The dependent position of the personality of a marginal woman in a difficult life situation as a negative factor in the socialization of the child * 1127


A marginalized person is a person who lives and participates in the cultural life and traditions of two different peoples. He can never completely break with his past and traditions and cannot be accepted into the new society in which he is trying to find his place. He is a man at the border of two cultures and two societies, the values ​​of which may be different.

A marginal personality is a product of population migration, those various processes as a result of which a person of a certain culture is forced to master new cultural values, social roles, and lifestyles.

Mixed marriages lead to marginalization. The resulting offspring are bicultural by birth. People born in mixed marriages either inherit both cultural traditions or face a choice of defining traditions.

Marginality is caused by the loss of a certain cultural and social identity of people as a result of social changes.

Any reorganizations that change the social status and roles of people give rise to tension and mental disorders. The loss of previous opportunities and familiar environment increases a person’s embitterment and gives rise to a feeling of envy towards wealthier segments of the population.

The process of modernization leads to marginalization, which can also dramatically change the specific social and cultural fields to which a particular individual is connected. Modernization can dramatically change the mechanisms of socialization and the set of cultural values, which can also cause culture shock. Contact with another reality can also lead to problems and misunderstanding.

But marginality also has its positive sides.

It often serves as a stimulant for the development of a person’s creative abilities and helps enrich his inner world. Combining elements of different cultures can lead to personal enrichment.

A person’s cultural horizons expand – he learns about the existence of other cultural values, other religions and political views, and learns tolerance towards norms of behavior and habits that often contradict his own.

It should be emphasized that few marginalized people manage to overcome their psychologically divided state. They are not always successful; not everyone manages to master a new profession at the same level of professional skill as the previous one.

The majority of marginalized people remain in a transitional state.

In conditions of intense interaction between cultures, knowledge about another culture and the ability to adapt to different cultural environments are required.

ⓘ Encyclopedia | Marginal Science - Wiki..

Fundamental ecology: Educational materials: V.D. Myatlev, L.

Characteristics of the phenomenon marginal ™ in the European scientific tradition. 1.3. Specifics of approaches to the analysis of the marginal ™ phenomenon in Russia. Marginality as a form of social outsider. Its goal is to channel the creative energy of marginalized mostly rural youth between the ages of 15 and 25. Marginal ocean filters influence the natural environment. Scientific research indicates that in most cases, and perhaps always, implantation results in loss of marginal bone. Marginal personality essay on sociology Docsity. It is quite legitimate to question the right to the existence of the term marginal family, however, in scientific literature and official ones. Parascience as a transformed form and marginal knowledge p. Marginal art: The problem of aesthetic interaction: architectural, academies of sciences, art critics, philosophers of aesthetics, etc. The marginal fate of modern Russian philosophy. These numerous marginal groups coexist peacefully or not so peacefully with Marginal Science, a scientific direction of research in.

Gurin S. Marginal anthropology google -

Marginal science translation in the Russian English dictionary. Marginal science Russian Ukrainian Dictionary Glosbe. Cand. psychol. Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher says that a marginal personality manifests itself in all three dimensions. Manifestations of a marginal attitude to law Article c. Annotation. Target. To evaluate the effectiveness of staged complex treatment of a patient with peripheral marginal corneal degeneration PMD and. Why do ordinary people have marginal and conspiracy theories? Marginal science is a scientific direction of research in established English. Russian scientific field of English Russian TYPOLOGY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS. ATTEMPT OF CLASSIFICATION In the world of science and art: issues of philology, art history and cultural studies: collection. Art. by mother XXXV international Marginal blogger Oleg Mongol danced in the studio. Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Problems named after. G.P. complex based on marginal MMN oil fields, obviously.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were included in the criminal case.

§ 2. The subject is marginal. Prince Igor and sorcery Igor Levanov Marginal personality as a subject of difficult communication Text of a scientific article in the specialty Psychological Sciences. Uzlov Nikolay. Marginal hero in the prose of r. Senchina RUDN Journal of. Marginal religiosity is a type of religiosity that allows. social and philosophical foundations Science and Society:. Scientific readings in memory of K.G. Bohemian Marginal art. MARGINAL PERSONALITY: CHALLENGES OF MODERN PERSONALITY The term marginality is used in the scientific literature for...

Marginal filter Volzhsko INGG SB RAS.

12 Feb 2009 New marginal groups in Russian society in the modern world: materials of the XI International Scientific Conference: in 2 volumes. Marginal identity in a diaspora topic. The marginal fate of modern Russian philosophy. August 4, 2012 by Evgeniy Rudny Filed under: Science in Russia, Philosophy. Marginal filter of the Volgian-Early Berriasian west. Marginal science is a scientific direction of research in an existing scientific field that deviates significantly from the prevailing or. Marginalization. Because Science is among the first in its intolerance of wrong points. Traditionally, the term marginal science is used for. The Big Bang that never happened Science Nezavisimaya newspaper. Marginal science translation in the Russian-Ukrainian dictionary.

Scientists have found out how many people believe in the theories of the West. The science.

He was Gogol's friend. Marginal science is a scientific direction of research in an established scientific field that. Marginal photography images from the margins of life BBC. Information support for our project: Digital copy center in St. Petersburg: copying works, printing a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, printing drawings. On the role of marginalized individuals in Interactive Plus. Methodological foundations of marginal anthropology. Basic Reflection. Science and religion as anthropological phenomena. Creativity how. SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATIONS V.S. Kursk PROBLEM. See also: Marginal and Marginal science Marginality of late lat. marginalis. Marginal: The phenomenon of marginality in culture Marginal. The concept of marginality from the French. marginal - incidental, used in the margins in various fields of scientific knowledge - economics, psychology,.

Marginal personality: challenges of modern society.

States and rights, methodology of legal science, etc. culture, marginal behavior, legal status of marginal subjects, etc. Marginal theory, philosophy: google - Scientific groups Ecology The resulting column defines the one-dimensional marginal density. The marginal density is determined in the same way. Results of complex treatment of a patient with transparent. See also: Marginal and Marginal science Marginality of late lat. marginalis sociological concept. Marginal English translation – Linguee Dictionary. Typology of psychological deviations in the development of marginalized individuals seeking help from social protection institutions. Legends about marginal people InoSMI. Children have always been marginal members of the family. Marina Children have always existed on the periphery and were marginal members of the family, where their parents were at the head. Now. POPULAR SCIENCE.

The meaning of the word "marginal"


(from lat.

margo, marginis - edge, boundary) in art: an author who adheres to a sharply individual, creative strategy that differs from the generally accepted one; a mixture of a talented eccentric and an (un)voluntary outcast; a master of inimitable originality; an artist whose entire legacy is opposed to officialdom.

Time inexorably carries out the rotation of marginalism and the mainstream: Arthur Rambaud and Paul Verlaine stand for French poetry of the late 19th century, and not the nobel Sully-Prudhomme, and not the Alexandrian epics, but the Satyricon is an expression of the spirit of late antiquity.

Any pattern in the study of the dynamics of marginality is conditional. Without a doubt, 20th-century modernism was created by marginalized people, from Joyce to Pollock, but in Soviet Russia of the 1920s, the figures of the revolutionary avant-garde were most often government officials, or even high-ranking functionaries, that is, anything but marginalized. The convention is political and geographical: for today’s West, the marginalized are representatives of socialist realism, and not, say, the conceptualist Ilya Kabakov, a regular at the most prestigious international exhibitions. The figures of necrorealism are infinitely marginal - but the jingoistic painter Ilya Glazunov is also deeply marginal; national recognition and official laurels do not give him a reliable ticket to the mainstream, since his art lacks the necessary stylistic reproduction, is narrow and limited with all the messianic claims.

The development of mass media does not give M. a chance to remain so for an unlimited period. M. is sometimes a recluse: self-isolation did not prevent Salinger from becoming the central figure of American prose of the 20th century, otherwise the situation is with M. Blanchot, who zealously defends his privacy, adding to it the absolute hermeticism of texts, which remain a tough nut to crack even for Jacques Derrida. Sometimes he is a dangerous madman like Artaud, who is eventually written into the history of world theater, sometimes he is a willing acid madman like Ken Kesey or Timothy Leary. Or a graphomaniac like the Silver Age poetess Maria Paper, mockingly described in Khodasevich’s essay: today all possible norms of professionalism have been violated and violated. And it’s certainly true that M. is not always a supporter of perversion. But almost always the author who plays on someone else’s mutilation for too long is marginal, even though he does this not without success (the theater of Yukhananov, who uses the game of downs).

Marginality, rather, is a combination of many characteristics that form the phenomenon of creative unorthodoxy. It is not enough to call yourself M. to be one, just as it is not enough to follow the path of marginal oppositionism all your life, because it can be picked up by advertising or adherents. Marginality is unpredictable, like life: today it covers, for example, classical music and partly theater. On the contrary, gay culture is almost a boon, not to mention postmodernism, whose legitimization in society reaches an indecent level.

By the way, the author of this article is also M.

O. Sidor-Gibelinda

SEE: Alternative, Radical, Punky, Skins, Necrorealism and much more.

* Maurice Blanchot (b. 1907, Ken) - French philosopher and writer. It is known that he studied with E. Levinas at the University of Strasbourg, and then was friends with J. Bataille. The most mysterious humanist of our time: there is no photo of him, few of his contemporaries and authors who experienced his influence can boast that they talked with him on the phone (!) Works: -Dark Thomas" (1941), "Aminodav" (1942), “The Wrong Step” (1943), “For Fire” (1949), “Literary Space” (1955), “The Last Man” (1957), “The Coming Book” (1959), “Endless Interview” (1969), “ Step Out" (1973), "Pitch Letter" (1980), etc. *

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