Emotional intimacy between a man and a woman - what is it?

Each of us has a certain number of contacts with other people. Most of these connections are based on affection. Friendship, family relationships, love - whatever you take, it appears everywhere. Attachment comes in different forms and can be lost very easily. Sometimes it is identified with habit, in certain cases this is indeed true. Right now you will get acquainted with the types of this interesting social phenomenon.

• Consumer or buyer attachment

As a rule, it is one-sided. If one party plays the role of a consumer, the other plays the role of a product. The second is the same to the first as a thing: necessary, useful in everyday life. True, this type of attachment is short-lived. Sooner or later the subject will get tired of “consuming” the same thing and the buyer will go in search of a new, fresher, original product. It is foolish to expect stable contacts in conditions of such attachment. If you show indignation, indignation at your partner’s consumerist attitude toward you, you can easily lose him; If you put up with everything without complaint, you have the opportunity to quickly get bored of your partner. Mutual consumer attachment can only appear in the case of a beneficial relationship for both partners. This happens, for example, in relationships between lovers based on pure sex without obligations or feelings.


• Affection of the owner or possessor

This type of attachment differs from the one described above, mainly in that in the relationships where it takes place, stability appears. The owner is not the consumer. He does not want to part with his “thing”, provided that it is dear to him, so he maintains its “sales appearance” and takes care in order to extend its “service life”. There is one more difference here from the buyer’s attachment: if for some reason, for example, if the “thing” develops a persistent reluctance to appear as such, this relationship is severed, the owner will yearn for what was lost.

How to break the energetic connection with a man: technique

Let's start with the fact that the methods described below will not help you if you have not yet put an end to the relationship for yourself, but continue to remember and regret the breakup. However, they will help in other ways: they will ease your worries, push you to make new acquaintances, and open your heart to today’s impressions and feelings.

But if you have already cooled down and remember the past only with a smile, the proposed techniques will speed up the energy gap with your ex.

Getting rid of the energetic connection with a man

Getting rid of the energetic connection with a man:

  • Engage in similar “self-purification” on the nineteenth lunar day, which promotes parting with everything that has become obsolete. And when you’re done, don’t forget to cleanse everything around you – your apartment, your yard, your body.
  • On a separate piece of paper, list all your sexual partners over the past seven years. Don’t miss anyone – neither regulars nor “one-time” ones. In addition, you can add to this list those that you really liked, but it never came to a relationship.
  • From the list, select those men with whom you still have a grudge. Take the paper again and write down all your thoughts and feelings towards this partner.

Getting rid of the energetic connection with a man: presentation on paper

Describe in detail all his actions and words that hurt you. Having spoken in this way, move on to the positive aspects: good words, gifts, surprises, do not forget to mention what exactly makes him attractive.

  • On this wave of positive memories and gratitude for all the good things that happened between you, in turn, admit your mistakes in your relationship and ask for forgiveness for them.
  • Now think: maybe this man appeared in your life as a certain stage at which you had to gain experience, develop as a person, and learn something.
  • Explain in detail everything that is on your soul, because no one else will read this letter. Be honest with yourself. Feeling that you have said everything you wanted, turn to the man in your thoughts, letting him go from your life. Well, all that remains is to burn the letter along with all the grievances and omissions contained in it.
  • It is possible that after such a cleansing, a man will appear on your path again. You shouldn’t hide from such meetings, but making it clear that they mean nothing to you is a must. Do this politely but firmly.

Getting rid of the energetic connection with a man

By the way, a similar technique can be performed several times, especially if you feel that there are still echoes of the past in your soul.

Getting rid of the energy connection with a man: annealing the threads

  • The all-consuming energy of the flame will help you burn everything unnecessary, including old connections.
  • Relax as if for meditation, get into a contemplative mood, throw everything bad out of your head. Imagine in your mind the image of the man who was your sexual partner. Let him stand right in front of you. Now draw between you rays of different colors emanating from all seven chakras.
  • When these threads connecting you become “visible” to you, light a match or strike a lighter and burn them, imagining this complete break and letting the man go with the fire.
  • Let go of everything and look at both of you as an outside observer, carefully noticing whether all the threads are burned. Well, now nothing binds you, except, perhaps, some of his things or gifts that remain with you - they need to be mercilessly thrown away.

Energy connection
And again, if one of your exes appears on the way again, he is that same energy vampire. These rituals do not require material costs, but you will have to make mental efforts, because everything you do must be sincere, with faith in a positive result, with the awareness that each meeting is not a coincidence.

In addition, do not forget that you may have to firmly refuse those who reappear in your destiny. Be confident in yourself and you will succeed.

• Affection of a patron or trustee

It can otherwise be called “parental” care. It is often observed in relationships between spouses belonging to the psychotypes “woman-mother” and “man-son” or “woman-daughter” and “man-father”, respectively. The essence of this type of attachment is as follows: one partner sincerely cares and takes care of the other half. If there is some degree of control here, it is only from the point of view of concern for the ward. At the root of such relationships is, as a rule, the satisfaction of one’s own pride and parental instinct. Patron-mentee relationships are quite harmonious if they are established between people with opposite psychotypes, as described above. In the absence of such an ideal combination, the trustee imposes guardianship on the other half, which is unlikely to be perceived positively by the second partner. Here, too, a gap is inevitable.

• Child's attachment

It is the opposite of the previous view. A person experiencing it craves care, guardianship, and attention to himself. There is nothing wrong with this, but usually there is another sign: an unwillingness to bear responsibility for the other partner and even oneself. Such attachment is typical for an infantile, psychologically immature, dependent, insecure person. All these vices grow from parental overprotection, which originates in the subject’s childhood. A patron for a child is a fulcrum, a wall behind which one can hide and feel safe. A person does not care that gradually in such relationships he loses himself, his I, turns into an adult child, completely unadapted to life and constantly living in fear of losing his caregiver.

What is emotional intimacy

What is emotional intimacy between a man and a woman? This is a level of mutual understanding and trust at which partners can speak openly with each other on any topic, share both joys and sorrows. Emotional intimacy involves the union of souls. We are talking not only about communication, the exchange of emotions, but also about touching, hugging, kissing, as well as intellectual interaction: exchanging opinions, discussing important issues and problems.

Components of emotional intimacy:

  • interest and sympathy;
  • desire, readiness and ability to understand and accept another person;
  • understanding;
  • empathy and the ability to look at a situation through the eyes of another person;
  • the ability to empathize;
  • desire and ability to help;
  • mutual respect;
  • desire and ability to trust and be honest;
  • desire and desire to open up;
  • acceptance and respect for oneself.

To become close means to mentally undress in front of each other, take off all masks, overcome barriers and prohibitions, stop being defensive and defensive, and be who we are.

Interesting! Emotional intimacy is similar to sex, but it is much more important and more complex because sex can happen without emotional intimacy.

Partner's affection

The last type of attachment - the attachment of a partner - is a type of mature relationship that combines all or some of the listed types of attachment. They, like roles or masks, replace each other and are played by a mature partner depending on the situation. In the grinding phase, which is inevitable, say, between spouses, such a subject does not look for the cause of discord in the other half. He delves into himself, analyzes his own behavior and tries to work on his personality in order to achieve harmony in relationships. If the other half is doing the same thing, then we can say with all confidence: true love will grow from this connection.

Unfortunately, the affection of a partner in modern society is extremely rare. Accordingly, it is difficult for the subject experiencing it to find a mate. The whole problem is that the average person, regardless of gender, strives for affection of one of these types, with the exception of the last, because he feels inferior, incomplete. So he is looking for his mirror self in his surroundings. A mature partner does not need such an addition - he feels good alone with himself. A given person needs a couple to fulfill his earthly destiny, and not to satisfy his own need to be someone else’s half.


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Hello, I am the Central Sun. In this chapter, I want to talk about the opportunities for emotional communication that will open up during transition times.

Soon, a person will begin to feel his emotions as a flow connecting him with the phenomenon or being to which his attention is directed. Currently, feelings play the same role, but their owner is not always aware of where their source is. It is believed that a person himself manifests these sensations, reacting to what is happening in the outside world or to his thoughts.

In fact, any phenomenon of human life is already charged with certain vibrations and the observer reads them. These frequencies enter the human energy body in the form of a stream and, changing its parameters, provide certain impressions. On the other hand, the observer also influences the phenomenon he is considering. This process occurs naturally, since the emotional shell, receiving an impulse from the outside, reacts to it and puts its frequencies into the incoming energy flow. Having reflected from the creature’s energy body, the stream is directed back to its creator and conveys to him the emotions of the observer.

The body of the object or phenomenon that created the initial impulse can also be considered as a living being, reacting to any influences from the outside world. Therefore, the returning impulse creates an energetic reaction in him that can touch the person again. During such oscillatory movements of energy, its properties are constantly changing, manifesting the feelings of interacting beings. An unlimited number of entities can participate in such emotional contact, and each will receive a response from the other interacting parties.

The speed of movement of energy waves is practically infinite, since they propagate not in three-dimensional space, but in five-dimensional space. The fifth dimension is a single space of our feelings, where there are no boundaries separating one individuality from another. Although the physical plane is present in fifth-dimensional space, distance is not a limitation as emotional waves travel through resonance. A prerequisite for resonance is the energetic affinity of two phenomena or beings. If their emotional bodies contain similar vibrations, then the impulse created by one being will affect the body of another.

Considering this process from the perspective of three-dimensional perception, it can be represented as a flow covering the distance separating two interacting points. At the fifth level, flows do not exist, and such connections have no physical restrictions. An example is my contact with you, for which I do not need to send energy through the stars located between us.

Of course, three-dimensional contact between us exists, and it is expressed in the meager electromagnetic radiation coming to the Earth from the center of the galaxy. These quanta allowed astronomers to register my external parameters, but this information is largely out of date. The reason is that the speed of propagation of light waves is limited, and a signal capable of reaching the Earth in this way will be transmitted after many thousands of years. If you and I used only light rays during communication, then not a single human life would be enough to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

In addition, light radiation literally misleads scientists, since they observe those manifestations of me that were characteristic of me thousands of years ago. The speed at which light travels is the limit set for all physical processes. This pace was chosen for the entire process of materialization, and its relatively low speed is needed so that representatives of the Hierarchy have time to analyze what is happening and, if necessary, make adjustments.

From the point of view of everyday human perception, the speed of light is unusually high, and the human eye is not able to see the movement of quanta. From here it becomes clear how much people’s physical perception differs from their emotional one.

At the moment, the material plane is a set of restrictions imposed on the energy body of each of us. Just as physical vision impedes communication, so does any other biological organ used for perception. Sound waves propagate primarily in the air, and any solid body encountered along the way refracts this signal. If a person perceiving such a distorted sound were connected to the source at the level of feelings, then he would be able to weed out unwanted influences and feel the impulse in its pure form.

In addition, emotional perception allows you to turn any physical limitations to your advantage. At the fifth level, a person is connected not only to the sound source, but also to any object standing in the path of acoustic waves. Each such object becomes an additional resonator, complementing the original signal with its own waves and thereby enriching it. If a person allows his energy body to perceive sound, then the auditory channel also becomes a source of emotions, and not just information.

Every person has this opportunity and uses it when listening to music. A musical instrument that is usually not used when playing a melody, but happens to be nearby, can act as an additional resonator. The person himself can become such a resonator, who, singing along with the performer, will add the unique frequencies of his voice to the song he likes. In this case, the listener can evaluate whether additional sounds are in harmony with the original composition, or are in dissonance with it.

Sounds that become an obstacle can be made by a musician who is not in tune, or by extraneous noise that is not related to the process. Objects or phenomena that have introduced distortion can be considered at the energy level to have not entered into resonance with the sound source. The musician’s mistake here is due to the fact that the performer did not sufficiently feel the work and did not connect with this flow of emotions. Noise effects are caused by the influence of those processes that are not at all united with the listener through resonance. You can see that all such interference is associated with insufficient resonance quality.

Despite the fact that emotional interaction is provided by five-dimensional space, at the moment it is significantly weakened and cannot support high-quality communication. The reason is the lack of emotional connections between the inhabitants of our Universe. Such connections are the basis of the structure of the fifth dimension and serve as channels through which energy can be transferred. Channels can spread emotions instantly, reflecting the slightest changes in the feelings of each participant in the interaction. It turns out that an emotional connection is also a channel, and the energy transmitted in this way can be considered in the form of a flow.

The flow itself allows you to expand any emotion and consider it in volume. As an example, again we can cite music in which the time factor is an advantage. If all the sounds contained in one melody reached the listener at the same time, then he would be deafened by the incredible intensity of such a signal and would consider it extremely disharmonious.

On the other hand, instant reading is possible through direct communication of energy bodies. The emotional shell of the listener simultaneously receives a whole set of vibrations, after which it is able to independently unfold it. This is how many people compose music, drawing on the feelings that come to them and revealing them. It turns out that the third and fifth dimensions can harmoniously complement each other, and every person is already familiar with such possibilities.

The positive role of the physical plane is that it is able to strengthen and manifest the emotional plane, strengthening energetic connections. In this case, material parameters will begin to complement the structure of five-dimensional space, becoming its direct continuation. In this case, physical reality will become a single musical instrument, allowing you to unfold and feel those subtle waves that were laid down by the Creators of the Universe in the initial impulse.

It is for this purpose that the physical plane exists, but now this instrument is out of tune and sounds disharmonious. At the fifth level, emotional connections between all phenomena already exist, but without the support of the material environment they remain unmanifested. If the energy contact is supported by a physical process, it will receive a significant increase.

An example is my contact with you, where in addition to the emotional waves that I can send directly, I also share electromagnetic radiation. At the moment, the quanta of light transmitted from me to people contain outdated settings, because these particles left my body a very long time ago. However, using his feelings based on our emotional connection, a person can update the structure of these particles and make them my full-fledged messengers.

The prerequisites for this have already been created, because for several millennia my appearance has not experienced significant changes. Only my feelings have changed, which can be conveyed to a person instantly. By sharing these vibrations with particles of light, a person will make them a direct part of me and maintain their connection with me. In the absence of human support, the quanta that left my body are isolated particles that have nothing to do with me. There is a formal connection between me and the emitted light, but physical limitations do not allow me to feel my own children.

The prohibition is that the beam of light is directed only in one direction and cannot shine in the opposite direction. My physical attention cannot move faster than light, which means that with my perception I will never catch up with the particles that left me. But if you connect emotional perception, it becomes clear that the contact between me and my children has never been interrupted.

Each such connection can be represented as a string filled with standing waves that have their own minimums and maximums. Maximums are observed at points of resonance, in which the emotional connection receives reinforcement. Such a maximum is each physical object of our galaxy, reflecting my rays and making additions to them. A significant contribution to the flows launched by me are made by stars, each of which not only refracts electromagnetic waves, but also generates its own light radiation.

Each star is a continuation of my material body, and therefore is capable of harmoniously enhancing my impulses. However, in the course of our general evolution, we have been forced to place an emphasis solely on physical perception, without the support of emotional connections. As a result, any material limitations began to be considered a reality. In the case of stars, these limitations are expressed in the impossibility of each such luminary to understand its nearest neighbors, since they are separated by at least several light months.

Under the influence of this point of view, each star became an obstacle to the flow of my energy flows. In particular, such an obstacle is the Sun, which is a link in the chain of physical objects connecting us. Being on the periphery of the Milky Way, the Sun receives my electromagnetic waves with a great delay. The time delay leads to the irrelevance of all information codes embedded in the quanta of my radiation. On the other hand, the Sun has an unusually strong and pure emotional connection with me, because I created this star with special warmth and tenderness. What matters is not the intensity of the energy vibrations embedded in the Sun, but their versatility and richness. This volume of internal sensations allows the Sun to communicate with me directly, and consider external signals only a pleasant addition.

The impulses received from me can be considered as a reminder that I exist and remember about my child. A person gets similar impressions by looking at a photograph of his loved one, remembering the feelings that fill their relationship. No matter what distance separates them, at this moment it will seem that he is very close and perhaps even utters words of support.

Such imaginary impressions are not illusions; they manifest subtle signals transmitted from one energy body to another. A person looking at a photograph concentrates on the vibrations of the emotional shell of his loved one, just as a radio device is tuned to a certain frequency. Attention carries within itself an impulse that awakens a response signal in the energy body of the interlocutor, which is instantly transmitted to him. The imaginary words spoken by the person in the photograph unfold this subtle message and allow it to be understood.

It turns out that imagination, along with external sensations, is also a tool for strengthening emotional connections. Imagination is the language that the emotional body uses to convey its vibrations to a person’s habitual perception.

Everyday perception is mediated by physical limitations, so the energy shell has to select images that best fit within a familiar framework. Looking at a photograph, a person can remember a situation whose atmosphere corresponded to the vibrations that he wants to convey to his loved one. Such a memory is an imaginary space that supports emotional communication. This space exists on the astral plane and is a separate world within the fourth dimension.

The astral world captured the emotions of people during their direct meeting, and its tasks are to preserve these waves. The inhabitants of such a space are astral projections of people they met in the past. Each such projection is alive, and its natural need is not only to preserve the vibrations embedded in it, but also to receive new impressions. In the absence of new emotions, such an astral entity hangs in the void, not feeling the flow of life. If one of the people who gave rise to this astral world connects to it at the level of imagination, he will bring life to this space and support its inhabitants.

The main desire of every astral entity is to ensure the connection of its creator with the situation in which it was created. From the point of view of the subtle plane, this situation is not fixed and is capable of endless development, revealing its vibrations. Any of you can carry out such an unfolding, giving some memory further life.

Remembering a pleasant feast, a person can imagine what words he could say to everyone present, thereby conveying his gratitude to him for such a valuable experience. Such words will enhance a person’s feelings and reveal their new facets, thanks to which the atmosphere of the evening will be enriched with new colors and, in this expanded form, will remain in memory. Such changes will affect not only the astral world, but also the energy bodies of the party participants, who will maintain contact with this dimension through their projections.

Based on this, the human imagination is far from an illusion, it is a tool that allows us to shape reality. Through imagination it is possible to build your own future, as well as make adjustments to the past and develop moments already lived.

Astral reality is an information environment that surrounds us and records all the changes made by each emotional body. It is worth noting that the physical plane is also one of the astral worlds, which has received support from everyone living in material reality. Physical limitations are the parameters of this astral world, and they appeared as a result of our self-hypnosis. If an individual being believes in a different structure of the physical environment, he will create new rules for himself and will be free from previous prohibitions.

This is exactly what magicians do, capable of investing special power in their imaginary images. The abilities of such people are revealed thanks to the enormous resource that their energy bodies possess. The path to mastery for such people is to accumulate power through which they charge the desired images and bring them into reality. Despite the efficiency characteristic of such people, their style of achieving what they want has a significant drawback.

The flaw is that the intentions of magicians can hurt other beings, since they are often created without taking into account the aspirations of those around them. The reason for the insensitivity of magicians is in the methods of gaining power. In order to be in a quality state, such people often have to break ties with their environment, which is a source of irritation and other low vibrations for them. The means for obtaining positive feelings is the path of self-improvement with which the magician connects his life.

This area of ​​life can be the sphere of professional fulfillment, family relationships or personal creativity. In a chosen field, a magician can become an unsurpassed master, but at the same time limit himself in other directions in order to prevent the possibility of influence on himself from the outside world. By concentrating all his energy in one area, the magician gains the appearance of freedom, but at the same time he is forced to consider his favorite activity as the entire reality available to him. It turns out that the magician significantly distorts his perception, since he ceases to observe phenomena in the entire range of their vibrations. In fact, the success of a magician largely lies in energetic protection from the outside world, which at the same time plays the role of blinders. The more uncompromising the framework of perception turns out to be, the more independent the magician becomes at the state level.

Having broken the multifaceted connection with the surrounding reality, such a person risks causing harm to other beings. The magician may not even feel the consequences of his disharmonious actions, because his self-improvement is associated with gaining insensitivity. The magician is forced to invest a significant part of his power in self-defense, and the energy boundaries created by him neutralize the reciprocal impulses created by those around him. In view of this, the classical path of the magician practically excludes the possibility of feedback, which means that such a creature is forced to artificially adhere to the chosen scenario, without feeling its value. As a result, all the sensations of such a creature become unreal, which means the magician breaks the connection with the deep vibrations of his nature.

My digression towards magicians is relevant because almost each of us in the course of our existence chooses a similar path. To reduce unwanted influences from the social world, a person chooses a vocation in the form of a narrow area and devotes a significant part of his attention to it. This narrowing of a person’s perception is supported by a system that makes it easier to control those who turn a blind eye to reality and, as a result, become slaves. Representatives of the Hierarchy also found themselves in a similar position, for each of whom his formal role became a salvation from disappointment.

My role is to provide energy to all inhabitants of the Milky Way. If necessary, I could implement my mission completely thoughtlessly, relying on the experience I had already gained. Over the course of my existence, I have figured out how much energy is required to maintain the existence of each star, and I provide it with this resource. This form of implementation would allow me to be in my own separate space, maintaining in it any vibrations that are not related to what is happening around me. In this case, I would act like a mechanical device, reacting only to changes in energy intensity in some part of the galaxy.

The primitiveness of this approach is due to the fact that the existence of each creature is based not on an abstract energy resource, but on its individuality. Each inhabitant of our galaxy requires a certain set of emotional vibrations for a harmonious existence. My formal responsibilities do not include taking into account these nuances, so in an effort to expand my perception, I was forced to change my position in the structure of the galaxy. I weakened the information connection with this structure, while maintaining the energetic relationships. As a result of this rearrangement, I can no longer insert information codes into the streams of my emotions, which means I cannot use these channels to control the galaxy. Control has been transferred to the Galactic Council, which is able to supplement my vibrations with those thought forms that ensure the materialization of these frequencies.

Ideally, my cooperation with the Galactic Council would create a harmonious environment in every star system and on every planet. To do this, unique conditions must be created in every corner of the galaxy, unlike the energetic atmosphere in other zones of the Milky Way. At the fifth level, our galaxy contains all the vibrations that are the life basis for each of its inhabitants, and the energy structure corresponds to all our needs. However, the information boundaries that were built during the specialization of each of us became an obstacle to the transition to the fifth dimension. In particular, representatives of the Galactic Council remain true to their intention, which is to create a unique environment for each civilization. However, this task is achieved by creating additional boundaries between each material world, which is a separate planet or star.

Initially, our entire galaxy was a single material space, and all its inhabitants could openly communicate with each other. However, the development framework established for each civilization has become an obstacle to establishing mutual understanding. Such restrictions imposed by the Galactic Council on each race are due to the fact that each member of this organization is a representative of one of the private worlds, the living conditions in which determine the framework of his perception. In order for the Galactic Council to act harmoniously, its decisions must take into account the opinions of observers who can see the whole picture. I am one of these observers, as well as some other stars who managed to escape the need to perform formal tasks.

Such a step is also a limitation, because beings like me had to give up the opportunity to influence the situation. I left myself the opportunity to share energy, but the information boundaries standing in the way of these emotional flows determine how exactly this resource will be realized. Other stars did the same, wanting to share but not control; they transferred control to other space objects.

In the context of human life, the observer position is ensured by the refusal of an active social position. By deliberately going into the shadows, a person gains the opportunity to be aware of what is happening, as he is freed from many social influences. This person’s perception may be particularly pure, but high awareness does not always bring a positive effect. The reason is that by seeing the big picture, such a person begins to notice the limitations in which he and other people live. However, such perception can be valuable in finding a successful solution that allows one to go beyond social and physical boundaries. However, until now, such exits were blocked, since the system relied on generally accepted approaches.

In times of transition, the system will need to look for new ways to develop, so in private it will allow people to experiment. In this vein, a broad and comprehensive vision will not be relevant for a long time, as it will force a person to observe global inconsistencies. Inconsistencies on the scale of the entire Universe may persist for countless periods, and even restrictions in galactic processes will remain in force for millions of years. However, gaining awareness on the scale of the Earth, a person will be able to make decisions that will help him coexist harmoniously with others.

Such expansion of perception should be carried out gradually, and first extend sensitivity to the immediate environment. The energy body of each of you maintains a close relationship with the emotional shells of loved ones and beings with whom you often interact. The sphere of social realization is a means of escape from most of the impressions received through such energetic connections. Delving into work, a person forgets about his family, which at a certain moment can become a source of grief. Exactly the same means of distraction can be sports, travel or communication with friends. This approach is natural for a person, and distraction is a technique for avoiding low vibrations. The only drawback of this method is that it teaches a person to avoid reality.

In my words, I do not urge the reader to stop and become a recluse, forbidding himself to actively act. During times of transition, another opportunity to increase awareness arises through the appropriate use of emotional sensitivity. Previously, people blocked their energetic sensitivity, which was associated with the inability to act harmoniously. Each of you, to one degree or another, became a magician who gained freedom of action in his chosen niche due to the fact that he refused to accept the consequences of his own steps. For a magician, achieving a goal is important, and his attention is concentrated only on the chain of cause-and-effect relationships that leads to success. However, in parallel with this line of development of events, there are many other lines interconnected with it. At the same time, the classical approach of the magician prohibits looking at parallel processes, as this scatters attention and exposes a person to doubt.

Uncertainty may be associated with awareness of the disharmonious consequences of insensitive actions. The magician chooses not to notice such circumstances, since, having considerable strength, he can be confident in the ability to get out of any difficulties. As a result, this lifestyle becomes a struggle in which the magician hardens himself and gains additional strength. However, in the future, such an approach will be irrelevant, since the energy body of each earthling will be activated and will allow him to subtly sense what is happening. It is quite possible that some earthlings will create a new intention that narrows their perception, thereby again blocking their sensitivity. But in this case, their existence will not differ from the previous one, and the possibilities of the transitional stage will not be revealed by them.

One of the main qualities that can support every earthling in the coming time is the ability to feel the atmosphere created by his actions. Such a skill will allow you to maintain the chosen vector of self-realization, and at the same time be aware of the energetic effect of each step. This will allow a person to adjust their actions in such a way that their energetic influence is more harmonious.

The seller, wanting to persuade the client to buy, usually pushes through his intention and literally captures the consciousness of his interlocutor, using manipulative schemes. During the transition period, this specialist will begin to feel the effect of his techniques in his own energy body, as well as in the emotional shell of the client. The resulting dissonance will allow him to abandon the most aggressive marketing methods and focus on more loyal ones. It is quite possible that such an internal attitude will lead to a change in clients, since those for whom his approach will be appropriate will be able to use the seller’s services.

People who choose to remain insensitive will not perceive value in changing the salesperson's approach, and perhaps more subtle communication will be too abstract for them. New techniques that take into account the client’s emotional preferences will become a source of doubt for these people, which they try with all their might to avoid. In view of this, people who maintain a blockage in their energy body will find those sellers who will support their subconscious desire to act straightforwardly. It is quite possible that the same salesperson, sensing the biofield of each client, will learn to distinguish the degree of its activation and will be able to choose an individual approach to it. By making comments that touch that person's sensitivity, the seller will support the gradual expansion of his perception in the relevant area of ​​the market.

The true goal of any salesperson is to help a person make the best choice based on his true needs. To achieve this goal, the seller needs to disclose his own sensitivity. In the past, such sensitivity was difficult to demonstrate due to the unresponsiveness of the environment to the individual's personal needs. In transitional times, due to collective activation, humanity can create a single intention for the transformation of each social area. This transformation may involve making each program more flexible, allowing it to take into account the emotional preferences of its owner.

Some people will try to achieve greater flexibility by providing themselves with a lot of workarounds. However, this approach risks leading to the emergence of many new manipulations that professionals can use to avoid formal prohibitions. The seller can create complex payment and refund rules, thereby providing the appearance of freedom for himself and his clients. In fact, the seller will be even more enslaved in his activities, because, adhering to complex schemes, he will perceive what is happening exclusively at the level of consciousness. The influx of energy will support him in creating programs with a new configuration, but each of them will be tense and will not be able to act on its own.

A more natural way to gain flexibility is that new forms of communication will be created through changes at the energetic level. The main change may be to relax the emotional body, due to which it will begin to emit its true vibrations and charge the programs with them.

Instead of creating speculative sales schemes, a specialist can remember that he and his clients remain people. During a purchase, a person strives to be in high vibrations, and the system supports him in this. However, usually the influx of positive emotions during shopping is canceled out by further awareness of the uselessness of the purchased product. A similar program used in sales operates everywhere and evens out the energy background of a person’s daily life. However, in the future, people may completely refuse such compromises, feeling that with every bait they will be disappointed.

This program may be replaced by a new one that will allow the seller to develop maximum sensitivity to the needs of the client. The system may be interested in this approach, since it will literally save the entire sales area on which the world economy rests. In this case, it is possible not to change the program, but simply let her relax, transforming her appearance in accordance with the buyer’s requests.

Outwardly, the seller will appear to be very courteous and flexible due to the special acuity of his consciousness, which allows him to choose the most effective tactics. However, effectiveness will be associated with the specialist’s sensitivity to the nuances of his work and the ability to use his energy body to create an emotional connection with the client. Such changes can be very simple and consist of remembering that every representative of society is, first of all, a person with his own desires.

A similar approach can be extended to the entire Earth by remembering that every creature living on the planet is an earthling, united with its neighbors by similar aspirations. By reminding oneself of this, a person will begin to vibrate on very calm and warm energies that are originally earthly. These vibrations promote relaxation, as well as avoidance of excessive haste in actions leading to mistakes. With his perception, a person will want to linger on every little detail, since earthly frequencies will be manifested in subtle nuances. Such a detailed vision will help to take into account the interests of others, which means maintaining high vibrations naturally, and not by narrowing perception.

Such changes on the scale of the Earth may result in the physical plane beginning to harmoniously support the fifth dimension. The matter of your planet can become a resonator, manifesting the fifth-dimensional space of the Earth.

On the subtle plane, this space already exists, and starting from the transitional stage, it can begin its physical embodiment. In the process of this materialization, it is not the speed that is important, but the quality of each step. On an emotional level, the inhabitants of the Earth will increasingly begin to feel the continuity of their connections and will learn to communicate with feelings, instantly establishing mutual understanding. The external effect of such communication will be extended over time, which will allow each participant in the process to savor the desired accomplishments and realize their requests in the most harmonious way.


Central Sun.

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