How to recover from binge drinking: conditions, recommendations on how to cleanse the body


What can be done if recovery from alcohol binge is urgently needed? The question is far from idle, because sometimes only the quick elimination of all the consequences of a multi-day revelry can save someone’s fate or career.

A simple example: a person has to undergo a medical examination, the results of which determine whether he will get the hotly desired job of his dreams. But a couple of weeks before the upcoming medical examination, this man plunged into a deep binge and now his physical condition is such that it is better not to show himself to the doctors at all - he will be taken to the hospital for treatment. In such situations, the question arises: how to quickly recover from binge drinking and return damaged health to normal?


  1. Binge drinking is no joke
  2. How to recover from binge drinking at home
  3. How to recover from binge drinking with medication
  4. How to improve performance after a prolonged binge
  5. How to quickly recover from binge drinking with the help of an experienced narcologist

Alcohol has a negative impact on both physical and mental health of a person.
Taking it in high doses over a long period of time leads to dangerous disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the nervous system. To ensure the normal functioning of the body of an alcohol addict, it is important to cleanse his blood of alcohol and toxins remaining after the breakdown of ethanol. This is a prerequisite for successful recovery from binge drinking.

Useful tips

Having advised how to relieve swelling, here are doctors’ recommendations on what not to do during and after drinking:

  • snack on alcohol with salty food;
  • drink plenty of liquid;
  • get hungover;
  • take diuretics without consulting a doctor.

And the most effective method not to suffer from edema is to stop poisoning the body with ethanol.

Sometimes, to the hangover suffering, dissatisfaction with one’s own reflection in the mirror is added. In this article, you will learn why your face looks different after a hangover than usual, and how you can fix it.

Binge drinking is no joke

Binge drinking is drinking alcohol in high doses for more than two to three days. Sometimes it drags on for a week or longer. As a result of daily drinking, high doses of ethanol enter the addict’s body. When it breaks down, toxic substances are released. They harm the kidneys, liver, heart, and brain.

Since a person’s appetite decreases due to drunkenness, we are also not talking about proper nutrition. Hence vitamin deficiency, dehydration, and water-electrolyte imbalance.

If an addict is not interested in how to recover from a long-term binge, the consequences can be disastrous. Stroke, heart attack, hypertensive crisis, kidney failure, liver failure - the list of consequences is, in fact, very large and frightening. Doctors often encounter even fatal outcomes. Therefore, it is imperative to treat drunkenness and properly recover from it.

How does alcohol affect the skin?

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages certainly affects the condition of the skin. Strong alcohol especially damages the skin. The most important negative effect of alcohol on the skin is dehydration. The skin loses the moisture necessary for normal functioning and begins to fade literally before our eyes. People in whose lives alcohol occupies a place of honor look much older than their peers and age their faces early.

In addition to dehydration, there are several more characteristic manifestations of the effects of alcohol on the skin:

  • loss of healthy complexion (grayness, dullness);
  • enlarged pores and loose skin;
  • red spots on the skin;
  • facial hyperemia and rosacea;
  • increased dryness;
  • loss of turgor, sagging;
  • decreased elasticity;
  • early appearance of wrinkles;
  • inflammatory processes of the skin.

Everyone is familiar with the red look on the face of a drunk person. But few people think about why this is happening and what the threat is. Alcohol entering the body changes blood flow to the skin, dilating blood vessels. As a result, blood fills small capillaries that are located near the surface of the skin. The face turns red, and red spots often appear on the skin. With regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, the capillaries on the face burst from excessive stress, and the person develops rosacea (vascular network), which is almost impossible to cope with.

Alcohol has a destructive effect on the female hormone estrogen, as a result, male hormones begin to be intensively produced in women’s bodies, the skin becomes rough, pores become enlarged, and unwanted facial hair may appear, which is very difficult to combat.

How to recover from binge drinking at home

The easiest way to eliminate the consequences of drinking at home is to go to a drug treatment clinic. After all, today a narcologist can be called directly to a patient’s home. He will carry out detoxification therapy - put on a drip with absorbents and medicinal compounds. Afterwards, he will draw up a personal rehabilitation program, which is important to adhere to.

If calling a doctor for some reason fails, an alcoholic can alleviate his condition by adhering to the following rules:

  • consume plenty of clean drinking water;

  • monitor your blood pressure and, if necessary, take antihypertensive medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • take high-quality vitamin and mineral formulations;
  • sleep 8-10 hours a day (it’s better to go to bed at 21.00-22.00 and get up by 7.00);
  • walk in the fresh air, ventilate the apartment more often;
  • if the time of year allows, swim in open water;
  • take a contrast shower in the morning and evening;
  • exclude heavy foods from the diet (fatty, spicy, smoked), eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • take weakly concentrated herbal teas and infusions;
  • Before going to bed, use soothing infusions, for example, valerian, mint, motherwort.

Additionally, a person should take care of his health and get advice from an experienced specialist.

Why does facial skin dry out after drinking alcohol?

If the skin dries out after drinking alcohol, a feeling of “tightness” appears on the face, if the lips crack and the mucous membranes hurt, then this is either an allergic or autoimmune reaction to alcohol. If dry skin is observed only after a certain alcoholic drink, then the only way out is to give up this drink for at least a year. If after a year of abstinence the reaction resumes, you will have to quit this drink completely.

Sorbents (activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel or others) and choleretic drugs (Liv-52, choleretic preparations from the pharmacy, rosehip syrup, corn silk) will help get rid of dry skin after alcohol. They will help you quickly remove those substances to which your body has reacted.

You can also suspect an allergy to alcohol if the following symptoms occur: rough, flaky spots on the face, red and hot facial skin, red and watery eyes, severe swelling, a small rash resembling a nettle burn. Allergic reactions can be much more dangerous. Read the special article to know what to do if a severe allergic reaction develops, and also why an allergy to alcohol occurs in the first place.

How to recover from binge drinking with medication

A doctor must prescribe medications to an addict, as they all have their own contraindications and side effects. Using a product that is not suitable, a person may face serious complications, which is extremely undesirable.

Safe medications that you can resort to before contacting a narcologist include absorbents (for example, activated carbon), painkillers, and natural preparations to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After examining the drinker, the doctor may prescribe:

  • nootropics (protect the brain from damage, simulate cognitive functions - memory, attention, thinking);
  • hepatoprotectors (accelerate the renewal of liver cells, restore the full functioning of this organ);
  • choleretic (help cleanse the gallbladder, prevent the deposition of stones in it)
  • sleeping pills (improves sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep, helps wake up in the morning full of energy);
  • painkillers (relieve pain, allow you to significantly improve your well-being in the first days of treatment for alcoholism);
  • sedatives (normalize a person’s emotional state, calm him down), etc.

By taking the medications prescribed by the doctor, the addict will soon notice that he feels much better. But the drug course must always be completed to the end. You should not give up drug therapy when the first positive dynamics appear - you need to take the medications as much as the narcologist said. Otherwise, the necessary therapeutic effect will not be achieved.

Folk remedies to stimulate appetite

Most alcoholics suffer from lack of appetite. To return them to normal life, you need to ensure a regular supply of nutrients to the body. To do this, proceed as follows.

  1. All food must be tasty, high quality and well prepared. The appetizing aroma involuntarily causes gastric juice to secrete.
  2. Dishes should have an attractive appearance and be beautifully served.
  3. Traditional medicine strictly warns that you should not drink water before eating, as this interferes with proper digestion.
  4. Eating an apple can awaken your appetite. It is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing minerals, and its entry into the stomach stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and promotes the development of appetite.
  5. You cannot eat “chunks” and uncontrollably; all meals should be regular and take place in a calm environment, in no case on the go.

To increase appetite, traditional medicine recommends using such gifts of nature as herbal teas, drinks made from fruits and berries, and a substance unique in its usefulness - birch sap.

All fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks and compotes, as well as fermented milk products and whey not only enrich the weakened body with vitamins and minerals, but also promote detoxification, cleansing the blood and lymph from breakdown products of alcoholic beverages and waste products. In addition, a large number of such liquids quickly restore the disturbed balance of electrolytes. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on appetite and the body’s ability to easily digest foods.

Local healers and herbalists recommend giving such patients simple, tasty food, with a predominance of dairy products, vegetables and fruits, eggs, lean meat and sea fish.

If there are no contraindications from internal organs, food should be well seasoned, but not with artificial additives, but with appetizing herbs. A salad of fresh vegetables will be tastier and more aromatic if sprinkled generously with green onions, parsley and dill; cilantro will make you want to eat egg and meat dishes and will help you digest them successfully; delicious rhubarb jelly will help normalize excretory function, and so on.

Herbal teas work well, for example, chamomile and mint, not only improves digestion, enriches the body with vitamins, but also calms an overexcited nervous system.

Normalization of all processes in the body leads to increased appetite and restoration of normal digestion.

In addition to directly changing the style of eating foods, hardening and water procedures are recommended in folk medicine. After swimming, walking and dousing with cold water, the body requires restoration of expended energy, so a person begins to feel hungry.

Also, doctors among the people advise the patient’s relatives to eat food together.

The sight of people enjoying lunch or dinner in company promotes the reflex secretion of gastric juice. The patient has a desire to eat tasty food.

Subconscious influence on the appetite center in the brain includes watching advertising and television programs on culinary topics.

How to improve performance after a prolonged binge

Typically, the main functions of the body return to normal after 7-10 days of sobriety. By this time, the heart begins to work stably, blood pressure normalizes, appetite increases, and intestinal functions gradually return to normal.

Sleep disturbances may still persist. Thus, patients often complain that they have difficulty falling asleep, often wake up at night, and have nightmares. This negatively affects their well-being throughout the day. Therefore, you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a sleeping pill and a sedative. Good results at this stage can be achieved by taking vitamins and immunostimulants.

In order for your energy level to increase, you need to strictly follow a sleep and rest schedule, eat right, and devote time to physical activity.

Mistakes that are dangerous for your skin when drinking alcohol

One of the biggest mistakes that people often make is drinking alcohol at night in order to relax and sleep. This action ends up having the opposite effect. The fact is that at first alcohol actually causes drowsiness, and about an hour after it enters the bloodstream, a rush of the hormone norepinephrine begins in the human body, which increases anxiety and increases stress. As a result, the person has nightmares, restless sleep, and in the morning there is no feeling of rest. On the skin, this manifests itself as a painful and tired appearance, and there may be spots on the face.

How to quickly recover from binge drinking with the help of an experienced narcologist

After binge drinking, it is best for the patient to go to a drug treatment clinic. Here he will be prescribed a comprehensive treatment that is guaranteed to avoid unwanted complications and ensure a rapid improvement in his physical and mental condition.

The traditional scheme for eliminating post-binge conditions includes the following steps:

  • Detoxification. It is carried out by placing a dropper. During infusion therapy, the addict is administered saline solution, glucose, and absorbent agents. They accelerate the cleansing of toxins from the blood, thereby improving the body’s functioning and minimizing the risk of damage to internal organs.

  • Improving the functions of vital organs. Alcohol harms the entire body as a whole. Because of it, the kidneys, liver, heart, brain, and stomach suffer greatly. Immediately after hospitalization in a hospital, the addict is offered to undergo a medical examination. If it shows deviations in the functioning of any organs, drug correction of their functions is carried out.
  • Psychotherapy. Treatment of alcoholism should not be reduced only to the normalization of physical indicators. It is also important to improve the patient’s mental state and convince him of the need to stop drinking alcohol forever. For this purpose, the patient is offered to attend sessions of group, individual and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, seminars, lectures, and creative activities.

Ideally, after recovering from heavy drinking, a person should want to become healthy and quit the bad habit forever. If he does not have such a desire, he should not despair. You need to make an appointment with a qualified psychotherapist or psychologist. Having received the necessary support, the patient will sooner or later change his attitude towards the disease and want to become healthy and successful.

Causes of swelling after a party with alcohol

In addition to the above skin manifestations of alcohol consumption, a big problem is swelling, which almost always accompanies the face the morning after an event. Let's see in what cases a party is guaranteed to end with a swollen face in the morning:

  1. In most cases, swelling of the face occurs from drinking strong alcohol; in this case, water metabolism is particularly affected.
  2. Excessive consumption of not very strong drinks, such as beer or wine, will also lead to swelling of the face. Too much fluid enters the body, the kidneys cannot cope with its removal, and it accumulates inside, including in the tissues of the face. By morning, your face will definitely swell, and bags will appear under your eyes.
  3. A large amount of snacks, especially salty or smoked ones, disrupts water-salt metabolism in the body. Swelling on the face will not keep you waiting.
  4. Alcohol of any strength dehydrates the body, a person begins to drink a lot of liquid: water, juice, tea, and swelling of all parts of the body occurs, the face is no exception.
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