Make a girl run after you: basic techniques

How to please girls? How to meet and seduce girls?

How to win a girl

Are you the first to approach another girl, have difficulty persuading her to give her phone number, write and call, and in response - coldness and indifference? Have you tried many pickup techniques, but she steadfastly ignores you? Why do you think this happens? Believe me, there is an explanation for this. Don’t rush to get upset, everything will be fixable. The following information will help you understand how to make a girl chase you.

Who are the girls chasing?

You, gentlemen, should understand that girls do not run after everyone.
Of course, having a Maybach and a gold club card increases the chances of success, but does not provide a guarantee. If you are a gray mouse in a well-fitting suit with a lot of complexes or boorish manners, or a sweet, kind boy who is afraid to put a cheated waiter in his place, then the answer to the question “how to make a girl run after a guy” will remain open for a long time.

A man who forces a woman to follow him is usually confident, knows the value of his ego and is responsible for his actions. Not: “Dad will help, Mom will protect,” but himself. I did it myself and solved the problem. Not “fingers like a fan”, but said - did, promised - fulfilled.

A person who is a MAN. When a woman or friend has a problem, he will not tell lies, but will simply help solve this problem.

Girls run after guys who have clear goals and interesting hobbies. They subconsciously feel that such a person will achieve a lot and climb high up the social ladder. And enthusiastic guys will always interest any girl.

They respect and stick to self-sufficient young men. This type of man will not look for adventures with the first mademoiselle he comes across, and will not begin to solve problems with the help of alcohol and drugs. The guys get a thrill from life in any form, they face problems head-on, with a clear head, and they look for one partner for life.

Complete indifference

? At the initial stage, in order to attract a woman, you should play with her in complete indifference. :

  • First you need to show interest in her, gain attention;
  • Further sharply
  • A man must become a dominant, confident, or at least an equal partner in the eyes of a woman;
  • It is necessary to create the illusion of popularity among women, even if this is not happening at the moment, competition fuels interest and the desire to have a sought-after guy (.);
  • In front of the woman you like, you should communicate with other girls, date them, but not go too far if you are counting on a long-term relationship, since then such facts can often be recalled by a jealous chosen one.

Why does a girl want a guy?

Our views are like clocks: they all show different times, but everyone believes only their own. Alexander Pop

How to make a girl jealous, run after a guy and why is this necessary?
An irresistible desire to please the young man, as if deliberately forcing girls to openly show sympathy, showing the guy all sorts of signs of attention. Of course, such an approach flatters the guy, increases self-esteem, and strokes his vanity. Such dissonance does not always lead to the desired result.

Important! From a psychological point of view, only an insecure girl with a lot of complexes and complaints about her appearance can be forced to run after you.

It is enough for the girl to show a few good manners, treat her to dinner, give her compliments that are pleasant to her heart, and she will walk like a faithful dog. He, of course, feels like a god. Surely the guy will get tired of running after himself and will want to change the toy to another. The consequences of pursuing a girl by a man are very sad and can have unpredictable consequences.

A situation in which a guy wants to make a lady with an iron character take on a different quality. Ladies can create too active running actions on a man and he will begin to avoid her.

In both cases, the man is driven by the desire to prove his perfection. A person does not value the woman herself.

In any case there are exceptions. Guys (men) are essentially hunters, getters. Subconscious instinct tells you: you need to fight for a woman and seek attention.

If the lady is an ex-wife or a beloved ex-girlfriend, such a desire is quite natural. You just need to know effective methods to help make your beloved girl run after you.

Introduce her to friends, show support

If you like a girl, introduce her to your friends. Thanks to them, you can also get to know the object of interest better. Girls rarely risk choosing a guy who doesn't love his comrades. Establishing a good relationship with them also eliminates the risk of potential competition.

Girls like guys who are always ready to listen and give sound advice. Make her feel safe. If you show interest in what she has to say, you will surely amaze her! Next, we will consider behavior options with elements of manipulation.

Effective ways to fight for female attention

A girl passionately kisses her beloved guy

Choose: either love women or understand them. Ninon de Lanclos

The main strategy for attracting the attention of the woman you love is based on several components:

  • Kindness.
    Most women are attracted to male kindness against the backdrop of rough brutality. Sympathy for the weak, good nature for the desperate.
  • Respect
    : for women's logic (condescension), other people's opinions. Respect for the woman herself - the individual - without aggression or pathos.
  • Confidence
    . Women's adoration is guaranteed when they see: he knows what he is doing and saying, coping with any household and work tasks with dignity.
  • Confidence
    . The girl must be sure that the soul she reveals to the guy will not be turned against him or made a laughing stock of her. The guy himself will not make up fables; he will openly discuss the tensions that have arisen.
  • Despair
    . Of course, women are flattered if their partner goes crazy from the despair of separation and is insanely jealous. But not for long. They tire, ladies try to get rid of communication.
  • Availability
    . The opportunity to listen to a woman when she simply needs to talk is highly valued. If a gentleman is within walking distance around the clock, he quickly gets bored and loses female interest - why chase - he is always available.
  • Emotionality
    . If he gets into a hysterical state on any occasion that is not coordinated with the schedule, then women become not interested in such individuals. Hysteria is a female condition.
  • Mind
    . Ladies love smart, but not boring men. He was able to talk about scraper conveyors, but also to interest her, stimulating further training - bravo to the man. The girl left in the second minute of the date - please accept my condolences. Intelligence is not your strong point.
  • Charm
    . Charming women love cute, gallant and well-mannered young men of any age.

Be a good friend, gain trust

Yes, different genders can be good friends. There are many cases where pure friendship develops into a romantic relationship. If you like your friend, don't rush her into a close relationship. Be respectful and wait. Perhaps after a while she herself will show sympathy.

If you want a girl to be interested in you, gain her trust. Women love reliable, responsible men. To gain a girl's trust, you must first get to know her well. Try to find out what her interests and likes are.

Behave naturally, don't forget about compliments. Make the girl happy in your company. She should have a desire to see you again and again. This is the best way to build a healthy relationship based on trust. A birthday surprise is a great way to impress! Give her a gift with flowers, sing a song, play the guitar. There are many interesting options.


Be happy!

How to get your ex to look after your boyfriend? Why is this necessary? According to the logic of things, I broke up with my girlfriend and found another passion.

A similar option occurs to a guy when his ex-girlfriend develops a man more worthy than his previous partner. Or the former gentleman, having analyzed the mistakes, came to the conclusion that her life was not sweet.

The best way to make a young lady jealous and follow you: forget about her. You need to rise in your own eyes, become a presentable, active person. The guy should relax and enjoy life without smearing the snot of the past. Seeing the past guy successful, handsome and happy, the former passion will run after him. But why does a man need a woman running after him in an attempt to justify himself?

How to make a girl chase you? Effective methods

So, in most cases, success becomes the key point that determines girls’ attraction to a man. But there are other methods that can also make a woman “stalk” you. How can this be implemented?

  1. Don't show too much interest in your relationship with the girl. Remember how Pushkin noted that a woman can be liked through indifference? Having become accustomed to male attention, the girl will subconsciously begin to pursue that “insensitive block.” However, one should not demonstrate only indifference, because without affection and love, the relationship will come to naught. Such half-heartedness only fuels a woman’s attraction. That is, the guy needs to be open to feelings, but show his detachment.
  2. Find an interesting or unusual hobby. Women like those representatives of the stronger sex who have a real masculine hobby. It is important to show that you are a goal-oriented person. Such hobbies could be:
      hunting or fishing is a really masculine activity, but is more suitable for older men;
  3. alpine skiing - in addition to the fact that it forms a good figure, you can meet many attractive and active girls on the ski slopes;
  4. photography - practice, master the settings, angles, programs like Photoshop, and your photos on social networks will encourage girls to contact you;
  5. Don't be jealous. To be jealous is to show your own vulnerability and affection. That is, the girl feels superior to you. It's no secret that one of the manipulative methods that girls often use is to induce jealousy. For example, a woman says that other men are interested in her, or deliberately wears miniskirts and dresses with a deep neckline. Even if you don't like it, don't make a comment, just point out that she looks great.
  6. Do not call or write without special reason. Contact a girl only for business. Having created the image of a busy person, you need to support it in every possible way. When you call, do not ask standard questions; immediately after a short “hello”, get down to business. In addition, if you are thinking about how to make a proud girl suffer, try not contacting her for several days.

The tips are quite simple, but their implementation in practice has certain features. You can’t suddenly change your behavior - yesterday’s romantic suddenly becomes a hardened cynic. Probably, unknown young ladies will not notice anything wrong, but the girl you like may well “get the trick.” Change your habits gradually and without much fanaticism!

Ex-wife running after her ex-husband

If a woman wants to refuse, she says no. If a woman starts explaining, she wants to be convinced. Alfred de Musset

An ex-wife is not an ex-girlfriend. Former spouses have a lot of common memories and responsibilities. They know each other by heart.

It doesn’t matter what broke it up - a “cooled down” relationship, debt, trouble. At a certain point, the ex-husband realizes: living together with his ex-wife is the best thing in life. It is necessary to return everything, to talk. You should turn her face to you, become understood, heard.

In such a case, the following tactics should be used:

  1. DO NOT pull children over to your side, do not blackmail them.
  2. DO NOT remember old grievances or misdeeds
  3. DO NOT make personal references to parents.

In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to make your ex-wife fall in love again, to make her respect and appreciate the father of her children.
And for this:

  • Spend a lot of time with your ex-wife. Invite for a cup of coffee in a nice, cozy cafe. Have a little romantic weekend;
  • do not refuse to solve small household problems. Get advice about raising a child.
  • become better.

How to convince a girl that she is the best?

Good day.

Thank you in advance for your attention to my question.

The gist of it is this:

I have a girl, a beloved girl, 18 years old, for whom you can move mountains and choke on your opinion if necessary.

But she doesn’t believe me when I call her the best in the world (naturally I point out that she is the best for me, in my eyes)

But she refuses to believe it.

At the same time, attempts to prove by logic, sometimes by successive calculations with each step of which she agrees, collapse when approaching the final result (she doesn’t believe it and that’s it)

At the same time, I spend weekends with her (she lives 50 km away), I offer to come in the evenings, I devote all my free time to communicating via the Internet or SMS (with friends - drink beer at most once a week, “grind for life” with your best friend, yes and sometimes remaining partially in touch with your beloved)

Gifts and attention? where would we be without this, there were a lot of them, both pleasant and big little things (what a 21-year-old student can afford while working part-time at a research institute)

I also called for marriage some time ago, they agreed that it would be best for her to finish her medical school first. college.

But at the same time, the little man is mired in depression and irritability, attempts to take him somewhere to unwind or just have fun somehow usually end in a small quarrel...

It should be mentioned that she also went to the doctor (she mentioned it only briefly, she doesn’t want to talk about this topic) who prescribed some antidepressants, which, after taking it for a week, she abandoned due to lack of effect.

Yes, and the antidepressants were clearly not based on St. John's wort, they are not allowed, since our contraception is using hormonal contraceptives (which, in turn, can also cause irritability and mood swings), but she does not want to give them up even for a month or two, she is afraid that then there will again be a period of adaptation with a month of clearly not feeling the best... Although it fails her sometimes, fatigue sets in and she lies for hours doing nothing. He sleeps little and poorly...

In response to my requests, coercion, blackmail, in the end the result is the same - resentment... She is stubborn... very

And this is what I asked: to go to bed earlier, at least start drinking vitamins, etc. preventive things, as well as start drinking again what the doctor prescribed. At the same time, if I say at one or two in the morning that I have gone to bed, he may be offended, seeing this as a reluctance to communicate.

What about me? No, I’m not a freak, I’m not complex, I have no fear of being left alone for the rest of my days, I just have a person who is very dear to me and I love him... I really think she’s the best, but it feels like by not agreeing with this, she almost wants to prove the opposite.

It should be noted that we have been together for more than 2 years and there were difficult periods in our lives and there was happiness, and the beginning of strange things with renewed vigor was this spring, when, while celebrating my birthday at her dacha and with her parents, I went over several things (for reference: I drink rarely and a little) and seemed to call her a different name, twice... different!... (my memory, alas, does not have such information:) ) naturally, with this mode of communication with her, I don’t even have thoughts, there is no opportunity to take a step to the left, it seems convinced... But irritation and other nonsense set in, they almost broke up several times, but she loves him, apparently, etc. There were also bright spots on a few days, but overall she felt better with me.

Tired? then a little anecdote and let's continue :)

Two psychoanalysts are talking:

- You know, today at breakfast I had a most interesting reservation. I wanted to say: “Mom, please give me some tea...” But instead I got: “You ruined my whole life!!!”

So let's continue: I would be very grateful if there was advice on what tactics to choose, at least to convince me that my Beloved is the best in the world...? what can be done to generally improve psychological health, which was quite good in the first year and a half... Whereas the offer to go together and talk in person is a firm refusal. associated with reluctance to bring it up for discussion with third parties...

Although it would seem that all I can give for this, I give... I try to be gentle and attentive, but sometimes I want to cry when irritation suddenly rolls over her (because of some little thing, which she by the way does not name, arguing that I am ashamed, that from - this happens for nothing) and turns away from a kiss on the cheek, hiding his gaze... it hurts, you know... I’m afraid whether I’ll have time to solve this problem before all this breaks my feelings, respect, value...

ps Does it matter, sex is not so frequent, but simply great, all parties are happy and have no complaints :)

pps Does it matter, but about a year ago she also interacted with drugs (I know that it was clearly not weed, but not “intravenous”)

according to her, this is over (not on the first try) with my requests and persuasion...

in general, at first glance, she is a little secretive, puts on a mask of severity, but inside she seems to be very vulnerable... And so, the first year of the relationship was actually just happiness... so cheerful, joyful, a little reckless, or just quiet and gentle.

ppps I was glad to even just write this, thank you if you read this far, best regards, Alexander.

How to convince a guy that a relationship is better than freedom? (1 answer)

Healthy Relationships

The psychology of relationships is to be as open and honest as possible with your partner. It is these qualities that help build a strong family. If something is not working out in your relationship, it means that you either make little joint effort or are not suitable for each other.

Everything is quite simple. A wise wife will not constantly make claims to her husband; she will try to solve the problem peacefully. Just like a wise husband will not, but will find another solution.

But how then can we explain the fact that girls really run after successful, smug and daring guys? Very simple. This girl has problems with self-esteem and considers herself unworthy. With this one it will be very easy to play the game “run after me”.

Another option is that she knows only this model of relationships, using the example of her parents, say. And subconsciously she will strive for exactly this scenario.

Both options do not promise a healthy relationship either for the girl herself or for her chosen one. Think carefully, a smart, educated, interesting young lady will run after a man? But this is exactly what you need. And it’s with this one that you can build a strong relationship, a family; you want her to give birth to your children and become the mistress of your home. And with her the approach just won’t work - run after me.

I have an excellent article in my arsenal that will tell you what attracts the attention of women, what qualities they look for and what helps them make the right choice: “”.

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