Why do you need a psyche? - and now we proceed from functional criteria.


​​​​​​​An organism (Late Latin organismus from Late Latin organizo - arrange, give a slender appearance, from a tool) is a living being, the parts of which - the organs - influence one another so that they function together as a stable whole.

Be careful: if you say that each of us has an organism, you are very precisely saying that we (somewhere in us) have a living being. And, apparently, you and it, with your body, are in some kind of relationship. Someone identifies himself with his body, someone is angry that he has to reckon with the demands of his body. Some people are friends with their body, some obey it, some try to subjugate it.

Need is the awakening soul of a living organism. Need does not yet think, but is already tormented without what it needs, and demands what it wants, straining a person to action. Need is a replacement for goals and will in a person who lives as an organism without yet becoming a person. The main tasks of the body are simple - consumption, survival and comfort; only as these tasks are solved does the body develop needs of a higher order.

An organism is not a Victim, it is simply an organism. If you can be not only an Organism, but a Personality, and live under such a philosophy, this is your position as a Victim.

Man as an organism and man as a person

When interacting with the outside world, a person sometimes behaves like an organism, sometimes he manifests himself as a person.

It is clear that more often it is both at the same time. But it is important that to varying degrees and with different attitudes. If you are an organism, being a human burdens you, you are in a hurry to return to your normal existence as an organism. If you are a person, then it is not shameful for you to once be an organism, but only once. We eat to live, but we don't live to eat!

The life of a person as an organism is determined by circumstances: external and internal (needs, feelings and states). The body cannot change the external, it adapts to it. The external environment is always stronger than a person as an organism; his task is to survive.

For more information on the difference between these two ways of living, see

Body reaction and human behavior

The body’s reaction is an unintentional change in a person’s functional state and the actions that automatically follow from it, for which the person is not responsible. The body's response is distinguished from behavior, which refers to the intentional words and actions of a person and for which responsibility is assigned to him. Cm.

Features of the human body

The human body cannot be imagined as a set of separate organs capable of performing their own functions and not being affected by neighboring ones. It represents an integral system, the constituent elements of which are the most perfect and harmonious creation of all that could be created by nature.

All organs, as well as their role and purpose, are interconnected. The human body is often called a biological system. It consists of related structures subordinate to each other. Their relationships and structural features are subordinated to their work as a single whole.

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The human body includes a system of organs that interact with each other. Each of them is designed to perform its function. For this reason, the human psyche largely depends on the proper functioning of organs.

Mind and body: how your daily routine affects your health

There is a certain division of people into “night owls” and “larks”. The former prefer to be more active in the evening and at night, while the latter get up early and go to bed just as early.

It is generally accepted that these normal biological ri appeared as a way of adapting to life in megacities.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark” - you just need to know how the state of your body depends on your lifestyle:

1. The greatest peak of body activity is around noon.

2. Growth hormone and renewal processes occur during sleep between 10 pm and midnight. Insomnia at this time threatens premature aging.

3. Sleeping from 10 am to lunch (12:00) provokes the development and prolongation of the viability of cancer cells.

4. The lowest ability to concentrate, poor memory and thinking, and a drop in activity are observed from two to four in the morning. This is when most people working shifts make mistakes in completing tasks.

As you can see, regardless of your personal preferences, body functions work according to a strictly defined plan. This should be taken into account when planning your work or your daily routine.

The division into “owls” and “larks” is a tribute to the development of civilization, a person’s way of adapting to the crazy rhythm of life.

It is much more useful to take into account the peculiarities of the course of physiological processes, on which the functioning of mental functions directly depends.

The influence of the psyche on the body “The connection between the body and the psyche”

Now let's talk about the characteristics that are associated with the psyche and the body.

Mental properties

These include character traits, temperament, abilities, personal qualities, etc. Now, so that you can understand what we are talking about, let’s look at examples.

Examples of human characteristics:

  1. Altruism.
  2. Politeness.
  3. Caring.
  4. Femininity.
  5. Mysteriousness.
  6. Collectivism.
  7. Independence.
  8. Sensitivity.
  9. Determination.
  10. Cleanliness.
  11. Humorousness.
  12. Equilibrium.
  13. Erudition.
  14. Perseverance.
  15. Selfishness.
  16. Good-heartedness.
  17. Coolness.
  18. Weak character.
  19. Smartness.
  20. Organized.

Personality qualities inherent in leaders:

  1. Respect for yourself and others.
  2. Excellent memory.
  3. Sanity.
  4. Decency.
  5. Demandingness.
  6. Literacy.
  7. Creativity.
  8. Hard work.
  9. Focus on results.
  10. Responsibility for your own words.
  11. Straightforwardness.
  12. Openness.
  13. Frankness.
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