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Dear ladies, we give you the benefit of the doubt: you, like us, are sure that no one, even the most spiritual man, is interested in lying in bed with a “log” - even the most dear, beloved and warm one.

It’s not all for you to talk about the meaning of existence and the fate of humanity. And in general: in winter it is cheaper to warm up by making love than by turning on individual heating all the way.

Therefore, we arm ourselves with information on how to become a good lover and go to bed - become goddesses of intimacy.

Skills of a real fighter

I lost my virginity very late: at 21. I was very fat, and my face was abundantly decorated with pimples. The girls said that I was good, but... And I categorically did not like this very “but”. This “but” screamed to me that girls did not want to see me as a man. And I knew the value of this “but” - a polite attempt not to offend me, poor thing.

But my biggest childhood fear is “failure”, “weakness” and “surrender”. It was the fear of seeming like a weak, helpless coward that helped me cope with all other fears. I learned to confront my doubts and step out of my comfort zone. I have formed my own value system, inherent to winners.

From early childhood I was brought up on films and books. My teachers were the main characters, strong and brutal. I memorized their manner of communication and actions.

I also realized that all evil, cynical and embittered people were cruelly punished by fate. They always ended badly - one way or another. None of those who lived, offended and embittered by this world, were happy. And it never ended well.

I also noticed that embittered people live in the past. They cannot come to terms with the injustice that they once had to endure and now this prevents them from taking responsibility for their own lives.

Anger and resentment can be compared to surrender. Instead of fighting for a place in the sun, following their dreams and enjoying life, they simply gave up and allowed resentment to overshadow all other feelings and emotions. Life passes by, and an embittered person does nothing but complain about injustice and hate the whole world.

Carlos Castenada has a great quote about this that I really like: “The main difference between an ordinary person and a fighter is that a fighter takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary person takes everything as a curse or a blessing.”

What Castenda meant is that if something bad happens to a fighter, he says to himself: “How can I get what I want?”

And if trouble happens to an ordinary person, then he begins to whine: “I am constantly unlucky, life is unfair to me.” Therefore, a fighter always manages his own life, and ordinary people simply go with the flow and hope for fate.

I have adapted this phrase to suit modern life and often repeat it to people who are constantly whining, offended and angry: “I noticed that there are two types of people in the world - those who complain about their problems and those who solve them. Now you look like a weakling, but you should become one of those who can correct the situation. If you don’t do this, you will remain an embittered terrapin.”

Now I don’t complain too much, but I used to have this kind of sin until I figured out how to fix it. I became a man of action, not complaining. All the grievances remained in childhood; I don’t need them in adulthood.

Now for me, any embittered whiner is equated to a weakling and a loser who prefers to give up right away.

It was thanks to this position in life that I made the only right decision with that girl. Yes, the girl I really liked got pregnant from the first guy I met, just by having too much. But my fear of being a weakling and a whiner was much stronger than the resentment of what happened.

I know from myself how scary it is to make decisions and take responsibility for what is happening, and I am disgusted by this feeling, the feeling of fear. I stubbornly fought against this and pulled myself out of this fetid swamp of passivity. I managed to cope with depression and understood how lovers become without long courtship. While I was learning this, the phrase constantly sounded in my head: “Pull yourself together, you are strong, don’t even think about letting yourself go.”

I didn’t want to repeat the fate of those guys who gave up their dreams and became “normal.” Instead of taking a risk and becoming happy, they chose a gray, routine and, most importantly, dead-end life. This scenario was clearly not for me.

I decided to become a fighter, a warrior, a person who manages this life himself. If you want something, go and get it, because no one will give you anything. Instead of a valuable trophy, you will receive a bitter resentment at injustice. Now, in any incomprehensible situation, the first thing I ask myself is: “How can I fix this to my advantage?”

Become a lover as a wife

Very often, the question of how to become a better lover is asked precisely by those women who have lived side by side with a person for several years and feel that passion is leaving their relationship. This means that the time has come, if not to change everything radically, then at least to add fire.

It’s worth starting with yourself: making sure that the husband returning from work does not recognize his own wife in the first seconds. Whether it’s a wig or a nurse’s outfit – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to let the man know that today they don’t know each other and new experiences await them.

There is no need to wait until the night every time; even during a work break, sometimes you can arrange an unexpected meeting. The child should be given to “grandmother” at least occasionally, and dinner should be put off “for later.” A man who is surprised by his beloved wife at least once a month will not look for another - he has already met the best mistress.

Offense and seduction are incompatible

I thought for a long time about the fact that if you want to have wild success among women, then you have no right to be touchy. But in fact, this rule applies not only to women, but also to all the people around you. If you want to succeed, don't whine.

There is a huge difference between a snotty seducer and an experienced seducer. These are two separate worlds that never intersect.

A touchy seducer always plays his own game, which is not very clear to girls. He teases, approaches, moves away, swears his love and is immediately offended that he was not reciprocated, is jealous, pursues, snores into the telephone receiver. In general, he does everything possible to infuriate. Next to such a touchy man, girls feel insecure and see no prospects. Such guys hide their weakness and resentment behind a mask of cynicism. They don't care about other people's feelings and only think about themselves.

An experienced seducer, on the contrary, behaves in such a way that a woman begins to feel like a woman. He exudes warmth, friendliness and confidence. Next to him, the girl realizes that this is the very prince she has been waiting for all her life. And even if the relationship lasts only one night, for her it will be the best romance of her life.

Naturally, touchy cynics are found not only among men. There are a lot of touchy, bitchy ladies around who spray their poison on those around them. But in the hands of an experienced seducer, they become affectionate cats.

Touchy men can only achieve success with infantile women, and even then with great difficulty. From the outside, they look like two small children who are scurrying around in their sandbox and constantly sort things out. They quarrel, get offended, then make peace, but still harbor resentment and mistrust towards each other.

If you are satisfied with this type of relationship, then please, there are excellent chances to create a couple with the same girl as you.

But if this doesn’t suit you, but you don’t know how to become the lover of a strong, interesting, smart and sexy woman, then you should first of all work on yourself. Normal human relationships are always based on warmth, respect, recognition of female weakness and male strength, and not on constant competition and finding out who is boss.

Looking around, I see a lot of guys with gloomy, offended faces or a cynical grin. They harbor a grudge against the girls, call them corrupt, selfish bitches, and they themselves look at happy couples with envy and don’t understand why life is so unfair.

Such embittered guys have two options for the development of events.

The first is to attract the same embittered hysterics to yourself, ruin your life, lose money and, as a result, remain lonely.

The second is to meet a kind, sympathetic girl who will sacrifice herself to save her beloved cynic. But even in this ideal situation, weak guys will find something to be offended by and will continue to ruin the lives of those around them.

Become a good and perfect lover with lingerie

The anticipation of sex is half the fun. Her entire success depends on how a woman offers herself, how she prepares a man for physical intimacy and how she looks at the same time. Those who don’t know how to become a better lover need to remember that beautiful underwear can turn a man on better than any caresses.

The expression “beautiful lingerie” in this case means that you don’t need to wear the most erotic things that the lingerie store offers. You want what you bought to look sexy, and not look like the woman borrowed it from someone for a while.

Both a thin woman, without any hint of breasts, and a fat woman, with curves larger than size 44, can afford to be defiantly beautiful. Of course, the man will probably know what is hidden under the erotic lingerie, but this will not make the moment of admiration any less significant.

All you need is to forget all the grievances

There are several good ways that will help you forever tear off the mask of a cynic and stop being offended. Personally, I have tried all these methods on myself and I can say with confidence that they work.

How to get rid of resentment:

  1. Eradicate the right to be offended by someone. As soon as you find the courage to look at yourself soberly from the outside, you will see that your whole life is going downhill not because of the machinations of your enemies, but only because of your own actions. You yourself ruin your relationships with people, spend most of your time feeling sorry for yourself and fantasizing about sweet revenge. You stopped developing, studying, making a career. Because of resentment, you lost friends and a thirst for adventure. From a sweet, smiling guy, you have turned into a dull gray, pitiful whiner and vile cynic. I used to think this too: “I’m cynical because my life sucks. As soon as normal life begins, I will immediately change.” But this rule doesn't work. Only after I clearly decided that I had nothing more to lose, I sent all the grievances to hell, and my life began to sparkle with new colors.
  2. Look your resentment in the eye. Most grievances are rooted in the inability to communicate with others. You are unconsciously building an emotional connection that will certainly lead to resentment. Take a notebook and write down all the people you are offended by. Write the reason next to it. Immediately cross out those whose words or actions did not harm you. Now take a close look at those who remain. Do these people have friends and enemies, how do they communicate with others. Figure out why they offended you and what goal they were pursuing. By understanding the thoughts and emotions of these people, it will become easier for you to forgive them and forget about what happened.
  3. Learn to truly love women. At first, I advise you to perceive them as cute, silly creatures. Why? Because touchy cynics are accustomed to treating girls as opponents, they fear and avoid them. Now you need to understand that girls are just sweet, kind, naive creatures who need male care and protection. None of them think badly of you or want to harm you. They are just little girls who see you as a potential protector. From now on, start to perceive them as cute, silly things, this will help you get rid of fear and hostility towards them. Later you will learn to truly appreciate and respect all women.
  4. Strive to become an experienced seducer. Choose a role model among movie characters, adopt his habits, manner of communicating, dressing, look and timbre of voice. There is no need to completely copy everything and memorize quotes, remain yourself, just a little better. Having stopped being a cynic, many beautiful girls will immediately appear in your environment, because they feel male favor. Touchy cynics are feared and avoided, but if you become friendly, then women will reciprocate your feelings. Start caring about people, become kinder. This doesn't mean you need to become a blissful city crazy, just stop challenging people and seeing everyone you know as a new offender. If you have a naturally tough character, then you don’t need to break it. Direct your demandingness and uncompromisingness into a peaceful direction, use them to build a career, and be warmer and more tolerant towards women.
  5. Try to understand women. A lot of guys don't even try. The media has imposed on us the stereotype that women are devoid of any logic and do not even understand themselves, but this is far from the case. Women are naturally excellent psychologists. They understand well the feelings and emotions of other people, they are able to read invisible information, this ability is popularly called intuition. In my case, when a girl refused to perceive me as a man, I had two options.

The first is to plunge headlong into resentment, suffer, bring yourself to depression, lose the joy of life and become an alcoholic.

The second is to try to understand why she did this to me and what my mistake was. Her refusal was just a small price to pay for a great life lesson that shook me up and made me rethink everything.

Become a good lover by showing your imagination

Men by nature are conquerors. They quickly become bored with the same body, and they involuntarily strive for something new. A woman who can provide variety with the help of her own invention and fantasy will stop asking the stupid question of how to become a unique lover, and perhaps the best and most beloved.

You don’t have to run to a “sex shop” for unique sex. Even at home you can come up with a lot of interesting and unusual things. The main thing is to do what a man least expects: tie him to the bed or, instead of the expected dinner on the kitchen table, offer yourself. Simply, engage in love games for adults!

There are a lot of options – all you have to do is choose.

Read: The main reasons for a woman to have sex.

A man cares not only about the woman, but also about the place. Therefore, stop limiting sexual relations to the bed in the bedroom, there are plenty of other places in the apartment and not only in the apartment! The last row of a cinema, a toilet in a restaurant, a bench in a park - all this is extreme, you can get into a difficult situation with law enforcement agencies, but the risk is worth it.

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