How long does love really last: a psychologist's answer

When will love go away after a breakup?

You wanted to be close to him, dreamed of falling asleep and waking up together for the rest of your life.
You imagined how many common happy moments awaited you ahead. But suddenly your relationship crumbled like sand and you were left with nothing. It's time to understand that this happens in life; many people face a similar situation. The fact is that a man and a woman very often do not agree in character.

Love after a breakup works differently for different people. Everything will depend on the degree of attachment to your ex-boyfriend. Perhaps you felt not love for him, but infatuation; these two feelings are very easy to confuse. Falling in love passes quite quickly; it is enough not to see your ex for 1-2 months.

You could also experience ordinary sympathy for him, which, combined with habit and affection, could seem to you like love. In this case, it will be enough for you to get used to the person a little and realize that there are many nice guys in the world. Sympathy can disappear even faster than falling in love.

If you really have a true feeling for him - true love, things are bad. As a rule, a person meets true love once in his life. Such strong emotions can remain in the soul forever.

Some girls are capable of experiencing strong feelings several times in their lives, so don’t give up on yourself; most likely, you will still meet your soul mate. It’s very hard to believe now, but most often this is exactly what happens.

How long does love really last: a psychologist's answer

The editors of I WANT decided to answer the most concerning questions of our readers in the “Answer from a Psychologist” section. Several times a week we will publish answers on the site. Answered by a practicing psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences - Valeria Tsykhonya. You can send your questions to [email protected] with the mark “Answer from a psychologist.”

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In life, everything flows and everything changes. In moments when our feelings make us dizzy, we refuse to believe that this will not always be the case. In everyday life they say it is “chemistry”. But in fact, in addition to hormones, the foundation of true love is created by deep and mature feelings.

Anyone who has experience in a long-term relationship can confirm that the period of love and passion ends sooner or later. This stage of special attraction to a partner is accompanied by a peak of love and sexual activity. At this moment in the relationship, everything (or almost everything) is joyful to us. We do not notice many of our partner’s shortcomings; we can enjoy his company forever.

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At the stage of falling in love, the content of dopamine and adrenaline in the blood increases. But at the same time, the level of serotonin, the pleasure hormone, decreases. That is why love often gives suffering if it is not shared (lack of serotonin) and at the same time is characterized by high takeoff and inspiration (excess adrenaline). As for dopamine, it is this that gives complete concentration on the subject of passion. On average, the falling in love stage lasts about 12 months.

Over time, as the need for novelty, romance, and sexual communication becomes saturated, the relationship moves to the level of everyday interaction. At this stage, community of interests comes to the fore. Here the notorious “chemistry”, sung by many women, fades into the background. Therefore, it is important that partners have the same level of education, common values ​​and interests, and social status.

At the next stage, the new couple learns to listen to the desires and needs of the partner, take into account the interests of the other, and give in. This happens at the stage of trust formation. If this stage is completed successfully, if the partners are compatible with each other in spirit, they demonstrate attentiveness towards each other, the relationship moves to the stage of mutual understanding, which over time turns into friendship, respect, and trust. And only then does that wonderful high feeling appear, which is called love.

Love is often confused with infatuation, which, however, does not last very long. But in order for infatuation to turn into love, it is necessary to look for a partner who will not dissolve along with passion. It is important to understand that if you want to live in a loving relationship, you should remember that love is, first of all, the ability to give in, trust, care, respect and accept the care, trust and respect of your partner. And then your love will have no expiration date.

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How to stop loving a guy

Help yourself forget him. Don't look at his photos, don't read his messages, don't remember the rosy moments. Nostalgia will make you completely depressed, and this will not end well.

Think about the fact that at that moment when you sadly remember his eyes, he is having fun with his friends. Perhaps he even found himself a new passion. You don’t want to suffer while he is already happy without you?

Start a new life. Now you have every chance to make it even better. Think that you are not alone, but free. And since you have freedom, use it. Call your friends, go with them to some nice place. Don’t close yourself off; now you could use people who can improve your mood.

A very effective way to forget your ex-boyfriend is to find a new one. Think about it, but if you're not ready for a new relationship yet, then give yourself some time.

Age of love

An ideal marriage is considered such if the spouses have common views on life, interests related to culinary delights, recreation, music and much more. Another significant component is the sexual compatibility of partners, but often many people think that sex is not the most important thing in a relationship, they are mistaken - sex and connection are very significant. There is an equally important fact that if on their common weekend a couple gives preference to business instead of carnal pleasure, then the chances of a good and bright common future are extremely small.

Psychologists also claim that an important aspect is the time during which you forget your feelings for your ex-loved one. With truly true feelings, it will take exactly a period of time away from the joint relationship to forget about them. For example, if the relationship in a couple lasted three years, it will take one and a half years to recover from the breakup itself.

Many people in relationships think about how long love lasts and how long their relationship will last, but first you need to figure out whether it is love or just simple infatuation? Because of falling in love, relationships can last quite a long time, as if emotions are present, but people break up.

How to distinguish love from infatuation? Falling in love, at the very beginning of a relationship, is no different from love: passion, fluttering on the wings of love, general plans for the near future, endless SMS messages from the very early morning and all day, vows of eternal and bright love. This period continues until the rose-colored glasses fall on us and we begin to see our partner with all his disadvantages; as a rule, all this occurs after three years. After which the relationship becomes love or the question of separation arises.

Why, after a while, does the ideal that was with you all the time before disappear? Everything is understandable, at some point we stop playing and become ourselves, we no longer pretend and hide our shortcomings. It can be difficult for partners in a couple to get used to a different person, it seems that they are still the same person they love, but with different qualities, there is no need to give many examples, just one is enough - less time devoted than it was before. But just being patient with everything and turning a blind eye just leads to constant fighting. There are only a couple of options for the development of events: accept your partner as he really is or there is no meaning in the relationship - separation.

Was there love? How can a man survive a breakup with his beloved?

Was there love?
— how a man can survive a separation from his beloved. After all, you are a man, you yourself are the defender of the weaker sex, which means you must be strong, decisive and courageous. And it’s not good for you to react so painfully to this loss. In life, we encounter the opposite situation: the stronger a man is and the higher his position in life, the more vulnerable he is and the more difficult it is to bear parting with the woman he loves.

How to help a man who has broken up with the woman he loves?

Almost every man had a woman in his life who left an indelible mark on his soul. Having lost such a woman, some men spend their entire lives looking for a replacement for her. Behind the apparent abundance of love and promiscuity in men who have been left by their beloved, lies deep mental trauma. After the woman they love leaves, many men become unsure of themselves and try to drown out the pain by abusing alcohol or, even worse, drugs. The process of experiencing after a breakup is further aggravated by the fact that a man does not like to share personal problems and keeps everything to himself. The consequences of experiencing pain alone are always sad, both for himself and for those around him. After all, their loved ones are more worried about the aggressive behavior of men.

First of all, to avoid negative manifestations from parting with your loved one

, a man needs to get rid of everything that reminds him of her. First, put her things, photographs, gifts in a large box and throw them in the trash. Try not to worry about separation anymore and enjoy the newfound freedom, think about the experience gained and the fact that you now have much more time to go in for sports, your business and achieve success in your work. This means that it’s worth living on and there are many ways to keep yourself busy to make it easier to survive pain and loss.


They must remember that only time can heal their mental wounds and they should not lead an immoral lifestyle just because their beloved did not properly appreciate his dignity. As you know, the pain of unrequited love and separation goes away over time.

After your loved one

don't stay idle. Clean up your home, prepare food, be sure to go to work and exercise. Try to implement the negative energy that has accumulated in you in everyday life.

Look for new acquaintances

, don't isolate yourself. Do not listen to the advice of friends who say that the best way to forget the woman you love is to have as many new girls as possible. This will only harm your reputation and will not help you get rid of your worries.

If financial possibilities allow, it is best to take a vacation and go on vacation away from the city

. Active recreation on the seashore, in a ski resort, hunting and fishing will perfectly help you relieve nervous tension and help you forget that your woman left you.

Most likely, the woman he loves

and after leaving you, he will not refuse to meet with you, and will continue to communicate by phone. After all, all women really like it when they suffer because of them. Don't let her ruin your life anymore and don't let her have any more fun at your expense. Don't look for more meetings with her and don't let her keep you on the hook. Let her understand that your further relationship can only be within the framework that is necessary to solve problems with raising a child, division of property, and contacts in the field of activity.

Not always these tips can help a man forget his beloved

. It all depends on the degree of each person's experience, which is directly related to what your relationship was like and how long you were together. The longer you've been in love, the harder it is to part.

It’s worth trying the well-known way to get over a breakup according to the principle of “ knocks out a wedge with a wedge.”

". To do this, you need to find that one woman with whom you will forever forget all the problems of your personal life. The only difficulty is that few abandoned men manage to do this quickly. The main thing is to look for new happiness, take your time and not repeat previous mistakes. Everything has its time.

Source: Was there love? How can a man survive a separation from his beloved ? Was there love? — how a man can survive a separation from his beloved. After all, you are a man, you yourself are the defender of the weaker sex, which means you must be strong, decisive and courageous. And it doesn’t suit you like this—kak-perezhit-muzhchine-rasstavanie-s-lyubimoy.html

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