Mentality, activity and behavior of the individual

Psychology as a science, its object, subject and tasks.

Psychology is the field of knowledge about the inner world of people. and animals, that is, the science of the psyche. Psychology emerged as an independent science from philosophy in the second half of the 19th century. This event is associated with the opening of the first experimental psychology laboratory in Leipzig by the German psychologist W. Wundt in 1879. The object of psychology is the totality of various carriers of mental phenomena. The subject of psychology is the origin, patterns of development and functioning of the psyche of humans and animals. The tasks of psychology: to learn to understand the essence of mental phenomena; learn to manage them; use the acquired knowledge to improve the efficiency of various areas of practice; to be the theoretical basis for the practice of psychological services.

2. The concept of the psyche and its structure. Psyche is the property of animals and humans to reflect the objective world in its connections and relationships. Mental reflection is an active reflection of the world in connection with some needs. The human psyche consists of three groups of mental phenomena: mental processes (cognitive, emotional, volitional, motivational and others); mental states (creativity, fatigue, joy, sleep, stress, etc.); mental properties of a person (temperament, abilities, character, personality orientation); The main difference between the human psyche and the psyche of animals is the presence of consciousness, especially self-awareness. Consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection of reality by a person. Consciousness determines the preliminary construction of a person’s actions, his ability to be aware of what is happening in the world around him and in himself. Self-awareness is an integral sign of consciousness, a person’s assessment of himself as an individual. A person may lose consciousness, although the psyche continues to function. Forms of consciousness: individual, group and social.

3. Consciousness, preconscious and unconscious in the psyche Consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection of reality by a person. Consciousness determines the preliminary, mental construction of actions, the anticipation of their consequences, the control and management of human behavior, his ability to be aware of what is happening in the world around him and in himself. Self-awareness is an integral sign of consciousness, a person’s assessment of himself as an individual. Historically, consciousness arose together with thinking and speech in the process of human activity and communication. The child's consciousness also develops in the process of interaction with people. A person may lose consciousness during sleep, fainting, shock, or under the influence of anesthesia, although the psyche continues to function. Forms of consciousness: individual, group and social. The first two are studied by psychology, the third by social sciences. The structure of consciousness can be considered in terms of various aspects of a person’s relationship to the world. As follows from the very etymology of the word “consciousness”, its core is knowledge, as well as the forms of its manifestation and transformation (sensation, perception, idea, concept, judgment, inference). Various forms of knowledge constitute a very significant part of the content of consciousness, but do not exhaust it completely. An equally important component of consciousness is emotional experiences, as well as will, expressed in the purposefulness of human actions. The unconscious consists of such “material” that remains unknown to a person. It includes only an objective idea of ​​something. The preconscious is characterized by the combination of an objective representation with a verbal one. It is correlated with language and, therefore, accessible to awareness. This, according to S. Freud, is the main difference between the unconscious and the preconscious. The preconscious is accessible to consciousness: being unconscious, a memory of something can be revived in a person’s memory. Unlike the preconscious, the repressed unconscious is divorced from consciousness. The memory of something does not penetrate consciousness, since the connection between the past and the present is broken in the human psyche.

Mentality, activity and behavior of the individual

Activity is the active interaction of a subject with the outside world, aimed at the production of certain products of material or spiritual culture. The psychological structure of activity is as follows: goal - motive -> method -> result. A motive is something for which an activity is carried out. Motive is an internal stimulant of a person to active activity, associated with the satisfaction of his needs. Main activities: communication, play, learning, work. Every activity consists of actions and deeds. Action is an elementary part of activity in which the immediate goal is achieved, which cannot be decomposed into simpler ones. Actions can be carried out in various ways, which are called operations. Actions are actions that are associated with moral principles, with morality. For example, actions to protect an innocent person insulted by a bully or the selfless return of a found wallet with money to its rightful owner. Depending on the degree of awareness of actions and actions, the following components of activity are distinguished: Skills - in general, represent consciously controlled parts of the activity, although they include automatically performed parts - skills. Skills are automated components of skills implemented at the level of unconscious control. Habits, unlike skills, can be controlled consciously, but unlike skills, they are not always reasonable and useful. For example, bad habits: smoking, foul language, etc. Activity is one of the manifestations of human behavior. Behavior" is therefore a broader concept. Animals also have behavior, but not activity, which is distinguished by purposefulness and awareness of the actions performed.

Feeling the difference

A very interesting way has appeared on the Internet to see the influence of behavioral factors on your website.
You need to type a query with “bilibird” into the search engine. For example:

  • Key query
    (regular search results)
  • Key query dshfhjsdgfhsgdfhsgdfhsgfhvjxchvjkghas
    (search results that do not take into account behavioral factors)

And even a special service appeared. Let's check if this information is correct.

Let’s take the request “wedding photographer”

and the website Seolib
shows that:

  • Regular issue 7th place
  • Without behavioral factors 8th place

Let's try using the "manual method"
and compare the results:

  • wedding photographer (site is in 7th position)
  • wedding photographer –dfklshfwtfdsgfs (the site is in 8th position)
  • wedding photographer –dfkvjhjkdsskdhfvcxvsadasdvcxvsdfsdfgfdghdgh (the site is in position 9)
  • wedding photographer -fcvx-fd3sdfa-345 (the site is in position 9)
  • wedding photographer –fvcxvsdaf (site is in 7th position)
  • wedding photographer –fvcxvskjnkdghdfgmbncvbvxcvasdbnvngnvndfgdfg (the site is in position 11)

Conclusion: I would not trust this method (I, of course, also tried all this on other requests). Even without knowing the weight of behavioral factors, I still actively develop them on all my portals.

Where do search engines get data on PF?

Before moving on to the list of behavioral ranking factors, let's look at the sources from which search engines obtain data on web resources.

  1. Analytics systems . Almost every website today has a Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics statistics counter installed. By providing webmasters with a free analytics tool, search engines receive in return a colossal amount of data that is used for ranking.
  2. Browsers . Search engines spend a lot of money on developing and advertising their own browsers for a reason. This is another source of information about the user profile and its interaction with sites, which allows you to make your search better.
  3. Browser extensions like Yandex.Bar can transmit data about user interactions with searches to search engines.
  4. Search engine services . Data from Google Search Console, Google Plus, Yandex.Webmaster, Zen, Directory and other search engine services can be taken into account in determining the relevance of sites.
  5. Other software and software, one way or another controlled by search engines. For example, PuntoSwitcher, purchased by Yandex, can provide search data about user typos. This information can be used in determining vital vadaka.

Internet memes are already being created about the user experience of interacting with search companies:

“I went into Yandex.Browser, opened Yandex.Food, ordered pizza, which was delivered by a Yandex courier. I saw an advertisement for Yandex.Columns in Yandex.Direct, looked in the Yandex.Directory where the store is located. I paid for the purchase in advance with Yandex.Money in order to listen to Yandex.Music comfortably. It remains to decide what to go to the store with, Yandex.Taxi or Yandex.Carsharing.”

As they say, there is some truth in every joke. Modern search engines can take a personalized approach to creating a user profile, based on data from his interaction with various services and applications.

How do search engines collect data?

  1. Through statistics systems (Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica). Almost all website owners want to have information about traffic and all audience actions. The best and even free tools for this are provided by search engines, but in return they receive huge amounts of data.
  2. Via browser. Almost all search engines have their own browsers. If we talk about RuNet, then these are Google Chrome and Yandex browser. Mail Search also has its own browser. At the same time, if you measure the load of browsers, you can see that any of these browsers significantly loads the system. While these popular browsers officially have an option to uncheck “Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google,” I can't guarantee that doing so will deprive the browser company of the data it needs. In general, the flow of data from browsers is quite significant; it allows us to additionally cover the segment of sites without statistical systems (or, more often, with competitors’ statistical systems).
  3. Through browser add-ons. You can assess the search engines' need for traffic data by aggressively promoting Yandex. Bar. Turning any browser into a “native” one, the add-on diligently sends traffic statistics to its own data center.

Improvement of behavioral factors

Behavioral factors can be improved in different ways, but there are basic principles: It is important that the user receives the information he came for. If he wanted to buy firewood, he should see the firewood, characteristics and a huge “buy” button in front of him.

Video content

Watching a short video is a great opportunity to sit back and stretch. Especially if the video is on the topic. Try to post videos no more than 3-5 minutes.

Interesting custom design

If the design of your site is professional and interesting, and there are also dynamic elements, then it is likely that the user will be “stuck” on your site. Such portals, as a rule, have virtually no failures, and this is already an advantage over competitors. Examples of “inviting design”:

  • one
  • two
  • three
  • and many other sites...

Game placement

It often happens that a small game draws a client in, and he cannot tear himself away from it for about 15-30 minutes, and sometimes he plays for hours. Especially if completing this game is meaningful, for example, a user who has completed the game will receive a 5% discount.

Related products

Any online store must contain a “related products” or “buy with this product” module, because:

  • It is possible that a client came for one product and left with five.
  • Accompanies internal linking
  • Customers stay on the site longer

Usability and interesting texts

Do not forget that if the user is not comfortable using your site, he will leave. If you have banal, huge and uninteresting SEO texts, the user will also leave. Try to pay great attention to the convenience of the site, this is important not only for promotion...

Online manager

Do not forget that the user may have questions about the products or functionality of the portal. Try to diversify as much as possible the ways in which he can ask you a question. One of the modern methods is correspondence with the company manager online (in the form of a chat). While the correspondence is taking place, the user will be on the site, which will also add importance to behavioral factors, in addition, any client will thank you very much.

Social button +1 from Google

Don't forget about Google's +1 button


Don’t be lazy to order a beautiful favicon.ico for your website. Don't forget that it appears in Yandex search results.

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