The main purpose of a person: methods of finding purpose



Film "Julius Caesar"

The purpose of Julius Caesar.

The Terminator movie

If you know what you have to do, you have your purpose.

Film “Lectures on the Women of L.A. Matsikh"

Matriarchy, the purpose of women and female cruelty

​​​​​​​Destination (life purpose) is the life path assigned to a person even before his birth. Previously, purpose was understood simply and unambiguously, as a social purpose, as your life path, which was prescribed to you by your family and environment.

The king's son, having been born, was raised as a future king, he was developed the abilities, skills and manners necessary for royal rule. His obvious purpose is to be a king. The son of a merchant, born at the same (medieval) time, had a different purpose from childhood: to be the son of his father, to become a merchant. The son of a warrior was destined to grow up like a warrior, the girl was destined to marry whomever her parents chose for her. This is all a social purpose.

Nowadays, social purpose is quite rare; children themselves can participate in determining their life path from their school years. Nevertheless, almost every person thinks about his destiny, because each of us has at least his own natural abilities. If you have developed a mathematical mind or artistic talent since childhood, perhaps your destiny is to realize yourself in these areas. It's great when girls think about their destiny to be a mother, however, if a girl is talented in different areas, she finds herself in a situation of difficult choice.

The search for their Destination is often occupied by people for whom personal success is not enough, for whom it is not enough to become status, rich and socially packaged. But does choosing a life path boil down to this alternative? — No, the peaks of personal growth and development may be different.

The idea of ​​mystical destiny has gained popularity among many people - the idea of ​​a real, authentic life path, intended for a person by some Higher Power. In contrast to social purpose, a very mundane thing, the mystical is usually written with a capital letter, as the Destination of a person. The popularizer of this view was the fashionable writer Paulo Coelho (“The Alchemist”), however, even before him, mystics or simply people with mystical, childish and romantic moods naturally believed in their mystical Destiny.

According to the cultural myth about mystical destiny, every person has (receives) his destiny from birth. Man is given the ability to feel his Destination - by Signs and by inner feelings. Fulfilling one's destiny makes a person's life joyful and worthy, filled with meaning; failure to fulfill it automatically and hopelessly condemns one to melancholy and the experience of the meaninglessness of existence.

It is impossible to scientifically prove either the presence or absence of his Purpose in a person’s life. Whether a person has his Purpose or not is a question not of science, but of faith. As a personal experience, belief in one's destiny has its advantages: as biographical studies have shown, those who left a worthy mark on the history of mankind, as a rule, believed in their special destiny in childhood. In childhood, believing in your Destiny is good and correct. In youth and adulthood, using it as a situational positive belief and an uplifting metaphor is smart. Seriously, beyond childhood, believing in your Destiny is not very productive. For a weak personality this faith is dangerous, but for a mature one it is not very necessary. For a mature person to seriously, unconditionally believe in his Destiny is rather debatable and more often a manifestation of childish centropupism.

Taking into account your natural inclinations is reasonable and natural, but there is no reason to believe that the Universe has prepared some special path for you personally.

All the talk about how by finding your calling/destiny/mission (whatever you call it), you will solve all your problems is a cheap scam. Nothing in life is meant for you. There is no magic pill for finding happiness. There is no business that will make you happy either - if you don’t know how to work and don’t know the basics of being satisfied with life. There is nothing ready-made for you in life. And it is useless to rummage inside yourself. You will only have what you make for yourself.

Even more specifically: if you don’t do a single favorite thing for yourself, you won’t have a single one. And I have a dozen or more favorite things that are quite close to my calling and purpose. Why? Because I invested in them, I know them very well, I mastered them perfectly - and loved them. This is no longer difficult: once you do something perfectly, you almost always start to like it. Don’t be lazy, master your most important tasks perfectly, and they will become your favorite ones!

I have dozens of favorite things to do. And if suddenly one thing disappears, suddenly I can’t do it, my arms/legs fall off, something collapses - but I’ll just as happily do another favorite thing. And if it suddenly disappeared, they didn’t give it to me, they destroyed it - but I have a third favorite thing. And in every task you can be happy, you can move it forward, achieve great results, wake up early in the morning with pleasure, if you just know how to work. More precisely, if you know how to work efficiently, know how to achieve results and know how to do it beautifully.

How do you find or do what you love? — About this, see another article, “How to find your favorite thing.”

Good luck to you!

The cause of crises in our society

The world is designed in such a way that only those who give themselves more to the world than consume from the outside, only those who successfully express their uniqueness in the world, survive and live happily. Therefore, it seems quite obvious that the reason for today's world economic and ideological crises is that the main motivation of a person is not giving, but consumption.

Why is that? Each person is a “semiconductor” of the divine will; each of us receives from God (from the world, the universe, from within ourselves) exactly as much energy as he is ready to master and transmit further along the chain. Energy flows through each of us like a river: littered with stones, it dries up, and the person gradually dies; if the path for water is clear and a person expresses himself, he becomes happy and lives long, being a good conductor of the divine force from within himself to the outside.

Why is our society in a consumption crisis? Just because people are not trained with

childhood and school, to determine your innate predispositions, unique character traits and learn to follow them, despite external resistance that will always exist, such is the nature of our society (see lecture on reform of the education system).

If a person does not have high awareness from birth, does not have high energy potential, then he most likely will not be able to “find his purpose” on his own, blindly through trial and error. Although we cannot exclude the fact that God is good, and perhaps a person will find himself “by chance.”

Practice of personality analysis

Some of these methods of self-analysis can help you describe your character, some indicate your dominant thinking patterns, and some indicate your “emotional profile.” Everyone is different, everyone is different, and everyone understands themselves in a unique way, so try several ways of analysis and something will work for you.

In addition, one method complements the other well and expands your self-image. After all, not a single person fits into any one system, and these systems rather serve as beacons and keys in order to light your own flame of awareness inside you.

If it is important for you to understand the information that you will receive about yourself during self-analysis, we recommend that you first carefully read these materials, which tell the basic moments of human life.

Articles by Sergei Bobyr:

  • What is the Path and Where Are We Going?
  • How to increase the efficiency of spiritual leaders bringing teaching to people
  • What is psychology, why do we need it, how to choose a specialist and direction for yourself


  • Spencer Johnson, book ""
  • Sergey Kovalev, book ""
  • Steve Pavlina "Personal Development for Smart People"

And others…

Preparation for practice

Preparing for practice comes down to unloading your mind from goals and problems hanging in the background by writing them down on a piece of paper:

  • Write down all your “I want” and “I don’t want” in two columns.
  • Draw a “ daisy ” where you are in the center, and the petals are the spheres of life. For each petal, indicate in % the success of your functioning in this area. Write a plan for the next 5 years for all the failed petals that you must implement to bring them to 100%. Based on normal and good petals, also write down what to do so that everything continues to develop. In this model, you must be self-sufficient - the petals must cover all levels (spirit, soul, body, society, etc.). And you should always leave room for new petals.
  • Analyze your personality according to the system.

Practice 1. Astrology

We have analyzed the free astrological services now available on the Internet. Using them, you can analytically describe yourself, your individuality, try to understand your life task, try to “erase” the found subconscious patterns of your behavior.

  • System of self-knowledge “Calendar according to the Book of Changes I-Ching“
  • Human Design System (very useful, even)

Practice 2. Intuitive analysis

  • The books by Jean Shinoda Bolen “Goddesses in Every Woman” and “Gods in Every Man” - it makes sense to read, understand which archetype you belong to, and “erase” your dependence on it, or use it consciously and for its intended purpose.
  • Article by Steve Pavlin “” - no comments, everything is in the article.

Practice 3. Answering questions

Try to answer the following questions for yourself and record the answers on paper. In the future, of course, they will change, but it is the current moment that is important to you, it is important to take a step expressed in your specific actions.

  1. Who am I? My life purpose, what does my soul want from me?
  2. What are my main predispositions and character traits?
  3. What do I love, what do I strive for, what does my heart desire?
  4. What do other people say, what do I bring to other people, what do they receive in my company?
  5. What is my immediate goal? My plan of action?
  6. What is stopping me the most right now from achieving what I want, my lowest point as a person?
  7. What questions bother me most in life right now, where does my attention flow? Write them out.

Practice 4. Watching videos and meditating

The video shows realized people who have reached a high spiritual level (which was written about above).

Here it is important to engage deeply in the viewing, so as to catch what is being said between the lines. Turn watching it into a meditation for yourself, where you temporarily turn off your analytical thinking and perceive energy and states. Before watching, clearly set a task for yourself - to determine your main life goal, your purpose .

Sergey Bobyr:

Sergey Lazarev:

Yaroslavna Gordash:

Philosophy of calling

In your search for purpose, you should not focus on desires and dreams of a pleasant, comfortable life. Exercises like “describe your ideal day” provoke people to daydream and are susceptible to fashion influences.

Vocation is closer to duty, to forced activity (when it is impossible otherwise).

Every person is given the ability to be useful to people in some way. If he acts from these abilities, and the work brings him satisfaction, then his destiny has been found.

Vocation is a subtle thing. This is not a template that needs to be put on successfully for everything to suddenly become wonderful. Something significant and valuable in fate is sometimes born in completely unfavorable conditions.

A person is rarely fully realized at work and only finds his purpose in the professional sphere. Many reveal themselves in social activities and hobbies. Marriage and raising children also involve a huge investment in the happiness of loved ones.

Conclusion: tune in to service and multitasking.

Prepare for your search

Psychotherapist Viktor Frankl , the founder of logotherapy, treated neuroses by searching with people for the meaning of their lives. He believed that the meaning was changing. Frankl called meaning the most important needs. Therefore, it is better to focus on earthly affairs, earnings, pressing problems, and not on the salvation of humanity.

Consider a few thoughts before you begin to peer into the depths of the soul:

  • Any identification is not a death sentence. People change their profession, country of residence, name and much more to be in the flow.
  • Everything is possible. Allow yourself to be strong. We forbid ourselves a lot.
  • Consider age. Some things are done with youthful energy, others with mature energy. Don't cling to teenage ideals, guitar, poetry, etc. Your blood chemistry has changed.
  • Don't look for the answer as a final formula. You may be sick, neglected, punished, disoriented by bad habits and sins. You will probably be shown the bottom rung rather than the top rung.

Find out where to find inspiration for your work and creativity.

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