They say that to instantly calm a girl down, you need this:

  • Why does the girl need to be calmed down?
  • How to calm a girl down?
  • How can you support a girl when she doesn't tell you anything?
  • Should you reassure them so that they don’t get offended?
  • Results, or How to get warmth from a guy?

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When dating a girl, everyone is faced with a situation where she is in a bad mood, crying or upset about something. It is impossible to be in a good mood all the time. Everyone has problems, and this often causes tears and grief in girls. Here a natural desire arises to help her, calm down and forget about the bad. Even if the guy is not in a relationship with her, there is still a desire to help the girl. The men's site will tell you how to console and calm down.

Life is not simple. At any moment, a situation can happen that will offend, upset, anger or humiliate. It causes negative emotions that naturally spoil your mood. That’s why you should understand that a girl’s bad mood is not whims, but a natural reaction to something offensive and unpleasant.

It’s quite common for guys to support or reassure girls because it seems to them that women’s tears are causeless. Women's grievances and bad mood seem like a whim when a girl could not come to terms with something. But let's put ourselves in the girl's shoes: would you be pleased to understand that your bad mood is perceived as a whim, and not as a natural reaction to stress or a problem?

A girl has the right to be offended, upset and in a bad mood, just like any other person. The guy can only learn at such moments to provide exactly the help that she needs.

Sincere tears or a method of manipulation

When a girl throws a tantrum and starts crying a lot, it is important to decide whether there are really good reasons for this or whether this is an attempt to manipulate a man.

  1. If the tears are sincere, then the girl will not stop crying after she hears that you are ready to give her something as a consolation. But during manipulation, the young lady can say out loud what she needs in order to be comforted.
  2. If a young lady calls the reason for her tears that you don’t love her enough, and says that you can prove the opposite if you refuse to go fishing with your friends, then this is one hundred percent manipulation.
  3. If tears appear immediately after some controversial issue, most likely the girl is behaving feignedly, trying to make you feel guilty by such an act.

If you notice that a young lady is manipulating, you must explain to her in a decisive but gentle manner that such behavior is unacceptable, that no one will run at her beck and call. If you don’t calm down, you will be forced to take a break from the relationship or break it off altogether. You need to talk to her seriously only after she has calmed down and is able to soberly assess the current situation.

Should you reassure them so that they don’t get offended?

Resentment is a ubiquitous attribute of many relationships between people. Not only men and women in love are offended, but also relatives, friends and even work colleagues. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to predict who you will offend with your actions and who you will not. Therefore, an accident, after which you will be offended, is inevitable at any moment.

Should you reassure them so that they don’t get offended? After all, the natural reaction of any person who is offended is the desire to make amends, reassure the other, and change the situation for the better. And to answer this question, we should consider it from different angles.

There are situations when you really offend a girl. You may not notice how your actions or words hurt her feelings. And now you see that they are offended at you. Undoubtedly, resentment is the problem of the girl herself who is offended by you. She could not have been offended, but rather pacified her own feelings so as not to allow them to develop. But it’s not always possible to calm something that comes from the heart. Moreover, the girl thereby even protects herself from the reality that you created together in an unsightly form.

What to do in such a situation? It’s better to apologize and calm her down. If you were in the position of the person being offended, you would most likely react to the situation in exactly the same way. Moreover, if a girl logically and clearly argues for her offense (says what your actions, words or events upset her, and not what a bad person you are, and other negative words), then she is really offended by you. And it's better to ask for forgiveness.

But it often happens that a girl manipulates you with the help of resentment. She is offended not because she is actually offended, but so that you feel guilty and do as she asks you. If, under the influence of resentment, you hear in your address what a “bad” person you are, then know that this is pure manipulation. If they are offended at you, but do not want to say the reason for their offense, this is also manipulation. In this case, leave the girl alone with her offense. They want to manipulate you, and this is not a fair game. You are free to feel calm while a touchy girl plays unfair games with you.


  1. Take a good look at the current situation. You must understand that there are many reasons that could cause a girl's tears. Think about whether you were the reason for her crying. And in general, is your help appropriate at the moment? There is no need to interfere if you yourself are upset; a girl’s tears are a manifestation of happiness or she is crying because she is offended by you.
  2. Make an attempt to calm the girl down, talk, become a good listener if she enters into dialogue. Do not use phrases like “If I were you...” or “When I found myself in a similar situation, I acted differently.”
  3. There is no need to persuade a girl to stop crying. You must understand that tears are a release of emotions, especially if something serious has happened.
  4. Try to share her sadness. Choose the right words: “I’m so sorry this happened,” “I guess you’re in a lot of pain right now,” “I’m not surprised that you’re so upset,” “the problem is really serious.”
  5. Use nonverbal techniques. For a girl, eye contact, correct facial expressions on your face, and tilting your head in her direction will be important.
  6. Hug a girl if you know she needs it. Take her hand or kiss her forehead. Assess the need for physical contact by the girl’s behavior; perhaps this is just what she is waiting for.
  7. Don't try to solve her problem, offer your help. Show your concern for her.

Feel sorry for the girl SMS

How to calm a girl down in difficult times?

She is a flower, don't touch it, don't hurt it

Look, admire, enjoy

May you be innocent, but repent -

Paving the way to a wondrous paradise.

A man's life is full of excitement. Stress at work, conflicts at home, in society, difficult relationships to life, obligations - life is in full swing, but everything is in the wrong place. And it seems that as soon as everything has calmed down, fate brings new surprises. But the stronger sex does not give up! With renewed vigor he rushes into battle.

And then, SHE appears.

Light, delicate, feminine. In clicking heels, in a short skirt, with a perfect manicure, or in jeans, with a careless curl on her head, in sneakers, blonde or brunette, or maybe even fiery. So different, so necessary and long-awaited. And a strong, brave, intelligent man turns into fondant.

It seems that everything can be solved, it is no longer so difficult to understand what you want, what to do, how to live. Problems are nothing! After all, she is nearby! Darling.

Time flows, happiness fills, thoughts are free, everything becomes easier, calmer. But here…

The day comes when the girl cries.

And you only have a stupid and incomprehensible expression on your face, and a silent question: What should I do? Feelings of being hit by a dump truck! Sound familiar? Vital.

Like in the movies

Of course, in the movies everything is different. The hero always knows what to do and what to say. Knows how to calm a girl down in difficult times. In the movies, she would probably be walking in the rain, but wet from salty tears, all beautiful, like a dream. Soaked in a stream of tears, the hero would have taken her by the shoulders, hugged her tightly, pulling her towards him. Their lips would meet in a long kiss. In a minute the heroine will forget the reason for her tears, and in the next frame the heroes will have a baby. A good fairy tale for lovers and romantics.

In life everything is a little different. In life, everything is real, in truth. And tears, and pain, red eyes, drooling, screams. A minute is not enough.

Step by step

What is the difficulty, for a young guy or an adult man?! What does it mean to a girl?! Each gender has its own scale. What seems like a trifle for the stronger sex can become a real threat to health and psyche for the weaker half.

A girl is more sensitive and emotional by nature; difficulties do not strengthen her, but kill her.
She may not die physically, and experience stress today, but tomorrow she may wake up as a completely different person. In moments of life transformation, under the pressure of troubles, without support, the girl changes the principles of behavior and attitude, and those who find themselves outside the range of changes may simply not get inside. But there is a chance, and there is time.
There's nothing better than attention. Participation can be active, but unobtrusive. You can’t bore a girl with conversations and advice when your head is already full of information. Then how to calm a girl down with words?!

Words must be special. Sometimes one or two phrases, or a sentence means everything!

For example : I'm here! I'm with you as long as you need!

Intonation is very important!

Phrases that arouse conflict and a feeling of misunderstanding:

At the beginning of a difficult period, this is a red rag for the bull. These words often cause aggression, and psychophysiology is to blame.

The brain of the female half of humanity is very complex and loves complexity. If a man works one part of the hemisphere, then girls work both. This does not mean that the fragile sex is smarter, but in many ways more capable. Thanks to the interaction of both hemispheres - logical and creative.

This means that everything that enters the girl’s brain, except analysis, must be played out, as if in a theater. Not much is funny. The female brain will not yet play a role, will not be able to understand the essence in order to realize, accept and heal. That’s why external suffering – tears, crying, hysterics – are so important.

And you should not use the phrases above to try to pacify the processes of the female brain that have not achieved the goal.

An example for the male psyche to understand the female state at the moment of the onset of experiences.

Logs (information) are placed in the stove, and a spark from a match ignites the fire. The fire began to grab pieces of wood (information), but the air duct was blocked (the outlet of negative energy and concentration of pain). Smoke rises around (feelings of misunderstanding), fumes (rudeness, screaming, resentment). As a result, everything is covered with soot, fumes spread through the air, and the stove has to be cleaned.

This simple example explains the psychological point. A serious state of affairs. After all, without the opportunity and time to realize, all the pain and anger can be directed at the person nearby. Natural protection against overload of the nervous system, in the form of a release of negative energy.

Based on your knowledge in this matter, it is easier to adapt and make the right move. As a rule, at the first stage of experiences, a girl needs not an interlocutor, but a vest. You don't need to say much, you just need to be there. Don't look at the clock, don't rush, don't look tired. All attention should be directed to the sufferer, and not to one’s own daily routine, at least at this moment.

Have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself

When finding out the reasons, or trying to support a girl in a difficult time, you need to be prepared for the fact that you are used as a pillow for tears, a vest, or other soft and mute surface. Sometimes it’s enough just to sit next to you and stroke the girl’s head or back. This seems strange to a person who does not know physiology, but the secrets can be revealed.

There are important nerve endings on the head and back. It’s not for nothing that when children are naughty or cry, mothers stroke their heads and backs. It calms you down and relieves tension, you feel lighter, and sometimes you even want to sleep. This is a little trick . Therefore, when it’s bad, they go to their mother, she will stroke, calm and give her warmth. Guys rarely use this method, but in vain! You need to take this into account so that next time you know how to calm down the girl you love.

If a girl starts talking, you just need to listen. There is no need to add anything or give examples of your troubles and ways to fight. This rarely helps, because you can forget yourself and just start feeling sorry for yourself and your memories. And all attention should be paid only to the girl.


Often, when trouble occurs, the female gender turns into a child. Like a little girl or woman, age doesn’t matter, she wants to hide in a corner so that no one touches or asks anything.

How to be?!

Under no circumstances should you persuade anyone to do anything! Otherwise, you may stumble upon a door slamming in your face.

You can simply participate, if this is a girl’s house, in making coffee, tea, or preparing something to eat. Take not with words, but with food. This, like in men, is quite effective. After a great loss of energy, I often want to have a snack, but I don’t have the strength, and the girl just lies there or sits hungry. It’s not scary if there is tea and a sandwich, but the girl refuses to eat. After a short period of time, she will still develop an appetite by looking at them.

Suitable phrases:

  • Imagine that I'm not there!
  • I'll make coffee (tea, hot chocolate, sandwich), if you want, just tell me.

By depersonalizing himself, putting aside his interests, a man will become more reliable. Girls like it when a guy thinks more about her than about himself.

It is unacceptable to utter words like “must”, “obligated”.

In a moment of sadness, melancholy, panic or hysteria, a girl owes nothing to anyone! Her inner world is directed inside the problem, into the depth of her experiences. There is also no need to impose obligations to comply with the “should” attitude. She can only want it.


Calming a girl from a distance is quite difficult. It is even more difficult to calm a crying girl. The thought that you are not around, and she is so defenseless, alone, drives some people crazy.


You need to be a psychological helpline over the phone. A guy or man must listen carefully to the notes of the voice so as not to miss dangerous signals.

You can't save money on a call!

If a man wants to switch off faster, no matter how polite he is, the girl will understand this. If she calls, it means she needs a man. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, and if you do not answer, you may not wait for the next opportunity, the girl will choose other ears and another goal. Girls' difficulties often play into the hands of guys on ignore lists. It is worth getting closer to the object at the moment of its weakness, and you can get a reward. The guy calms the girl down, she opens her soul and even her body in gratitude. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of this. So if your loved one calls, you should drop everything and click on the green icon so as not to get a red one.

You cannot use the following phrases in conversation:

(female translation in brackets)

What do you have there? (thinks I can’t have anything important)

Again? (considers it a walking problem)

Okay, be quiet! (considers aggressive)

So what? (thinks it's not important)

Didn't understand? (it’s not interesting that he doesn’t even listen)

Come quickly! (hurries to get rid of it)

Any rude expressions are also unacceptable; you need to restrain yourself in conversation.

How to calm a girl down with words from a distance:

Speak up, it's important!

I'm really sorry I'm not around!

Don't think about me, you are more important!

It’s difficult for you, but I’m far away, my fault.

I want to be close.

All phrases are aimed at support and trust. The girl feels that she is neither indifferent nor lonely, but has a strong back.

Cry willow cry

It’s difficult to calm a crying girl down from a distance, but it’s possible to let her cry.

There is no greater relief for a woman than getting rid of internal stress through bitter tears. Even with a swollen face, she will feel better, freer.

If yesterday the difficulty was insurmountable, then tomorrow there will certainly be a way out.

It will be good if, within a week or two, the guy takes on even the smallest chores - taking him or driving him to his place of study, work, or just walking around the city. You can bring food, help around the house, even if there is no work, you can always come up with a reason to fix something, show skill and care.

Walking by a lake, river or in a park, among trees and nature, helps a lot. It may seem strange to men, but girls often cherish even the worst memories. It's important for them to feel nostalgic! Therefore, a park or river can be a great place to let go of difficult thoughts, or to remember them. Nature is endowed with amazing power and the ability to take away people's sorrows and let go of hearts.

The girl cries, the guy calms her down, and life goes on...

Sincerely, Anzhelika Melnik

Source: How to calm a girl down in difficult times? In this article you will understand how to calm a girl down in difficult times. What you need to do to calm a crying girl nearby and at a distance over the phone.

How to calm a girl down from a distance with words?

The world of the human soul is mysterious and inexplicable, and the world of girls is generally an unsolved mystery. And the more difficult it is to cope with difficult situations that arise among the fair sex and to calm the girl down with words from a distance.

The reasons for a bad mood (and more serious problems) are countless, and at some stage in life everyone faces them. If something happens to your friend and you are not around, don’t despair and don’t give up, because you can help a girl from a distance.

How to calm a girl down at a distance: the main thing is support

Thanks to modern technologies and means of communication, supporting a girl in difficult times from a distance has become much easier. Do not start communication by finding out the reasons and persistent questions: just “be there” using SMS, calls and communication on a social network... Or better yet, just talk, show concern for her mood, show in your own words that her condition is important to you.

Here is some algorithm that will help calm a girl at a distance:

  • • Express concern about her condition in an affectionate manner and be prepared to encounter an aggressive reaction from the girl, because aggression is one of the forms of our psyche’s response to irritants. Be tolerant - this is temporary, show tenderness in affectionate expressions and caring phrases.
  • • Don't laugh if a girl suddenly bursts into tears! Irony in this case is one of the most inappropriate forms of showing empathy, and such a reaction can lead to the person simply refusing to communicate with you.
  • • Say as many words of comfort as possible: tell her how dear the girl is to you. After all, it is important for everyone to know that they are dear and needed by someone. Remind the girl of some good event in your life, trying to shift her attention to its positive aspects.

How to calm a crying girl: the main thing is not to scare away trust.

If someone turns to you for support in a difficult situation, it means they trust you, and this already means a lot! Be careful in your conversation: do not compare the situation in which the girl finds herself with someone else’s life experience. No matter what happens to us, our grief is only our feelings, sensations and worldview. This is our first experience and everyone is coping with it as best they can.

If you find it difficult and don’t know what to say, remain silent. Hackneyed phrases like “everything will be fine,” etc. will have a dubious effect. It’s better to say that no matter what trouble happens, you can always count on you, and you will definitely be there (if not physically, then at least mentally).

How to calm down an upset girl: be sincere

Do not play with the expression of your emotions under any circumstances. Hyper-lisping or excessive intrusiveness is clearly visible, especially if the person has known you for a long time. Be yourself, and if you are confused, admit it honestly and don’t allow yourself to remain in that state.

Girls are more allowed to indulge in nagging, because psychologically they are more emotional and perceive everything more strongly than men. Stay in touch with the girl, try to protect her from bad thoughts, paying attention to the good things that happened in life and speed up your personal meeting.

Source: How to calm a girl down at a distance with words? Simple and useful recommendations from a psychologist on how to calm a girl down with words at a distance

If a girl is nearby

When a young lady is upset, it is undesirable to behave as follows:

  • try to cheer up with empty phrases;
  • hope that after a while she will stop crying;
  • persistently try to find out the reason for this behavior;
  • give the girl a sedative.

If there is a girl nearby who is hysterical, then you need to do the following.

  1. Pat her on the back, run your hand through her hair, hug her and hold her tightly to you. It is important for a girl to feel that there is a person next to her who is not indifferent to what she is going through now. Such a step will calm you down, make you feel not alone, and understand that you are under your protection. But you shouldn’t press it too hard so as not to break the ribs.
  2. Show that you care about her. Prepare your favorite drink or just bring a glass of water.
  3. Throw a warm blanket over your girlfriend to make her feel more comfortable. Of course, if it’s a hot season outside, then it’s better to open the window to let in fresh air.
  4. When the young lady comes to her senses, you can carefully inquire about the reason for what happened, but there is no need to put pressure or beg her too much. It is strictly forbidden to raise your voice or conduct an interrogation.
  5. Having learned about the cause of the incident, it is necessary to act according to the circumstances.

You can also use another method to calm a crying girl.

  1. Tell her how much you value her, show sincere interest in her problem.
  2. When you find out the reason for the tears, do not mock or belittle its importance in the girl’s eyes, no matter how strange it may be. Otherwise, you will only upset her even more.
  3. Ask the girl how you can help her. Say that you will gladly do everything in your power.
  4. Stay close until she calms down. If she needs to be alone, give her personal space. But don’t go too far, in case she needs your support.
  5. You can try to distract the girl from her worries by suggesting a walk in the park or going to a cafe. It is very important to ensure that the young lady does not become depressed.
  6. If you live together, create a cozy atmosphere at home.

How to remind yourself?

If you want to remind yourself a little, try the following methods:

  • call , for example, in the morning to wish you a good day or in the evening to ask how you are doing;
  • write a message to your partner in which you share how much you would like to see him now and what you could do together;
  • send a small but nice gift via postal or courier service;
  • make a surprise visit , spend the weekend together.

If she's far away

When a guy is far away, he can send a girl a bouquet of flowers to support her

When a guy is at a distance from an upset girl, he can try to calm her down with the help of modern technologies, for example, to console her via SMS or write something on a social network, or call her by phone.

  1. You need to worry about her condition in a gentle manner. Don't be surprised if the girl shows some aggression. You shouldn't respond like that, be more tolerant. Perhaps the young lady is simply angry because you are not with her now and cannot hug her and console her in person. In such a situation, it is important to use your behavior and the right phrases to show invaluable care and calm the girl down with your words.
  2. It is strictly unacceptable while talking on the phone to mock your loved one’s problem; if she bursts into tears, laugh at her tears. After such an act, the girl will no longer contact you.
  3. You can please the young lady with a surprise. This will take her mind off her problems and make her laugh. For example, you can post a picture of a cute cat on her wall on a social network or write some funny quotes. It will be especially pleasant to receive flowers through a courier service, which will be delivered right to her door. You can also simply place a targeted order at a pizzeria or restaurant. It is important that the girl feels that she is remembered and cared for.
  4. If the girl is upset due to problems with her health or, perhaps, has lost someone close, you need to provide moral support. If possible, come to her to personally support her.
  5. It is unacceptable to tell a young lady that she is behaving incorrectly or reacting illogically. Such an approach will only irritate her.
  6. If, when communicating on the phone, you don’t know what to say or what words to calm a girl who is crying, then it’s better to remain silent. But there is no need to say a phrase like “Don’t be upset, everything will be fine.” This will only upset her more. The girl will conclude that you are simply in a hurry to end the conversation.
  7. When reassuring your pen pal, it is important to let her know that she can count on your help and support at any time. Within reason, of course.

What's happened?

First of all, try to find out what happened. Before you say anything, reassure or take action, it is best to try to assess the situation. If she is angry, then think about what could have made her angry. Upset, which made her sad. Cries, what situation could bring her to tears.

Maybe you are aware of problems at work or school, then it will be clear how to further choose the right words and phrases for consolation. Or you see that lately she has been arguing a lot with her best friend, sister, mother or father. Her dog is already very old and so on.

Of course, it's not always easy to understand why a woman is upset. Some young ladies may burst into tears because of a broken nail or a torn stocking. For men, such little things seem completely unworthy of tears and frustration.

What if she tore her tights before an important meeting where she would have to speak in front of serious clients? And she'll come out with a hole in her knee? Would you go out to investors with a bright ketchup stain on your white shirt? Remember that even a minor nuisance, depending on the situation, can develop into a serious problem.

That’s why it’s so important to try to understand what made your lover so angry. If not a single thought comes to your mind, that's okay. There is a more direct option to find out what happened. You need to ask her. Be prepared for the fact that she may answer “nothing.” There is no need to get angry and lose your temper. Be patient and try to find out from her what happened.

Your task is to show that you care about her, that you care and sympathize, that her problems do not seem stupid and far-fetched to you, and that you are ready to help her or simply support her, if necessary.

So ask: How can I help you? This way, you can get a clear picture of her problem and what action she expects from you.


A man is obliged to support a girl in a moment of weakness. There's no need to ignore her tears

  1. In any situation, it is important that the girl receives a willingness to listen and empathy from the guy. The most effective thing you can offer her is attention and your participation.
  2. Don’t forget that tears are just a form of communication, a manifestation of some feelings or problems.
  3. You don't need to take your girlfriend's troubles too seriously and start getting depressed along with her. You must be strong and support her.
  4. If you notice that a girl cries too often, and for no apparent reason, most likely, this condition may be a symptom of an anxiety disorder, depression, or the presence of a phobia. In this case, it is better to consult a psychologist.
  5. Sometimes a girl needs to be allowed to cry, to throw out her emotions. In this way he can cope with his stress.
  6. There is no need to fuss and be nervous, or worry too much. You must be a support and support for her, so you must remain serious and stand firmly on your feet.
  7. There is no need to cajole the girl with gifts or promise to do everything she wants. So, the young lady will understand that with her tears she can get what she wants, and in the future she will often resort to such blackmail.

Now you know how to calm a girl down if she is upset or crying. Remember that choosing the right words and showing empathy are of particular importance. Don’t forget that you can support a girl, no matter how far away she is, you can calm her down over the Internet.

How to calm a lady down in person

The suffering of his beloved is unbearable to watch, and a sane man begins to make a lot of attempts to cheer up his other half. But often the clumsy actions of representatives of the stronger sex provoke an even greater surge of negative emotions in the girl. In a moment of frustration and despair, treat the lady as if she were a crystal vase. Otherwise, you will pay for your well-intentioned but inappropriate attempts at consolation. So that you do not get confused and understand how to properly calm a woman, we have compiled a set of rules for such cases:

  1. Assess the current situation. Put yourself in your girlfriend's shoes and think about what she would like most right now. All people are different, and many people in a stressful situation want to be alone with themselves. If your lady of the heart is one of them, then fulfill her request and leave consolations for later. When you feel that a girl is hungry for conversation and support, give her what she wants. In both cases, think about whether you can somehow influence the outcome of the situation: solve the problem or punish the offender. If the answer is yes, take decisive action to ensure your girlfriend calms down.
  2. Let the person talk and cry. Listen carefully to your significant other, do not interrupt or insert advice into the dialogue, save them for later. Get ready for a violent manifestation of negative emotions. It is difficult for women to keep their feelings inside, and during a conversation they just come out. Try not to criticize or scold your girlfriend now, even if she made some mistake. You will still have time for moralizing, but now the most important thing is the peace of mind of your other half.
  3. Stay close. You may be in close proximity to your upset girlfriend, but your mind is somewhere else. Believe me, women will feel such detachment in the blink of an eye. To console your significant other, you must get to the bottom of the problem, even if it is not serious, and show it with non-verbal gestures: a sympathetic look and facial expressions. If you truly empathize, these nonverbal gestures will manifest themselves. Well, if not, you will have to feign sympathy. What won't you do for your loved ones?
  4. Offer to help. Like a real man, you must help your lady of your heart. If you are able to fix the problem, take action immediately and notify your other half. However, it is not always possible to influence the situation. Despite this, you can help your girlfriend not only directly, but also indirectly. While she comes to her senses, go to the store and buy something tasty, walk the dog, wash the dishes. The chosen one will appreciate your care and efforts. After all, now she has no time for household chores!
  5. Keep a positive attitude. In difficult situations, someone needs to be strong and composed, and usually men take on this responsibility. Now you should be an example for your girlfriend: remain calm and see positive aspects where they appear to be absent at first glance. Then the lady of your heart will be charged with your confidence and will more calmly accept the adversities that happen to her. Be sure to tell her that everything will be fine and that you will cope with any troubles together.
  6. Don't rush things. When guys calm a girl down, they are often in a hurry and indignant if her tears don’t dry up in a couple of minutes. Remember that negative emotions must be lived through and thrown out to the end, otherwise stress will accumulate and over time can cause physical illness. Give your beloved time to cry and calm down, and this may not take an hour or two.

It is difficult for guys to calm down a crying girl: it is not always clear how exactly to approach her so as not to aggravate her disorder. If you have little experience in this matter, act in accordance with our recommendations and listen to your heart.

How to console your girlfriend

If your girlfriend doesn’t even want to look in your direction, sheds tears, keeps silent about something, most likely she has some problems and before you help her solve them, you need to try to console your loved one and return her to a good mood. To do this, you should follow several rules.

If your girlfriend very often expresses her feelings emotionally, this does not mean that she is hysterical (although sometimes you can think about it), you just have to accept it as a fact;

Perhaps in such a stressful situation you should sweeten the situation by creating a romantic or cheerful atmosphere. Prepare some tea and try to engage in dialogue and find understanding. To console your beloved, make some small surprise, all girls love surprises;

Do you want to calm the girl down? Try watching a movie with her. Perhaps even that film that you have watched several times and it never bothered you, but on the contrary, it only aroused positive emotions;

If you start a dialogue, then you should not immediately bombard the girl with questions in order to console your beloved. Be gentle and affectionate with her;

Sometimes you just need to make it clear that in any situation you are always ready to support her and lend your shoulder. And perhaps this is exactly the tactic that will help dispel the sadness of your loved one;

Spend a romantic weekend with your girlfriend. You can have a picnic or a tourist trip to romantic places; now many tour operators offer such services. You can also console your beloved;

Let the woman please you and spend her favorite activity with her, where you can have fun;

If your beloved is sad because of problems that she cannot solve, you can console and calm the girl by solving her problems, no matter what kind they are! After all, you are a man, and you should be her protection and support. Even if your beloved says that she can handle it on her own, ask for help and say that she is your “little girl who doesn’t have to solve problems, but she has you for this task.” Such words will make any girl melt, and happiness will continue to flow in her soul and heart.

In general, if we talk about how you can console your loved one, know that it is worth finding time to spend time together in an unusual way for both of you, which would bring joy to both of you. But always together, doing things together is very pleasant for women. Love your woman, give her compliments, tell her how important she is to you and what she means to you, because a woman’s appearance and attitude is an indicator of your love.

Guys, like no one else, know this feeling. She's upset! But she won't say why! It's because of me? Did I forget her birthday? Anniversary? So what's now?? Consolation can be a difficult, long and risky process. But with the right approach and caring words and actions, you can lift her out of her despair and bring her smile back!

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