How to choose a profession depending on the type of temperament

Tips for introverts for a successful interview

Introverted people are called introverted people.
Usually they are pessimistic about what is happening, shy, and do not express their emotions vigorously. They do not like noisy parties and parties; they prefer to be alone. Such people do not change their point of view and do not succumb to provocations. This psychological type of people is prone to worry about any reason; these people are very vulnerable and touchy. Introverted men are very gentle both in their relationships with women and in their interactions with the stronger sex. They cannot fight back or respond sarcastically to their opponent; it is easier for them to avoid the conflict. Women take advantage of the weakness of introverted men, they can manipulate them and force them to do what they don’t want. Introverted men paired with a strong woman become henpecked, while an introverted woman feels great in a marriage with an extroverted man.

Melancholic introverts at work do not participate in the life of the team, refuse joint holidays and corporate events, rarely communicate and look forward to the end of the working day. This is why finding a job for an introvert is more difficult.

An introvert will never get a job in sales. There it is necessary not only to establish contact with the client, but also to improvise, show emotions, and build a dialogue. This still does not fit in with the behavior of an introvert, so you need to forget about such work.

Working for a large corporation is also not an introvert's dream. Large corporations employ hundreds or even thousands of people. A person of this psychotype will not be able to exist comfortably in this “anthill”.

Teacher, tutor, psychologist - all bypassed. These professions require communication with unfamiliar people every day, which will be a lot of stress for an introvert.

The strengths of an introvert are his creativity, ability to destroy stereotypes, and analyze. Introverts usually have excellent memories and are able to make informed decisions. Here are a few suitable professions:

  • Writer. Here the love of creativity and unity will merge together. Writers can stay home around the clock, publishing their next “brainchild”. Communication with people is reduced to a minimum, and creativity is used to the fullest.
  • Accountant. In the accountant's head there are only numbers, reconciliations, acts. They have no time to be distracted by others; they live in a world of numbers. In addition, outsourcing is now gaining popularity, then the work will be done at home, on your favorite couch. Moreover, the attentiveness of introverts will help them advance well in this profession; accountants must check their calculations more than once.
  • Designer. Once again a great opportunity to work from home, and even show your creativity. Designers with a good portfolio get large and highly paid projects, so this is also a way to earn decent money.
  • Copywriter. If an introvert has no problems with the Russian language and has the ability to write texts, this can be a good way to earn money from home. Copywriters can communicate with the customer exclusively via email or social networks, and still receive a tidy sum for their creation.
  • Translator of foreign texts. This profession will require an introvert to have a high level of language knowledge, but at the same time free him from office slavery and communication with people. For the customer, the main thing is the result, and an introvert is able to give this result.
  • Programmer. An excellent option for a melancholic introvert. Just him and a computer, nothing more is required for successful work. Please note that all programmers are uncommunicative in life, but they can lead an active Internet life (participate in discussions on forums, joke, become leaders in online games), this is explained by their temperament.
  • Before the interview, familiarize yourself with the company’s website, find out what functions are performed by the specialist whose position you are trying to fill.
  • Write down your strengths and weaknesses separately on a piece of paper (for yourself). Eighty percent of executives ask this question.
  • Make a list of questions for your future boss. Your interest in the company's work will be appreciated.
  • Come up with a couple of interesting ideas that can promote the company. Show that you know her strengths and weaknesses. Employers like proactive employees.
  • Attend no more than one interview per day. Your energy will be wasted, and you won’t be able to make the right impression.
  • Don't be afraid to talk about your interests and hobbies. The openness of an employee is very important for the employer; he must trust his subordinate, and not expect a trick from him.
  • Before the interview, try simulating it with people you know. This will allow you to identify mistakes during the conversation, feel more confident, and hone your speech.

As we have seen, work for an introvert (male or female, melancholic or choleric) exists; the main thing is to choose an area in which the person will be interested in working. If an introvert torments himself with something he doesn’t like and is constantly under stress, then he can receive serious psychological trauma and close himself off from the world around him completely. Therefore, try to choose a profession to your liking, then your financial situation will be in perfect harmony with your state of mind.

Advantages and disadvantages of melancholic people

Melancholic people are very humane towards others. Their strengths include such qualities as empathy, loyalty and responsibility. They are ready to help in any situation and support a friend in case of failure. These are the most faithful friends who will not turn away from their loved ones under any circumstances. Melancholic people are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling the promise they made; they are very responsible in every deed and word.

What is characteristic of melancholic people
Among the weaknesses of this temperament can be noted low resistance to stress. Melancholic people take everything too personally. Any stress or anxiety can cause headaches, worries, insomnia, and a nervous breakdown. Moreover, melancholic people are often subject to depression, from which it is difficult to get out.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Definition and meaning of colors in psychology according to Luscher

Melancholic people can be too demanding. After analyzing the situation, they may set the bar too high, which is almost impossible to achieve. Such requirements can lead to imbalance: quarrels and troubles in the team.


It is difficult for Sagittarius to sit in one place, work from 8 to 17 every day, and live a routine life. Representatives of this sign strive for the unknown and unexplored, ready to take any risk. Very impulsive guys.

Sagittarians perform well in studying foreign languages, archeology, and history. Born translators, guides, pilots, captains, tourism managers. This sign also gets along well with animals.

This is an employee who works for results - he likes complex tasks, but there should be a lot of them. Sagittarians prefer independence in their work, so they often choose freelancing.

And Sagittarius should also be interested - then everything will work out.

  • The Sagittarius boss is kind, as long as you do what he says
  • Sagittarius employee is an office lifesaver, will always come to the rescue

According to statistics from Sagittarians more often work as zoologists and game designers.

Melancholic and study

If the melancholic person is not attacked by laziness, then he is an excellent student who studies diligently, pays attention to the material and tries to “absorb everything like a sponge.” Of course, some subjects may be difficult to perceive, and because of his isolation, it is difficult for him to overcome himself and ask for help. But if, nevertheless, the teacher sees the misunderstanding in his eyes and lends a helping hand, then the melancholic person will appreciate it.

Melancholic people are leisurely and try to carefully work out every little detail. Preparing for a test or session for melancholic people can be difficult and time-consuming. They do not tolerate sudden changes and force majeure; they need time to adapt and prepare well (especially in complex subjects). It is possible that they will need the help of a tutor or tutor.

Names of temperaments (I. P. Pavlov)

The ancient Greek “father of medicine” believed that temperament is human behavior associated with the predominance of a certain fluid in his body. According to the theory of Hippocrates, the body of a choleric person is oversaturated with yellow bile. A sanguine person “consists” of blood, while a phlegmatic person has a high content of lymph in the body. As for the melancholic person, there is a large amount of black bile in his body. Therefore, representatives of this type of temperament are gloomy and sad.

In ancient times, this temperament was considered shameful. There were practically no professions suitable for the temperament of melancholic people. He will not become a soldier, because he is too cowardly. A peasant of such a representative is useless: he will forget and confuse everything. In general, attaching such a person to the business was considered something impossible.

And few people knew that melancholic people are creatively gifted people.

Ivan Pavlovich Pavlov created a classification of types of higher nervous activity. It is based on the properties of nervous processes. There are three of them: strength, balance, mobility.

According to the classification of I.P. Pavlov, the following can be said about each type of temperament:

  • Choleric. The processes of excitation predominate over the processes of inhibition. The main property is imbalance. The change of processes in nervous activity is difficult, excitation is predominant.
  • Sanguine. The processes of excitation and inhibition are approximately the same. The change in processes of nervous activity is rapid.
  • Phlegmatic person. Inhibition processes prevail over excitation processes. Changing processes is difficult.
  • Melancholic. The processes of excitation and inhibition are very weak. Their change proceeds slowly.

What professions can a melancholic person choose if his temperament type is weak? Some may say that this is impossible. And he will be wrong. But more on that later. Now we should talk about the main names of temperament according to Pavlov.

The scientist not only explained the nervous processes, but clearly described them:

  • Choleric - strong, agile, unbalanced.
  • Sanguine - strong, balanced, agile.
  • Phlegmatic - strong, balanced, inert.
  • Melancholic - weak.

Both Hippocrates and Pavlov agree: melancholic people are the weakest types of people. It is hardly possible to find a job suitable for a melancholic person. Is it so? Let's talk about the characteristics of this type of temperament.

Who are sanguine people?

This type of temperament produces excellent leaders. They are able to be fair, easily navigate what is happening and quickly make decisions. Sanguine people often cope with any work without any problems, as they quickly get excited about solving a new problem. But it is very important for them that the activity is dynamic and interesting, otherwise the fuse will fade very quickly.

Failures do not stop such people. They draw the right conclusions from them and move on, fully revealing their potential, achieving their next goal.

Emotionally, sanguine people are very mobile, their mood changes at lightning speed, and their reactions to stimuli are hot and mostly unpredictable.

What qualities do they have?

For an introvert, fantasies, reflections, deep analysis of the internal state, calm contemplation of the surrounding world are much more important than real hectic life with all its ups and downs.

Main features

Below is a list of the main characteristic traits of an introverted personality, which will help you immediately understand who is in front of you. And if you have not yet figured out what your child’s psychotype is, then the list will help you decide.

  1. You always feel a little awkward around an introvert. Even if you've known him for 100 years. He is open and talkative only with those closest to him. In society, he is a closed and silent person. If he enters into a conversation, it is only for a specific purpose.
  2. Children and adult introverts can be alone for a long time and absolutely do not need company or interlocutors. They feel good alone. They do not tolerate introduction into their personal space well.
  3. They tend to get offended over trifles, are sometimes sentimental and can shed tears. If they are not heard, they can become hot-tempered.
  4. However, all their actions and actions are carefully thought out and calculated. They go out into society fully armed. For introverts, it is always a more hostile environment. If any incidents or troubles happen, they constantly relive them again and again.
  5. These are people with developed fantasy and imagination.
    BY THE WAY! They often live in a world they have invented and that is where they feel comfortable.
  6. These are wonderful analysts. In adulthood, they are perfectly able to control their emotions. In life they always achieve their goal, go towards it independently and confidently.
  • They are distinguished by their enormous capacity for work, they are accustomed to performing the entire front of work systematically and without distraction.
  • These are demanding and serious leaders who know how to competently distribute responsibilities among subordinates.
  • If you choose to work in a team, it is advisable to have very few colleagues. In this case, it will be easier to gain authority in the team.
  • Teamwork is not very suitable, because introverts are used to completing all the work to the end. Among them there are many perfectionists, punctual, diligent and responsible people.
  • Depending on the subtype, introverts can be deep: then working at home is more suitable.
    If they are emotionally involved, then creative professions are a priority. IMPORTANT! Flights of fancy, imagination and diligence - these qualities are often complemented by talents in art and music.

The nervous system of melancholic people is very sensitive. And this affects their productivity. Such people get tired quickly and are often absent-minded. Their emotions are short-lived and fickle. Melancholic people are prone to constant fears and worries that are not justified.

They are easily brought to tears and thrown out of balance. A melancholic person experiences his failures for a long time and painfully. They can break such a person if they are too frequent.

The facial expressions and speech of representatives of this type of temperament are sluggish and inexpressive.

Melancholic people do not tolerate change. They stick to stability. Even small changes can plunge them into shock and depression. It is very difficult for them to adapt. Such people try to get a job once and for the rest of their lives (to the maximum).

Business qualities of melancholic people

If a melancholic person loves his job, he likes what he does, put undue pressure on him, do not rush him, then he will be able to complete one job for half the staff.

Melancholic people always worry about work, so they can be entrusted with the most difficult and important task. They will never let you down. It is important to note that people with this temperament objectively assess their strengths and capabilities, so they may refuse work that is too difficult and beyond their capabilities.

This is one of the twofold traits of melancholic people. On the one hand, they are ready to carry out the assignment themselves, without bothering their colleagues. At the same time, when faced with difficulties and not knowing how to overcome them, they will struggle on their own and will not ask others for advice.

Melancholic people go with the flow. They will not resist the onslaught or rebel. This is perhaps their weakest feature. After all, everything bad happens because of tacit consent.

  • Low stress resistance

Melancholic people are closed by nature. They do not like crowds, noise, uproar, or swearing. Any questions and changes have a negative impact on their psycho-emotional background: they cause anxiety, depression, etc.


Aquarians often don’t know where they will be tomorrow. Unpredictable, fickle and impulsive. Such an employee can only be kept in one place by super-interesting tasks or urgent obligations.

Representatives of this sign rarely approach the choice of profession consciously. In this case, the inner impulse is always stronger than common sense, so Aquarius can easily start eyelash extensions at home after MGIMO.

Aquarians love everything new and unusual, have developed abstract thinking and imagination. They prefer to work in a team.

These are talented scientists, inventors, programmers, psychoanalysts. Astrologers do not advise Aquarians to try themselves in business - they have no acumen.

  • Aquarius boss is the best boss, trusts the team
  • Aquarius employee - does not like being distracted from work

According to statistics from Aquarians more often work as recruiters, testers and musicians.

Professions for a melancholic person

Melancholic people are assiduous, patient and hardworking. They are suitable for painstaking and monotonous work. Psychologists recommend that they choose any field related to analysis, calculations, data accounting, etc. The following specialties are most suitable for them: auditor, analyst, programmer, financier, editor, writer, critic, etc.

Melancholic people are suitable for work that requires attention to detail and observation, but is not related to communication. A closed person can succeed, for example, as a writer, artist, film critic, accountant or architect. There are many people with this type of temperament among famous scientists. Melancholic people have difficulty withstanding force majeure and various changes; the slightest stress can reduce their performance to nothing.

They make good auditors, analysts, programmers, designers, copywriters, literary editors and librarians. Since melancholic people feel other people very subtly, they become excellent psychologists, but only if they devote themselves not to group trainings and coaching, which is fashionable today, but to individual consultations, research and diagnostic work.

If we talk about which areas of activity, on the contrary, are not suitable for people with a similar temperament, then we can mention, say, the profession of an advertising agent. Constant communication with strangers, frequent manifestations of hostility from others, the fast pace of work and the superficiality of relationships - all this is completely alien to such individuals.


People of fine spiritual organization - Cancers often look for a calling, want to help and benefit society. In theory, representatives of the sign are born to be doctors, but Cancers are often distracted and have their head in the clouds. Therefore, medicine is given to the most collected. By the way, astrologers do not recommend Cancers to engage in surgery.

Philanthropy and developed imagination make this zodiac sign excellent tutors, teachers, writers, and theorists.

Cancers are better than other signs at creating warmth, comfort and homeliness - so the fields of cooking and interior design are also suitable.

These are workers who do not like strict schedules, will not stay late at work and take an active part in corporate life.

  • Boss Cancer - understanding and caring
  • Cancer employee - understands only specific tasks

According to statistics from Cancers more often work as copywriters, psychologists, and pilots.

Melancholic: what does appearance tell?

Before touching on the topic of suitable professions and specialties for melancholic people, I would like to tell you what external signs people of this temperament have.

  • Melancholic people are often slim. They have a good metabolism, which allows representatives of this temperament not to gain weight.
  • Sophistication of appearance - this is how a typical representative can be characterized. Thin facial features, fragility, lack of fat.
  • Elongated body parts. Long legs and arms.
  • The muscles are poorly developed and flat. The bones are long and thin.
  • The chest is concave or flat. The back is long and narrow.
  • The shoulders and pelvis appear wide.
  • The forehead is high and angular. The top of the head is larger than the bottom.
  • The chin is sharp and protrudes forward. The lower jaw is narrowed and weak.
  • Sharp cheekbones.
  • The nose is long and pointed.
  • Long and thin neck.

This is the external portrait of a typical melancholic person. But temperament in its pure form is quite rare. People usually have mixed temperament types. Therefore, their appearance is “mixed”.


If the vacancy does not promise a place for the most important thing, Capricorn is not interested. Indecently ambitious, calculating, patient and self-confident employees.

Representatives of this sign are the best at delegating, planning and managing a team - this makes them talented leaders and successful entrepreneurs. Despite their managerial talent, they like to work alone and independently. Capricorns do everything their own way and do not listen to advice.

The more complex, the more interesting - that’s why Capricorns often become surgeons, hold high government positions or manage large corporations.

The ideal career option for Capricorn is to create a business, grow it to a huge scale, and manage it all to death.

Capricorns also work well in journalism, IT, and the financial sector.

  • The Capricorn boss is tough and demanding, but fair (it definitely seems so to him)
  • Employee Capricorn - here, and there, and... a player on the pipe (knows everything, can do everything)

According to statistics from Capricorns more often work as managers, assistants and engineers.

Positive aspects of a melancholic person

There are professions that are suitable for melancholic people. And most of them are creative. Thanks to representatives of this type, people became acquainted with art. Most prominent figures in literature, music and cinema were melancholic. For example, Chopin, Gogol, Pushkin and a number of other figures.

The main features of a melancholic person are isolation and contemplation. It is directed “inward”. Such people love to study the world around them and conduct a thorough analysis of what they have learned. Psychologists are sure that melancholic people are weak people, and at some points this is true. But there is another side to the coin: such people are the owners of a lively mind and sufficient willpower. Which is enough to work for years on idealizing your own idea. For example, on your own book.

Melancholic people love order in everything. Starting from your suit to work tasks. People with this type of temperament are not afraid of routine work. On the contrary, they welcome you. They understand why they perform monotonous actions every day. The end result is their motivation.

Melancholic people will not have a choice between quantity and quality. They are for the latter, always and everywhere. That is why representatives of this type do their work thoughtfully and painstakingly. The only thing that can hinder them is the tendency to get tired quickly. A person gets tired, his attention wanders, and he again plunges into himself. Because of this, the professions of a melancholic person should not require him to react quickly.


Curious, powerful, ruthless, with developed intuition. Scorpios easily take risks and pursue justice that only they understand.

The ability to get to the bottom of things and observation make this zodiac sign excellent psychologists and psychiatrists. Scorpio can become a talented pathologist, but he will make a bad doctor.

Scorpios rarely choose a public profession because they do not like to share their personal lives with others. Making connections and building communications is also unimportant.

Working undercover or on something classified is ideal for Scorpio.

These are people with excellent memory and an analytical mind; they know how to handle large amounts of information and find solutions to complex problems.

  • Scorpio boss - knows everything about everyone, monitors all processes
  • Scorpio employee - always ready to help if he likes you

According to statistics from Scorpios more often work as investigators and pharmacists.

Melancholics in life

Melancholic people are organized people. They have a certain idea about their own life. And people with this temperament follow it. There is nothing superfluous on their life path. Only constant order and control over the situation.

These people are well brought up. If the family did not give them the necessary education, they will do it on their own. A melancholic person cannot have anything bad, everything must be perfect.

If you have a melancholic friend, you are lucky. You couldn't find a better friend. These people will always listen and help. They live by the principle “there are no days off for friends.” They are able to sacrifice their plans in order to help a friend. Caring for others and compassion are the basis of their lives. They have few friends.

Melancholic people are monogamous. They create strong families. Marriage is entered into once. If the marriage breaks up, then they will not remarry or get married.

As mentioned above, these people are monogamous. In marriage they are faithful, they will not cheat or betray. They have increased demands not only on themselves, but also on others. They tend to choose a couple from sanguine people. Representatives of these temperaments complement each other well.

Attached to the other half. Children are raised in detail, expecting too much from them.


Ambitious, balanced, with a developed sense of tact and justice. Libra sees and feels beauty, knows how to persuade and smooth out rough edges.

These are talented diplomats, customer service specialists, psychologists, and deal brokers. The ideal job for Libra is a wedding planner: here representatives of the sign will be able to use all their talents.

Astrologers do not recommend Libra to go into medicine or the financial sector - they cannot tolerate the suffering of others and manage money irrationally.

In general, this is a very capable zodiac sign - almost any field from law to cooking is suitable.

  • Boss Libra - surrounds himself with educated and efficient employees
  • Libra employee - very proactive (almost uncontrollable)

According to statistics from Libras more often work as administrators, logisticians, and eyebrow specialists.

Career and melancholic

What professions can melancholic introverts choose? Definitely not those that require quick reaction and constant concentration. Melancholic people are able to “disconnect” from reality.

These people have a hard time getting along in a team. They do not participate in corporate life, avoid holidays, and rarely communicate with anyone. Melancholic people dream of leaving work as soon as possible and finding themselves at home, where no one would bother them.

Those areas in which you need to communicate with people, show emotions and improvise are hell for melancholic people. They also don’t like working in large holdings. These people will not stay long in an office that looks more like an anthill.

A melancholic person should choose those areas of activity in which quality, not quantity, of employees is important.

Related materials:

choice of profession | favorite job | professional activity | temperament | character | Career | Job


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Where should a melancholic person go?

What should a person with this temperament choose if most professions require constant communication with people? What professions are suitable for melancholic people? A person with this type of temperament can become:

  • Programmer. Just him and the computer, and no one else. Ideal conditions for a melancholic introvert. Most of them are unsociable in real life. But on all kinds of forums or in online games they have no equal. Here they are the leaders. This is explained by temperament.
  • Translator. This option can be classified as a creative profession for a girl who is melancholic. Women of this type are more organized and are able to produce results that will satisfy the customer. You will have to learn the language, but melancholic people are unlikely to be embarrassed by this fact. They prefer not to give in to difficulties, but to successfully overcome them.
  • Copywriter. Melancholic people are creatively gifted. They know their native language well due to their perseverance. Why not use this knowledge to make money? The profession will relieve the melancholic person from constant real communication with the client. You can meet once or twice, and resolve other issues by phone or email.
  • Designer. A melancholic person shows his creative potential without leaving home. At the same time, he also receives decent money. Interaction with the customer is rare.
  • Accountant. Here you can show your own meticulousness. After all, reconciliation reports, invoices and other documents will have to be checked more than once. Many people are afraid of such monotonous and responsible work. But not melancholic people who love numbers and order.
  • An engineer. There is interaction with people. But not in such quantities as with projects. And few people would risk distracting a busy engineer. What if he makes a mistake in the drawing!
  • A writer. This is where melancholics have fun! There is nothing superfluous. Just paper, pen and desk. In the modern world, paper and pen are replaced by a computer.
  • An artist. Another creative profession that allows you to realize yourself. A brush, an easel and silence are a paradise for a melancholic person.
  • Livestock specialist. The cattle don't talk - that's a big plus. The melancholic zootechnician has no time to talk with the rest. He has a lot to do. It is necessary to calculate the nutritional value of the feed, find out why the cow remained “empty” after she was covered, and compile a report on the live weight of Landrace piglets.
  • Painter. The walls are silent, and so is the working brush. The clients discussed all the details and forgot about the painter. Work and enjoy the silence.

Let's talk about phlegmatic people

The main characteristics of this type are slowness, meticulousness and lack of initiative. But this is exactly what becomes his strengths when it comes to choosing a profession. And temperament becomes a real helper here.

If you give a person with a phlegmatic type of temperament stable working conditions, then no external stimuli will distract him from solving the assigned tasks. With this approach, he will complete large amounts of work and will be able to analyze the situation, drawing the right conclusions regardless of the complexity of the problem.

Phlegmatic people work calmly, thoroughly and without jerking. Therefore, they make excellent auditors, accountants, scientists and researchers.

Let's summarize

The main aspects of the article are as follows:

  • The strengths of melancholic people are concentration, organization, order in everything, the desire for an ideal known only to them, the ability to bring their work to the end, painstakingness, the ability to solve difficult problems and not be afraid of monotonous work, creative talent.
  • Weaknesses - easy fatigue, unstable emotions, a tendency to self-flagellation, frequent depression, absent-mindedness, anxiety for any reason.
  • Melancholic people are faithful in marriage and are good friends.
  • I.P. Pavlov believed that a melancholic person has weak processes of excitation and inhibition. That’s why he called this type of temperament weak.
  • Melancholic people should not choose areas of activity associated with constant composure and self-control. Some activities can be life-threatening for both them and others. For example, a surgeon, rescuer, policeman, firefighter.

Many people believe that melancholic people are weak and worthless. However, it is not. These people have great creative potential. It’s hard for them where there are a lot of people and they have to constantly interact with them. But if a melancholic person chooses a profession that allows him to work alone, a better performer cannot be found.


It’s not for nothing that the symbol of Wall Street in New York is the golden bull. According to astrologers, Taurus attracts money like a magnet. Often these are very wealthy people who love luxury and all the attributes of a rich life.

The desire for financial well-being is combined with accuracy and aesthetic taste. True perfectionists. Plus, Taurus works well with their hands.

These are wonderful interior designers, florists, jewelers, confectioners, and beauty experts.

The areas of administration, finance and sales are suitable - especially in the luxury segment. Taurus needs feedback, they need to see that their work brings pleasure to people, or provides high status.

These are wonderful interior designers, florists, jewelers, confectioners, and beauty specialists.

  • Taurus boss - demanding, fair and generous
  • Employee Taurus is often an undervalued employee

According to statistics from Taurus people often work as dentists, therapists, and accountants.

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