Speech activity. Types of speech activity

Dialogical communication as a joint activity

Any dialogue can be considered as mutual coordination of joint actions, their mandatory ordering in time and space.

The famous psychologist and linguist, A.A. Leontiev, identified three levels of sequential acts :

  1. Choosing a style and form of interaction (in the form of neutral communication, emotional support or facilitation).
  2. Developing an appropriate style suitable to the conditions and the current situation.
  3. Adjustment of the previously chosen communication style, aimed at improving the impact produced and neutralizing undesirable effects and possible consequences.

One of the leaders of humanistic psychology, C.R. Rogers believed that a number of certain human qualities contribute to the establishment of dialogical relationships and mature behavior, with the possibility of providing psychological support:

  • empathy and congruence;
  • unselfishness;
  • a favorable attitude towards the interlocutor;
  • complete acceptance of experiences and agreement with the feelings of the one who needs help.

Despite the fact that support for a person in dialogic communication occurs “here and now,” it must be assumed that his character and personality traits will not remain unchanged in the future, but will begin to change. It will continue to develop under the pressure of circumstances not only in time, but also in space, gradually revealing its full potential.

Productive dialogic communication has advantages over monologue. It promotes the development of social-perceptual abilities that activate the recognition of expressive behavior and give it a timely interpretation.

Features of dialogue as communication

According to etymological analysis, the term “dialogue” can be represented as “dialogue”. Translate it as “different logoi,” which can mean “diversity of words” or different thoughts, opinions. But, thanks to positive dialogues that change and complement the views and beliefs of the interlocutors, human conversation acquires holistic unity. Many Russian philosophers, including N. Berdyaev and P. Florensky, noted the dialogic nature of the essence of human existence and the characteristics of relationships. M. Buber and M. Bakhtin classified monologue and dialogue as spiritual and anthropological categories.

Dialogue speech is characterized by a fairly high speed of exchange of remarks, without additional thinking. It assumes that everyone who wants to speak is ready to respond. Successfully developing dialogical relationships testify to the equality and equivalence of the subjects. The value and semantic positions of communicating people are based on ethical worldview principles.

The success of dialogic communication depends entirely on the form, content and volume of feedback, as well as the timeliness of responses.

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