Self-realization of a child’s personality in project activities

Per scholae ad vitae (From school to life)

A person’s interest in various fields of knowledge makes it easier to navigate in social space. This allows him not to get hung up on overcoming stage-by-stage obstacles, but to be active in a wide range of possibilities. The development of such a position occurs over a lifetime.

But the formation of the starting potential of a socially active person is, of course, entrusted to the school. It is the place in which a person will spend the most crucial age period for him. At this time he undergoes the greatest personal changes in his life. No wonder they say that after school all roads are open. Or that graduates get a start in life...

The student must be involved in the process of acquiring knowledge fully and taking into account his personal characteristics. If a person behaves like an outsider, his participation in the educational process will not have results.

Not only will he not acquire knowledge, but he will continue to withdraw into his social sluggishness. Therefore, the teacher cannot ignore the obvious “slippage” of the educational and educational process for such students.

If the self-esteem of one of the students is too high, then this is also an extreme option for positioning oneself in society. In this case, the hyperactivity of a classmate with significant self-importance inevitably affects the overall learning atmosphere. Personal harm is also caused to socially unstable, weak-willed students.

Such clearly negative dominance complicates any educational activities and contributes to psychological tension. And, of course, the would-be leader himself ends up suffering in an unsightly struggle for reputation.

Similar problems occur in any socially closed group. The teenage community, unfortunately, differs in that it is more reflexive and vulnerable in such social conflicts. It is important to help each student find the right motivation in accordance with his best qualities. Ideally, the cognitive space should belong to each student equally. It is, of course, impossible to achieve such highly productive realism.

But it is precisely this goal that should determine the selfless actions of the teacher. Without attempts to seek and find solutions in this direction, learning will remain stepping over a lot of empty heads. Only highlighting personal problems and weak links in the team of students will save the educational process.

At the same time, he will follow the thankless path of accumulating difficulties. But the individual attention shown, even at the expense of regulatory, formal efficiency, will be the most honest action.

And it must be rewarded. A student with low self-esteem will respond with an awakened interest in knowledge. The informal leader will be emphasized “underestimated” from the position of his arrogance and hypocrisy. But he will receive a common invitation to everyone to fully participate in the development of truly useful knowledge.

It is then that we can talk about the possibility of self-realization for every growing student. And this is clearly not a public credo, and not the pursuit of public interests. Rather, it is a process associated with cultivating the will to discover the world from purely personal perspectives. When you not so much enjoy the accessible sides of existence, but try to apply yourself in it.

Self-realization of a child’s personality through involvement in creative activities

Self-realization of a child’s personality through involvement in creative activities.

Author - compiler:

Igumnova Svetlana Anatolevna,

additional education teacher,

MKU DOCDOD Vyatskie Polyany,

1 qualification category.

Arts and crafts are traditional in every country in the world. Most of us picked up brushes as children, some tried to knit or embroider flowers with interest and curiosity, some made wonderful toys. The subject environment surrounds a person constantly; it influences the subconscious, positively and negatively shaping his feelings and emotions, manner of behavior and communication. This means that arts and crafts also contribute to the spiritual development of a person - through constructive, aesthetically significant creative activity.

It is believed that the highest level of activity is achieved by a person in creativity. Creative activity raises a person from the level of a consumer of spiritual and material values ​​to the level of their creator.

People who have poorly developed reproductive skills can be potential destroyers of the cultural traditions of society. In the absence of targeted pedagogical influence on the development of students' creative abilities, their fading occurs. To prevent the category of destroyers from being replenished, it is necessary for all children, regardless of ability, to be involved in creative activities.

But in nature, nothing happens by itself. A child is not a self-sufficient creature for self-development due to age, little knowledge, and weakness of physical and spiritual strength. We need a teacher. But he is only an assistant, a protector, an adviser, and finally, a role model. But not an overseer, not a “sculptor”. Its task is to create conditions for the child’s self-development. The flower grows on its own. There is no need to pull it by the top, shove it or kick it. It needs to be watered, heated and illuminated by the sun. He needs to create conditions that satisfy his internal needs and demands. And then the plant will be healthy, strong and beautiful, as nature prescribed for it.

Creativity as the highest form of human activity and independent activity was considered by domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists.

Since childhood, I liked to create something with my own hands; I always had a desire to learn a new type of needlework. Later I became interested in knitting and am very glad that over time this hobby became a profession.


is one of the traditional types of arts and crafts. The variety of knitted items is huge: from small souvenirs and toys to products that can be worn in any weather and at any time of the year.

Active anticipation or creative breakthrough

Self-realization depends on the activity of interaction with the world. It uses many tools of psychological development. Such as imitation of ideals, modeling scenarios for achieving a goal, creative interpretation of known successful algorithms.

The desire for self-realization arises with the opportunity to reveal one’s potential for creative impulses. The conditions and the disposition of surrounding factors may not work out. In addition, each individual has a need for self-realization in his own way, with his own preferences.

Therefore, maintaining this righteous fire in young and still-forming minds is a task of the highest pedagogical priority.

There are many ways to solve it. More established practices have been tested. However, commitment to adherence to the methodological principles in them is little compatible with the original noble intention. Sometimes a delicate goal is distorted by forcing, by using simplifications mediated by trivial methods.

Auxiliary pedagogical tools can help effective independent personal development only in an atmosphere of wise goodwill.

In the psychology of teaching, there is a system verified in this regard, which has become known as the “expectation” technique. This means the following. The teacher can take a position of interested passive observation in relation to the student. In the sense that he seems to know the enormous internal potential of the ward.

We can only wait for its successful and productive manifestations. In turn, this unspoken benevolence of the teacher forces the student to mobilize and believe in his capabilities.

The prerequisites are created for high-quality self-assessment and maximum exploration of internal resources. The student, feeling the constant sympathetic attention of the teacher, strives to meet his expectations. A desire for success comes to him, which is much more difficult to achieve in his usual, “dispersed” mode.

In this regard, the observations of sociologist B. Tuckman are interesting. He noted that teachers, as a rule, more actively involve students with higher expectations in surveys. This subconscious “discrimination” should serve as a guide for the teacher in aligning work with the group.

The balance of the survey should be biased towards those students for whom the level of expectation is lower. That is, the bar of demand for inactive students will rise. The epicenter of the teacher’s attention will shift in their direction, which will confirm them in the fullness of their self-realization.

Of course, the conclusions here should not be so exaggerated. After all, the task of raising the bar of expectations for individual students is not final. There still remains a need to stimulate the dedication of the student who has received a “portion” of attention.

Involving him in the waiting project is not yet a panacea for the development of his active independence. In this we can rely both on the individual qualities of the student and on the intuition of the teacher.

Children's organizations in schools

By self-realization of children we mean a conscious and subjectively significant process of a child disclosing his abilities and capabilities in activities and relationships. Self-realization of a child as a process presupposes the following: identification of oneself with others, openness to experience and its acceptance; varied perception by the subject of sensory-given situations; creative nature of the subject's activity.

A child’s self-realization of his “I” is associated with his self-knowledge and self-development. Self-development is primary; it is an objective process that does not depend on the mind and will of a person. With age, it develops into self-education - self-development controlled by the individual himself. This happens when self-development becomes controlled by consciousness, when the child more and more consciously begins to participate in improving his “I”.

The condition and driving force for a child’s self-realization in a children’s public organization is the field of self-realization. The concept of “field” denotes a certain internal “gravity” of subjects towards each other, a mutual desire to interact, the result of which is their joint activity.

Since in a children's public organization the behavior of one child is connected with the behavior of others and interaction in the organization is determined by the motives of the participants, we introduced the concept of “field of self-realization.” By analogy, the observed process of self-realization is a function of the field formed by interdependent factors influencing this process. Changing the conditions for children's self-realization changes their motives and themselves; on the other hand, the impact on the participants in the process of self-realization will influence the field of self-realization and the entire system under study.

The field of self-realization arises when there is a sphere of common social interests. If the interaction of children in the process of self-realization is interpersonal, only in the process of communication, then its cycle is limited to three closed links: determination of common social interests - formation of a field of self-realization - expansion of the sphere of social interests. If the interaction is substantive, then in the presence of a common social interest and the field of self-realization that has arisen on this basis, the subject of joint activity is identified, its goals are determined, a set of joint social actions is designed, the implementation of the goals of joint activity is organized, a step-by-step analysis of social actions is carried out, and correction of social behavior and activities is carried out . As a result, not only self-realization occurs, but also the expansion of the sphere of social interests of children.

In this closed cycle, not a single link acquires self-sufficient significance, since it depends on the other links and vice versa. All of them are connected by internal dynamic unity.

In accordance with the above, by the field of self-realization we understand the availability of opportunities for children to realize their personal socially significant interests and needs, which are presented to them by a children's public organization in the process of organizing joint activities, expanding the sphere of communication, and forming a reflexive position.

Creating a field of self-realization involves:

organization, design of life situations of a children's public organization that contribute to the maximum manifestation of individual (personal) potential in the largest possible number of members of the organization;

optimization of the style of relationships between members of a children's public organization, between organizations, their leaders and representatives;

creating an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding in a children's public organization.

Much depends on self-realization and on the way of organizing socially significant activities of members of a children's organization. There is also a direct connection and dependence between the way the life activities of members of a children’s organization are organized and their satisfaction with its results. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about such a pattern as the dependence of the results of self-realization on the method of organizing the activity during which it was carried out.

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Reflective potential

The issue of self-organization and the ability to develop reflective skills comes to the forefront of the study of personal fulfillment. For example, the author of developmental teaching methods, D. Elkonina, sees the broadest pedagogical field in solving such issues. She believes that the educational process should be organized more universally.

So that all its aspects and stages work to develop the child’s intelligence. That is, the learning structure must contain elements that will ensure independent knowledge. They will create the basis for students to make meaningful decisions at every stage of acquiring knowledge.

Helpful student reflection is not just about self-discipline. He should be encouraged to control his development precisely by organizing the learning process. When the cognitive cycle is focused on the ability of students to obtain an adequate understanding of their activities in it. This is achieved by interactive group techniques: debate, cross-dialogue, argumentation, polylogue, mutual comments.

The need for such activity is that self-knowledge comes out of areas closed by individual ideas. It is supported by opinions, trends, external characteristics. And this is a really serious step in self-esteem for developing socialization skills. And we are not talking here about overcoming the many doubts inherent in all normally developing children.

Self-realization of children.




Artistic and aesthetic

It is useful to know the priority channel of perception of your child (“Communicate with a child, how?”, author: Gippenreiter), how specifically it is easier to convey the necessary information to his consciousness. Therefore, it is important to determine what is primary for him:

Touch (kinesthetic)

hearing (auditory)

Vision (visual)

How does a parent usually influence the choice of a hobby or type of activity for their child?

Firstly: It is safe to say that every parent unconsciously strives for the realization of those unfulfilled desires and abilities that are characteristic of him, he will strive for decompensation.


The parent, showing understandable concern for the future professional choice of his child, tries to turn him around and direct him towards a prestigious profession that provides prosperity and position in society. Since the parent, of course, is a significant person, even in the absence of pronounced external pressure on the child, the influence, one way or another, turns out to be the parent’s very preference for this type of activity.

It is no secret that currently the percentage of children in need of correction of the emotional-volitional sphere is increasing. It is important to realize that the accuracy of the choice will be objectively reflected at all levels:



interactions in society

The essence of additional education for children is expressed through the unity and mutual influence of such properties as non-formality, initiative, creative cooperation, interpersonal communication, free choice. This type of education operates outside the boundaries of formal education and, being free from strict regulations, standards and requirements for the results of the latter, additional education is focused on the specific expectations, interests, needs, needs and educational demands of children, their parents, various social, professional, demographic groups population.

In the event of a forced transition of an additional education institution to self-financing,

These mechanisms are activated to determine forced adjustments of preferences.

The influence of an adult on the child’s not yet fully conscious, determined choice.

In many ways, this is already a choice “FROM THE MIND”, which blurs and interrupts the child’s vague ideas about his calling.

The basic principle is that voluntariness can be violated under the influence of external factors: forced refusal in favor of other activities due to rating indicators, fashion trends; beliefs based on false values ​​of rational choice of the individual; ignoring, suppressing the deep needs of the essence - the disposition of the heart, natural inclinations, abilities. Possible influence from the opinions of significant individuals, fear of not being in demand in society. Under the influence of formal value priorities, the process of rationalization of the volitional principle develops. False ideas and statements are the cause of erroneous attitudes - uncertainty develops, and self-distrust is formed. The trajectory of personal development is significantly distorted. Search time increases. The result is the implementation of false goals. The individual receives bitter lessons from fate. The number of negative experiences increases, leading to disappointment. The efficiency of activity decreases, mental burden increases (dysphoria, depression). A person becomes not “like everyone else,” but worse than himself. Internally, this is always felt as a lack of personality. Problems of the emotional and volitional sphere manifest themselves in relationships in society. Regrets and dissatisfaction - toxic emotions - change blood chemistry. Reduce energy potential. In order to realize the importance of choice, you only need to realize the losses or gains of the entire being as a whole: both as an individual and as a biological organism. It's a question of feeling like yourself. In other words, a question of satisfaction and peace of mind.

Evaluating yourself confirms many things

A habitual attitude towards the opportunity to develop among peers is formed if you are able to rely on your individuality. The student acquires the ability to self-critically understand his influence on what is happening. He can now be guided by the developments of those qualities that have been tested in diverse communication.

Correcting cognitive states of development no longer causes psychological discomfort associated with a lack of productive communication. And it’s great if at the same time you can convincingly analyze the course of events for yourself and draw conclusions. In this case, the possibility of achieving optimistic results is open and self-esteem works correctly.

However, skills in assessing their achievements do not yet characterize the student from the position of an active transformer of his personal world. The criterion for such ability is the ability to think independently. Therefore, the qualitative process of self-assessment generalizes the following conditions:

  • The teacher develops criteria and standards by which students’ abilities are assessed. A mandatory component of this stage is to familiarize children with all elements of the assessment. The reasoning for obtaining it should be as transparent as possible;
  • Ensuring the necessary attractiveness of the process and the appropriate psychological attitude for conducting an analysis of achievements;
  • Situational preparation for assessment. Students, after familiarizing themselves with all the standards and criteria, are given complete independence in comparing the results;
  • Stimulating students' independent forecasting of subsequent activities. They can draw up programs, plan the desired changes depending on the developments and results they have received;
  • Accustoming to complete realism of positions of self-control and self-esteem. Constantly analyzing your own mistakes helps with this; without overcoming it is impossible to move on.

Thus, the reflexive skills necessary for acquiring the ability for self-realization are developed. A creative approach in this matter is facilitated by stimulating independence in choosing tasks and methods of performing them.

Ability to see the goal

Acquiring skills of self-control and reflection are necessary for the next stage of instilling in students the desire for self-realization. This step is conscious goal setting. That is, self-development takes on a direction in accordance with a meaningful and clearly defined goal.

The effectiveness of all subsequent work on yourself depends on this. After all, the intended perspective determines the range of aspirations for self-realization. And the wider it is and at the same time more significant for the individual, the better the self-organization will be. The overall perspective undoubtedly implies a range of operational targets. But in achieving them, passion, creativity, and the acquisition of skills will be revealed.

So, mastering life positions in modern society requires students to have a very wide range of personal qualities. To have the required adaptive activity, you need to learn to make correct and timely decisions on your own. To make these skills easier, you need interest and a creative approach. This is what stimulating a developing personality for self-realization is all about.

My sincere respect to everyone who patiently walked with me to the final conclusions of this difficult article. Discuss, express your position in the comments. I would be glad to have any dialogue with caring readers. See you on my pages.

Sincerely, blog author Natalia Minovskaya

Self-realization of preschool teachers in the information environment

Work with parents (item no., forms, content)

Educational, methodological and reference literature

(No., title, author, publisher, year of publication)

"Achievements of a teacher"

— Analysis of morbidity and attendance of students during the school year

— Results of pedagogical diagnostics of children on mastering the program

— Participation of children in competitions, exhibitions, competitions, festivals

(Year of event, title of work, participants, result of participation (diploma, certificates)

“Incentives, awards, reviews”

(No., title of the document, content, who issued it, when it was issued)

“Social activities of a teacher”

— Participation in jury competitions.

— Participation in city sports events (performances at festivals, participation in expert groups, leadership of method associations (creative groups)

Portfolio design

The portfolio of teaching staff is prepared in printed form in the form of a storage folder with files.

Font: Times New Roman, size 14 pt.

Line spacing: one and a half.

Paragraph indentation is 6 characters.

The recommended amount of work is 15 – 25 pages.

Margins: left – 30mm, right – 20mm, top – 20mm, bottom – 20mm.

Page numbers: bottom, right edge.

Each material included in the portfolio is dated.

You can attach material to your portfolio in electronic form (multimedia presentations, photos and videos, etc.).

When preparing a portfolio of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to comply with

the following

systematic and regular self-monitoring;

reliability of materials included in the portfolio;

integrity, thematic completeness of materials;

analytical, teacher focus on increasing the level of professionalism and achieving better results;

accuracy and aesthetics of printed design;

confirmation mark from the methodologist or head of the preschool educational institution.

Portfolio of preschool educational institution

The goal is to provide information about the effectiveness of preschool educational institutions to employees, parents, children, and members of the certification commission. The frequency of filling is at least once a quarter, the storage location is the manager’s office.

Team portfolio

The team portfolio is one of the new and promising types of portfolio. A team is a group of preschoolers, teachers, a circle, a method. association, creative team, etc.

The purpose of creating a team portfolio is to present the achievements, results of the team’s work, develop an integrated approach, a system of work for the implementation of a separate task, create and summarize experience on a specific problem, prepare for a competition, show, etc.

Family portfolio

The family portfolio is one of the new types, but it is the one that allows the child to feel like part of a large, friendly family, and allows parents to systematize and generalize the positive experience of family upbringing, pay attention to problems and difficulties, and find ways to solve them in a timely manner. The structure may contain sections such as “Family tree”, “Family history in pictures”, “Family traditions”, “Our hobbies”, “We travel” and much more.

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