Quotes about Self-Irony I’m not particularly smart anyway. And then he was generally stupid and drunk. Uninvited Laughing at yourself makes it easier, but not better. Valentin Domil I do not have a physique, but a body subtraction. Lev David

Self-irony is a type of ironic spectrum of discussion, when the person himself becomes the center of discussion and comments. Self-irony and irony are built on concealing or contrasting the obvious meaning presented with the true meaning, to create the feeling that the person or subject of discussion is not what it appears at first glance. The feeling of self-irony allows a person to laugh at himself, joke, without humiliating his own dignity, allows him to easily and sensibly evaluate his own abilities and achievements, without falling into narcissism or self-flagellation.

Depending on the context and the ability to apply, self-irony is a sign of both internal strength (when a person can be the first to laugh at his own incidents) and internal weakness (when self-irony turns into a defense mechanism aimed at forestalling the ridicule of others and caused by a decrease in self-esteem). In both cases, an ironic perception of oneself reduces the risk of attack by others, since there is no motivation to point out misdeeds to the person who notices them or to make fun of someone who does it more successfully and earlier.

Self-irony and irony go hand in hand, so having made a remark to an ironic person, you need to be prepared that now the attention of his discussions will go to you, but whether you can also fend off ironic attacks without having so many developed skills of self-ironic statements remains an open question. In addition to protective functions and a healthy attitude to life, self-irony helps to present oneself in a favorable light, without resorting to direct praise; it is often used when flirting, and they use the same combination - emphasizing a minor flaw so that all the advantages become more clearly visible, and perhaps , and thus ask for a compliment.

Self-irony is a sign of high intelligence, grace in presenting information, a subtle sense of humor and a realistic, holistic view of oneself. In addition, this quality testifies to a high-quality and deep knowledge of oneself in order to be able to highlight a shortcoming, criticize it in an original form, without causing damage or injury to one’s own psyche, and not indulge in humiliation and apologies. This attitude implies a lot of self-love and acceptance of the whole with positive and negative appearances. Perhaps it is these internal traits that make ironists so attractive, force them to learn from them and strive to develop irony in their own perception.

What is self-irony

“Ducks fly away to distant lands, but one of them can’t - a fat one like me.”


- this is a person’s ability to laugh at himself, joke about unfulfilled plans, failures, character traits or appearance.

This is a very easy and positive quality that has nothing to do with self-flagellation, in which a person speaks poorly of himself. Destructive irony addressed to oneself hides fears, self-doubt and complexes. Self-irony, on the contrary, shows a person’s good attitude towards his shortcomings and his acceptance of them.

A person who is able to make fun of himself gives the impression of being mature, adequate and psychologically stable. In addition, self-irony reveals a person with a sense of humor and easy to communicate with.

For example, a man decided to repair a stool, but lacking the skills, nailed all the parts at random. You can get angry, run into criticism from your wife, and get upset. A person with self-irony will say: “Yes, in carpentry - I am a noble master! The real dad Carlo” and the situation will turn from unpleasant to fun.

The ability to look at unpleasant events and one’s role in them with laughter also reveals a wise person. Why be nervous and increase the degree of trouble if you can be ironic and turn everything into a joke?

Adequate self-irony cannot harm either the person himself or those around him. The jokes are always light and not offensive. We did not humiliate ourselves in any way, but at the same time we opened up to the interlocutor, giving reason for sincerity on his part as well.

In self-irony, it is important not to go too far and not become a joke to others. You should not use banter to cover up your real shortcomings - bad habits, if they have become pathological. “Who doesn’t drink? Name it!”, this phrase from the film “Pokrovsky Gate”, can pass for a joke for the time being until alcoholism becomes a threat to a person’s life.

Is self-irony given to us from birth or can it be learned?

Lele Pons, as an example - self-irony changes life!

  • No, self-irony is not given to us from birth. This quality can and should be developed, and its presence will help you gain self-confidence. As soon as you learn self-irony, it will be easier for you to react to cutting remarks, you will stop feeling a constant feeling of guilt, and you will become less vulnerable. When you acquire this quality, you will see that you will grow as a person and become more mature.
  • A person without self-irony depends on the opinions of others, has problems with self-esteem and difficulties with communication. But to achieve this, you need to get rid of your complexes. Therefore, we offer you our article “How to get rid of complexes?”
  • Obsessing over yourself and suspecting that everyone is making fun of your minor failures is proof of internal problems that do not allow you to relax. Conversely, someone who accepts himself and does not wait for proof of his worth and meaning from the outside is able to find joy in his surroundings and in himself. The ability to laugh, the ability to look at a situation from different angles are signs of mental health and personality balance.
  • But for self-irony, self-confidence is fundamentally necessary. However, you can develop self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. But you shouldn’t expect that you will immediately learn to laugh at yourself! This takes time.

Self-irony: how to learn?


  • Change your thinking. You should not get hung up on difficulties, but see better prospects in any changes and failures! If you were fired from your job, it means you can get some sleep or do what you love.
  • Force yourself to be happy and smile as often as possible. The next time you feel like slamming your phone into the wall in anger, try to relax and calm down. Think positive thoughts and remember some of the funniest moments in your life to lift your mood. Laugh at jokes, situations and over time you will see that humor has settled in you. We also recommend reading the article “How to get rid of negative thoughts?”
  • Work on developing your imagination - this is the main engine for the emergence of new storylines. And to do this, start reading books, watching funny shows. Perhaps you can learn something for yourself.
  • Learn self-irony from others, try to be around such people. Those around us influence our personality, and self-deprecating people will help you see for yourself that laughing and making jokes about yourself is not scary. Moreover, such people are valued and respected more than serious and meticulous people.
  • Stop being offended by other people's jokes about you. Of course, it doesn’t come right away. Self-irony is based on complex work - increase your self-esteem, develop a sense of humor and learn to love yourself! And for this we need to accept ourselves as we are – with all our advantages and disadvantages.
  • Pay attention to children , they may look ridiculous, but they are beautiful in their stupidity and frivolity. It is children who sometimes remind us how to enjoy every day. You will also be interested in the article “How to learn to enjoy life?”
  • Pay attention to the absurd situations of others. Perhaps when someone looks stupid, you can enjoy being sarcastic. But next time just remain silent and imagine what this person could say with self-irony. This is how you will learn and practice.
  • Allow yourself to make mistakes. When something “bad” happens, try not to make too much of it. Think of it as something minor - nothing special. But this is an opportunity to learn a lesson and remember the material so as not to make the same mistake again! This is even a plus, because now you know what to do.

Although self-irony directly depends on self-confidence, it will also give you the opportunity to increase your self-esteem!

How to learn self-irony

When learning self-irony, it is important not to turn it into mockery of yourself or others. We have already looked at an example of self-humiliation. As for jokes towards other people, it is enough not to continue with the phrase “and you...”. They joked about themselves and that’s enough. If you are confident in your interlocutor, then you can use the same kind humor in his direction, but not an offensive prick-comparison in response.

For example, “if you want, I’ll give you a couple of kilograms of weight, I obviously don’t need them, and you’re so skinny.” Self-irony can be necessary for defense and adequate processing of insults. Then the ability to gracefully “joke” in response will come in handy.

How to develop self-irony:

  • Learn to rephrase negative language and see opportunities in difficulties. For example, you were fired, but before that you couldn’t sleep properly for a month. Great! So, finally get some sleep, and then find a new job. Or you tore your jeans - now you're on trend.
  • Study yourself carefully. Decide what you accept and what you don't accept yet. That is, what you can joke about and what hurts. Take note of the need to work on your weaknesses.
  • Develop and. They are the basis of irony and self-irony.
  • Learn to relax, that is, master. He who is always tense is also always serious.
  • Practice self-presentation. In front of the mirror, talk about your strengths and weaknesses, and then do the same with humor. Make faces, portray an animal that you resemble (everyone looks like someone, I, for example, laugh like a hyena).
  • The sense of humor, irony and self-irony depends on. Develop it: find unusual things in the world around you, images in the clouds, funny abstractions for specific situations and people.
  • Train yourself to look for the positive. In any funny situation, force yourself to look for advantages. Gradually, this thinking model will take hold, and you will no longer need to force yourself. Opportunities and interesting nuances will be automatically recognized.
  • Imagine your situation from the outside. How would you describe this person and perceive what happened to him?
  • Surround yourself with people who can laugh at themselves. It is not necessary to pry out the secrets of their craft from them, just communicate. Firstly, you will see from their example that making fun of yourself is not scary and useful. Secondly, you will subconsciously learn the models for constructing such jokes and after a while you will be able to apply them to yourself.
  • Praise yourself in any situation, even if you fail. You can always tell yourself “well, at least I tried.” Being calm about failures is no less important than adequately assessing yourself.
  • You need to joke appropriately, and for this you need to feel the disposition and mood of other people. and communication skills will allow you to feel the people around you and guess how they see you.
  • Develop your horizons: read, expand your vocabulary, communicate with different people, develop yourself. You will not be able to find a concise and interesting statement addressed to you if you have poor erudition.
  • Connect jokes with stories from childhood. In the company you find brothers through embarrassments and childhood oddities.
  • Watch how famous comedians joke about themselves. Not a single artist’s performance is complete without this. After all, only those who also joke about themselves can joke about other people and the world. When observing, keep track of your feelings (how you perceived the comedian at that second). Based on these observations, take notes on how you make jokes and how you don’t.

For better results, deal with your psychological problems. Why don’t you know how or aren’t ready to joke about yourself yet?

This article will discuss such an important quality of a sense of humor as self-irony. Self-irony requires special grace - how to make your interlocutor laugh, without humiliating yourself or putting others in an awkward position. Self-irony is such a very funny thing. We must learn to use it.

Self-irony is a not too serious, but healthy attitude towards one’s greatness, towards one’s own person. This is the absence of pathos. Ksenia Sobchak is distinguished by a good sense of humor and her inherent self-irony. Throughout the entire event, Ksenia smiled and skipped around the stage in a “horse” costume.

This happens when the interlocutor becomes, as it were, an instrument, becomes involved in the dynamics of relationships, which, against his will, imposes on him the role of a voyeur or actor. In the case of self-irony, as a detail of self-criticism (which can also be expressed in the context of humor), there is a growth of your personality, which is the engine of human progress (humanity as a whole).

The result is the embodiment of these desires to the extent that his personal greed dictates. Film director Woody Allen mastered this genre to perfection - perhaps this is one of the secrets of his success and charm.

Can this be learned?

There is a saying: “To laugh at yourself, you have to outgrow yourself.” Let's think about what it means and how to learn to laugh at yourself.

The pathological fear of looking funny is a consequence of complexes and problems with self-esteem. It seems to us that jokes and laughter humiliate us in the eyes of others. In fact, this is not true. If you demonstrate the ability to laugh at yourself, it will show you as a mature and harmoniously developed person. And those who are afraid of any word addressed to them only expose their own complexes.

I have always been interested in watching girls for whom laughing at themselves is a form of coquetry. “This could only happen to me!” - they say smugly, telling some funny situation from their lives. They are so confident in themselves that they consider even their shortcomings and mistakes to be charming traits, and talk about them with pride.

So in order to learn to laugh at yourself, it’s a good idea to start by working on your self-esteem.

I offer a few more tips:

  • Try to see the situation from the outside. There is such a psychological technique: imagine that you are looking at this situation from the window of a neighboring house.
  • You don’t have to laugh at yourself publicly right away. Start cultivating self-irony in your own thoughts. Having made some mistake, do not rush to scold yourself, but laugh at your own mistake. Over time, you will get used to this way of thinking.
  • Watch your children and follow their example. They are not afraid to look stupid or funny, they are happy to play the fool, pretend to be something and are not at all embarrassed by it. Maybe you could use a little childish spontaneity?
  • Develop your imagination. Many annoying situations begin to look funny if you use your imagination. For example, to me the crowd in the subway before entering the escalator reminds me of a flock of penguins that walk slowly, practically marking time in one place, but certainly swaying from side to side.
  • Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning. Make a face at yourself. And leave the house in such a frivolous mood.
  • Admit your shortcomings, come to terms with them. There are no perfect people, and the endless pursuit of an unattainable ideal can ruin a person’s life. Many of our shortcomings are a continuation of our strengths, and it is they that make us individuals.

Examples of self-irony from the lives of celebrities

An example of how stars joke about themselves is Leonardo DiCaprio's prank. It is known that the actor could not receive the coveted Oscar for a long time. When he finally got the prize, while engraving the statuette, he asked the master: “Do you engrave the Oscars every year? I just don’t know how to know.”

A treasure trove of humor in Russian cinema is the unforgettable Faina Ranevskaya. One day they asked her why she did not resort to plastic surgery. The actress instantly retorted: “Why fix the façade if the whole sewer system is rusty?”

When Ranevskaya was already an adult, a friend asked her opinion about modern medicine, whether there was any movement forward and development. Faina Georgievna replied: “But of course! When I was young I was always asked to take off my clothes. And today it’s enough to stick your tongue out at the doctor.”

The famous Soviet physicist L.D. Landau had a great sense of humor. It is he who owns the phrase: “I don’t have a physique, but a body subtraction.”

Self-irony is fully inherent in Ksenia Sobchak. At the Silver Galosh award ceremony, Ksenia came dressed as a “horse” and literally galloped across the stage. After this prank, the number of corresponding jokes addressed to her decreased significantly. The meaning of the vicious attacks was lost. Sobchak has surpassed all her ill-wishers in ridiculing herself.

What advantages does the ability to self-irony give a person?

The ability to make fun of one’s shortcomings and mistakes gives a person many advantages.


  • Self-irony protects you from criticism and barbs from other people. What's the point of laughing at a person if he has already done it himself?
  • An appropriate joke addressed to oneself helps to defuse a difficult situation and not slide into mutual insults.
  • It is impossible to offend a person capable of self-irony. This quality is very important for public people and politicians. When speaking in front of large audiences, there is always a risk of meeting opponents who disagree with your point of view. Irony in your address will allow you not to take critical attacks to heart.
  • Poking fun at minor flaws can simultaneously highlight strengths without directly resorting to self-praise and get a well-deserved compliment.
  • Knowing your shortcomings, but not being too strict about them, allows you to develop and improve. People who take themselves too seriously don't feel the need to fix anything or grow anywhere.
  • Self-irony is a sign of optimism and a great way to make your life easier and more enjoyable.
  • Self-ironic people are attractive and pleasant to deal with. Poking fun at yourself helps you make new connections and acquaintances.

Self-irony is often a method when flirting between men and women. “Could you help the blonde understand the instructions?” Addressing a random buyer in a store in this way, a girl, on the one hand, shows that she is easy to communicate with, on the other hand, she artificially elevates the man above herself, which is always flattering and invites acquaintance.

People don't perceive humor as dangerous. The schemer or gossiper is interested in the emotional reaction of the victim to a poisonous joke. What's the point of getting involved with someone who made fun of himself no worse than a professional comedian?

This does not mean that if we are directly insulted and ridiculed, we need to start echoing the offender and castigating ourselves. In no case! Self-irony is the prerogative of a self-confident person who will give the offender a proper rebuff.

Self-irony and its components

Self-irony is a person’s ability to critically and humorously evaluate and discuss himself.

There are various examples from history when even individuals who held serious positions had a high level of self-irony and could laugh at themselves and their shortcomings.

In fact, people who can do this are much happier than those who cannot. And all because it is almost impossible to offend such a person. This fact is explained simply: without exalting yourself over others, it is impossible to be disappointed in yourself.

So why is self-irony useful for us? Let's consider its components.

Who is an “open person”?

The ability to laugh at oneself is a sign of an emotionally mature person.
It’s nice to spend time with such people, share thoughts, and relax. They tend to listen and hear their interlocutor without introducing elements that aggravate the situation into the conversation. Key signs of open and emotionally balanced people:

  • uniqueness;
  • integrity;
  • self-expression;
  • active life position;
  • constant self-development;
  • self-regulation.

How to get rid of complexes?

Why do we sometimes get offended by careless statements addressed to us? Because we find some truth in these jokes and begin to develop complexes about one thing or another. Having learned self-irony, a person does not react so sensitively to such things; he keeps in his head the idea that this is the case. And if so, then why be offended? We need to accept ourselves as we are. Nobody is perfect.

Self-irony involves complete getting rid of any complexes. To do this you need:

  1. accurately determine the cause of their occurrence down to the smallest detail;
  2. objectively assess the current situation, determine the qualities of your fear;
  3. get rid of fear by doing what you are really afraid of;
  4. truly believe in yourself and your capabilities;
  5. take actions that bring you closer to your goals;
  6. remind yourself of your talents and strengths;
  7. love life in general and every day you live separately.

The combination of these actions will bring you one step closer to mental stability and emotional maturity.

What kind of person is impossible to offend?

If you are characterized by self-irony, it is almost impossible to offend you.
After all, every remark or reproach addressed to oneself is perceived without offense, and therefore without anger. Since the level of tragedy is quite low, the situation becomes easier and more distant. This quality is simply irreplaceable for public people who often have to speak in front of large audiences. Naturally, there will be people who agree with certain statements and those who disagree. And there will also be those who allow themselves to ask a question with subtext or express their bewilderment regarding some of your remarks.

A person who is too strict with himself may become offended, or worse, start shouting, defending his point of view. For a public person such an outcome is unacceptable. After all, after such an incident, his reputation may decrease significantly, and those who supported him may change their minds.

Being self-ironic, you will calmly react to any statement and remark addressed to you and find an appropriate answer that will turn everything into a joke, without offending either your opponent or yourself. After all, you accept yourself for who you are, and you know for sure that you cannot please everyone.

This outcome of the situation is the most suitable not only for a public figure, but also for someone who does not want to spoil relationships with others.

What is optimism?

The ability to look at yourself and specific situations that take place with a smile and humor is very useful.
Not getting upset over little things is an extremely useful quality, thanks to which we preserve our nervous system and our inherent emotional background. Advantages of an optimist:

  • sees any situation in a broader and longer-term perspective;
  • does not focus on obstacles in the process of achieving goals;
  • there is an inherent correlation between a positive attitude towards life and good health;
  • trusts in himself, his capabilities and strengths, does not blame the people around him and circumstances beyond his control;
  • has a minimum amount of prejudices and prejudices;
  • has reduced degrees of fear and risk (it is much easier for a fearless person to achieve their goal).

What does it mean to be an optimist? This is trying to see the positive sides in everything, accepting life as it is, and trying to “squeeze” only useful emotions out of every moment.

Taking responsibility

People who have the ability for self-irony know that they can solve any problem, even the most complex one. And this despite cases where the situation gets out of control. They always have hidden resources. They will help you not to lose heart on the path to success.

How to learn self-irony over yourself

To summarize what has been said, we note that self-irony greatly simplifies a person’s life.

You can learn this quality if you follow our advice.


  • Learn to look at all problems from the perspective of an outside observer. As the saying goes: “Life is a dangerous thing, we won’t get out of it alive.”
  • In dire situations, analyze the scale of the disaster and the possible consequences. There is no need to dramatize events; it is more productive to reduce the degree of hysteria.
  • Increase self-esteem and acceptance of your personality. A person who is self-confident and loves himself will always find a reason for safe and kind jokes.
  • Get close to optimistic, cheerful people and learn self-irony from them. Don't associate with toxic people without a sense of humor.
  • Never be offended by anyone. Resentment is a very bad feeling that only brings pain to those who experience it.
  • Analyze your shortcomings. Perhaps they are not that significant and there is no need to immediately begin to correct them. Suddenly, this is not a defect at all, but a highlight that gives you a special charm.

Self-irony is a great way to avoid destructive feelings of guilt and get rid of attacks from ill-wishers. Cultivate it to get rid of vulnerability and reacting to the toxic jokes of others.

The ability to laugh at yourself will bring moments of joy and fun, and will help in stressful situations that abound in modern life.

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