How to choose the right psychologist for a child

Phrases about dreams:

One of the best things about being a child is that there are no limits to your hopes and dreams. During this time in life, your children believe they can become anything they want: a basketball star, a superhero, or even a truck driver.

And, in fact, this is true. A child can truly become whatever he wants...if he wants.

Psychologists advise focusing on exactly this - on desires and goals. Because now is the time to fan the flames of your children's big dreams. Because if their dreams are big enough, who knows how far it could take them?

Here are some quotes from great people to help you do just that:

Quotes about overcoming obstacles

When you're a child, every little obstacle seems insurmountable.

As we grow up, we begin to realize that most obstacles are just bumps in the road.

But for kids who don't have experience dealing with adversity, it can feel like the end of the world.

Here are some encouraging words that psychologists recommend parents use to help your children understand that obstacles are inevitable on the path to success.

When is it necessary to contact a child psychologist?

Psychologists are not popular in Russia, so people rarely turn to them for help. Many people have no idea what representatives of this profession do and in what cases they can help. Here are a few situations when a child needs the help of a child psychologist:

  • Going to first grade, changing kindergarten or school. An adult does not regard such a situation as extraordinary, while for a child these are significant changes in life that can cause a change in his behavior.
  • School performance has deteriorated. Sometimes it happens that in the elementary grades the child was an excellent student, but in the 5th-6th grade he ceases to understand subjects or loses interest in studying. A child psychologist will be able to determine why this is happening and tell you how to solve the problem.
  • If a child is unable to concentrate, becomes lethargic or, conversely, very active, but devotes no more than a few minutes to one activity, he needs psychocorrection. Without the help of a specialist, parents usually attribute this behavior to laziness or hooliganism.
  • Uncontrollable. If adults notice that the child has become aggressive, overly touchy, conflictual, and his mood is constantly changing, this means that he needs a child psychologist.
  • The child is very shy, cannot meet and talk to anyone or, on the contrary, has become hyperactive, conflicts with peers or younger children. If there are no objective reasons for such behavior, you need to contact a good child psychologist.
  • The child has no friends, he does not communicate with anyone and is looking for various reasons to justify his behavior to adults. This behavior needs to be corrected, and parents are not always able to find the cause of the problem and fix it themselves.
  • Jealousy of a younger brother or sister. Usually the firstborn, surrounded by parental love and attention, experiences stress when a second child appears in the family. A child psychologist can help resolve conflicts.
  • The loss of a loved one or family member is a serious trauma, the consequence of which is a changed behavior or character of the child. Psychological help for children will help solve the problem.
  • If a child witnesses a tragic event or observes quarrels, conflicts, fights within the family, this has a significant impact on his psyche and is reflected in his behavior and interaction with family and peers.
  • Parents' divorce. The child loves both adults equally and therefore, if they separate, he is seriously traumatized. A child family psychologist will tell you how to solve such a problem and not allow your child to withdraw into himself.

These are the most common difficulties from which no family is immune. At the same time, specialists also face atypical situations in which their support is also required.

Whatever the problem, if adults realize that they are having difficulties with their child and they cannot help him, they need to contact a child psychologist.

Quotes About Self Acceptance

If there is one most important life lesson, it is the lesson of self-acceptance, and here psychologists advise all parents to be especially attentive.

Advice from a child psychologist to parents says that every child must learn, first of all, that he is worthy of love. When he carries this lesson into adulthood, it will become the basis for all his future relationships.

Here are some quotes to help your children embrace self-love and self-acceptance.

  • "No one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasers."
  • “Real girls are never perfect, and perfect girls are never real.”
  • “A child should know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there has not been and until the end of the world there will not be another child like him.”

    Pablo Casals

  • “Life will never be the same because there has never been anyone like you...ever in the world.”

    Nancy Tillman

  • “I love you just the way you are. Not for what you do."
  • “Being different is not so bad. It means you are brave enough to be yourself."

    Luna Lovegood

  • “You are amazing. You are very important. You are special. You are unique. You're very kind. You are precious. You are loved."
  • “Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more.”
  • “You yourself, like no one else in the entire Universe, deserve your love and affection.”

    Sharon Salzburg

  • “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”

    Marilyn Monroe

Quotes about studying

Learning takes up a significant portion of your child's waking hours. He's constantly learning new things, whether it's the multiplication tables or how to get along with someone on the playground.

Psychologists also have advice for parents on this matter, and here are some interesting phrases that parents can use when communicating with their children on the topic of education:

Child psychologists: common misconceptions

Many adults incorrectly perceive such a profession as a child psychologist. They believe that such a specialist can only be a person who has his own child. This is mistake. A psychologist is a professional who influences a client using proven methods, the effectiveness of which is scientifically proven. This distinguishes him from an ordinary parent, neighbor or grandmother, who temporarily raises the baby as his own. For this reason, the absence of one’s own children and the absence of relevant experience in raising a psychologist with a psychologist is not a reason for refusing to work with the difficulties in raising a child in a family.

Another popular myth: a good psychologist for children has extensive experience. Of course, this is an important quality, but as practice shows, teenagers and children interact more easily with young professionals than with older professionals. If a child psychologist has high-quality training, he will not have difficulties communicating with children even if he has not had work experience for many years.

The next common misconception is that a psychologist will prescribe medications. A specialist of this profile is not a doctor, which means he has no right to prescribe drugs. If he finds that medication will help solve the problem, he will recommend going to a medical facility.

Another dangerous myth: parents are sure that after contacting a child psychologist, the child will change his behavior and become obedient. It is not true. In order for the baby to harmonize with the world around him again, coordinated joint interaction between him, adults and a specialist is necessary.

You need to understand that a child psychologist should not subject a child to training, nor should he lecture him or explain the rules of behavior. His main task is to establish trusting contact with his ward, allow him to open up, find the cause of anxiety and help deal with internal conflicts.

Quotes about kindness

Treating others with kindness is a lot of work. Children need to see the value of kindness if you as parents want it in their character.

Help your children understand why kindness is always the right choice.

  • "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

    Maya Angelo

  • “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted.”


  • “Thousands of candles can be lit from one candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never diminishes from being shared.”


  • “Kindness is a language that the deaf hear and the blind see.”

    Mark Twain

  • “Wherever there is a person, there is an opportunity for kindness.”

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  • "A warm smile is the universal language of kindness."

    William Arthur Ward

If you need more advice and recommendations from experienced psychologists on how to become a better parent for your children or you have noticed disturbing behavior in your child, then our advice to parents is to contact a qualified psychologist so that he can help you better understand what is happening with your child and give the right advice on your future actions as parents. Helppoint has professional psychologists ready to help you online anytime, anywhere.

Author: Editorial staff of the portal

What is the job of a child psychologist?

When turning to a child psychologist for help, adults need to understand that a child’s problems are most often associated with his upbringing, and therefore with the incorrect behavior of his parents. Therefore, simply giving the baby to a specialist and expecting him to solve the situation on his own will not work.

Solving children's problems means that a professional will work with each family member. Psychological assistance to parents of children is as important as assistance to a child experiencing difficulties. Correcting the situation means working alternately with adults and children, depending on how ready they are for it.

The initial stage of work is diagnostics. Depending on the situation, she can explore the characteristics and level of the baby’s mental processes or study the relationships of the parents and their chosen parenting style.

The psychologist's further actions are based on the data obtained and his specialization. This could be play therapy, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, psychocorrection - methods are selected according to age. For very young children, play techniques are used in which the specialist uses toys, construction sets, sand or other objects.

During the work, a child psychologist identifies the essence of the problem that has arisen and helps the child deal with it, increasing his confidence in his own capabilities and strengths. It reveals the child’s creative potential and allows him to express hidden emotions in a form that is safe for his family members and others.

The help of a specialist is also necessary for older children. Teenagers can get advice about future activities. A child family psychologist will conduct a consultation and a series of tests aimed at identifying inclinations towards a particular specialization and help you choose the most suitable profession.

In addition to the children themselves, an experienced psychologist also works with adults. Various conversations, training courses, trainings, seminars, and joint classes in groups with other parents with similar problems are organized for them. The specialist explains how to properly raise a child and identifies the most common mistakes.

In cases where the client cannot attend consultations, work with adults or children can be done via video link.

You should seek help free of charge from a child psychologist assigned to the institution where the child is studying or being treated. Typically, a specialist conducts an initial diagnosis and gives advice, and then carries out further behavior correction in private. Before paying for his work, it is recommended that you read the parents’ reviews of the child psychologist to understand whether he can really solve the problem. Such information can be found on specialized forums, city websites, and in thematic groups on social networks.

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