Insomnia during pregnancy in the third trimester: treatment

Why is insomnia dangerous for pregnant women?

Insomnia in pregnant women (in Latin - insomnia or asomnia) is a very common phenomenon; up to 80% of expectant mothers suffer from this sleep disorder. Like drowsiness, insomnia in pregnant women in the 1st trimester is considered a specific sign of a special condition of the body.

In the later stages, especially just before childbirth, almost everyone sleeps restlessly due to physical discomfort. A large belly, training contractions (they often cause insomnia at the 36th week of pregnancy), fetal movements, etc. interfere.

However, even physiological insomnia during pregnancy at any stage requires therapy. Lack of rest leads to overwork and chronic stress. Without constant sleep, a woman cannot concentrate when performing professional and household duties. As a result, irritation and fatigue accumulate, which can lead to prolonged depression and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Decreased concentration and weakness that accompany insomnia are fraught with injuries at home and at work. It is important to recognize the disorder in time and take appropriate measures.


Treatment of polyhydramnios during pregnancy should occur only after confirmation of the diagnosis, and therapy should be prescribed only by the attending physician; self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of excess amniotic fluid is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused this condition. When hyperglycemia is detected, therapy is aimed at normalizing blood sugar levels. In case of Rh sensitization, the pregnant woman is given appropriate therapy (prevention or treatment of hemolytic disease of the child in the womb).

If the child has intrauterine malformations that lead to the development of polyhydramnios and are incompatible with the life of the baby, then the pregnancy is terminated for medical reasons.

Moderate polyhydramnios, which was detected in the 3rd trimester, is an indication for its further prolongation during the treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency. Moderate polyhydramnios is treated with the following groups of medications:

  • Vitamins (A, groups B and E as an antioxidant);
  • Antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Papaverine, Magnesia);
  • Tocolytics (dilate the vessels of the uterus and eliminate hypertension) - Ginipral, Partusisten;
  • Antiplatelet agents (used to prevent the adhesion of formed blood cells and platelets) - Curantil, Trental.

If an intrauterine infection has been detected, etiotropic therapy is prescribed (drugs that neutralize infectious agents): macrolide antibiotics (Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Josamycin), antiviral and anticandidal agents (Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Terzhinan, Livarol).

When diagnosing acute polyhydramnios or severe chronic polyhydramnios after 28 weeks of pregnancy, therapy is carried out until signs of fetal lung maturation appear with the help of surfactants and glucocorticoids, followed by early delivery.

Indications for termination of pregnancy are up to 28 weeks and acute polyhydramnios.

During childbirth, early opening of the amniotic sac and careful (under the control of the hand) slow release of the membranes are indicated to prevent the loss of umbilical cord loops. The end of the second and third stage of labor is carried out under intravenous administration of oxytocin.

Types of insomnia

Is the inability to fall asleep quickly or periodic wakefulness at night dangerous? The main types of sleep disorders during pregnancy:

  • Transient (situational) insomnia occurs most often and does not require special correction. This condition usually lasts no more than a week and is caused by psychological reasons. Excitation of the nervous system, which prevents sleep in this case, is a consequence of a surge of experiences. Any non-standard situation with a negative or positive connotation provokes strong emotions, but as they are experienced, the state returns to normal. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be protected as much as possible from strong impressions.
  • Short-term insomnia, lasting no more than a month, is already a reason to consult a doctor. The cause of the disorder, which lasts for more than a week, can be both psychological factors and health problems. If you can’t fall asleep due to nervous tension, you need to cope with insomnia during pregnancy with the help of a psychologist. In cases where your sleep and wakefulness patterns are negatively affected by ailments or medications, you should contact a gynecologist or specialized specialists.
  • Chronic is the most dangerous type of insomnia for the expectant mother. It is quite rare, as it occurs as a result of serious pathologies or mental disorders. Since problems with sleep in this case last for months, physical and nervous exhaustion sets in, fraught with complications of pregnancy and the threat of its termination. Therefore, seeing a doctor and treatment, including medication, for chronic sleep disorders is mandatory.

In addition to the listed varieties, insomnia in early and late pregnancy is divided into stages according to the type of wakefulness:

  • The first is problems with falling asleep in the evening, when a woman cannot relax for a long time while lying in bed.
  • The second is periodic awakenings at night associated with physical discomfort or unpleasant dreams.
  • The third is manifested by early awakening, after which it is no longer possible to fall asleep again.

For each option, special correction methods are provided, but before familiarizing yourself with them, you should take a closer look at the causes of insomnia.


Even a harmless cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother, affect the condition of the child and the course of labor. How dangerous is a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The degree of danger of a cold increases depending on the intensity and nature of the manifestations, as well as on the duration.

The most dangerous cold is considered to be during the 3rd trimester in the last weeks of pregnancy. If a woman falls ill with an acute respiratory infection in any form during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, starting from the 36th week, she is urgently hospitalized

This precaution is due to the fact that weakened immunity and gradual aging of the placenta can lead to infection of the amniotic fluid. In addition, a weakened woman’s body may not cope well with labor.

It is also worth paying attention to the symptoms of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

A cough is not just an unpleasant, but a very dangerous companion to a cold. This is especially true for dry, unproductive and deep chest cough. These types of coughs have a spasmodic effect on the abdominal muscles; frequent contraction of the uterine muscles leads to tone and can ultimately cause premature labor. How to treat cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The safest methods of treating colds during pregnancy include inhalations with medicinal plants

It is important to remember that inhalations should not be hot; if possible, it is better to use a special Nebulizer device or similar devices for this. The choice of composition for inhalation depends on the type of cough; medicinal herbs, infusions and essential oils are most often used

It is better not to select the composition for inhalation yourself, since even herbs and ethers can cause allergies. It is better to consult your doctor. Cough tablets and syrups in the last stages of pregnancy are used in extreme cases, strictly as prescribed by a doctor. A sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can appear as one of the symptoms of a cold and as a sore throat. If your throat hurts during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, it should be treated only after examination and consultation with a therapist. The most acceptable method of treating a throat during pregnancy is gargling with the use of medicinal plants (sage, chamomile, plantain), antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial solutions (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt). As prescribed by a doctor, you can use antiseptics and topical antibiotics in the form of aerosols and sprays. As with a cough, with a sore throat, inhalations provide a good therapeutic effect. A runny nose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester cannot be ignored. The danger of a runny nose is that impaired breathing can make it difficult for the child to get oxygen. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated throughout pregnancy, so you can use drops based on plant extracts and essential oils such as Pinosol, Aqua Maris sea water, you can rinse your nose with cold boiled water with the addition of sea salt, essential oils of tea tree, fir, thuja, and eucalyptus. Fever during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is a very dangerous condition, as it can provoke placental abruption and premature birth. It is better not to allow body temperature to rise above 37.5 degrees. Reducing body temperature with drugs based on aspirin and analgin is strictly prohibited; among the permitted antipyretics, you can use drugs containing paracetamol (Panadol) and ibuprofen (Nurofen).

Treatment of colds during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, strictly following all his recommendations. Treatment of colds at all stages of pregnancy should be carried out comprehensively; in addition to relieving painful symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate bacterial inflammation and restore impaired protective functions of the body. The latter task is well accomplished by a diet rich in various vegetables and fruits and taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Antibiotics during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are used in extremely rare cases when the risk of developing complications of the disease is considered higher than the risk of using medications.

How to get rid of insomnia

If insomnia bothers you at the beginning of pregnancy due to hormonal changes, you need to take it calmly and just wait out the unpleasant stage. As the body gets used to the new conditions, the condition will stabilize and sleep will improve.

Subsequently, when hormones no longer affect sleep and wakefulness, various proven methods of combating insomnia are used.

On one's own

In most cases, a woman can cope with sleep disorders on her own. First of all, from the first weeks you need to perceive the state of pregnancy as natural, without constantly focusing the attention of others and your own on it.

You should not show excessive concern if there is no reason for it, but a responsible attitude towards your own health and caution are required.

General recommendations

All fears, concerns and unpleasant dreams need to be discussed (with a loved one or a psychologist). During the discussion, they lose their significance and no longer have a negative effect on the nervous system. To calm down in the evening and fall asleep without problems, you should not be excessively active in the afternoon, sort things out or watch thrillers.

Physical activity and strong emotions do not contribute to restful sleep, but intimate intimacy in the absence of contraindications is an excellent means of relaxation. Night cramps can be prevented by regularly massaging your feet and legs; special lotions and creams will help you cope with itching from stretch marks.

Physical activity

Completely eliminating physical activity from the first days of pregnancy is a wrong decision (unless there are medical indications for a threatened miscarriage, for example). A pregnant woman should not lift weights or experience increased stress, but she must move. There are special safe sets of exercises for expectant mothers, which you can familiarize yourself with in courses.

Moderate physical activity not only improves health, but also provides the necessary daily exercise that promotes a good night's rest. Daily walking is also very useful, especially from the 33rd week, when the belly is quite large and exercise is not advisable.

Fresh air

This point goes well with the previous one. Doctors recommend taking a walk every day in the afternoon to normalize sleep.

Walking is considered one of the most effective ways to combat insomnia both in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the last stages. Regular ventilation of the bedroom for a few minutes before going to bed also helps.


Responsible expectant mothers are always attentive to their diet, observing the necessary proportions of nutrients and vitamins, avoiding harmful foods. If you have problems falling asleep, it is recommended to make the following adjustments:

  • Don't overeat at night, as a full stomach can make it difficult to fall asleep. The best option is a light dinner 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Eliminate or limit the consumption of tonic drinks - strong brewed tea and coffee.
  • Waking up at night with the urge to urinate can be minimized by not drinking a lot of fluids at night.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of warmed milk (maybe with honey), and for dinner eat a sandwich with turkey meat. Both of these foods are rich in tryptophan, a safe and mild sleep aid.

The listed methods in most cases help well against insomnia, having a beneficial effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Features of the third trimester of pregnancy

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, the entry into which will be marked by the final formation of the baby and active preparation for the main event - the birth of a child. During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the internal organs and functional systems of the fetus are improved.

When does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin? According to the obstetric calendar, the third trimester begins at week 27 and continues until birth. Changes in a woman’s body and the development of the fetus become more noticeable and obvious every day. The belly, which was rounded in the second trimester, is now increasing every day, the uterus is expanding, and the baby is actively gaining weight. This process creates certain difficulties for the expectant mother and complicates even the most ordinary daily activities and tasks.

Weight gain in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy differs significantly in speed and volume from previous periods. In recent months, the baby has been actively growing, muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat are increasing. In addition to the growth of the unborn child, there is an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid and thickening of the placenta. After 35 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may lose weight and this should not worry her. This fact is explained by the fact that during the prenatal period the volume of amniotic fluid decreases.

Management of pregnancy in the 3rd trimester comes down to more careful monitoring of the woman’s condition and constant monitoring of fetal development. The plan for visits to the gynecologist-obstetrician in the third trimester changes as you approach the expected date of birth:

  • up to 30 weeks, a woman visits a doctor once a month;
  • from 30 to 36 weeks - once every two weeks;
  • from 36 weeks until childbirth - 1-2 times a week.

The visit plan directly depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and her unborn child; if deviations from the norm or dangerous factors are identified, an individual schedule can be established for each patient. At each appointment, the doctor performs a number of standard obstetric procedures - listens to the fetal heartbeat, measures the abdominal circumference and height of the uterus, conducts dynamic control of edema, and checks the condition of the urinary system and kidneys using a urine test. If necessary, before each visit to the gynecologist, a general blood test may be prescribed to monitor the condition and functioning of internal organs and systems.

On the eve of the 30th week, a detailed examination of the woman is prescribed. This period marks the beginning of maternity leave. The comprehensive examination includes an expanded list of laboratory tests, ECG, the latest planned ultrasound, CTG and additional Doppler measurements (as prescribed by the doctor).

Harmful methods in the fight against poor sleep

Insomnia that occurs during pregnancy excludes the use of sleeping pills. Most of these medications have a negative effect on the child. For example, zolpilem (drugs Ivadal, Snovitel) has a risk of premature birth and low fetal weight. Zopiclone (Imovan, Relaxol) penetrates the baby’s blood and can cause withdrawal symptoms.

The only approved sleeping pill in any trimester of pregnancy is doxylamine, which is contained in Donormil and Reslip tablets. These drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, and only for very serious indications. Of the traditional medicines with a sleeping effect, only lemon balm, mint and valerian are allowed.

What expectant mothers say

Insomnia in my case began when my pregnancy coincided with my divorce from my husband. I didn’t sleep normally for a month, only in fits and starts. Then I pulled myself together, came to terms with what was happening and, by force of will, forced myself to immerse myself in my studies. An exercise that helps you fall asleep at night is: in complete silence, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. At the same time we think about something very pleasant. For example, I imagined flowering meadows and waves. Sometimes changing the place helps you fall asleep: lay the mattress on the floor, lie down in the living room on the sofa.

I fought insomnia exclusively with fantasies, thinking in detail about the renovations that I would do in the apartment. During my pregnancy I came up with a dozen options and eventually implemented one. You can also try to freeze to fall asleep. If you open the window slightly and wrap yourself in a thick blanket, sleep will come much faster.

Methionine helped me, the tablets cost 50 rubles. This is a completely natural remedy, an essential amino acid. During pregnancy, it improves the condition of the placenta and is also a weak antidepressant. Changing your sleep patterns is also effective. I started going to bed earlier, at about 11 o’clock, and got up in the morning with an alarm even on maternity leave. I noticed that as soon as I go to bed later and get up at eleven o’clock, the next night I can’t sleep.

I had terrible insomnia that started in the second trimester and mysteriously stopped immediately after giving birth. Neither proper nutrition nor a bath with soothing oils helped. The effect was only from walking before bed. She walked like this every evening until she gave birth.

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