Inadequate woman. If a person behaves strangely, inappropriately, aggressively - what to do? Inappropriate girls

“I constantly hear: “You can’t live like this,” “You’re not living by the rules,” “Start living like everyone else.” This makes me terribly angry, I don’t understand who came up with these rules and why I have to live like everyone else. I do what I want and how I want, and no one has the right to tell me.

Live by the rules, like a bunch of people who have no opinion? No, you won’t wait! You go to school, obey your parents, go to college, get married, go to work in the morning, get back from work in the evening, a bunch of backbreakers and a hysterical wife, covered in loans, with a thirty-year mortgage, you pretend to be incredibly happy, and so on until old age. - and then that’s it, life ended. And this is the kind of life you offer me according to the rules? Live like this yourself. But I want - I work, I want - I rest, I need money - I took it from those who have it. And what, even God ordered to share! And I decide this myself, and not the president, parents or “normal” people.

“Aren’t you ashamed?!” - you say. Imagine, no shame! I can say what I want, do what I want, and enjoy life, and you continue to live like a herd.”

— Peter, 35 years old

This story well illustrates the way of thinking of a person with deviant behavior - one that deviates from public moral and legal norms. Deviant - or, in other words, asocial or inadequate - behavior can be criminal, or can manifest itself in other forms. For example, alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling are also considered antisocial forms of behavior. A person who violates generally accepted rules almost always faces sanctions: isolation, treatment, forced correction or punishment.

In this article, we will figure out what exactly is considered deviant behavior, why a person begins to behave inappropriately, and how to overcome deviation on your own or help a loved one change.

  • Prevention of antisocial behavior
      In family
  • In the state
  • In society
  • Correction of deviant behavior
  • Originality

    A person who at first glance stands out from the crowd can be called inadequate.
    If he has a quirky appearance or behavior that differs from the standard, others may consider him strange. Any deviations from the average may alarm those who are close to such an individual. But people are especially frightened by those who, despite their strangeness, are also quite active or hypothetically pose a threat to others. Depending on the situation, a person who simply talks very loudly, gesticulates sharply, or laughs loudly in a public place may be considered inadequate. The fact that an individual allows himself more than others can make others wary. This kind of fear is associated with a person’s suspicion of alcohol or drug intoxication or mental illness.

    Adequacy assessment

    How to understand what is adequate and what is not? No one wants to be branded “inadequate,” because this label can completely change the attitude of others towards you. Often, adequacy is understood as banal compliance with generally accepted standards of morality and behavior. Moreover, actions that are adequate in one situation may be inadequate in another. In most cases, this concept is simply a person’s subjective point of view on how others should think and behave. Therefore, if someone accuses you of inadequacy, this is not a reason to panic at all; perhaps this person simply did not like you.

    Of course, there are generally accepted values ​​and moral standards, non-compliance with which is considered horrifying savagery. But don’t forget about your own values, because the majority is often wrong. And a person who builds his life according to the principle “everything is like other people” can hardly be called a conscious person, although he does not lack for adequacy. Therefore, do what you think is necessary; others will evaluate your adequacy.


    Of course, some people consider boors and hooligans to be inadequate. People who show aggression at work or in public places, who do not hesitate to make a big scandal, become personal and insulting, cause fear in more restrained individuals.

    Aggression may not necessarily result in negativity. Unbridled fun for no reason and on the verge of hysteria can also become the basis for others to recognize a person as inadequate. Excessive expression of emotions, inappropriate and uncontrolled, be it anger, tears or laughter, causes a resonance in society, since it does not fit into social norms of behavior.

    Age appropriateness

    Compliance with your age is no less important in modern society than the presence of values ​​and guidelines that are understandable and accepted by society. An adult acting like a child can look extremely strange. If a child behaves like an adult, then people find it funny or cute, but do not take him seriously.

    A pathetic impression is made by adults who communicate in teenage slang, or by old people trying to look youthful.

    There is a time for everything, do not forget what adequacy is when trying to become someone you are not. The younger generation needs to remember that their adult life will yet come and they will remember their bygone childhood years with envy.

    People of the older generation, on the contrary, do not need to forget that childhood has already passed and there is no way to return to it, so it is worth accepting all the complexity and responsibility of adult life.


    Someone who has strange habits may be considered an inadequate person. People who spend their entire lives collecting collections of things that are of no value to most members of society can already count on being called inadequate. And if a hobby outgrows all boundaries and its scale resembles a mania, then, most likely, neighbors and acquaintances will begin to twist their fingers at their temples.

    When a person is obsessed with some idea and lives only by it, he may look strange to others. For example, if an individual is obsessed with sterile cleanliness or total economy for no particular reason, other people perceive him as inadequate. A person lives in his own world and feels comfortable in this state. And his friends believe that he has a mental disorder and are hostile to such a lifestyle.

    Prevention of antisocial behavior

    Prevention of deviations is most effective when it is carried out as a whole: by the family, society and the state. Let's figure out how this can be done.

    In family

    It makes sense to start preventing deviations in childhood and adolescence, since scientists have proven that people who committed a crime had the prerequisites for this in childhood.

    Ideally, parents should pay a lot of attention to the child: communicate and listen carefully to him, notice deviations in his behavior, know his friends, talk with him about social norms. And, of course, set an example of adequate behavior yourself - for example, never raise a hand to a child, otherwise he will form the attitude that violence is normal and correct. It is important that the child develops an understanding of the boundaries and limits of what is permitted, and the ability to regulate his own actions.

    It would be good if the school held special classes for children on the prevention of addictions and other antisocial behavior. [5]

    In the state

    Also, ideally, the prevention of deviations should be carried out by the state. After all, the number of people with antisocial behavior directly depends on the well-being in society. If the state helps low-income families, provides equal access to education and medicine for everyone, takes care of pensioners and provides jobs, then the number of crimes in the country decreases, fewer people are susceptible to addictions, and the overall psychological climate is much better.

    In society

    Finally, it should be noted that society is quite capable of self-regulation. The fact is that human activity does not manifest itself in society as a whole, but in one of its small groups: in a family, a work or educational group, a group of friends, etc. Within each of them there are their own unspoken norms of behavior, which each participant accepts, if he wants to be involved in this team. For example, it has been noted that in small ethnic groups or simply small settlements the level of deviation is much lower than in large cities. The impact is that literally everyone knows each other there, and a person’s life directly depends on other people. Therefore, it is so important for everyone to feel involved in their people.

    Roughly the same thing happens in subcultures - both youth and quite serious, for example, in the scientific or business community. Their representatives are united by common values, ideas about what is acceptable and unacceptable, as well as the idea of ​​their own exclusivity - of course, in a positive sense. After all, to get into such a subculture, you need to have certain knowledge, connections and values. It is assumed that a person who values ​​his involvement in such an “elite” will not go against its moral principles. [6]


    A person can be called inadequate by those who themselves behave completely differently. Here there is a subjective perception of the behavior and words of other people. For some, a representative of another state will no longer be adequate, because his manners do not fit into the world created within another individual.

    Therefore, when labeling others, some people should think about whether they themselves are examples of inappropriate behavior for someone due to their thinking, mentality or actions.

    Signs of inappropriate behavior

    Deviations have common characteristics that distinguish them from the norm:

    • It causes a negative reaction in most people, so-called social sanctions.
    • It causes significant damage to other people - their health, safety, property or even life. Or it could be self-destructive behavior - one that causes harm to the person himself. This includes, for example, dependencies.
    • We can confidently talk about deviation if it is not a single manifestation, but multiple, which has been repeated for a long time.
    • Finally, inappropriate behavior is accompanied by social maladaptation—the loss of the ability to adapt to environmental conditions. That is, regardless of the circumstances and environment, a person with deviation will behave the same. [7]

    In addition, deviations are age and gender specific. The deviant behavior of men and women differs, just as the deviant behavior of an adult and a child differs.


    If the above has left you confused, that's okay. Because “Inadequate People 2” and bewilderment are practically synonymous. Where “Inadequate People 2” is, there is bound to be bewilderment. Let's start with why they are needed, right? A sudden continuation of a completed story ten years later. But here, in fact, everything is simple and obvious. The original “Inadequate People” is not only an extremely intelligent and original romantic comedy with brilliant dialogues, which has gained nationwide recognition. For Roman Karimov, this is, first of all, his debut and most successful work.

    Since then, it has not been possible to fully repeat the success; we only managed to come close to repeating it once - with the comedy “Walk, Vasya!” Which, by the way, also has a sequel planned - for the sake of it, Karimov, as they say, even sacrificed his participation in the “Kola Superdeep”. That is, it is quite understandable why Roman Karimov needed this. Why do we need this - well, let’s say, why not. Visiting old acquaintances and seeing how they are doing now sounds good in theory.

    The heroes, Christina and Vitaly, have been cohabiting for a long time, they have acquired a brand new apartment, he has his own business (something related to construction contracts), career prospects, but she is vegetating. You see, she is not attracted by the usual family routine, with children, manicures and shopping, she wants something more. Puzzled by the question of what exactly she wants, she goes to enroll in a university, where she meets a boorish, assertive goofball, the son of a rich dad, and begins to cheat on Vitaly with him, carefully documenting the facts of infidelity in her diary. Vitaly catches the diary's eye - and that's it. Attempts to somehow resolve the situation, to have a heart-to-heart talk lead nowhere. This is how, in the most trivial way, a love story that has won the hearts of many Russian viewers ends.

    But for “Inadequate People 2” this is far from the end, but, on the contrary, the starting point. After all, Christina has not yet found the answer to the question of what she wants from life. And Roman Karimov is very interested in this question. And further searches take them nowhere. Including in the office of an IT company, where in a short time she goes from “give and bring” to the head of a large project, and in the meantime the film mutates into an office sitcom, then into an industrial drama, then into corporate advertising (montage cuts of office activities to music).

    At first glance, it may seem that this is some kind of complete senseless chaos, but a certain correlation can still be traced: every new turn in the fate of the unfortunate heroine entails a change of course. Here, at the lowest point of the fall, the kind Chinese Iskhan (Chinese Iskhan, yeah) appears - and we are already seeing a touching social story about the friendship of peoples and multiculturalism. Around another corner lies something like a rough sketch for an episode of Black Mirror about a magical program that, from one photo of a person, reveals everything about him - that is, everything! — information. Yes, this is a direct continuation of those “Inadequate People”, it’s worth reminding once again.

    And to make it even more interesting, the plot - or rather, what is instead of a plot - is presented in mixed pieces and long flashbacks. The flashbacks contain the main part, where Christina’s incredible adventures are outlined; everything else is made up of pieces. Namely, the intertwined lines of the characters Evgeny Tsyganov, Maria Goryacheva (for the first time on the screen) and Ilya Lyubimov. Which, in turn, are also intertwined with the main part. But not particularly crowded. Somewhere they are intertwined, in literally several moments, and where they are not intertwined, the main part is carried into various bizarre jungles.

    Well, even if it didn’t drift, or even if you take these wilds and cut them down, and not cut them down, at least thin them out, it would still be of no use. At best, an overly cumbersome film would be made less cumbersome. As if redundancy is the only thing wrong with him. Everything is wrong with him, redundancy only masks a gaping emptiness. Roman Karimov was only enough to vaguely outline the beginning, create a difference in potential in the relationships of the heroes, and where to dance next - Roman Karimov was no longer enough for this, and he rushed to dance anywhere. Having danced to a story overloaded with implausible details and frighteningly serious, completely devoid of humor, about how a fat woman went mad and then regretted it.


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