Hypnosis treatment - additional help in the treatment of alcoholism


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The first attempts at hypnosis coding in the treatment of alcoholism were carried out back in the 19th century. They showed that hypnotic exposure can cause both short-term and rather long-term aversion to alcohol. Modern hypnotherapy allows you to relieve cravings for alcohol, improve well-being, and normalize the patient’s mood, sleep, and appetite. Moreover, when introducing the patient into an altered state, the doctor quite often manages to understand and eliminate from the subconscious the reason why the patient began to abuse alcohol. The method is absolutely safe for health.

The essence of the technique

The hypnotherapist must establish a trusting relationship with the patient before carrying out the coding procedure. This may take a lot of time, but this condition cannot be neglected. A hypnosis session will lead to positive results only if the patient can completely relax and trust the doctor.

It is important that coding should be carried out in a comfortable environment for the patient.

The procedure consists of several steps:

  • First of all, the doctor gradually introduces the patient into a trance state.
  • After the alcoholic is brought into the necessary state, the hypnotherapist gives the patient certain instructions and suggests that alcohol is bad and disgusting. Doctor explains how good it will be to heal
  • Then the encoded person is taken out of the hypnotic state. The doctor may give the patient a sniff of alcohol to evaluate the result. If the patient is disgusted by the smell of ethanol, we can say that the coding was successful
  • It is wise to conduct several more hypnotherapy sessions to consolidate the results. The number of additional sessions is determined by the doctor, individually for each patient

Contraindications to hypnosis

Encoding under hypnosis only superficially seems like a simple manipulation. In fact, there are many subtleties that need to be taken into account in order to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time. Thus, preliminary preparation of the patient is of great importance.

Hypnotherapy is safer in terms of health than traditional stitching, however, this technique also has its limitations. In some cases it cannot be done. These include:

  • lack of desire;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • pathological changes in the psyche;
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries;
  • brain surgery;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • oncological diseases;
  • complete degradation of personality;
  • schizophrenia and related disorders.

In all of these situations, hypnosis should not be used. The narcologist will advise other ways to get rid of the addiction that are suitable for a particular patient.

Conditions for successful encoding

Getting rid of alcohol addiction using hypnosis can lead to the desired results, if only the alcoholic sincerely wants to be cured.

Compliance with the following conditions will help you get a positive effect from hypnosis:

  • It is necessary that the patient voluntarily come to the doctor for coding. If relatives forcibly brought him to a hypnotherapist, a positive result will not be achieved
  • Before coding begins, the patient must not drink alcohol for some time. It will be great if all ethanol breakdown products are removed from the body
  • It is worth undergoing several sessions of hypnotherapy, even if it seemed to you that a positive result was observed immediately after the first procedure
  • People who can concentrate well can expect better results.

It is useful to know that strong-willed and strong people are poorly susceptible to hypnosis; it is better for them to find another method of combating addiction.

In addition, hypnosis may not help if the person has a history of heart disease or mental disorders.

Main advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Any tactic for getting rid of alcoholism has its advantages and disadvantages. Encoding through immersion in hypnosis is also no exception, but the advantages in this case most often prevail. So, experts name several obvious advantages of the method:

  1. Hypnosis is the most gentle method among all those offered by modern medicine. The fact is that during the session the specialist works only with the human psyche. All other organ systems are not affected, as happens if classic drug coding is chosen.
  2. Another undoubted advantage is the duration of action. The patient develops an attitude toward a sober lifestyle that will work constantly. A person refuses alcohol not because of fear of intoxication, but because he does not see the point in drinking it.
  3. Hypnotherapy allows you not only to protect yourself from alcohol, but also to restore mental health. Along with the bad habit, panic attacks, apathy, and depression go away. A person has new life goals. He again sees meaning in family, work, and communication with friends. He starts new activities to take his mind off the drinking.
  4. Each patient can choose the technique that suits him. Sessions are conducted individually or in a group. If necessary, the specialist will carry out coding at home if the patient cannot visit the clinic for one reason or another.

The many advantages of hypnosis often persuade relatives of an alcoholic to choose this particular technique, but before deciding on the procedure, you need to become familiar with the possible disadvantages. So, among the disadvantages of the method is the high price. The cost of such encoding seems overpriced to many, since several sessions will be required for a complete cure.

Doctors urge you not to relax and take into account that any psychotherapeutic technique directly affects the psyche. The consequences of errors during coding can be unpredictable, but this can be easily avoided if you carefully select a specialist. A hypnologist must have all the necessary documents confirming his level of education, qualifications and permission to practice medicine.

There is one more significant disadvantage of the procedure. Sometimes doctors are forced to use traditional methods to give up alcohol, since a person, in principle, is not subject to hypnosis. This means that no psychotherapeutic technique can cure addiction.

Hypnosis coding methods

Hypnotic coding can be done in a variety of ways:

  • Classic hypnosis
  • Ericksonian hypnosis
  • Autotraining (self-hypnosis)
  • Anchor method or neurolinguistic programming

Before using any type of hypnotic influence, a patient who is on a long-term binge must undergo a detoxification procedure, otherwise the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

Tips to avoid relapse

  1. To avoid the return of cravings for alcohol, it is necessary to periodically (on the recommendation of a doctor) undergo hypnosis treatment
  2. The coded person should try to avoid being in companies where everyone loves to abuse
  3. Never give in to persuasion to take a sip or drink a little
  4. It is important that the patient feels the support of his family
  5. Anyone who believes that they can consume without harm to their own health is a wrong thinker.

Coding using hypnotic influence must be entrusted to a specialist from a good clinic.

Treatment options

Modern narcologists use three main methods of treating a person for addiction to alcoholic beverages:

  • Psychotherapeutic methods of treatment, which consist in the use of various methods of influencing the psyche, in order to restore the psycho-emotional state.
  • Drug treatment - the use of medications.
  • A physiotherapeutic method, the main goal of treatment is to restore lost body functions due to alcohol abuse.
  • The best effect is obtained by combining these methods. However, there is an indispensable condition - the patient must strive and want to be cured.

Reviews of people coded by hypnosis

Hello, my name is Svetlana. My husband started abusing alcohol almost after our wedding. In a drunken stupor, he looked like an animal; it didn’t matter to him who to swear or fight with. He could not live without fighting and scandal. For a long time he refused to code, but one day I was able to convince him to seek help from specialists. In a neighboring city in a drug treatment clinic, he was coded from drunkenness using hypnotic influence. And you know, for a year now there has been a real man next to me who does not remember alcohol. I sincerely thank the doctor who changed our lives for the better

I have been abusing alcohol for no more than a year, it all started after a breakup with my loved one. Thanks to my mother, who made me understand that my addiction would soon destroy me. For the first time I was coded from drunkenness using hypnosis, but, unfortunately, the desired effect could not be achieved. At the moment I am in hospital, doctors are selecting other methods of combating alcoholism

My name is Nikolai, I drank for many years until I decided to code myself. According to medical indications, medicinal coding methods are not suitable for me. Therefore, the doctor suggested hypnosis, which I am incomparably glad about, because I have not thought about alcohol for more than a year.

You can leave your feedback in the comments below.

Who to contact for hypnosis

Treatment of alcoholism is a complex and lengthy process, and the slightest mistake can undo all previously obtained results. It is especially important to contact a qualified doctor who will not deceive you after receiving a large sum.

Important! The procedure can only be carried out by a professional. This could be an experienced psychotherapist who has the necessary skills and regularly uses them in his work. A more specialized specialist is a hypnologist. This is the most preferred option in the treatment of alcohol addiction.

It is important to beware of scammers who sometimes offer guaranteed results with minimal effort. So, some companies are trying to use online hypnosis. You should not agree to the procedure, since for the safety of the patient he should always have direct contact with the doctor.

If desired, you can request licenses and other permitting documentation from the selected organization. It wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the opinions of people who have already contacted a particular employee. Often it is customer reviews that help you make your final decision.

Success of hypnotic methods and relapses

If the addict has no desire to stop drinking, hypnosis will not be effective. Even if the patient, under the influence of relatives, agreed to voluntarily come to the session, but is internally not ready or against coding, it is not recommended to try this method. The psychotherapist’s task is to find out how voluntarily the client is in his office and whether he himself agrees to say goodbye to the bad habit.

However, no doctor can give 100% guarantees. Each situation is individual, and the brain and the unconscious are not studied.

The success of hypnosis also depends on preparation for the session and the experience of the psychotherapist.

If a specialist does not have sufficient experience or has made mistakes in his work, there is a possibility of relapse. Also, an alcoholic may relapse in the absence of support from relatives and friends.

Hypnotherapy for epilepsy

Doctors always warn that the patient’s presence of epilepsy is also one of the main contraindications. Even with rare seizures, you should be careful and refuse to treat alcoholism with hypnosis.

Considering that epilepsy cannot be completely cured, the patient and his family should consider other treatment options that the doctor will suggest. Psychotherapeutic techniques are appropriate only when the intensity and frequency of seizures is minimized with the help of specialized medications.

The main difficulty is that epileptic seizures can be one of the signs of severe alcohol dependence. In this case, the nervous system is significantly damaged, and influencing it through hypnosis can seriously aggravate the situation.

Which specialists can use hypnosis?

Hypnosis coding should be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training and is proficient in various suggestive techniques. Mastering the methods of induction into trance is a labor-intensive and long process, requiring not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience.

Hypnospecialists can be psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists with a medical education and retrained in psychotherapy.

Suggestive influence is allowed only in specialized medical institutions that have a license. Hypnosis is carried out in an isolated room equipped with all the necessary equipment.

It is important to understand that not all patients enter suggestive trance easily. How quickly hypnosis will work on a person depends on professional experience. Many addicts do not trust such methods, and the specialist’s task is to win them over by convincing them of the effectiveness of hypnotic coding. Only after this is it possible to move directly to suggestion.

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Our clinic operates under a license from the Russian Ministry of Health.

Narcology clinic “First Step” is an official medical institution licensed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

License to carry out medical activities No. LO-77-01-018683

Our doctors are certified professionals with at least 5 years of experience in the field of addiction medicine.

Chemistry: benefits and dangers

To find out whether a particular person can be cured using one of the psychotherapeutic techniques, you need to consult with specialists and find out the current stage of alcoholism. Thus, hypnosis is most effective in the early stages, while the addiction is purely psychological.

If a person experiences a physical craving for alcohol, then the narcologist is forced to use different tactics. Hypnosis sessions can still be carried out, however they will only complement the main drug treatment using synthetic drugs.

In some cases, drugs are administered intravenously using a drip, but this is inconvenient, since the patient will be forced to regularly visit the clinic. It is much better to sew a capsule under the skin in advance, which will gradually release the active substance and maintain a stable concentration in the blood. All drugs used in such treatment are chemically synthesized.

Anchor method of treating alcoholism

The anchor method of treatment involves the psychotherapist creating conditioned reflexes in the patient’s mind to alcohol. Anchors are certain marks, certain bright moments that everyone has. This could be poisoning from stale foods, which will leave a marker in the mind in the form of disgust for this product or a negative anchor. If the mark is associated with positive moments, bright and pleasant emotions, then there is a positive anchor in the mind.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Effective methods of coding for alcoholism by intravenous injection, coding into a vein

There may be visual, auditory and tactile anchors. The doctor’s task is to find one that will create a mark in the patient’s subconscious that begins to act when alcohol appears. This is a very delicate and delicate work.

Neurolinguistic programming

NLP, or waking suggestion, is used less frequently in the practice of psychotherapists. However, this programming is found everywhere and is often used in advertising.

The bottom line is that a person is not aware of the impact on his psyche and over time considers the desires and beliefs formed under the influence of neurolinguistics to be his own.

Coding occurs through pulling out from the depths of the subconscious the correct healthy beliefs, according to which it is possible to solve problems and have fun without drinking alcohol.

The disadvantage of this method is its duration and lack of guarantees of effectiveness. Therapeutic sessions using NLP will have to be attended for many months and the result is not always a cure for alcoholism.

The method has contraindications:

  • The patient has no desire to be treated.
  • Mental disorders and illnesses.
  • Head injuries.
  • Abstinence.
  • Personality degradation and stage 3 of alcoholism.
  • Diseases of the cardiac system.
  • Infectious and chronic pathologies.

Forcibly, under pressure from relatives, this method will not work.


The use of hypnosis treatment methods for alcoholism has some limitations:

  • the patient’s refusal of treatment, disagreement to undergo hypnosis;
  • various mental disorders associated with alcoholism;
  • recent brain injury;
  • alcoholic or hangover condition;
  • serious infectious, heart and cancer diseases;
  • loss of human appearance in the last stage of alcoholism.

Having decided to undergo treatment for alcoholism with hypnosis, you should know that no technique provides an absolute guarantee of success. The human brain is a delicate matter, the reaction to hypnosis depends on the individual characteristics of the person’s psyche, so it is important to take the choice of a clinic and a doctor seriously.

Hypnotic techniques cannot be performed in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Mental disorders – manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, paranoid and paranoid syndromes.
  2. Organic brain damage, cognitive impairment. The patient loses the ability to associative and reassociative thinking, which can provoke a deterioration in well-being during immersion in a trance. Hypnosis techniques can be used after appropriate therapeutic interventions have been implemented.
  3. Compulsive states:
  • Epilepsy.
  • Tendency to hysterical reactions.
  • Convulsive seizures.
  • Uncontrollable crying/laughter of the patient.
  1. Patients with mental retardation. It is impossible to achieve trusting contact between a doctor and an alcohol addict; the basis of the hypnotic effect is lost.
  2. Taking psychotropic medications (changes in brain biorhythms occur, the doctor cannot organize in-depth work with the problem):
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Neuroleptics.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antidepressants.
  1. Alcohol intoxication. Despite the fact that such patients are very easily put into trance, it is almost impossible to organize control.
  2. Pregnancy in women suffering from alcoholism.
  3. Relative contraindications are temperature, intoxication, acute somatic disorders, nervous overexcitation.

Causes and signs of alcoholism

The factors that cause alcoholism are varied. There are many circumstances that force a person to drink excessively. Most often, the development of alcoholism is facilitated by psychological reasons. Here, an important role is played by the character of the individual, his temperament, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. A suspicious, insecure person with low self-esteem will much more quickly resort to the relaxing effects of alcohol. He will drink to cheer up, become more confident, get rid of depression, reduce anxiety, and overcome inhibitions.

Treatment of alcoholism using hypnosis

The effectiveness of treating alcoholism with hypnosis is based on the fact that in a state of hypnotic trance a person reacts to suggestions without critical perception, which is only possible while awake. Hypnotic suggestion is applicable to mentally healthy people who voluntarily agree to conduct a session, since forced therapy for alcohol addiction does not have any effect.

Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis is based on the fact that the centers of formation of an addiction are located in the subconscious of the drinking person. In order to identify them there, the hypnotherapist penetrates into the unconscious sphere of the patient by introducing him into a hypnotic trance. This is a state of narrowed consciousness, reminiscent of the natural intermediate phase between wakefulness and sleep, only induced artificially.

The work of a person’s brain under hypnosis occurs in such a way that he becomes able to perceive target external information with particular acuteness and remember it. In the process of entering a trance under hypnosis, the rhythm of brain activity drops, the protective functions of consciousness are reduced, and the path to the deep layers of the patient’s unconscious sphere opens. There is a switch from external sources of information to the internal sensations of a person suffering from alcoholism. Hypnosis for alcoholism allows you to:

  • reveal the underlying mechanisms of addiction formation;
  • systematize them;
  • eliminate from the subconscious the negative attitudes that gave rise to the bad habit.

This is the main principle of treating alcoholism with hypnosis. Since the causes of addiction lie deep in the subconscious, influencing it gives the best results.

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