Ambivert: between introvert and extrovert

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the uniqueness of each human personality. And these are not just big words - we really are all different and completely unique. But there is still something that unites us. We can talk about the similarity of temperamental traits, characteristics of the emotional sphere, level of intelligence or attitude to the surrounding reality. This allows psychologists to group people according to the characteristics of their mental activity. Two such large groups include extroverts and introverts. Can absolutely any person be classified into one of these groups? What are the differences between extroverted and introverted personality types?


Conventionally, all people can be divided into two types. The first of them includes people whose life vector is directed outward, towards the outside world, but in no case inside themselves. An extrovert is a person who is open to people, communication, easily makes new acquaintances, and easily carries on any conversation. Carl Jung considered this human property to be innate, and modern science has found many confirmations and evidence of this theory. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to try to raise a child who was born with one or another psychotype of personality in the opposite manner. In this case, there will be a threat of nervous exhaustion, frustration and mental illness. The source of an extrovert’s energy resources is located in the outside world, where such a person “recharges”.


This personality type is the complete opposite of the previous one. If an extrovert is a person who is open to the whole world, then his opposite, on the contrary, is closed and closed to society.

However, it cannot be said that this personality type is weak and only insecure and timid people are endowed with it. Not at all! Many famous writers and poets, talented scientists and composers were precisely introverts, drawing their creative fruits from the world of fantasies, internal illusions and ideas. Limited contacts are suitable for such people; extensive communication depresses them and devastates them morally. Introverts by nature are observers and contemplatives; they are able to catch the beautiful and unusual, which extroverts often miss.

Signs and characteristics of an introvert

Communication with other people

If for you the concept of “introvert” is associated exclusively with an introverted and shy person who considers only books to be his friends, you have become a victim of stereotypes. Yes, some introverts may fully or partially fit this definition, but this is only a superficial view that does not always correspond to reality. For example, not all introverts are shy

Some of them are able to easily establish contacts with strangers and join new companies
- they just don’t like to do this.
On the other hand, most introverts are good and reliable friends
who value their loved ones.
This, of course, does not mean that extroverts are bad friends. What this means is that introverts place more importance on existing social connections (because otherwise they will have to make new ones). Introverts choose more carefully who to spend their energy on, and if they choose a person, there is a high probability that they expect to be friends with him for life

Another point in the characteristics of an introvert is that he gets along with people for quite a long time

He can find good friends by joining a new team, but to do this, again, he needs to understand who is worth spending energy on and with whom he is comfortable. Therefore, most representatives of this personality type are not inclined to quickly start relationships with the opposite sex
. It is assumed that first a man and a woman should get to know each other better, and it may take quite a long time to woo an introverted girl.

An introverted child also prefers to communicate with those children whom he already knows than to meet someone new, although there are more exceptions to this thesis than in the case of adults.

Personal qualities of an introvert

Reasonableness, thoroughness, desire to plan and think through everything

can also be considered signs of introverts.
Although, in principle, representatives of this psychotype can be very spontaneous
, they do not show this quality too often and usually, on the contrary, are a little heavy to climb.
As a rule, introverts are diligent
people who see no problem in doing painstaking, monotonous work.

When communicating, introverts prefer to think things through first and then speak.

If such a person finds himself in a company that is too large for him (especially if there are strangers there), the introvert will rather observe than speak or act himself. From the outside, representatives of this personality type seem calm and unhurried
They are not characterized by broad gestures and overly expressive facial expressions
A usually quiet voice
can also help identify an introvert .

For some, this description will be evidence that this is a boring person. But in reality, an introvert's personality can hide many surprises.

. And gradually he will reveal them - if he considers it necessary. After all, this type of personality is not one of those who tells everything about themselves and reveals their soul even to strangers.

Differences between the two personality types

One or another psychotype is very well recognized in contrast with its opposite. What differences do they have?

  • An extrovert cannot live without people, society, he is always the first to know and spread all the news, unlike his opponent, who loves solitude, peace and quiet.
  • An introvert's energy is directed towards his inner world. If he surrounds himself with people, then these will be only a few time-tested friends. He doesn't need to make as many friends as possible. For him, quality is more important than quantity.
  • An extrovert loves everything bright and varied. Monotony tires him, he readily takes on projects and new things that are unexpected, sometimes even for him. Often such people take on such an overwhelming burden of responsibilities and tasks that they subsequently cannot cope with them.
  • An introvert is a thinker, his life mainly takes place inside him, he does not need additional stimulating emotions.

Mixed personality types

As can be seen from the above, there are clear distinctions between these two psychotypes. However, both introvert and extrovert in their pure form are rare, although this does happen, but, as a rule, there are not so many such people. If a pure personality type is encountered, this is understandable without unnecessary explanation. However, most people have a mixed personality type.

It is this mixture that is necessary for human adaptation to the modern world. Throughout his life, a person constantly “pulls on” the “clothes” of one or another type of personality, depending on the required situation. All this is necessary in conditions of survival in society. One way or another, there is a point at which a person is most comfortable, and he will always subconsciously gravitate towards it internally.

It is very bad when society, upbringing and living conditions impose on a person a personality type that is not his. It’s bad when he is forced to spend most of his life not at the point of comfort. Therefore, every person should know his own psychotype and build his life based on this knowledge.

Compatibility of extrovert and introvert

Introverts behave judiciously in friendship and love; they like romantic dinners and calm, intimate conversations. But if a person with such a psychotype is truly in love, he is capable of feats.

Introvert and extrovert temperaments are compatible for friendships and love relationships

It takes a lot of effort to win over an introvert, but in the end you will get a loyal and loving life partner. For many women, such a husband is a real find; he will always listen carefully.

Extroverts are characterized by a love of publicity, but at the same time they like to spend time alone with their loved one; they are not boring with them, and they are not supporters of active recreation. They often make their significant other jealous, but not because they want new sensations, but because of the constant need for attention.

How to communicate with representatives of different psychotypes

IntrovertsRespect personal space and the desire to be alone, do not rush, do not interrupt, and do not make anyone feel embarrassed in front of strangers. If you want to talk with such a person, ask if it is convenient to do this at the moment, try to conduct the conversation in a calm voice, without excessive emotionality.
ExtrovertsPraise more often, especially in public, listen to the end, do not humiliate, make surprises.

From a psychological point of view, ideal family unions are formed between an extroverted man and an introverted woman.

Disadvantages of an extrovert

In the modern world, life is much easier for extroverts than for introverts. And all because an extrovert is a person who easily adapts to any society and gets accustomed to any conditions. Nevertheless, such a person still has shortcomings. So, what are not the virtues of being the ringleader and the soul of the party?

  • Such a person always lives with an eye on those around him. Since he draws energy from society, he needs the source of this energy not to dry up. However, it is not always possible to get the desired nourishment and support from others, and that’s when the main torment of our hero begins. He immediately loses faith in himself and his strength.
  • Paradoxically, this merry fellow is lonely. Yes, he has many acquaintances, he easily makes new acquaintances, but he usually does not have truly loyal and devoted friends. A lonely person in a big world is precisely an extrovert, whose characteristics are so popular with many.
  • An extrovert is hasty and does not like to calculate or plan anything, although sometimes this is very necessary.
  • This type of personality easily lights up with a new idea, but just as easily goes out without completing the job. He does not like monotonous and boring work, although often this is the kind of work that is necessary in every business.

What does extrovert and introvert mean?

An extrovert and an introvert are antipodes, absolutely opposite personality types, the definitions were first introduced by Jung and Eysenck. The main difference lies in the attitude towards the outside world and the direction of internal energy.


In simple words, an extrovert is a person whose energy is directed outward; he is always more interested in what is happening around him, rather than inside him, according to the temperament of a sanguine or choleric person.

Such people love to be the center of attention, are sociable, easily build friendships, do not tolerate loneliness well, and have active facial expressions and gestures. These are a kind of energy vampires who constantly require emotional nourishment from others.

Extroverts are cheerful people, their energy is directed towards the outside world.

Conventional extrovert - prefers clearly structured activities, avoids tense and uncertain situations, is conservative. Highly values ​​financial situation and social status. But there are few such representatives among this type.

Extroverted children are characterized by increased excitability; they are always the ringleaders, leaders and life of the party; regardless of age, they are very inquisitive; teenagers quickly find a common language with any person.

In order not to disturb the psyche of such children, parents need to talk more with the child, take an interest in his opinion, express his vision, and never lock one in a room, even as a punishment.


Introverts direct energy inward, fueled by their own emotions and experiences. They do not like crowded companies, noisy places, prefer solitude, and can only communicate normally with people who mean something to them. By temperament - phlegmatic or melancholic.

Introverts keep to themselves

An unstable introvert is a special type of personality; they are often called cute psychos, and many of them are creative people. On the one hand, such people need peace and care, on the other, recognition and approval. The most famous representative is Marilyn Monroe.

A stable introvert is stubborn, always goes towards the intended goal, mistakes and failures do not stop them, they draw conclusions and move on.

Introverted children are shy, think about their actions and actions for a long time, and prefer playing alone to interacting with peers. Parents should not try to change the character, this can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. For such a child to develop normally, he must have personal space, time for reflection in silence and solitude.


Behavioral characteristics do not allow one to accurately determine the psychotype. Among introverts there are many well-socialized individuals with leadership qualities. But extroverts do not always have a wide circle of acquaintances and normal reactions in stressful situations.

Difference between extrovert and introvert

To more accurately understand human psychology, experts have divided extroverts and introverts into several types, which allows them to be compared and clearly see the main differences.

Ethical-sensoryIncreased emotionality, can easily offend a person, is very worried about criticism, and often does important things at the last moment.The most important things are morality and ethics, carefully hides emotions, neat. He treats people with distrust, is conscientious in his work, but is ineffective.
Intuitive-ethicalLeadership and artistic qualities are well developed, he is monogamous in love, and has a small circle of close friends.A dreamer and visionary, the result and desire to work depends entirely on the mood. Does not show initiative, copes poorly with household and economic issues. Feels people well.
Logical-sensoryAchieves goals by any means, good sense of humor, positive attitude towards life, loves to argue and plan everything.He always strictly follows the rules, is diligent, and easily identifies the most important things in his work. Demanding of himself and others.
Intuitive-logicalDoes not accept other people's opinions, does not know how to obey, is responsive, loves freedom and comfort.Skeptic and critic with well-developed intuition. Emotional breakdowns often occur.
Sensory-logicalCharacterized by frequent and sudden changes in mood, a good organizer and strategist.Does not show his emotions, constantly strives for harmony in everything. Scrupulous, meticulous, distrustful.
Logical-intuitiveCool, energetic, always planning his time. Likes to travel and overcome obstacles, is bad at solving everyday problems. An analyst, punctual, careful, always trying to get to the bottom of things. Keeps his distance, prefers intellectual communication.
Sensory-ethicalA manipulator who strives for fame and power in every way. Takes care of loved ones, loves comfort, cooks well. Does not like negativity, is sociable, and resolves disputes well. He quickly becomes interested in a new activity, but also quickly loses interest in it. Lives only for today.
Ethical-intuitiveHe likes to dramatize a situation and constantly needs to be recharged with new emotions. Good intuition, artistic taste. He is often a tyrant towards his loved ones. Very emotional, values ​​traditions and moral standards. Does not tolerate violence, is very cautious, and does not cope well with everyday problems.

Psychologist Colin de Young found physiological differences between personality types. With extraversion, the dopamine system is actively working; to maintain emotional balance, external reinforcement and the approval of others are constantly required.

During introversion, a lot of acetylcholine is synthesized - the neurotransmitter reacts strongly to external stimuli, and when overexcited, fatigue and apathy occur.

Can traits of both types be combined in one person?

Ambivert is a cross between an extrovert and an introvert, combining character traits of both types at the same time. Activity gives way to a craving for solitude, can work independently or in a team, and easily adapts to any conditions.

Main character traits:

  • easily moves from one psychological state to another;
  • has good intuition, has a good understanding of people, becomes withdrawn if he senses the insincerity of his interlocutor;
  • is attentive to people, always empathizes and is ready to provide moral support;
  • skillfully uses internal and external energy.

Spending a long time in society tires an ambivert, and prolonged loneliness causes a feeling of depression, oppression, and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Despite their mixture of personality traits, ambiverts are often described as potential extroverts.

Determining your personality type

Undoubtedly, every person who is ready to take a close look at himself, his actions and motives, will easily understand what type of personality he belongs to. Nevertheless, sometimes it is difficult to understand many of your aspirations and the reasons for certain actions, which is why a personality type test will help resolve all doubts. Specialists also use the same tests. This test will help you get to know yourself better and understand which psychotype is dominant. Depending on the test results, you can choose your future profession and even decide on your life partner. Most often, opposite psychotypes are attracted. It is difficult to imagine two extroverts under one roof, because they will begin to compete with each other. So, if the test results show you to be an extrovert, this will give you a better understanding of your inner nature and reasons for your actions. Depending on this knowledge, you can build your entire future life.

Adam Grant experiment

Representatives of all three psychotypes took part in this study, conducted by a famous psychologist. The point was that experts were trying to determine which of the participants would show the best sales skills, assuming that the openness of extroverts would allow them to become conditional winners. The results were tracked based on three months of work, and they were able to amaze everyone around them.

The worst results, as expected, were shown by introverts. This field of activity has never been considered suitable for closed people. Extroverts took second place, and the leaders were ambiverts, who managed to find more buyers from different groups. We can say that the average values ​​of this personality type played a positive role.


In fact, you don’t need to do any special testing. You can simply sit down and analyze your behavior in two different situations. The first is a crisis situation, and the second is your typical pastime.

An extrovert is a person who, in a stressful situation, will immediately begin to take decisive action, and after an active pastime, he will feel a new surge of strength and vigor.

An introvert, on the contrary, in a crisis situation will plunge into the abyss of apathy and inaction, and after a passive and calm pastime he will feel great and comfortable.

As can be seen from the above, finding the main dominant in yourself is not at all difficult, you just need to be attentive to yourself.

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