problem, etc.
- the depth of awareness of the problem, the children understood
the emotionality of the event -
the event is emotional
Managing the process of attention throughout the entire event______________________

Forms and methods of organizing student activities:

  • forms: individual, group (pair), frontal, collective; method of problem-based learning, partially search, research, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative; verbal, visual, practical.
  • other ________________________________________________________________

Moral and psychological atmosphere of the event:

  • ease of communication, mutual respect, exactingness, humor, unbiased attitude, objectivity of assessment, balanced reaction, pickiness, nervousness, irritation;
  • other _________________________________________________________________

Conclusions and recommendations:
this event corresponded to the age and psychological characteristics of the students, was accessible and feasible in content.
The lesson was held on a high emotional level, at a high pace, the activity of students at different stages was high, and the psychological atmosphere was friendly. All assigned tasks were achieved. I think that the non-traditional form of holding this event interested the children and left in their memory the necessary knowledge that will be needed throughout their studies. Self-analysis was compiled by primary school teacher E.A. Postika. (position) (full name)

"02" September 2020

Download: Napoleon Hill Self-Reflection Questions

(You should read this list at least twice: the first time quickly, the second time slowly and thoughtfully).


If you can answer all these questions honestly, you will know yourself better than the vast majority of people. Just don't rush to answer right away. Study the list first and reflect on it for a week. Then come back to him and start answering. Write down your answers on paper and re-read them from time to time (once or twice a month). If something has changed, write the new answer in different ink. In six months you will realize that you have learned so many new and valuable things about yourself that you could not have learned in your entire previous life. If you notice that your mind begins to fuss, dodge and avoid answering in every possible way (or start making excuses), then something is preventing you from answering honestly. Consult with those who know you well and ask them to evaluate you from all these points. Try to look at yourself through the eyes of another person. Rest assured: the result will stun you!

Conduct self-analysis every quarter (every 3 months) and you will be amazed at how dramatically your life will change!

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