6 situations in which you need to be careful not to offend someone

What affects the frequency of movements?

It is important to understand that the activity of the child in the womb depends on various factors. A pregnant woman usually begins to feel the first tremors at 16-18 weeks. In addition, reviews from mothers indicate that each baby has its own style of movement. Experts suggest that this depends on the temperament of the baby, which is being formed in the womb.

It is also worth noting that the number and intensity of movements often depends on the lifestyle of the woman herself. So, let's name the main factors that can affect the activity of the fetus:

  • A pregnant woman is in a hot and stuffy room.
  • Mommy feels nauseous and dizzy. Movements may become more active due to disruption of the flow of oxygen to the placenta.
  • The position of the woman's body can affect the baby's movements. If the position is uncomfortable for the little one, he will remind himself by pushing his arms and legs.
  • Loud noises can affect a child's activity. In this case, one baby may calm down, while the other, on the contrary, will begin to actively push.
  • The movements may increase if the mother is lying on her stomach. This position leads to compression of the vena cava located in the pelvic area. Due to compression, oxygen may not reach the child well, which will lead to active movements.
  • Many babies also begin to push if mommy ate something spicy, sour, or drank a drink containing a lot of caffeine.

It is worth noting that sudden and active movements of the baby indicate that he is experiencing discomfort or lack of oxygen. Smooth and slow movements are an indicator that the baby is doing well.

Expert opinion

Ksenia Dunaeva

User experience expert and comment moderator. Higher medical education and more than 5 years of actual practice.

Ask Ksenia

Increased motor activity of a child in the womb may indicate various pathological conditions. These include the threat of premature birth, umbilical cord entanglement, hypoxia, etc. Low activity is considered no less dangerous. This condition may indicate various health problems, as well as the death of the baby. This is why it is so important to promptly notice any changes and report them to the leading gynecologist.

How to not let people control you - 12 golden rules

Every time the word “need” is heard in a conversation, when it comes to debt or obligations, it is worth asking the question “Who needs this?”

You need it - do it

Every time the word “need” is heard in a conversation, when we are talking about debt or obligations, it is worth asking the question “Who needs this?” Manipulators like to keep silent about the fact that they need what they want first of all. For example, the parent’s phrase “You need to find a job,” cleared of manipulation, will sound like this: “I need you to stop sitting on my neck and go to work.” In the meantime, the boy does not have to go to work, it sits comfortably on his neck.

Do not promise. If you promised, do it

Remember how often, under pressure from other people, you made rash promises. The manipulator will deliberately push you to make rash promises, and then exploit your feelings of guilt. Just don’t promise, but if you promise, keep it. Then next time you will think twice before taking on unnecessary obligations.

If they don’t ask, don’t interfere

It often happens that, guided by good intentions, we only make things worse. We simply weren't asked for help. Then our efforts are taken for granted. It’s even worse when another person asks instead of one. By helping in such a situation, we are also violating the law “If you need it, do it.” If it seems obvious to you that a person needs help, take the opportunity to find out from him whether he is ready to accept it from you. Suddenly, a girl whose heel got stuck in the drain grate set it up specifically to get acquainted with that cute guy over there. And you, bitch, took it and ruined everything. They could have at least asked.

Don't refuse your request

Any request requires gratitude. Manipulators tend to make empty promises or forget about services. Comply with the request, but don't be shy to ask for a favor in return. Perhaps even in advance.

Live in the present (not the past and not the future)

One of the most important laws, it helps to easily destroy the manipulations of comparison with you in the past. We never want to be worse than ourselves; other people often take advantage of this. For example, the manipulation “You weren’t like this before” is easily destroyed by “It used to be before.” Promises of a sweet future, promises of half of the skin of an unkilled bear immediately cease after the question “So this will happen later, but what exactly are you offering now?”

Don't get attached

How often do we become attached to a person, object or activity? How strong can this attachment be without jeopardizing our peace of mind? Everyone has their own answer to this question. Just remember: with the help of these emotional connections you can be easily blackmailed. Don't let your loved ones become domestic terrorists, don't get stuck.

Don't set a goal (the goal should serve as a beacon)

For me this was the strangest law. It is important for me to be purposeful. It took me some time to realize his wisdom. That is why I prefer its wording with the addition about the lighthouse. If the goal is set incorrectly, then after achieving it, devastation occurs. Most likely, this goal is imposed on you from the outside. Therefore, always ask yourself or the people who inspire you to achieve the question “What then?” I will give as an example another of the favorite phrases of all parents: “You need to get a higher education.” What then? You can be a realtor, a sales consultant, or start your own business without a higher education.

Don't disturb

The most ingenious of all laws. It can and should be used both in relation to oneself and in relation to other people. The phrase “Don’t disturb me, please” can work real miracles. The main thing is to say it before you start to feel irritated.

There is no bad weather

The law with the greatest philosophical potential. He teaches you to use every opportunity, including your mistakes. It is formulated differently in other systems. For example, in NLP it sounds like this: “There are no defeats, there is only feedback.” So many people around you will be happy to remind you of your failures or complain about how bad everything is around you. This approach makes it easy to influence your mood. In such cases, remember: there is no good or bad, there is only your attitude.

Don't judge, don't criticize

Sometimes it is very difficult to restrain yourself and not criticize other people. But no one needs criticism - neither you nor those around you. Remember this. When you are judged again, listen, but do not criticize in return. Here is my set of questions for such judges: “What follows from this?”, “How do you propose to change this situation?”, “Why do you think that only your assessment of the situation is correct?” Better yet, just don’t take bad things into your head, and don’t take heavy things into your hands.

Do not pass on information without making it your own (experience, skill, ability)

If you don't check the information you spread further, then you turn into a gossip. They stop believing your words. Your enemies will happily take advantage of this. When communicating with other people, clarify exactly how they verified the information they give you. Most do not check it at all, becoming victims of underhand games or political propaganda.

Always and everywhere ask permission

Law from the field of etiquette. Using it will not only insure you from unnecessary efforts, but will also create an image of a polite person. Just ask with inner confidence, otherwise you will look like an eternally doubting weirdo. By the way, I unwittingly used this law when I suggested asking whether a person needs help. In the same way, other laws are connected with each other, thereby creating a mental shield against manipulation. Use it with a smile! published

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Is it possible to determine the position of the fetus in the womb by its movements?

Some mothers wonder whether it is possible to understand how the baby lies in the stomach by its movements? Yes, by assessing the baby's movements, it is possible to guess his position. With a cephalic presentation, the kicks will be more pronounced in the upper part of the tummy, while with a pelvic position of the baby, the kicks will be felt more in the lower tummy. It is important to understand that during the entire pregnancy the baby turns over in the womb several times.

If mommy feels that the little one is lying head up, there is no need to panic. Most likely, closer to childbirth, he will roll over into the correct position.

Can kicks be painful?

Normally, fetal kicks should not cause discomfort in a woman, but in practice this is still possible. Most often this happens due to an uncomfortable position of the woman, for example, if she lies on her back or sits bent over. If discomfort occurs, you need to change your body position. Try lying on your side and relaxing. Breathing should be calm and uniform. This is usually enough to calm the baby.

There are also pathological causes of painful sensations during jolts. Let's look at them in a little more detail:

  • Pain with jolts in the right hypochondrium may indicate liver and gallbladder diseases.
  • If there is discomfort in the upper abdomen, it is important to exclude gastric pathologies, in particular, a diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the bladder area - cystitis.
  • It is imperative to consult with a specialist if the mother has a scar on the uterus after a Caesarean section.

Some women talk about the phenomenon of pulsation in the abdominal area. This is a sign of blood moving through the umbilical cord. If this phenomenon is not permanent, there is no need to worry.

Self confidence

Your main weapon against manipulators is self-confidence.
If you have low self-esteem, you easily become a driven person. Understand yourself. Learn to appreciate, respect and love yourself. Accept your individuality and don't look at others. Be a whole person. Make your own set of life rules and principles and do not deviate from it. Don't go against your own beliefs. When you believe in yourself and trust yourself, it is difficult to be confused. Don't blindly trust other people's opinions. Focus more on your own feelings, your intuition. Then no one will force you to do what you don’t want and will not be able to influence your decisions. If you need to make a difficult choice, don't consult friends or colleagues. Do as you see fit.

You should not depend on the assessment of others. Some people need someone's approval so much that they become easy prey for manipulators. Your desire to be liked is understandable. But understand that it is impossible to attract sympathy from absolutely everyone. Accept that someone may not like your lifestyle, appearance, words, actions or beliefs.

Causes of low movements

Sometimes women notice that the fetus in the womb has become less active. Don't immediately panic and run to the doctor. The causes of this condition can be both pathological and normal physiological in nature.

Physiological reasons

You should listen to the baby’s movements, as this indicator indicates the normal development of the baby in the womb. If mommy notices that the tremors have stopped for a while, she needs to remain calm. Perhaps the baby is just sleeping. If there are no tremors for more than 3 hours, you should try to rouse the baby. You can drink sweet tea, eat chocolate, go up the stairs, and lie on your left side for about an hour. Such actions usually help to wake the baby.

In addition, it is important to remember that a few weeks before birth, the baby’s movements are no longer as intense as before. In the later stages, there is no longer enough space in the mother’s womb. Although the baby moves as before, the woman no longer feels these movements as much.

If there is no movement for more than 3 hours, and not one of the methods to move the little one, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pathological conditions

Reduced activity of a child often indicates the development of hypoxia. If the mother notices that the baby’s activity has become less pronounced during those hours when the baby was usually kicking and awake, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Research methods such as ultrasound and CTG (cardiotocography) help determine hypoxia. If hypoxia is confirmed, the woman is prescribed special treatment.

Recognize manipulation

The first and main way to protect yourself from manipulation is to understand in time that the other person is going to use you for his own purposes. Once you realize this, you can ruin the attacker's plans. After all, if you are aware of the threat, it is obvious that you will be fully armed and will not succumb to any tricks.

To recognize manipulation, you need to observe the nonverbal signals that the person gives you. Determine how much the timbre of the voice, facial expression, posture and gestures of your interlocutor correspond to the meaning of the words he is telling you. If there is any inconsistency in a person's behavior, you have reason to suspect him of insincerity.

Consider whether the person might have a reason to take advantage of you. Determine the true motives of the person courting you. To do this, you need the ability to collect and analyze information. Then you will be able to draw the right conclusions about the current situation and predict under what scenario it will develop.

It is quite easy to check whether you are mistaken in your suspicions. Just don't give the person what he demands from you. Don't behave as he asks. Go against the wishes of the potential manipulator and look at his reaction. Frustration and anger will betray a person who expected you to be a pawn in his hands. If the person is upset that her request was not fulfilled, but continues to communicate with you as before, perhaps your suspicions turned out to be false.

Ways to help move your baby's tummy

It is necessary to monitor the baby’s movements in the womb at any stage, no matter whether it is 20, 22 or 30 weeks. If the tremors have become passive, you can try to rouse the little one using simple and safe methods. So, let's look at a few techniques.

Listening to dynamic music

Sometimes cheerful music helps to increase the baby's activity. There is no need to turn it on too loud, the main thing is that it is dynamic.

If you have headphones, you can put them on your tummy. This helps to wake up the baby, after which he will begin to push.

Use your fear

This method should be used very carefully. If, for example, mommy is afraid of spiders, you can play a video about them or look through a book with their image. The release of adrenaline into the blood will make the baby move too. It is important to understand that this technique should only be used as a last resort.

Talking to a child

A baby's hearing in the womb begins to develop at 16 weeks, and by 22 weeks the baby can hear you and all surrounding sounds well. You can try to stir up the baby by talking. At the same time, you can stroke your tummy.

This will also help to form a close bond between mommy and her little one during pregnancy.

Take a horizontal position

When a pregnant woman walks or does something, it creates conditions for the baby similar to rocking in a cradle. The experience of some women shows that as soon as they lie down, the baby begins to actively push. Try lying on your back for a few minutes, then roll over to your right or left side. Within a few minutes the little one will certainly make itself known.

Sweets to the rescue

When the level of glucose in the blood increases, the baby’s body reacts in the same way as the woman’s body. Try eating a piece of chocolate, cookies, dried fruit, banana or other treat. You can wash everything down with sweet natural juice or tea.

Practice shows that the baby's movements increase when the blood sugar level increases.

Physical exercise

The motor activity of the mother herself will help to stir up the little sleepyhead. Do a few squats, walk around the room, and do a few gentle bends. This usually causes the baby in the tummy to wake up and make itself known.

Tummy jiggling

Many mothers have noticed during an ultrasound examination that the doctor can give a small push to the tummy or slightly show it. After this, the little one begins to move.

It is important to remember that you should rock your tummy very carefully so as not to harm your baby.

Exposure to light

Babies in the womb see a bright light that passes through the tummy. You can try to rouse the baby using a regular flashlight. Turn it on and place it on your stomach. After just a moment, you will feel the baby’s kicks, because the light will undoubtedly wake him up.

What to do if attempts to move the baby are unsuccessful?

If the baby in the womb still does not make itself felt after attempts to increase its activity, it is important to seek medical help. Don't put off visiting a doctor.

The specialist will listen to the baby’s heartbeat using a special tube, and will also prescribe diagnostic methods that will help determine whether everything is fine with the child.

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