My husband's friend shows sympathy. How to understand that a guy likes you

How to understand that a guy likes you: test

Sometimes a guy's behavior is contradictory and requires an accurate definition of his feelings and behavior. Then a simple and sure way comes to the rescue - a test, after passing which you can be more likely to make sure of the guy’s sympathy.

1. His reaction to your appearance?

  1. No way.
  2. Joyfully.
  3. The same as on others.
  4. Calmly.

2. You are sad, he...

  1. He'll ask what's going on.
  2. Trying to lighten the mood.
  3. He won't notice.
  4. He won't even notice me.

3. How does he perceive your conversation?

  1. Inattentive.
  2. Attentively.
  3. No interest.
  4. Interrupts.

4. He turns to you...

  1. By name or affectionately.
  2. Gently by name.
  3. Doesn't remember my name.
  4. Careless by last name.

5. Does he share stories about his exes?

  1. No.
  2. Only nasty things.
  3. Only if I start.
  4. Likes to brag.

6. While talking to you, his friends called him, his actions...

  1. He politely refuses.
  2. He finishes his agreement and leaves.
  3. He leaves without saying goodbye.
  4. He waves it off and continues the conversation.

7. You are cold, he...

  1. Zero reaction.
  2. Everyone will sympathize.
  3. He'll give you a jacket.
  4. Hug.

8. He was visiting with a large company and you wanted tea, he...

  1. He will make tea for everyone.
  2. He will do it, but without pleasure.
  3. Will offer it to me separately.
  4. He will tell you where everything is.

9. Is he trying to touch you?

  1. Does this to everyone.
  2. No.
  3. Yes.
  4. The same as with everyone.

10. How do his friends react to you?

  1. They whisper behind your back.
  2. Negative.
  3. Kindly.
  4. Neutral.


  • From 0 to 10 - he is indifferent to you and he does not pay attention to you. He is not interested in you, he avoids your attention in every possible way. Makes it clear that he doesn't like you.
  • From 10 to 20 - he sometimes shows sympathy for you, but easily switches to other girls. He doesn't think you're the one to whom his heart lies.
  • From 20 to 30 - he likes you, and he lets you know this with every action. He hints at sympathy with all his behavior and waits for a response.

Sympathy for a married man

It is not difficult to understand that a married man likes you, even taking into account the fact that he is not single. To understand that such a person is showing interest, you should take into account the same signs that were considered earlier. That is, you need to observe his gaze, facial expressions, and actions.

In some cases, simply asking a question directly will help you understand whether a married man likes you, because he is already an adult and will react quite normally to open sympathy. However, most women/girls, even when they are already mature, are embarrassed by their feelings, trying to find out a man’s attitude through more hidden methods. Below are some simple but useful ways to understand that a man who is already committed to you likes you:

  1. Any man, including a married man, will “straighten his tail” in the presence of the person he likes. That is, he tries in every way to attract attention and look better.
  2. He will follow you with his gaze, and when he meets your eyes, he will be embarrassed.
  3. The conversation will always be friendly, but with a hint of excitement.
  4. A married man who has sympathy for you will definitely notice even the slightest change in a woman’s appearance.
  5. Of course, every representative of the stronger sex wants to do something nice for the lady of his heart.

Thus, if a man, married or not, has sympathy for a girl, he will definitely show it, even if not openly.

At the same time, gestures, attention, conversations and glances are also helpful in determining the answer to the question of how to understand that a man does not like you. A woman’s task is to see and be able to correctly interpret such manifestations.

Every representative of the stronger sex is capable of experiencing true love. Moreover, unlike women, who are often tormented by doubts, men, as a rule, know what they want from love and from relationships.

Unfortunately, women do not always understand what male psychology is in love,

therefore, they begin to mistakenly believe that the man does not love, has started a relationship on the side, wants to break up, etc. Conversations with friends are unlikely to help understand this issue, and not every woman will dare to ask her chosen one directly what the problem is, what he wants from the relationship and what upsets him.

How to let a guy know that you like him?

  • Reciprocate;
  • Share his interests;
  • Take an interest in his affairs;
  • Touch back;
  • Go on a date;
  • Accept invitation;
  • Say it directly.

Most men are not as insightful as women, so hints are useless. You need to act directly, opening your heart. Of course, it is advisable to do this when you are sure that he has sympathy. Otherwise, there is a chance that your feelings will remain unrequited.

Simple signs will say everything for him!

There are simple actions that will definitely reveal a man's desires. Just don’t confuse lust with falling in love - such a misconception often confuses women and girls.

If a man really wants a woman, this means that she attracted him with her sexuality, attractiveness, she attracts him and makes him dream, be in sweet fantasies.

But this does not mean at all that the man is in love, has some serious feelings and wants to be with this girl! Perhaps this will come later, but sexual lust often goes away after an intimate relationship.

However, a wise woman knows how to turn a man's desire correctly. And if you use your feminine power correctly, you can achieve a lot from your lover.

Of course, if you give yourself to a man right away, then you are unlikely to get anything other than fleeting pleasure. And if you show cunning and intelligence, you can really tie him to yourself and build a good, strong relationship.

How does a man's love begin? First, out of many women, one is reflexively selected. The guy’s gaze catches on her, it’s as if something explodes in his head, and an increased amount of testosterone is released into the blood. In just a split second, the young man manages to imagine himself with this lady in a restaurant, on a walk in the park, in bed, and even in the registry office. Someone goes further and imagines common children and a happy old age together with the young lady. But at the same time, a man may not consciously intend to marry the person he likes. It’s just that his psyche is structured in such a way that it instantly scans all possible options for the development of a relationship with the one that seems more attractive than others.

Once a woman is chosen, she automatically becomes the center of interest for her potential suitor. No, he does not yet feel any special tenderness for the object of increased attention, nor a desire to protect, help and care. The guy’s thoughts are still occupied mainly with pressing matters. But the process of falling in love has already begun. It is impossible to stop him. At first it is not very noticeable. Already hooked by the hooligan Venus, the young man behaves almost the same as before. He devotes a lot of time to work, hobbies, and friends. And then…

Then suddenly many of the actions of such a seemingly purposeful, collected, serious and not at all lyrical man begin to resemble the behavior of a naughty teenager. He can forget about an important matter, talk funny nonsense during a business conversation, be rude to his superiors, show up at his office dressed as a biker, and in general sometimes pull such tricks that you are simply amazed. For example, a hitherto reserved intellectual suddenly tries to fight with someone or goes for a swim in a fountain. And the boorish type, who doesn’t let anyone down, jumps into an elegant suit, hangs a tie around his neck and starts reciting poetry.

In a word, if a man has already seriously fallen in love, the king in his head goes home. The mind is losing control, thoughts are wandering around, anarchy is walking in the soul. As a result, the most important thing for a person who is stunned by the influx of feelings is the desire to see the object of love as often as possible. Everything else - work, hobbies, meeting with friends - fades into the background. The main thing is to be closer to your passion, meet her gaze, hear her voice, inhale the aroma of perfume, touch.

In fact, this is far from the case. Just in male psychology in love there is a lot that is unclear even to specialists in this matter. One of the representatives of the stronger sex, falling in love, begins to go crazy, begins to pursue his beloved at every step, sing serenades, shower him with expensive gifts... And then he completely cools down to the object of passion and stops noticing it. Someone, having fallen in love, hides, behaves very carefully towards the woman he loves, diligently putting on a dismissive or abstract look. And such a situation, when not a single gesture and not a single word betrays a man in love, can last for years.

Both behavior can be both a true manifestation of a man’s love for a woman, and an expression of a temporary, albeit rather long-term, infatuation. In a word, if the masculine gender were predictable, then women would not be tormented by doubt and uncertainty, not knowing how to interpret the psychology of men in love.

Just a few decades ago, one of the most powerful arguments for confirming a man’s true love for a woman was meeting his parents. And the acquaintance ceremony itself was already implied as a small step to the door of the joint home and to the beginning of family life. But time passes, everything changes. And our parents, if they are not ossified conservatives, are no longer surprised by the freedom in relations between a man and a woman. Advanced mothers and fathers today are quite calm about the fact that even in a short time, a daughter may have several potential candidates for husbands, and a son may have his “only and forever beloved.”

Caring is an obvious manifestation of a man’s love. If he strives to guess a woman’s desires, surprise her, please her, and is happy when he succeeds, this is a sure sign of his feelings. If a man, on the contrary, does not show any feelings, most likely he is indifferent to the woman. When a man experiences real feelings, he does not think about how much money he spends on his chosen one; gifts are one of the most important factors confirming his love. It is absolutely not necessary that he gives roses every day; sometimes a small but useful gift can be more eloquent than any bouquet.

The behavior of a man in love is usually characterized by a desire to protect his soul mate and an effort not to harm her. If a man truly loves his woman, he will not hurt her. We are talking about insult, rudeness, humiliation, psychological pressure, use of physical force and other manifestations of cruelty. It happens that a man behaves differently in different situations, he is either caring and gentle, or rude and cruel. Many women, in an effort to maintain relationships, turn a blind eye to such moments; their very presence in the life of a couple indicates that the man does not value his soul mate and is unlikely to love.

Men don’t like to waste time on trifles, but for a guy who is in love with you, you will be the No. 1 thing. For your sake, he will be ready to break in the middle of the night and go fix your computer, come out half an hour earlier to buy you croissants, since you complained to him that you overslept and did not have time to have breakfast, will help you with laboratory work at the expense of the quality of your own assignment. And at the same time he will not reproach you for how much time and effort he spent on you.

From sympathy to seduction

A man is more inclined to actions than to words.

In general, we can say that most representatives of the stronger sex try not to declare their emotions, but to prove their affection and love with specific deeds and actions. A guy in love, as a rule, unquestioningly fulfills all the wishes and whims of his beloved.

At the same time, a girl should try to behave in such a way that her partner does not have the feeling that she is “clinging” to him.

Sometimes men don't talk about their sympathy even when it's obvious. In this case, the girl’s task is not to rush him into confession. You need to behave openly, not hide your affection, but at the same time not put pressure on the man. He will be grateful for this. Gradually, the man will get used to the fact that the girl is always there, she does not reject him, moreover, she likes him. His feelings will grow and strengthen every day, and the hour when he decides to voice them will come very soon. A little nervous and thoughtful behavior is an indicator that a man is ready to confess his love to a girl. And these words will be sincere, unlike those that almost all guys pronounce with ease in the first days of dating. The girl can no longer rack her brains over whether her relationship with her lover is serious or not. She does not need to take a compatibility test or find out the secrets of her chosen one from mutual friends. After confessing for so long, she can be sure that the man takes their relationship with the utmost seriousness and, most likely, the next step will be a marriage proposal.

A man’s desire to talk only about himself and his hobbies may be a sign that he is not very interested in the woman. Sincere, open laughter in the company of a woman indicates that the man is not shy about expressing his emotions in her presence, and this already speaks of trust.

About the data of an interesting study

Modern scientists claim that love acts on our brain like real drugs! This was confirmed by research by experts from the Kinsey Institute, India.

Scientists have confirmed that in the brain of every lover, exactly the same reactions occur as in the brain of a person who simply took cocaine or another strong drug. That's it! Therefore, my dear readers, do not blame yourself, in a state of love, for absent-mindedness and a certain state of insanity.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the signs that a woman likes a man. Well, or the fact that the woman herself is not indifferent to a certain guy. Love is a wonderful feeling, and I sincerely wish you not only to experience it, but also to find your soul mate.

If you liked the article, be sure to share it with your friends via social networks. As always, I am extremely grateful for your likes, comments and subscriptions to my blog. All the best to you!

Married men

A stamp in a passport and a ring on a finger do not prevent men from falling in love. How to understand that a married man likes you? The psychology of their behavior is no different from young or free guys. They behave in a similar way, trying to attract attention to themselves. They can give gifts, try to look more attractive, and start playing sports. The man’s behavior changes, but not only the object of his affection notices this, but also his wife.

What to do? If a man likes a woman, he is married, but she is ready to date, you should first watch him - perhaps he will never decide to cheat. You can’t take the first step; it could destroy your family. It’s also not worth talking about this topic with colleagues and friends. A married suitor must decide for himself who he should be with and what he is willing to do. The main thing is that we know how to understand what a man likes, and time will tell what the future fate of a possible relationship will be.

Unfamiliar men and colleagues

How to understand that a stranger likes you? And how do you know that a male boss or another employee likes you? These two categories of the opposite sex have never seen you, or observed you occasionally, so they are characterized by the following actions that prove sympathy:

  • Communication always begins with a smile - when he likes being next to you, even when greeting you, he will shine like the sun. The boss, who had not previously noticed you, will walk to his office through your workplace every time with a smile on his face.
  • If, when you meet, he spreads his arms wide, it means he wants to hug you.
  • Loosening your tie, unbuttoning your jacket and top buttons of your shirt, showing your palms are clear signs of how to understand that a guy likes you. This means he is comfortable in your company.
  • A slight tilt of the head towards the girl during a conversation confirms sympathy.
  • How else can you tell if a guy likes you? If he looks at you all the time, it means he is trying to get to know you better, to see some special features of your face.
  • Personal correspondence also answers how to find out that a guy likes you - emoticons, jokes, pleasant words directly indicate the fact of sympathy.
  • When talking on the phone, an adult man always wants to speak tactfully, although the excitement in his voice is very noticeable.
  • The psychology of men is complex, but once he sees a girl in the crowd and falls in love with her, he will look for meetings, appearing in the most unexpected places.
  • Search on social networks - what to do if you were introduced yesterday, and today he has already found your page? Most likely, he liked you, so with the help of mutual friends he found you. There is no doubt, he is interested!

You can tell that a colleague likes you by his unambiguous glances, frequent jokes and signs of attention. All kinds of invitations to the cinema, theaters, walks in the park and cafes are the most noticeable and unambiguous signs of sympathy. It is unlikely that a girl or woman who has received such an invitation will ask the question “how to understand that a guy likes you”?


So, while communicating with the man you liked, you made several valuable comments for yourself. Let's say you noted how naturally he conducted the conversation, from which we can conclude that this person feels easy and free next to you. But, alas, they did not notice that during the conversation he kept his arms crossed on his chest, and his gaze most often wandered around the room. Or you caught his long, dreamy gaze, considering this an unequivocal recognition, and at that moment he simply became thoughtful.

In order not to become a victim of your rich imagination and not to indulge yourself with vain illusions about the object of sympathy, you need to be patient and carefully analyze all the facts. Remember: each behavioral feature should be interpreted in conjunction with others that are no less important. Observe him in various situations, come up with several reasons for communication and topics for conversation if he does not approach you. And when you have firm confidence that he likes you, but for some reason he cannot say it directly, feel free to take the initiative into your own hands, casting aside all doubts.

Does a man like you? It doesn’t matter who he is - a classmate, a guy from the course, a neighbor, a colleague or a friend. Every girl in love wants to know if he has mutual feelings. After all, not all guys can come up and directly say about their intentions, admit that they like you - shy guys silently cast loving glances.

How do you know if a man likes you if he doesn't say it? Do you really have to live in ignorance, guessing from the coffee grounds? If you look closely at his gestures, behavior, and looks, you will notice some signs of sympathy on his part.


It is conversations and conversations that determine the further development of the relationship - the lovers do not notice anyone around, they are looking forward to meeting each other so they can talk again. This behavior is typical for all ages. How do you know if a guy likes you at school? Or how to tell if a man likes you? When he constantly talks to you, talking about all aspects of his life, without even being embarrassed about his mistakes, you can be sure that the feelings are mutual.

When a girl likes him, a man will never make rude jokes about her. Loving does not mean offending, so you should be careful if this is the only way communication occurs on his part. What to do in such a situation? Tell him about the offense and ask him not to joke like that - perhaps he made a mistake due to nervousness. If the situation repeats itself, unfortunately, the boyfriend most likely does not value your communication and the emerging relationship.

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