Treatment of gambling addiction

What is gambling addiction

If there is a gambling addiction, psychologists diagnose “gambling addiction” or “ludomania.” If we are talking about a pathological addiction to playing machines (slots), the term “gambling addiction” is used.

Depending on which games cause such addiction, there are four types of gambling addiction:

  • Gambling addiction associated with computer games, regardless of their genre.
  • Pathological addiction to commercial games - sports betting, betting, lottery.
  • Gambling addiction, in which the player is addicted to gambling presented in virtual casinos - roulette, slot machines, cards, etc.
  • Gambling addiction associated with speculation in the stock and foreign exchange markets. This type is very close to addiction caused by gambling.

Our center offers treatment for gambling addiction of all types. You can consult a doctor or psychologist before starting treatment for free.

Hypnosuggestive therapy

This method was practiced by ancient Egyptian priests. Coding for gambling addiction is carried out in several stages: preparing the patient, conducting a session, maintaining the effect and rehabilitation.


For hypnosuggestive therapy to be successful, it is necessary to win over the patient and achieve the maximum degree of suggestibility. A mandatory requirement is preliminary meetings and conversations with the doctor on personal topics.

If a person has mental disorders, an additional examination by a psychotherapist is required. According to the doctor's indications, the patient may require drug treatment.

Hypnotherapy sessions

Hypnologists use different techniques for hypnotic therapy for gambling addiction. All of them are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the patient is immersed in a trance state or hypnotic sleep,
  • then the specialist gives appropriate instructions so that the person develops an aversion to gambling,
  • exit from a hypnotic state. At this moment, many patients feel a surge of strength and vigor.

After suggestive hypnosis, a person feels the result after the first session. But the effect may be temporary, so hypnosis treatment is repeated. Persistent relief from gambling addiction is observed after 10-13 sessions.

How to distinguish gambling addiction from entertainment

Treatment for gambling addiction is carried out if the addiction to gambling is pathological. Not every computer or gambling fan is a gambler. If a person controls the gameplay, then this is not a pathology, but simply entertainment. Most often, it is one of many, since a healthy person does not give up other hobbies and leisure activities.

Important! Game control is a situation in which a player plans in advance how much money and time he is willing to devote to the game, and then sticks to this plan. Such a person does not develop a gaming addiction because he stops playing as soon as the time allotted for the game ends or more important matters arise.

Gamblers have neither the desire nor the willpower to stop the game in time. When they are not betting, they are haunted by obsessive thoughts about the game and the possibility of winning.

How to recognize gambling addiction

There is a big difference between a person who bets on horse races from time to time and a person who cannot live a day without gambling. Although the boundaries may be fairly loose, there are some signs that indicate a habit has become a problem.

  • It is difficult for you to stop and control yourself.
  • You spend more money and time on gambling than you can afford.
  • You quarrel with loved ones over money and gambling.
  • You have lost interest in activities you used to enjoy, such as hanging out with friends.
  • You always think about gambling.
  • You lie to others about your gambling habits.
  • You gamble to get rid of your financial problems, or you gamble until all your money is gone.
  • To continue gambling, you need to borrow money, fail to pay bills, or sell things.
  • You have to bet larger amounts of money to experience the same feeling of relief or excitement.
  • You neglect your work, school, family, or personal needs because of gambling.
  • You feel restless, anxious, guilty, or irritable.

Rehabilitation courses

Treatment of a gambling addict is a task whose solution requires both professional help and the support of relatives. Our center uses rehabilitation programs that really work.

12 steps

This is a classic program created for the treatment of alcohol addiction. It is called “12 steps” because it consists of an appropriate number of sequential actions (stages). The first step is recognizing the problem, and this is where treatment begins. The second step is the search for saving power (love, support of relatives, faith). The next stage is for the patient to trust this power. Then he must objectively evaluate his life and his behavior.

Gradually, step by step, the gambling addict prepares for the fact that he himself, but at the same time with the help of comprehensive support, will give up his addiction. To do this, he needs to make amends to all the people who were hurt by his addiction, set new priorities in life, and master the skills of self-analysis. At the final stage, when the gambling addict has completed a rehabilitation course, he should become a mentor for the newcomer. This will consolidate the positive result of therapy.

Important! When a gambling addict enters a rehabilitation center, he may begin a denial phase. But after 2-3 days he can cope with it, also thanks to this program.

Gestalt therapy

This method is not aimed at interpreting the patient's unconscious, but at revealing his self-awareness through experiments and an existential approach. The patient does not play a passive role, as in psychoanalysis, but an active one. He does not observe the actions of the psychologist, but acts himself - he acts out a monodrama, talks about some incident from his life, the psychotherapist only corrects the direction or focuses on details.

Art therapy

Art therapy is a correctional program that allows you to express emotions through art, relieve accumulated tension, and eliminate anxiety and depression. Various types of art can be used - drawing, appliqué, modeling, photography, music. Another form is bibliotherapy, that is, literary creativity. Art therapy is a way to express yourself and find a new hobby instead of gambling addiction.

Individual and group psychological trainings

Gambling addiction can be treated using psychological techniques. These are various methods of influence - from NLP to psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy. Psychoanalysis helps to understand the causes of addiction and eliminate them. Behavioral psychotherapy, like NLP, sets the right attitudes. The psychodrama method is a role-playing game that is usually used for group classes. It helps you relearn how to interact with others.

Therapeutic Community Method

In the rehabilitation center, a closed community of people is formed who are united by a common problem - addiction treatment. Here everyone is equal, so it is easier for the patient to open up.

This treatment method involves placing the gambling addict in a community where other people have the same addiction problems as him. At the same time, they do not have access to games; their lives are organized and structured in such a way as to exclude all factors that provoke addiction. The rest of the community ensures that a person follows this rule.

Mentoring system

This is the final part of the 12 step program for those who have already managed to overcome their addiction. For such people, this is an additional incentive to adhere to a new model of behavior. For newcomers, the mentoring system gives them the opportunity to communicate with a person who has already undergone treatment and can support them with advice or at least a conversation.

Spiritual practices

Spiritual and religious practices are used to treat gambling addiction. Yoga is popular because it combines a philosophical and religious worldview with care for the physical body. Yoga classes help produce endorphins instead of those that the gambler received from the game.

Important! The presence of gambling addiction also affects physiology. The indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems worsen. Yoga helps restore them.


The main task of this method is to teach the gambler to take responsibility for his decisions, to understand his own emotions and actions. Every day the patient prepares a report about what happened to him, so that he can then read it in a group lesson and receive advice from other patients. This allows you to identify problems and correct your behavior.

Occupational therapy

Rehabilitation of gambling addicts is also carried out using occupational therapy. Together with other patients, the gambling addict is engaged in physical labor that brings concrete results - this increases self-confidence and gives a feeling of fulfillment. Working together helps to establish social interaction and teaches mutual assistance.

Coding for gambling addiction using hypnosis

Coding for gambling addiction is not an independent method of treatment. It is used along with the treatment methods described above. Encoding helps:

  • eliminate the patient's fears;
  • form a negative attitude towards games on a subconscious level;
  • “remove” thoughts about the gameplay from the mind;
  • create a stable basis for further therapy;
  • prevent relapses.

Before the procedure, an examination is carried out to identify the presence of possible contraindications - neurological and mental disorders.

This therapy is carried out using hypnosis. The doctor puts the patient into a trance - in this state, the gambler becomes susceptible to attitudes. They are laid down on a subconscious level. The settings are developed by the hypnotherapist for each patient separately, depending on his characteristics. The encoding result is consolidated using psychological methods

Taking medications

Appointment with a psychotherapist in a clinic

Clients of the center have the opportunity to make an appointment with a psychotherapist at the clinic. This is important both before treatment begins and in the future to prevent relapses. Communication takes place in a comfortable environment and friendly atmosphere. The specialist knows how to start a conversation and build a dialogue with such patients.

Comprehensive rehabilitation in the center with accommodation

During the rehabilitation period, the gambling addict is under the supervision of a doctor and psychologist. It is most convenient to do this in a hospital setting. Our center offers comprehensive rehabilitation in Moscow with accommodation. We have comfortable rooms with all amenities, you can order a VIP room. The center takes care of the health of patients by offering balanced nutrition.

The center has a recreation area where patients can spend their leisure time, a billiard room, and a sauna. For sports, there is a swimming pool and table tennis equipment.

If your loved one suffers from gambling addiction

It is difficult to determine whether someone actually has a gambling problem. This is not easy to detect, and often people try to hide their behavior from loved ones. If they perceive that it has become a problem, they are likely to feel guilty or ashamed and may therefore become defensive if asked directly about it.

When you're worried about someone, remember that there are ways to help both him or her and yourself. Helping a loved one who is suffering can be incredibly difficult, no matter how hard you want it to be, but you also definitely need to take care of yourself.

The techniques used by a hypnotherapist will vary depending on your personality, your past experiences, the addiction itself, and your triggers. For example, if your addiction is the result of a past experience, hypnosis can not only help you change your thoughts and behavior, but also help you cope with the situation that contributed to the problem.

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Treatment effectiveness

Gambling addiction can be cured. The chances of this increase if the patient agrees to treatment voluntarily. Compulsory treatment for gambling addiction is not provided for by law. And it still would not produce results. Therefore, if a gambling addict does not want to be treated, a psychologist first communicates with him. After talking with a psychologist, many gamers change their minds; according to statistics, this happens in 90% of cases.

They understand that their addiction to gambling is pathological and that asking for help to get rid of addiction is not a shame. If a psychologist manages to convince a gambling addict of this, the chances of getting rid of addiction are high - at the level of 80%. And they increase if you manage to convince a person to see a doctor at an early stage.

Forms and symptoms of gambling addiction

In its manifestations, gambling addiction is similar to alcohol and drug addiction:

Increase in the length of time spent on the game;

  • Narrowing of interests, obsessive thoughts about situations describing game combinations. What was previously important ceases to be of interest;
  • “Loss of control” - loss of the ability to stop;
  • “Withdrawal” - irritability, anxiety with a desire to return to the game;
  • Increasing regularity of games, desire for increased risk;
  • The desire to continue playing in any way;
  • Attraction increases rapidly. As a result, having decided to quit, any reminder of the game (conversation, being near a gambling establishment) can lead to a breakdown.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The player often takes out loans from microcredit organizations. If he doesn’t give them back, there are consequences like calls from debt collectors. In such situations, you cannot take on new debts to pay off old ones. You need to seek help from a lawyer. He will advise how to restructure the debt or recommend other options depending on the amount of debt and the state of affairs (for example, declaring bankrupt - this procedure is also provided for by law for individuals).

Coding and psychological rehabilitation will not help if the gambling addict does not want to be treated. Therefore, relatives need to discuss this issue with him. If you notice that your husband or son has begun to spend a lot of time on computer games to the detriment of usual activities, has stopped communicating with old friends, and cannot explain the growing expenses, you need to act.

In order for a person to want to enroll in rehabilitation courses, you need to discuss the essence of the problem with him - tactfully, but frankly. And immediately say that no one will indulge him in this addiction. No one will pay his debts, nor will he take upon himself to solve problems related to work or study. This line of behavior must be followed in practice.

If a gambling addict cannot or does not want to be treated, you can contact our center - we carry out a free intervention procedure, when a team of psychologists comes to the patient’s home to persuade him to start therapy.

Relatives of the patient who want to know how to get rid of gambling addiction must clarify which games caused the addiction. If a patient bets on sports, he has illusions that he can predict winnings and use an effective strategy. This makes the situation worse. But the methods used in both cases are the same - for each patient the clinic selects its own program based on the methods listed above.

The center provides services on the basis of a contract. All information about the patient is confidential; information about his addiction is not transmitted anywhere.

The rehabilitation center organizes individual and group sessions for gambling addicts. They are treated together with other patients, including those suffering from drug addiction. Treatment methods for gambling addiction are largely the same as rehabilitation programs for drug addicts. The method of a therapeutic community also works, which brings together people with similar problems and forces them to adjust their life attitudes.

Patients who are interested in how to get rid of gambling addiction often look for a remedy that can cure in one session. But there is no such medicine. Gambling addiction progresses over the years, arising for a number of reasons. Eliminating them takes time and serious work on yourself.

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How to recover from gambling addiction

There are a lot of difficulties that gambling addicts and their relatives have to face, ranging from a constant lack of money that the patient spends on his addiction, ending with his complete reluctance to perceive the real world. It is possible to stop the process of self-destruction and save the family, but only if the following conditions are met:

  1. Obtaining voluntary consent to therapy. Not every addict is aware or ready to accept their illness, but without this there is no point in receiving treatment. If you can’t convince a relative on your own, our psychologists are ready to help, who know how to find an approach to gambling addicts and motivate them to start therapy.
  2. The willingness of loved ones to support the addict throughout the path to recovery. Our practice suggests that when relatives make efforts together with the patient, the chance of a final recovery increases significantly. The patient knows that he is loved and accepted, despite the addiction, so he is not afraid to return home and can concentrate on introspection and correction of his worldview.
  3. Placement in a rehabilitation center for gambling addiction. Even a very strong personality will not be able to leave addiction in the past without the help of psychologists and consultants. Other important benefits of inpatient therapy include being in a therapeutic community, not having any opportunity to play, and making like-minded friends. Our clinics have optimal living conditions and employ the best specialists, so program participants can feel comfortable and safe.
  4. Completion of a full recovery course. By becoming a participant in a rehabilitation program, a person gradually gets rid of those internal fears and mental traumas that provoked a pathological hobby. In the rehabilitation center, gambling addicts also practice social skills lost during the period of illness, which in the future allows them to integrate into the life of society and feel like full members of it. If you “leave the race” halfway, then the result will be partial, and the risk of failure will increase.

Patients differ in character, desire to recover, age and gender, but they all need qualified assistance, which the National Narcological Service is ready to provide in Moscow and the Volga Federal District around the clock. One call can be the beginning of positive changes and a chance to become happy again without dangerous addictions.

Coding for gambling addiction

In the hope of overcoming gambling addiction, many patients or their relatives are considering the option of being coded. However, not everyone realizes that such a procedure is not a replacement, but part of the rehabilitation of game addicts, allowing:

  • eliminate the patient’s fear of losing his temper;
  • form a subconscious aversion to gambling;
  • get rid of constant thoughts about the gameplay;
  • protect from the negative influence of the environment;
  • create a basis for subsequent therapy;
  • it is not possible to immediately prevent relapses if you go to a rehabilitation center to treat gambling addiction.

Encoding is mainly carried out using the method of hypnosis, when a specialist, using special psychotherapeutic techniques, puts a person into a trance and, at the subconscious level, sets the intention to give up computer games. First, the hypnotherapist must make sure of the gambling addict’s sincere desire to be cured, and also talk about the advisability of an integrated approach to getting rid of the addiction. A mandatory stage of preparation is checking for the absence of contraindications to coding: mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system. The result is felt immediately after the procedure is completed and is consolidated by further group and individual trainings as part of the recovery program.

Treatment of gambling addiction. Gambling addiction, gambling addiction.

Home » Treatment of gambling addiction

Pathological gambling, gambling addiction, gambling addiction, gambling addiction are diseases that are reflected with their own set of symptoms in the ICD-10 classification of diseases and require complex treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation.

From the point of view of the world community, this disease is considered by specialists in the section “Personality and behavior disorders in adulthood” (F60-F69) and is designated under the heading “Disorders of habits and desires” (F63).

The course of this disease is accompanied by a constant obsessive desire of the addicted person to take part in the process of gambling; over time, this begins to dominate the addicted person so much that, despite all social problems, such as: lack of money, destruction of family relationships and destruction of personal life, he continues to gamble and lose huge sums.

The most popular and effective way to treat gambling addiction is a complex of inpatient medical and psychological interventions. That is, the involvement of a gambling addict in the process of medical and psychological therapy, in which the addict will be able to receive both drug treatment and, in parallel, psychosocial non-drug assistance, which involves working with the psychological and mental health of the sick person.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! TREATING GAMBLING ADDITION WITH HYPNOSIS IS INEFFECTIVE, since this procedure does not involve working with the addict, which is aimed at deep-seated intrapersonal changes, but only fights its external manifestations.

Gambling addiction, gambling addiction, is a disease that requires treatment and rehabilitation. The base has all the conditions for high-quality treatment of gambling addiction in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Crimea and work with people addicted to gambling.

The experience of the team of specialists at this center allows us to quickly help an addicted person overcome the pathological attraction to gambling and take control of his addictive behavior, restore his social, psychological and moral well-being.

How to implement compulsory treatment for gambling addiction? Watch the video:

At the moment, there are many organizations that are engaged in the rehabilitation of gambling addicts and offer their services, but, unfortunately, as in any niche, among them there are many amateurs who do not understand at all how to properly rehabilitate a patient with gambling addiction.

We have prepared a short video for you and recommend you watch it:

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The effectiveness of the rehabilitation course

Gambling addiction is definitely not a problem that a child, teenager, or even an adult can cope with on their own. Therefore, turning to psychologists as soon as possible is the best solution, including if the patient himself does not fully understand the danger of his hobby. The practice and research of the National Narcological Service shows that the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation of gambling addicts increases by 35% if the treatment was at the first signs of gambling addiction.

Further work with psychotherapists, using methods individually selected for game addicts, increases the chances of quitting the game by another 45%. Subsequently, after treatment, our free support allows you to maintain the achieved results for many years. Proven on 2500 former gambling addicts.

Call now to start the path to recovery!

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