How to get rid of bulimia: practical recommendations

Cases of eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are becoming more and more common in medical practice. This can be explained by several reasons, but, first of all, young people are driven by the desire to conform to the canons of beauty accepted in modern society. The question “How to cure bulimia?” often worries relatives of patients with this disease. People suffering from bulimia rarely admit their condition. They deny the problem or believe they can handle it on their own. But the process of healing from bulimia is quite complex; it requires the participation of doctors of various specialties, including a psychotherapist and nutritionist.

Features of bulimia

Bulimia manifests itself in bouts of overeating that a person cannot control. After uncontrollable overeating, the patient is overcome by a feeling of guilt, and he tries to get rid of what he has eaten. This may include medications that cause vomiting or diarrhea. Vomiting can also be caused mechanically.

The patient performs such cleansing rituals on the sly, so it can be very difficult to notice the first signs of the disease. A person’s weight also remains within the normal range for a long time.

Experts distinguish two types of bulimia:

  • Bulimia Nervosa. This type of disease occurs as a result of low self-esteem and mental disorders. Sick people find food to relieve stress and calm them down. And after the attack, they have a feeling of guilt and shame for what they have done, which leads to an acute desire to get rid of excessive food. Bulimia nervosa most often occurs in girls between the ages of 25 and 30, but the disorder can also occur in young men;
  • bulimia of puberty. At this age, attacks of hunger can occur on their own due to hormonal changes and rapid growth of the body. Overeating may alternate with periods of decreased appetite. Teenage girls are very critical of their appearance, so they try to limit themselves in food. And if they cannot resist hunger, they begin to induce vomiting mechanically.

Before you understand how to get rid of bulimia, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Working to solve psychological problems makes it possible for the patient to develop correct self-esteem and allows him to accept himself as he is. It is quite difficult to do this on your own; it is better to seek qualified medical help.

"Wolf Hunger"

Bulimia is a type of psychological addiction to food. The patient periodically experiences attacks of uncontrolled gluttony, during which he consumes all foods indiscriminately and in any order. Along with satiety comes remorse for what you have done, as well as a strong desire to immediately get rid of what you have eaten.

A person suffering from bulimic syndrome rushes to induce vomiting, take a lethal dose of laxatives, or torture himself to the point of exhaustion in the gym. All this is done only to prove to oneself that the weight and shape of the body are under control.

Bulimia nervosa mostly affects girls or teenagers, but it is also not uncommon among middle-aged people. Males suffer from eating disorders much less frequently, and only a few turn to specialists for help.

Depending on the specificity of overeating attacks, there are three types:

  1. Periodic. The craving for food occurs suddenly. When the stomach is full, a cleansing procedure occurs. Then the attacks may not appear for several days, but soon everything repeats.
  2. Continuous. This is the most severe form of bulimia, since the processes of overeating and extracting food from the body alternate stably and often. Increased appetite develops almost immediately after the stomach is empty.
  3. Nighttime. Uncontrollable attacks of hunger appear only at night. During the day, appetite may be completely absent or normal.

Bulimia can be recognized by the following signs:

  • consumption of a variety of foods in large quantities;
  • while eating, food is not chewed thoroughly, the patient greedily swallows large pieces;
  • constant visits to the toilet immediately after finishing a meal;
  • frequent mood swings, excessive secrecy;
  • a feeling of loneliness, a feeling of helplessness and inability to control the situation.

A person who suffers from bulimia complains of constant malaise and fatigue, but does not want to admit that he has any problems.

If changes in behavior are complemented by sharp fluctuations in weight, frequent sore throats and rapid destruction of tooth enamel, then with a greater degree of certainty we can say that this person suffers from bulimia nervosa.

The insidiousness of bulimia lies in the fact that the patient does not want to accept his condition and refuses medical help. The success of treatment depends on relatives: if you notice the above signs in one of your loved ones, be sure to seek advice from specialists.

How to break out of bulimia: personal experience

I want to talk about what helped me cope with bulimia. The methods are simple, the main thing is to turn off the autopilot. Start looking at the world around you and listening to your feelings. To ask questions. And feed yourself - laughter, play, care and love. Then one day everything will fall into place again: eating for energy and pleasure, and not to drown out fear, sadness, resentment and anger.


"I am crazy?" - you ask yourself in despair after another bout of gluttony-vomiting. A person suffering from bulimia is well aware that his relationship with food is not normal. One of the strongest fears is that the body will eventually not withstand the hellish regime of gluttony and vomiting and will become ill with some terrible disease. Ignorant well-wishers on forums are scary - “you are sick, you need to see a psychiatrist.” They think they are helping, but in fact they only increase the horror and provoke new attacks. You would like to stop, but you don’t have the strength. In principle, a smart psychotherapist could come in handy here - just as he could come in handy for your neighbor who can’t live without a cigarette for more than two hours, or for a friend if she’s terribly afraid of riding the subway. What I mean is that bulimia is just a neurosis, the same as nicotine addiction or panic attacks, it does not make you crazy.

Moreover, your bulimia is actually a gift of fate. I know, it sounds mocking now, when your throat is sore, your stomach is bursting from tons of food, tooth enamel is melting before your eyes and it’s scary to look at your swollen face in the mirror. But one day you will look back and realize that bulimia saved you. It gave you a chance to understand yourself, showed you what you are afraid of and what you would like more than anything in the world. Helped you discover the inner strength that you didn’t realize you had, so you could believe in yourself and start making your dreams come true.

I love Mary Oliver's short poem: “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” (“The one I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to realize that this too was a gift.”) A box full of darkness that is actually a gift is what bulimia is. Remind yourself of this as often as possible. Try to look at her as a friend and not an enemy.

Truth protects

Bulimics are subtle and impressionable people, creative people with a rich imagination. They sense the mood of those around them well, know how to inspire and support others, but they themselves easily fall into a state of panic and hopelessness. Food is an opportunity to satisfy the need for tenderness and security, which they lack, to relax and forget about fear, at least for a while. You behave like a child who is afraid of a thunderstorm - you draw exaggeratedly scary pictures in your head and dive under the blanket or hide from it in the closet.

Walk into your fear. Every day, do at least one thing that scares you. I'm serious. If you can’t imagine life without weighing yourself in the morning, don’t weigh yourself for at least a couple of days. If you are afraid to call on the phone, call and speak, even if your voice trembles. If you don't know the answer to a question, say so. If you turn off the road because you don’t want to meet an unpleasant person, go straight to him and say hello first. These small feats seem to have nothing to do with food, but they greatly increase self-esteem. And with high self-esteem, you will feel confident and happy - you won’t need to calm yourself down with food.

Also: you are used to eating secretly, because you are ashamed of the scale of what you have eaten. Plan your meals so that you only eat in the company of someone. The more fears you “bring out of the darkness” in this way, the less you will want to overeat. The salvation is to stop lying to yourself. Try not to induce vomiting after a bout of gluttony. Yes, it will be hard and scary, but you will take responsibility for your action and honestly go through the consequences. Next time, remember your feelings from a full stomach - they will help you resist. Remind yourself that the more often you choose to act honestly (not vomit), the stronger you are, and the weaker and less likely you are to bulimia. Facing the truth is your defense.

Neural pathways

At your worst, you feel like a zombie - as if food controls you, won't let you stop, even despite the pain. This is the great illusion of bulimia - you are like a sleeping Gulliver, whom the Lilliputians are trying to tie up. In fact, the desire to eat is just a conditioned reflex. It arose due to the fact that you did the same thing many times (children are annoying - I’ll eat a chocolate bar; I’m walking past the store in the evening - I’ll go in and buy some food; I sat down in front of the computer after dinner - I started throwing everything in the refrigerator). New pathways have formed in the brain - they are called neural pathways. These neural pathways link a stimulus (such as sitting in front of the computer after dinner) with the desire to eat. Over time, a specific situation automatically arouses the desire to snack.

The good news is that neural pathways emerge and become overgrown under the influence of our thoughts. When you, despite a strong desire, do not go to the candy store or stay in front of the computer instead of running to the kitchen, you weaken old neural pathways and create new ones - without the participation of goodies. Banning, distracting, running away will not work. The only way to free yourself and take control of eating is to go through temptation (an old habit) and thus create a new one. So next time, rejoice when a bout of gluttony hits—this is your chance to erase the conditioned reflex. Don’t be afraid, don’t tear your hair out - calmly say: “Yes, now I want to give myself free rein and eat. Yes, I can do it, no one can stop me. Then this conditioned reflex will become stronger. And I can give myself free rein and create a new one - I DO NOT overeat in the evenings. I DO NOT buy tons of food at the store.”

All you need to do is sit quietly with an unpleasant feeling of tension and anxiety (this is created by the anticipation hormone dopamine, which makes you feel like something is pushing you to eat). Wait it out, it’s like summer rain without an umbrella - the wave washed over and passed. You can read more in Gillian Riley's book “Eat Less. Stop overeating."

Healthy aggression

Bulimics usually give the impression of being very gentle, sociable, pleasant people. This gentleness is deceptive and comes at a cost to them: they first drown out anger, resentment at injustice, humiliation with food, and then splash it out with vomiting. They are afraid to say no, to express what is boiling over, to fight back - even for the purpose of self-defense. Hence the sudden mood swings from which loved ones suffer - I was just a sweet, caring girl and suddenly a monster is rude, rude, and hysterical. It’s as if a good and an evil twin live in the same body and first one comes out, then the other.

Start expressing not only your positive but also your negative feelings. This is absolutely natural and does not make you a bad person if from time to time you experience anger, disappointment, hatred, jealousy, panic, envy, resentment. To admit means, at a moment of stress, to say to yourself or out loud: I’m angry because... This person infuriates me because... I’m jealous... I’m sad... I’m offended... You’ll see, it will become easier and your mood will level out. If you have the opportunity, speak directly about your feelings not only to yourself, but also to the person who causes them. “I feel unpleasant/offended/angry when you say/do such and such...” The more often you practice openly expressing your feelings, the higher your self-esteem will be, the easier it will be to communicate with people and build relationships without resorting to to food as self-defense.

There are no mistakes, there is experience

Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Fall and rise again. When you were learning to skate or ride a bicycle and took a couple of good flops before something started to work out, it didn’t occur to you to judge yourself for your inexperience and mistakes? It's the same with bulimia. Accept that two and two make four, that it is impossible to lose weight once and for all and eat “perfectly.” For the simple reason that we are not robots, but people. You need to understand and accept periods of overeating, gluttony, and mood swings. THEY WILL. Just honestly telling yourself “I feel bad, I’m having a breakdown, a bout of gluttony” at the moment when they occur means gradually minimizing them.

Enjoy non-edible treats

An excessive craving for sweets and baked goods is also our longing for smells, colors and sounds. Imagine that the 5 senses (vision, touch, hearing, taste, smell) are five flowers on the windowsill. They need to be watered every day and make sure there is enough light and warmth in cold weather. You mercilessly fill the flower called “Taste”, gobbling up chocolates and cakes, while the rest are wasting away from thirst.

We distinguish approximately 10,000 smells, millions (!) of shades of color, and a symphony of sounds. We feel a touch on the skin: gentle, quick, rough, encouraging, timid, passionate, loving... All this is wasted - you are used to deriving joy only from food. You live as if in a remote closet: you woke up, ate your fill, threw up, and so on in a circle. There is a huge beautiful world around and it is full of inedible pleasures. Learn to enjoy them. What smells immediately lift your mood? I love the aroma of freshly washed clothes, peonies, earth after rain, apple pie, freshly brewed coffee...

Try to experience new sensations every day. Wear more bright, rich colors (clothes, manicure, berry makeup, flower hair clips). Fill the space around you with color: colored paper, a notepad, a pen, funny stickers, rhinestones, a lamp in the bedroom. Choose floral and sweet body creams, perfumes, aromatherapy oils and candles. Go to a store for artists, musical instruments - buy little funny things. I have already written about how important it is for good health to hug loved ones, friends, and pets - at least 6 hugs a day!


Try to look at your gluttony with humor. Laughter awakens the child in us - it makes it easier to accept the paradox of life and give vent to emotions. Believe in the best and continue to live despite any problems. For example, imagine yourself in the place of the girl in the picture eating the cake. “Yes, I’m hungry and I’ll eat until I burst!” Look for a reason to laugh heartily. This could be a video (dad figured out how to quickly do his daughter’s hair, but it’s better not to repeat it) or a funny picture, joke, song, whatever.

Collect photos of laughing people, animals that warm and make you happy - look through them from time to time. Keep a funny toy mascot on hand (how do you like my cheerful pink llama in stylish glasses?) Another source of positive energy is films/series where situations related to food and excess weight are shown with humor. One of the best is the tragicomedy “Muriel’s Wedding” with Toni Colette.

Set yourself a goal to smile at least once a day - to a funny kid you met on the way to work, to a salesperson, to a colleague, to a passerby chewing a popsicle in 20-degree frost, to an unfamiliar elderly woman with tired eyes on the subway... Before going to bed, ask yourself: what What made me the happiest today? why exactly this? If the day turned out to be difficult, what was funny about it? Every time you can see the funny side of a difficult situation, you come out a winner.

3 more of my texts on the topic:

Interview with Irina Kulchinskaya, ex-bulimic and psychotherapist

Simple instructions - how to distinguish real hunger from bulimic hunger

Self-esteem vs. self-criticism

Consequences of bulimia nervosa

It is only at first glance that bulimia seems to be a harmless disorder. A sick person uses food to try to get rid of loneliness and stress, but the feeling of guilt that arises after overeating provokes even more serious mental problems. Bulimics are almost constantly in a state of depression, their life priorities change, and relationships with the people around them collapse.

Mechanical induction of vomiting also affects the physical condition of a person:

  1. The water-electrolytic balance is disturbed. Taking laxatives and constant vomiting lead to dehydration of the body, severe deficiency of calcium, potassium and sodium chlorine salts. The lack of these microelements affects the functioning of the kidneys and heart, the patient's lymph nodes become enlarged, weakness, shortness of breath and tachycardia occur.
  2. There is a metabolic and hormonal imbalance. In women, hormone production decreases, which leads to menstrual irregularities.
  3. Disorders of the digestive system. Stomach or duodenal ulcers and gastritis may occur. This is due to the fact that the enzymes needed by the body are excreted before they have time to be absorbed. The mucous membrane of the esophagus and mouth becomes inflamed, leading to the formation of intractable ulcers. Tooth enamel begins to deteriorate under the influence of the aggressive environment of vomit, which can lead to complete loss of teeth.
  4. The condition of hair and nails also deteriorates sharply. Bone tissue and muscles weaken.
  5. The nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer. All biological rhythms of the body undergo changes.

Treatment of bulimia includes not only correction of the patient’s mental state. Doctors also need to eliminate the consequences of the disease or minimize the damage caused to the body.

Treatment period

Like any other addiction, you can get rid of bulimia only if the patient sincerely wants it. There is no point in forcibly treating eating disorders. It should be taken into account that the duration of therapy can range from six months to 2-3 years. Yes, this is a considerable period of time, but this does not mean that it will have to be spent in a medical institution.

A long period of treatment is simply necessary to restore both individual organ functions and the body as a whole. This is due to the fact that the disorder did not appear in one day or even a month, it developed and progressed over several years. Accordingly, it is not possible to cure it in several therapy sessions.

At the very beginning of treatment, it is necessary to determine the factors that pushed the patient to develop bulimia, among them may be:

  • some diseases that affect areas of the brain that are responsible for appetite and the feeling of satiety in the body. The pathology can be caused by hyperthyroidism, a tendency to insulin resistance, or diabetes mellitus;
  • the habit of overeating, instilled from early childhood. This happens when the child has already satisfied his hunger, but the parents forbid throwing away the leftover food. In order not to upset them, the baby silently finishes the portion. Over time, this becomes a habit, and in adolescence it develops into bulimia;
  • emotionally unstable psychological background of the individual. Such people suffer from low self-esteem, an increased sense of responsibility and a lack of personal opinion. The feeling of helplessness and hopelessness leads to prolonged nervous tension, turning into bulimic attacks;
  • stressful situations. In the process of eating food, unpleasant experiences from external negative factors are noticeably reduced. The body remembers this feeling and strives to repeat it, so the slightest stress provokes uncontrollable gluttony.

In complex or advanced cases, the treatment period for bulimia is up to 5 years or longer. Regular visits to a specialist are a prerequisite for achieving a positive result.

Features of treatment for bulimia

The first step to recovery from bulimia is recognizing the problem. Treatment for this eating disorder should be comprehensive, it includes psychotherapy, building an individual diet and proper nutrition system, as well as working with the body.

A set of therapeutic measures is carried out by qualified psychotherapists and doctors of other specialties. But a lot also depends on the will of a person suffering from bulimia. The desire to be healthy and strict adherence to doctors’ recommendations will allow you to completely recover from the disease and prevent its recurrence.

The main method of psychotherapy used in the treatment of eating disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy. Patients are taught to accept themselves and their bodies, and their concerns about their weight and appearance are reduced. A mandatory stage of treatment will be training in normal eating habits.

Examination by doctors of other specialties allows you to restore physical health.

When thinking about the question of how to cure bulimia, you should understand that there will be no clear answer. The reasons for the development of this disorder lie in a person’s psychological problems, so each specific case requires an individual approach.

Treatment without drugs

Many people suffering from this insidious disease are concerned with the question: is it still possible to cure bulimia on your own and without medications? The use of cognitive behavioral therapy gives good results. Its use is possible both in complex treatment and as an isolated method.

During behavioral psychotherapy sessions, a specialist helps you learn new ways to deal with stress and reinforces the skills of proper eating behavior. There is a stabilization of appetite, and a reduction in episodes of gastric cleansing is observed.

Psychotherapy can be aimed at finding personal problematic issues that originate in early childhood. Such factors that provoke bulimia require detailed consideration. The level of increase in self-esteem and the replacement of the method of relieving psychological stress from overeating to a more productive one depends on this. Group and individual sessions are available.

Additional methods of psychological influence will help you get rid of and forget about bulimia forever:

  • hypnosis sessions;
  • deep psychoanalysis;
  • participation in cognitive training;
  • yoga classes;
  • nutrition training course.

It should be remembered that there are no “magic” pills for bulimia. Each patient requires an individual professional approach and a long period of healing.

How to recover from bulimia on your own

People suffering from bulimia often hide their illness from others. Even if they are aware of their condition, it is very difficult for them to admit it to someone. Therefore, they often wonder how to treat bulimia on their own. There is nothing reprehensible in this desire if it is not caused by perfectionism. In this case, there will be no results from the treatment. The bulimic is firmly convinced that he is able to stop overeating on his own, but after a while a breakdown occurs.

Treatment for bulimia is rarely carried out in a hospital setting. After a complete examination, the patient receives recommendations from doctors that allow him to fight the disease at home. Treatment will involve two components: dietary and mental health requirements.

Psychological work on yourself is as follows:

  • awareness of the problem and recognition of bulimia;
  • believe in yourself and your own strengths;
  • cultivating love for your body, learning to understand and accept its needs;
  • cultivate an easy-going attitude towards various life situations;
  • perception of food not as a way of obtaining pleasure, but as a means of saturating the body;
  • playing sports, music, drawing or other creative activities. You need to understand that you can get rid of stress in other ways.

Full recovery from bulimia is only possible if the person's basic habits and attitudes are changed. And this is only possible with the support and understanding of loved ones and family members.

Along with the psychological component, treatment of bulimia requires a revision of the sick person’s views on the nutrition system as a whole. Dietary requirements include the following:

  1. There should be at least three meals a day. Meals must be regular, breakfast must be a must.
  2. Getting rid of the habit of eating stress, various troubles in life and negative emotions.
  3. Gradually reducing the amount of food eaten at one time.
  4. Eliminating fatty and sweet foods from the diet, replacing them with fruits and vegetables.
  5. Complete avoidance of snacks between main meals. If you really want to eat something, then you should drink herbal tea. This drink will help you get rid of the feeling of hunger and replenish your body with essential microelements.

The treatment process for bulimia is quite complex and lengthy. Sometimes it takes several years to get rid of this disorder and restore the body. But even after the disease is defeated, the possibility of its reoccurrence remains.

The best way to prevent bulimia is love. If there are normal relationships in the family, and children grow up in a friendly and healthy environment, then the risk of developing various eating disorders will be minimal.

Psychosomatic manifestations of bulimia

Bulimia does not occur suddenly. This eating disorder develops and progresses over a long period of time. In the initial stages, it causes only positive emotions from eating your favorite foods, and negative feelings come later.

Attack-like overeating is accompanied by such emotional consequences as:

  • self-accusation;
  • remorse;
  • feeling of self-hatred;
  • awareness of one's own weakness and lack of will.

During an attack of bulimia, a person realizes his weakness and begins to feel sorry for himself. The physical pleasure that the patient experiences while eating food makes him addicted and he is unable to stop in time. This continues to the point of pain and discomfort. He promises himself that this is the last time he eats in such quantities, and tomorrow he will go on a strict diet and this will never happen again. Then comes repentance. Inducing vomiting, taking laxatives, enemas are ways of self-punishment, an attempt to justify one’s lack of will and return everything to its previous state.

Basics of proper nutrition

With bulimia, you need to give up strict diets, which only exacerbate an unhealthy perception of yourself. Fasting and excessively low-calorie nutrition are unacceptable, because this all increases the feeling of hunger and invariably leads to breakdowns. To cope with the onset of bulimia, you must adhere to the rules of a balanced and healthy diet. Nutritionists recommend split meals. Small portions 5-6 times a day are a great way to cope with hunger

To improve your mood, you should add fruits, berries, and yellow and orange vegetables to your diet. Gradually you need to increase the amount of products and monitor the food intake.

When treating the disease, a medicinal approach is often used to compensate for the lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the body. Food products are also selected for the same purpose. It is important to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion. For this purpose, it is worth creating a diet consisting of vegetable soups, chicken broth, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, rye bread, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, and low-fat dairy products.

At first, you should not eat semolina porridge, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, spicy foods and a lot of spices, coffee and tea. This will relieve stress on the body, which is very important after regular overeating.

Symptoms of bulimia

The disease can be determined by physiological symptoms. When the disease appears, patients refuse to notice its signs and diligently hide them from others.

Behavioral signs

In case of pathology, patients are diagnosed with the appearance of corresponding symptoms. You can identify a bulemic person by his behavior. A person eats food in excessive quantities and chews it poorly. During the meal period, a person is in a hurry and therefore swallows it in pieces. After eating, the patient goes to the toilet to forcefully vomit. Patients become secretive and withdrawn. He shows signs of psychological disturbances.

Physiological signs

Patients often have fluctuations in body weight, which becomes noticeable to others. Patients complain of weakness and excessive fatigue even when performing usual activities. The pathological process is accompanied by a decrease in energy and a deterioration in general well-being.

Patients are often diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the pharynx and throat in the form of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. The disease is accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. In pathology, metabolic disorders can be diagnosed. If a person with bulimia regularly vomits, this can lead to dental diseases. A common symptom of the pathology is increased salivation, as the functioning of the salivary glands is disrupted. With bulimia, signs of dehydration appear. The pathology is accompanied by dermatitis and sagging skin.

Physical methods of struggle

Physical actions will also be important measures.
It is necessary to create a detailed menu for the whole day. Adjust the exact hours of breakfast, afternoon tea, lunch and dinner. You should consider the different food groups and their quantities that will be consumed on the menu. It is not recommended to deviate from your settings. The first days will be the most critical, since the chance of breaking down and giving up everything is very high. The stomach, which is accustomed to a large amount of food, will constantly ache and make itself known. But in just a few weeks the body will adapt to the new conditions, and it will be much easier for a person to follow the intended goal. An important step will be to search for suitable literature that will tell you which foods contain the least calories. These are the ones you should diversify your new menu with. Walks in the fresh air are also welcome, as they will distract you from constant thoughts related to food.

Physical activity will be very useful. To begin with, it is enough to do light exercises every day, gradually increasing their duration.

There is no need to give sudden physical overload, because the body will not be ready for it. Before this, it had been in a state of stagnation for a long time. If it is suddenly overloaded, the consequences can be very unpredictable.


If you don’t want or have the opportunity to see a doctor, don’t despair. You can try to cope with the disease on your own. The main thing to understand is that attacks of bulimia are similar to attacks of coughing or asthma; you should not be ashamed of them or feel guilty for their occurrence. How to get rid of bulimia on your own?

  1. Reflect on your life, carefully understand the reasons for dissatisfaction and find the underlying misconceptions. For example, it is not at all necessary to conform to the standards of weight and behavior established by someone.
  2. Don't keep all your feelings to yourself. Every person has the right to emotions, including negative ones, and their expression.
  3. Bulimia is often preceded by fear and distrust of life; it acts as a kind of self-defense. You need to repeat as often as possible: “I love myself. I'm not in danger. Life is joy and happiness!”
  4. Start loving your body the way nature created it. There are no standards of beauty, everyone has different tastes and there is a man for every woman.
  5. Understand that in pursuit of a fictitious ideal you will definitely have to sacrifice physical and mental health. You can simply choose the appropriate tactics to maintain shape that do not contradict individual data.
  6. Live a full life, find activities you enjoy that will give you positive emotions and satisfaction.
  7. Eat on a schedule. Eating food at specific times will help restore normal nutrition. And the main thing is to always remember breakfast, and never skip it.

Causes of bulimia

The disease develops under the influence of psychological and physiological factors. The second of these includes damage to the food center in the brain. Pathology is diagnosed in metabolic disorders - metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance. The causes of the disease are hormonal disorders - hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency.

Most often, bulimia develops for psychological reasons. The disease is diagnosed in adolescents from wealthy families who have pretentious and ambitious family attitudes. Such children develop an inferiority complex and fear of misbehaving, which will adversely affect the honor and dignity of the family. The patients themselves claim that the problem of overeating appears due to a lack of volitional qualities. Bulimia is most often diagnosed in young women who are unhappy with their appearance.

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