How to originally invite a girl to meet in real life, via SMS or on VK: working methods and phrases

By correspondence on VKontakte (VK)

“You have become so close to me that I cannot imagine life without you. It’s not easy for me to write these words, but I understand that I cannot hide the truth. I like you. Let's start dating and not break up."

“I should have told you about my feelings a long time ago, but I couldn’t decide. I love you and want you to be my girlfriend. What do you think about it?"

“For the first time in my life I feel so confused and scared. Our friendship has long grown into something more. I really like you. We shall be together?"

“When you are next to me, I feel like the happiest person in the world. No person in the entire world means as much to me as you do. I don't want to be separated from you. Will you be my lover?

“You are the first person who makes my heart beat faster. It seems to me that this is true love. I want to always be by your side. Will you be my chosen one?

“When I look at you, everything else loses all meaning. I can't get thoughts of you out of my head. Let's be a couple?"

“You are special and I have never met anyone like you. Will you be my girlfriend?

"I feel good when you are near. I want you to always be with me."

“I know you very little, but my feelings for you are growing every day. I think I'm starting to fall in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?

How to proceed

There are not many options for the development of the event, but you need to be prepared for each of them. To suggest how you can propose to meet, think through the options and leave escape routes in each one in order to get out of the situation gracefully when receiving any reaction from the girl.

If she agreed

This is the most expected answer from a girl - consent. It is desirable that this happens quickly, without waiting. However, you should not count on an instant answer: there is a possibility that the young man confused the girl with such a proposal. In addition, for certain personality types, consent to any changes in status or position is given more difficult and takes longer. However, agreement means that the chosen method of proposing to start dating, and the place and time of the meeting with the girl are determined correctly.

Further steps depend on the goal for which the active actions began. Gradual development, learning to understand, hear each other and the desire for common results is an idealized option. The young man most likely understands why he began to actively show attention to this particular girl, so there is no point in talking about it - everyone has their own intentions.

If you politely refused

Girls who choose a polite form of refusal strive to maintain a neutral relationship. The chosen one has respect for the young man and does not want to offend or offend. There is a possibility that, despite all the positive qualities that are consciously visible in the young man, the girl does not have feelings for him as a man. This cannot be corrected, since such signals come from the biological characteristics of a person.

Hearing a refusal is offensive, but there is a big plus - with a high probability the girl does not intend to talk about what happened. The moment of failure will turn out to be a secret between two people, which will not create problems in further attempts to build a couple or communicate with the company. However, it was a shame to hear this and something that needs to be gotten over as quickly as possible. To do this, talk through the reasons why this happened. The girl is unlikely to refuse such a service. Based on the results of the conversation, conclusions can be drawn about possible changes in subsequent attempts and behavior.

If I made fun of

Not the most pleasant moment in a relationship between two people. The young man opened his feelings, and in return received a rough laugh. However, it’s worth considering whether something like this is worth getting upset about. Indeed, based on this behavior, two important conclusions can be drawn:


How to please a beautiful girl: external and internal qualities

  1. The girl does not know how to behave, build healthy relationships, communicate and negotiate. After all, the proposal certainly did not sound like an insult to dignity. This means that an aggressive reaction is a norm of behavior that is acceptable for a woman.
  2. An aggressive reaction indicates psychological problems and lack of self-esteem. Perhaps such behavior is a sign that she denies her attractiveness and the ability to maintain relationships with the opposite sex.

Based on this, one should be glad that the young man lost such a partner and feel sorry for the girl. Under no circumstances should you pay attention to insults, or even lower yourself to her reciprocal words, actions and reactions. After all, by showing such behavior, she demonstrates her bad manners.

If you ignored

Ignoring is the worst of all possible reactions. After all, it is impossible to understand what silence means on your own; you can only make a few assumptions. However, in this case you cannot do the following:

  • press, forcing you to answer - most likely, silence speaks of confusion, not knowing what to do next, what to answer. Pressure will only worsen the stupor;
  • trying to turn the action back - when a man first offers to meet, and then immediately says that he was joking, talks about the lack of will and determination. And if you imagine that precisely at this moment, when the young man withdraws his words, the girl is mentally ready to agree, it becomes even more offensive. So don't rush, wait. If the silence lasts a week, then the young man is clearly refused, but if it lasts a minute, then it is impossible to understand the decision.

The best option would be to continue communication as if nothing had happened. Then there is a high probability that the girl herself will return to the conversation and explain both the silence and the long thought. There is even a chance that she will agree, so do not rush to get upset.

By phone - SMS (at a distance)

“You are far away, but even despite this, I think about you all the time. I understand that this is not easy, because there are many obstacles on our way. But I suggest trying to overcome them and always be together.”

“I miss you now. I think about you every minute and miss you terribly. I don't want to be apart from you anymore. Let’s try to overcome this separation together and never be apart again?”

“All my thoughts and dreams are only about you. More than anything in the world, I want to be next to you right now.”

“The world around us loses all its colors when you are not around. There are only thoughts about you in my head; I never want to be separated from you again. Shall we meet?

“This place, without you, is cold and lonely. Your calls and messages give me strength. I don't want to lose you and I want to always be by your side. Let's meet?

“Even though there are cities and kilometers between us, I cannot forget you. We shall be together? We can bear this separation together.”

"Miss you. I hope you miss me too. Let's not let distance keep us apart."

“Every day lived without you loses all meaning. I want to always be by your side.”

“Being away from you is not easy. But I look forward to our meeting so that we will never be separated again.”

“Our separation won't be so long if we stick together. I really want you to always be with me.”

How to Prepare for a Proposal

The preparatory stage is important in determining how best and most comfortable for both to invite a young girl to date you. This time is used to understand whether the young man needs a relationship, or whether the veil of charm will subside in the first week of the relationship. Also evaluate by external manifestations whether the girl is ready for a proposal or whether she should wait a couple more dates because of her uncertainty about her feelings. However, you cannot deliberately delay the moment, otherwise there is a chance of missing the right time.

How to relieve psychological stress

In order to indicate your intentions correctly and at the right time, you must have a certain degree of confidence. She will help in times of doubt. To strengthen this feeling, you need awareness that actions are correct. Sometimes the decision to propose arises spontaneously. If you voice it at the same moment, and think about it later, it may turn out that it was a hasty step that you will regret. If, on the contrary, the decision to start a relationship is imposed by outsiders, then internal confidence will also not arise.

At the right moment, external circumstances or unnecessary attention from the outside will interfere. Therefore, think about whether you want to see this woman next to you, is your sympathy for her sincere? Make a list of fundamentally important criteria that your companion must meet, noting the lines present in your chosen one. An informed decision will relieve the stress associated with uncertainty about the correct choice.


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How to Prepare for Possible Rejection

Girls behave ambiguously, at the same time giving hope for attention, sympathy, but also not letting you get too close. Therefore, young people sometimes make the mistake of offering to become a couple and receive a sharp refusal and indignation that such behavior seemed acceptable in relation to their chosen one. Naturally, a question arises about how to do everything so as not to be refused. First of all, focus on the closeness of communication. The more response signs you receive, the more likely you are to agree.

Sympathy from a man when a girlfriend politely flirts in response is not a sign of sympathy. But if she allows you to take her hand, kiss her, straighten her hair - this is a direct sign that you can continue the conquest.

You can also use friends as informants. Girls share similar thoughts and experiences, so if communication with the other half is established, do not exclude the option of taking advantage of the advantageous position. At the same time, keep in mind that with a 97-99% probability the fact of questioning will be passed on to the chosen one. Therefore, after talking and receiving approval for further actions from your friends, act actively. Ideally, on the same evening the girl receives a long-awaited offer to become a couple.

Taking care of your appearance

The girl with whom the boy went on two or three dates represents the boy's taste in clothes. If she agreed to continue communication, with a high probability the factor will not affect the decision to create a couple. Therefore, there is no need to be zealous in choosing an image so that she does not refuse. A neat appearance and clean, ironed clothes are enough. Also take care of other aspects: visit a hairdresser and get a manicure, shave your stubble.

Think over and prepare accessories: cover your boots with a layer of cream in advance, choose a belt that suits your style, if it is appropriate and needed.

Audit of your page on social networks

Young people are more inattentive to details than girls. Therefore, review your social media page in advance. Delete contacts of other girls with whom you flirted, clear posts and photos from fans. This step will help you realize the beginning of a new one, and will also help make the first stage of the relationship easier, because the new passion will not have a chance to find incriminating evidence and a reason for jealousy or doubt. In addition, the step will tell you whether the young man is ready for a relationship.

If the need to stop communicating with others causes protest, you should not make hasty proposals. Most likely, the choice was dictated by an outside opinion, and the guy has no desire to start a relationship.

In real life at the first meeting

"Hello! I'm very glad to finally see you. To be honest, I'm impressed. We'd better get to know each other better. I think we have a lot in common."

“You have no idea how worried I am. I'm incredibly glad to see you. It seems to me that I have been waiting for this meeting all my life.”

“I can’t believe this is our first meeting. Let's get to know each other better. Tell me something about yourself."

“I’m incredibly glad that we finally met. You have beautiful eyes."

“It’s so good that we met. I hope this is not the last meeting, but the beginning of something more.”

“We don’t know each other very well, but it already seems to me that we are kindred spirits.”

“Great day today! Maybe we can go for a walk and talk at the same time. What's your favorite movie?

“I’m a little worried, but I want to say that you look great!”

“Hi, so glad to see you! You're even cuter in real life than in the photo."

“I was looking forward to this meeting. And I must say, my expectations were justified.”

“I was afraid that you and I would never see each other again. Let's go somewhere. I dream of getting to know you better.”

“I am indescribably happy about this meeting. It seems to me that we have known each other for many years. Perhaps our acquaintance was determined by fate.”

How do relationships begin?

If a guy and a girl like each other, then their communication at a certain moment turns into a horizontal plane, and then into a relationship. Often, the moment when a couple is immersed in a relationship passes unnoticed. She likes him, and he likes her. They have sex and understand each other perfectly.

When you ask the question “How to ask a girl to date?”, the situation is completely different. This means that, firstly, you don’t know the girl enough. Or she didn't really like it. After all, otherwise, she would have gone on a date with you and your communication would have developed and continued further.

Original phrases for dating

"Good afternoon! I don't usually meet people like this, but you simply left me no choice. Would you like to meet?

“Stranger, I saw you and disappeared. Will you let me be a part of your life?”

“You have a beautiful smile! I hope I get to see her every day."

“I’m sorry for violating your personal space, but you are incredibly beautiful! I just couldn't resist. Will it be possible to meet you?”

“It’s good that there is such noise here. You will not hear what I tell you because I am very embarrassed by your beauty.”

“I kept trying to come up with a reason to meet you... but it didn’t work out. Let's just get to know each other?

“How would you react to my desire to meet you?”

“I can’t believe such a beautiful lady is standing here all alone. I just have to fix this."

“I have a feeling that you and I have already met somewhere. Let’s meet again just to be sure.”

“It seems to me that you are waiting here for me. And I was looking for you. What an unexpected and pleasant coincidence, don’t you think?”

“Beauty, are you in a hurry? I'd like to take up some of your time."

“It seems to me that I saw you in a dream. This is definitely fate. I have prophetic dreams. Let's get acquainted".

“You are so beautiful that I don’t remember why I wanted to approach you. But let’s get to know each other and I’ll try to remember.”

“My eyes don’t listen to me. They can't stop looking at such a dazzling girl."

“I always dreamed of meeting such a charming and incredible person. I hope you do too."

"Good afternoon! I hope I won't interfere. I'd like to spend some time with you. For example, go to a cafe or cinema. How do you like it?"

“It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Let's make it even more beautiful and spend time together. How about going to a cafe?”

"Good afternoon! Why is such a charming lady sad? Let me cheer you up."

“Hi, I’m very glad to meet such a beautiful girl. I would like to get to know you better. How do you like it?"

“I don’t want to use banal phrases, but I am impressed by your beauty. Let's get to know each other better?

How to make an offer depending on the situation

The choice depends on the degree of intimacy and openness of communication. Of course, I want to make it as romantic as possible, but a lot depends on the courage and imagination of the young man. However, if you want to make a pleasant event significant and unforgettable, make an effort, you can ask for help and advice from friends.


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Asking a girl to meet you is not necessary on a date, but this method is considered traditional. He has an undeniable advantage - the young man will see a sincere reaction immediately. Joy cannot be faked, so feelings, even if they were carefully hidden, will appear. But don’t forget about the other side of the coin: the slightest confusion or disappointment will indicate a lack of sympathy, which is unpleasant.

A personal confession of caring and an offer to start a relationship should be planned in advance:

  1. Choosing a location. A park, a quiet cafe, a pond near the house are the right places. Here the conversation can last a long time, and no one will interfere. At the same time, there is no loud music nearby, so there is no need to repeat and re-ask phrases and words.
  2. The idea of ​​implementation. The plan should have an idea of ​​how a dialogue will occur that will lead to a proposal. This could be an introductory monologue that exposes emotions towards the girl or an unexpected phrase, as if born at that moment. Do not make up lines for the girl, as there is a possibility of mistakes. It’s better to reformulate the text so that any of her answers fit.
  3. Attributes. Depending on the style, flowers, a soft toy, or balloons may be required. A possible plan is in which friends, if they agree, release an inscription into the sky attached to balloons.
  4. Consider force majeure. In cases where a personal meeting is required, you cannot count on punctuality and think through the plan minute by minute. It is worth leaving time for unforeseen situations that arise with every person. Also consider the weather forecast and its changes when it comes to outdoor public spaces.

In social networks

Pages on social networks are a questionnaire with a list of hobbies, preferences in music and literature. Therefore, the range of interests is clear, which will help to get closer. At the same time, correspondence is a neutral option for communication, when the interlocutors are simultaneously alone, but do not see each other. Therefore, the way to start dating, in which you need to write, is much more convenient and easier for a young man also in the emotional aspect. On VK, Facebook and other social networks, first carefully study her profile. Based on the nature of the presentation, you will see a style that you will like - romantic, original, simple.


How to attract a girl's attention: simple and creative ideas

In the first case, a girl on VKontakte posts posts with wise thoughts, images of non-existent people, videos about cute pets and children. Writing with a proposal to start a relationship is long and colorful, describing every second of being together as magical. At the end, give a compliment and express the thought you were leading to.

In the second case, the girl shows an interest in humorous stories, memes, and funny videos. Try to approach the situation in an unusual way. Start with a joke or funny story. However, you still need to end it romantically, but not banally.

A simple girl has a minimum of photos, entries, information on her page - she lives by real events. If you still decide to propose meeting via correspondence, do it simply and without unnecessary phrases, but be sure to give time to think before meeting in person.

Note, card or SMS message

Love messages are a romantic gesture that can be remembered. It is better to use the option of a handwritten letter, rather than a text on Vkontakte. If you are not sure about the beauty of your handwriting, you can print it out, which will also reduce the number of mistakes made - the text editor will tell you if a word or punctuation mark is incorrect. Choosing the option of a postcard or SMS is not the most profitable, since you will need to briefly express your idea.

However, if the girl was clearly waiting for a proposal, then a small text is enough.

Original ideas

Any guy can hint at a relationship in an original way, because this most often requires a small investment.

But you can also use ready-made options:

  1. Balloons. They look impressive if the girl lives above the second, but below the fifth floor. It’s easy to create an unforgettable situation: several helium balloons with a note attached to them with a proposal and one rose (you can choose any flower, even a daisy). Tie a bundle to a spool of thread to control the height and position. Call and offer to look out the window. It is important to choose calm weather to easily create the desired effect.
  2. The inscription on the asphalt. Using a spray can, make an inscription early in the morning or late in the evening that will be visible from the girl’s window. It’s better to choose short phrases: “Name, let’s meet,” “Be my girlfriend, name.”
  3. Poster. If there is a tall tree in front of the girl’s window, use whatman paper to create a poster on which you write an offer to become a couple. The main thing is that it doesn't rain.

How to say it beautifully in your own words?

“I have never seen such a stunning and unusual girl like you in my life. You are truly special."

“All the other girls pale in comparison to you.”

“You look great today, as always.”

“You are so charming that I just can’t take my eyes off you.”

“I can’t find the right words to describe your beauty.”

“When I look at you, I lose a little sense of reality. You are very beautiful".

“I'm so glad I met you. My life completely changed after meeting you.”

"You mean a lot to me. I can’t express in words how dear you are to me.”

“I can’t imagine myself without you. You became a part of my life and changed it for the better.”

“You give me strength to overcome difficulties and move on.”

“How lucky I am that I met you. You are the best woman in the world."

“I can’t describe in words how much I miss and miss you. Separation from you is simply unbearable.”

“The best place on planet Earth is where my beloved is.”

“My life will be empty and meaningless if you are not in it.”

"You can't even imagine how much you mean to me."

“You are my soulmate. Without you I feel empty and alone."

“I dream of spending the rest of my life with my beloved.”

“Meeting my beloved was the best event in my life.”

“Even on the worst days, I don’t lose heart, thanks to my beloved.”

“You have the most dazzling smile in the world. She gives me warmth and joy."

“Thanks to you, I learned what true love is and became happy.”

“There is no such beautiful and smart girl in the whole world as you.”

How to tell a girl beautifully in poetry?

To be honest, it’s better to compose your own unique poems and not look for them on the Internet. Because if a girl remembers them, she can enter them in a Google or Yandex search (depending on where she is looking) and the search will return the site where you copied them from. And so it is! If this doesn’t particularly bother you, then please see: Poems

Flowers to help!

This will be a great offer! Beautiful flowers + Beautiful words = Great result! She won't be able to refuse you!!! Believe me!

Do not miss . . .

Tell her - Beautiful compliments!

Don't forget about - Nice words to the girl!

Find out - How to make a girl fall in love with you?

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