The main thing about the nature of fear

How to get rid of fear?

Currently, there is no universal remedy that can be used to get rid of fear quickly and effectively. The classification of fears is very broad, so the process of getting rid of phobias is individual in each case.

In order to overcome anxiety states, you need to do long and hard work on yourself. If a person cannot find the strength to confront his phobias on his own, no specialist will be able to help him. The effectiveness of treatment depends 99% on the patient himself and only 1% on the psychologist.

Therefore, it is quite possible to overcome many forms of fear on your own. Moreover, very often a person does not want to seek help from a specialist, but is determined.

The main forms of fear that accompany people throughout life are the fear of failure, loneliness and change. Despite the fact that these emotions are natural, it is necessary to fight them, since any phobias interfere with a person’s normal functioning, sometimes even causing him to withdraw into himself.

To combat fears, psychology provides the following methods:

  1. First of all, a person needs to most accurately determine what fear means specifically for him, and also recognize his phobias. In some cases, this can be very difficult to do, because most people try to ignore their anxiety, pretending that they have no fear. The most important point when fear appears is to determine the cause that caused it.
  2. After this, psychologists recommend writing them down. This will help materialize phobias and get rid of them faster.
  3. You need to understand how fear works and feel it. When anxious feelings appear, there is no need to try to drive them away and ignore your feelings. You should try to gain control over your emotions.
  4. After the fear has been fully felt, it is worth asking yourself what the worst outcome of this situation can happen. This will help you understand that any existing problem is surmountable. If you are afraid of being rejected by the opposite sex, you should explain to yourself that there is an opportunity to find a better person. If there is a fear of career failure, it is quite possible to find a more interesting and profitable job. It is necessary to understand that life does not end there.
  5. Feeling inner fear, you do not need to give up your actions. To get rid of fear, you should meet it halfway, continuing to achieve your goal. Gradually the anxiety will decrease and then disappear altogether.
  6. To reduce anxiety, you need to carefully develop your action plan in a situation that causes fear, be it meeting a new person, an exam or an interview.
  7. Since all human fears are, to one degree or another, associated with anxiety about the unknown, psychologists recommend thinking as little as possible about the future and concentrating as much as possible on the present.

If a phobia is provoked by a serious life shock and a long-term depressive state arises against its background, it is quite difficult to get rid of anxiety on your own. In such cases, it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist.

In many cases, the origin of phobias lies deep inside a person’s subconscious, which is why it is almost impossible to understand their nature without the help of a psychologist.

Benefits of drug treatment

The main advantages of drug therapy in the treatment of fear syndrome in adults are:

  • high accessibility to any segment of the population;
  • the fastest effect;
  • the ability to very quickly eliminate a panic attack or anxiety;
  • low cost of drugs;
  • feasibility of application, regardless of the complexity of the situation;
  • the possibility of long-term use of drugs in the most severe cases.

All modern medications that are used in the treatment of panic and anxiety have a very low level of toxicity. Therefore, if you follow the doctor’s instructions and dosage, the risk of complications is minimal.

Perhaps the only negative aspect of this method of treatment is that medications are not able to rid a person of the immediate cause of fear. The use of medications helps only temporarily reduce the physiological manifestations of anxiety. As a rule, after stopping the course of drugs, all symptoms return. In the case of long-term therapy, drug dependence develops over a couple of years, as a result of which a person is forced to constantly take one or another drug.

Any type of anxiety is an absolutely natural human emotion. Every individual is afraid of something, so there is no universal remedy for treating phobias. In order to get rid of anxious and obsessive feelings, you need to do hard work, and it is better to seek help from a specialist who will select a more effective method of therapy.

Fear concept

The concept of fear is very multifaceted, since many of its processes remain not fully understood. It is quite difficult to say unequivocally what fear is, because it directly depends on the specific situation. At different times, the concept of fear was developed by many scientists, and each of them explained this emotion in different ways. Perhaps every person can give a generalized definition of fear. This phenomenon is a kind of signal of impending danger, which implements the instinct of self-preservation. The feeling of strong fear forces a person to perform actions that are normally beyond his control, for example: running at high speed, jumping over very large obstacles, increased mental ability.

From a scientific point of view, anxiety refers to standard emotional processes that are characteristic of humans from birth. It activates all the body’s protective resources, thereby preparing it to fight an impending threat or escape.

Fear and courage arose many centuries ago, simultaneously with humanity itself. Even in ancient times, the main functions of fear were to ensure the safety of a person and preserve his life in various situations. The very state of fear is inherent in the human consciousness for the purpose of prompt recognition of dangerous situations.

From birth to death, people tend to experience a feeling of fear. The intensity of such sensations may vary, but you cannot find a single person on earth who is not afraid of anything. Sometimes the nature of fear is completely understandable, but in some cases such a feeling arises for no apparent reason.

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