Be yourself: 7 recommendations on how to pay more attention to yourself

If you're like most people. Then you most likely spend most of your day in a constant rush. You complete one task after another at a fast pace. As a result, you don't do everything in the best possible way. There are many thoughts constantly running through your head. You can't focus on them, and you just don't understand how to become a more attentive person. You are constantly thinking about what you need to do next. Where to go, what to buy in the store after work, who your children are with now and much more. And as a result, at the end of the evening you have a headache, and you realize that you didn’t manage to complete all the tasks.

Mindfulness is simply paying attention on purpose to what you are doing. And in order to become a mindful person, you need to pay attention to the present moment. And all those details you are working on. Instead of rushing to complete tasks and doing everything in a hurry. When you begin to take a more calm and thorough approach to completing tasks, it will ultimately bring you a feeling of calm. You will be able to become more attentive and will become better at performing all your tasks. But in order to develop this ability and become attentive, it requires time and work on yourself.

Instructions to help you avoid negative thoughts

Initially, you should think about what brought you to such a state, where the negative thoughts come from. Perhaps this is due to mistakes made in the past or fear for the future. Understand everything in detail, try to accept the situation and start moving on.

Favourite buisness. This will help you switch. Walk more often, draw, fish, go hiking, just meditate. Such actions will help relieve emotional stress and take a little break from depressing thoughts.

Play sports. Physical activity in such a situation will come in handy. Thanks to them, it is possible to get a lot of positive emotions, lift your spirits, and keeping your body in great shape never hurts.

The muscles relax and so do the thoughts. An excellent sport is yoga and Pilates. They clear the mind. By the way, it doesn’t hurt to find a good mentor for regular training.

Communication. Make appointments with friends, walk around the city, get a four-legged friend, attend exhibitions and concerts. Try to be around positively charged people, you can learn a smile from them and not think about the bad.

Letting out emotions. Never keep negativity inside yourself. Resentment, indignation, sadness, grief, irritation or anger are not the best advisers and if these feelings visit you, speak out, talk about it, there is no need to remain silent and only aggravate the situation.

If necessary, cry, shout, hit the table or break dishes, hit the wall with your hands, but give vent to the negativity. This will help you get rid of bad thoughts and unwind.

Be yourself: 7 recommendations on how to pay more attention to yourself

You need to change your diet, stop smoking, and spend more time in the fresh air. In this material we will look at some important aspects that relate to women's health. Psychological preparation is no less important. There are even schools for expectant mothers to overcome fears. They are open at antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals. You can also read specialized literature, magazines, and visit forums where women who want to have a child in the near future gather. Lifestyle changes when planning pregnancy Lifestyle. It is necessary to completely abandon bad habits. No cigarettes or alcohol. The fact is that nicotine and ethyl alcohol disrupt blood circulation in the uterus and fallopian tubes. Health status. It is necessary to exclude dangerous infections; to do this, undergo a gynecological examination. Many sexually transmitted diseases occur without symptoms, especially mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, and human papillomavirus. Be sure to get checked for viral hepatitis and HIV. Most infections are curable. It is important to take vitamins and minerals, especially folic acid. A man is being examined for sexually transmitted diseases by an andrologist. Be sure to take a urine test to check your kidney health. An ECG (electrocardiogram) will tell you everything about the condition of the heart. But you need to be careful with herbs. For example, wanting to prevent colds in the early stages, some women drink echinacea, but it provokes miscarriages. It is better to maintain a constant weight for 3 months before pregnancy, avoiding sudden fluctuations in the direction of increase or decrease. 3 months before conception, you need to remove the IUD (intrauterine device). Add fresh fruits and cereals to your diet and remove strong coffee, wine, and canned food. Green vegetables, liver and beans, tomatoes and milk are useful for the expectant mother. Be less nervous, do less heavy physical labor, work in hazardous industries is contraindicated, try to change it. But exercise in the morning will be very useful. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the abdominal area and abs. It has been proven that women with normal waistlines have higher fertility. The ideal waist-to-hip ratio is 0.8 or lower. Limit your time at the computer. The best age for planning pregnancy is from 20 to 30 years. Experts note that after 35 years, the risk of hereditary diseases in a child increases. Some medications that need to be discontinued when preparing for pregnancy Consult your doctor if you are taking: ✔ Lithium medications. ✔ Streptomycin. ✔ Tetracycline. ✔ Gentamicin. When to talk about infertility If more than a year has passed since you started planning a pregnancy, undergo an examination, including checking your hormonal levels and patency of the fallopian tubes. Men take a spermogram - a special test that will show the number and motility of sperm. There is also such a factor in infertility as psychology. If you are worried that you cannot conceive, if you are constantly stressed, then pregnancy will not happen. Therefore, the best advice is to relax and enjoy the process. Don't focus on the child in the first year of marriage, just lead a healthy lifestyle. If the body is young and healthy, then your efforts will be crowned with success. Preparing for pregnancy after 40 years will have its difficulties, but even here it is not impossible. Fertility simply becomes lower with age, and chronic diseases become more common. The most dangerous period for the fetus is the ninth week of pregnancy. Some diseases are incompatible with the further development of pregnancy. In many countries, the fetus is not preserved in the early stages. If you've had miscarriages before, take baby planning more seriously. If your doctor has not prescribed you vitamins, do not take them yourself. In general, on the eve of pregnancy it is better not to self-medicate. Some drugs not only cause miscarriages; many drugs cause a baby to be born with defects. Your weight and preparation for pregnancy, physical activity during planning. Normal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-20 kg. And this is a decent load on the body. Therefore, it is better to normalize it in advance. Eliminate baked goods and fast food from your diet. The insufficient weight of the expectant mother affects fertility - thin women are more likely to have cycles without ovulation. If you are already pregnant, attend special classes where you will be taught how to breathe correctly. Swimming is very useful. It relieves the stress on the joints and spine, which increases during this period. Strong back and pelvic floor muscles will help you give birth easily. To train the latter, Kegel exercises were invented. Their convenience lies in the fact that you can practice anywhere: at work, while walking, on public transport and while driving. We don’t see the pelvic floor muscles, but they are the ones that take an active part in childbirth. You will feel them better. A bonus may be improved sensations during sexual intimacy with your husband. As for her back, she trains well on Evminov’s preventative, with the help of Pilates and swimming exercises. If you have scoliosis, get a massage. A vertebrologist deals with problems of the spine. Perhaps in your case we can recommend soft osteopathic techniques and manual therapy. Don’t forget that people with weak abs are much more likely to experience scoliosis, stooping and hernias. And of course, the higher your weight, the more difficult it will be for your joints, back and ligaments. Wearing a special bandage will help you get through pregnancy much easier. If your doctor allows it, you can do yoga, but some asanas cannot be done with a back problem. Chronic diseases and preparation for pregnancy If you have hypertension, diabetes, kidney stones and other chronic diseases, visit your doctor. He will select therapy that is compatible with pregnancy. Pay attention to your teeth. They can also be treated during pregnancy; your doctor will just choose a safe anesthesia for you. It is better to postpone dental x-rays until lactation. To avoid losing teeth during pregnancy, enrich your diet with calcium-rich foods in advance. If you had problems with your joints before pregnancy, visit an orthopedic traumatologist, arthrologist or rheumatologist. You will be prescribed supplements with glucosamine and chondroitin - they strengthen cartilage. For arthritis, therapy is selected very carefully when it comes to pregnancy. Many drugs will be contraindicated, or their dosage will be significantly reduced. All this must be decided by the doctor. Self-medication is absolutely not allowed for women in an “interesting position.” Pay attention to your eyes. Most often, with myopia and glaucoma, the ophthalmologist may recommend not natural delivery, but cesarean delivery. If you are diagnosed with HIV infection, be especially careful. In this case, a detailed assessment of the state of the body and the activity of the virus is needed. Yes, there is a risk of infection for a child, but it is minimal. But 20 years ago there was no question of allowing a woman with HIV to become pregnant. Women with HIV have a slightly higher risk of premature birth, and they can only give birth in specialized maternity hospitals. If the child's father is HIV positive, doctors may suggest sperm purification. You can also consider the option of fertilization with the sperm of a donor relative of the husband. You may feel like there is too much to do. But most of these tips are followed by people who love their body throughout their lives. Therefore, it is definitely worth making some effort. The health of your baby depends on them. It is best to start preparing for pregnancy 3 months before conception. But only 10% of couples are planning a pregnancy. Don't make this mistake. If possible, it is better to plan your pregnancy at the beginning of summer. This way, the child will receive more nutrients from seasonal vegetables and fruits. Did you know? The most useful fruits in preparing for pregnancy are the fruits that grow in your region. It is better to refuse exotic and imported ones. They are of little benefit to the body. And you may well be allergic to some fruits. Pregnancy is a serious hormonal change. This is a time of positive stress, which can activate many diseases. Nowadays there are very few diseases for which one is not allowed to become pregnant, because it is almost always possible to find a therapy for existing diseases that is not contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Where do negative thoughts come from?

In fact, there are many options, and in order to start getting rid of something, you will have to identify the source of negative energy, and therefore try to eliminate it.

The most common sources that can influence a person and give rise to many bad, difficult and sad thoughts in his head.

  • TV;
  • Opinion of others;
  • Internet;
  • Press;
  • We ourselves.

Let's look at some positions in more detail.

So, what exactly is the harm of information overload? Bend your fingers:

  • Impairs decision-making skills.
  • Reduces concentration and composure.
  • Disrupts the learning process.
  • Increases the likelihood of burnout syndrome and increases stress.
  • Leads to health problems.

I would like to separately note such unpleasant phenomena as:

  • The illusion of activity.
  • Losing your self-image.
  • Losing contact with one's own values.

The phenomenon of information overload has a significant negative impact on society and business as a whole.

Television, Internet, press

All these information providers quite often like to harp on and chew on information about disasters, criminal events: who killed whom, robbed whom, who was attacked, and so on.

And such an everyday bucket of dirt falls on the head of a normal person and the more sensitive ones begin to be afraid to go out after dark, eat in public catering places, or simply make new acquaintances.

Therefore, watch, read, listen only to what you really need, and not to everything and everyone.

Strengthening the body: a few words about sleep

When you constantly repeat the same thoughts to yourself that make you anxious, the reason for this may be physical and psychological fatigue. A healthy lifestyle, which is increasingly becoming fashionable today, nourishes the body well and helps bad thoughts go away. Simply following a daily routine helps eliminate most diseases and is, in practice, more effective than any pill. The human psyche takes a break from obsessive thoughts from 21 to 23 hours. If during this period of time a person sleeps, then his internal resources are restored. The benefits of getting up early in improving mental tone. Ancient sages spoke about this, and modern scientists repeat it: it was not for nothing that our ancestors went to bed early and got up early. As you can see, maintaining a sleep and rest schedule is an effective method of getting rid of obsessive thoughts.

Environment and ourselves

Opinions of others. This includes the opinions of friends, colleagues, parents and even neighboring grandmothers sitting on benches at the entrance.

How often can you hear frequent tactless questions, recommendations or complaints. It’s a shame why you’re not married, you’ll remain an old maid and other negative things.

If you don’t abstract yourself and stop reacting to such statements, negative thoughts will become frequent guests.

We ourselves. Surely you have noticed that you are engaged in banal self-criticism, and often thinking about how to distract yourself from bad thoughts, you addressed such a question only to yourself.

And this is correct, it is human nature to overthink oneself, reopen old wounds and succumb to the memories of long-gone days.

Final Thoughts

Mindfulness reduces stress, anxiety and depression. It also leads to a feeling of calm. As a result, our bodies and minds are able to slow down and take time to engage with the world around us. Our tips are some of the most effective ways to become a more attentive person. But you also need to remember that mindfulness means living in the moment. And pay attention to all the details that surround you. You should not undertake several tasks at once. Make a plan for the day and complete your tasks consistently. At the same time, paying as much attention as possible to each of these tasks.

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Want to know how to achieve your life goal? This blog will help you learn how to apply psychology to your relationships, health and well-being. My goal is to teach my readers how to maximize their effectiveness in life.

Strengthening the body: proper nutrition

It’s worth saying a few words about diet. Firstly, it is important to consume enough water: it can vary from 1 to 3 liters per day, depending on body weight. In addition, it is useful to drink freshly squeezed juices, as well as moderate and proper nutrition, which will act no worse than the usual medications for obsessive thoughts. You should not eat after six o'clock. It is recommended to eat mainly in the first half of the day.

Alcoholic drinks, sugar, white flour, yeast and chocolate in large quantities are prohibited. It is necessary to eat while being in a calm state, giving preference to a cozy and quiet environment.

All these measures are part of a set of procedures that can help those who do not know how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and put their consciousness and mind in order.

Relaxing in nature

Any resident of a modern, noisy and dusty metropolis is ready to spend a huge amount of money on the antidepressants prescribed to him. However, medications will not get rid of obsessive thoughts. You should not be misled by listening to advertising slogans and literally absorbing the false promises and assurances of models smiling from TV screens. The most that medications can do is relieve acute tension and calm, induce drowsiness. But this will not solve the problem.

Another thing is Mother Nature. Interacting with the living world is the best way to balance your mind and get rid of obsessive thoughts. The closer you are to nature, the better it is for you. An excellent option would be to retire somewhere far from civilization for a few days, forgetting about all its benefits. Without receiving the usual information from the outside, a person will stop worrying, and the consciousness will gradually begin to calm down. Fresh air and sounds of the forest will help establish harmony in the soul and body. If you sleep on a travel mat at this time, you will establish a connection with the earth, whose power has a very beneficial effect on the body and mind.

Take a break from work at strictly set times

Reading news, blogs, browsing social networks, going to the water cooler - all this distracts you from work and disrupts your work rhythm. A person needs 15 minutes to concentrate on a task, and if you are distracted every half hour, you will not be able to concentrate on work.

Set clear rest intervals, such as every two and a half hours, to distract yourself and take breaks.

What are the dangers of fatigue?

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that the best way to take a break is to get sick. Only in this case can you skip school, watch TV, or just lie on the couch. This habit continues into adulthood.

Until a person brings himself to a high temperature or an attack of hypertension, he does not give himself a break. And as soon as the disease subsides, we again begin to work hard. The result is a vicious circle: fatigue - illness - short rest and again fatigue and illness.

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Getting closer to God

In all religions there is such a thing as pilgrimage. People called pilgrims visit holy places that have special, strong and pure energy, where getting rid of obsessive thoughts is faster and easier. Upon returning home, to a familiar environment, people’s well-being noticeably improves, their consciousness seems to be renewed. When visiting sacred places, you can bathe in holy springs, soaking up the cleansing energy of the water. If it is cold and the temperature is below 7 ° C, this also promotes cleansing and healing effects on the body.

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to go far; it is enough to visit any nearby church or temple. Even a prayer from bad obsessive thoughts read within the walls of a room with the appropriate furnishings and atmosphere will be very effective. This may seem strange to modern people, but to keep such places clean, cow dung is used. Despite its completely unattractive appearance and smell, this substance is truly unique in its properties, as it is capable of purifying space at the most subtle level.

Mail and icq

It seems to us that by replying from time to time to messages from friends on ICQ, we are not wasting time. In fact, every potential slacker from your contact list, who every now and then throws links to photos in contact or cool videos from YouTube , is simply stealing your time.
A similar situation with mail: in TheBat settings I specified that mail should be checked every 10 minutes. Now imagine: every time you receive 1-2 letters (LJ notification, blog comment, newsletter, etc.). All this makes you take a break from the main task and look at emails, delete unnecessary ones, respond to important ones, etc.

How to deal with this? For myself, I found a very simple solution: I set my email to check every 60 minutes , and in ICQ I created a visible list, and only the people in it have the right to disturb me. At critical moments, icq (like the mailer) turns off.

Keeping it clean

Scientists have long proven the influence of the external atmosphere on the internal state of a person. As soon as chaos and dirt appear in the house, in such an environment the owner of the apartment begins to experience a feeling of internal disorientation. Clutter in a home is a kind of portal that allows any thoughts into the consciousness of its inhabitant. To avoid this, clean your house thoroughly and promptly get rid of all unnecessary items. After a good cleaning, everything will become clearer in your head and peace will come. Some people don’t know how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, but intuitively they do everything absolutely right. Cleaning the apartment - and the bad mood, along with bad thoughts, begins to slowly recede.

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