How to punish a girl correctly: examples of situations and punishments? How to punish your ex-wife for alimony

Is there a need for punishment for treason: advice from a psychologist

Female infidelity is a consequence of a couple’s problems; it is preceded by alarm bells, which the man usually brushes aside, considering his wife’s proposals to “talk” as a woman’s whim, “brain blowing” and other condescendingly dismissive epithets. It is extremely rare that when taking a lover, a wife is guided by naked sexual desire.

Most often she is driven by the desire to receive what is missing, what is missing at home: tenderness, attention, pleasant words, compliments, admiration, gifts, courtship, banal care, attention

Ladies go through a stage of moral torment before they find themselves in someone else's bed, feeling sympathy for someone else's man, they are not ready to rush into his arms at the first convenient opportunity, their sex and feelings are tied together. The stronger sex clearly distinguishes between bed pleasures and feelings.

This is the main difference between female and male infidelity. For a deceived husband, before implementing a plan of revenge, it is useful to answer himself as honestly as possible what his share of personal guilt is in what happened. Was he 100% sympathetic, caring, gentle, was he a protection, a support for his other half?

How ethical is it from a moral point of view to punish a girl who shared the hardships of everyday life, gave birth to children, and bought gifts for relatives? Maybe it would be more correct to admit personal mistakes that led to betrayal and part ways neutrally?

It's better to give yourself time to cool down without breaking the wood. Life often develops in such a way that spouses, after a while, decide to start with a “clean slate”; revenge can lead the situation to the point of no return. It’s useful to stay with a friend for a couple of weeks, go to your parents, rent an apartment.

Options for revenge on your wife

Although it looks childish, some men are interested in ways to take revenge on their wife for cheating and betrayal. This is especially clear among residents of eastern countries. They are ready to resort to violent actions just to punish their wife. Once upon a time, people were even killed for adultery. Nowadays, more and more people are resorting to conversations, teachings, and deprivation of sex, since more serious measures are punishable by law. The most cruel men punish girls like this:

  • they expose her infidelity to everyone;
  • sleeping with her friend;
  • interrupt communication;
  • reduce or stop funding;
  • they spoil her things;
  • harassed by calls from an unknown number;
  • deprived of pleasures.

Make information about the betrayal public

The most insidious men spread rumors about the cheater, which spoil her reputation. Only they don’t think about the fact that this revenge will affect them, because they themselves chose such a partner. Gossip behind your back will turn people away from the deceived man. But this type of revenge still occurs. Men create accounts on social networks under the name of their partner and publish information that denigrates her dignity. Using this method, it is recommended to be more understanding and not sink to the very bottom.


Wife cheating on her husband: reasons and ways to survive female infidelity

Sleep with her friend

It is most pleasant for men to take revenge on their wife using another method. They prefer to put their wife's friend into bed, or even better, several at once. Husbands show them signs of attention, pester them in front of their partners, and post pictures of them together. This method of punishment will cause a lot of pain to the wife, she will feel a loss of connection with a loved one. Her self-esteem and self-confidence will most likely be shaken. If you fail to seduce your wife’s friend, an affair with another lady is organized. She must be younger and more beautiful than her legal companion.

Stop all communication

The silence of a partner can drive a woman crazy. He ignores her, doesn’t notice, leaves the questions asked unanswered. Men avoid being at home, go for a walk or jog without their spouse, and also go on visits alone. The culminating moment is a vacation without a spouse. Some men, in addition to everything else, prefer to have lunch and dinner outside the home and go to sleep in another room. Ignoring has a depressing effect on the wife’s psyche, but will not lead to change.

Cut funding

When a woman gets used to financial freedom, a method such as cutting back or withdrawing sponsorship can be very effective. It has a stunning effect on her. The man is not going to support her with her lover, takes all the jewelry and other gifts, blocks her cards, and kicks her out of the apartment. If the girl did not work, it becomes even more difficult for her to survive this situation. We have to look for a job, a roof over our heads.

Damage to material assets

Damage to things dear to her hurts a woman painfully. Items that a man begins to destroy are associated by his wife with pleasant moments in life. The husband’s anger will subside after such actions, and the wife will remain safe and sound.

Sending messages and calls

Negative emotions in a girl will be caused by constant calls and messages from a hidden number. There are special programs to teach your wife a lesson with such actions. A frequently ringing phone will irritate her and interfere with her communication with friends and family. It will distract you from work, personal affairs, and undermine your mental health. She will be especially nervous if she does not know that her husband is aware of her adventures. She will think that the calls are coming from her lover.


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Deprivation of pleasures

You can deprive an unfaithful spouse not only of finances, but also of life’s pleasures, to which she is also accustomed. For example, a trip to the sea was purchased or a trip to Europe was planned. As punishment for the wife, the husband goes on a trip alone or with his wife’s friend. If earlier he let her go to bachelorette parties and other parties, now he forbids her to leave the house.

Non-standard methods

Even when faced with a wife's betrayal, many men retain a sense of humor. There are known cases of unusual methods of punishment. One man got a tattoo on his wife’s body that belittles her dignity. Another took revenge by erecting a vulgar statue for adultery near the unfaithful woman’s house. The third thought of sending a parcel to the lady with his feces. The fourth man, having learned that his wife would bring her lover home, at that time invited relatives to the apartment.

How to punish your ex-wife after divorce

Having officially broken the marriage bond, a man may also want retribution; the following methods will come to the rescue:

  1. Find a gorgeous girlfriend. Getting into a serious love relationship immediately after a divorce is not the best way to arrange your personal life. The desire to prick your ex-other half, the desire to quickly start a new family, demonstrating that you are in demand, seething resentments are an obstacle to the search for a candidate wife, but no one has canceled girlfriends, dates, and novels. It will be unpleasant for a wife, even if she is in a relationship with another man, to see a beauty next to her ex-husband.
  2. Share the situation with your friends. It is worthwhile, without unnecessary suffering, to notify godfathers and family friends about the treacherous act of the cheater, the outrageous deceit committed behind her husband’s back.
  3. Rise higher. A great way to take revenge is to achieve personal success and become prettier. The plan is wonderful because anger aimed at self-improvement will benefit the guy himself.
  4. Join a gym , lose excess weight, give up cigarettes, start watching your diet, change your image, start traveling, meet new people, think about career growth, or start your own business.

A surefire way to make an unfaithful woman bite her elbows is to become better than she was during the marriage. Divorce puts an end to family life. Many spouses tend to underestimate their partner, consider him physically imperfect, boring, and a loser.

Seeing her ex-husband getting out of a new, more prestigious car, looking younger, fit, impressive, a woman experiences unpleasant emotions, because he is obliged to suffer, lose sleep, lose appetite, roll over, drink himself to death, and not enjoy life, change for the better.

Why wives cheat

Women themselves find it difficult to answer why they cheat on their husbands, especially if there is an idyll at home. There are countless reasons or reasons. The blame usually lies with both partners. There are also extraneous factors that explain the desire to change.

Through the woman's fault

In society, husbands' infidelity is taken for granted, but a wife's infidelity is considered an immoral act, similar to the end of the world. To decide to have a relationship with another man, a lady needs good reasons, for example:


Ways to survive and forgive the betrayal of a loved one

  • meeting first love;
  • marrying not for love;
  • low self-esteem.

When a woman meets her first love, her feelings flare up with a new wave. She remembers her youth, the feelings she experienced with the guy. She wants to be back in that carefree age, when everything was still ahead, the gentlemen went crazy about her.

A good reason for cheating is dislike for your husband. It happens that a girl is forced into marriage or she is forced by circumstances to marry an unloved person. Many of the women have financial difficulties, they want to be wealthy or provide for their family. Sexually, of course, an unloved man does not satisfy him, so the wife finds a partner for sex on the side. With the help of love affairs, many wives increase their self-esteem. This makes you feel loved, needed, desired.

Through the man's fault

The fact that women have lovers is also the fault of their husbands, although they themselves do not think so and do not want to accept this fact. Psychologist A. Zverobsky believes that a wife deserves forgiveness for betrayal for the following reasons:

  • immoral behavior of the spouse;
  • his reluctance to enter into legal marriage;
  • refusal of intimacy.

The immoral behavior of a spouse is an addiction to drugs and alcohol, beatings due to an overdose of these drugs. This includes cheating and flirting with other ladies, hiding income and channeling it in useless directions (bad habits, girls of easy virtue).

Some men deliberately do not want to enter into legal relationships with their loved ones. If a common-law spouse refuses to get married, it means he is not sure of his feelings. This pushes the woman to look for another candidate with whom she can start a family.

Women usually like to punish men by not having sex. If you come home late or drunk, you won’t see intimacy. It turned out that men are also capable of this. It comes to the point that the husband does not have sex with his wife, even if she behaves ideally. This is most likely where his health problems are hidden.


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Also, the reason for female infidelity is the lack of attention from the husband. Once upon a time, a husband looked after a woman beautifully, gave flowers, and paid compliments. If he stops doing this, the wife becomes offended, disappointed, and looks elsewhere for confirmation of her attractiveness and seductiveness.

Having learned about the betrayal of her loved one, the lady wants to take revenge on him with the same coin. You give me - I give you. In most cases, she will do the same as he did to her. Then she herself will talk about the connection with another man so that he feels the same pain.

When no one is to blame

If neither the husband nor she herself is to blame for the wife’s betrayal, a midlife crisis can be made extreme. Ladies take such a step to prove to themselves and everyone that they can still excite, make themselves want. It seems to a woman that she has aged and is no longer attractive. This makes him depressed. The wife sees only one way out of this state - to find a lover and make sure that she is still capable of seducing men.

I punished my wife for cheating, what should I do?

Having committed an act of retaliation, you should not tell anyone about it, not even close friends or relatives. Such information can harm a person’s reputation, showing him to be vindictive, insidious, petty, and if disclosed to third parties, cause additional conflicts with the ex-wife, her relatives, or a new man.

Let the satisfied hunger for justice become the starting point for a new, happier life.

You should not take revenge on your ex-wife with the help of your children, “punishing” her with non-payment of alimony, denigrating the woman in the eyes of the offspring, calling their mother offensive words. Such behavior does not harm the cheater, but the child.

When he grows up, he will figure out who is right and who is wrong. There is no need to turn his childhood into a war zone between two people close to the child who were unable to find a common language.

How to minimize the likelihood of cheating on the part of your spouse

You can, of course, try to punish your wife for indecent behavior. The man will feel better, he will get rid of the negative emotions that spoil his life and mood after the betrayal. But revenge will not get rid of the root of the problem. It is necessary to make efforts to find out the reason that could provoke the lady’s love affairs, and then reduce the likelihood of infidelity. What pushes women to find lovers is:

  • boring life;
  • lack of emotions;
  • unkempt husband;
  • lack of compliments.

When partners live together for many years, life together seems boring to them, nothing interesting happens in it. There is no romance, no expectation of fun and variety. This lifestyle provokes depression.

To make living together more interesting, you need to arrange dates for your spouse, give flowers, and take you to a cafe. You should walk together more often, eat ice cream, hold hands. The next trip out of town to visit parents changes to a visit, theatre, cinema, museum, shopping or fishing. You can go to the beach, ice skating rink, ski trip through the forest with tea in a thermos and sandwiches.

Due to the lack of diversity, women also lack emotions. This also applies to intimate relationships. Experimenting with positions and special toys will lead to new experiences. You should definitely try having sex in a different place. If it is not possible to leave, there are elevators, fitting rooms in stores, friends' cottages, etc.

An unkempt spouse who smells unpleasant, has grown a beard, walks around the house in a dirty T-shirt, is a turn-off. Not only should a woman try to take care of herself for her husband’s sake, but he should also do the same for her. Old, worn jeans belong in the trash, your beard needs to be carefully trimmed or shaved. A tights with elongated knees and a stretched T-shirt will not excite your spouse either.

A woman needs compliments. When she hears pleasant words, she wants to try to please her husband and do something nice for him. You should give your wife flowers more often, not only on holidays, and have breakfasts in bed or dinners by candlelight.


How to find out if your husband is cheating: signs in behavior

What will bring spouses closer together are common interests. If your wife likes to pick mushrooms, it’s worth going to the forest with her. After this, you can offer to go fishing together. They unite by watching movies, cooking dinner and discussing books they have read.

Options for dealing with this situation

There are many options for how to take revenge on your wife for betrayal and painful betrayal.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what revenge will bring. Often men begin to do stupid things in an aggressive state, and then regret it. First you need to determine what you want:

  1. Is it worth saving such a marriage?
  2. Revenge on your wife for betrayal will be a beautiful final chord of living together.

Guys are rarely willing to forgive something like this. They are owners by nature, because of this they perceive the departure of a loved one for another man as a personal insult. A husband can take revenge on a girl for cheating in two ways:

Direct violence should be abandoned, since it is punishable by the Criminal Code. The law states that a person has no right to restrict the freedom of other people.

Before teaching your wife a lesson for cheating, you need to think things through. You need to understand what kind of person she is. You will have to hit the painful points to achieve the desired result.

Cases when punishment is required

Many men have encountered the fact that girls are often offended by stupid little things or comments addressed to them. Therefore, turning dissatisfaction into a depraved game will be the optimal solution.

There will be a playful aspect to this, a share of frivolity, but the partner will remember for a long time what she should not do.

She didn't show up for the date

Cases like this, when a girl ignores a meeting for no apparent reason, are not uncommon. However, punishment should be applied only in cases where communication lasts a long time, otherwise the man’s accusations will look ridiculous and unfounded.

Since the offense is considered serious, it should be followed by appropriate punishment.

“Ignore” your messages and calls

It's annoying when girls don't answer calls or messages. Sometimes this happens due to inattention, as a result of resentment, or simply the beloved does not attach any importance to it.

In such a case, it is important to demonstrate how much you do not like it. You should start with light spankings; further steps depend on the degree of involvement and reaction of the partner.

Scream, insult on her part

If a woman allowed herself to insult a man, made a bad joke that hurt feelings, or threw a tantrum out of nowhere, then this is an excellent reason to show who is really in charge.

An insult is taken as a challenge and is punished in a pre-selected manner. Spanking, tying up, or other punishment is used.


A lover, wife or girlfriend cannot openly disrespect a man's words. The guy must make the girl obey.

First, you should make a list of actions and actions that, if committed against the will of the guy, the girl will be punished. Next to it, the method of influence is prescribed depending on the behavior.

Arguing with you

Situations arise when girls suddenly begin to argue simply out of principle, without substantiating their own point of view.

If your loved one has a desire to argue in public or about nothing, she should be punished. It is easy to come up with an appropriate punishment: gag in the mouth, forced oral sex.

Forgive or break up

As hard as it may be to hear, it’s hard to argue with statistics. If there was a one-time betrayal, then there is a high probability of its repetition. It is possible that the wife was not ready for a family relationship and is thus trying to show it. The other side of a woman’s infidelity is as follows. If a man has the strength to forgive his wife, then after a certain period of time, the relationship becomes almost ideal. Women can appreciate the generous behavior of men.

It is difficult to answer what to do in case of marital betrayal. It’s difficult because each case is individual, and betrayal is of a different nature. But a man must decide for himself how to live further, regardless of public opinion.

Whether to forgive the betrayal or take revenge on your wife also depends on how you feel about what happened. If you focus on a problem, your self-esteem drops and everything literally falls out of your hands.

If you are a self-sufficient person, then everything is decided much easier. Keep working, do interesting things, show your wife that you appreciated her concern before this happened. In any matter you need to know when to stop. It is difficult to achieve anything with punishment alone. Love your wife - let her rehabilitate herself. Of course, if you really want it. You shouldn't continue living together because you have children together or work in the same business. Over time, the situation in the family will only worsen.

Sometimes forgiveness is the punishment for betrayal.

Requesting reporting for spending alimony payments in court

Is it possible to request a report on how alimony is spent? The law does not contain information about the possibility of requesting reporting for expenses made by the mother using funds transferred as alimony. The father does not have the opportunity to demand an account through the court.

The father is obliged to communicate with the minor and monitor his condition. If facts of violation of a child’s property rights are revealed, the man must protect his rights.

When meeting his son, the father evaluates his appearance. Concerns should arise from:

  1. Features in development (if they are not due to his state of health). A minor must attend an educational organization, sports activities, or participate in creative associations.
  2. Condition of wardrobe items. Clothing and shoes must be appropriate for the season, weather and the child’s body size.
  3. Low weight or painful pallor (unless these are developmental features of the child).
  4. Lack of toys and gadgets.

A trusting relationship between father and son will help establish the fact of unnecessary spending at the expense of the child’s income. These criteria cannot be considered separately. A dangerous signal is a combination of factors.

Attention! Particular attention should be paid if the minor regularly looks anxious when meeting with his father.

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