On the influence of the personality of the psychologist and the client

So, who is he, a doctor or just a person?

A psychologist is a person who has a special education in the field of psychology and performs professional work in this field (as a science) and provides psychological assistance.

As a rule, people turn to a psychologist who feel the need to change something, solve a problem, or find the right path in their life.

If we imagine that our psyche is a straight line, then a point above or below this line can be considered a pathology and carry a clinical change in the psyche. Only psychiatrists can work with this group of people.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who has a higher education in the field of medicine and has undergone special training in a psychiatric institution. This is why he may prescribe medicine, refer a sick person to a hospital for further treatment, or determine the degree of competency.

A psychologist works only with mentally normal people, that is, with people who are healthy but have some problems that can be solved faster, safer and more comfortably, without the use of medications.


History of the profession "Psychologist"

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the inner world of man. The term “psychology” itself comes from the Greek words “psyche” - soul and “logos” - science. The ancient philosophers Plato and Aristotle were interested in the problem of the soul. Subsequently, in connection with the development of science and technology, psychology began to acquire increasing importance in society. The date of the emergence of psychology as a science is considered to be the opening of the first experimental laboratory in Leipzig in 1879. Psychological laboratories are appearing in Europe and Russia.

Over time, various directions of psychological knowledge appeared and developed: psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, analytical psychology of Carl-Gustav Jung, behaviorism of J. Watson, Gestalt psychology and many, many others.

Currently, psychology covers almost all spheres of people’s lives and activities; psychological knowledge is used in politics, economics, medicine, culture and art, in production and in education. And, undoubtedly, it will be useful and interesting for every person to learn more about themselves and other people.

Professionogram "Psychologist"

Name of profession

Dominant way of thinkingadaptation - formalization
Additional Ways of Thinkingapplication - regulation; creativity - flexibility
Area of ​​basic knowledge No. 1 and its levelsocial or natural sciences (depending on the specialty), level 3, high (theoretical)
Area of ​​basic knowledge No. 2 and its levelpedagogy and psychology, level 2, intermediate (practical use of knowledge)
Professional areapsychology
Interpersonal interactionfrequent
Dominant interestsocial
Additional Interestresearch
Working conditionsin room; sedentary
Preferred gender

The dominant activities of the “Psychologist” profession:

  • study of the development of the psyche and the patterns of mental processes;
  • studying the general patterns of development of children of different ages and constructing training programs;
  • study of the inner world and behavioral characteristics of a person;
  • studying the behavior of people in small and large groups;
  • studying issues related to people’s creative activity, peculiarities of perception;
  • study of human activity, the characteristics of his work;
  • studying behavior in stressful situations;
  • research and analytical work (working with the information received, adapting psychodiagnostic techniques to the conditions of real practice);
  • informing the client about what is happening to him;
  • psychological counseling aimed at helping a person resolve various difficult situations;
  • organizing group events, conducting trainings, seminars, giving lectures;
  • prevention and correction of undesirable manifestations of the human psyche, as well as strengthening and formation of the necessary psychological qualities of the individual;
  • professional selection and recruitment;
  • providing psychological career support;
  • studying the features of the judicial process, the motives of the criminal’s behavior, developing crime prevention measures.

Qualities that ensure the success of a psychologist’s professional activities:

CapabilitiesPersonal qualities, interests and inclinations
  • a high level of development of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to concentrate on one object for a long time without being distracted by other objects or weakening attention);
  • a high level of development of switching and distribution of attention (the ability to quickly transfer attention from one object to another or from one type of activity to another, as well as to keep several objects in the spotlight at the same time or perform several actions simultaneously);
  • good development of figurative and verbal-logical memory;
  • high level of development of imaginative thinking;
  • development of logical thinking;
  • good development of mnemonic abilities (long-term and short-term memory);
  • communication skills (communication and interaction with people, ability to establish contacts);
  • listening skills;
  • verbal abilities (the ability to speak clearly, clearly, expressively);
  • high degree of personal responsibility;
  • tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people;
  • interest and respect for the other person;
  • desire for self-knowledge, self-development;
  • originality, resourcefulness, versatility;
  • curiosity and learning ability;
  • tactfulness, good manners;
  • a tendency to empathize;
  • initiative;
  • determination, perseverance;
  • intuition, ability to predict events;
  • resourcefulness;
  • secrecy;
  • creativity;
  • erudition.

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • mental and emotional imbalance;
  • aggressiveness;
  • isolation;
  • indecision;
  • lack of inclination to work with people;
  • inability to understand the position of another person;
  • rigidity of thinking (inability to change ways of solving problems in accordance with changing environmental conditions);
  • low intellectual level of development.

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • social organizations (orphanages, shelters, homes for the elderly, people with disabilities, children's creativity and leisure centers);
  • educational institutions (schools, kindergartens, universities);
  • institutions for recruiting and selecting personnel (recruitment agencies, employment centers, career guidance centers);
  • medical institutions (hospitals, clinics, drug treatment centers, rehabilitation centers);
  • psychotherapeutic, psychological advisory services;
  • enterprises, firms;
  • law enforcement agencies (courts, children's reception centers, colonies, prosecutor's office, district departments of internal affairs);
  • work on a helpline;
  • work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services;
  • military organizations.

What a psychologist cannot be:

  • A psychologist is not a doctor.

  • A psychologist is not a teacher or mentor.
  • He doesn’t know “what’s right.” Each client has his own right.
  • The goal of therapy is to find the optimal solution together with the client.
  • A psychologist is not a magician.
  • If you come with an old problem, do not hope that one meeting will fix everything, this is rather an exception.
  • A psychologist is not a friend.
  • Psychologists do not work with their family members and friends because it causes serious damage to the effectiveness of the process.

The article “Who is a psychologist?”

Who is a psychologist?

“You need to see a psychologist,” says the school teacher.

“But my baby is healthy!” - Mom answers in fear and indignation.

What does a psychologist have to do with mental health or illness?

What kind of profession is this, what and how does a psychologist do, and in what cases would it be useful to consult with him?

Unfortunately, most people’s ideas about the profession of a psychologist are vague, fuzzy, or simply incorrect. There are a huge number of misconceptions associated with this profession.

Often a psychologist is presented as something like a teacher. Having had an appointment with a psychologist, parents who hold this opinion arm themselves with a pen and notepad to write down all the recommendations. Some people think that a psychologist is a doctor who writes prescriptions and treats with pills. Typical confusion occurs, but a psychologist and a psychiatrist are two completely different professions.

A psychologist works with mentally healthy people experiencing various difficulties.

Psychology - translated from Greek - is the science of the soul, of the inner, mental world of man. It is psychology that helps a person solve his vital problems. Each of us builds our own lives and has our own more or less effective ways of overcoming stressful and problematic situations. However, at the same time, many of us are familiar with the state when our own strength and knowledge are not enough, close people for some reason cannot or do not want to help, or are even the direct cause of the current situation. And that’s when you may need the help of a professional.

Myths about psychologists.

Myth 1.

If you consult a psychologist, you are crazy. A psychologist and a psychiatrist are one and the same.

Is it true:

a psychologist differs from a psychiatrist, like a crazy day from a madhouse. A psychiatrist is a specialist in the treatment of mental illnesses (eg schizophrenia). Uses predominantly medicinal methods of treatment (medicines, tablets).

A psychologist is a specialist who advises HEALTHY people in situations of difficulty in various areas of life (problems in studies, family relationships, team relationships, relationships between children and parents, communication problems, choosing a life path, self-development, conflict situations and much more).

Myth 2

. Only weak and stupid people who cannot solve their problems themselves come to a psychologist.

Is it true:

A person turns to a psychologist who feels the need to change his behavior, his life in one direction or another and is looking for a competent way, an effective way to implement these changes. A psychologist is a specialist who can help you find such a path, your own, unique for everyone. If you have a toothache, you don’t find anything wrong with going to the dentist, do you?

Myth 3

. If you contact the school psychologist, the whole school will know about it.

Is it true:

The main rule of the work of a psychologist, and especially a school psychologist, is confidentiality. This means that no one, without your consent, will know what question you asked the psychologist, about the content of your conversation with him, and often even about the very fact of your request. The same applies to the results of psychological testing, which is carried out at school. Only a psychologist knows about your specific results. The curator or class teacher is provided with materials in a summarized form.

To summarize, people are often afraid to face a problem. That's why they come up with excuses for themselves. What if there is a problem? Will I need to change anything in my life? But that’s why you need to go to a psychologist who will help you achieve success in finding a way out.

And remember, to find the right solution to a problem, you need to find its cause.

Psychologist's work with clients:

A psychologist is a specialist who can look at your problem from the point of view of his professional experience and can help you find a solution. This is a kind of guide that carries a lantern while you walk towards the light.


Individual consultations.

During a consultation, the psychologist and the client, as a rule, find out the cause of the client’s difficulty and look for solutions.

Sometimes the psychologist may suggest using other tools for work, such as drawing or games. However, you are not forced to do things you don't want to do or talk about things you don't want to discuss.

You can also ask your questions.


This is learning by doing.

During the training, you are encouraged to master and apply new behavior patterns and ways to solve various problems.

Typically, training groups consist of 10–15 people.

The training participants do interesting exercises and share their impressions with the group.

The result of training is to obtain practical knowledge that can be used in life.

Psychological diagnostics.

This is personality analysis using tests.

Psychodiagnostics concerns many aspects such as interpersonal relationships, human attention, memory, professional self-determination, personal qualities, abilities, intelligence, psychological state, etc.

Based on the results of these tests, some research recommendations can be made.

Psychologists in Moscow

Who is a psychologist?

What symptoms should you see a psychologist for?

In what situations should you consult a psychologist?

How does a consultation with a psychologist work?

Diagnosis by a psychologist

I'm looking for a psychologist. Where to begin?

Cost of seeing a psychologist

Make an online appointment with a psychologist

Who is a psychologist?

Stress? Overcome with anxiety? Need to make an important decision? Do you have phobias or neuroses? Do you think this is nonsense, an everyday matter? In vain. It’s better to go to a psychology center, where everything is aimed at helping people in difficult life situations.

It is not entirely correct to call a psychologist a doctor or doctor - this specialist has a higher psychological education, not a medical one. However, in consultation with a psychologist, the patient can solve many personal problems

The right choice of a psychologist can be the first step towards stabilizing the patient’s mental state and improving the patient’s quality of life.

What symptoms should you see a psychologist for?

A doctor (also a specialist) psychologist provides support to patients with the following conditions:

  • Apathy,
  • General irritability, nervousness;
  • Difficulties in family life;
  • Problems with children;
  • Crisis of self-identification, age and professional;
  • Personal problems;
  • Stress;
  • Phobias;
  • Complexes;
  • Traumas of the past.

At the first manifestations, you should seek a psychologist, since the aggravation of these situations leads to neuroses, psychosomatic disorders, and depression.

The psychology clinic also helps children with difficulties at school, problems with learning, communication with peers, personality disorders, choosing a profession and career guidance.

There is absolutely no shame in accepting the help of a psychologist in the modern rhythm of life - it is not showing your weakness, but getting the opportunity to see your own situation as if from the outside.

In what situations should you consult a psychologist?

The best psychologists do not give specific recommendations and advice, but help the patient make the decision that is most appropriate and realistically feasible for him now.

Areas of work of a psychologist Examples
Diagnostics Testing, application of proprietary methods
Developmental work Consultations, psychological games, trainings
Corrective work Consultations, classes, psychocorrection, work with children with developmental disabilities (in particular, Down syndrome)
Psychological counseling Individual, family, group, career, multicultural psychological consultations
Psychological rehabilitation Methods aimed at restoring self-esteem, significance, and finding one’s place in the system of society
Psychological education Speeches, discussions, round tables aimed at explaining the goals and methods of psychological assistance
Psychological prevention Conversations, classes, seminars for children and adults

If a doctor’s consultation reveals that the patient needs not a psychologist, but a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, then an appropriate referral is given.

How does a consultation with a psychologist work?

A specialist psychologist at the reception talks with the patient and, if necessary, uses certain diagnostic and testing methods for a more in-depth analysis and study of the problem about which the request occurred. A child’s teacher or educator can arrange an appointment with a psychologist, since the relevant specialists work full-time in children’s educational institutions.

In emergency situations of a traumatic nature (sudden incident, disaster, shocking event), a person may need an emergency appointment with a psychologist, since due to the factor of surprise he may become confused, fall into apathy, experience aggression, anger, guilt, and behave unconstructively. A highly qualified psychologist and his consultation are simply irreplaceable in such cases.

Diagnosis by a psychologist

The service of a psychologist involves the provision of consulting, explanatory and educational work. In the classical medical sense, a specialist psychologist does not prescribe treatment, but after receiving it, it should be easier for the patient to find internal resources for independent help for himself and others. Research conducted by a psychologist during an appointment (testing, diagnostic techniques) allows, with correct interpretation, to correctly direct the patient to a constructive solution to his request.

An examination by a psychologist may include calculating IQ, assessing memory, attention, and identifying signs of hidden depression.

I'm looking for a psychologist. Where to begin?

Ask a neurologist, speech therapist, therapist, family doctor or pediatrician to “advise a psychologist” - all of these specialists, in one way or another, encounter psychologists in their work. You should not focus on the cost of seeing a psychologist as a key factor in choice - in this matter, the main importance is the personality of the specialist and his ability to find an approach to the patient. If it is not possible to visit the psychology center in person, you should consider the possibility of a remote appointment; a psychologist provides relatively inexpensive consultations via Skype.

Cost of seeing a psychologist

The price for a psychologist’s services can be completely different, as it depends on many economic and professional factors. Mostly, in private clinics and specialized centers, a psychologist provides consultations for a fee, carrying out both individual and group work.

Compared to such institutions, the services of a psychologist in a private office or working with clients via the Internet can be relatively inexpensive. A one-time consultation with a psychologist (for example, on the issue of career guidance for a client) will be cheap; long-term assistance will cost more.

Make an online appointment with a psychologist

The most convenient way is to make an appointment with a psychologist via the Internet - this way you save time and get expanded access to information about the specialist. On the AllDoctors website, you can find the following information:

  • Rating of psychologists based on patient reviews;
  • Geographically structured addresses of psychologists;
  • List of psychologists, private offices, psychology centers, relevant specialized institutions;
  • Supplemented register of psychologists indicating specialization;

Here you can also read reviews about working with a psychologist, form your own opinion about the specialists, and also get advice from call center managers about the conditions of the appointment and its cost.

When to contact a psychologist?

You may need help from a psychologist:

  • If you have experienced enormous stress (death of a loved one, violence, divorce, etc.).
  • If you have a feeling of “moving in circles”. When situations are repeated and you don’t know what to do, because it seems to you that there is no way out.
  • If you feel depressed for a long time, your appetite and sleep are disturbed.
  • If your relationship with someone close to you is getting worse day by day, and you are at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Don’t forget, we are all different, we each have our own unique set of events from the past, which for one is a tragedy, for another a mere trifle.

Profession psychologist: definition, qualities, areas of activity

The profession of psychologist arose relatively recently. Therefore, there is a large amount of misinformation regarding the content and methods of the science of psychology. Many people simply do not see the difference in the specifics of such professions as psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychologist.

Who is a psychologist?

I would like to note right away that the psychotherapist and psychiatrist are doctors who graduated from medical school, and the psychologist received a liberal arts education with a specialty in Psychology. He has no medical skills and does not provide treatment. His attention is focused not on the human psyche, but on working with his inner world. A psychologist is a specialist who studies mental life and the laws of correction of human behavior, using this knowledge to assist clients and to maximize their activities. It helps people find harmony both with themselves and with the world around them.

Where to study to become a psychologist?

The profession of psychologist presupposes a higher education (“Psychology”, “Organizational Psychology”, “Clinical Psychology”, “Occupational Psychology”, “Conflictology” and other specialties). It can be obtained from many commercial and public universities. But education alone is not enough to perform your job at a professional level. To improve your qualifications, you must regularly take specialized courses and trainings.

Personal qualities

Many people have formed the image of a psychologist as a result of watching foreign films, where he appears as a benevolent specialist, inspiring boundless trust and questioning a client lying on a comfortable couch. Most people think that a psychologist is omnipotent and capable of solving any problem. This is one of the reasons why the profession of psychologist is so popular. People hope that by becoming psychologists they will be able to easily improve their own lives. But we should not forget that psychology is not a mystical science at all. Providing psychological assistance requires from a specialist psychologist such professional qualities as observation, tact, attentiveness, listening skills, analytical mind, good figurative and verbal-logical memory, the ability to empathize, responsibility, stress resistance. If these qualities are not present, then you should turn your attention to other professions.

Areas of activity

The profession of psychologist is in demand in many fields of activity. First of all, this is education (psychologist at school, technical school, etc.). A very broad area is healthcare (neurological and psychiatric hospitals, as well as general clinics). An acute shortage of qualified psychological personnel is observed in the army and penitentiary institutions (prisons, colonies). Recently, a significant demand for psychologists has appeared in such areas as PR or public relations. Moreover, there is a need for PR specialists both in individual companies and in departments within the structure of organizations and institutions. The areas of personnel management and political consulting are no less in demand.

Why should you not go to a psychologist?

  • Don't waste your time and resources if you come to counseling to change another person, such as a spouse, child, parent, or boss. It's impossible to do. In the end, the psychologist will return attention to you, according to the philosophical thought: “First of all, change yourself and then the world around you will change.”

  • When you decide to sort out a lot of issues in a couple of consultations. We create many problems and difficulties over many years, and solving them also takes time. Sometimes you can find support or solve some minor problems during one consultation. Determining and clarifying the things you would like to do and how much time you need can be outlined at your first meeting with the psychologist.
  • If you want to shift responsibility for your life and decisions to a psychologist: “Tell me what to do. Do something to me."
  • If you want to get magical advice or a pill from a psychologist that will change your life and improve your conditions.
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