Proposal of heart and hand - beautiful and original options

  1. Jewelry instead of a ring
  2. How to offer to buy a ring together
  3. 5 Tips for a Successful Engagement

Presenting a diamond engagement ring at the same time as a marriage proposal is a relatively new trend for Ukraine. Until now, many people refuse rings, preferring to buy completely different jewelry to remember the romantic moment or do without them altogether.

Some men cite limited personal budgets as the reason for the lack of the main accessory, while others cite the desire to allow a woman to choose what she likes. Regardless of the reasons, proposing without a ring can also be very romantic and emotional.

Other jewelry

Who said that an engagement ring should be given as a gift? Every girl has personal preferences in choosing jewelry. Perhaps a necklace, a pair of earrings or a bracelet will be more desirable for the bride-to-be. Any piece of jewelry can carry the meaning of an engagement ring and symbolize the beginning of something more than just a romance.

Gift for your girlfriend

Is it possible to propose without a ring?

If you are afraid of getting the wrong size, making a mistake in choosing a design, or simply want to be more original, then you can propose without a ring. Alternative and no less memorable options could be:

  • other jewelry (such as an engraved necklace or bracelet);
  • the pet your girlfriend has long dreamed of;
  • a trip for two (invite her to marry you, and then give her two sea tickets).

Remember that the ring is just a symbol. Therefore, you can make an original proposal, enjoy the moment of happiness, and only then go to a jewelry store together and choose the ring that your girlfriend will like.

You can plan for a long time, select a place, look for a ring. But the most important thing for a girl is your feelings. Therefore, just be sincere, and let your beloved answer you with consent!

A pet

Or maybe a girl has long dreamed of a British fold or a Yorkshire terrier? Then you can give her a pet , presenting it as a new member of the future family. Joint care for a furry friend will instantly turn just a couple into a full-fledged family.

Puppy as a gift


If investing a large sum of money into a piece of jewelry doesn't seem practical, you can spend it in other ways

For example, plan a romantic trip for two . And during your vacation, you must try to choose and not miss a romantic moment to say the main words. This can happen at the Eiffel Tower or in a small bungalow by the sea. Emotions and memories are priceless , which means that such a proposal will be remembered for a lifetime.

Travel offer

Where and how to make an offer – 6 ideas

You can propose beautifully and effectively in any place, except those that are considered inappropriate in the 10 “don’ts” rules.
The main thing is not so much expensive attributes as creating unforgettable impressions and positive emotions for the bride. And in order to decide what will have the most positive effect on her, you need to know her well.

At home

This is liked by modest girls who prefer the comfort of home and spending time without prying eyes and ears. Such a proposal requires a spectacular gift, maximum visualization and a romantic dinner or Sunday lunch. Sometimes such proposals are not crowned with success due to the fact that the girl strives for publicity or self-affirmation.

It is better to offer your heart to such darlings in the presence of spectators.

In a public place

It is not very convenient to speak in public places due to background noise, so the ceremony should be arranged with maximum pomp and pathos. Banners, staged backgrounds, advertising trucks, and even a brass band will come in handy here. Anything that looks impressive and makes an impression.

With parents

Proposing in front of your parents is not a good idea if they don’t know the young man well enough. This form is good only if the parents approve of the candidacy of the future son-in-law and will not skeptically evaluate the text he came up with and the gifts he brought. It is better to do it at the table, but so that the hostess is not taken by surprise and is feverishly thinking of what to offer as a treat.

At the restaurant

In the romantic setting of a restaurant with a table for two, or in the presence of close friends who will help create the ambiance and impression, this is a great idea to leave a good impression.

On a journey

Traveling is a great opportunity to talk about your feelings, especially if it takes place in civilized conditions. But both a beautiful landscape and a magical night around a fire and a tourist tent are suitable for this.

On distance

A proposal of this kind is made mainly in cases where loving hearts are separated and there is practically no hope of seeing each other soon.

Photo album

Each couple has shared memories , many of which are captured in photographs. However, often these moments are stored only in the memory of smartphones or in closed albums on social networks. Time to print out your favorite photos of you together and create a scrapbook of memories!

Blank pages at the end of the album are required. They will symbolize readiness for new bright events that the couple will live together, and the photo album, which will mark the beginning of a new serious stage in the relationship, will be replenished .


Often a marriage proposal is made spontaneously under the influence of surging feelings and emotions. Of course, the ring most likely will not be at hand at this moment. However, even in this case the event can become unforgettable.

The ring is just a symbol and can easily be replaced

This could be a regular dryer, champagne wire, or a toy ring purchased at the first toy store you come across. This proposal will please the inner child of any girl. The main thing is that the feelings are real.

Proposal with a toy

Where and when can you propose marriage?

If your chosen one is a quiet and shy creature, then she most likely will not like the proposal made in front of someone else. For her, this should be some kind of sacrament, and this aura of mystery should not be violated under any circumstances. The place for such recognition can be a secluded place by the pond, a fireplace room in the country where you will stay alone, a hotel room rented for two, a separate table in a restaurant. If you are not rich, then you should not waste money too much: the bride should not have suspicions that you are simply buying her. If you both go to a fast food establishment for lunch, then even this place can be chosen for such a noble mission, just come there at an unusual time:

  • when there are not many people there;
  • better in the evening.

Purely psychologically, events that occur at the end of the day are remembered better, whereas in the morning everything is done on the run, and various small details are easily erased from memory. The same can be said about the lunch break, when you need to have time to eat and discuss some news, often related specifically to work. So a weekday evening is a great time to make an offer, but not go too far out of budget. Of course, for this occasion you need to take some special dish that you and she cannot afford on a regular day. And you need to look for the most comfortable table.

The second option is to find a cafe that is a little more expensive, and it will seem like a fashionable restaurant. But before that, you need to do some reconnaissance, for example, to find out whether the tables are too “dense” there, whether there are a lot of people there all the time, and in general, how romantic the atmosphere of this cafe can be considered. If very noisy groups gather there, drinking, talking loudly and behaving on the verge of vulgarity, then this cafe should not be chosen: it will vulgarize the moment, which should be solemn. Sports bars are also not suitable: a different audience gathers there, captivated by sports matches. A nightclub with blaring music simply won't give you a chance to talk. And she won’t hear the proposal as it should, and you won’t understand her answer. For the same reason, a cinema is not suitable: the action on the screen will distract from the solemnity of the moment of presenting the ring. And the girl won’t be able to see the gift properly. But she should admire him. If you love cinema so much, then you can propose after watching a good melodrama, but at home. If you do not share the same roof over your head, then at her house when you took her there.

Options for romantic proposals at home

One option is to do it the old fashioned way and ask the bride’s parents for her hand in marriage. If you know them well and live in the same locality, then you can pre-arrange a formal meeting at their home, that is, on the bride’s territory. You can give your dad a gift of cognac or wine, unless, of course, he is an absolute teetotaler. Then the gift should be special, according to the interests of the future father-in-law. You can find out about them from your girlfriend: the topic of such a conversation is neutral, there is nothing shameful or suspicious in it. With your future mother-in-law, everything is much simpler: just give her a bouquet of flowers. The main thing is that the lady is not allergic to the plants you choose. But this point can somehow be clarified in advance in conversations with the chosen one. Next, everything is as usual: ask your daughter’s hand in marriage from her parents. You can also bring a beautifully packaged cake to the table to drink tea together and discuss the moments of your future life together and the wedding itself.

If a girl lives alone, and is also embarrassed by her parents, afraid of their disapproval, but your relationship with her is very dear to her, then you can easily propose simply by visiting her. For example, bring her a helium balloon and say playfully: “My little one, let’s remember our childhood!” The ball must be released so that it rests on the ceiling, and there should be a ring at the end of its string. You can put it in a box in the form of a casket with a small handle so that you have something to tie the ball to. The casket must close well so that the ring does not fall out. But at the same time, the bride should easily cope with this lock.

If the girl is not shy about your relationship and is ready to receive a proposal so that outsiders, and not just her parents, will know about it, then you can prepare and sing a serenade under the window. If the moment of the proposal falls in the winter, then not everyone will be able to sing so that it can be heard through closed noise-proof or carefully sealed windows. But in winter it gets dark early, and you can use this for lighting effects. Nowadays it’s easy to buy an outdoor garland that also runs on batteries. Letter flags are also sold in bridal salons. These could be the words “Marry me.” Hanging such a proposal between trees or on a fence is not a difficult task at all. Light it up with a garland too. Then you need to dial your beloved’s number and ask her to look out the window. And although such a proposal can be seen by all the neighbors whose windows face the same side, there is no explicit indication of the bride’s name in it, so the action cannot be called completely public. And the bride herself does not leave the house, it is you who go up to her, go into the apartment and give champagne and flowers, and then a ring.

A beautiful proposal to get married in a restaurant or cafe

The balloon trick can be done in a restaurant, but you first need to go there and understand how high the ceiling is there, and whether you will then have to ask steeplejacks to get a ring that will carry your little “ballooning device” there. You can also use a ball with a counterweight that will prevent your gift from rising too high. Usually counterweights are made from the same ball, but filled with water. To do this, you need to experiment in advance and understand how much water you need to collect so that the structure can hang statically in front of your girl.

You can do it the traditional way and book a table in a cafe, where you can ask the waiter to light candles or a small lamp in advance. Even if the cafe is well lit, you should definitely choose a table in the shade, where the most romantic atmosphere is. You can order a cake with a ring, but only this work of culinary art must be made in such a way that the ring is visible.

A ring is a hard object, and a small one at that. If it is hidden deep in the cake, it can be accidentally swallowed or a tooth can be broken on it. The ring may accidentally get stuck in your throat, and then instead of a romantic dinner, you'll end up with a trip to the hospital with an ambulance siren ringing. This is also unforgettable, but still it is one of the incidents. And if the girl is superstitious, then she will reject the proposal, because she will decide that your entire future life will consist of such unpleasant curiosities.

For the same reason, you should not put a ring at the bottom of a glass of champagne. You may simply miss the jewelry behind the foam and bubbles.

It is best to choose empty dishes for the ring. This can be a beautiful dish with a patterned or embossed border. You can ask the waiter in advance. On this dish you should place a box with a ring and a note “Be my wife” or “Marry me.” Even if the waiter brings this “assembly”, you must accept it from his hands and present it to the bride, otherwise it will not be clear which of you is proposing – you or the restaurant employee.

You can place a couple of candles or glasses of sparkling champagne on such a dish. This gift must be handed over to the bride carefully, but without showing any awkwardness. There should be no uncertainty in your actions, because it may seem symbolic to the bride, as if you yourself are not sure that you want to take her as your wife.

Original ways to propose marriage in public

You can propose to a brave and liberated girl “in front of all the honest people.” It is not necessary to do this by analogy with the film “The Taming of the Shrew,” when its main character is forced to confess his love to the heroine right in a gym full of fans, and even into a commentator’s microphone. It is illegal to hire a fire truck with a ladder and come to your loved one right through the window - this is original, but unsafe if you are uncertain about actions at such a height. If you yourself are a firefighter, an industrial climber, a rescuer or another worker who has to constantly be at heights, then come to the window. But if you are an office, workshop or field worker, then is it worth looking like a laughing stock when you suddenly begin to be afraid of heights? And if you have already decided to take such actions, then it is better to hire a car lift with a cradle. In their modern design, such machines are as safe as possible, and besides, you can hire them officially - under the pretext of refueling or repairing an air conditioner.

If finances allow, then you can fly to Paris, Venice or Rome for the weekend, and there, against the backdrop of the sights, confess your love. In Paris, it is better to present the ring by kneeling next to the Eiffel Tower, and in Pisa - near the Leaning Tower. In Rome - next to the Colosseum, and in Venice - on a gondola. And if finances sing romances, then go to Shabolovka in Moscow and tell your beloved, pointing at the Shukhov Tower: close your eyes for a minute and imagine that this is the Eiffel Tower. While your chosen one is squinting, take out the ring and present it to her. The same trick can be done in Kyiv at the Golden Gate, imagining it as a triumphal arch in Paris. And in St. Petersburg - invite a girl on a tour of the canals and sing Santa Lucia to her there, and then give her a ring.

If you live in a picturesque rural area, you can go out onto a cliff and shout your proposal so that the echo scatters throughout the area. You can use the gazebo in the old manor, invite friends for barbecue, placing your camp near the gazebo. You need to climb into it at a solemn moment to ask for the hand of your bride.

On Valentine's Day, you can all go to the skating rink together, and it is there that you will find something like a commentary booth. As a rule, there are no commentators at public skating rinks, but there is equipment that plays music. The fact that you can’t always connect a microphone to it shouldn’t stop you. The sentence, moreover, in verse, can be recorded in advance on a flash drive or mobile phone - in audio format. It is enough to connect the gadget or media to the DJ’s computer, and the confession can be heard publicly. During this time, you need to appear on the ice with a treasured gift and a bouquet of flowers. Of course, it’s better to prepare everything in advance, especially to check whether everything will work out with the equipment.

Other interesting ways

If you are a sociable person, then it will not be difficult for you to get behind the scenes and persuade the lead singer of the rock band you came to watch the concert to announce that there is a man in the hall who on this special day asks his girlfriend to marry him. And then you appear in front of her with a bouquet. Such words from the mouth of your common idol will be an excellent and memorable act that cannot but be appreciated.

Are you diving? Then give your beloved a note “Marry me” underwater. The same can be done in the sky if you are skydivers. And if you do neither one nor the other, then just take a walk on the roof under the starry sky, and there you can say your cherished words. Are all the roofs locked? Then you can find where hot air balloon excursions are offered. An accessible city observation deck is also suitable. This can be either a closed place on a skyscraper or an open area on a hill in a park.

If you live together, and your budget is not large yet, then you can still furnish everything in an original way. On a gloomy winter morning, when it has not yet dawned, you can lay out the text of a confession from pre-purchased floating candles in the snow or simply on the ground of the front garden. You need to light them, and then ask your beloved to look out the window. While she admires you, you can present her with a ring or a bouquet.

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