Peculiarities of choosing certain colors in clothes from a psychological point of view

Brown is a darkened yellow-red. It comes from orange, for example, to which black is mixed. The impulsive vitality of red in brown, thanks to the darkening, is dulled, restrained, or, as artists say, “freezes.” Brown loses the active expansive impulse and striking power of red.

In brown there remains only vitality that has lost activity. Therefore, brown color expresses the vital, sensual sensations of the body, instinctive in its control.

The attitude of individuals towards a given color determines their attitude towards life's physical sensations. Whoever rejects brown ignores the vital state of the body.

Brown color expresses:

  • Life, bodily and sensory sensations;
  • Primitive, primal instincts;
  • Naturalness;
  • Regression to physical, life needs;
  • Friendliness, comfort

Brown and beige in psychology and culture

color_harmony halibi
I continue the block on the psychology of color =) Next up we have
. Beige is a lighter shade of brown.

Brown is the color of the earth and trees, so it is associated with stability, calms, and gives a feeling of security.

is a mixture of shades of orange (less commonly yellow and red) with dark gray and black.
is a mixture of orange with a lot of gray and light gray.

Beige and brown - the color of natural landscapes

and the natural color
of many animals

Due to the fact that this color predominates in the wild, it is associated with everything natural, unadorned

, it is often used in eco-style and ethnic.
Since brown is a fairly simple and unadorned color, it often emphasizes simplicity, achievability, and naturalness
. Beige can carry the same associations, although it is more subtle.

However, brown can also be dramatic, as exotic animals and birds are often this color.

  • Because of their stabilizing and calming effects,
    brown and beige are also associated with homeliness and abundant food.
  • Brown - the warming color
    of cinnamon, coffee and chocolate
  • Dark brown can be quite sophisticated and even sensual
    , and is associated with dark chocolate and bitter coffee.

Medium brown is also the color of old foliage and wood. It is associated with the romance of antiquity


Beige color is associated with natural tenderness and softness.


And since the color is quite neutral, and at the same time inviting and not oppressive, it also has elegance


However, like any color, brown also has negative associations.

- due to identification with the earth, brown can be associated with stubbornness and lack of creativity, due to the association with fallen leaves - with old age and withering, due to naturalness - with excessive simplicity and unpretentiousness. Negative associations appear when color is used ineptly or in excess.

  1. Brown in culture
  2. in Japan
    , according to sources, there is not even a special name for brown; they use descriptive names like “tea color” and “fallen leaf color.”
  3. In Chinese philosophy,
    brown represents, of course, the element “earth.”
  4. But often in Asian
    cultures it is the color of mourning, as it is reminiscent of dry leaves.
  5. But among Native Americans
    , brown is the stabilizing color of the forces of nature.

The color is quite neutral, so in the culture of many peoples there are no special associations associated with it.

Associations for brown and beige

: soothing, stabilizing, gentle, warming, cozy, natural. Negative - simple, unassuming, fading, inert.

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Curious and useful for ladies and young ladies

Beige color - combination, psychology, symbolism

Beige color is always a timeless classic.
It occupies equal positions in comparison with white, black and gray colors. Moreover, there are more than a thousand different shades of beige. Symbolism of beige color This color can eliminate aggression, pacify and relax. In addition, all shades of beige contribute to complete and quality rest. People who prefer beige to all other colors are soulful people who value practicality most of all. In any life situations, even the most difficult ones, they strive to maintain neutrality.

Clothes in beige colors All shades of beige are considered classic, so they can easily be considered the most fashionable in the fall-winter season of any year. This is one of the most “natural” flowers, since it is often found in nature: stones, bamboo, autumn leaves, etc. Clothing designed in a calm beige color scheme can add elegance and sophistication to any woman. Pastel tones of green, pink, lavender and brown go perfectly with beige. So, if you want to create the most gentle, touching and at the same time feminine and sexy image, be sure to pay attention to the variety of colors in warm beige shades.

Psychology of beige The psychological perception of beige color by a person is very complex and ambiguous. On the one hand, beige is considered the color of stagnation, since it lacks a pronounced emotional coloring. However, at the same time, it is quite complex, capable of calming, and has a warm, quiet and calm energy. Beige color is also considered to be quite independent, a background color.

Beige color in the interior For lovers of experimentation, a room decorated in a neutral beige color scheme is an ideal field for realizing all your ideas in terms of color experiments. Shades of beige such as cream or ivory can add a finished look to the room, as well as a touch of sophistication and sophistication to your bedroom (don't forget to Feng Shui the bed). And this is even despite the fact that such neutral shades can get lost against the background of other, brighter colors. In addition, the interior, designed exclusively in neutral colors, is perfect for those rooms in which you will relax and gain strength, for example, in the bedroom.

Practical recommendations regarding the use of beige color If you decide to combine only monochromatic things in your image, you can safely choose any soft natural palette, giving preference to calm and not very “flashy” tones. In addition, clothes with prints on a beige background will look very stylish. Beige color goes well with richer tones. However, in this case he will no longer occupy the position of leader.

As for the decoration of the room, all shades of beige can serve as an excellent basis for creating an original and unique design. Moreover, no matter what color scheme you choose: beige will harmonize with both calm tones and more saturated ones.

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What does bright lilac, purple color in clothes mean: psychology

Many people, especially women, love such colors in clothes, however, they are not suitable for everyone. So, first, let's figure out which people prefer purple and lilac colors in clothes:

  • Self-sufficient. The purple color is quite strict and restrained, of course, if you do not choose its flashy shades.
  • Self-confident, without complexes. Despite the whole range of shades, purple and lilac colors are still bright and somewhat provocative. As a rule, when dressing in clothes of such colors it is very difficult to go unnoticed.
  • Those who want to stand out from the rest.
  • Mysterious, because purple and lilac are unusual, mysterious colors.

In clothes
A person’s desire to dress in purple clothes means the following:

  • The desire to create a romantic and unusual image. Purple color is perfect for creating a romantic image and mood.
  • Declare yourself to the whole world without being afraid to show your shortcomings. In most cases, the lilac color does not hide flaws in the figure and appearance, but rather emphasizes them. However, many people are not afraid to show their imperfect body and appearance, and even on the contrary, they strive to show that there is nothing wrong with it.
  • Emphasize your importance in society and financial well-being. Since ancient times, these colors have been considered the colors of the elite, rich, wealthy and powerful people. Some people still have this idea of ​​color today.
  • Emphasize individuality and special position. Often pregnant women are drawn to this color in clothing, since it symbolizes a transition to a new state, the beginning of something new.

Original, slimming

It is worth noting that it is not for nothing that many people like the purple color in clothes, because it:

  • Visually slimming.
  • Indicates individuality, originality.
  • Arouses interest among others.
  • Emphasizes self-confidence and self-sufficiency.


Creates home comfort, an environment where you want to relax, unwind, reflect on life, and finally take a nap. It will be appropriate in absolutely any room. It helps to expand the space, and light shades create an atmosphere of trust. It is easier to make decisions in such a room. It seems that everything will work out in any case, and you have enough strength to cope with any problem. Dark shades are suitable when you want to emphasize well-being and success. That is, to emphasize prestige and social status.

Add it to the nursery to slightly balance the irrepressible energy of an active and active child. But always in combination with other bright colors. Otherwise, the baby will be bored and not interested in being in his room. In the kitchen, it will help you enjoy food, eliminating overeating or loss of appetite. In the bedroom it will promote quality sleep; in the morning you will feel cheerfulness and lightness in your body.

The meaning of clothing color in psychology

Psychology believes that contemplation of color has an impact on the human psyche, up to sudden mood swings

Therefore, it is important to choose an outfit so that it does not irritate either the owner or others during the day.


Psychology considers a lover of the color red in clothes as an extraordinary, strong personality with clearly expressed leadership qualities. This is the color of love and passion, on the one hand, and aggression, on the other. A person who prefers red is impulsive, ambitious, often assertive and selfish.


Although orange shades in the spectrum are adjacent to red, this color has the opposite meaning. Orange lovers are intellectually developed, active, good-natured and sociable. A rich orange tone is difficult for the brain to perceive, causing psychological exhaustion, so you should wear such tones with care.


In psychology, the color yellow in clothing is associated with the sun, warmth, and cheerfulness. Yellow has a positive effect on mental activity, fights chronic fatigue and prolonged depression. People who love this shade are always in a good mood, open and sociable. However, they are often very critical of themselves and others.


Green symbolizes assertiveness, toughness and firmness. The choice of green clothing speaks of a person’s desire for constancy, his desire to assert himself. At the same time, green lovers subconsciously want to be liked by others; they lack public recognition.


Blue has a dual effect on the human psyche. On the one hand, this color calms, on the other hand, if it is not diluted with other tones, it causes anxiety and even a state of depression. People who choose outfits in blue tones are distinguished by reliability and calmness.


Blue is associated with the sky, sublimity, and spirituality. Blue evokes trust and respect and promotes a feeling of peace. People wearing blue clothes are intellectually developed, creative and positive. It is easy to find a common language and establish contact with them.


The lilac color in clothes psychologically causes feelings of anxiety and concern in others. You should not wear lilac tones when going to negotiations, as the interlocutor may feel rejected. Lilac lovers are people prone to melancholy and depression. Surrounding themselves with lilac tones, they unconsciously plunge deeper into a state of depression. Psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin will help you get out of this state.


The psychology of purple in clothing speaks of a person’s desire to be realized in this life. People who prefer purple shades are critical of themselves, prone to self-control, but at the same time they are in dire need of support and support. They are sentimental and sensitive. Saturated purple shades can cause apathy, as they put significant pressure on the psyche.


Pink shades relieve irritation, pacify anger, and have a relaxing effect on the psyche. Pink lovers need protection and love. Such people are easily excitable and often become restless for any reason. They are frivolous, looking for vivid sensations and impressions.


Psychology explains the choice of gray in clothing by the desire not to stand out, to be inconspicuous. People who dress in shades of gray are afraid of being seen and often have low self-esteem. At the same time, they are open, good-natured, responsible, you can rely on them and trust them.


In psychology, white clothing is associated with purity and perfection. People who often wear white clothes are neat, punctual, decent and sincere with others. This color has a positive effect on the human psyche and makes people feel good about themselves; it’s not for nothing that health workers wear white coats.


Psychology explains an excess of black in clothes with self-doubt and the desire to hide from the surrounding reality. Often this indicates mental anguish, internal depression, melancholy and a state close to depression. However, this is not always the case. Psychology explains the color black in a woman’s clothing as aggressiveness towards others. With this she wants to show independence and self-sufficiency. For men, it is a symbol of rigor, efficiency, and practicality.


In psychology, the brown color of clothing symbolizes earth, life, and fertility. People who prefer brown tones clearly know their goals and go towards them. They are success-oriented, practical and serious, and indulgent towards dreamers. Brown brings a sense of stability, suppresses anxiety and restlessness.

Yellow - bright and sunny

Another bright color that immediately attracts attention. In the cultures of different countries, shades of yellow (bright yellow, light yellow, mustard, lemon, dark yellow) immediately evoke the same association - the color of the Sun. And Sunlight is always something good and positive for people. This is largely the reason why yellow is considered the main color of humor. To check this fact, you can remember what color emoticons are colored in any messaging program.

Yellow clothing becomes the right choice for cheerful and positive people who want others to know about it. Yellow things literally charge you with positivity. However, in some situations, excessive positivity may become inappropriate, for example, you should not appear in yellow clothes at serious business negotiations.

Brown color in psychology

In brown there remains a vitality that has lost its activity. Expresses the vital sensations of the body. People who prefer this color desire physical rest and peace. Health conditions are ignored when brown is rejected. Brown color represents stability, devotion, calms, supports during times of anxiety and unrest.

Confident people choose brown. Usually brown is preferred when everything around is going badly. It is a kind of hope that everything will be fine. People who choose brown love to work and speak the truth. If you are going to get a job, wear something brown. Brown is rejected when a person wants to find his individuality, get away from the instincts of the body, stop depending on them

At the same time, people need categoricalness and attention

Brown is the color of people born under the constellation Capricorn

Brown symbolizes reliability, protection and strength. This is a conservative color. He is calming and discreet. A person who prefers brown is slowly but surely moving towards his goal. He is inclined to think through everything carefully, calculate it, and only then begin to take specific actions. The personal life of brown lovers can be quite difficult because they tend to perceive life as a struggle, as an eternal overcoming of obstacles and difficulties. This color helps you feel protected and protected, relieves tension and anxiety, gives you peace of mind, a healthy outlook on the world and self-confidence.

Negative characteristics

Depression, disappointment, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, depression, obsessions with destruction

Brown color is attractive; it is associatively warm and soft. This color promotes frank conversations. Well suited for a first business meeting or interview, in brown you will give the impression of a respectable, practical, stable and attractive person. This color helps in trade and financial matters. Brown imparts wisdom and the ability to maintain smooth relationships. Brown color is chosen by those who stand firmly and confidently on their feet. People who have a soft spot for him value traditions and family. The preference for brown reflects, first of all, the desire for simple instinctive experiences, primitive sensual joys. At the same time, the choice of this color as the most preferred also indicates a certain physical exhaustion. Normally, along with black, brown is the most often rejected color.


If you are still looking for yourself and a job, try wearing a brown suit, or at least a watch and shoes, to an interview. This will have a positive impact on your image and will inspire confidence as a professional and competent employee. It will also give the impression that you are hardworking and confident.

Ideal for government agencies, or those involved in protecting citizens and associated with justice and power. For example, this could be a court or a law office, a notary. To indicate quality, reliability and emphasize status, they are used to advertise clothes, cars, watches and other accessories.

Try to avoid it if you work in the healthcare industry. Given the nuance that brown, like green, is perceived as natural colors, it can cause associations that will negatively affect your business.

How does it affect people's psyche?

Red color in psychology - what does it mean for women and men

Man in a black suit

An interesting experiment was recently conducted. It was established that the thesis about “black and white logic” is not just a cliche and not just a common expression.

The floor in the judges' quarters was painted austere black. The judge, who had previously been known to be meticulous, impartial and fair, was inclined to convict.

The experiment was repeated again. This time the process took place in a room with a white floor. After considering the case, the judge pronounced an acquittal.

Therefore, psychologists have concluded: the color black really has a strong effect on the human psyche.

This shade has long been associated with darkness and gloom. The expression “seeing the world in black and white” is widely known. However, society associates a black limousine with luxury and glitz. In the middle of the 20th century, it was proven that the “color of evil” is not black, but brown - it was this shade that was chosen by the SS stormtroopers.

Attitudes towards blacks have softened. According to a number of psychologists, this is the color of extraordinary, organized people. Therefore, it is often used in the interior of large companies.

Absorbing the entire color spectrum, black includes all the healing qualities of other shades. It is not recommended to abuse it - it helps to lower your mood.

You should be wary if a person has suddenly changed his habits. It is recommended to take a closer look at his behavior and, if necessary, seek help from a qualified psychologist-psychotherapist.

Combination with other colors

Since beige is considered more of a background color, it goes well with other colors. In some cases it harmonizes the overall image, but in many it simply becomes invisible.

Beige and gray

These two basic and equal colors create an elegant, discreet and complete look. This is an undeniable classic.

Beige and red

Beige softens the bright and provocative red color. But red elements on a beige background add piquancy and bright touches to the image.

Beige and violet

Bright purple shades do not harmonize well with beige, but deep and restrained shades paired with nude will create an interesting and delicate image.

Nude and burgundy

The color of “rotten cherry” in combination with beige looks solemn, luxurious and feminine, especially if the tones are used in equal proportions.

Beige and green

Here everything depends on the proportion of colors and their “temperature”. Cool beige tones harmonize well with cool shades of green. For warm beige, rich and bright green is suitable.

Beige and blue

This combination cannot be called bad, but beige usually gets lost against the background of blue.

Flesh and black

This is a win-win combination both in the interior and in clothing. Pure classic.

Beige and pink

Delicate pink together with beige creates a pastel palette, while rich lilac shades come into cold contrast with beige.

Nude and white

These colors can simply blend together if the beige is too light. There are no specific accents in this combination.

Nude and brown

These are “related” colors, and they harmonize perfectly. The darker and richer the brown, the more elegant and deeper the image.

What and how does brown color treat?

Color therapy tells us that brown, firstly, keeps you in good shape, secondly, it calms, and thirdly, due to the yellow content, it activates thought processes.

It turns out that the guardians of school morals in Soviet times were not so wrong!

To a weakened person, pure red is much less pleasant than rich dark brown (which evokes tree bark, a cozy country house and, therefore, a simpler, more peaceful life).

How does brown affect the psyche?

The less a person likes this color, the less attention he pays to the physiological life of his body. And even more so, he is focused on some other aspects of life. Such a person is physically dissatisfied and therefore tries to find opportunities for self-affirmation in something else. Meanwhile, his strength dries up and decline sets in. In a weakened state, a person begins to treat brown more loyally.

Brown color in a dream

Brown is the color of the earth, that is, in a sense, the beginning. If you dream of brown, analyze where your problems began. Brown dreams can also indicate troubles in the family circle.

What does it mean if you like brown?

You are solid, reliable and balanced. You think a lot, your decisions are balanced, logical and smart. Avoid crowded places, preferring to be at home or in a quiet place outside the city. Your affection for your family is respected. But try not to be overly conservative. Believe me, this approach to life deprives you of many, many pleasures.

You strive for rest and relaxation, but you work a lot and therefore rarely have the opportunity to truly take a breath. Try to use your free time wisely. Maybe sometimes on a weekend you should put off cleaning, go out into nature, take a walk in the park or play sports?

Advice from psychologists

You are very attentive to your intimate partner. You give in in many ways, but not because you are influenced. It just gives you pleasure to bring joy.

First of all, the “brown” exercise is suitable for you, since you are in dire need of rest. The “yellow” exercise, which renews intellectual strength and gets you ready for work, would also be appropriate. “Red” can also be used in moderate doses.

starfate magazine articles » Meaning of colors » What does brown mean | Psychology of color

Peculiarities of color perception

According to a sociological study that was conducted to study the perception of colors in different cultures, common features were identified regarding the decoding and perception of colors.
In psychology, as a science, there are 6 primary colors, around which other shades are concentrated. The general characteristics are largely similar, but there are minor differences. If we talk about meanings, then in Europe, people who observe mourning should not wear bright clothes, only dark ones, preferably black. In Asia, the color of mourning is white.

Since the beginning of the 20th century in Europe, it has been customary to dress newborn girls in pink clothes, and boys in blue. But over the years, this tradition is increasingly associated with criticism and disapproval.

Also, colors can be interpreted differently by different personalities. This is due to constantly changing fashion, the psychological state of a person, the period and stage of life.

Still, one should not assume that the meaning of colors in psychology is fickle and subjective. They bring together well-established concepts that, if applied correctly, will be very useful.

Symbolism of beige color

Beige is a classic color that ranks alongside colors such as white, gray and black. It symbolizes warmth, comfort, peace, regularity, harmony. The color beige also has negative symbols. These include: melancholy, sadness, boredom, sadness, monotony, monotony, routine. In different countries, the color beige is interpreted differently. For example, in China, like white, it means mourning, sadness, and death. In India, ivory was highly revered. Only noble people could afford beige utensils. In Ancient Egypt, figurines of gods were painted beige. Thus, this color corresponds to divinity, enlightenment, connection with otherworldly forces.

The color beige was very popular in the 18th century. This color predominated in sculpture, architecture, and painting. Statues and figurines were created from a milky stone called steatite (soap stone). South American architects used white terracotta ceramics, but the patterns on the tiles were always done in beige. The artist Jean Chardin always replaced white with beige in his paintings.

The meaning of pink in psychology

Pink is a quiet, romantic color. In the light of a rosy hue, everything seems purer and more beautiful: hence the expression “looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.” At the same time, intense pink is seen more in a sexual context, and a delicate pastel shade literally radiates shyness and innocence. Introverts like this tone. It irritates pragmatic, conservative people.

In the media space, the pink tone is associated with spring flowers, tenderness and softness, cosmetic and perfume products, and underwear. Advertising “exploits” these properties of pink, widely using it in the design of medicines, children's products, body care cosmetics, fabric softeners and other emphatically safe products.

Orange is the color of creativity

The orange color is clearly visible to the human eye. In many ways, orange is reminiscent of yellow - just as positive, full of energy and well-being. But for this reason, due to its excessive positivity and charge, just like pink and yellow, orange is absolutely inappropriate in serious areas related to finance and trade. But for people associated with creativity, the creation of new and interesting things, orange clothing is a good reflection of their creative personality.

Blue color in clothes

At a certain time in his life, a person chooses a color for himself. This also applies to clothing and interior design. At some point, an irresistible desire arises to paint the walls a different shade, hang curtains of a different color, or change the color of the furniture. Psychologists explain this desire as an attempt to subconsciously replenish the energy of a given color, since this is what the body currently lacks. If a person is stable in his color preferences and does not change them, guided by temporary impulses or mood, this can tell about the peculiar traits of his character.

If a person chooses blue clothes, psychologists consider him an introvert who has strong analytical skills, prefers to relax alone, refuses noisy parties, preferring home gatherings. If such shades predominate in the wardrobe, this indicates that its owner is closed in on himself, secretive, and finds it difficult for him to trust people and open up to them. For this person, loneliness is a value; he respects his own and others’ personal space and desires. The interior of such a person usually also contains blue tones.

But psychologists warn that constantly wearing blue clothes and being in a room where blue prevails can cause melancholy and depression. Therefore, experts advise fans of blue to add variety by filling their wardrobe with other colors.

What color do you like?

Color is not only coloristics, but also an effective tool for influencing the psyche of homosapiens. As color psychology says, the meaning of any shade and the attitude towards it will help to penetrate the secret of human formation and development. The answer to a completely simple-minded question: “What color do you like”? can tell about your character traits, emotional mood and even sexual preferences. So what can the beige color tell, from a psychological point of view, about the pros and cons of its lover?

  • Pros: A “beige” person has character traits such as reliability and stability. The beige shade is liked by sincere and calm people who value quality and practicality in life. They try to maintain neutrality in any unstable situation.
  • Cons: Blurred beige color means that you have a boring and uninteresting life, not illuminated by bright colors. Everything in your existence is ordinary and familiar. You lack passion, emotions, you are like a butterfly in a cocoon.

According to the latest statistical studies, beige color is chosen by people who prefer a classic look, who love tranquility and family comfort. People in beige are confident in their attractiveness, boldly look into the future, they are prosperous and successful. They are distinguished by strict style and thrift.

The beige color in the interior is calming, instills confidence and tranquility, bringing a touch of natural freshness to the home. Beige color is suitable for bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and hallways. Also one of the shades of beige is cream color. A person should not prefer only one color; the more colors a person prefers, the more harmonious a person he is.

The ideal person from a psychological point of view is a person who prefers 4 colors, and foreign designers even came up with an axiom on how to find your color to dilute your wardrobe. Things that feel good to you are your color, and conversely, if they irritate you and make you feel negative, you shouldn't wear them.

Color and emotions

The connection between colors and a person’s emotional state has been noticed for a long time. In the 19th century, the fundamental work “The Doctrine of Color” was published, dedicated to the emotional content of various shades. It is interesting that the author of this work was the famous German poet I. Goethe, who considered the book about color his main achievement.

In the 20th century, Goethe's brilliant guesses were confirmed by serious psychophysiological research, which proved that color affects not only emotions, but also the state of the body as a whole, for example, the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

  • Red color increases the level of any excitement: joyful, aggressive, sexual. It is hot, tonic, and at the same time red overloads our nervous system, so it quickly begins to irritate.
  • Blue, on the contrary, relieves excitement, causes inhibition and “cools the ardor.” It is the color of peace, but it lacks joy, and the darker the blue, the gloomier it is.
  • Green is considered neutral or optimal. This color balances the processes of excitation and inhibition and only slightly increases tone. Therefore, green, as Goethe said, not only gives rest to the soul, but also increases efficiency.
  • Orange is also hot, invigorating, but not as exciting as red, so it is not as irritating and well stimulates various physiological processes, for example, awakens appetite.
  • Yellow is the most cheerful and cheerful of colors. It even stimulates thinking. But, on the other hand, too bright and cheerful a color can quickly tire not only the eyes, but also the psyche.
  • Blue evokes a feeling of coolness and peace. It is the one that most effectively lowers blood pressure and reduces excitation in the cerebral cortex. But in large quantities this color causes a feeling of laziness and apathy.
  • Violet is even more passive than blue and blue, and also gloomy. It not only reduces activity and performance, but can cause feelings of anxiety and depression, a tendency towards mysticism and philosophical reflection.
  • Brown color is the most stable and conservative. It calms without depressing, and evokes a feeling of confidence in the immutability of existence. Brown has a beneficial effect on people who are tired of the frantic pace of life and the diversity of the modern city.
  • White is the most unusual of colors. On the one hand, it would seem that this is not color at all, but its absence. On the other hand, physics tells us that white color is obtained from a combination of all the colors of the spectrum. One way or another, this color is perceived by humans as cold emptiness. It can create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, but its abundance creates an urgent need for color.
  • Black is a gloomy color, a symbol of denial and rejection of the beauty of the world, and sometimes of life. Often this color awakens deep, irrational fears in people.
  • Gray is the most dull and “colorless” color; it creates an atmosphere of boredom and hopelessness.

Despite the fact that the psycho-emotional component is the main one, it is not worth focusing only on it. Our perception of color is influenced by many factors, including various associations and cultural, religious and political symbolism accepted in society.

Physiological effects

Brown color has a complex structure, therefore it combines both positive and negative properties. Cold and warm energy manifests itself depending on the purity and saturation of the shade. Brown-red and orange shades have a warming effect. It stimulates blood circulation and improves immunity. Psychologists and physiologists recommend wearing items or clothing of these shades to increase strength and replenish energy.

Light brown improves memory and helps concentrate. It is recommended for use by people associated with mental activity. It is believed that a brown stone or candle will help you pass an exam or test.

Rich and deep shades of brown have a calming effect. These colors help extinguish strong emotions, relieve stress and anxiety. At the physiological level, dark brown helps slow down metabolism and stimulate the nervous system. Any item of this color can slightly lower blood pressure and soften anger.

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