Personally oriented professional development trainings

An individual plan for personal growth, or self-development, will help you change and become the person you want.

In online schools that conduct self-development courses, there is always one task: to upgrade your personality using various tools. They will help you gain self-confidence, increase self-esteem, and develop charisma.

We have compiled for you a complete list of trainings that you can take online and learn about techniques and strategies for personal growth and self-development.


Website: Cost: from 1199 rub. per course

Self-confidence and self-esteem training. How to become a strong and confident person, not be afraid to be yourself, say what you think and stand up for yourself.

What you will learn:

  • Work with a trainer to achieve results
  • Strong self-confidence
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Show your real self, without masks

All your results in life are the result of the quality of your interactions with other people.

It is impossible to learn confidence by watching a video or reading a book, so they will teach you confidence and bring you to the final result.

You will perform different exercises and practices until you feel that you can now do everything.

Confidence is the basis of charisma. If you wear a mask and are afraid to show your true self, then no one will believe you, and especially no one will go.

All problems in life are directly proportional to how difficult it is to interact with each other. By working on just one confidence, you can radically change your results.

Self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence are qualities of character that affect a very large number of areas of life. Correcting these traits will affect your life and well-being in general.

International Academy of Business

Website: Cost: from 12,500 rubles. per course

Full course program “Personal Development” for professionals and leaders.

Especially for purposeful and ambitious professionals, the International Academy of Business has developed an online training program for self-analysis and personal development.

The course program “Personality Development” is aimed both at teaching self-analysis from scratch and at improving the qualifications of psychologists.

The Center for Self-Development at the International Academy of Business uses modern approaches and technologies in the field of education. Long gone are the days when you had to attend classes at designated times and waste time on the road.

To study at the training on personal growth at the International Academy of Business, it is enough to have access to the Internet to obtain the necessary knowledge at any time and from anywhere in the world.

Try and feel how easy and productive distance learning can be in self-knowledge and personal growth training for managers, thanks to the clear form of presentation of the material, equipped with illustrations, tables, diagrams and videos.

During the process of studying online self-development training, Academy specialists will always be in touch with you, ready to answer all your questions.

The main task is to help you master your specialty as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Personal development courses

Popadich Oksana

Rybnitsa, PMR

ARCANUM – ​​THANK YOU SO MUCH for YOUR SUPPORT – YOU ARE KIND AND A LIGHT!!!! I VERY APPRECIATE THIS, VERY GRATEFUL and WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS!!!!! Well, now my personal impressions of the 1st course of the TRIAD for those who think, decide, doubt. Briefly, in 2 words, I don’t know how - sorry))) How can I describe ARCANUM in one word - it’s ADEQUACY, as well as logic, structure, depth and, most importantly, PRACTICAL value, which you don’t immediately understand. Understanding the practical value of the TRIAD course does not come immediately - over time, but it certainly comes when you delve into the essence of the practice, when it starts to work out, but it doesn’t work out right away. Only at the very end of the course, I came to a deep understanding of why I need this. My psyche resisted, rebelled, sabotaged the full learning process. Already in the 3rd lesson, I regretted that I was here - throughout the lecture my personality sang a song to me - “I WOULD BETTER BUY A PHONE”, what chakras, what the third eye, what elements, what scanning - am I a psychic, why do I need all this, I still can’t do anything - I’ve been DECEPTED! I’m not one of those guys with superpowers who see the aura, themselves from the outside - I can’t do that. All practices, of which there are simply a huge number, operate on the principle: “You go, I’ll catch up.” How they work is a mystery, but they really work. Only now, when the 1st year has ended, I accelerated, gained momentum, a thirst for knowledge appeared, and all why - because I understood WHY I need it. The last lesson with Olga Naydenova - scan what is in the picture - just a fireworks of emotions - #yazhnepsychic - after all, I decided to try scanning, tuning in, and not guessing - I was shocked by myself - images really came to me and it was right - I was especially amazed the image of a fire that completely duplicated the image in the picture - it was such excitement! Olga Petrovna - power, depth, structure, an already established BRAND and of course openness, love, acceptance, incredible charisma and MOOD - lively, emotional, kind and most importantly, a professional in her field. ALEXEY BORISOVICH - after the last lesson - answers to questions - I want to address it this way - the reason - Alesey introduced us all live to his classmate Yulia and demonstrated HIS SKILL IN ALL THE BEAUTY - he conducted an analysis online - it made a VERY deep impression on me. It was so nice to see Yulia - it was after this analysis online that I incredibly warmed up to all the guys in my classmates whom you don’t see or know. Conclusions after analysis - how we all complicate our lives - access to our personal happiness - each in his own way. I can become happy only when I fulfill incredible conditions, and everyone has their own - 103 reasons why I cannot be happy just like that - by the fact of my existence as it is - Here and now. No, everyone must deserve, suffer through their happiness, spend all their strength, the best years of their life, all their money - there is no other way. It was an UNREALLY COOL master class! THANKS A LOT!!! How I love people with a story of overcoming - Daria Eremina, Christina Pak - our wonderful curators - my sincere respect for your life - for YOUR SPIRIT. Konstantin Voitenko – PERSON – PRACTITIONER. Simplicity, openness - this is what I really liked about Kostya and, most importantly, a real knight who helped Christina in the fight against technical problems - Christina in the YIN manifestation - it’s so CUTE))) especially during the last lesson, when communication is in meditation time is gone. Personally, I had an incredible resonance with the guys, I enjoyed attending all the curatorial classes - MY GUYS. During the learning process, I felt real SYNERGY - a powerful energy field of people you don’t see or know, but who have common interests and hobbies. I felt as if I was actually studying at the institute. Continuation of the comment……………Who is the TRIAD for? - first of all - for people who have reached a dead end and do not understand where to move next. For those - who are at the beginning of their journey and, especially for those who are already “not 20, but deeply FOR.....” - who have stopped dreaming, hoping and believing in the best - if only not worse. What a person gets as a result if he understands the essence of the practices is incommensurably more than how much it costs. TRIAD is about DOING, not about KNOWING. If you don't do it, you won't know. For me, TRIAD is an experiment - I wonder if I can change and change my life? To be continued... #Iduna2coursein any case - but I’ll still wait for December 25th ;))) Has my life changed after the 1st course? - globally NO, because deep-seated problems were touched upon - it takes time to solve them, but the fact that everything is buzzing and seething inside me - that processes are happening inside me, launched by numerous practices - this is a fact. To be continued…. Alexey Borisovich, Olya Mgeladze, THANK YOU for ARCANUM - this is not just a center - a weekend club for adults who have nothing to do - this is a MISSION - this is a WAY for thinking people who want to figure it out, and not just go with the flow. ARCANUM – ​​for those who want to LIVE, and NOT SURVIVE, but do not know HOW. If someone read to the end - THANK YOU)))) Well, I don’t know how to briefly)))) SORRY))))

Website: Cost: to be specified on the website

The Internet portal “” is dedicated to trainings and seminars on personal and spiritual growth.

A huge selection of useful online courses, video courses, audio courses. Everything related to personal growth and spiritual development (psychology, esotericism).

Watch and study video seminars and online lessons, listen to audio trainings and courses.

Study at a time convenient for you.

Training as a tool for personal development

 The article raises the issue of self-actualization and self-knowledge through self-acceptance and expansion of consciousness, as a result - an increase in the level of mental well-being and conscious management of one’s own life. Training is seen as a medium for accelerated personal transformation.

Key words: mental well-being, training, personal growth, expansion of consciousness.

The article raises the issue of self-actualization and self-knowledge through self-acceptance and expansion of consciousness, as a result - increasing the level of mental well-being and conscious management of one's own life. Training is considered as an environment for accelerated personality transformation.

Keywords: mental well-being, training, personal growth, expansion of consciousness.

In today's dynamically developing world, every person faces the question of self-actualization and self-knowledge in order to achieve psychological well-being. Every year, interest in the formation of a healthy personality increases on the part of scientists and ordinary people.

In the early 1960s, a new direction appeared in psychology, the main subject of which was personality, represented by a unique holistic system with an “open possibility” of self-actualization, inherent only to man. Representatives of humanistic psychology are Abraham Maslow, Viktor Frankl, Frederick Perls, Carl Rogers, Gordon Allport, Charlotte Buhler, James Bugental, Hans-Werner Gessmann and others. Humanistic psychology is a branch of positive psychology that studies the positive aspects of the human psyche. The basis for humanistic psychology is existentialism. Humanistic psychology proves that a person, even as an object of research, should be studied as an active subject, assessing the experimental situation and choosing a method of behavior. Maslow argued that every person is born with the potential for creative potential for positive growth and improvement; that the destructive forces within him are the result of frustration or unsatisfied basic needs.

Beatotherapy (from the Latin beatus - happy, blessed, blessed) - psychotherapy of happiness - is built on the basis of humanistic psychology. Within the framework of this direction, the issue of self-knowledge is raised in order to achieve mental health and happiness, followed by conscious management of one’s life.

Happiness in beatotherapy is presented in the form of the highest conscious pleasure from experiencing the joy of self-knowledge and self-realization, the joy of growth and renewal. Happiness is the art of living. What is art? This is mastery of some skill to a superlative degree, and for happiness it is necessary to master the skill of managing one’s own life at the level of art [7].

To build life in accordance with your goals and ideas about its meaning, it is necessary to take steps towards the development of your personality, which in turn is based on the development of consciousness. From experience it follows that a person can only control what he is aware of. From the perspective of the contextual approach, consciousness is a system of contexts in which all phenomena of human existence acquire significance and meaning. In this case, the development of consciousness acts as a process of expanding those contexts in which a person’s understanding and interpretation of all phenomena, including himself, occurs.

Expanding his consciousness, a person moves through the levels of development of consciousness from an egocentric position to an increasingly worldcentric one. For example, in the concept of psychological anthropology by V. I. Slobodchikov and E. I. Isaev, 5 stages of the development of human subjectivity are described: from “revival” - the design of the individual’s bodily existence, the development of bodily individuality, to “universalization” - going beyond the limits of individuality, awareness spiritual unity of oneself and the world.

American psychologist K. Graves described human development as a spiral-shaped, cyclical, spasmodic process of changing eight levels of existence: from “lone hunter” - the survival of the individual based on basic instincts (the rudiments of consciousness), to “global consciousness”, which fits a person into the holistic universe (global consciousness ).

According to the theory of spiral dynamics, the authors of which are D. Beck and K. Cowan, human development follows an expanding spiral from the archaic-instinctive level of physical self-preservation in survival groups to the cholastic one, which corresponds to the complete unity of man with people and the world in a single stream of life, in integrity of consciousness. It is noteworthy that each previous level is transcended (surpasses and included) in the process and result of the formation and development of the next one; a gradual layering of levels occurs when the earlier ones continue to form with the addition of subsequent ones [2].

According to research conducted during 2017–2018 at the ChSU in Cherepovets, Volgograd region, in which 74 students took part, of which 58 were female, 16 were male, aged 18–21 years, there is a direct relationship between level of mental well-being and awareness. The higher the awareness, the higher the level of mental well-being and vice versa [1].

Thus, volitional self-regulation of a person’s social behavior and his activities is possible only on the basis of his awareness of the laws of the sphere in which he acts. Only awareness can become the basis for free choice and responsibility for this choice. This means that a person’s happiness and mental well-being directly depend on movement through the levels of consciousness, accompanied by the experience of the joy of self-knowledge and self-realization. Therefore, the development of consciousness should become a purposeful process, including in the educational sphere.

Klochko V.E., in the theory of psychological systems, considers a person as an integral self-organizing, self-developing, self-realizing psychological system, which has the ability to initiate behavior and has a need for self-realization. The formation and development of such a personality can be accelerated by creating certain conditions that can be implemented in the form of personal growth trainings, training quests in a game form, training webinars and training marathons using intensive integrative psychotechnologies, psychotherapeutic trainings with exercises, discussion and feedback from its participants. Reflection and identification here act as a process of knowing oneself through another person [3].

A distinctive feature of the trainings is that work with human consciousness occurs in an intensive mode using numerous and varied methods. The goal stated at the beginning of the training is achieved during the training due to the active activity of the participants themselves.

In turn, personal trainings according to the focus and level of personal work are divided into:

– Personal development trainings. In this type of training, classes are held with healthy people with the aim of developing the personal qualities of the participants, their skills and capabilities in a wide range of situations.

– psychotherapeutic trainings – aimed at helping people who find themselves in difficult life situations, helping to restore normal mental functioning.

– condition trainings. This category includes trainings aimed at overcoming fears and other internal barriers. For example, training in walking on coals or broken glass.

– transformational trainings contribute to the development of deep (basic) programs and beliefs, values ​​and states. With the help of this type of training, a person is able to reconsider his picture of the world, experience a complete transformation of internal values ​​and states through awareness, forgiveness, breakthroughs and insights.

In any type of training, you can find elements of different directions: elements of psychotherapy, moments of developmental training, training of some specific skills, and immersion in certain states necessary for the training tasks [4].

Thus, the result of the training should be personal growth. A fairly successful definition of personal growth given by V. L. Levi is often quoted: “What is personal growth? If a person has more: interests, and therefore incentives to live - meaningful fulfillment of life; the ability to analyze - to distinguish one from another; the ability to synthesize—to see connections between events and phenomena; understanding people (including yourself), and with that the ability to forgive; internal freedom and independence; responsibility assumed voluntarily; love for the world and people (including oneself), this means that a person grows personally. Synonyms: mentally, spiritually” [6].

An important indicator indicating the results of the training is checking the quality of training: the presence of an exit test, assessing the quality of learning the material.

Let us give an example of an analysis of the results of an empirical study based on the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Altai State Academy of Education named after. V. M. Shukshin”, in which 76 people participated, 16 of them were in the control group. All of them were 2nd-3rd year students. The subject of the study was psychological training with exercises that implement methods of psychological influence, involving changes in behavior patterns, and as a result, changes in the structure of personal characteristics. Training work in groups was built within the framework of the activity approach (A. G. Asmolov, T. V. Zaitseva, D. A. Leontiev, A. N. Leontiev, L. A. Petrovskaya). Changes in the structure of personal characteristics after training were recorded using a multifactor personality study (16 PF) by R. Cattell. The results of the program showed the following changes: increased - affectotymia (warmth, kindness) by 25%; “I” strength (emotional stability) by 19%; dominance (perseverance) by 15%; parmiya (courage) - 12.5%; and an increase of less than 10% was observed in a group of such characteristics as praxernia (practicality), artificiality (insight, prudence), radicalism (flexibility), self-sufficiency (independence, independence from the group); control of desires (high self-control of behavior).

Thus, the experience that arises in the process of realizing one’s own behavior model through feedback and identification contributes to the construction of a socially adaptive model of behavior, realized in interpersonal relationships and restructuring of the personal structure [8].

In another study, in which 90 subjects of different ages and gender took part, the following changes were recorded: by the beginning of the training sessions, the subjects showed pronounced discomfort, both in terms of self-control and in terms of understanding the behavior of others, and after psychological training self-acceptance and contact increased. The training used intensive integrative psychotechnologies, which included practices of body-oriented psychotherapy, art therapy, meditative and relaxation practices, as well as breathing practices, etc. [5].

In my next article, I will consider the effectiveness of a training quest, which will take place via the Internet, lasting about a month. This training will be aimed at self-knowledge, expanding the boundaries of consciousness, integration of the individual, revealing personal potential, improving the psychological knowledge and skills necessary for adaptation and development of the individual in life situations. The form of the training will be transformational, working with deep (basic) beliefs, values ​​and states. We will evaluate performance using the following multifactorial methods:

1. Methodology “Psychological Well-Being Scale” K. Riff, A. V. Zhukovskaya, E. G. Proshikhina. It includes six main components of psychological well-being:

– positive relationships with others,

- having a goal in life,

– autonomy,

- personal growth,

– environment management,

– self-acceptance.

2. “Mindfulness and Awareness in Everyday Life Scale” (MASS) R. A. Baer This scale has been used repeatedly to assess the results of training in mindfulness meditation in scientific research;

3. questionnaire “Life Satisfaction Index” by N.V. Panin to determine a person’s attitude towards himself and his own life, the general emotional background, his mood at a given moment in life. The results of this test make it possible to quickly obtain information about the general emotional state of a person, about areas of life that may be “problematic” for him.

Thus, we will be able to assess changes in the emotional state of the participants, their relationships with people around them, their self-confidence, their ability to achieve their goals, determine the level of self-esteem and self-acceptance, satisfaction and awareness of life.


  1. Apunevich O. A., Gagarina S. N. Features of psychological well-being in adolescence depending on the level of awareness of life // Best student article 2020 collection of articles of the XV International Research Competition. — 2018. pp. 318–323.
  2. Kalashnikov V.G. Consciousness as the basis of personality development: a contextual approach to the levels of consciousness development // Personality development. — 2020. No. 1. P. 45–70.
  3. Klochko V. E., Galazhinsky E. V. Personal self-realization: a systemic view // Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House. - 1999. - 154 p.
  4. Kozlov N. I. Review of modern types and forms of training activities in Russia // Psychology and pedagogy: methods and problems of practical application. — 2012. No. 25–1. pp. 10–19.
  5. Kozlov V.V., Lazareva Yu.N., Dynamics of personality changes in a training environment: results of multifactor analysis // Scientific Notes of the University. P. F. Lesgaft. — 2020. No. 6 (124). pp. 215–219.
  6. Levi V.L., Where to live. A man in the chains of freedom. // M.: Toroboan, 2004.
  7. Spivakovskaya, A. S. Fragments of beatotherapy - M.: “Beato-press”. — 2009. p.6
  8. Shamardina M.V., Darenskikh S.S., Personal growth training as a condition for professional self-realization of the individual // ANI: Pedagogy and psychology. — 2020. T. 6. No. 2(19).

Personal Development Center "Kaizen Academy"

Website: Cost: from 199 rub. per course

The trainings are held in the format of webinars, which means you will have the opportunity to study from anywhere in the world, from any device, even from your phone.

You will be able to ask questions to the trainers, receive an analysis of completed tasks and recommendations for further steps.

Specially designed development programs are focused on each student, taking into account his predispositions.

During consultations, you can identify your own strengths and areas of growth, which will make your training even more effective.

ITC Group Business School

Website: Phone: , +7 (981) 722-86-95 Cost: from 21900 rub. per course

Seminars, trainings and personal growth courses will help you increase your efficiency at work, teach you how to properly manage time (time management), finances, manage stress and manage your emotions. You will also be able to master the skills of etiquette for business correspondence and communication, speed typing, touch typing, NLP, investing in the stock market, develop memory and attention, improve your voice and speech, resist manipulation, and improve your overall skills.

Seminars, trainings and personal growth courses are relevant for specialists of any field, position, and qualifications. If you are having difficulty finding a job and are just looking for yourself, a practical session on career guidance and testing will help you.

Seminars, trainings and personal growth courses are held in the form of lectures and practices in which real-life situations are simulated. You will be able not only to acquire new professional skills, but also to get rid of personal complexes and fears, and become a confident person.

Seminars, trainings and personal growth courses are held continuously throughout the year, each course is repeated 2-3 times. Therefore, you can sign up at any time convenient for you.

"Alliance": let's discover our abilities together and grow professionally!

Our experienced trainers will open a new world for your employees, filled with successful achievements, which will certainly have a positive impact on the results of the entire organization. Our professional teachers can conduct courses that promote natural personal growth in order to improve the team atmosphere and create optimal conditions for teamwork. But the most popular and in demand are still trainings for active personal growth, which allow employees to develop certain skills. Such skills may include: leadership, confidence, time management, ability to set and achieve goals, etc.

conducts courses on personal growth using a unique methodology. We conduct trainings as part of on-site training, that is, our specialist himself comes to the corporate customer’s office to conduct training, which gives the company’s personnel the opportunity to save time by engaging in advanced training and personal self-development without leaving the workplace. On-site corporate training for personal development is one of the most popular areas.

Corporate trainings for personal growth: we will unlock the potential of each of your employees!


Website: Cost: from 15,500 rubles. per course

New Business University specialists have developed an effective program to increase personal efficiency. The concept of self-development includes constant work to improve your abilities to achieve your goals and solve problems.

Courses to improve personal effectiveness at the National Bank of Ukraine will allow you to gain new skills from scratch or improve your qualifications as a psychologist.

NBU is modern technologies in the field of education. Personal effectiveness courses can be taken from anywhere in the world. All you need is the Internet.

Distance learning is fun and effective due to the fact that the lessons are filled with various illustrations, tables, diagrams and video materials.

The training is accompanied by constant communication with University specialists who will answer all your questions and help you master the material in the most efficient and effective manner.

After completing the training, you will receive a state diploma with an international supplement on completion of the professional course “Self-development”.


Website: Cost: from 2000 rub. per course

Detailed and practical video training on self-development, helping to become a happy, successful, healthy, harmonious and conscious person.

This video training is based on 6 years of experience in self-development, studying many trainings and educational programs, consultations and personal work with clients.

This is deeply practical knowledge that you just need to start applying in life. To make this training available to as many people as possible, the cost of the course was made quite affordable.

You can purchase this self-development video training and start changing your life today, or you can go your own way through trial and error. In other words, you can save several years of your life or a small amount of money by spending the nth amount of time - the decision is up to you personally.

After payment you get access to the video training and can start training immediately. Use all the materials that are in the course.

The best learning option: watch a specific video, write down important points on paper, and make a list of recommendations that you need to implement in your life. Next, act actively and constantly - this is the only way to achieve good results.



(co-authored with V.V. Dolgun)

Explanatory note

The proposed training was developed in collaboration with Victoria Vyacheslavovna Dolgun. It has been tested and is used in the educational process of the Faculty of Psychology of the BSPU named after. M. Tanka. Having conducted seminars, laboratory classes and a workshop on the subject “Psychological Counseling” for several years, we came to the understanding that, in addition to mastering psychotechnologies and technical techniques, a consulting psychologist must learn to answer the questions: “Why am I doing this?” ; “Who am I, the one who chose the profession of a consultant?”; “What is the most important thing for me in my professional activity, what I will never give up?”; “How to remain yourself and become a professional?” Therefore, part of the time is spent on mastering and settling into the professional space, searching for meaning, understanding the values ​​of professional activity, i.e. on the development of professional identity and professional self-awareness.

Self-awareness is understood as a set of mental processes through which a person becomes aware of himself. As a result of this awareness, a person receives a number of ideas about himself. The holistic system of all these ideas is the “I-concept” of the individual. “I-concept” is a “product” of self-awareness, which includes cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. Since self-awareness acts in the unity of “personal and professional orientation” (L.M. Mitina), professional education is a factor that can influence the formation of identity, the formation of the image of “I” and the development of the individual.

Self-awareness continuously changes throughout a person's life. The formation of professional identity goes through certain stages associated with various stages

professional development. The initial stage of the formation of a professional is not inferior in importance to the first years in the development of a child.

According to L.S. According to Vygotsky, self-awareness is social consciousness transferred inward. In the general structure of personality, self-awareness acts as a complex integrative property of its mental activity. On the one hand, it records the outcome of the mental development of the individual at certain stages, primarily for herself. On the other hand, as an internal regulator of behavior, self-awareness influences the further development of the individual, being one of the necessary internal conditions for its continuous development. It is thanks to self-awareness that a balance is established between external influences, the internal state of the individual and the forms of his behavior.

Three indicators - self-esteem, expected assessment, assessment by the individual of the group - are included in the structure of the individual’s self-awareness, and a person must take into account these subjective indicators of his well-being in the group, the success or failure of his achievements, and his position in relation to himself and others. Essentially, it is an internalized mechanism of social contacts, orientations and values. The psychologist is forced to consult his testimony when entering into professional interaction. That is why we chose the training form as the most adequate for the development of professional self-awareness of future psychologists.

The training we developed reflected the need of future psychologists-consultants to discuss their profession, its “light” and “dark” sides, and search for their own resources that allow them to remain not only a psychologist, but also a person in professional relationships.

The proposed course can be modified in accordance with the specific needs of the group, the age of the participants (as a rule, evening and part-time students, as well as students of courses at retraining faculties, are adults, while full-time students are boys and girls under 23 years old), the nature of group dynamics. It is possible to switch from the training mode to the mode of individual counseling, psychotherapy or group supervision. The facilitator must have experience in both leading groups and individual work with clients, and also know his own answers to the questions that usually arise for novice consultants.

The training is designed for 4- or 6-hour sessions, depending on the number of people in the group, the nature and depth of reflection, and the level of preparedness of the participants. The facilitator can choose the exercises most suitable for the group from each lesson. It is most advisable to conduct this training simultaneously with a workshop on psychological counseling.

It is important for the leader to pay attention to the fact that the types of exercises replace each other during the lesson. Exercises aimed at reflection are always associated with retroflection, turning energy inward. It is better if, after such exercises and experiments, the leader suggests actions related to the release of energy, projection (for example, drawing), and interaction in threes. The manager must have an arsenal of active, motor exercises to relieve muscle tension. For some classes you will need relaxation music, pencils, paper, plasticine, and homemade supplies. The best option is to have a workbook in which participants can write, draw, and fill out tables.

The most important thing in this training is to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, where the facilitator will not act as a teacher who knows the right answer, but rather as an older brother, wise and ready to share his experience and doubts. When the presenter allows himself not to know the correct answers to questions,

being himself, he can get great pleasure from interacting with participants, maintaining their interest in the profession and his own personality.


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IGROX Business Communications Center

Website: Phone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

They are one of the leading companies in the field of education and communication training in public speaking, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, sales techniques and leadership!

If you have good self-motivation and are ready to develop independently, then this format will be most useful. You can watch video lessons at any time convenient for you, return to topics that you did not understand very well, and also complete homework, communicate via email with a trainer and receive prompt feedback.

You are offered 3 different trainings: sales training, public speaking training 1 (recorded webinars without homework) and public speaking level 2 from a series of video lessons with homework and support from the trainer.

LLC "Business Answer"

Website: Cost: check on the website

Many people often think about personal growth. From the great variety of self-development methods that exist today, how to choose the right one?

Before you begin this difficult path, it is worth at least getting a general idea of ​​the basic concepts and methods used in self-development. If you make mistakes, then all your efforts will be wasted. Also, the disappointment that has overtaken you may lead you to think that personal growth trainings are programs that have never worked and have not helped anyone get results.

Anyone who achieved success on the way to their goals, did not want to stop there, did not want to vegetate in a swamp, is probably familiar with the concept of personal growth. Without this process, a person's life is like a purposeless existence.

From birth, everyone has enormous potential for improving their skills and abilities. The process of personal growth can only be started when a person has an irresistible desire for development and self-improvement.

A huge amount of effort and labor can be spent on this. This is a long and rather labor-intensive process of improving oneself, becoming an individual, strong personality with its own characteristics and unique character traits. This process brings not only personal but also social benefits.

In order to achieve personal growth, it is not enough to just set one goal and continue to dream about its fulfillment without taking any action.

Conducting a detailed analysis of your goals and drawing up a detailed step-by-step plan for their implementation is a useful self-development technique that usually leads to the desired result.

Training “PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL GROWTH OF A TEACHER” methodological development

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 9 “Fairy Tale” in the city of Lesosibirsk”



Educational psychologist:

Dorogova Marina Vladimirovna

Lesosibirsk - 2017

Every person, regardless of age, is capable of self-improvement. A special type of change is the process of personal development. This is an extremely important moment for interpersonal communication.

An indicator of personal growth is overcoming difficulties through reflexive self-determination, enriching the individual with new means of self-realization in professionally significant situations.

Professional self-development is only part of the self-development of the individual, determined in an adult by his involvement in work and satisfaction with professional activities.

Self-improvement is the most adequate form of self-development, meaning that a person himself, on his own, wants to be better, strives for some ideal, acquires those personality traits and qualities that he does not yet have, and masters such types of activities that he did not master. In other words, self-improvement is a process of conscious self-management of the development of one’s personality, one’s qualities and abilities.

Goal: formation of the internal position of a successful teacher.


  1. Expanding the zone of personal confidence of teachers.
  2. Accepting personal strengths that contribute to effective interaction with others.

Equipment: blue paper, multi-colored stars, glue, pens, keys.


Exercise No. 1 “Greeting”

Goal: creating the mood for the upcoming work, removing communication barriers.

Task: greeting the training participants. All participants are counted on 1, 2, 3, 4.

Participants with No. 1 fold their arms so that their elbows point in different directions;

No. 2 – rest their hands on their thighs so that their elbows are also directed to the sides;

No. 3 – place the left hand on the left thigh, the right hand on the right knee, the elbows of the bent arms are moved to the sides;

No. 4 – keep your arms folded crosswise on your chest, with your elbows turned to the sides.

After all participants have taken the starting position, the coach invites them, at a certain signal, to greet as many people present as possible, touching each other with their elbows - hello!

Exercise Analysis:

1. How did you feel while completing the task? Did you want to win?

2. What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task?

Exercise No. 2 “Photo Album”


  1. memory training, learning to concentrate on a partner;
  2. integration of the group through the awareness of being constantly included in joint activities.

By the end of this exercise, players will feel better among other team members, get to know each other, and relieve internal tension thanks to the game situation.

Resources: A large room with chairs for each participant. Time: from 10 to 30 minutes.

Progress of the exercise

Imagine: you come to visit, and the hosts let you look through a photo album.

We will consider it very carefully. We look at faces, remember movements...

Let's start with the leader! I get up, say my name and do any (preferably not very difficult) movement. The neighbor to my left opens the first page of the photo album, and there is my photograph. Now he will have to first repeat my name in combination with my simple movement, and only then add his own photo to the album. Which one? That’s absolutely right: stand up, say your name and (8:) perform one simple movement that he wants. So we will leaf through the album, starting each time with a photo of the presenter (name + movement), and then adding portraits of more and more new participants.

How many pictures our album will contain depends only on our composure and attentiveness! It is clear that the longer the chain, the more difficult it is to remember the names and characteristic movements of all previous players. Nevertheless, let’s try to make an effort and extend the chain of “accumulation” as long as possible. If one of the players gets confused and cannot remember names and movements, then from this point we will begin to build a new chain, a new series of photographs.

Completion: discussion of the exercise.

Participants talk about what pleased them in the game and what upset them. What was the atmosphere like in the group during the game?

— Why is the sound of one’s own name so important for a person?

— How did you choose your movement: based on its simplicity or focusing on the maximum expression of your own individuality? Whose moves do you remember and why?

After a short discussion, we suggest returning to one of the goals of the game - getting to know each other. Who is ready to write down on the board now the longest chain of names that have been heard?


Usually the game is fun and energetic. From player to player, not only the tension grows, but also the passion for sports. It is important for the coach to maintain this enthusiasm and maintain the atmosphere of fun competition.

Exercise No. 3 “Dial”


Participants sitting in a circle form a “clock face” - each of them corresponds to a specific number. The easiest way is if there are 12 participants, then each one corresponds to one number. With a different number of players, someone will have to depict 2 numbers or, conversely, there will be 2 people for some numbers. This will make the game somewhat more difficult, but will also make it more interesting. If there are more than 18 participants, then it is advisable to make 2 dials at once. After that, someone orders the time, and the “dial” shows it - first, the one whose number corresponds to the hour hand stands up and claps, then the minute hand. The leader can make the first 1-2 time orders, then each of the participants in a circle.

The meaning of the exercise

Attention training, inclusion of participants in active group interaction.


A brief exchange of impressions, as well as thoughts about what qualities are developed in this game and what they are needed for.

Exercise No. 4 “My Galaxy”

It is common for any person to master various spaces, even outer ones. I suggest you perform the psychological exercise “My Galaxy”. The exercise will help you understand your personal characteristics, understand your emotional perception of the people around you, namely your colleagues, and will allow you to establish adequate relationships with them.

In front of you are sheets of blue paper. We listen to calm music. Sit back, relax and imagine a starry sky with stars lighting up. At first glance, they all seem to be the same. But then one or two minutes pass, and we already notice that one of the stars is larger than the others, and some shines brightest. They differ in the nature of the light they send to the earth: it can be blue, pink, or white. But a person can also be compared to a star: at first glance, we have a lot in common, but if you look more closely, each person is unique and unique. Everyone has their own world in which they live, their own Space, their own Galaxy.

Let's continue to look into the night sky. Find your star on it. “Bring it closer” to you and consider: is it larger than other stars, smaller, or the same? What color is your star? What kind of light does it emit: warm or cool? Now shrink your star to the size of a tennis ball. Place it on your palm. She's wonderful, isn't she? Send her your warmth, tenderness, whisper to her: “You are beautiful!”

Release her back to the sky, follow her path, and when she takes her place in the night sky, smile at her so that she knows that you are always there.

  1. Completing practical training assignments.

Now look at the blue sheet of paper - this is a “piece” of the Universe. There are no stars on it yet. You will each now create your own Galaxy.

It will have as many stars as you want. In front of you are star blanks of different colors and sizes; if they don’t suit you for some reason, you can cut out your own stars of any color, any size. Glue them onto the sheet. This will be your own Galaxy.

Among all the stars, find the one that attracts you most - your star. Sign it “I”. Now find stars for your colleagues. Sign them too. Give all the stars the names of those who surround you in your workplace. There should not be a single nameless star in your Galaxy!

  1. Explanatory part.

From a psychological perspective, you have created the world of your workspace and expressed an emotional relationship to your workplace environment. Now let's analyze what you got: pay attention to where the asterisk “I” is located: in the center of the sheet, at the top, bottom or side. This is also evidenced by the size of the star. If your star is the largest and is in the center of the sheet or higher, then you are self-centered, always wanting to be the center of attention. You have high self-esteem. If your star is small, and you placed it in a corner, away from others, then you should think about whether you are underestimating your own importance? What is your relationship with your colleagues? Perhaps you are avoiding communication with other people?

The color of the star tells about your emotional state and the perception of those around you. Blue color indicates that you see yourself or another person as conscientious, calm, but somewhat cold; red – friendly, sociable, energetic, confident, but irritable; green – flexible, kind, sympathetic, artistically gifted, in a good mood, but superficial, with unstable interests and a tendency to get carried away; yellow – very active, open, sociable, cheerful; purple or lilac – restless, emotionally tense, in need of emotional contact; brown – dependent, sensitive, relaxed; metal – silent, selfish, hostile, rejected.

Now find out where your colleagues' stars are located. What size are they? Colors? Using a color scale, analyze your perception of your colleagues: are they significant figures in your world or not? How do you perceive them on an emotional level? Are your colleagues' stars near you or somewhere far away? Or maybe yours and someone else’s star are depicted side by side, but at a distance from everyone else? Think for yourself what this may indicate. If the star of your colleagues is far from you, then think about what place you occupy in the team. How do you feel among your colleagues?

Consider all the stars in your Galaxy. Notice the black and brown stars. Think about who “got” them and why? What is your relationship with these people? Why? Do you need this kind of relationship?

Exercise No. 5 “We are all different”

Goal: development of paralinguistic and optokinetic communication skills; improving mutual understanding of communication partners at the non-verbal level.

The group is divided into threes. Responsibilities are distributed within each trio. One of the participants plays the role of “deaf and dumb”: he does not hear anything, cannot speak, but he has vision, gestures, and pantomime at his disposal; the second participant plays the role of “deaf and paralytic”: he can speak and see; the third is “blind and dumb”: he is only able to hear and show. All three are given a task, for example, to agree on the place, time and purpose of the meeting. 15 minutes are allotted for the exercise.


A brief exchange of impressions, as well as thoughts about what qualities are developed in this game and what they are needed for.

Exercise No. 6 “Magic key to the magic door”

Goal: there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement between the participants.

Each participant comes out in turn, takes the key and says which magic door he would open and what is behind it.

Exercise No. 7 “Gift”

Goal: positive completion of the training, reflection.

Time: 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Presenter: “At the end of our training, I want to give you gifts, at first glance these are ordinary simple pencils with an eraser. Don't rush to a conclusion. This is a magical tool. You can write everything in the world on paper with it: thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions. And if it doesn’t work out, you can erase it and start all over again. And in life, do not lose optimism, remember that you can start all over again. I give you optimism and mutual trust!”

Psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion: “Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What useful things did you learn for yourself and for the group?

You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you everyone for participating!”

School of New Life “Navayata”

Website: Cost: from 3000 rub. per course

Online self-development course “Creation”.

This is a basic online self-development course from the Navayata School of New Life.

In this course you receive a holistic system of worldview and practice for transforming yourself and your life. You will start from the very basics, by searching for answers to the age-old questions: Who am I? What is my place in this world? Why am I here?

Answers are given first at the level of understanding - through video lectures, and then at the level of experience - through the practice of meditation. When you do the practice with correct understanding, it becomes much more effective, and the experience gained during the meditation process, in turn, complements the theoretical knowledge from the video lectures.

From knowing ourselves at the level of the soul, and understanding our place in the holistic picture of the universe, we move further - to internal healing, and then to the transformation of our external life in such areas as relationships, work and purpose, health.

Self-development methods

You can use the methods used for self-development both separately and together. Observe your feelings, conduct experiments, find out what works and what doesn’t.

Personal vision

Personal vision partially overlaps with self-knowledge (like other methods of self-development, however). To use this method, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are ten things I love to do?
  • What three things should I do during my work to feel happy and know that I am moving in the right direction?
  • What are my five core values?
  • Write three goals in each of the following areas: physical, spiritual, career, family, social, financial, personal, entertainment.
  • What can I regret before I die?

Once you've thoughtfully answered all of these questions and figured out what your goals are in each area, start creating your personal vision. This is your personal statement of intent. Some experts recommend around 50 words or even less. However, we advise you to forget about boundaries and fully formulate a vision for your life and future.

The essence of this method is to obtain a written commitment that you will engage in self-development throughout your life. Famous motivational speaker Brian Tracy says you'll increase your chances of achieving your goals by writing them down.

Personal Development Plan

A personal development plan (PDP) is an excellent method of self-development that allows you to fit into a few pages everything that you need to adhere to in the next year or several years. We have written about this technique several times:

  • A guide to creating a personal development plan.
  • Four steps to create a personal development plan.
  • Personal development plan.

PPR means:

  • Displaying the level of your knowledge, successes and achievements.
  • Planning your personal, educational and career growth.
  • Keeping notes on self-development achievements.

PPR helps:

  • Increase your self-awareness: who you are and what you want.
  • Identify the skills and experience you already have and figure out which ones you need.
  • Create a plan for acquiring skills (books, audiobooks, courses, online courses).
  • Keep a record of your achievements to stay motivated.

There are many ways to create a personal development plan, so there is no right or wrong. Here's what it might consist of for you.

  1. Create a list of areas in which you want to develop: career, finances, relationships, relationships, emotional life, home, spirituality, character.
  2. Increased motivation. Willpower is an unreliable resource, so you need to learn how to motivate yourself. And this task is incredibly difficult. How to deal with it. First: create a plan for the week and keep it in front of your eyes. Second: Set SMART goals. Third: create a personal vision document (we talked about it above).
  3. Immediately begin to put the plan into action. Even if your plan isn't perfect, that's okay—you can adjust it as you go.

Sandbox method

The sandbox method is a continuous process of self-education based on the latest scientific research. Its essence is that you don’t need to memorize facts, formulas or other little things. Instead, we need to develop an intuitive understanding of our skills, learn a lot of information about the skill, and constantly strive to improve. All this can be done either alone or with a mentor.

Step one: create your sandbox

The sandbox is an area where you can play freely with your skill without worrying about taking it seriously. It allows you to explore, experiment, fail, without putting your money, future, or reputation on the line. This is the ideal environment for rapid learning.

The sandbox should:

  • Be free or cheap: this will allow you to start learning right away.
  • Have a low degree of risk: you are not afraid of losing or showing your work.
  • Be public.

Some examples:

  • Programming: Create an account on sites like GitHub.
  • Photography: camera and Instagram account.
  • Letter: start a blog.

Remember that if you cannot receive feedback quickly, you will learn much more slowly.

Step two: research

There is a huge amount of material on the Internet dedicated to almost any self-development skill. A simple and straightforward recipe or formula is ideal to start with. In our case, it is simply a certain sequence of steps that helps to achieve some result. You can immediately incorporate this knowledge into your sandbox.

Set aside one day to search for all possible resources. These could be books, podcasts, videos, articles, online courses, webinars and much more. Create a database of tabs called self-development.

Also, keep notes so you can understand what works best and what doesn’t work well. There is a lot of material, but always little time.

Step three: implementation and practice

There is little time not only for theory, but also for practice. Therefore, you need to choose the best and most effective, because unsuccessful methods can take weeks and even months of work on yourself. This leads to the so-called naive practice, when a person deceives himself into thinking that he is learning something, although in fact he is standing still.

In order to purposefully improve your skill, you need to:

  1. Honestly assess your limits and figure out where you need to improve.
  2. Set yourself a goal that is outside your comfort zone.
  3. Receive feedback.

Step Four: Feedback

Every person has knowledge gaps, no matter what skill they are trying to learn. This means you need to receive feedback always and everywhere. This is one of the basic principles of self-education.

We wish you good luck!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • The best self-isolation techniques
  • Self-development as a game
  • Four steps to create a personal development plan
  • Conditions for character formation
  • Self-development
  • Best of the year. Part three
  • Thoughts that hinder growth
  • Achieving Inner Balance
  • Men's Education Day at 4BRAIN
  • What methods of self-knowledge exist and how to apply them

Key words: 1LLL, 1Self-knowledge


Website: Phone: Cost: from 6900 rub. per course

Why is it so unbearable to make a choice between what you want and what you need? Why can't we meet our life partner? Why are you experiencing panic attacks? Why has life lost its taste and color?

Because we live in a complex world, facing many problems every day. And if some problems can be attributed to external, rather everyday problems, then others are the result of internal mental processes.

These internal processes are not always easy to detect; they are hidden inside the subconscious, but they are the ones that determine the quality of life.

In 90 days you will be able to immerse yourself in the world of your psyche and work through three important blocks. You will realize and correct your character, you will be able to see and overcome childhood traumas, you will become a truly adult and conscious person, having acquired true goals, values ​​and meanings.

You will learn how:

  • get rid of fears, problems, failures
  • better understand yourself, the reasons for this or that action, decision, reaction
  • know your character and discover its resources
  • replace unconstructive (but habitual) behavior patterns with constructive ones
  • approach life creatively
  • recognize and overcome childhood traumas
  • learn to better understand other people and turn communication into joy
  • choose a worthy life partner
  • find harmony in family relationships
  • become a truly adult, responsible and free person
  • find your true goals, values ​​and meanings

Each block of work in the online school is dedicated to a separate module, which was developed specifically for the distance format, so that in an easy and accessible way you can change while remaining yourself.

Psychotherapeutic group and personality development trainings

Personal development trainings are often confused with psychotherapeutic groups. The concept of “psychotherapeutic group” is not entirely defined, but most often combines forms of group work where people experience an adaptive change in their personal state.

Working with relatives of those killed as a result of terrorist attacks or natural disasters is psychotherapeutic work, when people need to be brought out of shock as carefully as possible, supported in their grief, and given strength to live on. It is clear that in such a group, although there is work on personal topics, there is no talk of any personal growth or development. It is unlikely that any presenter will set here educational, training tasks, tasks for developing certain useful skills for life - in this case, such tasks will be inappropriate and untimely.

In many cases, the tasks of changing attitudes and adjusting the personal state of clients are solved more easily in the process of group rather than individual psychotherapeutic work. Creating a sense of support, instilling self-confidence, receiving positive feedback to better understand yourself and others, experiencing constructive interpersonal conflict - these and many other tasks can be effectively solved in group work. It is clear that in this case we can talk about psychotherapeutic assistance, but not about the personal growth of the participants.

What is the reason for the widespread misunderstanding that confuses the concepts of “psychotherapeutic groups” and “personal growth (development) training”? It seems that sometimes this is just verbal confusion: from the fact that the content of psychotherapeutic sessions is deep personal topics, the conclusion is drawn that these are “personal development trainings”. The words are similar, but the essence is deeply different. By analogy: if after a successful abdominal operation the patient’s physical condition was improved by restorative therapy and the patient became stronger, it is clear that these are different procedures than restorative physical education, especially these are not sports events. Personal growth and development groups are to psychotherapy sessions in the same way that sports events at the stadium are to rehabilitation procedures in the hospital. Although in both cases the human condition improves.

So, forms of group work, which do not involve developing skills and are primarily aimed at helping in solving mental problems through changes in the personal state of the participants, belong to the psychotherapeutic line in psychology.

Mindfulness in psychotherapy groups

Awareness in psychotherapy groups is a fancy term that covers the careful watching and sniffing of new information. You can’t take it right away from the presenter, it can be dangerous, you need to chew it, twirl it this way and that, try it on yourself repeatedly, apply it on all sides, find out what others think about it, delay time for a final decision, get used to the new - instead , so that you can immediately take it and do it right away, as is customary in rapid personality development groups! In psychotherapeutic groups there is always fear and reserved caution; in personality development groups there is courage and impatience for development!


Website: Cost: from 2490 rub. per course

Take unique online courses with the support of a personal, professional trainer.

They are based on a modern, step-by-step training model, which applies the principle of “minimum theory and maximum practice.” You will get clear, measurable results and are guaranteed to improve your life.

And you can also:

  • Determine your unique talent, what you are strong and brilliant at
  • Realize your personal purpose, who you can become, what you will be competent and wise in
  • Find the purpose of life to create your main masterpiece, your opus, your legacy
  • Determine a personal mission that will lead you to success and self-realization
  • Find out your calling and find a profession you love, something you will do with passion and enthusiasm
  • Determine the values ​​that will help you realize yourself and make your life happier, freer and more harmonious

Online school of personal growth by Konstantin Dovlatov

Website: Phone: , +7 (499) 301-00-77 Cost: to be confirmed by phone

Modern society places special demands on its members. It is no longer enough for a woman to be the keeper of the home, and for a man to be the breadwinner. You need to be successful, financially and psychologically independent, fulfilled individuals in your areas.

It is not surprising that many people become desperate because they realize that they cannot meet such high standards. Personal growth training will be a real help in such a situation.

Konstantin Dovlatov offers online personal growth training, a comprehensive personality development program. You can use it in your personal life to achieve balance and move to another, more comfortable level, and for work and successful career advancement.

Personal growth training for men is a program that, first of all, teaches how to develop the potential of your personality in order to leave all competitors behind.

A developed personality is a person who is confident in himself and his abilities, who knows how to conduct a dialogue, adapts to any society, and can support a conversation on any topic.

For this purpose, Konstantin Dovlatov’s personal training provides a special module on ultra-reading, because only those who obtain information in sufficient quantities can use it competently.

There are also separate personal growth trainings for teenagers.


Do you know what trainings are usually called? “Fast money 2.0”, “Start a business 3.0”, “Your personal success 10.0”... So there you go. All these “training books” are not 2.0, but complete zero. Why? Yes, it’s simple: the authors of the programs provide a “unique author’s method”, or simply put, they share their very dubious experience and charge a lot of money for it.

For example: “I learned how to sell on the phone upside down, it’s many times more effective than sitting on a chair, do you want the same? I have already taught a couple of my friends, and they have results. Pay me money."

Instead of giving people a “fishing rod,” the authors of absolutely all trainings and methods give instructions for fishing, applicable only in the Far North with an angle of incidence of the sun’s rays of 28 degrees. But they are silent about degrees and north, because they themselves do not know.

Online trainings by Edgard Zaitsev

Website: Cost: from 2500 rub. per course

It will be:

  • 7 hours of online self-immersion: this is a real training in which you fully participate. Online only. This means you can sit at home, in a comfortable chair, and go through the process in a comfortable manner.
  • Practical psychology without water: a minimum of theory, 4 full-fledged psychological meditative processes that you will go through with Edgard.
  • 100% money theme: a decent life requires money. Where can I get them, how can I find resources and strength within myself? And most importantly, how do you understand what a worthwhile life is for you personally?

All the answers in the online training!

For whom:

  • Who wants money... a lot of money to create a decent life around themselves
  • Who now DOESN’T like his standard of living, who has stagnated and frozen at one financial level
  • Who feels a dam blocking his financial flow
  • Who feels like a “shot down pilot” - when forward movement is suddenly interrupted, plans collapse, money slips through your fingers?
  • Who is used to saving on themselves, and feels unhappy, denying themselves pleasures, beautiful things, joys for which they have to pay, but have nothing to pay with
  • Who is ashamed of their appearance, their apartment, their car, their position in society. Who is ready to improve their position in society and stop being ashamed
  • Who wants to live something different - a beautiful life, full of joy and pleasures; but at the same time it’s scary that “retribution” will come for all this beauty
  • Who feels worthy of more than he has, but at the same time scolds rich people for “stealing” their wealth
  • Who wants to see how to build their life and get resources for it?

Six reasons to take personal growth training

“What are the goals of personal growth training ? Why are they needed, since the Internet is already full of information?!”

If you think so (or you are a trainer , and your clients ask similar questions), be sure to read this article. Find out 6 valuable features of trainings and start changing your life now!


— One head is good, but two are better (c) folk wisdom

The other day, a friend commented on my work: “I don’t understand why personal growth training is needed? After all, you can read everything for free on the Internet.”

At first I was surprised, because it was clear to me as daylight. Trainings are my Purpose, my life, they gave me excellent tools for self-knowledge.

They really help, they give results - unlike the information “dump” that you can “learn to death” on the Internet. the training I completed both in terms of earnings and in terms of improving my life .

But then I thought that a few years ago I thought the same as my friend. That I can find everything myself on the Internet, that I am the smartest and “there is no need to spend money on training.”

Until a serious situation with health and relationships and the complete inability to find the answer on my own led me to my first psychological group. Which ultimately shaped my calling and radically changed my life. But, about the story of my search for purpose separately.

In the meantime, I’ll tell you, from personal experience, why working in a training (online or live) is better than “solo sailing.”

You receive clear and accurate expert information

Information still rules the world. at the right time and at the right time can be more important than hundreds of books, but “later”.

Yes, supposedly everything is on the Internet. But, firstly, not everything is there. For example, the best tricks and techniques are given only during trainings. They cannot be found anywhere else in either text or video format.

And, secondly, how much time will you spend selecting grains of essence from the sea of ​​slag that the search engine returned? Even if you find something (and don’t go crazy from brain overload), who guarantees that this information is reliable?

The coach is responsible for the fact that everything he gives is tested and tested, well structured for the students to understand. Years of work and experience have gone into this type of information, and it is truly valuable.

Development according to the “From scratch to result” system

You work chaotically on your own. Well, it’s interesting to try one thing, another, read something about this and that... This is an important stage on the path of self-knowledge; most seekers go through it.

But if you have a goal of personal growth and want to achieve a specific result, you need a system . Everything should go step by step, from simple to complex, with tasks and information appropriate for each level of development.

It's like initiation into the rites of our ancestors. It came at a certain moment and took place under the supervision of elders. There are general laws that - for the safety of the adept himself - are better not to violate.

Good trainings provide an orderly system. It is clear, safe and effective. The result you get from this is much higher and comes faster.

Your motivation for growth, “ignition”

Working in a group is the best way to avoid self-sabotage , this huge trap into which many “personal growth loners” fall.

In training programs there is competition or, on the contrary, a supportive partnership, deadlines, checks - in general, everything that turns you on and does not allow you to relax.

Plus the “energy charge” of the group. Sometimes it seems like you have no strength, and then someone got everyone going, threw in a cool idea, and away they go!

At the same time—that’s the fun—you don’t have to constantly force yourself. The coach gives you, as it were, “loaned will.” He encourages you, motivates you, provokes you.

You don’t waste energy on doubts - “am I doing the right thing, what else is needed, or should I go lie down...” You simply listen to the master and complete the tasks.

This helps you direct all your energy towards achieving your chosen goal . Without losing it to resistance and struggle with yourself.

I like trainings where participants drop out of the program if they do not complete the trainer’s assignments and do not report on them. There is no need to be harsh here, everyone has life circumstances. But a clear deadline (for example, two warnings and departure) works very well. It works great and motivates.

You find support from like-minded people and a coach

When you work alone, you don’t always understand whether you are succeeding or not. This also applies to the development of the body and the acquisition of new personal qualities.

You read the technique in a book, but perhaps you are doing it “a little wrong,” so there is no result. Or maybe you have a special case, not described in the same book.

Yes, and what’s most offensive is that you are so wonderful, you’ve learned so much... And there’s no one to share it with.

During the training, you receive individual error correction and advice just for you. You can see how the group is progressing, ask questions to the leader and participants.

Seeing how people solve problems similar to yours, you often receive invaluable answers; You reveal personal depths of understanding and trust.

Yes, and, frankly, we all simply need social approval, the positive reaction of other people to our achievements. This is in our nature.

I really love the moments of live communication in the group , when we share our achievements and problems, look at the examples of others, and discuss issues together. I missed all this most of all when I was on the “path of a loner.”

New, unexpected perspective and methods for solving problems

We all have a “blind eye” on ourselves. This has probably happened to you: you thought about a problem and went in the same circle over and over again? Something inside seems to be stopping you, turning you around, and you can’t get out of this rut ​​without a push from the outside.

I'll give you a personal example. When I came to art therapy for the first time, I already had 4 years of teacher training in fine arts under my belt. And I, a little nervously, thought: “What else will they teach me here?” But! Already in the first lesson, the world turned upside down.

Before that, I learned to draw as a means of transferring the beauty of the world onto paper using a pencil and paints. With the laws of perspective, light and shade, etc.

And here suddenly drawing became a magical tool for reflecting my inner experiences, my unconscious. I saw how the simplest, almost childish drawings showed, for example, the state of affairs in my family, my true dreams, my inner pain and joy.

Like doodles drawn with my eyes closed, they suddenly reveal to me the cause of my offense or illness. I myself simply would not have gotten to the bottom of this, even if I sat down and began to think long and painfully.

The trainings always provide a fresh perspective and new methods for solving your problems. And they usually turn out to be pretty simple and very cool.

Great fun with benefits

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t write about this. Personal growth training is great entertainment that can’t be compared to anything else.

Time flies by in one breath, you are constantly involved in some processes, communicating with people. You write something, draw something, dance.

Elite trainings are now generally structured as games, beautiful rituals, and adventures.

Many people now choose trainings, master classes, and seminars as an alternative to traditional recreation (especially TV and alcohol). Even theater and concerts do not give such an effect, because there you are just a spectator, but here you are a participant, a hero!

Plus, of course, there is a specific benefit - you solve some of your problems, gain new knowledge and skills, and understand yourself better.

Two days spent in good training are felt and remembered as a whole month of life. Yes, and then it takes a long time to “catch up” with various insights and positive changes in life.

You can’t survive this alone, hugging a computer. How great it is that personal growth trainings exist in the world!

Tell me, have you attended any trainings? How was it?
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