How to sleep with a hangover, insomnia after binge drinking

What medications should not be taken without a prescription from a specialist?

The relationship between lack of sleep and heavy drinking is bidirectional.
People with sleep disturbances are significantly more likely to have formal diagnoses related to substance use than those without sleep problems. And vice versa - alcoholics often have problems falling asleep, since alcohol disrupts the quality of the rapid phase of sleep. The following relationships have been officially confirmed through research:

  • People with sleep disorders are diagnosed with alcohol use disorder 5-10 times more often.
  • At least 30% of people with depressive disorders have difficulty falling asleep.
  • Users with medical conditions such as arthritis and chronic back pain typically abuse alcohol 50% of the time.
  • Insomnia is often a symptom of alcohol withdrawal in patients who have undergone addiction treatment and do not use stimulant substances.

There is a strong connection between insomnia and alcohol. Some people think they drink alcohol to sleep. However, science has proven that everything happens exactly the opposite. Alcohol causes insomnia because it increases the time it takes to fall asleep, disrupts sleep phases, provokes frequent trips to the toilet, causes electrolyte imbalance, the development of apnea and snoring at night. If you have insomnia after drinking, your doctor will tell you what to do after examination and examination.

The most common symptoms of distress after quitting alcohol are:

  • frequent awakenings at night;
  • inability to fall asleep again;
  • nightmares, disturbing thoughts;
  • awakening with a feeling of fatigue, loss of strength.

Alcohol insomnia during withdrawal is caused by the body and mind adapting to a new life without alcohol. In addition to nausea, hand tremors and other withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, worry, and worries about the future are added. This condition can be a huge obstacle for a person determined to maintain sobriety. Lack of sleep provokes irritability, high blood pressure and discomfort, and interferes with normal life.

By consulting a doctor, you will find out why insomnia occurs after heavy drinking and how long this condition lasts. Problems usually begin 3-5 days after the last drink and last until several weeks or months after detoxification ends.

It is noteworthy that such insomnia usually follows a period of excessive sleep, which manifests itself in the first few days after quitting alcohol. To reduce risks, experts recommend:

  • start playing sports;
  • drink less coffee;
  • don't watch TV;
  • Avoid stressful situations and heavy dinners before bed.

The most dangerous medications for a hangover are:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Corvalol;
  • Valocardine;
  • Phenibut;
  • Sonnat and others.

Considering all the dangers of combining medications with alcohol, with a hangover you need to be careful about their choice. To normalize sleep, you should take herbal medicines or special medications recommended for use in this condition.

Narcology knows several types of sleep disorders caused by alcohol consumption. The impact of toxins on the body provokes characteristic disorders:

  1. Difficulty going to bed. After drinking alcohol, most people cannot sleep and experience physical discomfort. It manifests itself as muscle pain, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and anxiety.
  2. Frequent awakenings - light sleep and high irritability exacerbate the senses. In addition, frequent urination due to drinking strong drinks causes unexpected awakenings.
  3. Absolute insomnia is manifested by the development of mental disorders. Such a person loses emotional balance due to nervous breakdown and various hallucinations.

The last type of sleep disorder occurs with alcohol syndrome; a hangover brings some relief. This condition is also called withdrawal syndrome and can develop when you stop drinking alcohol or when you sharply reduce the amount of alcohol. Such a person experiences various somatic, mental and neurological disorders.

Insomnia due to alcoholism can be complicated by the appearance of painful sensations in the joints and other pain of nervous origin. The main reason for these symptoms is the harmful effects of alcohol on all organs and systems of the body. A big mistake in this situation is to try to self-medicate. This can lead to worsening of the condition and unpredictable consequences.

Many drinkers wonder why hangovers cause insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms. The main reason for this phenomenon is the overexcited state of the entire nervous system, including the area responsible for normal sleep.

Doctors note that binge alcoholics are constantly in a tense and anxious state. This is due to a complex of reasons: physical and mental ill health, psychological discomfort. In this case, normal sleep is interfered with by the manifestations of hangover syndrome:

  • heaviness in the liver area;
  • burning in the stomach and esophagus;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure.

Insomnia due to alcoholism tends to progress, and it becomes more difficult to deal with every day. Taking absorbents and antihypertensive drugs does not always solve the problem. Washing the stomach with soda does not bring positive results in all cases.

Types of insomnia

The medical term "insomnia" means a sleep disorder. There are more than 11 varieties of this condition, but only 5 of them are caused by a passion for strong drinks:

  1. Insomnia. Characterized by nighttime awakenings, shallow sleep, and difficulty falling asleep. A person is unable to fully rest, feels nervous tension, pain in the head and joints, and panic.
  2. Idiopathic insomnia has a chronic course and gradually disappears after quitting alcoholic beverages.
  3. Psychological insomnia. The reasons that cause this condition lie in mental disorders. When drinking alcohol in excess, a person cannot fall asleep.
  4. Light sleep, accompanied by nightmares, is typical for the period of recovery from binge drinking. Waking up occurs several times during the night, and in the morning a person is tormented by fatigue and irritation from everything that surrounds him.
  5. Absolute insomnia is typical for long-term binges. Hallucinations and delusions aggravate the condition, which is life-threatening for the patient. This pathology can only be eliminated by abstaining from alcohol for a long time.

To avoid negative consequences and unpredictable complications, you should immediately begin treatment for alcoholism and its consequences. Otherwise, the condition will rapidly deteriorate, and attempts to self-medicate can lead to tragic consequences.

Sleep is the best cure for a hangover. If the morning after drinking you don’t need to rush anywhere, then you are probably a very prudent person. Allow yourself to relax thoroughly with a glass or two of alcohol, having in reserve the time necessary to restore normal well-being. That is, you drink only on the eve of the weekend and you have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

But it is not uncommon to experience insomnia after drinking alcohol. It’s impossible to fall asleep, despite feeling tired and exhausted after a wild party. Or your sleep is very restless and intermittent, and in the morning you feel as if you haven’t rested.

More often, such disorders occur in experienced alcoholics, since their nervous system is already seriously damaged by systematic alcohol consumption. In this case, total insomnia may occur after a binge, and only a new dose of ethyl helps to fall asleep.

Even one-time alcohol abuse can cause sleep disturbances, since alcohol negatively affects the entire body, and the central nervous system is subject to severe attack, because ethanol is a neurotoxic poison. The parts of the brain responsible for sleep are no exception. There are several reasons why post-toxic insomnia occurs - insomnia with a hangover:

  • Excessive excitability of nerve endings and receptors caused by the destructive effects of alcohol. After all, how can you sleep with a hangover if any extraneous sounds and even weak light cause a sharp reaction?
  • People often cannot sleep with a hangover because a large amount of adrenaline is intensely produced by the adrenal glands when drinking alcohol.
  • Unpleasant symptoms of alcohol poisoning can prevent you from falling asleep quickly with a hangover. Severe dizziness that does not stop even with closed eyes, so-called “helicopters”, as well as nausea and vomiting, in which “passing out” is generally dangerous. If you fall asleep on your back, there is a risk of choking on vomit.
  • Sleep phases are disrupted. The slow and fast phases should change each other about five times during the night. Under the influence of ethyl, the slow phase increases to the detriment of the fast phase, which is responsible for restoring neural connections between the conscious and subconscious. This can lead to feelings of “mess in the head” and absent-mindedness.
  • Also, if you are tossing around in bed and tormented by the question “why can’t I sleep after drinking alcohol?” You may have been relaxing in an establishment where there was loud music and flashes of bright lights, as happens in nightclubs or bars. This overstimulates the nervous system and interferes with relaxation and sleep.
  • Trying to quickly sober up at the end of the evening with strong coffee or tea. Caffeine is an “invigorating” substance and is unlikely to contribute to a quick fall asleep.

We suggest you read: How to get rid of cravings for alcohol for sure
Insomnia after drinking can vary, depending on a combination of several factors. For example, your general health, amount and frequency of drinking, etc.:

  • Difficulty and prolonged falling asleep
  • Excessively light sleeper
  • Total insomnia - in most cases occurs in binge alcoholics and is caused by irreversible damage to organs and their systems. Or a psychological factor: a person is simply afraid to sleep, because hallucinations may begin.

Take a pill

  1. A person cannot sleep for a long time. This condition leads to painful spasms, worsening mood, increased tension, etc.
  2. There is sleep, but it is accompanied by nightmares and constant awakening.
  3. Profound insomnia, which causes hallucinations. Anxiety occurs on the basis of delirium alcoholism.

Non-medicinal measures to improve sleep

If a person has obvious difficulties falling asleep as a consequence of alcohol abuse, you can moderately physically tire yourself just before going to bed. Any reasonable type of load is suitable for this. But the best thing to do is walk in the fresh air.

If the state of the cardiovascular system allows (i.e. the person does not have high or low blood pressure), then a contrast shower or a visit to the bathhouse helps to quickly establish sleep after binge drinking. This is a really quick way to recover from withdrawal symptoms - but we don’t recommend taking too much steam in the sauna, because... These are extreme loads. Just sweating is enough.

Don’t forget to first make sure that your blood pressure is within normal limits before taking a counter shower or visiting a sauna or steam bath. Deviations in both directions are a good reason to refuse these procedures.

We invite you to read: Colme drops for alcoholism: instructions for use and reviews

Less critical requirements for weakness and slight deviations in blood pressure after a binge are other water procedures that are beneficial for sleep. We are, of course, talking about taking a relaxing bath.

For greater effect, you can use aromatherapy products with a calming and sleep-promoting spectrum of action. For example, lavender, lemon balm and a number of others oils, as well as special bath salts, work very well and improve the effect of taking a bath.

Why is it difficult to sleep after a hangover?

Taking ethanol helps activate the synthesis of dopamine. Thanks to the “happiness hormone”, people feel euphoria while drinking alcohol. But few people know that the appearance of dopamine in the body is preceded by other substances - adrenaline and norepinephrine. They are neurotransmitters of the nervous system and help transmit impulses along the fibers.

The nervous system is responsible for many functions. At night, the parasympathetic state begins to predominate, providing a person with healthy sleep. During a hangover, an imbalance is observed in the body, which changes the functioning of the reticular formation of the brain. This causes:

  • increased heart rate;
  • increased emotional arousal;
  • inability to relax.

Hypersympathy entails an increase in the tone of the part of the nervous system responsible for overcoming critical situations. Activity manifests itself in the form of increased irritability, aggression, uncontrollable anger and anxiety - a person raises his voice and enters into conflict. In addition, severe headache, dizziness, swelling of the extremities, chills and heartburn are observed. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to fall asleep in such a state.

Do you need sleep during a hangover?

Yes I need it. Sleep is an excellent detoxification method. It restores cholinergic processes associated with improving the homeostasis process. But there are some risks - it is important that someone looks after a drunk while sleeping. Why?

Firstly, there is a high probability of vomiting. To prevent a person in this state from choking on his own secretions, he must be turned on his side.

Secondly, after a binge, a person can sleep for a long time in the same position (we often change our sleeping position). This leads to compartment syndrome, which leads to tissue poisoning with toxins. Kidney failure develops.

How to fall asleep quickly with a hangover with the help of medications

If you nevertheless decide to eliminate the problem with the help of medications, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  • It is best to consult a specialist doctor; only he will be able to accurately determine the required drug and dosage, specifically for your case.
  • When choosing products, you should give preference to herbal-based drugs, such as Novopassit or valerian extract. They do not have a strong hypnotic effect, but they will not harm either.
  • Under no circumstances should you use prescription drugs without a doctor's direct prescription. Tranquilizers and drugs containing phenobarbital, in combination with alcohol, can lead to completely unpredictable results. They can enhance or neutralize each other's actions. Epilepsy attacks, coma and even death are possible.
  • The dosage should be the minimum effective. An overdose of even a weak sedative in combination with ethyl can dangerously lower blood pressure. C2H5OH is a potent drug that first causes excitement and then paralysis of the nervous system. This should be taken into account when choosing a sedative as a last resort.
  • You cannot combine several medications, even if you think that what you took did not work.
  • You should not expect an immediate effect and a quick fall asleep from herbal sedatives.

Treatment methods and drugs

There is the only truly effective way to get rid of sleep problems if you have an alcohol addiction - to completely stop drinking alcohol.

Only eliminating the primary problem will help solve the problem of insomnia.

Not every person can resolve the situation on their own, especially if it has already gone far enough. Therefore, the right decision is to contact specialized clinics, where doctors will help cope with the problem.

At the same time, the patient himself must firmly decide the issue for himself, since without the desire and desire to change his life, it is pointless to count on a positive outcome.

Most potent drugs that help you fall asleep in the presence of severe problems falling asleep are contraindicated for alcoholics. This is due to the incompatibility of these drugs with alcoholic beverages.

These include: Alzolam, Diphenhydramine, Donormil, Valium, Elenium, etc. The use of these drugs by alcoholics leads to the emergence of another addiction - drug addiction. As a result, the general condition of the body worsens even more.

The most gentle medications that can be used in a state of intoxication to combat insomnia are: herbal preparations with a sedative effect (motherwort, valerian, etc.), Grandaxin, Biotredin, Glycine, Novopassit.

They suppress psychosis, which manifests itself under the influence of alcohol, and have a pronounced positive effect on the entire nervous system as a whole.

The advantage of such drugs is the speed with which results appear. Within a few hours after administration, the patient feels a noticeable improvement in his current condition.

When using medications for insomnia, it is important to use only the medications prescribed by your doctor. Uncontrolled use of drugs on your own can lead to serious negative consequences.

In this case, an important condition is the use of prescribed drugs in the dosage and frequency that were prescribed. It is prohibited to combine different sedatives.

Also, to normalize patients’ sleep, a course of IV drips is usually prescribed. This allows you to cleanse the blood of toxins.

Consequences of insomnia for the body

Insomnia from a hangover not only causes chronic fatigue, but can also trigger suicide attempts. This is due to the fact that in conditions of prolonged absence of normal rest, a person begins to be haunted by anxious thoughts and a feeling of hopelessness. Taken together, this can lead to suicidal feelings.

The Brain Research Institute has found that pathological changes in the brain are associated with sleep disorders. Experiments have shown that insomnia and changes in rest patterns lead to deterioration in cognitive and emotional function, decreased coordination, attention and memory.

Such changes deprive a person of the opportunity to lead a full life and cause nervousness and irritability. For this reason, it is important to start treatment at the very beginning and avoid permanent pathological changes in the body.

Insomnia, which continues for a long time, negatively affects the functioning of the body. A person has problems with the digestive tract. The main blow falls on the liver - it is the liver that processes the breakdown products of ethanol. There are surges in pulse and blood pressure, problems with the circulatory system begin, and the likelihood of cardiac arrest increases.

Types of alcoholic insomnia

There are medications that help cope with insomnia: strong sleeping pills, tranquilizers, sedatives, barbiturates, beta and adrenergic blockers. Drug treatment is a last resort. Taking medications at home is prohibited, as this is fraught with consequences. Their sale is carried out exclusively by prescription.

Light sedatives are made from substances of plant and animal origin, due to which they have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Valerian root opens this list - it is sold in any form. Motherwort, peppermint tincture, and herbal preparations will help to cope with disorders. Medicines in tablet form are represented by Glycine, Novo-passit.

If you have insomnia after a hangover, you should not take the following types of medications:

  1. Phasepam. The drug is not compatible with ethyl alcohol; it should be consumed only after the breakdown products of alcohol have been completely removed from the body. It causes side effects such as loss of consciousness and loss of coordination. After sleep, a person begins to have attacks of suffocation, nausea, and loose stools.
  2. Corvalol, Valocardin. This medicinal group contains phenobarbital and is intended for the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Taking it together with alcohol causes damage to brain cells.
  3. Phenibut, Afobazol. During a hangover, these medications do not help cope with the problem, but only aggravate it. The presence of glycosides in the composition has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels.

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It is forbidden to take several medications at the same time. Do not combine them with alcohol - this is what unreasonable people do. The use of potent drugs leads to failure of some organs, leading to death.

  • General detoxification of the body
  • Special medicines
  • Folk recipes
  • Non-drug measures

The main reason why you can’t sleep with a hangover is, of course, the poisoning of the body with toxic products of ethyl breakdown, therefore, first of all, you need to get rid of toxic substances. A detailed description of all possible measures to get rid of a hangover can be found here.

The effect of intoxication itself is quite diverse. Some people's mood improves significantly, while others, on the contrary, become despondent and withdraw into themselves and their feelings. The difference in behavior and sensations is due to:

  • individual differences in ethanol oxidation (depending on nationality, gender, genetics);
  • features of the nervous system;
  • volume of alcohol consumed;
  • consuming food and medications together with alcohol.

Alcohol leads to intoxication of the body, disruption of the nervous system, and disruption of daily biorhythms. For proper rest, sleep needs to move from the slow phase to the fast phase 4-5 times. Restoration of physical functions occurs in the slow phase of sleep. Under the influence of alcohol, cycles are shortened, and in the slow phase, sleep becomes shallow.

A person wakes up from minor rustles and nightmares. Sleep is disrupted by severe headaches, auditory and visual hallucinations that occur due to alcohol intoxication and overexcitation of the body. Difficulties falling asleep during alcoholism can arise against the background of worsening diseases of internal organs, high blood pressure, and emotional stress.

  • Difficulty going to bed. “Why can’t I sleep with a hangover,” everyone usually complains after a large dose of alcoholic drinks. When falling asleep for a long time, anxiety disorders, increased blood pressure, palpitations, headaches and muscle pain occur. If there is no sleep for a long time after a binge, anxiety may give way to increased excitability or fearfulness. Some people can only fall asleep after drinking alcohol and this only worsens the quality of their sleep.
  • Restless sleep. A person often wakes up, feels tense, nervous, and irritated.
  • Complete insomnia. When falling asleep, perception disorders arise in the form of images, visions, and sensations. A person can sing, cry, run to hide. This disorder causes panic and fear of sleep and can lead to the development of acute psychosis.

Insomnia after heavy drinking occurs due to alcohol poisoning and disruptions in the central nervous system. It is necessary to return sleep to help the poisoned body recover faster.

A few recommendations on how you can fall asleep after a binge at home:

  • After drinking, you need to drink half a liter of milk before going to bed;
  • A warm bath with thyme will help you come to your senses and improve the condition of the body;
  • A glass of kefir with a spoon of honey will make it easier to fall asleep;
  • Two tablespoons of dried hawthorn fruits, brewed in a glass of water, will bring sleep closer and normalize the functioning of the heart, liver, and kidneys.

You cannot get rid of alcoholic insomnia right away. In case of prolonged lack of sleep, you need to contact a specialist.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.
  • home
  • Sleep diseases
  • Insomnia
  1. Problems falling asleep. Many people complain: “I can’t sleep from a hangover” or “I can’t sleep for 4 days after a binge.” Similar complaints can often be heard from people who have consumed too much alcohol. Due to prolonged falling asleep, myalgia appears, heart rate increases, anxiety occurs, and blood pressure rises. Long-term sleep problems often lead to fearfulness or overexcitability. People who cannot fall asleep without alcohol only complicate their situation.
  2. Restless sleep. In this case, the person quickly and often awakens and demonstrates irritability and nervousness.
  3. Complete insomnia. With such sleep disturbance after alcohol, the patient faces mental disorders. The visions that come to him cause emotional disturbances. Neglected pathology is the path to severe nervous breakdown.

How to sleep with a hangover? There is no secret here. Firstly, you need to remove the symptoms of a hangover, and secondly, start restoring the body.

The choice of medications must be approached with great responsibility: side effects of medications can damage the liver. You can take this or that sedative/sleeping pill only as prescribed by a doctor.

Some drugs require special caution, such as Valium Roche, Diphenhydramine and Elenium. These products have a wide spectrum of action, but it is better to give preference to more gentle analogues.

Those who have trouble sleeping should understand that one pill will not solve the problem. The restorative effect can be seen after a few days.

Experts recommend following several rules when using medications:

  1. Taking sleeping pills and sedatives at the same time is prohibited.
  2. Follow the recommendations of your doctor, observe the dosage and frequency of administration.
  3. Cleanse the body of toxins.

Medicines for insomnia after binge drinking are sold without a prescription, but some of them are prescription drugs.

Over-the-counter products:

  1. Afobazole (price 350-450 rubles).
  2. Biotredin (price 90-130 rubles).
  3. Valerian in tablets (50-70 rubles).
  4. Donormil (280-400 rub.).
  5. Zorex (120-800 rub.).
  6. Novo-Passit (150-700 rubles).
  7. Persen night (200-600 rub.).
  8. Motherwort Forte (150-200 rubles).
  9. Sonilyuks (990 rub.).
  10. Activated carbon (3-85 rub.).
  11. Edas 121 (180-200 rub.).
  12. DreamZzz (1990 RUR).

Prescription drugs:

  1. Amitriptyline (18-80 rub.).
  2. Anvifen (200-500 rubles).
  3. Atarax (200-300 rubles).
  4. Grandaxin (300-900 rub.).
  5. Mebicar (200-400 rubles).
  6. Mexidol (200-500 rub.).
  7. Phenibut (50-400 rub.).

Insomnia from a hangover occurs due to the body’s reaction to taking large doses of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholics successfully cope with the problem in the early stages. Gradually, the insomnia worsens. Sleep becomes very sensitive, does not last long and is accompanied by screams and nightmares.

Any alcoholic drink can affect the occurrence of disruptions in the sleep-wake rhythm. It all depends on the amount drunk, duration of use, and individual characteristics of the body.

Insomnia does not immediately worsen in people who drink. It all starts with lack of sleep. Gradually, pathological processes in the body caused by alcohol-containing drinks significantly disrupt the rhythm of sleep.

Type of failureClinical picture
Insomnia after binge drinking• pain in the head and joints; • long time to fall asleep.
Restless sleep• nightmares; • uncontrollable fear; • nervousness; • awakening after any sound.
Complete insomnia• signs of previous forms of insomnia; • high risk of delirium tremens.
Idiopathic insomnia due to chronic alcohol use• symptoms of the previously named stages.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight insomnia caused by a mental disorder. A problem arises in people who have been suffering from an advanced stage of alcoholism for a long time.

Increased excitabilityAlcohol has an irritating effect on the nervous system. Against the backdrop of a prolonged binge, a person is in an “excited” state and suffers from insomnia.
Stress due to withdrawal symptomsAfter drinking ends, alcoholics develop unreasonable fears and phobias. At night, anxious thoughts simply prevent you from falling asleep.
Physiological factorsLong-term drinking can lead to deterioration of health. In alcoholics, the gastrointestinal tract suffers and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. The combination of failures and unpleasant symptoms provokes insomnia.

We suggest you read: How to cleanse the liver of toxins and toxins in a short time

Types of insomnia

What to do: treatment

It should be noted right away that it is quite difficult to solve the problem on your own.
You need to seek help from a specialist.

Prolonged binge drinking leads to severe intoxication, which can only be relieved in a hospital.

The choice of treatment methods and medications is made by the doctor strictly individually, taking into account the condition of each patient.

The clinic relieves withdrawal symptoms. Usually a complex of drugs is used, but if alcohol poisoning is severe, then blood purification is carried out.

Then a variety of medications are used: sedatives, drugs that support heart function, and sometimes psychotropic medications.

Drugs that normalize sleep after a hangover

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover and this does not require special knowledge. Mostly, after drinking too much alcohol, I get a severe headache in the morning. The following medications will help relieve pain:

  1. Zorex. The drug is intended for the prevention and treatment of hangover. Available without a prescription.
  2. Aspirin. Quickly relieves headaches. The tablets are sold freely and retain their medicinal properties for 5 years.
  3. Mexidol. This is an antioxidant drug that improves blood circulation in the brain. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years. The medicine is released strictly according to prescription.

By the way, it is better not to take Citramon, as well as Paracetamol, as they have a negative effect on the liver.
During this period, you should choose medications very carefully so as not to damage the liver.

Sleeping pills and sedatives can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

It is advisable to use gentle means, even with less effectiveness. These include:

  1. Glycine. Used to eliminate neurotic conditions. No prescription is needed to purchase.
  2. Novopassit. The drug is used to relieve mental stress. You can buy the medicine without a prescription.

They are taken in small doses before bedtime. The effect will be noticeable after a few days.

How to improve sleep at home

Here folk recipes for insomnia after alcohol can come to the rescue. These are mainly infusions and decoctions of herbal preparations. Since nowadays few people grow or collect medicinal herbs, a trip to the pharmacy cannot be avoided. There is an abundance of this goodness for all occasions. Although people living in a private house on the land may already have a mint or lemon balm bush on their property, hops hanging on the fence, or supplies of dried linden inflorescences. So, if you can’t sleep, tinctures or decoctions of the following herbs can help:

  • Hop cones
  • St. John's wort
  • Linden with mint and lemon balm
  • Motherwort (not recommended for low blood pressure)
  • Valerian
  • Oregano

You should also be careful with all decoctions, because if you overdo it, the active ingredients in their composition in combination with alcohol can be harmful.

Popular wisdom quickly tells you how to fall asleep with a hangover at home. Tested available remedies include:

  • One or two tablespoons of honey, washed down with a glass or two of warm milk. It begins to act in 10-15 minutes, so it is better to drink milk with honey in bed so as not to miss the moment. Honey is a strong vasodilator (so do not take it if you have a headache, it can make it worse), and has a calming and hypnotic effect. Food in the gastrointestinal tract begins to be digested only when it heats up or cools down to body temperature (approximately 37 degrees) and acquires a liquid consistency. Warm milk is a product that has a very nutritious and beneficial composition, binds a number of toxins and alcohol and begins to be absorbed in the stomach. Thus, giving the body a signal to relax - to reduce the production of steroids by the adrenal glands, which prevent the absorption of poison from the intestines, are too invigorating and prevent you from falling asleep.
  • Ear plugs (or tampons) if there is no tinnitus.
  • Monotonous actions. Read a boring book or slowly stroke your cat or wife, while thinking only about stroking. Often 10-15 minutes of such manipulations are enough. For example, the monotonous voice of the lecturer helps students fall asleep after a hangover.
  • Joining the breathing rhythm of another sleeping organism (this could be a domestic cat or dog nearby, or a wife (husband). If they can withstand your fumes and do not run away. The method is very effective. The purring of a cat often helps if there is no noise phobia.

Recipe No. 1. Pour 2.5 tablespoons of hawthorn into a glass of boiled water (150-200 ml). Let it brew for half an hour, take 50 ml every 3 hours.

Recipe No. 2. To prepare a soothing infusion, chop 2 dry cones and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Strain the resulting solution, drink 1/3 glass 15 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 3. A mixture of hawthorn with propolis tincture gives a good effect. Combine the ingredients in a 1/1 ratio. Take the solution 10 drops an hour before meals.

Recipe No. 4. Apple cider vinegar helps you fall asleep quickly. Dilute a teaspoon of natural honey with 2 tablespoons of vinegar. You should drink the mixture before going to bed.

Recipe No. 5. You can use a recipe consisting of lemon and walnuts. Combine the juice of one lemon and 2 tablespoons of crushed nuts. Mix until smooth, take half an hour before bedtime.

Recipe No. 6. Combine passionflower flowers with lavender, valerian tincture and coltsfoot leaves. Pour the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water, leave to brew in a dark and cool place. Take before bed.

Recipe No. 7. Hawthorn can calm the nervous system. To prepare a decoction of the fruit, boil 15 grams. dry powder in 1 glass of water. Strain the solution and let cool. You need to consume it 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Fighting methods

To completely get rid of insomnia, choose one of several methods:

  • use of medications;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • additional methods that are auxiliary.

To completely eliminate problems, it is recommended to combine all methods.


To understand how to sleep with a hangover, you should first consult a doctor. Medicines help to quickly get rid of hangover symptoms and prepare the body for proper rest. All medications should be divided into several groups: painkillers, sleeping pills and sedatives.

Aspirin, Zorex and Mexidol help to get rid of headaches. You should not drink Paracetamol and Citramon, as these drugs have a negative effect on the liver.

Sedatives and sleeping pills should be purchased only after consultation with a doctor. This is especially true for drugs such as Elenium, Valium Roche and Diphenhydramine.

Many people also use Sonilyux to fall asleep. This remedy is natural and promotes deep sleep. If you choose medications with less effectiveness, which are purchased without a doctor’s prescription, you should choose:

  • Glycine;
  • Novopassit;
  • Biotredin.

The effect of these drugs for insomnia will be noticeable within a few days.

When taking medications, you need to follow several rules, one of which is following your doctor's orders and observing the frequency of dosing. Also, do not take sedatives and sleeping pills at the same time. You should not consume activated carbon in unlimited quantities.

Traditional methods

The answer to the question: “how to fall asleep after a binge at home?” simple enough. To get rid of insomnia, herbs such as lemon balm, mint and motherwort are chosen. A decoction or tincture is prepared from them. Such remedies help get rid of fatigue and irritation. Also, during a hangover, brine helps to improve your well-being.

To normalize the functioning of the body, add more fruits and vegetables to the diet:

  • bananas;
  • cabbage;
  • rose hip;
  • carrot;
  • tangerines.

Additional Methods

To improve your well-being, you can also take walks before bed, start hiking and exercise. Swimming and yoga help a lot. All these actions improve the general condition of the body and speed up the recovery process.

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