treatment of neurosis with hypnosis reviews

Neuroses are usually caused by traumatic stimuli and mental factors (although they often have external, physical symptoms). This means that the basic principle of treatment should be based on mental influence. Treatment of neurosis with hypnosis has many advantages over other methods and gives tangible results.

NAME OF SERVICEprice, rub.
Consultation with a therapist (observation)3,000 rubles
Consultation with a neurologist (observation)3,000 rubles
Psychiatrist consultation4,000 rubles
Consultation with a psychologist3,000 rubles
Professor consultation4,500 rubles
Neuroprotective therapy2,300 rubles
Acupuncturefrom 2900 rubles
Xenon therapy6,000 rubles
Hypnosis (1 session)7,000 rubles

An experienced specialist puts the patient into a hypnotic state and carries out therapeutic suggestions at this time. The important thing is that this method has practically no contraindications, does not cause negative physical reactions in the body, and most importantly, it does not affect external symptoms, but the underlying cause of the neurotic state.

What it is?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness generated by the directed action of a hypnotist or self-hypnosis, which is characterized by an intermediate state on the verge of wakefulness and dreamless sleep.

Arises from focusing on:

  • the voice of a specialist or musical accompaniment;
  • specific subject;
  • own breathing;
  • impressions;
  • memories.

In a state of hypnosis, a person is completely relaxed, in a blocked state of consciousness, while being able to see and feel uncontrollable images of the subconscious.

During hypnotic influence, the hypnotist gains access to the unconscious sphere of the personality, thereby having the opportunity to influence the system of beliefs, attitudes, habits, and preferences of the subject.

Meditation as the key to self-hypnosis

Meditation is the process of relaxing the body and focusing attention on one's own breathing, bodily sensations, or a foreign object. As a result, the mind is cleansed of negative thoughts, unnecessary experiences, and irritants from the outside world.

Using meditative techniques, a person is able to enter a trance-like hypnotic state and, through self-suggestion, achieve a state of serenity and harmony for sleep and calming the nervous system.

Instilling certain attitudes into yourself will allow you to change your habits, way of thinking and behavior. Thereby having a positive impact on well-being and self-realization in general.

How to recognize a person who suffers from obsessive-thought neurosis

Sometimes the person himself does not even understand that he is suffering from a dangerous disease. Obsessive thoughts neurosis is a mental illness, and it needs to be recognized in time. This syndrome is also called obsessive-compulsive disorder. OCD cannot be neglected: the sooner you start treating this disease, the faster positive results will appear and the opportunity to get rid of the mental disorder.

Hypnosis for intrusive thoughts and memories is an effective technique for treating deviations. The sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner you can expect positive results.

Symptoms may include:

  • frequent hand washing, which can take a long time, sometimes up to an hour;
  • careful processing of vegetables and fruits, fear of poisoning;
  • reluctance to contact people, shake hands, take other people’s objects;
  • the desire to always carry everything with you, just like that - just in case;
  • the desire to touch something without fail;
  • the desire to be near a window, a cliff - at this moment obsessive thoughts of throwing yourself from a height may arise, a person may have difficulty overcoming this desire (for some this does not work out, the result is suicide);
  • the desire to perform an action several times (for example, before sitting down, a person must hit the back of a chair three times);
  • constantly counting something (counting cars passing by, people in a room, steps taken);
  • excessive perfectionism even in small things;
  • superstitiousness, belief in omens, predictions, fear of the end of the world, etc.

It is not difficult to notice a neurosis of obsessive thoughts in a person - everything will be in excess and too much. The main thing is, if such symptoms appear, do not delay contacting an experienced psychologist who can conduct an examination and testing, and prescribe the optimal treatment regimen and method. Most often, in this case, hypnosis is prescribed for negative thoughts - a reliable and proven technique.

In any case, do not despair, because neurosis of obsessive states and thoughts is not a death sentence; with desire, patience and perseverance, this disease can be completely overcome.

Types of hypnosis

The main task of introducing a person into hypnosis is to gain control over his fears, experiences, addictions and physical condition.

According to the degree and methods of influence, the following types of hypnosis are distinguished:

  1. Classical (directive) hypnosis. Direct influence method, in which the individual voluntarily agrees to conduct a session and fulfills the hypnologist’s conditions. Involves an instant shock method of inducing a deep hypnotic state. Suggestion is carried out in the form of specific rigid installations in directive form. It is used in medicine to get rid of drug and alcohol addiction, smoking, obsessive depression and stress.
  2. Ericksonian (permissive) hypnosis. Unlike the classical method, in this case the suggestions are soft, unobtrusive. The hypnotized person does not lose control over the situation and has the right to accept or reject the proposed settings. The method of the American psychotherapist Milton Erickson implies an individual approach to the problem of each client, providing the opportunity for personal awareness of problems and unfulfilled desires.

    The introduction to a trance state is carried out gradually, starting with a normal conversation. After which the hypnologist begins to work with the patient’s imagination, allowing him to realize the source of the problem and find a solution. Visualization plays an important role. Images of getting rid of a problem are deposited in the individual’s subconscious, helping him to cope with psychological difficulties in the future. The method helps to get rid of stuttering and aerophobia, increase a person’s social adaptation, and instill confidence before public speaking.

  3. Regressive hypnosis. While in a deep trance, the subject remembers past events in detail, without controlling his consciousness. A hypnologist is able to suggest to a person that he is at an early age.

    From this moment it is possible to track fears, stress and emotional experiences that have long been forgotten by the patient, but have a negative impact on his mental and physical health, character, and behavior. At certain stages of the session, the specialist softly makes the necessary suggestions to help identify and eliminate the consequences of psychological trauma.

  4. Self-hypnosis - acts through body relaxation, concentration and self-suggestion of positive attitudes.

    Allows you to quickly relax at home, cope with stress, take control of your feelings and sensations, normalize sleep, learn to manage emotions and desires. For the successful practice of self-hypnosis, regular exercises are necessary, leading to the harmonization of the soul, body and the surrounding world.


After undergoing several hypnosis sessions with a specialist, the hypnologist may allow the client to continue treatment on their own. Such a decision can be made with positive dynamics and focus on results. The main idea of ​​this approach is simple - a person himself can influence himself more effectively than outsiders. The quality of life depends on what a person “puts” into his head.

If you repeat certain settings throughout the day, they are stored in the subconscious.

The best time for such a procedure is in the evening, before bed. Phrases for hypnosis should not contain negation; they begin with the pronouns “I” or “We” in different declensions. Word combinations are selected individually in such a way that they instantly induce drowsiness. Over time, a strictly defined time is established for falling asleep and waking up.

Experts distinguish three phases of hypnosis: pre-trance, immersion in trance and suggestion. Each of them has its own stages with its own characteristics of the object’s state.

The first two types of hypnosis are the most common. Lack of sleep causes fatigue, bad mood, lethargy, etc. When traditional methods do not help, they turn to hypnotists.

How and where to learn hypnosis

Mastering hypnosis for beginners is possible both independently and under the guidance of a specialist.

The main task of immersion in a hypnotic trance is to focus on the internal state of a person.

Methods on how to learn hypnosis yourself at home:

  • Master the technique of concentration. To do this, you should start by focusing your gaze on the selected object without blinking. Doing this exercise regularly will help you develop a subjugating gaze.
  • Mastery of ideomotor skills, which allows you to use a concentrated gaze to send commands to your opponent to perform certain actions. You can practice on your immediate surroundings, sending a signal to the person to straighten his hair, look around, or take an object.
  • To successfully conduct a session, you need to establish a trusting relationship with the subject and choose a comfortable location.
  • Focus on the patient's gaze, listen to his breathing, and mentally capture internal sensations.
  • In a calm, confident voice, inform the person that he is walking along the road and with each step he is plunging deeper into a hypnotic trance. At the end of the journey he will be able to be completely in a state of hypnosis.

Hypnosis lessons will not give instant results. Persistent, systematic training is required. Anyone who wants to learn how to master hypnosis has the right to choose the most optimal and accessible way of learning: from books, at trainings, in specialized educational institutions.

Where to learn hypnotherapy:

  1. Training in courses, trainings and seminars from professional teachers. Systematic classes with practical work will bring maximum results.
  2. Specialized literature, articles on the Internet, audio materials, scientific publications of psychotherapists.
  3. The Moscow Institute of Hypnosis conducts individual training courses under the guidance of honored doctors of the Russian Federation. Convenient class schedule, 90% practice, limited groups of students, regular scientific research. At the end of the training a certificate is issued.
  4. Alternative Hypnosis Laboratory is a thematic group of social networks. The YouTube channel has published many videos with educational material on regressive hypnosis, methods of its use, and the results of its impact on humans.

Hypnosis treatment

An experienced hypnologist in several sessions, with the consent of the patient, is able to relieve him of many ailments of a psychological and physiological nature.

With the help of hypnosis it is possible to:

  • Influence people’s self-affirmation, overcome internal complexes, fears, improve memory, normalize sleep.
  • Coping with sexual disorders, a depressed state of consciousness, depression.
  • Overcome excess weight, stabilize digestion, cure ulcers and gastritis.
  • To improve the condition of cancer patients after operations and intensive care.
  • Cope with allergic and dermatological manifestations, accelerate the healing of wounds and burns.
  • A hypnosis session for a married couple will allow you to find the sources of adultery, cooling towards each other, scandals and disagreements, and misunderstandings with children. Identification of the original problem and joint sessions will help spouses tune into a common harmonious mood, appreciate the love and attention of their partner, trust their children, thereby saving the family.
  • Overcome addictions: alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling.

Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis

It should be noted that effective treatment is only possible if the patient is aware of his addiction and agrees to coding.

Sessions against a person’s will and at a distance will not produce results. Hypnotic effects are used for therapy, to consolidate the result, to eliminate the psychosis and nervous breakdown that occurs in a person when he abruptly quits drinking.

Coding for alcoholism using hypnosis is characterized by:

  • lack of influence on the internal organs and metabolic processes of the body;
  • long-term exposure;
  • the ability to conduct sessions at home;
  • the absence of medicinal stimulants and antidepressants that negatively affect the psyche.

To clearly understand the essence of what hypnosis is - a tool or a weapon, you need to find out the goal and be guided by the main rule: “do no harm .

Hypnotherapy is not entertainment; its main task is to gain control over a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior to harmonize psychological and physical health.

The effect of treating neuroses with hypnosis

Thanks to this effect it is possible to achieve:

  • rapid elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • interruption and elimination of trigger mechanisms (triggers) of neurosis and its causes;
  • a person’s awareness of the mechanisms of his disease;
  • relaxation of the human body and mind during hypnosis;
  • the emergence of an optimistic attitude towards the disease, hope for a full recovery;
  • improving interpersonal and social relationships.

Let us note that when treating neuroses with hypnosis, a person’s active desire to recover is of great importance, because without this, it will be more difficult for the psychotherapist to “reach out” to the hidden causes of the disease.

To find out the cost and the required number of sessions for the treatment of neuroses with hypnosis in Moscow in our clinic, please call the numbers listed on the website and sign up for a consultation!

Authorship and editing of the text:
Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Alkoklinik MC, psychiatrist-narcologist Popov A.G., psychiatrist-narcologist Serova L.A.

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