“The influence of sanogenic and pathogenic thinking on human life.”

Thinking and activity

To improve something, it is necessary to determine the essence of the object being developed. So, thinking is an activity that occurs inside the brain for the purpose of understanding and reflecting the world around us. The result of this activity is thought.

Thought processes occur in the head of any person, but their quality differs significantly. Some succeed in work and study, quickly cope with unusual circumstances, easily analyze and remember various information, and quickly solve assigned tasks. Others, on the contrary, do not have such a tenacious and inquisitive mind, which leaves its mark on both everyday life and work.

Lack of creativity, inability to quickly resolve difficulties and quickly cope with various tasks is not a death sentence. The main thing is to set a goal and direct your efforts towards achieving it. You can learn everything - you just have to want it.

Sanogenic thinking: what is it?

Sanogenic thinking is the management of emotions and the mental behavior that causes them. It not only preserves physical and mental health, but is a source of wisdom in life.

It is important to understand that the source of your emotional state is your own thinking. Emotions are a reflection of reality by human consciousness.

In some cases, turning negative emotions into positive ones is no less important than controlling them. The one who thinks sanogenically does not cherish resentment, anger and malice. He thinks that the offender is much worse off, and he regrets the provoked conflict. Or he perceives him as sick.

This way the emotion is extinguished, the tension that it provoked is reduced. A person’s sensitivity to such events and situations decreases, tolerance increases, and resistance to stress increases.

He will not become insensitive, but the level of negative emotions will decrease quickly. This is enough so that they do not develop into chronic ones and do not program the behavior of the individual. If you are insulted, angry, offended correctly, then the experience of an emotional state will help personal growth.

Thinking: what is it like?

Our brain is a complex and well-coordinated mechanism, for the operation of which each of its parts is responsible. Hence the presence of different types of thinking. Let's look at them.

  • Analytical
    . This type of thinking processes knowledge received from the outside, builds it into a structure and draws certain conclusions.
  • Boolean
    . Allows you to identify cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Creative
    . This kind of thinking allows you to go beyond the ordinary and generate unusual, creative ideas.
  • Inductive
    . Helps to assemble parts into a whole.
  • Deductive
    . Such thinking implies the ability to find relationships between the general and the particular.

Any entrepreneur needs business thinking

. We will focus more closely on this type of thinking. And here you will find promising ideas for business, original and non-standard.

Signs of sanogenic thinking

It can be developed, it can be taught. But you need to understand what needs to be changed, what to learn.

This line of thinking is characterized by:

  1. High degree of concentration on the object of introspection. Achieved by visualization.
  2. The ability for sanogenic reflection is the ability to look from the outside and see yourself with your feelings, thoughts and experiences in order to determine the correct behavior in other situations.
  3. The ability to conduct self-observation in a state of relaxation and peace. Emotions fade away, and the images that caused them do not provoke stress when the situation repeats.
  4. Understanding the essence of negative emotions.
  5. Broad outlook and high level of internal culture.
  6. The ability to quickly stop thinking in case of internal tension. The negative charge of the memory is extinguished, it is not consolidated.

A sanogenically thinking person is confident that the style of behavior is determined by himself, and not by social stereotypes.

Strategic thinking in business: basic principles of development

Business is like a game of chess; you need to build a strategy, think quickly and forward-looking. In fact, strategy is necessary even for ordinary life if we want to achieve our goal.

Let's consider the basic principles, focusing on which, we can develop strategic thinking.

Internal dialogue with yourself

Sounds quite strange, doesn't it? With whom can you be completely honest and frank? When you ask yourself questions, you analyze the situation and look at it from all sides. What kind of relationships do you have with colleagues and partners, what will this or that collaboration lead to, how can certain actions turn out in this or that case? Ask yourself and listen carefully to the answers of your wise Self.


You cannot think that you are always a priori right. This is also a kind of prejudice, a stereotype that we must get rid of. Doubting does not mean being unsure of yourself. This means being able to analyze a situation, check information, listen to opinions different from your own. However, it is important to subtly maneuver on this edge and not fall into the abyss of doubt.

Develop deductive thinking

Analyzing disparate details at first glance and combining them into a single, integral picture will help you look at your business adequately.

Be open to new things

Continuous development both theoretically and practically, communicating with interesting people, getting out of difficult situations - all this forms life experience that will help you build an effective business strategy.

Have time to think

In everyday affairs, sometimes it’s worth stopping, sitting down at the table with a piece of paper and structuring your thoughts and ideas. Taking a short time out is useful, this is the time when you can find new opportunities and open up new ways of doing business.

By implementing these simple principles into your life, you will think like a strategist and direct your life and business in a more fruitful direction.

If you are thinking about how to choose a home business idea for yourself, focus on what is truly interesting to you.

Correct thinking is the basis of self-realization

  1. Philosophy
  2. Personality

Greetings, dear friends! Today I decided to share with you some thoughts regarding everyday logic and the basic rules of success. Lately, I have been paying quite a lot of attention to structuring my own knowledge about the meaning of life, self-realization, wealth, success and much more. I can definitely say that the more information I receive, the more harmoniously the information about life rules and laws is built in my head. And I would define the very first law of success as: “ Think correctly ”! For many people, work is some kind of physical action, but they do not take into account that there is such a thing as working with thoughts, and thinking correctly is a very difficult and daily work on oneself. Moreover, I will say that according to my calculations, mental work takes up to 80% of our lives, and most people do it very ineffectively, which is why they cannot achieve their goals.

What is right thinking?

For many people, right thinking is synonymous with positive thinking. Thinking positively is really very important. Positive thinking removes many barriers and obstacles that we can set for ourselves. However, positive thinking alone is not enough. In the figure below, I depicted any process in a person’s life:

Any process begins with thinking . And to be more precise - from visualization or presentation of the result of this process. Consequently, the more clearly and specifically we can imagine the result of our action, the more correct and identical to this result we can choose an action . This is why plans are drawn up, visualizations are made, drawings are drawn, models are built - all this is done with one single goal - to clearly imagine the result of the action being performed.

How to determine the right action?

If we understand what thinking is, then we can easily determine what the right action . Many people mistakenly believe that their problems lie in incorrectly implemented actions. For example, a person wants to become an artist, he starts to draw pictures and fails to create a masterpiece. Most people in such a situation believe that they are drawing somehow incorrectly, and a direct consequence of this conclusion is massive experiments: with colors, shapes, display formats, etc. In itself, this state of affairs is correct, since in this chaotic and disorderly process of self-learning a person develops more than ever before. However, what does he always end up with? After many experiments, a person begins to realize that he lacks practice and knowledge, and he goes to look for a teacher. The correct mindset is to immediately go looking for a teacher, saving yourself a lot of time and paper on empty experiments. It is much more effective to experiment while learning rather than for the sake of learning.

If we combine all of the above, we get a simple truth: correct thinking lies in the ability, out of thousands of possible actions, to choose the only one that is most identical to the desired result . What identity is in this case is clear - it is the choice of the most effective, and at the same time the most economical action, which is guaranteed to lead us to the planned result.

Are there really so many options?

If you see few options for action to achieve a certain result, then this means that you think very little and ineffectively. Because the choice of actions is truly enormous. In order to see the full range of alternatives, I recommend that you draw a decision tree - it really helps to develop your imagination and sometimes see actions that could not immediately come to mind, but are very effective and identical to the expected result.


As a result, we can say that correct thinking is a fairly simple algorithm. When faced with any life situation, you need to ask yourself just a few questions:

  1. What result do I want to achieve in this life situation?
  2. What actions can I take to achieve the planned result?
  3. To what extent will each specific action allow me to implement my plan, and how many resources (time, money, physical) will I have to spend on implementing this action?

Based on the results of the answer to the third question, we can choose the most correct one from all the possible options we have come up with, implement it, and feel the joy of the result obtained. Naturally, this is a fairly brief description of the thinking process. The fact is that our thoughts are influenced by a very large number of stereotypes, which often do not allow us to see the entire possible range of actions, therefore, to work on the effectiveness of our thinking, it is necessary to develop qualities such as imagination, visualization, logic, etc. But I will talk about this in other articles and notes! At the moment, I want to wish you success in implementing your plans, as well as careful and daily work on yourself ;-)! Don’t be afraid to set big plans for yourself, because a big result differs from a small one just by the action you choose!

Published: 2011-09-17 11:57:55, edited: 2013-11-01 14:40:11


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Logical thinking and how to develop it

Thinking logically means finding relationships, identifying causes and possible consequences. In a constantly changing world, logical thinking forms a quick response to various factors and thereby helps to effectively run your business.

Developing logical thinking can be quite fun and easy. Here are some simple and effective tips.

  • Puzzles, ingenuity problems
    - all this can be bought in bookstores or found on the Internet.
  • Board games
    are a productive way to develop logic and spend quality time with loved ones. Don't forget about chess - it's great food for the mind.
  • Quality detective fiction
    . It’s nice to sit down with a book on a soft sofa and practice your logic and deduction. Take, for example, Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes mysteries. The books have good examples to help you develop deductive thinking.

Now developing your thinking has become simple and interesting. The variety of different programs on the Internet and applications for smartphones clearly simplify our lives. Studying today is easy, the main thing is to want to. Develop your business thinking, train your skills and the results will not keep you waiting!

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