Fuck motivation, you need discipline.

Declension of the noun discipline (which case)

Declension of words by case in singular and plural.

CaseQuestionUnitMn. number
Nominative(who what?)disciplinedisciplines
Genitive(who, what?)disciplinesdisciplines
Dative(to whom; to what?)disciplinedisciplines
Accusative(who, what?)disciplinedisciplines
Instrumental(by whom, what?)disciplinedisciplines
Prepositional(About who about what?)disciplinedisciplines

Scope of use

Queuing theory Metallurgy Finance Microelectronics Slang

Discipline, discipline, self-discipline, self-control, self-regulation

Discipline - (lat. disciplina

from discere “to teach”) - rules of personal behavior that correspond to accepted social norms or requirements of routine rules.
Strict and precise implementation of the rules accepted by a person for implementation. In this sense, they talk about school discipline, labor discipline, military discipline, and the like. There is also the concept of self-discipline
- control of one’s own behavior in relation to oneself and in relation to other people, foreigners, nationalities and races, cultivating willpower in oneself.
Discipline (also self-discipline , organization ) is a character trait, or a developed, habit-formed tendency of a person to comply with work rules and norms of behavior. It is one of the so-called “Prussian virtues”. Closely related to the psychological concept of self-control. Teacher A. S. Makarenko spoke about discipline in the following way: “Always maintain discipline, do what is unpleasant, but must be done - this is high discipline.” Discipline is the readiness to perform and the ability of the subject (discipline bearer) to comply with disciplinary requirements. Self-discipline consists of the ability to self-regulate—the ability to overcome negative emotions that interfere with the completion of a task, the ability to overcome decision paralysis, and the ability to step outside of your comfort zone. In the Soviet Union, conscious discipline was also understood as the discipline of undisciplined members of the team by others (disciplined); one could often find a similar definition: “Conscious discipline means not only the subordination of the individual to the norms of society and the collective, but also his active position in strengthening the military and labor disciplines." ** Discipline is a certain order of behavior that meets established norms and requirements. It comes in two types: conscious (internal) and forced (external). Conscious discipline is associated with a deep assimilation—internalization—of behavioral norms and a developed sense of duty. It is supported without coercive measures, reflecting the presence of a person’s moral quality of discipline, which is based on the desire and ability to manage one’s behavior in accordance with social norms and the requirements of the team, in accordance with the tasks facing one’s social circle. The psychological foundations of discipline are volitional qualities, a person’s ability to suppress his desires, to subordinate behavior to necessity. Coercive discipline relies on external sanctions, both positive and negative. People follow norms and orders only in hopes of reward or in an effort to avoid punishment. This is discipline-obedience, but not discipline as a moral quality. Unfortunately, people often achieve just such discipline, based on shouting, punishment, and threats. Amos Kamensky also said: “Virtues are developed through deeds, and not through chatter.” *** Posted by Brian Tracy No Excuses! The power of self-discipline. 21 paths to sustainable success and happiness We all want to earn more money, build a happy family, be healthy, and achieve financial independence. Moreover, we even know what needs to be done to fulfill these desires, but... we put them off until later, coming up with hundreds of excuses for inaction. Infection with the virus of excuses, according to Tracy, is fatal to success. The first piece of advice from the author: don’t waste energy coming up with excuses for your failures - and get down to business. The main condition for success, in his opinion, is self-discipline. Having this quality allows a person to resist the temptation to make excuses, be willing to pay the necessary price, do what he must, and never give up. According to Tracy, the main enemies of success , happiness and self-realization are: 1) following the path of least resistance (the habit of looking for easy and quick ways to get what you want, instead of making efforts to achieve real success); 2) the desire for convenience (we do what is convenient, not what is necessary). Developing the skills of self-discipline, self-control and self-control is not easy. But once they become a habit, any manifestation of indiscipline will cause a feeling of discomfort. The author is convinced that developing and maintaining the habit of self-discipline is a lifelong task. 2.1. Principles of Success How should we live to be happy? The amount of time spent on progress and results largely depends on the ability to ask yourself this question, answer it correctly and move towards the goal. The first thing Tracy advises is to find something you like . He is convinced that the main financial goal of your career is to become one of the top 20% of specialists in your field of activity. He refers to the Pareto principle, which states that 20% of people earn 80% of the money and enjoy 80% of the fruits of prosperity. To do this, constantly work to improve your skill level, hone your skills, and never stop learning. The author encourages you not to be afraid to start from scratch. The secret of their success is hard work over a long period of time . Tracy is convinced that neither success nor failure is accidental. In his opinion, to achieve success you need three conditions: 1) clearly understand what exactly you want in life; 2) determine the price you will have to pay to get what you want; 3) be prepared to pay this price in full and in advance. Another principle of success is willingness to learn .
Comparing success to good physical shape, which must be taken care of every day, Tracy concludes that the only way to become an expert in your chosen field is to constantly improve your professional skills. He outlines two rules for continued success: 1) do something you have never done before, improving your self-discipline and self-control skills; 2) acquire and apply skills that you did not have before. 2.2. Self-discipline and character Building and developing character is the most important task in life, according to Tracy. Your character is the result of everything you have chosen and decided to date, surrounded by many alternatives and temptations. When working on character formation, you should: • remember that the formation of your worldview, personality, character and life is influenced by those with whom you communicate; • instill values ​​in your children: patiently explain the essence of each moral value, show the difference between a value and its opposite; • pursue values ​​you respect and study values ​​you admire; • imitate the people you admire most. The ability to think ahead plays a critical role in developing character based on self-discipline and willpower. Tracy advises to ask yourself every time, “What is the most important thing here?” and “What would this world be like if all the people in it were like me?” This increases the likelihood of choosing the right decisions and actions.

2.3. Self-discipline and responsibility According to Tracy, the willingness to take responsibility for your life is the key to happiness and success. This is a way to move from childhood to adulthood and feel like the master of your destiny. The author shares his discovery: the existence of all negative emotions, especially anger, depends on our ability to blame others for all our troubles. Only iron self-discipline and strict self-control help to refrain from the temptation to blame others for your own problems and look for excuses. The fastest and most reliable antidote to negative emotions is positive thoughts. Our minds are incapable of focusing on more than one thought at once. Replace negativity with positivity, mentally saying: “I accept responsibility.” The author is convinced: until a person recognizes himself as responsible for his problems, he will achieve nothing. Self-discipline, self-control, and self-control begin with taking responsibility for your own emotions. Forbid yourself from making excuses, complaining, criticizing and blaming other people. Take control of your thoughts, feelings and actions. After that, keep yourself busy with work so that you have no time to succumb to negative emotions.

2.4. Self-Discipline and Goals If you have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it, then you have a path to follow every day. Tracy writes about two abilities of our brain: the mechanism of success and failure. The mechanism of defeat is the natural temptation to follow the path of least resistance. It operates automatically throughout life. The mechanism of success is launched with the help of a goal. The author writes about seven steps necessary to speed up the process of setting and achieving your goals. Step 1. Determine what exactly you want. Formulate your goal as specifically as possible. For example, what specific amount of income will suit you. Step 2: Write down your goal. What is written disciplines, and in combination with subsequent daily work on it increases the likelihood of achieving goals tenfold. Step 3: Set a deadline for achieving your goal. A deadline for the brain is a kind of system of forcing you to work with maximum efficiency. If the goal is large enough, set a deadline and set several intermediate points for control. Step 4: Make a list of everything you will need to do to achieve your goal. List the obstacles and additional knowledge and skills that will be required. Don't forget about the people whose support you will need and make a list of actions needed to achieve your goal. Step 5. Rearrange the list in order of priority and sequence. Step 6: Take action immediately. Step 7. Every day, do something that brings you closer to your main goal. Constantly practicing these skills will quickly make them automatic and form the habit of working tirelessly to achieve your goals.

2.5. Self-discipline and self-improvement Be prepared to improve your knowledge and skills throughout your life. The author advises after every important meeting, call, presentation to ask yourself two questions: “What did I do right?” and “What should I have done differently?” This gives your brain the psychological mindset that you will do even better next time. Tracy considers this one of her most effective exercises for accelerating personal growth and development.

2.6. Self-discipline and courage One of the inhibitory factors on the path to a goal is the fear of failure. Tracy believes that you can gain courage by using positive affirmations, visualization, and acting as if you already have the desired quality. Whenever something makes you anxious, the author advises using this exercise: Analyze the situation and write a “disaster report.” The report should include four steps: • clearly describe your concerns; • list the worst consequences (they may not be worth the anxiety you are experiencing); • promise yourself to accept the worst outcome if it comes to that. After this, anxiety and stress will disappear without a trace; • Decide what steps you will take to avoid the worst.

2.7. Self-discipline and perseverance How to cultivate perseverance? The author has the answer. He recommends viewing problems or temporary setbacks as a test of perseverance, an opportunity to demonstrate to yourself and others your strength of character and unyielding determination to succeed. Stay optimistic, don't feel sorry for yourself, try to find a valuable lesson in any situation. Practical task.
Decide to set and achieve one important goal and work towards it until you achieve success.
Self-discipline and work Work is one of those areas in which your future depends on self-discipline more than in others. Tracy advises: Identify the 20% of your most important tasks, and then focus entirely on completing them quickly and efficiently. When coaching entrepreneurs, he gives them an exercise designed to help them double their productivity and increase their income. This methodology is based on the “law of three,” which states that at least 90% of your value to the company comes from three tasks you perform. To do this, make a list of your to-dos for the week, including small ones like checking your email. Find three main things to do and force yourself to do them throughout the day. The remaining tasks will become secondary. Use your personal value and allocate time based on your hourly earnings calculation. The calculation formula is as follows: calculate the amount of your income for the year and divide it by 2000 (the average number of hours per year that entrepreneurs or managers devote to work: 40 hours per week x 50 weeks per year = 2000 hours.
Do only those things that are paid in at least your hourly earnings. At work, devote all your time to work. Show up to work 1 hour earlier, work 1 hour more and stay 1 hour longer than your competitors. This will add three full productive hours to your workday. Free This will not reduce your time, you will simply avoid traffic jams in which most people waste time on their way to work and home.

3.2. Self-discipline and sales The main reason for business failure is low sales. If you are a business owner, then spend 75% of your time organizing sales. Overcome the fear of rejection, remain optimistic and increase the time you spend face-to-face with customers and potential clients. By doubling the number of minutes of direct communication with potential clients, you double the number of sales. Plan ahead, start early, and remember that there is a direct correlation between the number of cold calls you make and the number of positive responses you receive from clients. Remember: there are no restrictions except those that you mentally set for yourself.

3.3. Self-discipline and money Tracy is convinced that the main cause of financial problems is not low earnings, but lack of discipline and an unwillingness to delay gratification. Tips from the author: • reprogram your reaction to money by teaching yourself to associate happiness with savings. Use af; • open a “financial freedom account” at the bank and vow not to spend funds from there for any purpose other than the specified one. Other goals involve opening another account; • train yourself to use the main rule of financial independence - “pay yourself first.” Every time you receive some extra money, deposit it into your “financial freedom account”; • save for life. By starting with 1% of your total income and increasing your savings rate by 1% each month, you will get to 10% by the end of the year by learning to discipline yourself and take a healthier approach to every purchase; • save 50% of your income growth, driving a wedge between growing income and growing expenses. If you are serious about achieving financial independence, the most important thing you will need is self-discipline combined with the ability to refuse immediate gratification. The very fact that you are saving will help you feel that you are in control of your destiny.

3.4. Self-discipline and time management According to Tracy, self-discipline is most needed in such an area of ​​​​life as time management. By this he means managing your life and yourself. Time cannot be saved; it can only be spent differently. This means that time management is the ability to choose the sequence of events. Key principles of time management from the author: • use self-discipline to overcome procrastination; • measure the true value of everything you do by the amount of time you invest; • use self-discipline to set clear goals; • invest your time as carefully as you invest your money; • define priorities, regularly analyze your life and give up tasks that slow you down; • focus on the main thing and think about the consequences. Brian Tracy shares a simple and effective time management system: he advises making a to-do list for tomorrow in the evening. Then apply the ABCD prioritization method to it, where A is “must do”, B is “desirable to do”, C is “would like to do”, D is “delegate”, and D is “exclude”. If there are several things on the list marked A, arrange them in order of importance and number A-1, A-2, A-3. Do the same with notes B and C. Important: do not do work B until you have completed work A. Organizing your entire day using the ABCD method takes no more than ten minutes. But every minute will save you time working on tasks.

3.5. Self-Discipline and Problem Solving Problem solving is similar to solving mathematical equations. This skill is acquired through regular practice and repetition. Tracy offers her proven method for solving problems. 1. Identify the problem. Ask yourself: “Is this really a problem?” If this is a life circumstance beyond your control, acknowledge it and take it into account in subsequent work. Often, a seeming failure hides a great opportunity. 2. Think about what else the problem might be. The broader your view, the more likely you are to find the best solution. 3. “How did this problem arise?” Try to understand the real reasons so that you can ensure that it does not occur again in the future. 4. “What are the possible solutions?” The more possible solutions you come up with, the more likely it is that one of them will be correct. 5. “What is the best solution at the moment?” Sometimes any decision is better than no decision. General rule: 80% of all problems need to be resolved immediately. If you have to put off a decision, set a deadline. 6. Select a solution and then determine the course of action. Always ask yourself: “What should be our next step? What should we do immediately? 7. Distribute responsibility. 8. Establish criteria for the effectiveness of the solution. The more precisely you define the result you intend to achieve through the actions you take, the more likely you are to get it. There is nothing more important than happiness. Achieving it is the highest goal, according to Tracy. Self-discipline is a prerequisite for happiness. Experience and research have led the author to the conclusion that the recipe for happiness includes: health and energy, happy relationships, important and necessary work, financial independence, self-actualization (realization of potential). A deficiency in any of these five factors can cause stress and make you feel unhappy and out of control in your life.

4.1. Self-discipline and health To live a long life, you need to form and strengthen healthy habits. Eat regularly, do not overeat, avoid snacking, exercise, do not smoke and drink alcohol in moderation. Self-discipline will also come to your aid here. Among all physical activities, aerobic ones are considered the most beneficial. Brisk walking, running, cycling - exercise for 30-60 minutes at least three times a week. It is equally important to give the body time for proper rest. The gold standard is eight hours of sleep per night. Don’t forget about weekends and vacations, give your body the opportunity to recharge its batteries. Of all the qualities of human character, optimism is the most conducive to health, happiness, and longevity. A positive mental attitude should become one of your habits. Among the problems caused by insufficient self-discipline, overeating and excess weight come first. Tracy's Tips: Burn more calories than you consume; avoid sugar, salt and flour; establish a reward system for yourself that is not related to food; Make exercise an integral part of your lifestyle. It's never too late to start.
Tracy tells the story of a 68-year-old woman who took up running as an older woman. Starting with buying running shoes and walking around the house, she gradually switched to jogging, after six months she supplemented walking and jogging with real running, and by the end of the first year of training she was able to run a mini-marathon. By the age of seventy-five, this woman had already completed ten full marathons and two 80-kilometer cross-country races. But the most amazing thing is that until she was sixty-eight years old, she did not run at all. And what excuses do you have now?.. Practical task. Make a decision today to get into the best shape of your life over the next few months and take action immediately.
Get a full medical examination, start with a daily 30-minute walk, buy a gym membership, start with low loads and gradually increase them. Show patience, persistence and determination. 4.3. Self-discipline and marriage Tracy is sure: a happy married life is impossible without self-discipline and self-control. He writes about compatibility as the main condition for a happy marriage. It is generally accepted that opposites attract. Thinning is required here. Opposites attract only in the area of ​​temperament. As for values, similarities attract. We are always instinctively drawn to people who have the most common values ​​with us. What we call love is a typical reaction to values. We love what we value most—both in ourselves and in others. When people are truly happily married, they always have a lot of common values: attitudes towards family, children, money, work, politics, religion and other people. When getting closer to your loved one, you must remember that even people who are compatible in many respects will always have reasons for disagreement. This is normal, and self-discipline and self-control will help you cope with it. To do this, be honest and open. Then you will be able to clearly express your thoughts and feelings without anger or irritation, and also listen calmly and patiently to the other person. Tracy recommends developing the ability to listen to anyone who strives for harmonious relationships. The author identifies four simple rules that will help with this: listen carefully, pause before answering, ask for clarification of anything you don’t understand, ask clarifying questions, use feedback by repeating what the interlocutor said. Tracy emphasizes the importance of total commitment and fidelity in a relationship. Be best friends with your significant other. Willingness to change is also an important factor. Every marriage is a “work in progress.” Be prepared to change according to new circumstances. To keep your finger on the pulse of your relationships, the author recommends regularly asking four questions (to yourself, your spouse, and then your children): 1. Am I doing something now that I need to do more of in the future? 2. Am I doing something now that I need to do less of in the future? 3. Is there anything I need to start doing right now? 4. Is there anything I need to stop doing altogether? Sincere and honest answers to these questions will help you understand how and where you need to change your behavior in order to maintain the highest level of harmony, happiness and love in your family relationships.

4.4. Self-discipline and children Self-discipline is also important for raising happy, healthy and confident children. At every stage of a child's life, our words and actions influence him, shape his personality and determine what he will become as an adult. The main need of a little person is a continuous flow of unconditional love and approval from his parents. The amount of love a child receives during his formative years determines how healthy and happy he will be when he grows up. A synonym for the word “love” for children is time. They determine their worth and importance based on the amount of time the most important people in their lives spend with them. Once you become parents, organize your life so that you can spend as much time as possible with your child. Minimize or completely eliminate activities that prevent you from being the best parent you can be. The best gift you can give to your children is to give them the confidence that you love them and that your love for them will never end. According to Tracy, it is parents who must instill in their children an understanding of universal human values ​​and, first of all, the value of self-discipline. It is important to remember that children always follow the example of their parents. Among the most important parental responsibilities, according to the author, is shaping the character of your children. The key quality of character is integrity, and the most important value to instill in children is truthfulness. Children should be sure that you will never punish them for telling the truth. Another important quality that parents teach their children is the ability to forgive. If you were wrong, don't hesitate to apologize to your child. Just say, “Please forgive me.” By apologizing, you allow him to become happy and confident again. Remember: the process of raising children never ends. Become a role model. Remind yourself every day that your children will behave just like you throughout their lives. Keeping in mind that your children's chances of success in life will depend on your behavior over the years will force you to pay much more attention to self-discipline and self-control.

4.5. Self-discipline and friendship How to achieve the highest level of mastery in the field of human relationships? The secret to building and maintaining great relationships with others is simple. To get closer to another person, forget about your own interests and concerns. By raising the self-esteem of others through your words and actions, you create a boomerang effect: your self-esteem also increases. You will need increased self-control to rise above your own interests. Instead of trying to please other people and impress them, focus on showing how much you like them first. The secret to building great relationships is making others feel important. How to do it? Tracy outlines seven steps. 1. Accept people for who they are. 2. Show people your gratitude (from a slight nod and smile to a letter of appreciation and a gift). 3. Express agreement. The most welcome guests in any company are friendly and positive, as opposed to those who like to question everything, complain and argue. 4. Express your admiration (compliments, praise for achievements). 5. Pay more attention to people. Learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor. 6. Never criticize, judge or complain. 7. Be polite, considerate, and sensitive. The main rule for building relationships: decide that from now on you will always try to ensure that after meeting with you people leave feeling much better than before. All your actions and words will boomerang on your own self-esteem.

4.6. Self-Discipline and Peace of Mind Tracy writes that most people feel the need to be right, and this makes them emotional. When you stop caring whether you are right or wrong, all the emotions that accompany this need will disappear. Another source of negative emotions is blame. Don't allow yourself to blame anyone for anything. Stop taking everything personally and justifying negative emotions, and calmly admit that anything happens in life. You will see, all your negative emotions will immediately disappear. The highest level of application of self-discipline in spiritual development is the practice of forgiveness. The only constructive action you can take after an unpleasant situation is to ask yourself: “How long will it take me to cope with the consequences of this event and move on with my life?” Every person has their own forgiveness curve. It measures how quickly he forgives and forgets negative experiences and determines how mentally and emotionally healthy he is. Every psychologist and psychiatrist owes his wealth to patients who do not know how to forgive. The first place among the topics discussed in psychotherapy sessions is firmly occupied by conversations about offenders from the past. Stop worrying and move on, learn to forget grievances as quickly as possible. Get them out of your head and turn your attention to things that make you happy. You can enjoy peace of mind only after you learn to forgive other people for all the bad things they have done to you. Moreover, forgiveness is selfish. You forgive others only for your own emotional release, so that you no longer need to carry the baggage of experiences with you everywhere. Take responsibility for what happened and stop constantly returning to a negative situation. . Don't allow yourself to get upset for any reason.

Self-discipline is a tool through which you will be able to accomplish more in the next few months and the next few years than most people manage to accomplish in their entire lives. Don't look for excuses, get down to business! Learn to control yourself, develop the habit of self-discipline and practice it. The simplest rule of self-discipline is “First dinner, then dessert.” Resist the temptation to make exceptions to the rules. Moreover, don't expect instant results: developing and maintaining the habit of self-discipline is a lifelong task. Success and failure are not accidental. How to increase your chances of success? Figure out what exactly you want in life, then determine the price you will have to pay, and most importantly, be prepared to pay it in full, upfront. Self-discipline is impossible without developing willpower and character. If you want to reach new heights, you will have to do things you have never done before. Take responsibility for your life, set a goal, break it down into components and take steps every day that bring you closer to achieving what you want. Forget about fear: your capabilities can only be limited by you. Stay optimistic and don't deviate from your intended path. Do not accumulate resentment, it is better to focus on what causes positive emotions in you. Everything ingenious is simple. Same with self-discipline. On the one hand, it is obvious that the skill of self-discipline gives a person unlimited opportunities. On the other hand, it is a challenge, daily work and effort instead of such an easy and pleasant way of doing nothing. Take action or make excuses? The choice is yours.

How to become disciplined?

It is impossible to develop corporate discipline without introducing its fundamentals into personal life. If a person is extremely disorderly in everyday life, then you shouldn’t expect orderliness from him in the workplace. Accordingly, the development of this skill should begin with the daily routine and the organization of personal space. The following techniques will help develop discipline:

  • Sports activities;
  • Sleep and nutrition schedule;
  • Planning your time;
  • Concentration and perseverance training;
  • Regular motivation.

Following these simple recommendations will significantly increase a person’s composure.

Sports activities.

Many people have encountered a paradox in life when athletes, who are often considered “not disfigured” by their intellect, for some reason become influential businessmen, politicians, and public figures.

Let's throw away stereotypes and conventions . Athletes often achieve success through their persistence and discipline. They develop these skills while visiting the gym, at training camps or competitions. After all, any successful performance is always preceded by dedicated training and a strict daily schedule.

Accordingly, anyone who lacks composure can learn from athletes. Once you sign up for any section, your level of self-discipline will increase noticeably.

Take the self-esteem test

Sleep and nutrition schedule.

The schedule of these components of life is extremely important for everyone. Restoration of strength depends on healthy and regular sleep, and filling the body with the necessary energy depends on proper nutrition. If you develop a clear sleep and wake-up routine, as well as regulate your diet, your overall vital energy will noticeably increase, you will have more time for work and a desire to do something. Discipline begins with the most basic elements. Sleep and nutrition are practically the basis of everything.

Planning your time.

Problems with discipline are often experienced by people who do not know how to plan their day. Any impromptu takes additional resources for adaptation and quick response. If a person plans his personal and work time, then all sorts of “surprises” happen less often. Of course, accidents may occur, but they will not be so frequent as to spoil the overall statistics.

Two planning methods are recommended: weekly and daily . The first allows you to deal with the most important tasks seven days in advance. The second adjusts the tasks according to the circumstances. It is best to plan the next day in the evening, and in the morning quickly adjust plans to accommodate possible changes. The main thing is to learn how to accomplish everything you plan, strictly following your schedule.

Training concentration and perseverance.

The main enemy of discipline is absent-mindedness. If you learn to concentrate, it will become much easier to control yourself. The skill of perseverance is also important.

It is best to develop these skills in a playful way, performing various exciting exercises. For example, you can download a thematic mobile application to your phone, daily developing concentration and perseverance, without any additional devices.

You can take an even easier route. Select an object (switch, leaf, stand, etc.). Try to keep your attention on it for as long as possible. By performing this exercise as often as possible, a person develops the skills of perseverance and concentration. The main thing is to avoid fanaticism and not turn the game into a routine.


Discipline does not need inspiration. It's just a habit of doing what you need, when you really need it. Regardless of emotions, feelings, lack of motivation, etc.

Moreover, when discipline becomes a stable habit, feelings and emotions, inspiration and motivation begin to obey the discipline. You didn't know? You can easily educate your feelings and emotions and subject them to discipline! After all, these are just reflexes that can be changed and developed.

Discipline, unlike motivation, does not suddenly appear when watching a motivational video or after reading a motivational book. Discipline is constant work, mental and physical stress tied to a strict schedule. But if you train it (like a muscle), obstacles on the way to the goal seem to disappear. Motivation removes apparent, invented obstacles, while discipline easily overcomes real obstacles. Moreover, if you use discipline every day, then at some point it ceases to require effort. That is, it becomes a habit.

Why do few people like discipline? Yes, because it's quite difficult. But it gives guaranteed results in any area. Discipline is so disliked that many ignorant myths have arisen around it.

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