Does a person have a destiny? Fatality or freedom of choice?

July 7, 2019

Hello, dear readers of the blog. Test. You are in a difficult life situation (happens to everyone). In your opinion, is this the will (finger) of fate, or are you (or someone else) to blame for what happened?

Will you look for signs that will tell you where to move next, or will you make a decision to get out of a difficult situation on your own?

Simply put: are you a fatalist or a realist?

Fatalist Worldview

A fatalist is a person who is unable to place responsibility on his shoulders.
In the opinion of such a subject, the events of his life are written down, like a program on a computer, and attempts to change something are always futile. From a psychological point of view, a person who believes in fate builds his life as an observer. The life of a fatalist is like the flow of a river. Such people are confident that the current cannot be changed, it will certainly lead to the source, so trying is akin to madness. Fatalists cannot be called engines of progress, but they cannot be denied courage and perseverance.

All fatalists believe in fate or fate. These concepts are sacred to them. This is where the very name of the worldview comes from. After all, in English the root of the word “fatalism” is translated as fate, and in Latin it means “fatal.”

Fatalists who live with faith in fate have their own unique set of beliefs. These beliefs can be expressed as follows:

  • Don't expect good things from life.
    Here fatalism closely echoes pessimism;
    Don't exercise your right to choose.
    Representatives of the worldview simply do not believe in choice as such.
    They consider choice to be only an illusion of those who do not see the global plan of existence; Don't take randomness seriously.
    After all, according to fatalists, everything is written in fate, therefore everything is inevitable, and accidents do not exist;
    Do not be held responsible for actions.
    The fatalist here acts as an ordinary instrument in the hands of fate, and does not take responsibility for his behavior;
    Believe in predictions and superstitions.
    Such people love to go to fortune tellers to look into their future.

Modern fatalist, who is it? Convinced pessimist? Or a person who cannot bear even the slightest responsibility? Most likely, to define a fatalistic person, the definition of a pessimist who does not want to take responsibility is correct. But in the eyes of society, such an individual may look different.

What to do to switch to favorable life lines?

Whether there is a destiny for a person is up to you to decide, and I will give some relevant recommendations:

Be in nature more, notice its beauty.

Live your life in the present moment, do not fly into the past or future. Where there is attention, there is energy.

Learn to enjoy life.

Take responsibility for your life.

Take responsibility for the events that happen in your life.

Start conscious work with your inner world.

Allow yourself to remove tight control over your life, trust the Universe more.

Work with your negative emotions, feelings, thoughts.

Notice more beauty around you.

Bring at least a little magic into your life. Celebrate joyful moments even in small things.

If even a small negative event occurs, then talk to yourself or write down five positive points in this event. This will provide an opportunity, firstly, to expand the perception of life as a creative learning process. Secondly, it will allow you to remove the negative focus from the event.

  • If you see that you have found yourself on an unfavorable line of life development and it is difficult for you to change the situation on your own, I suggest you sign up for a free preliminary consultation; to do this, go to the “Consultations“ section.
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PS Do you think there is a destiny for a person?

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PROS and CONS of fatalism

Remember Julius Caesar, who knew about his terrible fate, but blinded by pride and faith in fate, simply came to meet his killers?
The main distinguishing feature that most fatalists are endowed with is pride. This quality can be attributed to the disadvantages of fatalism. Therefore, a fatalist is a person who, because of his own pride, easily exposes himself and others to danger. Sometimes you can be proud of the trials sent by fate. Another disadvantage of believing in fate is weakened critical thinking. Such thinking in an individual who believes in fate is either not developed at all or is suppressed. Here, a fatalist in psychology is a person who, since childhood, has not learned to cope with life’s difficulties for various reasons. In childhood, a person who is too focused on the opinions of others and has lost faith in his own abilities loses adaptability and begins to think that all his attempts to act independently are doomed to failure.

The undoubted advantage of this theory is humility in front of what is happening in life. A person of fate sincerely believes in inevitability, which means he worries less about the consequences and endures adversity more easily. Maintains faith in one's own good beginnings under any circumstances.

How is freedom of choice expressed on Earth?

We have freedom of choice every day, even in cases where we don’t notice it. Meanwhile, a small event can spin you into a whirlpool of initially unpleasant little things, which, having accumulated, can switch you to an unfavorable life line.

For example, you woke up gloomy. We looked out the window, and it was dull and rainy there. In this weather you don’t really want to go outside, and it’s going to be a hectic day at work today...

And here the children are barely getting ready, they’ll be late for school! First they shouted at the children.

And then it started! You got stuck in a traffic jam, then at work you took it out on your subordinates, then your boss called you to the carpet, etc. and so on.

Such situations tend to accumulate, sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly; in case you emit powerful negativity, switching you to other life scenarios.

We are like trains that rush along railroad tracks, and our choices are railroad switches that transfer us to other lines of life.

Even when it seems to us that there is no freedom of choice in a situation, there is. We can react differently to an event, show different feelings, accept the situation as it is or not accept it.

We always choose:

  • Whether we should be angry with the person or not.
  • Argue with a neighbor or wish him well.
  • Send curses after the driver who splashed us or wish good luck on the roads, etc.
  • Get into an argument with your husband or wife or let go of the situation and try to learn a lesson from it.

Therefore, in order to turn onto the path we need, sometimes we have to work hard on ourselves. After all, the path that would suit you at the moment may be quite far from you. Which can also be called a planned plot).

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Fatalist: several shades of worldview

Not all fatalists believe in fate the same way. The beliefs of these people can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • Everyday fatalism.
    Subjects subject to it blame those around them and hostile higher powers for ordinary troubles and stress. Stress in them causes aggression directed outward. They often believe in damage and the evil eye;
    Theological fatalism.
    According to followers of this trend, everything in the world is divine. Everyone fulfills the program that God laid in him. And life on Earth has a grand plan in which people are just cogs;
    Logical fatalism.
    Differs from the two above in its belief in a cause-and-effect relationship. The role of God here is played by the reasons that served as the impetus for the chain of events that occurred.

    Logical fatalism has its origins in Ancient Greece. This is exactly the philosophy Democritus adhered to. Many modern people are logical fatalists, also rejecting the possible spontaneity of the events that happen to them.

Does a person have a destiny? A little about karma

I cannot help but touch upon the role of karma in life in this article.

What is karma?

Karma is a cause and effect relationship. In this case, the cause is emotions, feelings, thoughts, and the effect is what they entail. Karma can be either positive for a person or negative, unlike the soul, for which any experience is good.

That is, it turns out that today we are shaping our future lives, but at the same time, we can say that we are following the planned path.

We are all creators of our lives. It’s just that some have created a difficult life for themselves, full of hardships and suffering, while others have made their lives more harmonious. Here the decisive role is played by the awareness of a person and the tasks of the soul for embodiment.

Fatalism in history: examples

If we consider fatalism in a broad sense, then according to this theory, universal laws cannot be circumvented.
A person in the worldview system of fatalism is viewed as a grain of sand in a vast desert. And this small grain of sand is unable to change the course of global events and individual destinies. In history, prominent representatives of the flow of fate were Gustav III and Baron Ungern:

  1. King Gustav III of Sweden believed in fate so much that he went to a masquerade ball with an identification mark on his chest when he was warned in advance about a conspiracy being prepared against him.
    His assassin shot at the king and hit him in the leg. Gustav III died two weeks later from blood poisoning, as the pistol was loaded with buckshot with rusty elements.

    Why did the king go to his own execution? Most likely, his pride and courage, characteristic of all fatalists, did not allow him to do otherwise.

    As for Baron Ungern, this man escaped death so many times that he was considered charmed. While participating in one battle, the baron did not receive a scratch, but after the battle they found 70 bullet holes in his clothes.

    Ungern himself firmly believed that he was the darling of fate, so he often went to fortune-tellers. One of his close associates took advantage of the baron's interest in his own future. He bribed the fortune teller, and she told the governor that he would live exactly as long as his friend. Then the close baron began to be protected and guarded more strongly than himself.

    The same fortune teller made a real prediction for Ungern. The clairvoyant predicted his death in 130 days. This spurred the baron to new exploits. But after a while he was captured and executed.

Is it good or bad to believe in fate?

The answer depends on the degree of faith and its color. Belief in a positive outcome gives strength and creates an amazing effect of self-hypnosis, helping to overcome illnesses and adversity.

A pessimistic attitude, on the contrary, poisons life, making a person weak. And a weak person is a potential victim. This can explain the fact that more negative things happen to fatalists, because their entire appearance and lifestyle attract dishonest and dangerous people to them.

Does a person have a destiny?

Basically, when the soul is about to go into incarnation, it thoroughly prepares for this. On your own, if you are wise enough, or with the help of your spiritual mentors.

Conditions are selected for the best development of the soul's potential while in the physical world:

  • Time
  • A country
  • City
  • Genus
  • The soul takes with it talents that it would like to realize. Therefore, a child is born with an already formed set of abilities, some of which are passed on to him genetically. By the way, scientists conducted research, and in the course of it it turned out that each person has about 20 talents and abilities that he can reveal if desired. But, unfortunately, most of it remains unrealized. Many people are completely sure that they do not even have one talent!
  • The soul also takes with it individual characteristics: those positive and negative qualities of character that will help it advance in its development, the accumulated experience.
  • Agreements are concluded with other souls who will also help the soul in its advancement.
  • The “minimum” program and the “maximum” program for implementation are determined.
  • The soul looks through various options for the development of the life line, among which there are more or less favorable ones, the switching to which depends on the choices that the soul will make in its incarnation.

Is a modern fatalist a person confident in his abilities?

To some extent this statement is true.
After all, a fatalist believes that he can survive everything that fate has in store for him. But this person will not just survive, try to change reality to suit himself. What do modern fatalists look like? The image of such a person is a little mystical and dreary. Especially if fate does not spoil him with gifts. A true fatalist, whose brief description lies in the word “submission,” in the modern world is known as an outsider running from life. And if earlier it was fashionable to have such a worldview, now it is considered an unviable utopia.

To summarize, we can say that a fatalist is a person who does not know how to accept challenges from the world around him and is not able to solve problems.

No one who made the right and wise choice would ever attribute it to fate; the only real fatalist is the one for whom everything is very bad. Fatalism brings no comfort. A believer in fate is deprived of the opportunity to shout, “Screw you, I've had enough,” because he knows that he was born a coward and it is only a matter of time before he gives in, surprising no one, not even himself. Hunter Thompson. Rum Diary

I’m interested in your opinion, do you consider fatalism a negative phenomenon in the modern world?

Yabrova Ksenia · Jan 29, 2018

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