Insomnia – sleep disorder

Sleep disorder: how does it manifest itself?

Sleep is an integral part of human life. It restores our strength, helps us think and create the world around us. Lack of sleep deprives us of vital energy, and a constant lack of strength makes a person passive in any life affairs.

However, for many people, lack of sleep is not the main problem. Hard workers who work shifts often complain about disrupted sleep patterns. If you frequently change your routine, when on the first day you sleep at night, on the second day during the day, and on the third day again at night, your biological clock is completely thrown off . The body begins to be in a state of mild shock. At the same time, it becomes unclear to him whether to prepare for sleep or stay awake.

In addition to working at night, people who constantly change time zones also experience sleep disturbances. After all, regular flights and acclimatization to new times are a real test for our internal clock.

Sleep disorders: consequences

Disruption of sleep patterns worsens not only your psychological but also your physical condition. In addition to a bad mood, a whole bunch of different diseases can appear due to a disrupted routine. Among them are obesity, cardiovascular problems and frequent colds . And according to some data, lack of sleep at night can provoke the development of benign and malignant tumors! Therefore, it is better not to joke with sleep and adjust your sleep schedule as soon as possible.

And here is a list of the consequences that you may experience due to insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns:

  • Weakness throughout the body;
  • Tearfulness and redness of the eyes (often accompanied by pain);
  • Changes in appetite, and both an increase and a decrease may be observed;
  • Impaired perception and hallucinations;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Chills after a sleepless night;
  • Noticeable decrease in concentration;
  • Memory problems;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Over time, disrupted sleep patterns lead to depression and depressed mood.

This list is far from complete, since it reflects only part of the possible consequences of a sleepless night and a “downed” regime. In the long term, all of the above can develop into much more serious diseases. For example, at the end of the last century, somnologists discovered a connection between insomnia and diabetes . As it turned out, even 1.5 hours of daily lack of sleep significantly increases the risk of this terrible disease.

Poor sleep before the road impairs driver attention and can lead to an accident

Do not forget that with a constant lack of sleep, the reaction slows down and a person becomes less susceptible to what is happening around. And sometimes this can lead to dire consequences. History knows many cases when a driver’s simple lack of sleep led to accidents on the road. In addition to drivers, the risk zone for insomnia also includes pilots, military personnel, doctors, builders, machinists and people of other equally responsible professions.

After a sleepless night, it’s better not to drive! Especially before a long journey.

Poor or interrupted sleep. Causes, symptoms, treatment.

Poor sleep is a consequence of daytime experiences and the cause of increased fatigue, poor health and nervous disorders. Few people know that sleep disturbance can lead to very serious consequences for the body. Among them are malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems, the development of dangerous diseases, including cancer, the occurrence of depression, and decreased performance.

Manifestation of poor sleep

Poor sleep can manifest itself in different ways. A person cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening and often wakes up during the night. During sleep, internal tension and a state of anxiety are felt, which intensifies on the eve of any significant events. Insomnia is a disease without age or gender. It is generally accepted that more than 30% of men and 35% of women worldwide have experienced this disease. This problem is known to representatives of the older generation, middle-aged people and even young children.

Possible causes of poor sleep

Bad sleep does not happen without a reason. This is a dangerous sign, which indicates that a person’s “biological clock” has malfunctioned. As a rule, it is caused by a whole complex of prerequisites. Among them is a disruption in the passage of biochemical reaction cycles. Normally, our body at a certain time produces a whole complex of hormones and enzymes that trigger the mechanisms of “falling asleep” - the speed of reactions decreases, mental and physiological processes slow down, blood pressure decreases, and the production of adrenaline goes to zero. The body falls into a sound and healthy sleep. However, if these mechanisms fail, then everything goes differently: “activity hormones” continue to be released into the blood, neural connections are disrupted, and the person experiences serious problems because he cannot fall asleep.

Treatment for poor sleep

If problems of this kind are the rule rather than the exception, then drastic measures must be taken. Treatment of poor sleep is carried out comprehensively. Increasing physical activity and physical activity during the day, following a routine, and changing your diet helps a lot. Scientists have proven that a lack of certain components can worsen insomnia. So, for example, deficiency of vitamin B6, which is known as pyridoxine, has a detrimental effect on the course of many reactions in organs and tissues, including nerves.

Vitamin deficiency

Due to vitamin B6 deficiency, a person will eventually face the problem of insomnia. The nervous system will become unstable and will need strengthening. In addition to physiological procedures, the use of appropriate medications will be useful. Thus, treatment of poor sleep should begin with taking vitamins containing beneficial substances that stabilize the nervous system.

In addition to pyridoxine, when treating poor sleep, it is necessary to use drugs containing magnesium and calcium. These microelements, in combination with B6, have a positive effect on the higher parts of the central nervous system, helping the body cope with emotional stress, depression, and neuroses, which are often the causes of insomnia.

Recommended vitamins

If the quality of sleep is disturbed, it is recommended to take vitamin B6 and magnesium in combination, 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. Calcium and magnesium restore the balance of these minerals in the body, thereby improving well-being and normalizing sleep.

  • Vitamin B-6. Pyridoxine;
  • Magnesium complex;

Causes of disrupted sleep patterns

Sleep disturbances may be due to the following reasons:

  • Emotional burnout;
  • Constant change of time zones;
  • Depression;
  • Narcolepsy (an irresistible fall into sleep that occurs spontaneously);
  • Sleepwalking;
  • Apnea (short-term cessation of breathing during sleep);
  • Taking stimulants (this also includes taking caffeine in large quantities), etc.;

Despite the above, the main reason for the disrupted routine is the lack of a clear plan for the day , where all the main tasks, rest time, as well as the hours of falling asleep and waking up are spelled out. Without a specific list of actions for the day, your body has no reason to adapt to your life goals.

You may have noticed that before an important and joyful event, it is much easier to wake up, even if the sleep lasted only 3-4 hours. Often this happens simply because the next day was planned in advance. , changing your lifestyle along with proper planning of your day can help

Reasons for a disrupted routine also include frequent consumption of coffee, strong tea and other stimulating drinks. Therefore, if you cannot sleep at night, and during the day you practically collapse from fatigue, try eliminating all caffeine-containing drinks . At the same time, only weak tea can be left on the menu.

In addition to drinks, uncontrolled use of sleeping pills also throws off your biological clock . With long-term use of some sedatives, the REM sleep phase, which is responsible for the health of the nervous system, almost completely disappears. The absence of this important phase can lead to serious mental disorders along with sleep disturbances.

Well, the biggest disadvantage of sedative medications is that they are addictive and addictive . Getting used to sleeping pills constantly requires increasing the dosage, which, in turn, increases the risk of side effects when taking them. Dependence is expressed in the fact that it becomes difficult for a person to “get off” sedatives due to their long-term use.

Is it possible to cope on my own?

You can solve the problem on your own, but to get rid of severe stress or depression, it is best to consult a doctor. At the initial stage of therapy, external stimuli that lead to worsening mood should be eliminated. It is recommended to spend more time with family or friends and share your problems and experiences with them.


Maintaining sleep hygiene

To normalize sleep, you do not always need to resort to using sleeping pills. Sometimes it is enough to provide comfortable conditions in the room, after which the problem will disappear on its own:

  • It is recommended to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • It is best to go to bed no later than 10-11 pm;
  • in the bedroom there should be an air temperature of 18-20 degrees and a humidity of about 40-60%;
  • in the late evening it is necessary to abandon active physical and mental activity;
  • It is recommended to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • in the evening you need to eat as light and quickly digestible food as possible;
  • before relaxing, you can take a shower, listen to relaxing music, or ask a loved one for a massage;
  • the bedroom should have as calm an atmosphere as possible - no noise or light stimuli.

Drug therapy

There are many remedies for insomnia that help normalize well-being and get rid of pathology.

The drugs should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as they can cause severe side effects.

If you have problems falling asleep, experts most often prescribe the following medications:

  • Sedatives. Produces a calming effect on the nervous system. Most often made on a plant basis. The main components of the medicine are valerian, motherwort, and lemon balm.
  • Sleeping pills. Provides quick sleep. Such medications should be used especially carefully, under the strict supervision of a physician.
  • Tranquilizers. Prescribed in certain cases when other means do not give good results. They have a depressant effect on the nervous system, which normalizes night rest.


To combat insomnia, you can use one of the following physical therapy methods:

  • Magnetotherapy. The impact of magnetic radiation on the head and neck area, which improves oxygen saturation of tissues. The procedure normalizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevents thrombosis.
  • Electrosleep. Thanks to the effects of low frequency currents, nervous tension disappears, which leads to normalization of sleep .
  • Massage. If you trust a professional, he can identify intervertebral hernias or pinched nerves that make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • Acupuncture. Stimulation of certain biologically active points is carried out, which helps to get rid of insomnia and normalize the psycho-emotional state.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are many effective folk remedies that help cope with insomnia and neuroses:

  • Mix 200 g of natural honey with 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. The resulting product is taken 2 teaspoons in the evening.
  • Lemon-honey-nut mixture. To prepare the medicine, mix 200 ml of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of crushed walnuts. The product is taken daily in a tablespoon.
  • Dill infusion. A tablespoon of seeds or leaves is poured into 430 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. The resulting liquid is taken daily in a teaspoon.

How to understand that a sleep disorder has occurred?

Most often, when sleep patterns are disturbed, a person complains of lack of strength, fatigue (even when performing household chores), as well as decreased concentration and attentiveness.

Constant fatigue and exhaustion suppresses a person psychologically. Lack of physical strength negatively affects mood, which seriously increases the risk of depression .

In addition, lack of sleep at night seriously harms the brain. A lack of nighttime rest prevents your brain cells from “cleaning out” the “garbage” accumulated throughout the day. With frequent lack of sleep, brain waste products cause the death of nerve cells. Ultimately, all this leads to numerous brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis .

How to improve sleep and restore routine?

To restore proper sleep patterns, we recommend that you follow these tips :

  • Don't sleep one night and wait until the next evening . Let’s face it, holding out all day after a sleepless night is a difficult task. However, this recommendation will help you quickly adjust your regimen and return to your body’s usual routine;
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time . Plan your day in advance so that you go to bed at a strictly scheduled time and sleep for the amount of time you need. By the way, you need to adhere to this advice both on Friday and weekends;
  • Don't sleep during the day . Rest in the afternoon will keep you from falling asleep later in the evening. Therefore, if you feel sleepy, hold out at least until 20:00 your local time;
  • Avoid drinking coffee and caffeinated drinks . Caffeine stimulates our nervous system and prevents us from falling asleep. Therefore, it is better not to abuse coffee, energy drinks and strong tea;
  • Try not to sit at the computer before bed . The light from a monitor or laptop screen makes it difficult to produce melatonin , the sleep hormone needed to fall asleep. Instead of sitting in front of the computer, give preference to fiction books. Reading literature before bed calms you down and helps you fall asleep faster;
  • Play sports. Exercise promotes sound and healthy sleep. After moderate exercise, all the muscles of our body relax, and a pleasant feeling of fatigue contributes to falling asleep quickly;
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed . Make sure your sleeping area is cozy and induces sleep. To do this, choose a comfortable mattress, a comfortable pillow and a warm blanket;
  • Nothing should interfere with your sleep . Light, noise and other disturbances can interfere with a peaceful stay in bed. First of all, you need to hang thick curtains that do not let in street light. In addition, you should remove all glowing electronic devices from the bedroom, as they can disturb your sleep. To reduce noise levels, it is recommended to choose comfortable earplugs and, if possible, sleep in them;
  • Take a bath or shower. Warm water relaxes the whole body and prepares our body for a restful sleep.

Sleep disorders in adults and adolescents: causes, consequences, prevention, treatment

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation No. 1 Gapeenko I.A.

A good night's sleep is now becoming a legendary pleasure for very lucky people.

Sleep disturbance is a problem well known to many. According to statistics, approximately 8-15% of the population of our planet complains of poor sleep, about 9-11% of adults are forced to use sleeping pills.

Adequate daily sleep is the most important condition for the normal functioning of the body, health and excellent well-being. Normally, an adult's sleep should last 6-8 hours.

The modern rhythm of life and constant stress lead to the fact that about a third of the population suffers from insomnia, or insomnia. Insufficient night rest leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and increases the likelihood of developing dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the problem in time and begin treatment.

Causes of poor sleep in adults

Sleep disorders can be caused by various factors. To accurately find out the cause of the disease, doctors recommend keeping a special diary. It is necessary to regularly record all events that could cause insomnia. The main prerequisites for the occurrence of sleep disorders:

1) Uncomfortable environment. Often the reasons lie in the wrong pillow or mattress. For proper rest, the room should be dark and quiet. You also need to eliminate all unpleasant odors and ventilate the room.

2) Emotional state. If a person is tense or upset, thoughts are constantly spinning in his head, then it is very difficult to sleep.

3) Problems with sleep can be caused by external stimuli, for example, extraneous sounds. Often, people experience insomnia due to the snoring of a person who sleeps in the same room.

4) Poor nutrition. If dinner consisted of a lot of heavy food, then the likelihood of normal rest is sharply reduced.

5) Frequent travel from one time zone to another , shift work schedule. The body simply does not have time to adapt to new conditions.

6) Taking drinks and drugs that stimulate psychological activity. Therefore, you should not drink strong tea, coffee, or alcoholic drinks late in the evening.

7) Diseases and pathological conditions : neurosis, depression, neuroinfections, concussion, asthma, arthritis, coronary heart disease, oncology.

8) Menopause in women. A deficiency of hormones - estrogen and progesterone - manifests itself in the form of hot flashes and night sweats, impaired magnesium metabolism, which is responsible for muscle relaxation, and increases the tendency to insomnia.

9) Treatment with certain types of drugs. Insomnia is a side effect of some medications. This group includes drugs to normalize blood pressure, for angina pectoris, diuretics, medications with caffeine, and corticosteroids.

10) Hormonal disorders, thyroid problems. Thyroid hormones, which are produced in excessive quantities during hyperthyroidism, stimulate metabolism and prevent relaxation.

11) Deficiency of some microelements, vitamin deficiency. For example, a lack of magnesium in the body provokes nervousness and sleep problems.

12) Hereditary predisposition to insomnia. Sleep disorders of this nature are difficult to treat.

Night sleep disturbance in older people and adolescents

In older people, metabolic processes slow down, so the need for rest decreases. This is not considered a disorder and does not require treatment. However, older adults often experience sleep disturbances caused by illness and certain medications.

In adolescence, the causes of sleep disorders may lie in increased anxiety and stress. During your vacation, you should not think about problems and plan the future day. Once you get comfortable in bed, think about something good or immerse yourself in pleasant memories.

What to do?

When deciding what to do, you first need to identify the cause. If a medical examination does not show the presence of serious diseases, then simple methods will help solve the problem:

✓Try to go to bed at the same time every day. A clear regime will allow the body to get used to it and fully rest.

✓Do not read serious literature at night, do not watch horror films or thrillers. This leads to nightmares and sleep disturbances in adults with a fairly mobile psyche.

✓Completely eliminate daytime naps.

✓Sleep in a quiet, dark room. Make sure there are no drafts or stuffiness. It is important to feel maximum comfort in bed.

✓Try to relax. Take a warm bath. You can add decoctions of medicinal plants or essential oils to it.

✓Spend time for physical activity during the day and, if possible, walk in the evening.

✓Do not eat chocolate or drink caffeinated drinks at night. Better eat a small portion of cottage cheese or an apple. Don't overeat before bed, but you shouldn't go to bed on an empty stomach either: both extremes are harmful.

✓If you can’t fall asleep after going to bed, then it’s better not to suffer. Get up and do a quiet, monotonous activity - reading, listening to music or audio books, handicrafts. As soon as you feel sleepy, lie down immediately.

If the above methods did not help solve the problem, then the reasons are more serious. You can resort to drug treatment only after consulting a doctor.

Which doctor should you contact if you have sleep disturbances?

First of all, it makes sense to visit a therapist. The doctor will give recommendations on maintaining a sleep schedule, exercise, relaxation procedures and, if necessary, refer you to the right specialist:

To a neurologist (neuropathologist). The majority of calls regarding sleep disorders come from this doctor. A neurologist may prescribe sleeping pills or sedatives, as well as other types of treatment.

Somnologist. This doctor specializes in all types of sleep disorders, so it is recommended to consult him if you have persistent problems with night rest. The main research method is polysomnography. Unfortunately, getting to a somnologist is not so easy: he is a rare specialist, and he is not available in every city.

Psychologist. It will help with sleep disorders caused by psychological problems, depression, and stress.

Psychotherapist. Deals with disorders associated with mental disorders.

Other doctors: a cardiologist, if somnological problems are caused by heart disease; an endocrinologist if a person sleeps poorly due to hormonal imbalance.

Treatment with folk remedies

Any sleeping pills have side effects. To begin with, you can use folk recipes that will help if your sleep is disturbed. Here are some simple home remedies:

1) Chamomile. Just add a teaspoon of dried raw material to black or green tea and let it brew. This drink is suitable for both adults and children. You can consume chamomile during the day and evening. It will help you stop waking up in the middle of the night.

2) Decoction of medicinal plants. Mix 20 grams of mint, 5 grams of oregano, 25 grams of valerian root and 5 grams of hawthorn flowers. Brew the mixture in 0.5 liters of water and keep covered for about half an hour. Take half a glass before meals.

3) Honey. Even a small spoon of this product will bring invaluable benefits. Soak a glass of bran in half a glass of water. Add half a glass of honey. Take two tablespoons of this remedy before bed. Two months - and the treatment will bring results, insomnia will stop bothering you. Warm milk with a spoon of honey, drunk before going to bed, helps a lot.

4) Pillow with herbs. A pillow with herbs served a good purpose back in the days of our grandmothers, and even today it can help. It is placed under a regular pillow or on the chest; under the influence of the warmth of the bed and body, volatile substances are released, which you inhale and calmly fall asleep. To do this, sew a linen square bag (with a side of about 15 cm) with a zipper and fill it loosely with one of the following mixtures of dried herbs (the effect lasts 4 weeks): One part each of lemon balm leaves (lemon balm), valerian root and St. John's wort and two parts of lavender flowers. Equal parts of valerian root, hops and St. John's wort. Equal parts of lavender flowers and hop cones.

5) Sleepy elixir. Mash 10 g of lavender flowers, hop cones, valerian root, lemon balm leaves and St. John's wort in a mortar and pour in one liter of red wine. Let it brew for 10 days, stirring daily. After 5 days, add two pieces of cinnamon and 5 crushed cloves. Strain and pour into a bottle. Drink a small glass (40 ml) 30 minutes before going to bed.

Medicines, preparations, drops, tablets

Often people turn to the pharmacy with a question about how to treat sleep disorders. Today there are many drugs that have a mild sedative effect. They help you relax, forget about problems and relax. Among the popular means are the following:

1) “Novo-passit”. This is a herbal preparation. It will help if poor sleep is caused by overexertion, stress, anxiety and anxiety. Doctors recommend using it to treat insomnia.

2) Corvalol. These drops are often used for heart disorders. They help relieve tension and eliminate restless sleep.

3) “Motherwort Forte”. The tablets contain a medicinal plant extract, as well as vitamin B6 and magnesium. The drug helps eliminate irritability and difficulty falling asleep.

4) “Donormil”. Helps solve the problem of interrupted sleep. By taking a tablet 20 minutes before going to bed, you can ensure proper rest. It should be borne in mind that Donormil is only suitable for combating situational (transient) insomnia, since it cannot be taken for more than 5 days.

5) "Melatonin". This drug mimics the action of a hormone that regulates sleep. The drug is prescribed for early manifestations of insomnia. Gives a good effect when taken together with herbal medicines.

✓Taking sedatives is an effective solution for mild forms of insomnia. Strong sleeping pills can only be prescribed by a doctor, and they can only be purchased with a prescription.

Sport occupies an equally important place in the treatment of insomnia.

Quite often, sleep disturbances are observed in people who lead a passive lifestyle. They spend most of their time in a stationary state. This leads to the fact that the body does not have time to waste all the energy that it accumulates from food during the day and simply does not get tired. As a result of this, the following picture is observed - a person goes to bed, knowing that he has to get up early tomorrow, but the body is still awake, and therefore cannot fall asleep.

Sport in this case is an excellent method of treating insomnia. Firstly, it allows you to waste all the accumulated energy, and secondly, it allows you to throw out all the negative emotions received during the day. A person’s psychological state returns to normal and after classes he quickly falls asleep, without thinking about anything bad.

If it is not possible to visit gyms, take walks in the fresh air, and also do fitness at home.

If you have trouble sleeping, it’s difficult to fall asleep or wake up, you shouldn’t ignore the problem. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help you avoid serious consequences.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

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