
The request "Neurasthenic" is redirected here; for the stage role, see Neurosthenic (role).


- a mental disorder from the group of neuroses, manifested in increased irritability, fatigue, loss of the ability for prolonged mental and physical stress. It was first described by the American physician George Beard in 1869. Neurasthenia usually occurs when mental trauma is combined with excessively strenuous work and physiological deprivation (chronic lack of sleep, lack of rest, etc.). The occurrence of neurasthenia is facilitated by infections and intoxications that weaken the body (alcohol, smoking), endocrine disorders, malnutrition, etc.

What causes increased light sensitivity in the eyes?

A painful fear of light is accompanied by lacrimation and frequent blinking. The syndrome occurs due to malfunctions of the visual organs. If your eyes hurt, your performance decreases, and headaches occur. The person becomes irritable. The main causes of malfunction of the optic nerves:

  • prolonged visual stress from TV, monitor, tablet, gadgets;
  • radioactive damage;
  • migraine (the head usually hurts on one side);
  • side effects of medications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • neurological disorders;
  • eye diseases.

My head feels dizzy and hurts, lights and loud noises irritate me – do I have a vestibular migraine?

Dizziness and migraine are common neurological symptoms in patients of all ages. In some cases, they are noted simultaneously, which indicates their connection with each other.

A neurologist is involved in identifying the symptoms of vestibular migraine. The examination includes a neurological examination, as well as laboratory and instrumental methods.

Therapy is based on the use of drugs and non-pharmacological approaches.

general information

Vestibular migraine, or migraine-associated vertigo, is a condition characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of two of these symptoms. The frequency of its occurrence, according to some data, reaches 1-4%. Most often observed in women. The incidence of vestibular migraine in children is unknown.

When diagnosing vestibular migraine, it is important to distinguish the symptoms from dizziness associated with concomitant diseases: Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, etc. Also, it should be remembered that vestibular disorders can occur against the background of fatigue, malnutrition, etc.

Occurrence of disease

The pathology is of a genetic nature, which is realized under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. There are three main mechanisms in the development of vestibular migraine:

  1. Violation of the tone of the arteries supplying blood to the brain.
  2. The appearance of pathological nerve pulsation in the brain stem.
  3. Excessive excitation of neurons in the trigeminal nerve nuclei.

During the development of a migraine attack, vestibular disturbances are considered as an aura. Its occurrence is associated with the suppression of foci of nervous excitation in various parts of the central nervous system and an imbalance between neurotransmitters.

Trigger factors:

  • chronic stress or severe acute emotional shock;
  • prolonged insomnia, as well as disrupted sleep-wake patterns;
  • bright artificial light, prolonged loud noise;
  • hormonal changes in the body against the background of physiological processes (menstruation, adolescence) or diseases (thyroid pathology, etc.);
  • drinking large amounts of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.

These factors contribute to the emergence of foci of excessive excitation in the structures of the brain. They lead to disruption of nerve impulses and cause an imbalance in neurotransmitters.

Clinical manifestations

The main symptoms of a vestibular migraine attack are dizziness of varying intensity and general weakness. In addition, patients note other clinical manifestations:

  • pain in the neck and back of the head, which intensifies when turning the head;
  • tinnitus, characterized by ringing in the ears;
  • the appearance of a feeling of compression of the head and congestion in the ears;
  • partial or complete visual impairment (possible flashing lights, loss of certain fields of vision, double vision, etc.).

The severity of clinical symptoms varies - from mild to severe. It should be noted that there is a vestibular migraine without headache. In this case, the characteristic migraine pain syndrome is absent. The patient complains of diffuse pain.

The symptoms of attacks differ from time to time. Duration - from a few seconds to several days. As a rule, a vestibular migraine attack completely passes within an hour. If you examine a patient without dizziness, it is difficult to identify neurological disorders.

Diagnostic measures

To identify the disease, diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine are used. There are three main signs that should be identified in a patient:

  • history of 5 or more attacks, each of which lasted from 5 minutes to 72 hours;
  • absence of pathologies that can also lead to the development of dizziness;
  • the presence in half of the cases of attacks of the disease at least 1 of the following symptoms: visual disturbances, photo- or phonophobia, or migraine headache.

Speaking about vestibular symptoms, experts note that they include not only systemic dizziness, but also any sensations the patient feels about the movement of his own body or surrounding objects. Also, such disorders can occur spontaneously or against the background of head movements and other body movements.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with pathology accompanied by similar clinical manifestations - dizziness, nausea and vomiting. It is necessary to exclude malignant brain tumors, abscesses and brain edema.

For this purpose, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. Foci of pathological changes are easily identified using these imaging methods. Also, a differential diagnosis with temporal arteritis, characterized by unilateral headache, is necessary.

When examining the patient, compaction and increased pulsation of the artery of the same name are revealed.

Treatment approaches

Therapy is based on the use of drugs and non-drug methods. Treatment is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Elimination of factors for the development of a migraine attack.
  2. Relief of pain and other clinical manifestations.
  3. Prevention of exacerbations.

Among the medications used are drugs from the following pharmacological groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Nimesulide) and Aspirin for mild pain. The drugs relieve pain and restore the previous level of quality of life. If you have gastritis or ulcerative defects of the gastrointestinal tract, these medications should be abandoned.
  • Vasoconstrictors acting on serotonin receptors. The latter are located on the arteries in the brain. When they are activated, vasoconstriction occurs and the pain attack goes away.
  • Treatment of vestibular migraine with Topamax and other triptans is the “gold standard” for the treatment of migraine disorders. The drug effectively eliminates pain, convulsions and general nervous tension.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline) and selective serotonin reuptake blockers (Fluoxetine) can reduce chronic pain and prevent the development of depression.
  • Propranolol and other beta-blockers normalize vascular tone and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which helps prevent relapses of migraine attacks.
  • Anticonvulsants based on valproic acid reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease and are actively used in the treatment process.

Only the attending physician should prescribe medications. The specialist examines the patient and identifies his indications and contraindications that affect therapy.

Related article: Migraine tablets

Non-drug approaches

A migraine attack can be managed without medications. Such therapy is acceptable in cases where pain and dizziness are mild. It consists of the following measures:

  1. Eliminate any irritating influences from the outside - turn off the lights and any sources of loud sound.
  2. Open the window and ventilate the room. Fresh air with a normal oxygen content helps normalize vascular tone.
  3. Perform acupressure massage of the forehead and temples, as well as the neck area.
  4. Apply a cold compress to your forehead.
  5. Take a warm bath.

Physiotherapy is used to eliminate migraine attacks. These methods have a small range of contraindications and can be used in patients in the absence of acute diseases.

Drug electrophoresis is highly effective - exposure to a weak electromagnetic field that improves the functioning of humoral and neuro-reflex regulatory mechanisms.

The simultaneous use of drugs facilitates their penetration into the body and increases efficiency.

Physiotherapy can be used as therapy to eliminate migraine attacks with mild pain and dizziness.

A positive effect is observed when taking a course of ultraviolet irradiation, which increases microcirculation. The purpose of darsonvalization improves metabolism in the body and normalizes vascular tone. These methods are indicated for patients with asthenovegetative syndrome who constantly experience weakness, low performance and insomnia.

Additionally, pine and radon baths, a circular shower, as well as magnetic and laser therapy can be used.


Following a diet is an important part of vestibular migraine treatment. Some products contain substances that can trigger an attack of dizziness. These include: tyramine, nitrates and histamine. Experts note the following negative properties:

  • Tyramine is a biogenic amine and has a negative effect on the nervous system. In addition, when it is consumed, there is an increase in blood pressure. Tyramine is formed in products during long-term storage and heat treatment.
  • Histamine is a biologically active substance produced in the human body and leading to allergic reactions. It is found in large quantities in cheese, sausage, canned fish and a number of other semi-finished products. Entering the body, histamine leads to dilation of capillaries and spasm of smooth muscles. This causes a violation of the tone of the arteries in the brain and the onset of a migraine attack.

In addition to these substances, nitrates, amines, monosodium glutamate and large amounts of salt have a negative effect.

Dietary nutrition for vestibular migraine is based on the exclusion of harmful foods that can cause exacerbation. During the day, 4-5 meals in small portions are recommended.

Hunger is unacceptable, as it leads to stress and indirectly affects the state of the cardiovascular system.

The following products should be present in the diet:

  • steamed lean meats (chicken, rabbit) and fish, as well as eggs (protein products should not be stored for a long time, as they accumulate tyramine);
  • vegetable oil, for example, olive or sesame, is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which improve the state of metabolism and nervous tissue;
  • fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.;
  • foods rich in magnesium: seaweed, pumpkin and parsley (magnesium normalizes vascular tone and prevents the development of a migraine attack);
  • vegetables in any form (a positive effect is observed when eating legumes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, beets, zucchini);
  • foods with vitamin B2 (riboflavin protects nerve cells from damage, it is found in broccoli, as well as red meats);
  • Fruits and fresh juices: Apples, pears and cherries should be eaten, with preference given to fruits that are specific to the region and season.

It must be remembered that diet is not a complete treatment method. It is of an auxiliary nature and should be used simultaneously with drug therapy. Under no circumstances should you use traditional medicine. Its methods do not have proven effectiveness and safety, especially when pathology occurs in childhood.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures to prevent migraine attacks are based on the use of medications. The most commonly prescribed are Topiramate, medications from the group of valproates and beta-blockers.

The duration of maintenance therapy depends on the course of the disease. Experts believe that medications should be used for 1 year after the last migraine attack.

In this case, stable remission is possible with a low risk of repeated exacerbations.

To prevent migraine attacks, the most commonly used antiepileptic drug is Topiramate.

In addition to taking medications, the patient must follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Normalize sleep and wakefulness. It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  2. Change your diet by eliminating harmful foods and dishes. The food must contain products from the list above.
  3. Reduce or completely eliminate stressful situations at work and in your personal life. To do this, you can go to individual or group psychotherapy.
  4. Give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drug addiction.

When warning signs of a migraine attack appear, you should calm down and create comfortable conditions for yourself - dim the lights, lie down on the bed, etc. During exacerbations, you should not self-medicate, as this can cause the progression of the disease and the development of side effects of medications.

Ocular causes of discomfort in the eyes

Poor quality contact lenses for the eyes cause pain. The occipital or temporal parts of the head hurt.

When there is unbearable pain in the eye area from bright light, the causes of the syndrome are often ophthalmological diseases or mechanical damage:

  • the entry of foreign particles into the cornea causes inflammation (keratitis);
  • injuries;
  • burns from radiation from welding machines;
  • vascular pathologies (uveitis);
  • irritation of the iris of the eyeball (iritis, iridocyclitis);
  • damage to the retina, its detachment from the vascular fundus;
  • pustules on the outer or inner parts of the eyelids;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Other causes of photophobia

Increased light sensitivity of the retina of a neurological nature deserves special attention. The head is painfully dizzy from bright light during infectious diseases: encephalitis or meningitis. Possible serious pathologies:

  • cerebral vascular stroke of various origins;
  • complications after traumatic brain injuries (the head in the forehead or back of the head hurts periodically or constantly);
  • benign neoplasms in the cerebral cortex (an increasing feeling of pressure in the head is accompanied by dizziness and nausea).

Fear of light often occurs when:

  • migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • strong neuroses;
  • ENT diseases (inflammation of the internal parts of the nose);
  • ARVI and other colds.

How to interpret the combination of headache and photophobia?

With photophobia, headaches can be of different types: only the frontal part hurts or there is aching in the occipital region. Less commonly, strong compression of the head occurs from the light.

Costen's syndrome (inflammation of the jaw joint) and paroxysmal hemicrania (vascular pathology of the brain) are characterized by local head pain on one side.

When not only the head hurts, but there is an increase in temperature, runny nose, nausea, the causes of the pain syndrome are infections of the cerebral cortex, ENT organs, and colds. If your head hurts from moderate lighting, the syndrome occurs for neurological reasons.

Treatment and prevention measures

Fear of light is a type of phobia; in itself, it does not require treatment. Diagnostics are necessary to identify the nature of the pain. Neurological diseases require complex therapy, which includes medications, physical procedures, and special gymnastics.

Ophthalmological diseases require systematic use of medications; ointments with antibiotics, vitamin complexes, and drops that stimulate tissue regeneration are prescribed. Patients are recommended to stay in darkened rooms, wear sunglasses when outdoors, and in some cases dark green filters are needed. The headache goes away after eliminating the factors causing photophobia.

Treatment[edit | edit code]

Treatment of neurasthenia at the initial stage is aimed at streamlining the work and rest regime, eliminating the cause of emotional overstrain, and general strengthening of the body (regular nutrition, vitamin therapy, restorative treatment, psychotherapy). If necessary, change jobs. In severe cases (hyposthenic neurasthenia), treatment is prescribed in a hospital, using general restoratives - antidepressants and tranquilizers. The prognosis with proper and timely treatment is favorable. It is also important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Treatment of headaches and photophobia

When your head hurts due to increased eye strain, traditional methods will help:

  1. Tea with milk, honey, chamomile, and lemon balm has a calming and relaxing effect. A glass of the drink relieves pain and improves sleep.
  2. A cool compress on the front of the head will help when bright light hurts your eyes.
  3. Massage around the eye sockets improves blood circulation, kneading the temporal and parietal areas relieves the feeling of squeezing.
  4. Warm compresses with chamomile decoction have a relaxing and analgesic effect. Tampons are left on the eyes for up to fifteen minutes.

Headache. Migraine

Leonid was extremely annoyed.
When Vova called him and said that he had a matter that could not tolerate any delay, and also such that it was dangerous to discuss it over the phone, he did not have any emotions other than indignation. Vova told Leonid to immediately rush home and wait for his arrival. For the last five years, Vova almost did not appear, and when he began to reveal his person to Leonid more often than once every year and a half, he constantly talked about some project that, in his words, would “turn the world upside down.”

Sitting without work, Vova constantly invited Leonid to meaningless gatherings, drinking sessions and other dubious events, which made Leonid nothing more than annoyed.

However, when the bell rang and Leonid opened the door, his irritation disappeared, replaced by concern for his comrade. He had never seen Vova in such a state.

He stood at the threshold, dressed in a snow-covered long coat and a hat with earflaps, the coat was torn in several places, the hat had clearly recently been lying in the mud, there was panic in his eyes, he nervously clutched a huge folder for papers in his hands.

“Hello, Lyon,” Vova greeted in a breathless voice.

“Hello, what happened to you,” Leonid responded worriedly, “why are you in such a state?”

Vova looked around neurotically, squeezing the folder even tighter.

-Will you let me in? – he asked with a pleading look.

- Yes, yes, of course, come in!

Leonid walked a little into the corridor, giving Vova the opportunity to pass.

Vova walked into the corridor and began to take off his coat, without letting go of the folder from his hands; this was clearly difficult for him.

“You know, if you put the folder on the shelf, it will be more convenient,” Leonid noted.

- It is forbidden! – Vova exclaimed.

Leonid recoiled in surprise.

“Well, you can’t, you can’t do this, suffer,” he muttered.

Having somehow managed to take off his coat and take off his shoes, Vova quickly walked into the living room, Leonid followed him. Along the way, Leonid managed to notice several abrasions on Vova’s arms and neck.

With a sigh, plopping down into a chair, Leonid invited Vova to sit opposite. Vova obeyed, the expression of panic fear did not disappear from his eyes and he constantly looked around.

“Vov, honestly, you look like Satan is chasing you,” Leonid noted with irritation, “are you going to start telling me what happened to you and what your business is so important that you pulled me out of work?”

Vova nodded quickly.

“Lyon, what I hold in my hands is the main project of my life, I spent several years on it, and if it falls into the right hands, it will change this world,” Vova spoke quietly and haltingly, every now and then looking around again .

“Vov, you’re a journalist,” Leonid said, throwing up his hands, “what project could you have that will change the world?” Did you reveal a conspiracy theory, or what?

- Almost.

Leonid waved his hands.

- Well, well, let's talk about conspiracies for later. First, what happened to you? Tell me in order. And stop shaking, you are completely safe!

- This is all just because of the project. In recent years, I have become interested in individual scientific groups that are engaged in research on various things related to things useful to humanity. It all started when a friend, a school friend, came to me, he was in shock, I couldn’t calm him down for several minutes.

Leonid chuckled.

– This reminds me of something.

- Listen! – Vova almost shouted, “so, he told me that in his hospital he had launched an experimental method of treating a disease that was considered incurable.

- What disease?

Vova winced.

- Lenya, can you just listen? I don't remember, many years have passed.

- Okay, I’m not interrupting you, tell me.

“He launched the treatment at his own peril and risk, without approval from ministries and other paperwork. To his surprise, one of the methods gave amazing results. Not miraculous, but this disease began to respond to treatment, the symptoms began to disappear, and the disease itself stopped progressing.

Clinical studies were needed, but he was confident that he had made a breakthrough in medicine. For further research, to conduct clinical studies and trials, he already needed all the approvals and permits. He cooked up the project as best he could and sent it to the ministry.

He didn’t want scientific grants or earnings, I’ve known him for a long time, he always lived by the idea,” Vova sighed, “can I have some water?”

Leonid silently stood up and went to the kitchen, Vova followed him, clutching a folder in his hands.

– Well, the results of the review greatly upset him, the ministry smashed the project to smithereens, despite the excellent results, he was refused to continue the research.

Leonid poured water from the decanter and handed the glass to Vova.

- But that's not all. Of course, this upset him, however, it was not a big problem, ministries constantly reject projects in the bud,” Vova took a sip of water from a glass, “then unknown people carefully approached him and politely asked him to “shut his mouth,” that is, to never have relationship to this project. My friend was indignant and went to the ministry to see some boss.

Vova took a sip of water again and headed back to the living room. As both men sat down on the sofa, the conversation continued.

– The reception had negative consequences. Naturally, my friend was not given the opportunity to continue his research and was gently hinted that he should not touch this topic at all. However, he did not stop and tried to open his own center for the treatment of this disease.

A couple of months later, a criminal case was opened against the friend, in which both the ministry and his colleagues were involved. Everyone, as one, insisted that he “killed” patients, trying to push through a “useless method.” He was sent to prison, and as a result, all the materials on his research were confiscated and disappeared to no one knows where.

Only now, no one knew that part of the results of his work remained with me, and I became very interested in this issue. I started digging, found his patients, colleagues and, in short, I found out that his methods actually worked as they should! And here's another thing...

The “medicines” with which this disease was previously treated were incredibly expensive and were more dangerous for patients than useful!

Leonid sat frowning.

“It’s sad, but what does this have to do with what I asked?”

- The most direct thing, let me finish! Two months later I learned that my friend died in prison. Accident. I was depressed for a while, but then I set myself a new goal. I started looking for people with similar research.

I had no luck for a long time, but then I was able to develop a search algorithm and it turned out that there is a cart and a small cart of such data all over the world, just stretch out your hand. This folder, Lyon,” Vova put the folder on the table, he had already noticeably calmed down, “is the result of my search.

There is so much data, so much material, it makes your head spin! Alternative fuels, methods of extraction, use of all types of energy, medicine, treatment of a huge number of diseases for mere pennies, methods of improving agriculture, social and psychological research, cheap and safe production of consumer goods, in a word, this is data that was supposed to improve the world, – Vova was silent for a while, bowing his head, “if only they were beneficial.”

Leonid carefully reached out his hand and touched the folder. Making sure that Vova did not react aggressively to this, he took it and opened it. Frowning, he flipped through page after page.

– Lenya, this data will help all people live better.

“I understand,” Leonid interrupted, “but tell me this.” What makes you think that ministries and other bodies made the wrong conclusions? There are far from idiots sitting there. Don’t you think that this data is simply in reality,” Leonid closed the folder and put it back on the table, “useless?”

Vova raised his eyes and looked at him with a look full of contempt.

– Do you want to know why? And I'll explain. First.

All the methods described are much safer, more useful and accessible, but they are very expensive to implement and will probably not bring much profit in the future, while the existing ones bring in several billions daily! This is simply unprofitable for those who have already built entire empires in their industries. These people can and are willing to pay so that their profits do not decrease and they do not care at all about how many people will die if they are not their loved ones! The same pharmaceutical industry produces medicines that cost millions, which are barely accessible even to the wealthy segments of the population, enormous amounts of money are spent on their purchase, and suddenly, it is proposed to produce a drug that is much more effective and thousands of times cheaper! And this is not to mention the fact that expensive drugs often cause new diseases, or the disease begins to progress without their use.

Leonid sighed.

– Again you’re talking about conspiracies...

– Lenya, these are not conspiracies at all! This is reality! You hang around people like them, so tell me, looking into my eyes, that an oil tycoon will agree to produce engines that run on ordinary water, not caring about profits, just because it is cheaper and safer for the population! Can you?!

Leonid looked at Vova, frowning.

– They have nothing to do with the production of engines at all, this is a different industry, Vova.

“Oh yes,” exclaimed Vova, “and now also say that he is not able to influence this in any way.”

Leonid pursed his lips and lowered his gaze.

“The second thing, Lenya,” Vova continued, “is that these methods work!” I’ve seen plenty of unproven nonsense, but I didn’t add it to the database, I only left what had an amazing result, which people all over the world say is impossible. And third,” Vova darkened, panic appeared in his eyes again, he lowered his voice, “everyone who worked on the material contained in the folder is dead or discredited so much that no one listens to them.

– How are they discredited?

– They are in prison, in a mental hospital, slandered as schizophrenics, or expelled in disgrace from the institutions where they worked. Lenya, this folder, as well as the hard drive that lies inside, are the only ones remaining on the entire planet; the rest of the data was destroyed.

Leonid slammed his fist on the armrest.

– Vova, what exactly happened to you?

– Someone found out about my work. Do not know how. But yesterday, smiling young men in civilian clothes came up to me, showed me the files of some government organization and offered to stop my work. It seems they know little, otherwise the folder would have already been stolen or destroyed. I personally am not dangerous to them, I am only a journalist, not a scientist.

If they burn this folder, for example, I won't be able to recover the data. But today they came again and politely asked for the folder. I managed to get away from them and immediately went to you. You're in business and politics, I don't know who else I can trust with this data to get it into the right hands.

If you refuse, I will understand, because you will risk your neck if you try.

Leonid studied the wall with concentration.

“If what you say is true, then we are both under threat now, but they won’t touch me that easily.” I roughly understand who to give the folder to, Volodya. But now, tell me, looking into my eyes, that the data is true and important and only the lack of profitability of the business prevents people from implementing it.

Vova looked Leonid firmly in the eyes.

“I’m so confident that I’ll bet my life on it.”

Leonid sighed.

- Okay, I'll take care of it, leave the folder.

- Lyon, now the most important thing. The hard drive password is on the first page, on a small piece of paper. Learn it and burn the paper. Do you have a safe?

Leonid nodded.

– Hide the folder in the safe and tell me the code.

- It is necessary? – Leonid said irritably.

- Yes very. Then, Lenya. The folder also contains revealing data on corporations and billionaires who profit from death, I only want to improve people's lives, but if you find it necessary, use them too. And please don't delay this. I still want to see how this world changes.

Leonid smiled.

- I'll do it tomorrow. And now,” Leonid stood up, “it’s time for you.” And me too. Get a good night's sleep, relax, have fun, unwind, in general.

Vova smiled.

– This folder was like a stone on my heart, that’s for sure.

Having gotten dressed and already leaving the apartment, Vova stopped.

- Lenya, be careful. This folder is really dangerous, too many people hate it.

Leonid grinned.

- Believe me, everything will be fine.


Waking up the next day, Vova discovered that he really felt much better. His friend's memory will not die; finally, the world can live differently. He went to the kitchen and turned on the TV. The news was playing in the background while Vova was making himself coffee.

Suddenly, Vova froze with a carton of milk in his hand. The milk slowly poured out of the cup, flooding the table with the coffee drink.

He slowly turned to the screen, looking at it with glassy eyes and an open mouth.

“Today, the famous politician Leonid Smolny was killed in his bed, experts are still finding it difficult to name the reasons for such a cruel act, Leonid’s close friend and colleague, Dmitry, spoke on this matter, you have the floor.”

Vova’s jaw twitched. Milk has already spilled all over the kitchen floor.

"Thank you. I want to say that this act is unprecedented impudence and the greatest tragedy. Even in a nightmare I can’t imagine who could want Leonid to die.”

“Folder,” Vova whispered and ran into the corridor. Slipping on the milk, he fell, hitting his shoulder on the table, swore at the furniture and, jumping up, continued on his way.

He quickly threw on his coat, jumped into his boots and ran out of the house.

To be continued? What do you think?

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